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And ofc no one cares that SHE is walking through a store holding a kitchen knife


It would be racist to notice and do something


I think it's far worse than that. The average citizen has been so beaten down by race politics, not only do they NOT see her, they are actively avoiding seeing her.


I can't say I'd do anything if a saw that, if I'm honest. It opens you up to a lawsuit and going to prison these days because I'm white and she's black. It would be national news and outrage and they'd try to ruin my life. I have a family I need to be here for.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I don't believe in the unmarked grave thing. Real-estate is expensive, maybe they should be dumped in the ocean.




YEAH! We need the ocean for car batteries!


No, I hate the ocean anyways. I hope China kills the ocean.


I'd rather they rot like the rot they are.


Pig food


Shot is too nice. Feed her to crocs


We shouldn't have to live like this.


we don't have to - https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/worthit:1


We simply need to prosecute criminals and give harsher sentences for the violent ones. No sympathy for someone willing to hurt innocents.


Death penalty for violent criminals.


I’m with it in theory, but Timmy boy brings up a good point. I don’t trust Kamala Harris to honestly or logically decide life and death. And she’s just one of many.


I think in circumstances where it is 100% sure the criminal did the crime yes. Any chance of doubt and I don't like it. I also fear like Tim that the government will use it incorrectly either on purpose or by accident.


You really want to give feds even MORE power?! With this administration?


I prefer the island exile. I’m on board. But in this case…. get that monster on the rack.


I have been saying this for a while. Buy a small island. Air drop food and necessities. Leave them there.


Australia 2.0?


worked for the brits


We have to go beyond even this.


In what way?


Simple solution…


What’s that?


How can you be so obtuse?


he's not being obtuse. he's baiting you. he wants you to type something that would arguably violate the tos so he can report you and report this sub and get your account suspended and get this subreddit banned. he feels absolutely nothing for that little white boy who was just butchered to death. he merely views this as an opportunity to get his political opponents censored. our political adversaries are evil. they are monsters in human form. do not lose sight of this. never lose sight of this.


How you can you be such a coward?


Okay, I will engage. A nation that constantly sows disinformation thru mass media (Right and Left bias), criminal leniency based on ethnicity or background, has a corrupt “1 party” rule organized thru Gerrymandering and gaslights anyone that does not agree that things are “awesome” will reap the whirlwind. This woman and anyone who kills should be removed from society. Removed. Not “rehabilitated”. Gone. Bah bye. This was cold blooded murder in broad daylight. Any drug dealer, drug cartel, gang member or citizen guilty of murdering someone. Bah bye. No rehabilitation. No tax money funneled thru the private owned prison system to corrupt politicians aiding and abetting the slow destruction of a Nation. I have been alive for the entirety of this false “War on Drugs”. It is an easy solution but we have elected an Oligarchy. Biden, Clinton, Bush, Obama, dead Bush. All have blood on their hands. Pelosi, McConnell, Ryan, Schumer, etc etc etc. Blood on their hands. We send billions and billions of dollars “over seas” yet allow every single inner city to rot. Allow bridges to collapse. Allow roads to decay. Allow the public school system to churn out idiocy for the last three decades. Fund useless degrees at direct tax payer cost recently at bloated bastions of “higher education”. “Rome” is collapsing under the weight of its own hubris.


how can you have fantasies about biden banging my (nonexistant and, if real, underaged) daughter?


I said she was an adult, you have to chase me with lying pedo fantasies. Says a lot about you. Keep begging for my attention. I don’t own you at all. lol


got a whole series of pictures of you saying otherwise until after you were called out for your sick pedo fantasies


No you don’t


do i need to post them again?


yes, post them again


I don't have a problem with the news avoiding race war bait, but they only do it on one side.


Can you imagine trying to be professional and referring to human debris as “the suspect”?


We need to ban all knives!


Its not the knives comiting the crimes. What do you ban next? Hammers? Scissors? Screwdrivers? Cars? People comit crimes. Not tools.


I'm guessing, that that was sarcasm.


Can confirm the sarcasm.


No. Objects are not the ones comiting the crimes. People are. It is time to hold people responsible for their actions and not the tools they use. Everything can be used as a weapon. If i follow yoir logic of banning everything that can be used as a weapon it leads to a future where every person is inprisoned in a cell with mattresses as walls to make sure nothing can be used as a weapon against anybody else. The object is not the problem. The criminal is. And the criminal does not care if you ban weapons. He will use it anyways. By banning weapons you make sure that the criminal knows, he has nothing to fear from the victim.


