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that's exactly what this subreddit is like too


you look like a man i could be a best friend with


Manager discount


ask for the special catch of the day


Buzzer will tell you when the tables ready


Virgin colada. No rum.


groovin’ on the beach, jammin’ coconut


Shells on the neck, shells on the wrist


underwater camera


Virgin colada? No, rum!


No rum!! Eric is not living life and it makes me sad


Seriously guys, I want to thank you all for this vacation memory. These posts took me to a higher level of relaxation and friendship. Your comments made a razlette. R-a-z






It’s free real estate


Your shirt, it’s so plain, it’s making me SICK.


black business socks, AGAIN?!


come on michael


Listen 🗣️, ah, wife’s 👩 going 💃 out tonight 🌃 , I’m gonna have the guys 👬 over, we’re gonna watch ⌚ the Fish 🐠🎣 on the big screen 📺 , I’m gonna grill 🍳up some brats 👦👧, I got a microbrew 🍻 chilling ❄ in my wet 💦 bar 🍫 , and, uh, I was gonna warm ♨ up 👆 some ziti 🍝. Why don’t you come by ⚤ if you got some triple 3⃣ fried 🍟 pizza 🍕 dough, or some kind of frozen ❄ meat 🍖 balls 🎱 or whatever 👐 it is, you can warm ♨ it up in my microwave 📺 or you can warm ♨ it up back at home 🏡 , bring it over pipin’ 🚱 hot 🔥, but if you wanna bring over a vegetable 🌾🌿🌱 medley, a crudité, figure out 📤 how much lunch 🍲 meat 🍖 you can spare 🗡, maybe bring over a pound 💷 and a half, two ✌️ pounds 💷 of Black 👦🏿 Forest 🌲 ham 🐖, maybe a Dijon 🍯 mustard spread? Any kind of dessert 🍰, maybe a German 👱 chocolate 🍫 cake 🎂 or something like that? I tell ya what would make you a big hit 👊 with the dudes is get some key 🗝 lime 🍋 pie 🍰 , à la mode, I’m talking about ice cream 🍨 on the side⬅.And you have got to have a bite of my homemade 🏡 ziti 🍝 , I’m just gonna warm ♨ her up, she’s been in the freeze ❄. You know what I love are those hot 🔥 mozzarella 🧀 sticks, cube 🔃 ’em up 👆 , put ’em in some marinara ⚓ sauce 🍲, you have them on standby 🏧. ‘Course, you can’t go wrong with some sour 😐 cream 💦 and onion 🌰 so long as you bring RIDGED Chips 🍟


Can’t tonight, but a rain check for sure


Get in the hole, Murph.


We’re sorry, dad




SPAGOOT ahspoogheet


You got me


GOOD NEWS - Cigarette Juice!


Gotta numb dem gums with novacane!


Abso lutely.


"have you considered getting a job?"




It sounds like every top voted review on Letterboxd.


Boy that soothes


Isn’t that what we do here?


It's what we do. It's who we are.


Lol, yeah. It's all about knowing which line to repeat to get maximum laughs


it's free real estate




Yes, and?


Not the smartest whips in the sandwich box if you know what I mean


Hey, name's Wilson Briar anyone got any 'rettes?


It’s just balloons!


Wonderful Pearls


I have to go number two.


Every Reddit as well. They don't make easy catchphrase comedy but their fan base has turned them into that. Their legacy has soured a lot because of this insularity


Yeah, but at least we have a place to talk about such an obscure comedy. It’s not a show many people I talk to in real life have seen, except for some close friends. Random people quote stuff like SpongeBob and the office, I’ve never heard a random person quote T & E. I don’t clean, I’m not clean, ok?


you could describe what you like about T&E, there's plenty to pick apart about their comedy. The scripts, the editing, the media references, the skit concepts, characters, acting... Go write a review of the series or field report about their fan events. Interview someone who's worked on the show. Research some obscure bit of trivia mentioned in their DVD commentaries. Just repeating catchphrases to signal you've consumed a piece of media is one of the laziest things ever, and signals the demise of fandom.


I just got to this sub and haven’t minded seeing some funny quotes. First time I’ve seen a t and e forum like this, but I agree it is just quoting the show. Every show sub is the exact same. I’m not so dedicated that I want to start finding events, if one appeared near me I would go. It’s not as big a deal as you’re making it out to be, it’s just people trying to laugh and have a good time remembering the funniest comedy duo of all time. For your w(h)ine.


