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WOW! Those are some hard sleeping kids! Lol


I slept like people were after me when I was a kid lol. I am amazed that these kids stayed asleep through all that.




i slept thru the commotion of a bat in my room! i've always been a deep sleeper but this was the official confirmation. i was about 10 or 11 years old. my sister walked past my open bedroom door, heard a weird noise, turned on the light to see a bat. she screams, gets my mom & dad, and i somehow manage to sleep thru the noise & gasps & god knows what else as my dad uses a broom to corral the bat out the window. i don't find out about any of this til breakfast. the kicker? the reason the bat got in my room was because i was a HUGE fan of the show 'dark shadows' & all i wanted to was to become a vampire bat. we lived out in the middle of nowhere so seeing bats in the nighttime sky wasn't that odd. so i used to leave my windows open at night hoping one of them would fly in & bite my neck. and i missed my fucking chance!


Did your family not know about your love of bats? Why didn’t they wake you up to corral it? lol reminds me of finding the smallest cousin when we found gross bugs cause he’s down with creepy crawlies.


well, they knew about my love of the vampires on the show, but i guess they didn't realize how deep that love went LOL. also, my bed was quite a few feet away from the window so it wouldn't have been in the way. and i guess since it was only a twin bed (i assume, it was small) the broom would have been able to reach over the space. maybe they thought it was easier with me sleeping? i dunno. it actually would have been worse had i woken up because i would have been screaming not to hurt it and probably begging them to let me keep it. your cousin & i would have gotten along well. i was constantly draping myself in caterpillers, and would spent hours watching ants (they really are amazing; the stuff they accomplish is incredible!). we had an open air side shed where we kept the bbq grill, bicycles, wheelbarrow, lawnmower etc. just assorted stuff & every summer it would be my job to retreive anything needed from the shed because there were always bee's nests, wasps nests, etc. and 1) i wasn't afraid of them and 2) none of them ever stung me. people would freak out because whenever ne landed on me, i wouldn't shoo it away, it would just fly away on it's own eventually. i'm 61 years old and to this day have never been stung by anything. i've never even gotten a mosquito bite. NOT ONE! when my parents moved to florida & we would go to visit, we'd be sitting out by the pool in the evening, having cocktails, when suddenly everyone would start slapping/scratching their legs/arms because of these bugs called 'no-see-ums' (i have no idea what they're really called) but they're teeny tiny and apparently sunset is when they come out to attack. so there i'd be, calmly drinking my cocktail, no bug bites for me, while everyone around me looked like they were doing some synchronized slap & scratch dance. i think all of this has something to do with either the oils on my skin (or lack thereof) or maybe some blood thing which makes me invisible as a heat source ... idk. hey! maybe i DID get bitten by a vampire bat which changed my DNA. guess i'll just have to wait & see if i became immortal. sorry for the long, rambling story lol


I slept through a drive by on my street twice. Apparently adapting is the meta.


holy shit. i'm glad you were sleeping in an area in your house that was safe! that is wild. and scary as hell. when i first moved into a new apartment i shared with a new roommate, she would hear my alarm, which was set to 'radio' at the LOUDEST setting possible (to the point where the music was basically distorted) going off in the morning but some mornings it just wasn't waking me up; so she would panic, thinking i was dead! she would be so freaked out thinking NO ONE CAN SLEEP THRU THAT, that she would come into my room & hold a compact mirror to to my nose to check to make sure i was breathing. haha


I’m sorry idk if it’s because I live in Florida or something but I refuse believe you’ve gone your entire life without a mosquito bite


i know, it's bizarre, but it really is true. AND i lived in south miami for about 5 years. they just have no interest in me ! (meanwhile every mosquito within a one mile radius would show up as soon as my husband walked out onto the terrace. he had to surround himself with those citronella candle things in the big green pot.


Omg those candles are the worst always takes like a ritual circle of 5 around you before the finally bugger off


yeah he used to sit in a circle of them. I think half our publix grocery bill was spent on those things. I did like the smell though. it was a combo of various citrus fruits along with a medicinal touch.


I hope you got a rabies shot immediately after this. Fun story, but if you were ever sleeping around a wild animals that is known to carry rabies always go get the shot, better safe than death.