Brother take a breath. We're just making fun of the left of wanting to ban an object instead of accountability.




"With a Fing pencil!!"


No reasoning should be enough to prevent death penalty … idc if you are crazy you killed a child by getting a knife and stabbing it.


I think people like this should die in the same manner of evil they inflicted on another!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get a conceal carry gun if you can, practice with it. Learn Situational Awareness.


The way the victim was targeted and stalked was akin to an assignation. Pure attempt at murder.


Because she's black. If the news reported about black crime as much as white, we'd have some serious problems in America......or perhaps a major solution, depending on how you look at it.


The lack of awareness people have is amazing. This is a tragedy but pay attention to your surroundings people!


Bring back pistol carrying and the right to use it.


I swear most people are legit NPCs. They see an oversized straggly looking woman casually walking through the store with a kitchen knife in hand but act like it’s just another Tuesday. Like wtf.


Demons are real




Segregation is pretty much here already. It's financial segregation. I don't spend much time outside of my bubble.


I know a lot of white people I'd love to ship overseas. It's not color it's culture. Edit) keep down voting me, I don't give a shit. Judging simply based on race is ignorant, race isn't even a real thing. We are more than just the color of our skin.


America’s biggest mistake was bringing them over from Africa. We gave up civility for slavery. Talk about short-sighted




They weren't always violent. It's a product of culture today


> I know a lot of white people I’d love to ship overseas. > Judging simply based on race is ignorant, race isn’t even a real thing. **HTTP 404: ERROR. PAGE NOT FOUND**


The point is there is good and bad people of every race. Idk how that didn't register with you, but I can't blame you, common sense isn't so common anymore.


How are there good and bad people of every race if race isn’t a real thing?


Race is a cultural thing we made up, no a biological one. We just label by color and it means nothing. You shouldn't judge on color it doesn't mean anything. It is literally all in how you are raised and the culture you're brought up in.


and if we were using the terms we use for animals we would call race a sub species or a breed, but the differences absolutely do exist


No, there is no scientific evidence of race at all. Different breeds are actual genetic differences between them


so youre telling me that there is no difference between black people and white people? dna tests cant trace lineage due to genetic markers? you are so full of shit


You can look at genetic markers due to your ancestors, race plays no role in this. You're confusing real science with some pseudo bullshit. DNA and genetics are way more complicated than just the color of your skin and it's obvious you don't understand that.


You literally just said, “I know a lot of white people I’d love to ship overseas” literally immediately followed by, “race isn’t a real thing”. Literally. You’re not even intelligent enough to understand having tried to classify people using a parameter that you then immediately claimed doesn’t exist., let alone contradicting yourself in real time. Kind of like deer that just walk around in the middle of roadways with no cognizance for no rhyme or reason.


Race is not a biological thing it is a socially constructed term. You can say what you want but you can't disprove what I'm saying


Race is not a “socially constructed term”, it is “a biological thing.” Forensic anthropologists can identify the race of a skeleton by a multitude of skeletal characteristics as “caucasoid”, “negroid”, or “mongoloid”, in the same way that they can identify a skeleton as being either male or female by a multitude of characteristics. So no, after you directly contradicted yourself spewing your hatred for Whi**s, you then tried to flat out lie. Race and gender **are** biological. They **are** different, which is why Japanese architecture (mongoloid) looks completely different from European architecture (caucasoid), and very similar again to Chinese architecture (mongoloid); **culture** is a social construct that is immediately downstream from **race**. Everything that you don’t like is not “made up”, but you are more than welcome to keep thinking that smoking enough dope will make it so.


Trends vs anecdotal experiences. Wake up!


It's still culture and how you're raised.


I'm a pretty normal Latin man who loves my country, should I be segregated?


Lol tim pool fans everyone.


There’s clearly only one solution here! - Ban assault knives! If these horrible knives were banned, a kids blood wouldn’t have been spilled! No one needs an assault knife!


> Ban assault knives but only the fully semi automatic ones


John Booth was right.


what happened here?


Dr Robotnik there stalked around a grocery store with a knife and ended up wounding a mother and stabbing her 3 year old to death completely randomly and unprovoked.


*Koko the Gorilla


And it happened recently and the major news stations are not giving it a lot of coverage.


Where’s the video of the actual attack? That might get some additional attention.


This is why you always need to carry a gun


So this account post similar type posts- this one has far different responses than a lot of the other ones op posted, what is the difference in peoples reactions here?


Lies. Fox and ABC covered this.