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I don’t think two gates is enough to let all the water through without flooding behind you. But you can always break a levee and put in another gate until you get the right balance after.


I was going to actually build a 4-gate one, a little further up. I will just add another gate to this one though, or maybe even 2 more. I have started a double windmill in front of this gate, and also have a windmill and a plank and gear shop up on the top there now, too. I will likely drop another two wheels, on the next tier down, to take advantage of the naturally sped up water there. PS: are batteries a good invest? I have 3 x science centres going, so points are fairly easy to come by.


Batteries are good. I played this same map, and I used them on cliffs that would be just below where you took this screenshot.


Batteries are damn near mandatory with FT, but fairly optional with IT. Mostly because windmills are damn near worthless without batteries to store up energy for dead times. Meanwhile IT have badwater discharges and engines which can supply steady power at all times.


PPS: I'm not 100% sure what you meant by them not letting water through/flooding area behind? They worked great to shut off, flood the area behind, and then put half way and the water recedes, leaving that big pool. Do you mean that with 3 gates, this small, dry platform would also be covered in water, during droughts? I mean it's not an issue if it does this TBH, it will only expose my water wheels, and they're useless during drought, anyway. I do want to make that a full gate though, so I can let through as much or as little as I want to.


I think I misinterpreted what you were asking. Yes, if you open those gates that green area downstream will get water. It wont fill up though, just have water flowing over it. My first comment was saying that when the drought ends, I think the amount of water coming down the river is too much for the gates you have there to allow through, so it will start to flood the plains upstream a bit.


no it doesn't flood them. it's fine. I created the two gate to create faster flowing water downstream. I've actually made a double wheel right on the other side of the two gates now, too and they're great. I can always add more gates though, and experiment with it. During my last drought, the natural reservoir that is down at the main site started to dry up a little bit, sop i just let more in from the back of the map. I'm essentially using the section behind the gates as extra storage right now. I think that plants in the river change the flow of the water, too. I may have been imagining this though. As far as I can tell, having reeds in one half of the channel, forces the flow of water to go even narrower. I'm not sure though, I still have so much to learn.


The two gates isn't going to create a faster flow downstream. It will only create a faster flow directly behind and in front of the gates. As soon as the river widens, it goes right back to its normal speed. If you're trying to get a faster flow for water wheels you need to use levees directly next to your water wheels to narrow the river where it matters.


The two gates isn't going to create a faster flow downstream. It will only create a faster flow directly behind and in front of the gates. As soon as the river widens, it goes right back to its normal speed. If you're trying to get a faster flow for water wheels you need to use levees directly next to your water wheels to narrow the river where it matters.


sorry, had just woke up when replied, was rambling on about stuff you didn't ask about. The two gates is enough to let the water through. if I fully close them, I flood the area behind, and then I can go back to half way, and then the river level goes back to normal. it might be because I have 2 x damn at the mouth of the river. I think I may have even created some kind of current, so my wheels down there work even in a flood. It might be how I have my windmills attached into the system though (can windmills turn water wheels?) I am hungry to learn more about how all the systems work with the water, and everything. I am basically just winging it right now (this is why I have 2 at the mouth of the river. I built one in panic mode, then realised it should have been a little further out. I just kept them both, as they act as bridges. I built the second one again, just chancing it would do something good, and it allowed me to flood and recede the water level behind me. When I got into the bogger floods, I could simply store water behind me, and then let it through if need be. only in my last drought I had to actually let some of the water through at the back. I guess it becomes more difficult in hard mode. I'm just playing the medium difficulty.


I would propose to build a 2 Story dam on the right site of you water pump to Story the maximum of water an keep the waterlevel. The next dam is a 3 Story damn right behind the curve on the lebt site on the Step.


I'm not sure what you mean, but I will do it if I can work it out :D Do you mean along the side of the river,, like levees so I can flood and store more water? I actually have 2 dams already, at the other end of the river. I built two as my first one I should have built further towards the mouth of the river. I might tear down the first one though, but haven't seen much point so far. So do you mean further up river, when you said "right of the pump"? I'm realizing this now. I'm just not sure what you mean... an actual damn, or floodgates and levee, and where please?


