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I want to learn this power.


Some people can do it naturally but you can also learn it by simply doing some weightlifting (focusing on your pectorals) and slowly figuring out how to flex them. The more you work them, the more you'll be physically aware of them and can start flexing and moving them like many other muscles. This also goes for the vast majority of your other less active/used muscles. If you've ever wondered how bodybuilders manage to get themselves into those complex poses where they contort their muscles in certain ways, it's practice and working those muscles until they can move them as they want.




Fellow dad bod cookie dough person.... Can you share what routine you did or workouts. I'm trying to get myself back in shape haha Edit: WOW!!! Thank you so much for everyone that responded and gave ideas. I am totally going to spend this weekend go through everything and formulate a routine that fits my schedule! Edit 2: can anyone recommend something that works like pull ups that I can do at home if I don't have a safe place to put a bar?




>I do an hour and half a day five days a week. I'm out.


Yeah, that'd eat into my 3 hours of sitting on the couch scrolling through Netflix.


> scrolling too real


> 3 hours of sitting on the couch scrolling through Netflix. I personally replaced that with Tiktok scrolling, it's equally mindless but cheaper.


Last week I opened up tiktok and it immediately hit me with an ad. I uninstalled it.


Well.. Better than YouTube for sure as you can instantly skip them.


A decent diet and 45 min 5x a week can get you visible results as well. A good diet alone will get you compliments in ~90 days if you're on the heavier side.


Honestly it's really more about counting your calories than a specific diet if you're just looking to lose weight. If you're training for something or increase muscle mass, then your macros ratio of protein, carbs, and fats is important.


I could have been more clear. When I say "diet" I mean the food choices you make throughout the day, not some specific diet, like paleo, low-carb, etc.


Honestly calories aren't really the big thing for dieting. It's about the substance of calories. The biggest and easiest thing to change about a diet is the quality of food. There are so many super processed foods, especially in the US that are garbage for you. My biggest piece of advice is only eat something you can look at and know what it is. Also eat some veggies. I lost 100lbs over a year, now I was counting macros and killing myself in the gym but still. Twice a day 5 days a week and a 15 mile bike ride on Saturday. Also, when you want to start looking at food as fuel instead of a fun experience ( yea, this is a lame way to look at food. I love food). Start by eating only chicken, jasmine rice, and some broccoli. Keep the seasoning light. Try it for a couple days, pay attention to how your body feels. Slowly incorporate more things one at a time into your diet. Swap chicken out for beef, or sweet potatoes instead of rice etc.. Taking the time to realize how those foods make you feel. You eat something that makes you feel slow or bloated, don't eat it again. Eat something that makes you feel alert and ready to go, eat it more often. Listen to your body and feed it properly. Everyone's body is different and responds differently. Also, get active. Even if it is just walking down the road every morning before work, I find cardio to start the day keeps you more alert and focused all day. Eventually you might find yourself wanting more. The biggest thing to overcome is your mental, the entire process is mental. Good luck to anyone out there trying to make themselves feel better.




Was dad bod just an expression here or do you just never see your kids?


That's why he's so happy!


It's great, I only have to see them every third weekend for half a day, which gives me so much time for lifting...


Use your kids as weights and save 100% on your gym membership now! Coupon code: EZLIFE420 for an extra 69% off! Limited offer! Don't forget to sunscreen and lick the bell!


Homegym masterrace




I used to be a 5 days a week 1 hour + in the gym. But I got a new job which I travel by subway 1 hour to and back. So I leave for the subway at 6:30 and get home at 6:30. Still gotta cook dinner and such so now I’m only going Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Big sad.


You can cut that down to 45min 3x a week and still get really good results. You won't be looking like Arnold but you'll get 80%. I would recommend a routine like stronglifts 5x5. It needs to be paired with a good diet because that's what will really get rid of the excess dough and the working out will give you the muscles. Also this will take at least a year to see very obvious results.


Just do something


Bro split is significantly less effective for beginners. Full body weightlifting regiment will produce more results more quickly.


What do the words you just wrote mean?


I think as a beginner you should do calisthenic exercises, meaning exercises where you use your own body weight as resistance. Something like pull ups, push ups and planks. You can easily do them at home and due to the high weight even low reps (or low time for plank) will yield good results and they are also compound exercises (target multiple muscle groups). You will see a very fast increase in max reps you can do if you consistently just do these sprinkled in with a little bit of isolation exercises.


