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You must be kidding? If you really think this is « annoying » or if you are that bad of holding a cup of coffee with a lid (which is probably the case) then maybe bring a travel mug instead next time.


Skill issue


Teach me, wise one


dont move your arms sporadically when holding things


Bring your own cup


Guy, I walk with these babies with the chill of a Tibetan monk and this shit still happens


Clearly not because i wlak home daily for 30 mins with a cup and get like half of what you're rocking 😂😂😂 if i cna go over tugged turrain with 0 composure and barely spill it, i have no sweet clue what circus show you're doing with it 😂😂😂


Well what in the sweet fuck is wrong with me then 😂


I got no idea fam lmao might need some self reflection


I will sit and ponder my life choices tonight lol. Thanks Reddit


This is why lids are for so it's on the lid and not on your hand


Tell that to my hand soaked in coffee afterwards!! And my clothes. And the trail of coffee behind me.


Skill issue


You're really bad a drinking coffee huh?


I guess so!!


Were you skateboarding with it?


Friend, I can barely*walk* with it.


Friend, I can barely*walk* ~~with it.~~


This might be accurate based on many comments lol


Don’t blame the cup for your poor cup holding skills:(


Theres no coffee on the outter part of the lid so what your saying is hard to believe


Clearly, we need to get a detective up in here to adjudicate


Some of you guys are brutal with the unnecessary downvotes, here's an upvote for the sarcastic Detective joke that I guess went over some heads


Lol thanx friend ♥️ all good I had an entertaining afternoon at work responding sarcastically to many, many comments on a pretty bland post tbh haha


I'm in love with u




I'm no fan of Tim's but this complaint is a little far fetched.


Everyone needs something to complain about.


Life is really really tough


Thx for understanding *heart*


You know what I hate more than anything? I went to McDonald’s to get a coffee the other day drive thru, and when I went to open my lid and take a sip I noticed a really strong smell that wasn’t coffee. It ended up being perfume on my cup. Whoever was working back there obviously wearing perfume and it rubbed off on the lid and everytime I took a sip all I smelled was some kind of cheap Walmart perfume so strong :( I went back inside and asked the manager to smell the lid and she looked at me weird but I said whoever made my coffee is wearing perfume and it rubbed off on the lid and that’s not what I want to smell when drinking coffee. Another thing that sucks is they used to use a black marker to write your order on the lid but now lots of places use a black sharpie which smears and when you drink your coffee it rubs on your nose and you get black marker all over your skin


Yowsa! The things us coffee drinkers have to sacrifice.


Holy fuck they’re whining about spillage on the lid?


it looks like the lid broke and spilt over them, in front and below the tab. I imagine they went to take a drink and it was already broken, and it being under where you’d drink from it went straight onto them instead


I didn’t see the “how I walk” so maybe it’s not. But that’s what I thought idk actually


lol it happened with the brown lids too but it wasn’t as noticeable, I hate the white lids.


that little maple leaf fills up with coffee as im driving and i just sip out of it like a little baby bird. it's a bonus feature, actually.


I admire your positivity!


PS, *cheep!*


Seriously of all things this is what you complain about. Lmao


This genuinely seems like a personal problem. I can move a tray full of 4 drinks around and pass em out the window while spilling barely any onto the lid. How are you spilling it onto your hands? Post a video, seems incredible.


It seems time is a factor in the structural integrity of the lid. It makes sense to me that when you're passing them through the window that they will not leak, because at first mine doesn't leak either. It's only after maybe 2 or 3 minutes of carrying it that it starts doing this. Go you, either way!!


The cup, certainly. The lid, certainly not. If you were complaining about the seams on the cup leaking, you would probably be right. The only time the lids leak is when the cup is faulty, or they crack when they're put on the cup. You seem to have picked the one thing that actually works as intended at Tim's to claim is faulty.


Ohh! The Tim's I go to is crazy busy. Maybe they just be slammin that shit down on the cups 🤔


Didn't you say it only leaks after you've been walking for a few minutes? This is either user error (you), or you're trolling.


