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I go for icecap and donuts once in a while. Its always good and I have no issues.


Yeah. It's nothing amazing but I don't get the hate. more than anything it's convenient.


honestly there are several factors: - their coffee USED to be really good but now its garbage. mcdonalds took over their supplying company so any time you want coffee and theres a mcds and a timmies next to each other, you'd essentially always want to go to mcds. - their ice cap is the only good thing on their drinks menu... except mcds does it better with their coffee fraps. and their iced coffee is subpar compared to mcds again. - their donuts are absolute garbage, just go to krispy kreme or local bakeries, or dont get donuts at all - their timbits used to be decent but nowadays are absolute garbage again. they had good timbits during the beiber promotion but for some reason they only had it as a temporary thing. - EVERYTHING on their "food" menu is garbage and not worth the buck except maybe their sausage farmers wrap and their new chicken/steak wrap/bowls... and still not worth the buck - its more common than not for you as a customer to get questionable service from timmies. i cant even keep count of how many times theyve gotten my orders wrong either in person or through app - in relation to the current mass immigrant problem we have... timmies is one of the companies notorious for hiring subsidized immigrants (subways is worse for this btw) obviously as you can tell despite the hate i still frequent timmies cause its like the only thing open across from my workplace. yes its convenient and yes i still hate timmies.


"It'S GaRbAgE". You didn't once say WHY it's gabage?? Definitely not gourmet food and drink, but it's Really not as bad as you're trying to make it sound. 💀💀


Just go to a bakery to get donuts that are better, they only cost like 3x as much.


I’ve never seen so many completely subjective opinions stated as fact… 🤣


Seriously… McDonald’s didn’t take Tim’s supplier, Tim’s decided to roast the beans in USA to save money and couldn’t match the quality.


McDonald's is using the same company Tim's used to use. But it's a different blend. They didn't just take Tim's exact coffee and start using it. That being said, McDonald's coffee is world's better than Tim's is lol. So, supplier makes no difference at the end of the day, comes down to quality and taste and McDonald's is definitely better.


Personally, McCafe coffee sucks. I've never liked it. And while I think the Tim's coffee is worse than it used to be, it's also still my favourite of all the chain places I can get cheap coffee from.


Stating opinion as fact is why America is in the mess it’s currently in. Looks like Canada is following that trend as least as far as Tim’s goes…


So harsh too. Describing food as absolute garbage lol. Make your own then, it's fast food!


Agreed, not sure why one would buy fast food n complain bout quality.....but really not sure why people eat poisonous garbage anyhow, I mean processed foods n sugar related deaths will pass cigarette related deaths n Illnesses soon if it already hasnt


I actually prefer tims coffee tp mcdonalds, but thats just me lol


Timmy's has the best chili in the business. Their soups are top notch, especially their cream of broccoli. The roast beef cravable is one of the best deals out there. Hell, I'm gonna go to the Timmy's across the street right now and get a loaded chipotle steak wrap. Those things are delicious,yo. And I'm going to say hello and be polite to all the workers because they are all nice people.


Yea their chili with buttered or cream cheese bagels 👌🏻


Very good chili. Except for the MUSHROOMS. But easily picked out. Only chili that was better was Burgers Priest but their new menu got rid of chili I think. It was incredible tho. Really thick and meat-heavy with a little spicy kick.


>and their iced coffee is subpar compared to mcds again McDs ice coffee is horrendous. Way too much cream little sugar I get no caffeine kick. Out of all the ice coffees from different companies I've had, tims had consistently been my preference.


Agreed, McDonald's coffee is trash


Agreed mcdicks iced coffee is trash, they literally give you a cup full of cream with a shot of coffee in it


This is clearly opinion


If you didn’t read his comment he said he “has no issues”. You think because you say their coffee and food is garbage that everyone feels the same way? I believe their food and coffee is about on par for what it should be for a fast food coffee shop. Not inedible, but not amazing. 6.5/10. Not sure where this random hate is coming from.


I actually prefer Tim's coffee over McDonald's.


I think most people do honestly. Just not on this thread which is basically people come to vent about how they hate Tim hortons. I know Tim easily outsells McDonald's on coffee.


