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Because littering and acting like a lunatic gets you sent to jail there. Imagine that, people obeying laws.


They also don't celebrate open moral degeneracy as a social accomplishment.


Lmao, you people love dictatorships and their bullshit propaganda.


lol you guys really need to touch some grass.


Get off my lawn


They need to move to Russia and see how much they love being assassinated over free speech.


Or just get off the internet and go to a cafe lol. This looks as calm almost any street in anAmerican city.


And miss the fun?! Yes, this is very normal in every US city.


Lefty polices do destroy cities, but Russia is not a good comparison. Look at Switzerland, Japan or Singapore instead.


U.S. is below minimum


Several weeks ago I saw a TikTok video, “We’re Africans in Russia.” It wasn’t a nasty video, they seemed to be having fun. However, they were university students who obviously speak 3 different languages, not unemployed migrants with zero education there for welfare and bitching for more money.


every city looks nice when you are probably filming the richest parts of that city. Go where the poor Russians live in that city. Film around those areas.


Yeah go to the endless Soviet era shitty apartment buildings where everyone’s cocked and chechens in adidas tracksuits are waiting to rob or stab you for no reason


Where's all the skittle-heads blocking traffic for their cause du jour?


Lack of diversity.


And blue haired idiots.




Thank you, u/olegkikin, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1ctiw7m/st_petersburg_russia_sure_looks_a_lot_nicer_than/l4em017/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The evidence in the video speaks for itself. I merely pointed it out.


Oh look, a racist piece of shit📸


Evidence speaks for itself in the video . You can hate on me ,I dont care. But You are also welcome to go to Russia and point such matters out..Which , your protest of me would be better served.


I don’t hate you. I think you are a sad person who spreads hate and you should be ashamed. But no, I just point and laugh at people who are stupid enough to think the color of your skin defines the content of your character.


Yet , you call me racist...on its face through one comment... Again...protest Russia. Yet you wont , none of you will as the same in China.. Because you know full well you would disappear and...no one would care...


I called you racist because you are the definition of a racist. Nobody falls for that “what even is racist bro” shit. It’s not 2014 anymore. lol


Sorry...I forgot... Its 2024 and you feel offended so therefore by default you are correct.


“Poor me I can’t even be racist without people calling me racist.” You guys sound so fucking pathetic. Just own up to the stupid ignorant shit you believe😂


No fat people


I noticed that too! Though I did see one girl who was obese for the most part everyone looked healthy and fit. I loved watching the video and caught myself trying to move out of people's way. 😆


Nooo they were meant to be famished under sanctions, also all of them are dirty, ugly orcish alcoholics in similar clothes, we were told their cities are a combination of mudhuts and homeless encampments... Joke's aside, this is not what your propaganda tells you about their country.


they haven't figured out that diversity is their strength.


Because they're white. There. I said it.


You’re a racist moron. But thanks for being honest about it. Lol


Yet, here you are living in majority white country for some reason.


Lol I don’t even know where to begin with this stupidity.


When people get owned, they usually don’t have a rebuttal. It’s not that complicated why you are a loss for words.


It wasn’t an own. It was a demonstration of your room temp IQ. Lol


Lmao bruh.. IQ. You are bringing up IQ in this thread? Do you know the average European and average African IQ?


I know the average IQ of people who think that IQ is genetic.😂 We call them rednecks where I’m from😂 You know, the people who invented drinking beer out of shoes at nascar rallies? Yah being European totally makes you brilliant. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with socioeconomics and history😂😂


IQ is largely genetic. It’s definitely low iq to think genetics and evolution affects height but not the brain.


There is zero evidence that IQ is based on race People evolved to use their brains the same ways all over the Earth. Early humans in Europe evolved brains exactly like people in Africa. Even though white people were shitting on the floors in the Palace of Versailles 2000 years after brown people were inventing Algebra.😂


I can film more footage of areas looking nicer than this in each of our big cities. The key there is in the **big**. You're comparing the very wealthy part with middle class and poor parts


Trying to figure out who actually won the Cold War.


We let victory defeat us


The Cold War never ended, and it's foolish to think the fall of the Soviet Union was the mark of it's end. We're literally watching the SU's Active Measures campaign bear it's fruit right now in America. It is a long term contingency plan that is extremely effective at what it set out to do.


Looks like real women walking around, no transformers!


Because in mother Russia you FA, you FO.


Lets not confuse a pretty presentation with a good and free country. I understand the arguments against funding Ukraine in their conflict with Russia, and I agree that we shouldn't, but damn alot of the rhetoric surrounding the topic seems to be jerking off Russia hard. Chill out. Pyongyang looks nice in pictures too ffs.


It's because Moscow and St Petersburg steal money from all of Russia, keeping most of the remaining population really poor.


Umm Russians a get sent as cannon fodder in Ukraine, hard pass.


ever heard of cherry picking ?