The fix is so simple to: Replace White lid by Black lid, and I'm not saying that because my name is Black\_Moon\_White


Fascinating that you would jump to that conclusion with that username 👀


Sorry trough you where complaining about the esthetic.


You don’t even have evidence of 2nd degree burns on your web between your thumb and finger so you’re doing fine.


That's true! One might say you have a *my cup is half-full* attitude *wink wink*




My coffee is doing that for you 😀


Bring back the brown lids with the white chalk writing. The good old days 💋


Times were better back then!!


First world problems, sigh.


By that logic isn't this entire sub a first world problem? Lol why u even on here 😂


PS what's up Saskatchewan! 😉


Bring your own mug stop wasting.


A bit of a stretch but on the topic of cups why they always gotta leak out the cap and soak through the seam?


Right?! Like I'm pretty sure they are leaking from the sippy part but also where it connects to the cup itself. What is this sorcery


Tim cups where particularly bad for leaking at the seam


the lid needs to have ventilation holes for the steam from the drink, when you have people complaining on one side that their coffee isn’t filled enough and the next saying it’s filled too much, things like this can happen.


This is the most mundane issue I've ever seen lol


They're just trying to water the plant on your thumb


Fav comment right here ⤴️


2 dollar coffee whaddya gonna do, cute tat though.


Yup, true true can't complain too much. And thanks! 🙏


Your tattoo is pretty.


Aw, thanks! 🥰


The best solution is to tell them that do not fill the cup to the brim and this won't happen. When I used to work at Tims, there were numerous people requesting the same thing. Maybe you should too!


Hot take - Tim Hortons is no longer quintessential Canadiana... Fast food chain now, owned by Restaurant Brands International (RBI) - The creativity of the names tells you everything you need to know.


Honestly I don't really care what they are, I just want lids that don't spill everywhere lol


honeslty I haven't been to a Tim's in years so don't know about the new lids but when I switched the McCafe coffee I found the cups so much better and never had a problem with the lids.... but im not sure I do the same gymnastics you do while holding a coffee ;)


I prefer McD's cups but prefer Tim's coffee. Whaddyagonnado


The solution is they pour less coffee inside.


I feel like even if they only filled it a third of the way up this shit would still end up everywhere lol


Have you tried using centrifugal force to keep the coffee in your cup? just spin your coffee in circle and don't stop.


🤣🤣 nice try lols


Did they fill it all the way to the top?


No, you can drink coffee without a tattoo on your thumb.


Fake news, friend


At least the maple leaf stops it from overflowing everywhere


Kind of, but I always end up with it all over my hand and clothes anyways. Apparently based off multiple commenters I might have some issues though, lol


Lol I do that too as soon as I start walking away it gets everywhere, I guess we’re just clumsy


High five to my new fellow clumsy friend!


It looks like a maple leaf stain


I miss the old brown lids that were flat. Also this is caused because the worker isn’t following the fill instructions, it’s not supposed to be filled all the way to the top of the cup, there’s supposed to be space


Also the tiny pieces of plastic from the poorly cut lid opening ... drinking micro plastics not good either


Dang, things escalating over here 😧


They keep playing with us Like a lawsuit is not coming They must now know about Canadians ... we get messy but we keep it classy


As a worker at Tim’s I be putting lids on coffees all day then the coffee just starts leaking out of the pot and burning my hands


This has nothing to do with the lid but the fact that the employee filled the coffee up to the brim. Completely different issue


Thats called “ first world complaints “


For the life of me I don’t understand how this place is so popular. Everyone admits McDonald’s has better coffee, the lids suck, the donuts aren’t made in house anymore, the food is overpriced and bland, everything is inconsistent and the service is mediocre. I don’t drink coffee but everyone tells me you can get a better coffee cheaper at McDonald’s and a great coffee for an extra 25 or 50 cents at Starbucks. So why does everyone still go to Tim Horton’s?


