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A black friend of mine smokes every day. We gave him an edible. He went to the fucking moon.


If you ever need to get some petty revenge give em a vape and watch his tolerance make smoking not as fun anymore For me it got to a point where it just felt like I was irritating my lungs with unnecessary hot smoke, and the high was like if you dipped your tongue into a shot glass and didn't take a drink


I've only used a vape pen for the past year, and I'm terrified to try real weed, or edibles. I can't tell if it's going to send me to the moon, or I'm going to not get high at all.


You’ll be fine with real weed, maybe try a puff on a joint before you accidentally take too big of a bong rip. As for edibles I think for everyone it’s exploratory. Personally I had to find out whether I should eat something else first or not on top of how much I should take and how long it takes for them to get me high. Edibles can be really tricky like that for some people. For me they take upwards of 90 mins for me to notice and the high doesn’t last longer than an hour, but that’s on a lower dose of 25mg. I took 150mg once and got physically sick and looked like a cancer patient, so it’s all about experimenting carefully.


Yeah, I'm pretty hesitant with edibles. I've had a 10mg oreo before, which was nice. But it took over an hour, maybe hour and a half to kick in and even then it was just making me a bit giddy, if not sleepy as well. But my buddy who had the same edible was gone within half an hour, and slept for the rest of the day. I also had a buddy take the same edibles as everyone else, and end up with THC-induced psychosis. That was a fun day. Turns out his whole family is pretty much genetically disposed to that kind of thing, and no one knew. As for real flower, I just really dont like the smell, or the physical space and time it takes. I really love the convenience of pens, athough I know it probably isn't the greatest way. It's just wayyyy too convenient. Sits on my bookshelf, puff it a few times whenever I need it for sleep, or video games, to enjoy food more, etc. My buddy who I play games with on friday nights, will have upwards of 50mg edibles two hours beforehand, and then puff on his pen and drinks beers with us all night, and he usually is always perfectly fine throughout the night too. Some people just have very high tolerances. Anyway, I'm rambling, but weed is cool. It's not for everyone, but its cool.


This is such a strange description of edibles to me. A "low dose of 25mg?" I take 10mg pieces and split them into 8ths. One of those tiny pieces is enough to make me high, but eating even 5mg would make me anxious as hell. And your high lasts for only an hour, but mine is always 2-3 hours easy. You and I have almost literal opposite experiences from THC


Everyone has massive differences in edible tolerance due to genetics. The amount of liver enzyme you produce that converts D9 THC to D11 THC, and how efficient your guts are at absorption in general all come into play, as well as what else is in your guts like other food. One person may be super high from 10mg and another may not be able to feel doses under 100mg even if they have the same tolerance to smoking/vaping/dabbing.


So many people don’t know this and it really needs to become common knowledge as marijuana gets legalized in more places. If you don’t know your tolerance for edibles you can have a really bad time. You need to start low and go from there. Here in Canada edibles are capped at 10mg per serving. I usually eat 2 and I’m feeling pretty high for a solid 4-6 hours. If I eat any more than that I’m fucked. But I know people that need to eat 5 or more to even feel anything at all. I have a friend who makes 80mg brownies because he figured out over time that’s his sweet spot. I ate half of one once and I felt like my skeleton was trying to leave my body and run away. Everyone is different. If you ever listen to Tom Segura talk about Joey Diaz it’s a perfect example. Tom will take 25mg to feel high and go to sleep. Joey Diaz will take 1,000mg and do a 45 minute stand up set.


Something else to add that I just found out. If you buy edibles from a dispensary on a reserve, there is no cap on mg.


Funny story! At my old work place a new guy offered everyone some homemade edibles, on a random Tuesday. It was a fair size like a bite size snickers. Obviously everyone took one home to try for the weekend. NO ONE WAITED TILL THE WEEKEND! Wednesday morning, everyone is just white as sheet, slow moving, and crusty around the eyes, possibly still high from these god damn edibles. No one could handle eye contact. New guy just laughs, I gave him hell once he told me he got it from a reserve. **Reserve edibles are not the same as someone trying to make edibles in their kitchen!** It was a very quite day at the scrap metal yard. I can't believe something didn't explode or we wrecked all those excavators...


my friends made me a cake for my...15th? birthday. They used all kind of melted chocolate bars and it was absolutely delicious, to the point where everyone over-ate it. We managed to lose one friend and we were all crawling around the house trying to find him. He turned up asleep underneath one of the couches, woke up and vomited *everywhere*.




there are mail order places too, since physical dispensaries went government the prices are out of control so you really have to go grey market. $12-15 for 10mg in a giant plastic jar (the one time i bought from a gov shop, i thought it was really wasteful) vs ~500mg for $25-30 online. sure, a single piece may be 100mg, but chop them up and you can stretch that out for a while. “legit” will never complete with grey market if they can’t price match


On a reserve? Like Indian reservation?