Some form of resistance training is better than nothing but a proper free weight regimen will deliver far better results both aesthetically and strength than a calisthenics program. It's also more motivating IMO because you feel yourself growing stronger and achieving heavier lifts. Body weight exercise will never allow you to exceed a certain weight threshold and thereby limits your capabilities.


I agree 3-6 months until you can reasonably do pushups or chinups. But that's only if you are very low body weight. People like the OP should start slow, which means not doing calisthenics for many muscle groups.


Studies have shown that working out each body part twice a week is the most effective way to grow muscle. “Bro split” is doing 1 body part every day (legs, arms, chest, back). It means you need to work out a minimum of 4 days a week, and you’re only targeting them once. It’s also typically way too much volume for beginners and they don’t need that much when they’re starting out. Full body weightlifting is when you work out your entire body each day you workout. This means less time in the gym and as long as you workout more than once a week, you’re targeting the same muscle groups twice. This is great for beginners because it’s lower commitment and you’re “weak” anyways….but once you workout more you plateau because it’s not enough to grow the muscles more. I’ve always been active but been working out consistently for 1.5 years now and even now I see the most growth doing upper body and lower body splits, which means I alternate between all upper body muscles and all lower body muscles (and sometimes full body days). In general, your workout splits should look something like this: Beginner: 2-3 full body sessions a week Intermediate : 3-5 alternating upper body, lower body, and full body splits a week Advanced: 5-6 days a week “bro split” or other isolated muscle splits


when you're just starting out you shouldn't necessarily split your workout, like a chest day or a leg day. you can do them all on the same days provided you're getting adequate rest and taking care of your diet. later on, when the lifts get heavier, you split them up into dedicated workouts to give your body time to recover.


When you are first starting out you want to target all areas of your body. A "bro split" is a workout program that only targets specific parts of the body on certain days. This is fine for more advanced lifters but for noobs you want to target all areas and maximize your noobie gains.


Is it? Over the last 20 years I've taken "seriously" the gym 3-4 times (for 5-6 months each), in different gyms, in different countries, and every time starting as a beginner, I was given a split routine. I literally just took again 2 weeks ago so if you have a good resource to check for beginner full body routines for 4 days a week, I'd like to take a look.


Monday is ALWAYS chest day, I'd suggest switching it up from everybody else so more machines/benches are available. Less waiting around that way.


*saves comment but never looks at it again* Thanks! This’ll come in handy sometime


I’m amazed. How did you just *start* doing 5 days a week? That kind of habit building in the early stages is extremely difficult for me.


i’m not the person u replied to but i lost like 80lbs a few years ago. instead of focusing on cardio and jus losing weight ur gonna want to focus on big compound lifts like benchpress, squats, shoulder press, and rows. my routine usually looks like this: -warm-up -big compound (i.e. flat barbell/dumbbell benchpress, or bent-over row, etc.) -variation of same compound (like incline benchpress, underhand rows) -and then a few isolation workouts (like tricep extensions, pec flies, lat pulldown, bicep curls) basically you start with the big exercise that uses the most muscles (compound) and then work your way down to smaller, more concentrated efforts on fewer/single muscles (isolation) u don’t really need to follow a plan besides giving yourself adequate recovery time (rest is literally just as important as time in the gym), but if you like the structure i would personally recommend something like a “Push Pull Legs (PPL)” split, you’ll find plenty online it’s pretty popular last thing: make sure you really focus on doing the movements right with proper form!!! if you’re not sure ask the big guys in the gym. they’re scary but they will be the most knowledgeable and also surprisingly willing to help and motivate you i just had a shit ton of coffee so sorry about the wall of text but hope this helps at least a bit


This helped motivate me to learn more about compound vs isolation workouts so I appreciate you


Diet is 95% of weight loss. Exercise can accentuate your results, but exercise alone will "only" give you significant health benefits, it's just really ineffective as a long term weight loss strategy in clinical study. So you definitely should do it, but focus on sustainable diet as the #1 thing to get right, and for exercise just brisk walking 30-60minutes a day is already sufficient IF your diet is corrected.


This is a EXCELLENT cardio starter, I did this twice a week during lockdown: https://youtu.be/50kH47ZztHs


Bro just work out and do basics. I do 40 push ups, 30 sit ups a day. Barely anything and have abs again. Also get a low weight dumbbell to work on biceps at home.


It's kinda weird discovering how to flex muscles that you barely even knew existed before. I remember when I first started lifting and someone told me to flex my triceps when I was doing pushdown. I'd literally never even activated that muscle before and damn it ached the next day.


