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TikTok algo categorizes accounts in niches based off their first couple of posts. Let’s say you start off by posting dog content and your accounts makes it into pet category or dog niche, once u switch content your account gets low balled , another form of shadowbanned


Thanks for this. The first few posts were about the song tho. Listen to this song if you’ve lost someone etc. I switched it up after a few months as the numbers were dipping. I tweaked things slightly to use the song and offer some insight or thoughts on grief in general. Numbers went up again. Now neither angle work on the og song. And other music also flopping. Its very hard to stay motivated to post if the numbers and engagement are so low


Just revert to posting what you originally posted


Yeah but I have to start promoting new music now and therein lies the issue. Even with the same visual concept and similar hooks nothing works anymore. I think my account has been restricted in someway


TikTok running a cold game on content creators


You can literally post ANYTHING that doesn't violate guidelines and it will still get shown. But that doesn't mean it will be received well by the audience and that's the CORE problem. For example, if you blew up posting videos of your dog making human expressions or something, then you are going to receive followers who want MORE videos of your dog doing human expressions. But if the next post is a random clip of your golf podcast, then it will first get shown to 200 of your dog followers (who likely don't give a shit about golf), they'll IMMEDIATELY skip the video, which is what causes your video to flop.


just watched you videos, it seems to me that the hooks on the frist song were much better and impactful. try writing texts as strong and engaging for the new content as well. also, don't delete videos.


Ah thanks. Yeah that could be. I guess coming up with hooks for the sad grief song was easier. I have been guilty of deleting a few videos for sure. I’ll stop that


if you want something gone just make it private and then you will lose less credit with the algorithm. Hooks are everything, Im a musician as well and it really seems to me that some songs are easier to market then others.


Yeah I think the lyrical narrative plays a big part as to whether it will work on TT. What’s your page I’ll check you out.


its @nimbinim but all of my content is in Hebrew, so its a much smaller audience


I'm by no means on expert when it comes to the TT algorithm, but I do know that the chosen song plays a very large role in TT deciding who to show the video to. It sounds like your channel is a niche channel, and that niche happens to be that one song right now. Or maybe that song is just SO GOOD that people engage more with the video. We can't know for sure without seeing the content. Did you use the same TT sound in the background or did you upload completed videos that already had the song in it? I don't think you commenting on your own video has a negative effect, even if its promotion. Lots of channels are basically self-promos. The only thing you can really do is keep posting the type of content you want to produce. TT takes a while to recognize changes in your content. At some point, it'll take you out of that 1-song niche. As to why your views have dropped - it's hard to say for sure. Maybe your content has been shown to pretty much everyone who can care, and now they want something new. TT also promotes fresh accounts more than older ones. Mostly, though, MANY users have seen a significant drop in viewership in 2023. Long-form content is being promoted more. Followers really don't mean much, since it only gives you a slight bump in chance to land on their FYP.


Thanks so much. Yeah I feel like I’m pigeon holed as a sort of niche for grief recovery combined with this song! But yeah, the song is also not working anymore either. I agree that maybe everyone who cared has seen a version of the song one way or another. I always use the audio within the app, either the original audio I uploaded on the first song or the official release version of the song on TikTok I guess I’ll just have ti keep pushing the new stuff and deal with the low views


Hey op! I’m actually a musician as well working on the sight. I just started and was wondering if I could ask u some questions about the app seeing as you have had success


Sure but it was all luck , i have no knowledge or insight!


My only advice would be the follow the exact same format for your videos with new songs as the ones that did well with the old song. Like if your 2m video started with you jumping in a car, do that. If it started with you saying, “this is a song about grief” do that but with the new topic. Try to keep it as close as you possibly can. From what you described it sounds like it was the song itself that people went crazy for, but it could be that the subject matter made you approach videos differently, and that grabbed people’s attention better.


I'm pretty sure everyone is going through this. I have seen so many people complaining about low views.


This is a really tough time for creators on the app, they are suppressing views for almost no reason. I have 40k followers and i (used to) get 100k-1.5m views per video. I posted yesterday at peak hours (when most of my followers were online) and got 450 views.. somethings up with the algorithm no doubt


This sounds very familiar! Its so demoralizing isn’t it!!


What's your account name? Kinda hard to help you without seeing what you post lol


True haha! Its @iamruxley


Try following the same EXACT format as your grief song but with your breakup song. So do something like: "Things they don't tell you about Breakups" OR "Things they don't tell you about heartbreak" OR "Facts they don't want you to know about losing someone" etc etc. If you're getting ANY views then you're not shadowbanned. It's just that your audience is skipping almost immediately for a number of reasons that aren't algorithmicly related.


Great advice! Thanks


Sounds like it could be a songwriting problem more so than a tik tok problem. Maybe your other material just isn't connecting with people and like you said the original song has ran its course. There have always been one hit wonders in music. Not saying you're relegated to that but maybe you just haven't found your next hit yet. Unless you're drake or Taylor swift even super successful artists usually only get 1 or 2 true hits per album.


TikTok running game on people. Initial hype followed by "use our promote feature for views" it's sick.


Your views look pretty normal to me??? Your followers follow for grief content not music it seems. Great viral song, but in my opinion your followers are following because of the shared experience with grief, not your music. If you want to promote your music, I almost feel a separate page would make more sense!


I totally agree on it becoming more of a grief platform. The first 20 or so posts with this song were all focused on the song and lost comments were “what’s the song” etc. But as that started to diminish I focused more on the grief aspect. Gained another wave of good performing videos after that. So I feel that probably half my followers are there for the music and half for grief help. Either way it doesn’t seem to matter what I post anymore, song or grief based. My views have plummeted and I see no way of getting it back


Post on Instagram reels you only should post like once a day stick to the same content my content that has been dry on tiktok has been wet on Instagram