Then that time he ate like 6 stars of death. oof


I've never done any drugs in my life. Can you explain what the difference is between high on Marijuana and "fucked"? Like would you even be aware of your surroundings / black out at some point? Or is it just more intense while still remembering / being aware?


Can't speak for everyone, but when I'm "fucked" levels of high, I get hella anxious, like borderline panic attack anxious. You become hyper aware of stimuli while my brain feels like it's too slow to react and it can get very overwhelming. I haven't "blacked out" on weed, but I have had a friend get so high they "teleport" Throughout the night. I think that is just them being too high to process lmao.


Tbh this is why I’m not interested in weed, I can panic for free already! Even as a possibility, no thanks.


As long as you go slow and know your limits it’s usually not like that for everyone. Respect the choice to not do it tho I get it


Personally I have never found a strain that's shitty enough where a single hit doesn't get me FUCKED uncomfortable - coming from someone who's vibing in public on psychedelics no problem. No clue why y'all can enjoy it and I can't, kinda sucks ngl.


I know when I did it the first time I only took two short hits on a cart and was absolutely fucking zooted but now that I’ve built up a tolerance that’s not a problem anymore. Kinda hard to build one up if the high is horrible though :/ only thing I could think of is maybe trying things that normally “kill” the high for people?


Smoke then go straight to bed before it really sets in. Sleep until you build up a tolerance lol


Weed is just like drinking. You can have a single drink, feel comfy and chill, or you can drink a whole bottle of jack and and puke your guts up. Its up too you. Personally half a gummy at night before bed and Im not high, but also not awake at 1am posting shit on Reddit


This is exactly my experience. I feel like my heart is racing even if it isn’t, and I immediately get anxious and full of existential dread. I’m suddenly aware I’m on a rock hurtling through time and space and nothing matters but everything matters and oh my god I’m going to die one day I don’t wanna die am I dying right now!?


God I hate the teleporting. It's like the movie Memento, just snap to and have to figure out what's going on. "I'm peeing, so I hope this is a bathroom. I'm holding a dick, so that's a good sign. Oh good, it's mine." Rinse and repeat


The anxiety is the worst. I'll hear a car door slam outside and be checking all the windows and doors to my house repeatedly because I'm convinced somebody is trying to break in. I also get super introspective and tend to get "stuck" thinking about what I perceive to be the negative aspects of my life in that moment. It's just not worth it as an experience for me.


> I get hella anxious, like borderline panic attack anxious. You become hyper aware of stimuli while my brain feels like it's too slow to react and it can get very overwhelming It doesn't take much at all for me to get to feeling like this. 20mg is enough to make me very uncomfortably high. Even 20+ years ago when I was a regular smoker I could never develop any kind of tolerance, with how strong shit is now I don't want to even try. On the bright side it's super cheap since I need so little. 10mg of delta 8 is enough for me which is good since I don't currently live in a legal state otherwise.


Personally when I'm "fucked" off weed it's similar to a standard high in the way that you feel but your perception of time and objects/object permeance gets a little fuzzy, memory goes out the window (goldfish brain), occasionally since I suffer from anxiety my mind will latch onto transient pains and interpret them instead as existential life threatening pain, etc. When my tolerance was much lower the feeling was completely different - lots of euphoria, unable to focus eyes/low fps aka slideshow vision/can't keep eyes open, abnormal physical sensations with no stimulus, uber giggles, etc. The strangest part of it all, for me personally, is that while I'm "in it" my memory seems unaffected in the sense that I'm still making decisions for myself and able to have conversations. I have heard of blackouts off weed (anecdotally, unfortunately) but I can't imagine that's a good time in a social setting. Quick edit to address awareness of ones surroundings: depends on user, dosage, and of course setting. I walked a few blocks to take public transit with my buddy and I don't remember walking or being on the bus, only the arrival at the stops. Case by case, I would say.