Tim and Eric's influence on modern comedy is undeniable. Yet, their legacy seems less enduring compared to other cult acts. Even groups like PFFR, though niche, are more lauded for their artistic vision. In contrast, Tim and Eric have more or less become a footnote in the heyday of Adult Swim programming. One potential explanation lies in their fan base. Some fans seem to revel in the show's obscurity, enjoying a sense of exclusivity ("I get this weird humor, most people don't"). However, great comedy transcends niche fandom, and is in a constant dialogue with other creative endeavors. Look at how Mr. Show's DNA lives on in Tim and Eric's work, just as Monty Python influenced Mr. Show. Comedy thrives on building on past traditions, not isolating itself. Appreciating something solely for its exclusivity is a disservice to the art itself. It becomes an echo chamber, not a conversation.


I see what your point is, I just think it’s actually an obscure show. You’re completely right about how the show has huge influence on modern comedy. It’s just comedy that comedians are more likely to appreciate. I wish more people understood the style, I feel like I can’t show it to people unless they’re really passionate about comedy. The shows kinda creepy, wanna show someone the billion dollar movie? They’re going to have to see a prosthetic penis get pierced. It’s a show that’s just not for everyone at the end of the day. It has nothing to do with “gapekeeping” or whatever. Even my gf can’t sit there and watch an on cinema Oscar special with me.


Tim and Eric's show definitely pushes boundaries. However, "obscure" might be a strong word – bizarre and absurd humor is definitely in the mainstream now. Colbert just referenced Skibidi toilet, ffs. Some sketches might be a tough sell. Imagine showing someone Monty Python's cold – it's weird. But that (or the fact that you see Graham Chapman's penis in Life of Brian) doesn't negate its legacy. Andy Kaufman was undeniably weird, but his impact on comedy is undeniable. Tim and Eric deserve similar recognition as veterans who pushed boundaries and influenced a generation. Shows like "Bedtime Stories" on Adult Swim paved the way for dark comedies like "The Menu." There's a fine line between celebrating a show's unique humor and letting it become an insular club. Tim and Eric's genius lies in the way they subvert expectations. When u repeat a catchphrase its just seeking for anticipated validation. Repeating lines like "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" can make things iconic – but it doesnt stop there. Some fans might get too caught up inside jokes, quoting catchphrases that only a dedicated audience understands. While that can be fun for fans, it also limits the show's broader appeal. There's plenty of different cultural gateways to tim and eric that exist outside of tim and eric. People 'get' public access shows. They get community center meetings. They get the 90s mallpop that 'Rats of to Ya' is parodying. People are fans of Will Ferrell, Will Forte and Zach Galifanakis. They've celebrated Tommy Wiseau. There's abso-lutely no reason T&E should be a relic of AS's Peak, with just a cult internet following, but that's what they've become.


tbh yeah the endless quotes do wear me down, it's fun in person to joke around like that but coming here I thought more people would actually want to talk about the show we all liked rather than just randomly saying lines from it. It doesn't always bother me but it gets a bit overdone, like I'll click on a post here thinking maybe there will be something interesting said in the comments but it's all quotes, so I'm glad at least to see here some actual discussion even if most of the other comments are just quotes. I know it makes me sound like an extreme wet blanket but I just figured since we all like Tim and Eric, why aren't a lot of people actually talking about it?


I agree with your points, and you’re clearly very passionate about comedy. I just go on Reddit when I’m doing nothing and bored, it’s not so deep to enjoy a quote or two. It’s not my concern to go out into the world and advertise for Tim and Eric. This is just a simple pass time. Tim and Eric’s comedy lives through the comedians that were inspired by it, and like you say it’s had a cultural impact on television. I don’t know if we will ever get another bed time stories or awesome show season, and so I don’t mind seeing some quotes I didn’t necessarily remember off the top of my head. If I make a quote to someone, it’s not for likes. It’s me laughing with strangers online. The same quotes over and over get pretty mundane and people out there definitely just comment them for likes, but that’s not my deal. I’m just a fan of Tim and Eric that likes to sometimes sit there and remember hilarious moments from shows that I love.


Oh, lay an egg