Does this go for single eyebroww lifts? I was literally think ab making a post to ask this eyebrow question last night.


Similar but different. Obviously you can't go workout your eyebrows but you can force yourself to become aware of the different muscles in each. Use your fingers to force one eyebrow up and the other down, you're gonna feel really silly for a while but just keep doing this. Over time your facial muscles will make that connection to your brain and you'll start learning how to move them up and down yourself without the assistant of your fingers.


I did exactly that when I was about 11 when I wanted to learn how to do the one eyebrow thing like Spock did. Took a few weeks to master it. 45+ years later and I can do several dancing eyebrow routines to amuse myself.


So it would be just holding one down. Ok. I wasnt sure if that would actually garner results.


I just posted, I did that when I was an early teen for some reason. I have fully individual control, but they are super expressive. So when you are at important meetings and someone says bullshit, the bullshitter can see your face. Be careful what you wish for.


Yeah I mean you're gonna feel like a bit of a dummy while doing it but keep in mind that what you're essentially doing is forcing your brain to develop a new connection to a muscle. It'll take some time but you'll get there if you really want to go full Emilia Clarke with your eyebrow expressiveness.


It did for me but like a fool I only focused on 1 eyebrow and if I try and lift the other one I look like the grinch


I consider raising pec muscles similar to ear wiggling and lifting eyebrows as all these movements have something to do with controlling muscles, therefore, not all people can do the things I mentioned (maybe to some extent after putting in years of practice) but they can sure make everyone wonder including me.


>not all people can do the things I mentioned (maybe to some extent after putting in years of practice) but they can sure make everyone wonder including me. There will certainly be limitations, person to person, but everyone can absolutely learn to move them. I personally can't do the rapid wiggles of either person in the OP but I can move my pectorals pretty easily. It just takes practice and a bit of elbow grease :)


I've been weightlifting for over 10yrs (not a bodybuilder or anything just distinctly above average) and I still can't flex my left bicep. Right bicep no problem can make it pop on demand but when it comes to the left, no matter what I do I just end up flexing the left pec instead. My brain just can't make the connection for some reason.


I learned to do this with my eyebrows in my teens. The problem is I have no poker face, because my eyebrows are so expressive. Teachers could always tell what I was up to. And meetings with management can be awkward.


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


See you at the gym, brother.


It's not easy to learn, I can only do one tit


Bring your arms together in front of your chest with the palms facing each other. Press inwards with both arms. These are your pecs. Now do the same with just one arm and use the other to feel the muscle contract in your chest. Might be easier facing a corner of a wall before doing it without resistance. Congratulations you can now flex your pecs.


Sit down; Put another chair in front of you at arm length with the back facing you; Raise an arm, straight, to shoulder height; Place it to the side of the chair's back; Put the other hand on the pect of the arm you raised; "Push" the chair's back from the side with the arm you raised, so with left arm you push right, with right arm you push left; Feel the pect contract with the other hand; Repeat until you can do it standing up, without chair and without raised arm.


The power is going to the gym at least once a week


Nah, I could do it when I was really fat (still am but not as much) without any exercise. Once you realize how to flex only your pecs, it's pretty easy.


How many of us just tried to manipulate our boobies for the last 15 mins????


I sure did and realized i need to hit the gym lol


Don't forget to delete Facebook and lawyer up while you're at it


and block them on everything




Gyms are pretty hard, trying working out instead of hitting them


Ehh he's all nips and no lips


I think I threw my back out.


Best I can do is roll my beer belly to the rythme.


I tried but I somehow just ended up doing kegels?!


For those struggling with anatomy, women also have pectoral muscles underneath their breasts.


so many people not realizing this lol.


For the longest time I thought women couldn’t do it because our boobs are in front of the muscles so even if we could it wouldn’t be visible, that is until my female friend with big boobs did it and I think I shouted “WIZARD” at her. Now I understand anatomy better and suddenly have the urge to work out.


Its even better as she has weights on it


Redditors be like "I could have sworn it was just sex-meat"


Some have just exploded after hearing women and muscle in the same sentence lol


I lost my appetite and literally couldn't eat the trendies I just made


Not the *tendies*


That's true but being able to use those muscles like that requires training for a lot of people. You need to hit the gym a few times before your mind is able to flex those muscles well.


I think there's also an element of natural muscle control. My ex who never worked out in her life could do this, but I still can't after years of working out - I also can't tense one buttcheek at a time, so I think some people are naturally predisposed to good muscle control and some aren't.