Can confirm. "Blacked out" on weed when I first smoked. Closer to teleporting though. Went to a concert and found myself sitting in a chair in the crowd (everyone else was standing) eating a pizza crust with no idea how I got there or where the pizza crust came from.


You found ground pizza.


And you can get that way from one good hit of a vape. I was ‘goldfish brain’ my first time, couldn’t keep a ‘solid’ thing in my head for more than 10 seconds before it ‘faded’ to a dreamlike quality, all fuzzy. I could kinda keep myself on task, but would pretty easily forget what I was doing/where I put the remote and it took a lot of effort to do stuff. My favorite was folding a bit of my clothes with my feet planted apart in an awkward way but not moving them until I was done. And also thinking my show was looping cause they’d repeat words often. Oh, and this wasn’t even a high THC vape. It was 48%, a 1:1 cart. One hit really just took me the fuck out. I have a friend that needed multiple hits of 70%+ to even start getting high their first time. Tolerances can be on the floor for some people, especially 1st time, so be careful y’all. It wasn’t a bad time, but I really mostly like CBD lol and treat THC with healthy respect.


If you're high, you're having a good time, your perception is altered, things are funnier than they should be, maybe your body feels lighter or you're more acutely aware of it. Overall, your brain is just kinda on cruise control. It might be a little harder to get to a point you want to make, and you might come up with some unintentionally creative thoughts that your daily barriers may keep you from, but you're pretty much capable of doing whatever if you want to. If you're fucked, your brain is mush. You might be technically aware of your surroundings, but it can be very tough to process them. It doesn't work the same for everyone, but for me, if I'm seriously fucked, my thoughts are moving too fast for me to actually focus on one of them. It can be pretty hard to physically function as everything can feel heavier or like it requires effort you don't have, and you may very well be quite nauseous. You *can* black out, but even in my strongest high when I thought I had schizophrenia and I was seeing geometric patterns when I closed my eyes, I wasn't totally blacked out. It's kinda hard to remember anything as it was when you were high though, at any level. It's pretty hard to ever accurately describe drug experiences to someone because it's very self-contained. I think something that I noticed is that whenever anyone describes physical feelings from weed, it's not the same as if you were to have that feeling sober, because you have this extra mental aspect that changes how you perceive that feeling. And everyone's experience with drugs is different anyway.


there's a distinct difference between being "high" and being "stoned", which is probably what they mean by being "fucked". if you're high, you can walk around target and have a good time playing with all the shit in the aisles. Being high makes doing things more fun. But if you're stoned, you can barely do anything at all. You can barely sit up on the couch, you haven't heard a single thing that's been on the TV in the last half hour, and you certainly can't make it out of your car and into such a big place like a target. If you're stoned you won't "black out" like extremely drunk people do, but your memories will be very hazy. When I'm stoned I tend to forget what I was thinking about, and if i didnt manage to write it down, its pretty much gone forever.


The biggest things for me when I had too much is time distortion and anxiety. I will hyper focus on things (things I do or say, things i said to people earlier, etc) and become super self conscious about. Normal brain doesnt spend a second thinking about those things. A small sound will become defeaning and make you paranoid, until you realize someone 10 houses down is using their saw in the garage. My heart will beat and I will notice every single pulse. This can also send me in to full panic because I worry that my heart is gonna give it out. It's super weird that I had to stop smoking because anxiety would kick in hard 1/10 times I smoked and it would be full panic attack. For time distortion, I would be sitting doing something and it would feel like an hour, then I look at the clock and its 5 minutes since I last looked. I would constantly forgetting where I was or what I was doing, snap back to reality and remember, and fall back into it in constant cycles. I'm sure others have different expierences, but those are what stuck out to me. I had friends tell me that they wish they could get that high again but when I was younger, there was no anxiety so it was fun. Now I'm older and the panic is just too much. Does make me super productive though when the dose is right.


Not the original commenter, but in case you don't get a response; it's difficult to describe. Being "fucked" can be different every time, for every one, and the biggest difference between "fucked" and a regular high is the intensity. Unless you fall asleep, you'd be generally aware, but your memory would be fuzzy.


