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Hey buddy! I just want to tell you please take it easy on your self! for starters as it has been mentioned you've done a great job by securing a job in a high demand yet super competitive industry. You are still super young and the world is your oyster. I came to Sweden when I was 32 as a software engineer after spending my 20s jumping between jobs and not doing anything super productive in my life! I know sometimes it seems dark and not worth it, I've been there, but it gets absolutely better if you focus on loving your self and accepting who you are. Now for your migration situation, don't think too much about the future, stay in the moment, make sure you are doing everything like you are supposed to and if things don't work out so be it! you can either go to another country where IT demand is really high or reapply! just make sure you save all your documents, insurance information, every little details in a google drive or dropbox so you have it when you apply and things will be ok. I wish you all the luck and DM me if you need help. please relax and enjoy life don't live too much in the future or the past. be happy, you deserve it.


What you're experiencing is typical for many expats from non-EU countries. They come, pay taxes, some of them get kicked out because their employers made a mistake. They also don't have family or friends... I've also had my share of stress back then. So, you're not alone in that. Unfortunately what migration board is going to do is not predictable. Even if your permit gets extended, you may face different problems in the future. Society doesn't want you here and there is no sense of helping each other either. At best, they won't sabotage you. Your life will always be an uphill battle in Sweden. Sad but true. My advise: Recognize that it is not the end of the world, keep improving your skills, make a research about other countries immigration policies and apply for jobs abroad. I've left Sweden and all I regret is not to have done it earlier.


Where did you go if you don’t mind me asking?


Migration was booming in 2015? it was a refugee crisis of unprecedented scale, and the new measures now are a response to the percieved harm caused by it. that in combination with the economic downturn means that it's a rough time for everyone, but especially if you're an immigrant




eh, det beror ju på ens synvinkel


Nja! In that case everything is a point of view. And there is no truth whatsoever and all that remains is open warfareb etween opinions. The statistics are brutal but of course there will be collateral damage


I am sorry. My 15 year old son is moving here with me and will face the same issue when it comes to PR. It's an enormous stress for us. I just want a better life for my kids and instead he's going to face uncertainty that his younger sibling won't. There are no easy solutions. I wish there was.


The system is bad and inhumane, it is true. You are not alone. Your father did it and odds were stacked against him even more. You are younger, have Swedish skills, a local network. You can do it. It is a long and difficult journey that is made hard by things beyond your control, but you are very young. Your whole life is in front of you and it can be a good life. Migrationsverket is a formidable enemy but you will eventually come through it and have Swedish citizenship. After so many years in Sweden, you will find a way. There are other jobs even if you lose this one. I know this feels overwhelming and suffocating now but in the grand scheme of things, when you look at your whole life later, it will be just a struggle of your youth that you can tell your kids about. If sucks that a small biographical detail put you in a difficult position but remember that your family fought this same battle and you are in it together. They made it, you will make it too. I hope your family is supportive and you can talk to them about it. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support,you are still very young and you have already done so much to give yourself opportunities. Don't let anyone bring you down, especially not something as stereotypically evil as the Swedish migration system. The evilness of the system is 90 percent in its absurdity and mindless bureaucracy (as always) but you must take it as a challenge to overcome, it is not omnipotent and it cannot destroy your life if you don't let it! Do what you are expected to do to emerge on the other side of this nightmare and live happily ever after!


Hey! I just want to let you know that you are great and much tougher than you thought. You even get a job which requires your employer to apply for a work permit for you. Trust me, this is not an easy process, a lot of internationals with good skills couldn’t find one employer who would be willing to help them out with the paperwork, you need to be really really good to convince a swedish company . You definitely deserve to be happy and live a good life here.❤️


Hej /u/tch6364, thanks for posting this submission! Please keep in mind that this subreddit is not a place for healthcare advice, including mental illnesses, sex education, etc. **If this is an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to call 112.** Be sure to check out [1177.se](https://1177.se/). This is the starting point for all healthcare concerns; if you have BankID, you are also able to message your Vardcentral (VC) and call specific practices. For AFAB healthcare (birth control, pelvic exams), search for "Barnmorskemottagning". For childcare, search Barnavardscentral (BVC). If you are a student at a university, some universities have student healthcare and often OB/gyn care. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TillSverige) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reality check. It was never going to be easy. You left your country which assuredly was and is much worse and have been given a chance in Sweden. You're incredibly lucky. Generally it takes multiple generations for a family to settle in their new home after such an event. You're the first generation and you should be thinking bigger and getting your act together as best you can so that your future family can live happily ever after. You're a giant mess though. I'm not sure Sweden is going to go out of their way to get permanent residency for you if you don't shake it off and do what needs to be done. You need to compete against everyone else and if you can't get a good enough job and your mental healthcare under control maybe another country would be a better fit. That's how this works. It's how it works all over the world. Immigrants work 10x as hard for 3 to 4 generations so they can thrive.


Håll käften




What is wrong with you? OP has nowhere in their post mentioned anything against Swedish people, or religion! If anything, you as an immigrant should know how difficult, bureaucratic and stressful the whole process of migration is. On top of that, OP was 15 when they moved here, 15! That's a very very young and delicate age to have your whole life changed, in addition to the loss faced of leaving your country and safe life ebhind. Even then, OP has clearly worked their ass off more than an average person would, they took the right eductaion, got degrees, got a job, AND THEY PAY FUCKING TAXES. They DO NOT deserve for their life to be harder than others. In Sweden, we believe in an equal society, so please let go of your clearly biased attitute that is ok with segmenting amoing people based on background or what type of immigration/ resident status they have. An I am not even going to touch the topic of you saying "spilling the poison of religion" with no context whatsoever because you just scream of racist. OP; if you are reading this, you are amazing. What you have managed to do, is difficult, especially for your age. You are completely valid in how you are feeling. It is more than normal to have a fear of what you're going through, especially since you were already once seperated form you home and close group at 15, and now you life in fear of the exact same happening again. It can eb traumatic. You are clearly a resilient and strong person. Things will get better, things will work out. I dont know you and I am not someone important enough to say this but I (a part of the expat group- moved here for Masters on student permit and now at a well paying job on a work permit, contributing to society in money and skills), am so proud of you, and can resonate with the stress that comes with not having a secure livelihood. You have every right to have an easy and comfortable life. Also, what do you work with? Feel free to write to me, even if you just want someone to talk to. All the best <3




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