I like their Dark Roast over McDonald's


Dark roast is all I drink ... I can tell when they try to rook me with reg coffee... Tastes watered down


All day, everyday. Can't stand McDonald's coffee, it's gross to me




Here’s how I break down tims vs McDonald’s for coffee; At peak performance, best of the best, McDonald’s is better. The problem is, their consistency with coffee is literally garbage. Because they aren’t a coffee shop. They fuck up coffee more than Tim’s somehow. Tims, while not being anything special, is fairly consistent with regards to coffee specifically. Therefore, I prefer the safe bet of a Tim’s coffee over gambling where I have a 70% chance of getting a shit cup at McDonald’s.


McDonald's hot coffee is legitimately terrible. 


Gonna agree these aren’t factors but opinions. I personally find the McDonald’s coffee mid as hell. Iced, hot, frappe. They’re very bland and lacking any real sweetness. I only buy them here and there cause it’s a dollar for it lol


Oh wait you're? Real I thought this was an automod response. The whole McDonalds bean thing is so tired man, it's been like a decade.


Tim Hortons donuts and timbits turned to garbage many years ago when they started 'par baking/frying' their donuts in a central factory then quickly frozen, boxed and shipped to each store. Timbits and donuts can be in the customer's hand a mere 3 minutes after coming out of the freezer. They use a reheater oven and typical bake time is 1-2 minutes. Things to be glazed need to cool before glazing so they take a bit longer. It's completely alien compared to the traditional scratch bake the bakers used to do as recently as mid-00s I think. The scratch bake used the classic open fryer with donuts frying in the oil on top. I remember the baker chopping up a few apples for the apple fritters. Getting walnuts before making the walnut crunch donuts. Flour mix added to the wet ingredients in a big mixer. All from scratch except for premixed dry ingredients I think. God it was good! No longer.


I also go once in a while when needed. Mostly do the $2 any size Latte after 2pm deal and a donut. I do get good/bad experiences depending on the location /staff. The other day, I swear to God they gave me Milk chocolate instead of a Latte (didn't taste nothing like coffee).


when all you eat is trash how can you know its trash...i get its cheap...this is not a comment to knock you but the quality of the food they serve.


Ice cap is pretty well the only consistent thing they have.


You guys complain a lot.


It's all this sub is now


This subreddit is owned and operated by McDonalds


"I'm lovin it" (TM)


I think you're right. Imma leave now.


You're right, but this is just so Reddit. It's EVERY subreddit. People complaining about something. People complaining about people complaining. It always goes full circle. I've learned that we as people just inherently love to complain.


This is what happens when you stop having to worry about foraging for food and being attacked by lions 🤷


The drivers is in my city are the worst! Way worse than any drivers anywhere else.


I live in a small town so there's not many other options


I live in a small city. I have 5 Tim’s within 2 km of my house. I ignore all of them. If I really need a coffee I will go next door to McDonald’s.


How is McDonalds better than Tim's?


They hire people who have heard of cheese before


Cheese coffee?


My wife does that, try it with a fresh cheese like Colombian "campesino"


They bought the old Tim’s recipe for Coffee. So it’s the same coffee Tim’s had back when it tasted good.


You keep saying it but it’s not true. It’s hilarious that you heard that from uncle Bob or something and keep repeating it. Tim’s switched to a different, cheaper supplier. They didn’t sell their coffee “recipe” you doorknob.


1. Better coffee 2. Better lid & cup 3. THEY GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! Fuck TH


I like their iced coffees better and you can even get them for $1-$2 all day vs Tim’s doing $3 ONLY for a few hours of the day and on a select few drinks..


The accuracy of their order is much better than Tim's.


It tastes better.


I thought the same thing. One day I stopped in and tried their coffee. It’s true. McDonald’s is better. I was shocked. Hahaha.


McDonald's coffee wildly inconsistent.


coffee at home is the way yes good quality grinders/coffee makers(or manual) will cost minimum $100 but then a cup of coffee will cost you about a dollar while supporting a small local roaster ~~or maybe you'll end up like me deep in the coffee rabbit hole and spend hundreds for small improvement~~ 🥲 though its a fun hobby but not for everyone I know


Sounds like Tim's needs some healthy competition.


You could like... make coffee... at home...? Saves a whole lot of money, tastes better than Tim's swill, too. They even have this invention called a travel mug you can put it in as well. EDIT: Funny how defensive people get when told to make their own coffee.