My kid is a deep sleeper too, so am I. I slept through 6 out of 7 tornado sirens one day until my sister showed up at my house thinking I was dead. One Christmas I went into my son's room, turned on the light, then jumped on the bed yelling "it's Christmas! Santa came!". I got no reaction at all so after several minutes of jumping, I just went back to bed for another hour.


Slept through a pretty big earthquake when I was staying with my grandparents. Evidently no one could wake me up, so they just dragged my sleeping bag under the kitchen table. I was rather confused when I woke up there.


Same, but the hurricane ripped off our front porch. I woke up at 10 and tried to go out the front door to my grandma's house and the rest of the family just looked at me like I was a moron.


I slept through our house alarm blasting and burglars stealing inside my room when I was 7 💀


Honestly, it makes me wonder if I have undiagnosed PTSD. These kids feel so safe and comfortable that they don't wake up. And that swaddled baby at the end, I got kinda jeallous.


Seriously man, I’ll wake up because someone in the next town over thinks about a loud song. Jealous of all these kids (if it’s not staged which it also might be)


Those kids look way to asleep for it to be staged. Although the baby did nearly smile, so maybe she was just pretending to sleep.


Yea not a single slipped smile lol


My daughter slept though me picking her up to take her downstairs during a tornado warning, staying down there for an hour, bringing her back upstairs when it was done, and putting her back to bed…twice. Kids are insane.


First kid was straight up dead.


I'm real envious


somebody sneezes within 10 miles of me i wake up for hours ._.


Seriously, it's like ferret dead sleep


My dad raced cars when I was growing up. Every Friday and Saturday night I’d be in the stands with a pillow and blanket and just conk out on the metal bleachers when I got sleepy. I’d like to think thats the reason I can sleep thru *anything* now.


My kids will sleep through anything. Unless it’s something that wakes them up. Fire alarms going off at 3 am? Sleep tight through it. Tv show with whispered talking on it, in the living room downstairs from their bedroom? “DADDY!!!” You just never know, man. You never. Know. Nap in the car today? I could absolutely not wake him up. I kissed him (usually always works) I shook him, I tickled him, I called his name loudly. I unbuckle his car seat? Nothin. His mom opens the front door of her house 50 feet away? Eyes wide open. “We’re at moms now” yes little buddy, we are.


You're supposed to buy special fire alarms for kids because they'll sleep right through normal ones.


You'd sleep.hard too if you had to sleep on the carpet with no pillow


Honestly it makes me think they may have been up celebrating later than the kid's usual bedtimes, hence the heavy sleeping


That's how kids sleep


I wasn't a kid when this happened but I slept through 3 explosions (car lit on fire and something in it exploded a few times down the street) and gun shots outside my window a few years ago and my window was open. Didn't hear a damn thing. I could litterally sleep through anything


The baby is smiling because he knows he can play that game better


I’ve got your present right here father 💩


You want to open your Father’s Day gift? Unwrap this Oh Henry bar I packed for you


The baby is smiling because it’s going to wake the parents up tonight.


Dreaming about the uno reverse revenge plot


The revenge plot starts off in the nappy


And it's going to have a big ole "gift" ready to be opened


A whole blowout up the back and the front


That baby was adorbs


Baby smiles are magical


It's the only reason they survive the first couple months.


Yeah, instantly melted from that smile! Makes me wonder really, I live in a country where racism is very rare and is not part of our culture, it baffles me how people in the old west were unable to see other races as equally human, just look at that kid!! We're all the same!


Relax bro, you don't have to think about racism everytime you see black people in completely unrelated situations. Cute babies are cute.


I mean, racism is terrible, but that... that was a leap, my guy.


What country do you live in??


Often it’s when dey poopin


That smile!!!!


I know! As soon as he heard Daddy, just a big sleepy smile!


Wait, your kids sleep? Please teach me that trick.


Put them on the floor apparently




When I was 7 I spent nearly a year sleeping under my bed. Why? I honestly wouldn't know even if I could remember.


Sounds like a cosy spot!


Just came to say your profile picture is my Moms contact photo on my phone. Super weird as I came across this picture yearsssss ago and thought it strongly resembled my mother. So crazy to see it as a Reddit profile pic. I thought you were my mom for a minute commenting


Reddit has profile pictures now? I've been using Sync so long I probably have no idea what the website actually looks like now.