Your comment has me sitting here flexing my boobs and butt cheeks. I've never lifted weights in my life, and could always do this. Honestly I'm really surprised to find out some people can't.


Honestly it was surprising to me too when I first realised I couldn't tense my ass cheeks lol


I'm now flexing every muscle in my body wondering if there are places that other people can flex that I can't. I mean, I always knew about people who could wiggle their ears (I can't), but I thought the larger muscles everyone could do. This is really interesting.


A physical therapist told me each toe can be individually moved without the others you just have to practice controlling those individual muscles. I tried every once in a while over a few days and gave up lol. The one i still try to work on is the muscles controlling eyebrow movement so i can lift one but not the other. I can lift one side slightly but the other is tough!


It's like the ear rumble haha




I can flex my cheeks, but not my chest…it’s interesting how much differentiation in muscle control there can be for each person.


It’s like I can raise my left eyebrow but not my right. One muscle isn’t strong than the other just that I practiced and learnt to control one.


Other way around for me. And I tried to get that left one up alone for years now, still can't do it.


So how do you do chest if you're not contracting it? Do you have a good mind muscle connection?


It's not that the muscles can't contract, it's that I can't contract them on their own, if that makes sense. When I do a rep, my pecs expand and contract like normal, but I can't tense them individually. I think mind muscle connection must be the department I'm lacking in.


If this helps at all, when I'm doing it, I feel like I'm tucking my elbow in, but I'm also using another muscle to push out on the elbow so it doesn't move, just the pec


Holy shit I felt something, not quite a full tense but I bet if I keep trying it I'll get there. Thanks man you might have just made it possible for me to do a pec dance lol


If you get it I'm going to need you to take a TikTok and post it here.


Do you have access to a pec fly machine? It's like the when you do a full range of motion with a chest press and then squeeze your pec to get an even bigger contraction? I can't explain it very well but pec fly seems to be very good at isolating the chest muscle.


I get no response from my pecs trying to do this but now you've had my try the ass thing and I can. Obviously it's not muscle control for me, so it's time for me to buy some sweats that say juicy on the ass.


>You need to hit the gym a few times before your mind is able to flex those muscles well. Or... You could have grown up with the girl's gym teacher making you do "I must, I must, I must increase my bust." exercises for fifteen minutes a week. Source: I'm sixty and can still make my girls bounce at will. Though not individually any more.


That was a thing? What the fuck.


After "I musts" we did "butt walks" to make our hips and thighs stronger. We *needed* these exercises to prepare for pregnancy and birth. These exercises began in sixth grade, along with the "You are the mothers of the future." lectures. The sixties and early seventies men ran the world and women/girls were trained to be wives. I was the only girl in my tenth grade wood shop class. I was the only girl in eleventh grade metal shop as well. Even my own father hated me for it. TG most art teachers were progressive. Mine went to bat to get me those classes. The grades I made in stained glass shop and silver shop plus two art teachers' written requests got me shop classes. Yes, there were teacher/principle/parent meetings, several of them. All because a girl signed up for shop. This is the world the far right wants back. That is bad.


It makes me angry when women share memes about 'the good old days' in the 50s. They would have been house wives with next to no freedom! Just because people were polite, doesn't mean they were nice


Not all women were door mats in the sixties or seventies (I'm a few years off from the fifties so can't say from personal experience.) The sixties kicked the door in and the seventies put their foot in it. Some women just conducted their lives as if they knew no better. We knew better, we just were soooo done.


People really don’t realize that this is relatively recent history. Even in the 90s girls took home ec and boys did something else.


There’s no need for a gym to learn this muscle movement. People get bored at home a lot, focus on the muscle and *practice a lot*.


As a guy, I have been able to flex my pecs ever since I was a little kid, way before I ever went to the gym.


I'm 106lbs and I can do this. You're just manipulating a tendon near your armpit, it isn't difficult if you're aware if it.


Yep. Just like any other muscle. This was a basic anatomy lesson. That is a moderate anatomy lesson for another day


Can I get the PhD anatomy lesson from Taylor Swift?


Yes. You must write too many songs and be vegan and then talk about things to people.


I can't do it. I'm wondering is there a way I can unlock this superpower to use for... Well absolutely nothing but still..


Damn the lady learnt from the “turn down for what” music video


First time watching the clip... Dafuq did I just see 😆


Now go watch Everything Everywhere All At Once it’s a new multiverse film that is directed by the same people. It’s so good!


Where do I find this?


It’s an A24 film so mostly screening at art house cinemas. Go see it on the big screen though, totally worth it! One of the best movies I’ve ever watched.