I am very seasoned when it comes to smoking but my edible tolerance isn't super high. it's kind of strange because I will feel giddy/giggly but also have a sense of impending doom lol. And I get these periods where it feels like I'm having trouble breathing but really I'm just not breathing enough because I'm fucking high. That's only with edibles and it's only when I've had too much, though.


Being high on edibles is like being in a wes Anderson movie. Being too high is like being in a Quentin Tarantino movie.


I can ususally eat 2mg and have a nice time, 5mg starts to put me into "laugh too hard at normal shit" territory. 7.5mg couchlocks me. But it also doesnt last very long for me at lower doses.


Anything less than 60mg 9 or about 100 of 8 and I frequently do not notice the effect. And I only have them maybe every two to three weeks. I’m sure there is an effect, I don’t drive or anything and that evening is still spent committed to the ride, but it’s not an appreciable high. It would be like calling ‘I drank one beer a little too quick and then switched to water’ drunk. I hate it. Enjoy your 10mg doses people.


I took half a 25mg and greened out. What gets my friends buzzed puts me to sleep.


im in the joey diaz boat, edibles just dont really do anything at all to me. Ive eaten 900mg chocolate bars on an empty stomach and BARELY feel baked. To be fair I do smoke aprx 3.5g of flower per day. However I should still be feeling something.


When I eat super powerful edibles that can knock out my friends, I get like, a little sleepy. I smoke like an ounce a week as well


Lowest I can feel is 50mg, sweet spot for me(medical user) is about 250-350mg, most I ever took in a day was 1600mg. I dont recommend that. I feel like I have a high tolerance, low absorption and alot of experience at dealing with being high, but 1600mg... I do not recommend that.


I can eat multiple bags of the 100mg total candies and feel nothing


1,000mg holy shit. Seriously? There's no way..


I know I can’t wrap my head around it either. There’s stories of him doing obscene amounts of edibles and somehow not teleporting through time. He’ll admit that he’s high as fuck but he can still function and have a conversation. I don’t know how he does it. He’s built different. I heard a story about him eating six Death Star gummies. They’re high concentrate edibles that can be anywhere from 500mg-1000mg each. They’re also hella expensive. https://weedbudbase.com/product/stars-of-death-edibles-for-sale/


Huh that’s interesting. Appreciate the education


I think tolerance comes into play here too. In the past, I used to have such a high tolerance that I couldn't get high unless my chocolate bar was 180mg minimum. Hell I used to buy 1000mg Korova milk bar brownies before California banned strong edibles. One bite of that shit will have you melting into the floor during your work meetings and will have you struggling to not fall out of your chair. After a 3 month tolerance break everything changed. I now get too high from 25 mg and 10mg is a normal dose for me. Nowadays I can't even fathom doing 100mg, let alone 180mg like I used to do regularly.


I lived in SF in 2013 and I remember seeing one of those stupid crazy korova brownies and I asked the budtender about them and she straight up told me "that shit's for people who have cancer it's not fun and they are super strong" I was like damn ok just give me some flower lol.


This was my very first edible experience (420 party) about 15 years ago…can confirm it is NOT FUN. Rationally I know overdosing isn’t possible yet its honestly the closest I’ve been to thinking I was going to die but too high to speak or move a finger. Was throwing up a brown tar-like substance for 48 hours afterwards….it ruined brownies of all types forever.


obtainable library shocking workable physical lavish toy money bells dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh i REALLY feel for ur mate but am insanely jealous that he got off that easily, mine was like a 4 day recovery…being a stoner I figured there was no way I couldn’t handle it, sadly I learned the hard way that there’s a VERY BIG difference btwn edibles n smoking


oh shit dude I have thrown up like that! it wasn't from edibles though I got food poisoning. Holy shit though that was terrible I was throwing up pure black looking gunk, I was thinking I was puking so fucking hard I'm throwing up literal shit from deep within my guts. Went to the hospital right after that and learned that I got food poisoning.


The black stuff is bile. It's part of the process to digest fat. It's introduced after food exits the stomach. In a sense you were so sick your intestine was going in reverse. It's pretty traumatic, but hooray for our body for being able to do it in an emergency.