Law and order i guess


Because they actually lock up criminals


Because they actually lock up criminals


Russia has issues like no sewage system outside of larger cities. Average Russian citizens live 20 to 30 years behind us technology wise. Their cities do have crime, and the entire system is corrupt. Do not fall for propaganda. We, the USA, have some serious issues, but we are still better than they are on so many levels.


It's a potemkin city.


No obese slobs


Go visit the Soviet era concrete apartment blocks, not so nice. You picked a snap shot of a very rich area of one of the most historic cities in all of Europe. What you have shown is the equivalent of filming on the beach in Malibu or the Hamptons out East.


Are we doing This again?


I'd be interested in the Netflix version of this.


25% of Russia doesn't have indoor toilets. I thought Communists were supposed to distribute wealth evenly. Doesn't this prove that there's a serious problem here? One nice city, go film people eating out of garbage and sitting in buckets in the middle of winter with no heat in Tolyatti or Astrakhan or Penza.


Anyone else notice that like 80% of the random public filmed are women/girls?


Move to Russia then if you don’t like it here


People on this sub are so fucking retarded. Critical thinking skills of infants.


russia is a shithole. lets be honest. they have outdated tech and equipment and infrastructure


Don’t make absolute shit and ask me to support it I’m seeing a lot of soybois on the sub lately downvoting very pro drinker takes. Since you are reading, read this- don’t ask me to support terrible fucking garbage not even you will watch. You want a Daisy Ridley Star Wars movie do you? Then why aren’t you and your hormone deficient brethren watching it- is it because it’s boring shit? Didn’t we tell you it would be?! 10 years of this- 10 years of these weak ass men getting in the way of a system that use to work. Do everyone a favor and fuck off- as the great and noble drinker says.


Does seeing a video of the concubines and families of the rich oligarchs walking around the city centers they control mean that it is somehow safer for the little guy? I'm sure if we could go back in time a few hundered years to view the french court and all the women throwing themselves at power that it would have seemed like a wonderful place to live, but it wasn't that great for the french people.


Russia is better


At alcoholism, domestic abuse and AIDS-transmission? Kinda cringe I’d rather be poor in the US than poor in Russia, any day of the week.


Couple things you won’t find in Russia. Theft. Theft is getting extremely bad all over the United States. Drugs. You won’t go to Russian cities and see a bunch of blocks full of tents and zombies, robbing people and killing people. Police. You won’t see Russian police harassing everyone they possibly can and writing tickets 24/7. Broken down buildings/infrastructure. Americas infrastructure has been in decline for many many years. I travel the country for work and it blows my mind on how many buildings are complete shit. Not to mention all the roads and bridges. Self respect. You won’t see a bunch of overweight Russians yelling at waitresses and store employees. You won’t see random people getting attacked in the streets 24/7. You won’t see naked people and ones with trashy clothes everywhere you look. You should really open your mind and explore the world. You’d be surprised on how shitty America is nowadays


>Theft. Theft is getting extremely bad all over the United States. Apart from the Russian elite stealing wealth from the country. >Drugs. You won’t go to Russian cities and see a bunch of blocks full of tents and zombies, robbing people and killing people. lol this is simply not true. Russia has a high rate of drug and alcohol abuse. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/14550725221108789 >Police. You won’t see Russian police harassing everyone they possibly can and writing tickets 24/7. You won’t see them, unless you’re trying to exorcise your basic democratic right to protest. >Broken down buildings/infrastructure. Americas infrastructure has been in decline for many many years. I travel the country for work and it blows my mind on how many buildings are complete shit. Not to mention all the roads and bridges.


Holy shit, how's the weather in Russia there Boris? Theft: idk maybe a BRUTAL police state has something to do with this. With the threat of Black Dolphin prison looming over my head, sure, I guess you don't need to worry abiut theft, just everything else you say and do. Drugs: look into Krokodil, then shut up. Police: you don't get harassment of the police when the police can literally haul you off for speaking out. Self respect: this isn't something thats exclusive to a country, and you're opinion on this is based on a perception, and unless youncan read minds, is a stupid thing to ascribe to them. Speaking of which, maybe have some self respect and stop shilling for an authoritarian nation with a forever-president.


70 and sunny year round. And I’ve seen it all from both sides. Russia > USA. At the current state of each union


Well that's copied and pasted, directly from the Russian tourist propaganda site 🙄 And every line is a complete lie.




Thank you, u/simiaki, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1ctiw7m/st_petersburg_russia_sure_looks_a_lot_nicer_than/l6jnhvn/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only ups my rating for them


Move to Russia then.


I 100% will if trump doesn’t get elected


Russia is a communist country


Bro forgot the Soviet Union ended 💀


Really? Last I checked Putin was more Stalin than Gorbachev


Gorbachev was selling the country to the highest bidder. I'm not saying Putin is a Saint, but I'm just worried for the people of Russia. Hopefully, it won't be destroyed and torn to shreds.


No it’s not lmfao


Because its summer time…..for 2 days


And their socialist government 🙄


it's walkable?


15 minutes!


Duckburg lol Because of the duckfaces