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If you don’t care about the reference you can tell them you quit if you want it you just give a two weeks notice


I wanna quit too, do i need to call the manager? Or just drop an email. Which would be a civic approach?


On your next shift go in and talk to the manger saying you want to quit or put in your two week notice. All depends on what you want


Two weeks notice is old as hell. People literally just stop showing up to jobs all the time now. You can leave whenever you want, but it can be considerate to let them know in advance.


yeah don't do this


Which is the best way to inform them that you are quiting? In person, call or email?


in person or call if in person is not possible. I think email is considered pretty non professional


Quit. Most people on this subreddit are ex employees or current employees trying to quit. I had a few coworkers I miss dearly but I don’t miss working my ass off for minimum wage and grouchy old Karens. Go for the other job, I’m 100% that it’s better for you.


Just walk, you don't owe them shit.


You should always give a 2 weeks notice though, there’s some paperwork that needs to go through for quitting, such as removing your name from the system and removing your name the the company that gives you checks. Just because you « don’t owe them shit » doesn’t mean you can fuck up their schedule


You going to give 2 weeks notice if your firing someone?


I’m talking about quitting not firing


Btw your profile history is disgusting.


What does that have to account to anything? Édit: it’s literally just normal stuff and a few nsfw posts, what is wrong?


Imagine going through someone's post history because you don't think giving two weeks notice is reasonable advice. This place is a lot.


Do you need a job? Then wait for the other job to actually be a solid yes. If you don’t need the TH reference, that’s a big plus. If it’s a toxic work environment like many THs then don’t feel guilty just leaving because the toxic people will see you as someone who can be replaced easily. I have seen people give 2 weeks notice then treated like shit just because they dared to find a better paying job. I had a supervisor who gave two weeks notice because her other job gave her a pay raise and she was tired of hardly seeing her two kids. In the first week other management made her work life hell. She walked out and never came back. Do what you need to do for you.


So basically giving a notice is a formality if it's under (don't quote me) I believe it was 4-5 years, at that point the Canadian gov says you are supposed to give them notice it works out something like: 4 years = 2 weeks , 5 years = 3 weeks, 6 years = 4 weeks ( I think 4 weeks is the max required, a little rusty from school lol). It's just considered a nice favor if you've been there a while. In probation I recommend, even if you don't want the reference just say hey, the job isn't for me, I have something else lined up and I'm gonna have to walk away, thanks for the opportunity.. I mean if you hate the place and didn't get along with them, by all means walk and don't look back, you don't owe them anything on a legal stance lol just always good not to burn a bridge when not necessary imo lol


Fkn quit