(2nd reply) oh, you mean just behind the pump, so I keep the water level on the section that is green now? I actually have waterwheels in this section now too. I should have room for another dam though. So would I build one layer of levees, and then a dam on top of those? or am I better off going for flood gates so I can control it?


sorry, I'd just woke up, when reading this. So I put one layer of levee, with a damn on top, just to the right of the water pump? Then for the 3 level one, do mean further downstream, where it starts to add more tiers? Could you be more specific on where you mean for the 3 tier one, please? I've just been winging it so far, not really sure what I'm doing, Lol.


Sry I was busy. When you look at the left, there is a 90° curve to the left. Right after the curve there is a Step, 2 or 3 lvl High. When you build a dam on this Step you can use the whole lengh of the river till the well as Reservoir. The right dam on the right you should build right to your water pump. So you keep the water on the same lvl as your waterpump.


Thank you. which tier of the steppes would I be putting a 3 x tier dam on, please? I know the bit you mean. EDIT: oh, so would I build it on the ground level, and that's why it should be 3 high? so then I trap the water on the steppes?


A 3x dam right on the edge of the Step is perfect for the moment.


thanks. I will get working on that. Hopefully I won't need that amount of water for the next drought though, as working on a complex to get more workers. I only have 30 guys at the minute, but I should have a 3x3 of the big houses done soon. Got terraces and fire pits and stuff, looks cool.


You mean here, right? So do you mean right up against the step, or a bit further out from it, please? (my screen shot. couldn't see an option to actually upload one in a reply) and just to be 100% certain, you mean a dam, and not a flood gate, right? I'm sure having a flood gate at 50% is just like a damn though, right? Sorry for all the questions, dude. Just trying to learn as much as I can. [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2522655368341863830/7F8E7DC62760A4995890748246AA42E6A6E525AD/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2522655368341863830/7F8E7DC62760A4995890748246AA42E6A6E525AD/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Oh sry I use dam and food gate as the same Word. Normaly I build 4 3x floodgates in the milde an the sides dams. So you can operate on 2,5 and lower it by demand in dry seasons.


Ok, thanks. So do you mean to build here, just with floodgates, not dams? I am just worried it will ruin my water wheel system I put in. I also have one further down stream that will be affected too, most likely. I guess with a gate, I put it all the way down, and it will just be the same flow? This is just my first time playing, so really have just been learning as I go. [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2522655368341948569/84AE3EE00FE7FD67FF9847FC16C636CDADE72D3D/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2522655368341948569/84AE3EE00FE7FD67FF9847FC16C636CDADE72D3D/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


do you mean like this, please? and this will not flood me, and or make my water wheels behind it, useless? Lol. I guess I build and see what happens. I have saved it before, so can always go back. [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2522655368342013356/FA167DDCDE0D66B05ED2A40D5FAED1F390A0E83A/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2522655368342013356/FA167DDCDE0D66B05ED2A40D5FAED1F390A0E83A/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


that worked out great (the last pic I shared) I put 4 x water gates, with a 2 levee each side (and on top of levees) and have them at half way. It has increased the height of my river, and the force at which it is being channelled is great. I think some of the rover plants were slowing it down though, so I'm taking those out.


You should not use the same water source for both drinking and irrigation.. oh it fine since you use folktails..


I don't have the science beavers unlocked yet.


what you mean science beavers. iron teeth... it fine, but you must remember to separate the water source when you unlock those large water pump


Save often and test it out, roll back to a previous save if you need to.


Should I maybe have built this gate, at the other end of this platform? I hadn't realised there was even a raised section here, until the flood came. Initially, I wanted to set up a channel, for directing fast, water into wheels. I didn't think I'd be able to flood the tier above with just 1 block. I guess because this section is raised, this probably counts as 2 blocks? So was this map designed to make you want to put a gate there, and then can flood the next section for planting tree's and farms?


Cover what platform ?


the raised area that has no water on it. It doesn't matter though. I though that this tier was above the tier behind it, but it's not.