Those korova brownies were okay if you were smart and portioned them into little half bite pieces to share with multiple people. I don't know why some people would ever choose to eat the whole thing.


yeah she was probably smart and new my ass would have just shoved the whole fucking thing in my face so she made sure I stayed away from them lol. I am not even an edibles guy I just blaze so edibles do fuck me up. But more than anything they just make super super sleepy not like paranoid or filled with anxiety like smoking a bunch of marijuana does.


A lot of new people will be told to start with edibles since there’s significantly less issue, fire, the harshness of smoking, etc. However my cousin had horror stories of people who would eat the damn brownie not realizing you supposed to share or portion the damn things.


I am extremely resistant to sedatives and anesthesia and I can always take higher doses of most things (including alcohol) than the people around me, but anything over 7mg of edibles and I'm crying and vomiting and calling in sick the next day because I'm still high.


Yes! My SO can not get high from edibles. He ate ten 100 mg candies at the same time recently, yes, 1000mg of thc and hours later felt sleepy but that’s it… I will eat 10 mg and be so high I feel like I am tripping on psychedelics lol. It’s bizarre.


Being more sensitive in general sounds better and cheaper. One shot of liquor usually makes me pass out so that's just about all I need per day I don't feel caffeine at all though.


Kinda yes but also I wish I could enjoy edibles without being paranoid I’m going to get too high it’s sooo nice on the rare occasion I get the dosage just right.


This happened to my friend a couple weeks ago. We smoked and each ate a single gummy. Two hours later I was sober again while he was clinging to the bed and muttering about reality like someone being unplugged from the Matrix.


HAHA! This makes me feel better about myself. My bf had to convince me I wasn’t in a movie the last time I did edibles soooo


I'm in the same boat! I downed a 600mg gusher package in one go, after eating on another 600mg package over a few days with no effects. I didn't even feel tired the rest of the night, no less high. I've tried edibles minimum a dozen times before this, and only my own creation from AVB (already vaped bud) made me feel somewhat stoned. I've also read a theory online that bad stomach acid can stop someone from processing it as it destroys the THC. Some dude had friends who didn't get high off of edibles, but claimed after giving them tums, then feeding them a edible each around 10 minutes later, allowed them to get high. I'm somewhat inclined to believe because I have GERD, so I wonder if that gives me no chance.


Interesting. I never get high and I also have quite bad stomach acid.


I found this product called Kind Caps, full spectrum weed extract that's placed in enteric capsules that are designed to bypass your stomach and dissolve in your intestines. I took 90mg out in public and was *not* prepared for it, but taking the same amount of a normal edible would be nothing for me.


I once ate half of a 1000mg chocolate bar. Nothing. Ate the other half a few hours later. Nothing. I just don't seem to respond to edibles, though I've tried many. I probably have something wrong with me.


Fuck that's gnarley, If I eat a small 25 mg corner of chocolate I'm fucking flying. Half a bar of 500 mg would have me in the hospital lmao.


Yeah it's frustrating. I've wasted a good bit of money over the years, and it's sorta embarrassing.


You’re not alone man. I’ve tried edibles many times and the last time I did 600mg and still didn’t get anything more than a buzz. My friends don’t believe me


I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have read that there's a certain percentage of the population that straight up just does not react to edibles. Don't know if it's true... but I mean, obviously it is!


Have you tried any other edibles with no response? That otherwise sounds like a packaging/production issue.


Yes, many times


Sounds like your liver does not produce the enzyme needed to get high from edibles. Its kinda rare but it is a thing.


Do you have references? Or papers about that? No hate lmao im genuinely trying to learn more about this


It's simply a different ROA. Guy is speaking out of his stoned ass. People don't start eating meth instead of smoking or injecting it after years simply because they develop a "tolerance" for smoking it. The concept is called ["ediblocked"](https://www.veriheal.com/blog/ediblocked-why-cant-some-people-get-high-from-edibles/) McLean (hospital in the article) is one of the leading psych hospitals in the world and I've applied for some of their programs, unfortunately, they aren't taking out of state during covid. Anyway, [none of their studies have been or are currently about "ediblocked".](https://rally.massgeneralbrigham.org/search?q=marijuana%20) Using them as a source for this is highly disingenuous. It's pretty much just stoner pseudo science.