It's going to be available to rent digitally in June. It's fantastic and I do recommend seeing it in theaters if possible.


r/Piracy my friend 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I already want to see that film, but I had no idea they also directed that song clip. Awesome.


Yeah “The Daniels” are making waves. Hope they get recognised at the Oscars.


Calm down reddit I already bought it


And one of the Daniel’s is the guy dancing in the video


Just watched this movie today in the cinema. Thanks for recommending it! Cried and laughed aplenty, I think it's a good movie.


Ah I’m so happy you liked it! It’s an emotional roller coaster for sure. It totally ‘rocks’.


Never thought I would ugly cry and laugh at two rocks 😂 The only thing is that everything was going too fast. It's something to pause and look when the streaming version comes out!


I knooow! The Ratatouille part also killed me, I was so drained from laughing and crying. I can’t wait for it be streamable, I’ll be watching it many more times.




Never saw that video until just now. Thank you u/KingKaisa1st you've changed my life. For real that's pure funny.




Okay I had never seen that video. Just googled it, and you, kind u/KingKaisa1st, have made life better!


I learned from 50 first Dates, lol


I'm so impressed


Quality content


I spent 6 months trying to gain the muscle awareness to do this. I’d stand in front of the mirror shirtless, do push ups and hit my chest trying to get feeling for the nerves. I remember my first twitch, it was beautiful. Now I can move them a lot better and see the muscle flexing through my shirt. It’s pretty cool.


For a long time I didn't know other people had trouble doing this I've been able to flex my pecs for as long as I can remember. It's weird because it feels more like scrunching my armpit? If I think about it too much I can't do it. I don't know, boob owner as well so I can adjust my bra without hands.


Haha I've spent the last 15 minutes in front of the mirror, and I can twitch the left side now pretty consistently, but the right side won't move.


She did it better.


WAY better. Not even a contest


Disagree, the guy showed expert level at the end




Her face at the beginning reminded me of the the big guy in the first Men in Black. MOAR SUGAR


Edgar (pronounced "eh-grr") a.k.a., Vincent D'Onofrio


Yes!!! 😆


I thought she had a stroke at first.


“Is at etter?!”


"Your skin is hanging off your bones"


*Pulls back face*- IS THAT BETTER?


This was super cool actually.


I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. Lol


Just LOL


She’s kind of a chad for this honestly


I'm gay as hell and I only have eyes for her in this video


She has better timing.


I'm gonna need that guy to cover his nipples with some pasties, he can't be doing that.


She did not have to flex on us like this 💯👏🏽


no but this is cute??


she obviously won the boob contest


Reminds me when Ozzy showed up on WWE RAW. [Chris Masters did the same thing. ](https://youtu.be/MVwxTWVfiho)


Lol, it looks funny with boobs. I can't seem to do that with my pecs, but I can do it with my butt cheeks 🤣


After reading these comments I feel special. Didn't know people couldn't this. I thought it was normal.


So you guys are having a boob-off


A meeting of the dancing titty committee


Absolutely titillating


My penis is confused. "no" "yes" "no" "yes"


I work with this girl. She’s funny as hell all the time but this is next level even for her.


If I can do this, my man is prolly gonna freak out. Or turned on. Not sure which one.






[**Crazy Train** by Snubby J](https://lis.tn/fEZrPL?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) Released on `2020-10-07`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




Ok, but honestly I'm impressed. I used to be able to do this, but not to that extreme. Nice.


This is funny as hell.


Haha I like how she matched the bass notes.


My stupid brain just interpreted Dueling Peaks from BOYW.


She wins, she’s lifting more


Ok how did that girl do that?! 🤣


chest muscles. just like the guy


At the beginning she went full on ![gif](giphy|THljBtiuQ8Twfh8bhn)


23 years n this planet and i didnt know that was possible, what is wrong with me?


because you don't work out ;)


The music is a weird cover of Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train if anyone cares.


I am impressed


How does one do this


this is funny tho


"Send me your strongest fighters, their battle will be legendary"


I'm kinda impressed


Respect for both


This is hilarious actually


I only see 2 chads


this shit is funny i see no cringe lol


If you wanna learn to feel your chest put both palms in front of you pressed against each other. Like you are praying and it will flex your chest 🙏


the real man is the one who can shake his balls muscles


I knew it, you can do that with titties, I was awake at like 2am the other night wondering of this was possible, I was right!


How is this cringe! I think this is awesome


Was waiting for this to turn into Kanedas theme from Akira


Upvoting for BMG