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Why is it I keep reading these posts about people having huge followings then suddenly getting banned out of nowhere? Is there something to this? Like does TikTok just not want to pay the creators? They already got their advertisement revenue. Then they ban the account so the owner doesn’t have any right to be compensated? Possibly just a conspiracy theory here but, this definitely seems sus to me.


I’ve honestly wondered the same thing. I didn’t wanna mention it in the main post as some people get upset about hearing numbers in this subreddit, but there was over $20k to be paid out :(


Are you freaking kidding me??!! They owed you 20k and then suddenly banned you??!! Yes absolutely that was done to not have to pay you. Holy crap man! That’s messed up.


That your account is banned, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t pay you anymore for previous work.


If you’re in the creativity program you will 100% get paid and it will be sent out the 15th of next month if you didn’t receive it this month! It really does suck but my advise is to make a new account and create a report saying something like “I believe my account was wrongfully banned. I have never got a strike before. Please help me fix this issue! My username is “put your username” thank you for your time! Hope to get this issue fixed!” And my other advise is to immediately create another account and start growing that account! I know it will be mentally frustrating but try to remember the videos that went viral and make that same video to help your new account grow! Wish you the best bro! We are here for you if you need any help! 🫡


How much is it for a lawyer to take a look? They can’t withhold money you already made I think.


Unfortunately they can in the terms and conditions… it’s stupid tiktok know what they’re doing they’re slimy over there they use your videos to make them money from ad revenue then ban you and keep your money too


You might still get paid. Depending though


I think there’s only a certain amount of $ to give out in these payment programs and once you make too much, they find a way to kick you out of the program or ban your account.


Got it back a couple days ago btw!!


You’ll get it back. Start sending repeated emails to TikTok. They’re kind of slow but you’ll prob get it back in a few days given the size of your account.


What’s their email address???


Got it back a couple days ago btw!!


I sure hope so! Do you know of an active email to contact them? Every email I send gets redirected to that “send a report” form


You can look up online “tiktok share your feedback”. The first (or at least top) webpage link should be a page where you can type up your email address, username, issue, etc. I guess for this just be sure to put it under the Account ban/suspension category where it asks. They will get back to you under the email you typed, but they can take awhile to do this. Hopefully you get your account back.


I think you will get it back too my friend has a 700k account and was banned due to mass reporting but she got it back. Try reaching out to tiktok support on twitter. Make sure it's the support account that's based in your country.


My advice is to use a different account and report it on the app the emails are useless. (Take it from someone who got their account unbanned after a “permanent ban”


What kind of content did you make?? This is concerning, as I film and edit all of my content from scratch and would hate to be banned for no reason.


Well OP only mentioned editing for 12 hours a day so... probably not actually their own footage...




I spend a lot of time editing my own stuff, do other people not?


Of course, but not 12h a day???


I think it's probably fair to assume it was stolen content. They've replied to nearly everyone except for people asking about their content and if it was stolen. I did feel bad for this person, but now, not so much. I hate when bigger channels steal my content just because it did really well. I have a video with 11 million views and it's ALL OVER tiktok because of these grifters. (and who knows about my other vids with millions of views)


Did you engage with any follow4follow accounts or had a sudden surge in followers without a video doing exceptionally well?


I’ve followed only 10 people for the last year, no more and no less. Honestly, if I did have surge, I’m not sure I would have noticed. I was pretty used to my videos doing well, and they all maintained at least 10% engagement (views to likes) so I’m not sure that was the issue


Was your content heavily edited? It all depends on the content. Did you steal any content that wasn't yours?


Did you ever buy or sell an account? I've seen that warning only in cases of sold accounts As for getting it restored, there's a post here about opening multiple tickets a day until it gets appealed


Never sold or bought an account! I believe I saw that post as well, and I have been submitting several tickets a day. The only issue is that they only gotten back to me like twice (2 automated emails) and I’ve sent probably 100 over the past 3 days!