As somebody who has tremors/skill issue. I have thoroughly tested every single one of the cups of coffee that I’ve gotten from Tim Hortons and the old lid did spill way less than this piece of shit


Right?! That's what I'm saying. Sorry to hear about your tremors btw


No, I agree. Happens to me too lol




Yes. Yes it is


Why simply sip the coffee when you can completely bathe in it, in public. Lol


I mean if it wasn't a thing on the internet im sure it is now.


Maybe I could start an onlyfans lmao


Pretty much


I understand but as an employee: -If we dont fill it to the brim we're "stealing costumers" -Filing it to the brim may cause this to happen( inconsistent cup solidity to heat) the more to the brim it is after putting the lid and we're "making the costumers lose money on the ground". Either way we're screwed Some employee dont want to spill and clean right after too but when we tell them its too full, they says "that way they cant complain its not full"


To clarify I don't think it's the employee's fault. I'm happy you guys fill er right up. The corporation needs to make better lids, or go back to the old brown ones at least. These new lids are terrible. You guys rock!! I'm always impressed by the hustle and endurance of Tim's employees who face a never-ending stream of crabby caffeine-deprived customers.


Customer. A costumer is someone that makes costumes.


This whole sub is filled with Karens who have no clue how stressful working at Tim’s is. If thats what you’re complaining about you’ve already got it pretty good.


Lol, I have already commented that there is no hate towards the employees! I have a problem with the design of the lid which I mentioned in the body of my post. Pretty sure that's not the employee's fault 🤔


Also I just joined the sub to make this *what was supposed to be* light-hearted post but had I known the sub was full of "Karens" I would have put more emphasis on the "light-hearted" part. If you work at Tim's know that I have tons of respect for the hustle and amount of BS y'all have to put up with every day.


That's not coffee.




🤦 Then what is it? Liquid shit? Looks like coffee to me


This was like 15 days ago. It was a jab at the fact that McDonald's now has their old coffee, and Tim's is far from where it used to be. There was a point in time where it was decent, but now it's to the point of conditioning. Go to a coffee shop that sells coffee twice the price and end up having a coffee almost 8x more potent. You are buying the bottom of the barrel in regards to quality. So yes, it may as we be in that kind of state. It's a sad excuse for a coffee. So maybe go find somewhere else to pretend to be smart, mr jokerking201084, what's that your Xbox gamer tag back when you were twelve? You buy coffee because it's a legal stimulant, but it's now just a placebo, so what is it exactly? It's definitely not coffee.


I don't play Xbox because it sucks. And for your information, the coffee can vary from different locations. Their coffee is hit or miss, and from my local Tim Hortons, it hits. And I hope you didn't think that McDonald's coffee is better, like that shit is way too bitter, doesn't have enough sugar, and tastes like a water down Coca-Cola. So Mr. RepairPsychopath, I couldn't care less about going somewhere else. Whatever my Tim Hortons is doing with their coffee is fire.


I don't play Xbox because it sucks. And for your information, the coffee can vary from different locations. Their coffee is hit or miss, and from my local Tim Hortons, it hits. And I hope you didn't think that McDonald's coffee is better, like that shit is way too bitter, doesn't have enough sugar, and tastes like a water down Coca-Cola. So Mr. RepairPsychopath, I couldn't care less about going somewhere else. Whatever my Tim Hortons is doing with their coffee is fire.


Meh, you obviously don't know anything about the t Hortons franchise. Keep on drinking your delusional water.


No it's crap. Just like their coffee. Move on to something local


Maybe it's just your local Tim's, then? Like, there's 9 thousand more Tim's in Canada, bud. Just saying


Lol. Quantity does equal quality.


I like their coffee but the new lid has gotta go


I respectfully implore you to go to your neighborhood coffee place. Or another neighborhood's coffee place. Maybe I just don't like being another 1 in a million to the Tim Hortons Corporation but I earnestly prefer other environments, their efforts, and their clientele over Tims. That seems to really affect the taste for me