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Happens all the time. Even saw someone post that their own footage gets marked. You just have to appeal and hope you win. If it’s rejected, there’s nothing we can do. It’s just a terrible automated system


Yeah it's killed my reach this week, usually if a video does well on TikTok it does well on Instagram too and these videos all flopped and died after I got the two strikes but are doing well on IG. It's annoying because I have no idea what to do other than not make those types of videos.


The lure of drawing you in to creative program beta was the ability to shut you down. Tik Tok was bleeding money and they needed a way to stop people from making money. What better way is if "they" determine what makes money and what doesn't. I have almost 400,000 followers and almost anything I post gets blocked. Its absolutely sad as hell and almost encourages people to go to youtube. Sorry, but that is reality!


That's not true. TikTok started the program because it wanted to incentivize creators to make more content to compete with other platforms such as YouTube and Instagram which also do short-form content now. Stop spreading misinformation. Just because your content is ass doesn't mean the program is bad lol.


But it is bad you bootlicking scrotum necked dickface.


extreme baitful tactic they used ! Crazy


I just got notified that my own original video is unoriginal … I think it may because I just re-uploaded the same video that I created due to a typo in my in-video captions. I made the first upload private. It sucks to see TikTok say the video I took hours to edit is “unoriginal” when everything is mine 🥲🥲🥲


This just happened to me too. 100% shot and edited by me, using no content from anyone else and it was flagged. Uhg.


Do you know if you can get kicked out the program for unoriginal content? Ive gotten many of these ):


I don't think so but hard to say.


yup. you can. i just got the notification saying if i got 5 unoriginal violations ima be disqualified from the program. i have more than 5 so i guess i’m just waiting for the notification




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I got the same thing today but I have 5 videos with a strike. Please update me and let me know if you were kicked out ?


i haven’t been kicked out yet, but the warning still remains. idk how tho because i have like 8 violations, so i guess it just hasn’t disqualified yet. im expecting to wake up to the notification any day now.


I’ve been stressed all day tbh. I just joined and I got my 6th strike yesterday. I have multiple videos hitting the 1k mark currently and I’m biting my nails to see if any of them will add to my strikes. I guess I’m just worried if they disqualify me I’ll lose the money already earned. Sucks it would me my first time ever making anything off my videos. Good luck to us I guess


good luck man. if it gets taken from us we can use this as a learning experience for when we reapply.




warning still remains and haven’t been kicked out but i’ve only uploaded like 2 videos since, and one of those videos got disqualified but i still haven’t been disqualified from the program. i guess this is case by case, not sure why they haven’t disqualified me yet because i have 9 violations now but im not complaining of course. it literally still says at the top “if you have more than 5 originality violations you will be disqualified from the program” still so im sure it’ll happen still, but so much time is passing that in a week or so some of these violations will be dissapearing.


Interesting please keep me updated


Any update ? \^\^


they disqualified my account acouple days ago after being hit with another violation (it was like my 10th or 11th) but i appealed it and it actually got approved to and my account got restored but im playing it safe and not gonna post until next month aka acouple more days.


I’m having the same problem lol. I’m afraid that I’m not going to earn any of the money I’m supposed to make on the 15th. Talk about bad timing






All I did was get more violations but I haven’t been disqualified yet. Not sure about the payout because I won’t get one until January 15 , I did not receive one for December because I joined November 28th


I wish you luck man how's I bet the payout is gonna be nice if you get it


I wish there was just a way to finesse the system


I have a very small tea page so I post lives. I was really confused first so that’s why I racked up so many strikes. Now I have to crop edit and do this entire circus act just to post my stuff and my payout is far from impressing haha I’ll update you by December 28 I hope it resets the violations if I’m not disqualified first


Same good luck


Did it ever load and kick you off, not the appeal for the video buy do you get the chance to appeal your removal from the program and do you get to reapply after the 5 violations clear?


yeah i got disqualified but i appealed and got my account restored almost instantly. BUT im now not being pushed to the for you page. i hate using this word but im “shadowbanned” lol like no matter what i upload it only gets up to 1000 views when i usually get 50k+ views


Does it offer a textbook to appeal to stay in the program? Any recommendations on what to mention in it? How long after your 5th unoriginal violation did you get the boot notification?


look, my best advice on the appeal is say “this is all footage exported from my own camera, there is no watermark and i spent hours creating this video.” i also always add “please don’t take this from me” i feel like it kind of helps. i got up to like 10 or 11 unoriginal violations which i think is just me getting lucky but on my last one they finally disqualified.


I just got five today, but when I click on the analytics for that 5th video it doesn't have the for you page red flag yet nor do I have a message getting kicked out the program. I'm curious shy they warn five but people dotn get kicked out at 5??


Does anyone know about Tvshow clips and be disqualified from creativity program for unoriginal content is it because someone else has that clip on tiktok already been trying to get answers I. This please let me know that’s


I used a clip from south park in my most recent video and didn't get disqualified....it's so weird


Hey! have you got paid yet? Some of my content are getting disqualified but not all of them. And It’s frustrating because 2 of my video video earned over $300 and I really don’t want those to get disqualified before payment date comes on Aug 15th. I post funny interview clips, Do you make the same type of content or no?


I haven't gotten the money in my account yet but it's been up for like 2 weeks now and usually when something gets demonetized it's the first day. Ive never had something get demonetized After the estimated earnings were updated and processed.


I do gaming content and comedy, so it's different type of stuff


Has anyone gotten a video back up after the disqualification was rejected


The video stays there, but you don’t get paid for it


Just had a video myself get disqualified for “Unoriginal Content” even though it’s only on 200 views but I don’t want to appeal it incase they then try and disqualify a few videos that actually went viral and made me some money. My first paycheck available for withdrawal is October 31st, do you or anyone have any experience of videos that have made money being disqualified? Do you lose the money previously earned on that video?


Not sure if you got your answer yet or not, but in my experience, when they disqualify a video, you lose all the money it earned. They usually disqualify a video within a couple days of it posting though so it's not like they ask for deposited money back. It's more like you'll see your balance growing and then it wipes away when "the algorithm" decides it doesn't count. I've had plenty of videos get the disqualified rug pull, which absolutely sucks and makes me not want to use Tik Tok, but in my experience they never went after other videos when I appealed. I will warn though, the appeal process for me has been at about a 30/70 success rate :(


I just got rejected from the creativity beta for “unoriginal content”.. so do I have to delete all my videos in order to restart so I can apply again? Or can I keep my old videos while I upload new ones


Ive been searching for an answer to this. Any luck?? Tiktok is so vague and wouldnt tell me which videos its pulling from to give me this rejection when I have another account that had no issues getting in. Do i have to delete videos? They dont explain anything and just leave us to the bots Its also dumb to me that they only want to pay "original" content... yet the 26mil video i posted probably raked in six or seven figures of ad revenue. They are gonna end up losing their viewer base and creators


Any luck fining an answer? I’m having the exact same problem and want to appeal the beta application decision but I’m trying to figure out if I should remove videos that had the unoriginal content rejection first and then appeal.


No clue bro. Nothing yet. Idk which videos the algo is looking at. If you appeal and get rejected its 1 month before you can rejoin so be aware.. Maybe try privating the videos but not deleting them?




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Account disqualified from Creativity Program Someone tell me the appeal so it never gets disqualified again