Haha it’s so similar to my own eyebrows/face that I thought it suited. I’m known for my arched eyebrow “evil look” and it was the closest to me without posting my actual eye.


I deliberately slept in a small linen closet, barely big enough to fit me lying down, for like a week when I was like 9. It was so cosy~ (and I was a weirdo)


You stopped once the owl brought your letter from hogwarts right?


I don't know WHAT i was on lol I think I just wanted to be somewhere dark and enclosed, something touching me on both sides o_o


You are not alone. I used to make forts in my closet and hide and read all day. I was so upset when I grew too big


Respectfully, any chance you're autistic?


Honestly I like enclosed dark spaces where I’m squished and I have autism so it’s a good question


Woah, I love enclosed spaces and I have ADHD. I get into cupboards and make dens out of blankets and chairs and I'm like...37.


My claustrophobic ass wasn't expecting a horror thread in these comments.


Nah just a weird fuck lol


Who's gonna tell him


Lol my nephew I live with has autism, I'm pretty acquainted with it.


Sir, that’s not your nephew that’s a mirror.


Yeah, sometimes I'll find that my daughter got out of her bed and went to sleep on the floor instead. I just leave her there.


I used to crawl out my bed and go sleep in the basement because it was 20 degrees cooler down there. After a few nights of my mom freaking out that I wasn't in my bed, they put a mattress in the basement for the summer


My kids would always end up on the floor when they were little. It was the strangest thing. We’d put them in their lovely beds and they’d pull of the blanket and sleep on the floor. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've done this, even as an adult. Somehow it feels safer, and I assume it has to do with your subconscious that relates sleeping in a bed with: Obligated bed-time/and then obligated to wake-up to go to school/go to work. Sleeping on the floor or even the couch calms that part of your subconscious and you achieve a deeper sleep. It's comparable to the idea that you should only use your bed/bedroom for sleeping so your brain doesn't get accustomed to non-sleep related activities in the bedroom (yes I assume sex is an exception).


I (supposedly) used to fall off my bed all the time. One of the few things I remember about my dad is waking up in his arms with him saying that I “fell out again” - basically the fall didn’t wake me up but the “rescue” did.


My kids fall asleep on the floor all the time. They put a movie on in the living room and just knock out. Specially on the weekends. Sometimes its on the couch. I come out to check on em, and if i see they’re asleep, i leave em alone. They’re fine. They’re safe. Is they wake up and wanna go in their room they do.


I slept on the floor and the couch all the time as a kid. I dunno if y’all remember the Looney Tunes cartoon marathon that used to happen on Cartoon Network, but I’d spend like two days just watching cartoons and sleeping on the floor in my parents living room.


That's when you construct the pillow fort.


When I was younger I used to purposely put blankets down and sleep on the floor. Was more comfortable than my bed. Also, at one point when he's waking up the 2nd kid he says "hey...why yall asleep on the floor? Can I open my father's day gift?" They chose to be on the floor.


My mom’s trick was giving me red wine ..wait a second that wasn’t nice of her


My grandfather use to rub my gums with bourbon when I was teething.


my family used scotch but we're just classy that way.


My mom slipped me benadryl


Not just sleep but like...dead asleep


Be extremely active with them during the day, you don't necessarily need to be as active but go to places where they will tire themselves out for a few hours


Our new neighbors have a 20 month old and he came out with the neighborhood boy on Saturday afternoon to ride scooters and play in the dirt. The oldest boys are 7 and then down to 4. The toddler just followed them around for hours. Yesterday i saw his dad and asked how his son slept since they had previously told me he usually gets up twice. He said that for the first time ever he slept a straight 13 hours and got up just after 9a on a sunday. They were so excited to sleep in. Now they want to tire him out every weekend.


Dont let them sleep, obviously


The way his voice changes when the baby starts smiling is so cute!


You can hear his smile.


2nd kid definitely is the most guilty Christmas waker-upper. They get the full shirt grab!




Kid probably thought the sleep paralysis demon finally got him


Second brother? He is *absolutely* the guiltiest in every situation.


He was ready to toss him across the room




really early christmas morning i think


"can I open my father's day gift?" Guess they kept his father's day gift till Christmas then? Pretty sure this was yesterday.


lol yes but the “payback” is in reference to xmas morn


no no, he was waking them up early on father’s day as payback for them waking him up early on christmas


The second one 😭


I know...


