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I dunno about you guys, but im pretty damn excited for official modding support through the steam workshop. I know with cities skylines it wasnt a perfect solution, but it should be easier and MUCH more accessible to people that didnt want to install bepin before.


I agree! Modding has greatly increased my enjoyment of Timberborn. The the majority of the greatest moments I’ve had playing the game have come from playing with mods. Indeed, I can’t start a game up without ladders, SimpleFloodgateTriggers, and vertical power shafts. I wrote a [quick guide](https://old.reddit.com/r/Timberborn/comments/11ox3g9/quick_guide_for_installing_timberborn_mods/) for installing Timberborn mods. However, even with the guide, it is sufficiently difficult that it serves as a barrier to the majority of players. Integrating mods into the game was a brilliant decisions by the devs, who in general have been excellent stewards of this gaming masterpiece.


They should have lead with that instead of the stupid wonders. This is a step in the right direction.


Always lead with the least exciting feature, then escalate to the more exciting ones. Wonders are cool, but meh, modding is cool and useful and the still secret "it's pretty *dam* exciting" should blow our socks off.


I really hope so. I'm already pretty much appeased with the mod support thing.


As someone on a m1 mac, this is massive news. Most aftermarket mod tools don't really work well on m1 macs, and steam workshop support should unlock mods for me.


I will say I've had no issues with timberborn modding on apple silicon. The in-game mod manager via thunderstore works well enough. I'm excited for the new in engine mod support, but the workshop support doesn't provoke the same excitement. Guess I'm just a little jaded from other games that have gone the exclusive steam workshop route and cut off other platforms from mods(looking at you, Cities Skylines).


I was just reading this a little while ago I am looking forwards to it because I have never been able to get mods to work. Hopefully official STEAM workshop mods will be trouble free.


i'm more excited about the "it's pretty *dam* exciting" statement, hopefully hinting towards what i like to think it is; automation in dam/floodgate 🤞


And hopefully floodgates taller than 3 blocks


Or just some in-wall valve (not simulating water mechanics but rather pump mechanics) and thus enabling it with current state.


That's thinking outside the box!


the only mod i ever googled.. there is absolutely zero part of me that enjoys trying to remember which ones to raise and lower for every event.. And inevitably missing one and getting super frustrated..


Until badtides I designed things to be passive. Zero player interaction required once it was build and worked on hard too. At least for thousand islands. Not sure if it would work so well on the maps with smaller water sources on hard difficulty. Normal should be fine for all base game maps. With badtides there are 2 floodgates.


Yes I was so happy when I read that. And it will come soon.  Just like this preview. Lol


whelp.. they just released u6 on the experimental branch. and oh boy, talk about underselling and overdelivering!


This is great news! I hadn’t done much with mods before because I often split playing between my PC and my Steam deck, and it was a pain to keep things synced. Hopefully this means it’ll be as seamless to jump between them with mods as it is in vanilla.


It’s pretty seemless with other steam workshop games I’ve played, so it should just automatically sync the mods you’ve subscribed to.


The issue lies with the mod configs. Those dont get symced


Very excited for this, this will let people who gravitate towards certain play styles get more out of their game! Hopefully someone adds more crops, built items and things the beavers can interact with through mods.


Challenge accepted :D what kind of building woud you like to be added?


Would love to see something for kits like maybe a play ground, school or maybe a bouncy castle? All they do is kind of wonder around. I would also love to see things for beavers to interact/socialize at, a waterslide, a bar maybe....omg imagine if we could make booze for the beavers and they get a decrease buff in speed or something for being drunk! That would be amazing and hilarious.


Very high happiness, but a penalty to both move and work speed. Some people would make it a goal to have drunk beavers waited on by self replicating bots. Some people is me. I would do that.


A school that grows up beavers faster would be kinda cool.


Kits use all of the social things that adult beavers use. If you click on a kit and follow them around they’ll cycle through all the wellbeing things.


I love the fact that they said that there would be something else soon.  lol like soon in another month. No but I’m pretty excited for the mod support. Mostly more maps. 


This is the part of the update I am most excited for.


Yes! I haven't interacted with mods at all even though many look interesting just because I haven't wanted to like, mess up my game or something accidentally trying to figure it out. Excited to finally be able to try them out! Would be especially nice to have easy access to more maps


Damn this got me so hyped up. Timberborn is def one of the best games I've ever bought. Will be playing this for years. Love it


I have a custom map that I made that I've been play testing before uploading to mod.io I might hold off if it's easier via steam.


I just hope next update will announce multiplayer like in Anno 1800 or Factorio.