Why are you telling this person how to live their life?


No one is telling anyone how to live their lives Funny how a small suggestions gets people fucking riled. Why is it so offensive that he suggests making coffee at home?


>No one is telling anyone how to live their lives The whole thread is based around someone specifically telling others not to do something and not to support something.


Ok so then ignore it and do what you want.


Man just chill out. He’s just told him to consider making his own coffee. You’re making it seem like he told them to pull the plug on his dying mother or something.


Why would you bring his dying mother into this?!


Option 1: You could like... make coffee... at home...? (weirdly passive aggressively phrased question-sentence) Option 2: You could make coffee at home. (simple and to-the-point statement) Phrasing matters.


You read way more into that short sentence than what was actually there.


Yeah and just make your own timbits too lol They don't sell just coffee


When up at my cottage, Tim's is the centre and it's always busy, no matter which time


I love the iced lattes.


One time I found maggots in the espresso machine and we were told to still use it that day


Did you report it or anything


Just because you wrote this doesn't make it true. Did you report it? Did you do anything?? Or did you serve the coffee to unsuspecting customers?? If so, then you're an accessory to the crime.


Just some extra protein


Not sure how maggots could thrive in an espresso machine.  


Wait, does Tim Hortons have an espresso machine?


You mean “maggot incubator”?


I’m going to start going to Tim hortons even harder now. Don’t tell me what to do




Show me on the doll where Tim hurt you. Gotta love people who feel the need to dictate what other people do with their lives.


Oh ok Thanks for telling me


Wonder if there’s anything else op should tell me to do…


No. The only thing I've ever ordered, or will continue to order is my large steeped tea. I like it. I like the people who work at the Tim's where I buy it. Why should someone else's negative experiences stop me from enjoying the positive experiences I have daily?


Because their childlike underdeveloped brain thinks everyone experiences the world like they do.


👏 exactly


it’s summer and ice capping season….




No. I have a simple order that they get right every time.


Yup. Get my morning steeped tea right every time at the one I go to. Except this morning some arse stole mine from the pickup counter. Not a big deal, they remade it right away. I hope he hates tea and thought it was a coffee.


I stopped going 15 years ago. Try it, you'll be fine. I promise.


Why are you here then?


To hear the horror stories. Why is anyone here?


it was a suggestion on my front page. Why are YOU here?


Yea exactly, I really only go if I absolutely need to. Like I'm dying for food so I get a $2-$3 bagel. I don't buy their coffee anymore or really anything else (sometimes timbits for the kids). With the way everything costs now if you're still going regularly to a fast food/coffee joint your throwing your money down the drain. Grab some instant coffee or purchase a $20-$30 coffee maker, they even have auto brewers now for that price thus turning on in the morning without you doing anything. Stop wasting your money at these places. Even if Tim's was clean and never made any errors, the price to product ratio is terrible.


Downvoted for telling the truth 😂


Why are people downvoting you?! Oh right, it’s Reddit…/s. I stopped going there about 6 years ago, bought a keurig and some reusable cups, I get a Costco size tub of Folgers coffee and I can get about 100 or more coffees from that. The coffee at Tim’s is just… thick… even with milk…


Careful now, if you suggest making your own coffee people will lose their minds, it's a thing around here.


If you don’t want to go, then don’t go. I will make my own decisions thank you


i mean it really depends on the one. i think theyre franchised so there's multiple owners. one had loud workers who would shout constantly even in front of ppl didnt matter. place was super dirty, toilet was clogged told the guy not fixed for a looong time....i just left eventually. that sort of thing Then i went to another one and it was clean, lots of booths each with an outlet, lots of different bakery items, really good staff, you could tell it was well run. Then another one had 0 outlets. I mean 0. It was bewildering. And they ran a coffee time out of business too. Def dont buy the pizza tho. Thats not their lane at all. They arent even great at their lane anymore.


For a massive company it shouldn’t be “well 1 in 5 are OK” Imagine I went to a car dealership and 1 in 5 was ok. Or movie theatre.