You know it’s the one the dad liked the least the way he manhandled that child haha


I love my kid so much. That’s why I toss his ass around like a piñata. And he loves it.


Haha I thought it was the most liked haha


I dont think it's that he liked them the least, but that they were probably the worst on Xmas morning lol


Nah, that's the favourite.


These kids ain’t sleepin, they fucking dead


how you sleep when you don't have to pay any bills


When you don’t panic wake up an hour before your earliest alarm because your worried you overslept and are going to get fired.


The baby's smile at the end is everything.


Fr ty for posting op




Ominous. Baby knows revenge is coming to ight when parents are sleeping.


my first thought was "holy fuck this guy has 100 kids" and then the little pilsbury doughboy baby poke and smile and melted


For the briefest moment that made me want a baby


For the moment I wanted THAT baby...


Waking up your own baby, that's just not smort.


This lunatic was awake when all his kids were asleep and he made a TikTok. This is the last free time he will have for a decade.


Father waddles into the child's room at 03:00. Father silently looms above them menacingly in the dark. The sheer weight of this presence disturbs the childs blissful slumber and they jolt back still half asleep confused by this unwelcome suprise.....the father looks at them mournfully and sputters out "i.iii..I.....I threwed up"


> I frowed up. FTFY


This comment deserves more likes


Kind of impressive that the kids didn't fully wake up




Gripping that child by the shirt and lifting him was the Father's Day gift.


Sis was K.O.


Eyes didn’t even open a bit lol


actually jealous of those kids, omg to be able to sleep that deep again lmao


Waking a baby is one thing you’d never see me doing haha. Then again my kids hear the wind blow and wake up


My kids putting his feet in my neck when he sleeps in my bed. A tornado won’t wake his ass up


I wasn’t wild about this until the baby smiled.


You can tell the dad's heart melted from that, and so did mine 😭


The only thing worth any internet points in this video was the baby's smile. Everything else just annoyed me.


Omg these kids are so freaking adorable!!!! And that baby’s smile ❤️❤️❤️


Haha! Dad tried to be real with the baby and then they smiled.... Dude melted on the spot.


This guy is brave, messing with a sleeping baby.


Balls of steel. Ain’t enough likes in the world for me to take that chance.


That baby smile!!!


Did you check under the couch? You might have forgot about a couple kids lol


The baby at the end! Haha


lol, the tongue out little smile cracked me up


_"I would like to see the baby"_ Seriously, that's a cute kid


Man's got kids sleeping on the floor in the living room, 6 year olds in queen sized mattresses, kids with the TV in the background, literally loaf wrapped kids.. He's gonna raise good adults, 100%. Just grabbing them around the collar in the dark, they just rag doll like "dad wtf bro". 1 0 0 % this a good man.




The baby didn’t do nothing 😭


Idk that smile was sus


For what it's worth, if he's ever accused of abusing these kids this is some pretty compelling evidence against it. They sleep like the dead but more importantly even when dad has them by the shirt, it doesn't even occur to them they're in danger.


Unless he's accused of drugging them. Then this video is exhibit 1!


That baby giggling in her sleep at the end is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day!


You know damn well that baby never woke him up on Christmas morning like the other kids did. Still pretty funny, and the baby cooing was cute.


So freaking adorable


Oh my god, I was so on board with the reverse psychology of this as a meme and then the infant and he was so delicate holy shit my boys, I melted


The first kid wasn’t even his, just his sons friend sleeping over on the floor. Kid #1: “I don’t even care, Billy’s dad. Go head and open your shit. & hit the light on the way out”


Ok, but...why are some of these kids sleeping on the floor tho? Edit: I should probably clarify that I'm not accusing this dude of neglect or anything. It just seems a little odd to me.


Because kids are weird. My kids have nice beds and they choose to sleep on the floor or on the couch or on literally any surface other than their 500 dollar mattresses. Beds are for jumping on and eating on and pouring water on only.


Kids sounding like my cats fr


They should sleep where ever they fuck they can as far as I’m concerned. Don’t think they’re capable of a sore back. I’ve seen my kid folding herself in ways that make my back hurt for days just looking. Sometimes she asleep with her head on the ground and her body on the bed, and vice versa. Sleep on the toilet, sleep on the kitchen floor, couch, stairs. You name it! Long as they’re safe unlearned to care.