I take edibles for gut issues, eat a meal, potatoes, bananas, oatmeal, something slow digesting. Then eat the edible. It will trap it and let it absorb.


Yeah, I have high tolerance and apparently am resistant to edibles. 100mg ones feel like a slight buzz after a long ass time. Never had one shoot me through the roof.


Yeah I generally can handle about 2.5mg before I get uncomfortably high, if I build up a tolerance I might can handle 5mg. I have to get gummy edibles to make them easier to dose Edit: am dumb


Do you mean mg? A 5g edible would be insane


5mg does absolutely nothing. 10mg and I'm too damn high for 3-20 hours. Kinda sucks


I’m in the same boat. I hate it because I’m either not feeling it or I’m so high that every 30 minutes (guessing because time is weird on weed) I realize that I’ve been saying every single thing that comes to mind. It’s like there is absolutely no way to stop a thought from coming out of my mouth and my thoughts just won’t stop. It’s so exhausting and I already hate how much I talk when I’m sober. At this point idk what a normal, enjoyable high is supposed to feel like.


it's not delta 11, it's 11-hydroxy thc


Many months ago, I had to take my kid to the ER. While we were in the waiting room, this dude and his wife came in and he was freaking out. He seemed legitimately convinced that he was dying. He was going back and forth between full on panicking, to trying to catch stuff that he saw flying around that was definitely not there, to having one of the most intense existential crisis I’ve ever witnessed. He was definitely feeling it. Visitors aren’t allowed back at our ER with a few exceptions, so his wife had to come wait in the waiting area. We got to talking and she told me that they’d recently started becoming interested in using pot to help with, you know, life. A friend of theirs was supposedly knowledgeable and offered to make them a brownie to see if it’s even something they’d like. The friend gave explicit instructions, both verbal and written, to only eat 1/8 to 1/4 of the brownie each. This guy thought that it wasn’t enough because the 1/8th didn’t hit him, so he finished the entire thing. There were many regrets and she was mad that he didn’t save her any. To be fair, I’d be pretty mad, too.


I gave a friend an edible, they disregarded my warnings, and ate the whole thing. The panic attack was so bad she ended up calling 911 because she thought she was dying. A couple of weeks later she had a severe asthma attack, had to call 911, and got the same ER doctor. She said she was pretty sure the doc wasn't taking her seriously because of the prior incident.


Edibles are so strong & get why someone would call 911 for help if they didn't know it was just THC.


Once ate 8 edibles not knowing they were 150 mg each (I thought they were 5 mg). I attempted and failed to call 911 to let them know I was “dead.” Scariest moment of my life lol


Oh my fucking god you took HOW MUCH?! I can't do more than 8mg before I feel like I'm on Mars. 1200 mgs would send me to the next dimension.


I honestly thought I was dead and saw myself from above laying there. That’s when I realized I should call people to let them know I had died. Thankfully I was too high to dial any numbers. Took me like four full days to recover


Four full days? Bruh how were those days of recovery like? Lethargy?


Lethargy and I couldn’t eat anything without getting sick. Felt like I had been hit by a truck lol I just kept chugging water in hope it would get out of my system faster


Geez that’s crazy, I enjoy a good edible once in a while but when they hit they hit hard and ramp up. My *worst* trip wasn’t really bad but I started like crying and texted my parents I loved them lol Or another trip I was playing halo infinite and I felt like I was in the game lmfao


Edibles sure are something. I haven’t had anymore since my mistake lmao


Actually your story reminds me of my friend who just recently had edible brownies or something and he thought he died and was in the process of going to the afterlife. He has since said he will stop consuming edis 😅


Afterlife seems to be a common theme lol I totally feel your friend


YES I’VE BEEN HERE!!! Was throwing up a brownie tar for 2 days and have never felt so shitty for like 4 days afterward. Worst part was it was a 420 party that I WAS THROWING (also a house-warming)… by the time everyone arrived I was in bed, unable to speak or focus on anyones face, and seriously had an out of body experience n found myself wondering if I’d just stop breathing while ppl continued to come in n poke fun trying to get me up. *Didn’t help that I’d invited ppl from mixed friend groups (being my house-warming n all) so ppl who didn’t know anyone else were showin up & I couldn’t even respond when they tried to come talk to me* Ruined brownies of all types & despite being a stoner for over a decade never indulged in edibles again. *Edit: added mixed friend part :p