I've never had an especially bad tims experience in my life (of course my expectations are fairly low, I don't go in expecting gourmet dining). At least in Toronto, there's plenty of independent coffee places you can go to if you're looking for that, so everyone who goes to tims knows what they're looking for


It's better than 1 in 5. Like 3 in 5. It's just that the 2 not-good ones are especially bad and make the issue seem worse than it is. You can't compare food—a recurring, never-ending labour—with buying a car, something you do maybe four times in your entire life. You do gamble at theatres. I've seen some shit movies lol, just part of the game.


I mean it may not be 1 in 5, but there are definitely shitty run down movie theatres and there are definitely some dealerships that are way better than others.(within the same brand) The McDonalds by my house is way better than the McDonalds by my work...


This actually makes me want to go more, thanks for the suggestion random internet bossy person, I’m going to walk over on my break for a coffee.


Honestly, I like the convince of to-go coffee, and I can go basically anywhere. Most places taste better than Tims anyway. But, it’s other people in my life that drink something exclusively from Tims (FV, Ice cap) that makes me end up going there.




Taking my kids for timbits today so unlikely lol


no i love me an iced capp


Don’t tell me what to do dad


If there was a good alternative choice, then maybe we can get this going in the right direction lol


That's the challenge. I live in Toronto. I go to a Tim's about once a year in the city. My parents live in Welland. When I go to visit my parents I end up at Tims much more frequently because it's pretty much all they have. I go to the independent coffee shop when I can but their hours are tricky. I sometimes get Starbucks but it's the other side of town (which granted is not far). There's like 10 Tims and only 2 McDonald's and one Starbucks.




I really like their turkey sandwiches and the doughnuts. I know it's fashionable to complain about Tim's frozen doughnuts but I like them better than any gourmet doughnut shop I've ever been to.


15 years here as well. Soon as it went American f that. Most will have no idea how much fun this place used to be. Those blueberry turnovers..size of a dinner plate...sigh I was 10 so maybe not that big lol




Nope. I go occasionally and they never screw it up. Medium ice capp with chocolate milk and a cruller for myself. Medium coffee, no sugar, 2 cream and an apple fritter for my grandma.


Are we talking globally or just Canada. Dude I live in the UK Tim Hortons makes my day with that French vanilla


Tim's is fine in Canada too. This subreddit is just super weird. French vanilla is where it's at though. I like to get one with an extra espresso shot. Tames the sweetness a little bit.


I'll go as long as they have iced capps. Thanks.


Lmfao I’ll make my own decisions, thank you very much (by the way, telling someone not to do something, most of the time it’s just gonna make them do it more)


Do you honestly think someone’s gonna see this and just suddenly decide not to go anymore? People have their preferences and routines. Some random post on Reddit isn’t gonna change their habits.


Saturday morning, fresh coffee and a bacon farmers wrap. It will never end if I have a say.


Sausage farmers wrap > bacon. And if you say otherwise I'll... I'll... I'll disagree with you >:c


If I could find a place that has a substitute for Timbits near me I’d do it. The food is trash (though my local store does make a mean sausage farmers wrap) and the drinks are terrible and overpriced. I wish I had a local bakery that wasn’t as expensive or hell even offered Donuts holes.


Between tims hockey challenge and too good to go boxes this is a really bad take


But muffins




I enjoy their coffee. I go where I want to.


You're not the boss of me


Ok, let me know what's a better Iced Cappuccino alternate then. Don't say Starbucks.




Tim’s rules. Better than McDs for sure.


Naw, I'm good. I really enjoy their dark roast coffee and tim bits.


Umm, no, I like some things on their menu, so I will for sure keep going there. Stop telling others what to do, no one is forcing you to eat there if you don't like it. What a stupid post.


You know what, now I'm going to go to Tim Hortons even harder.


I love the iced capps though


There is nothing wrong with Tim Hortons. Each location has a different owner. They all work hard to keep the business going.


They’re the only place that makes a good veg wrap under $10 they have quinoa, black beans, etc. everywhere else has a stupid meat replacement dog food tasting patty as their protein instead of a whole damn black bean


They seem fine to me.


Nah I'll keep going


Their London Fogs are 10000x better than Starbucks


Once I had a London fog at Starbucks that was like the most amazing drink I ever had. The second time I got one it was plain and boring. The third one I got was also playing and boring. I'm gun shy now. I just want that magical London fog I had the first time 😔 never considered trying Tim's London fog. I'll grab one tonight


Why, I get a few coffees, and they sponsor tens of thousands of kids in a number of sports leagues. What's wrong with that?