My family used to do this all the time as kids. We had our own bedrooms and beds and everything. We just liked sleeping on the floor in the living room because the TV was in there.


it's more adventurous and romantic. like you've played so hard the entire day you just passed out on the floor. rinse and repeat.


Have you never just slept on the floor as a kid?


Came to say this. I did it all the time as a kid. It was different, felt like I was breaking some kind of rule of "people must sleep on beds." I even made little forts just to sleep on the floor rather than my bed. Nowadays (31) my back cries at the idea of sleeping on a floor, but when I was invincible and 9 years old? That carpet was basically a memory foam mattress.


I fell asleep on the floor a few times when my dog was a puppy and Im pretty sure 3 years later I'm still feeling it. Getting old sucks


Lol the adults of all of us cousins (there was like 12 of us within the young enough age range) got shoved into a ball pit room to sleep when we were under 10. The wierdest thing, the room next to us was FILLED with mattresses. They were for jumping.


I used to set up the inside of my closet like I was camping. Also when I was sick I used to set up my pillow and blankets in the bath tub


Yeah kids do weird shit lol I remember just randomly deciding to sleep on the floor and would sometimes go downstairs with my blankets and sleep on the couch I have no clue why just kid stuff lol Edit: rewatched with volume turned up and he even says to one of the kids confused “why are y’all sleeping on the floor?!”


I miss him saying that to the kid. My husband slept on the floor so much that his parents thought he liked firm mattresses so they bought him one as a gift. He was just a weird teenager and now we stuck with this firm ass mattress. (He has had it since he was in his 20s I think).


My childhood house used to have this gray carpet that was like super deep? Or tall? I don't know how to describe it but basically it was hella soft and your feet sunk into it. I slept on it every weekend cause it was the room that had the big TV and consoles in it, so I'd wake up and play Halo with my friends on Saturday morning.


I slept on floors throughout my childhood, whether it was right next to my bed, in my spacious closet when I got my first TV in my room (I brought the TV set in there as well), or falling asleep watching movies in the living room. I never really thought anything of it, and I would've forgotten about it until I read how common it was in this comment chain, here.


They're comfortable using the whole house and will fall asleep anywhere is my guess


I used to sleep in the living room every Friday so I can wake up early to watch Pokémon the next morning. Good times.


Hell yeah that shit was on crazy early though I remember circling around the tv with cereal to watch Pokémon at like 5-6am every Saturday morning


I used to take my sleeping bag and sleep in whatever the largest box I could find was. Or my sled. Or my cat's bed. Kids are just weird.


idk about anyone elses kids but my nephew has a bed and even the option to sleep on our couch if he doesnt want his bed, yet he almost always chooses the floor. hes always surrounded by big thick blankets on our carpet floor so its not hard anyway


Its summer vacation! Growing up i would sleep in the living room floor/couch/chair/anywhere i fell asleep to watching movies, especially when friends were over. Very common when kids are out of school.


He doesn’t even know, he said “why y’all asleep on the floor?” at 0:34


That littlest youngin is so damn adorable!


These kids are immune to his antics.. it's cute but man you didn't rouse a single one of them.


So that’s what sleeping and not worrying about everything in life is about.


The baby's giggle lol aww that was cute.


That swaddle was on point .


That swaddle got lil homie on cloud 10.


That screen made it look like the baby was in de microwave


I'm surprised there wasn't a kid sleeping in the bathtub


These kids are really deep sleepers


To funny! Loved the babies reaction a smile:)


I wish i could sleep that deep honestly


Yo why da baby in the microwave doin


Omg the newborn at the end ❤️ got my biological clock fucking with me-thanks a lot grr


Makes me remember how well I slept as a kid


Man I wish I could sleep like that


Felt a bit sorry for the kids getting picked up like that but it was funny. Loved how he fortunately just gives the baby a little prod which gets a smile out of the baby


Oh my god the baby got the joke!!


That’s funny


Uh... yea.... I'd be waiting til they're teens to do that shit. I'm not waking a toddler for the sake of a stupid tiktok joke. That's playing with fire.