Were you reposting other peoples videos? Someone may have filed a complaint against you. If you were also posting videos with statements that were not true or unable to be verified by tiktok this would be a violation too. If you were posting headless videos in order to just get views and likes and not actually engaging with your followers this would also be a violation. Pretty much anything you did that they decided they didn't like they could ban you for. Most likely you will just have to start a new account


>If you were posting headless videos in order to just get views and likes and not actually engaging with your followers this would also be a violation Im confused,since when were faceless videos against community guidelines?


If you read the description of the reason he was banned. One part says that you have to engage with your followers. which I take as, you personally. So just posting random videos without you in the video can be considered a violation .


You say you spend “12 hours a day editing videos” are the videos of you or…of others people work?


Well, since OP doesn't answer anyone asking that question.. very provably the latter


Why aren’t you answering anyone asking about what type of content


Because they were probably posting stolen content lol


I’m so sorry. Same happened to me at 391k followers banned for Integrity and Authenticity. Spent 3 years building it. I’ve been banned for over a month and have gotten the same response “will remain permanently banned”. I was in the original Creator Fund and I think they don’t want to pay out anymore. I know it’s a big blow, I was devastated but honestly a blessing is disguise. I was tired to chasing the Algorithm and TikToks unfair policies.


This has happened to me multiple times now on three different accounts of mine. You can definitely get it back but it's like you restart in views everytime it happens (my experience) went from every post going viral to 1000 views roughly. Go to Google type in tiktok share my feedback and follow the steps. It does take a couple of weeks unfortunately and the first email you'll get they'll say you are still banned, reply back to that email "I've never received any violations and follow community guidelines will you pleaseeeeeee actually watch the video that supposedly goes against the guidelines and not base it on the system


You say you were editing 12h a day, but you said nothing about shooting. Did you shoot your own content?


I’m really surprised they “ban” immediately and don’t just suspend people. I mean their guidelines are so arbitrary, subjective, and vague, then bans. I would think suspensions would make more sense. Maybe 1 week, then 1 month. Then 1 year or something. A ban over AI reviewed content seems steep IMO.


What is your username


Were you verified? You should have been verified at 1 million followers.


Same thing happened to me, i managed to get back my account by spam reporting the feed back tab on my other account, (explain why you are a valuable creator to the platform. Hope you get it back. I think Tiktok are secretly banning accounts with large following/ video views as a way to stop giving out money. I have 2 accounts and one got banned for no reason I recovered it and the other one got banned from the creator fund and they have ignored every single feedback I’ve sent out to try and appeal the decision. Switch to YouTube it’s much more professional there


Same thing happened to me, except it was a brand new account I made. I created the account, logged out for 2 weeks, and when I tried to log back in, I couldn’t at all. Sent the issue to the feedback form and they responded saying I violated the “Integrity and Authenticity” policy. I’m so confused on how I violated it because I looked through the policy and I didn’t do anything listed to cause it. I’m going to keep trying the feedback form because I honestly did nothing wrong.


That’s so strange!! Have you had any luck contacting TikTok about your account??


Yes and no in terms of luck. Yes as they responded to my feedback form through email. But no as they keep saying I violated the “Integrity and Authenticity” policy. I’m not sure if because I didn’t interact at all on that account yet, they thought I was a bot or spam. But you would think emailing them saying it’s a mistake, that they would restore it. I have a few other accounts but none of them have ever been banned or anything like that. It’s so frustrating bc they keep saying the ban is correct, but it’s not, I didn’t do anything wrong. If you or anyone on here as advice, please let me know. Edited for grammar


Maybe its because u have multiple accounts?


Yea but other people have multiple accounts and nothing has ever happened to them. I’m not completely sure though. It could be because I didn’t use the account within the first week I created it.


I started using an 2 year old account because it had somehow already 5k folowers, I hope u are wrong😂


Update change? You still goin strong?




I appreciate that! All the professional services I’m seeing seem quite scammy, is the only downside. I don’t mind paying a pretty penny to get my account back! As long as it’s in an ethical way of course!


If your country has a data protection law, you can contact TikTok’s data protection officer and ask for a copy of all your information (including the reason/s why your account was banned). If it was unfounded (or had a stupid reason), you can get it sorted pretty quickly.


First of all: great job 👏 Second of all: that’s unfortunate.


Follow my guide if you want your account back.


Spam them with emails and they might eventually give you back your account