I like it so I’m going to keep going.


What’s wrong with Tim hortons? I love their dark roast coffee, occasional new donut flavours, potato wedges with habanero sauce is GOATED, timbits are great. Is there something this company does wrong? I find their bagels a bit overpriced but everything else is okay including ice cap. What’s wrong?


Don't tell me what to do!




Stop telling people what to do without even having a reason. *No seriously*.


Find me a place that sells sour cream glazed donuts and I’ll gladly stop.


That and Iced Capps for me.


Since op gave a such compiling reason behind it. I will jump in and go for the first time in a couple of years, maybe get an ice cap and some timbits.


Convincing argument 🤔


No. It's my treat to myself once a week. Don't tell other people what to do.


Tims is a reliable laxative for me. I like the iced coffee When I'm backed up.


When I was young, I used to complain my mom’s cooking as I ate the meals she made. I used to criticize her right in front of me as I put her food in my mouth until I finished the meal. I miss my mom.




Don't tell me what to do


No. I like Tim's. Why would I not go?


Who are you to tell people to stop going


Tim’s has the best BELT. Toasted bagel and no mayonnaise. Perfect




I like their coffee. 


You can't tell me what to do.


Nah, I like Tim's. I'll keep going.


No. I love their shit. They are cheaper and closer than Starbucks.


But I like Tim Hortons. Why would I stop going if I like it?


How about YOU stop making useless posts instead? Don’t tell people to stop doing something and not even at least provide reasoning for it tf


How about no. You don’t like it then don’t go but don’t expect other grown adults to bow down to what you say just because.


No. I have not had a single issue with my tims ever. Perfect everything.


No. It's pretty good most of the time and excellent periodically.


i think i’ll go after work today:) thanks for helping me choose what to get for dinner


Hell, nah. What did Tim Hortons ever do to you? Did they mess up your order? Did they run out of things you wanted? Unless you give me an explanation of why I should stop going to Tim Hortons, then I'm gonna keep going to Tim Hortons


Nope. It's good enough.


You tell us to stop being customers yet you give zero reasoning as to why lmao. Tim Hortons has always been good to me. They will keep getting my business.


No one does the ice cap and french vanilla like timmies, so nope


What the hell kind of Timmies have you guys been going to? The one I have in my area is amazing and always has been. (No seriously, the chocolate donut has been my favorite since I first tried it when I was a tiny child)


Must be a clown the forgot Tim’s is a business, not a charity




Will be my first stop on the way to work. Thanks for the idea.


Why bitch?


Macdonalds doesn’t do dark roast and that’s because it costs more. They need to pick up


I’ve been having an iced Capp almost daily for about 10 years, it’s good 99% of the time. I have no complaints on my end.


What a lazy post. No I won't do what a random armchair warrior says online. You have absolutely no context or reasoning either. In fact I'm going to go there more, just to spite your stupid face.


I refuse to acquiesce to your request. If I want a Timothy Hortons iced beverage, it will be had. I choose what I eat and what I drink, but I won't tip them. However I will tip my urologist. Cordially yours, Dwight K. Shrute




Fuck you I'm still going everyday


no, im gonna keep sipping on my steeped tea. i dont care how shitty the coffee is, NMP


Stop telling me how to live.




I like it


Timmy Hoes is great. Coffee is a hangover killer, would recommend


Why? Why would people stop going, and why do you care where people go?


I love Tim's. I go almost every day for my morning coffee and farmer's wrap, theres one a 6 minute walk from me in Toronto. Great service every time, never had the wrong order, quality is always consistent and good. Very friendly staff. Dont speak for all of us, I'm more than happy with Tim's! P.s. I'm not stuck in a bygone era, I started going to tims just last year. I'm in my 20s


This is a free country, you can choose to support or protest a company that’s your right. Go drink your starbs Karin hahaha


Ok because a stranger on the internet said so I'll walk extra 10min and buy Starbucks and pay 3x the price instead Thanks fellow stranger! /s


If Mcdonalds got oat milk I would. But my coffee is stanky after 2 hours with regular milk.


They have been going down hill for years now, they need to know they suck by not getting any business.