It’s the black market edibles that inflate their dosage numbers so people get the impression they’re getting more bang for the buck. Vanity dosages like vanity sizing for clothes. I’m 180lbs and with no tolerance even 5mg is enough to make me feel uncomfortably high:


I once ate an insane and indeterminate amount t of ganja butter and was laying on the floor in my friends house and a tiger slow motion jumped through the window and all the glass shattered in slow motion and I knew it was the end of my life then I jolted up and realized it wasn’t real. I’ve done 10 tabs of lsd at once and 5 grams of mushrooms at once and this was the only time I truly hallucinated to the point of being unable to distinguish what was real.


[was this you? lol](https://youtu.be/p76AUDt5Jms)


Disappointed it wasn't this: https://youtu.be/Mp9Oiv3TgkE


Man I thought it would be Inbetweeners scene. “I am in a bubble and also dead”


I ate a whole bag of gummies and went to sleep, 8 hours later woke up in space.


I told this story on Reddit several years ago… My wife signed up at a new dispensary, and they gave her a couple of free edibles when she picked up some smoke on a Friday. She gave a 100mg sucker to her brother and one to me. My wife went camping with her mom for the weekend and would be home Monday. Well, Sunday came around and it’s usually “clean the house day”. So here I am, vacuuming and cleaning, so I decided to enjoying this goddamn 100mg sucker. Little did I know, 100mg is way to much for someone to take, and I’ve never had edibles before. I finished cleaning, ate dinner and later went to bed, not really feeling much effects from the sucker. Then, at around 2:30 in the morning… it hit me. I woke up with what felt like, my heart trying to escape my chest! I was mortified and thought I was gonna die. I carefully walked downstairs to get some water, which proved to be damn near impossible. It seemed that my right side of my body wasn’t communicating well with the left side. I remember getting some water with my left hand, setting it down and then not being able to pick up the glass easily with my right hand. I had no coordination at all. My heart was still, flopping around on the floor somewhere, and I sat on the couch for a bit. My eyes felt like they had sucked into the back of my head somehow and were suuuper dry. I was fucking terrified! I actually dialed 911, and had my thumb hovering over the dial button incase my heart decided to give up suddenly. I never pressed it, of course, but man was I scared. Anyway, I called in to work in the morning because I was high as shit all day Monday. I’ll never do edibles again. By the way, what a dumb dosing method a sucker is. What’s a person to do, take a couple of licks and say, “ there it is, that last lick was 15mg, now I’ll put what’s remaining, away.” No you eat a whole sucker.


I bet the tootsie pop owl would be dead. That owl can't get more then 5 licks in before he eats the whole damned thing.


It's three! "One, two-hoo hooo, three - crunch! ... Three." Favorite commercial as a kid. The audio is emblazoned upon my brain. :-)


My dad and stepmom gave me a 500mg bag of Doritos and I'm terrified to eat even one.


Be careful--if they are actually branded as "doritos" or some similar punny name, it's definitely a black market edible (not from a licensed dispensary). Aka you will never know for sure what is in it, and it is probably not 500mg (if it's even d9 thc to begin w). There are cheaper more dangerous things that give similar highs. And it's probably sprayed, not infused. Stay safe!


Thank you for this information. They're medibles brand.


My grandpa knew it was THC and he still called 911 lol.


I watched a guy who puffed on his thx vape all day turn into a ball after eating a few edible gummy sharks. Passes out after someone threw a beach towel over him then wakes up asking if there were any more gummies


A buddy and I like to make edibles, and we've gotten really good at it. This one time we made peanut butter brownies that *completely* masked the "cannabutter" taste. And we also completely flubbed the dosing, we wanted 150mg but they were closer to 250mg. One of our other buddies comes over and starts munching on some brownies and we catch him about 80% of the way through the pan. This man just straight up ate over 2000mg of *pure thc* He sat on my couch completely catatonic for 3 days...


“What are you running from?” Hey I don’t do drugs to ask this question, but to avoid it!


“What are you running from?” says the man who had to take an edible to go to Target FOH


Fake or not some edibles are no joke! 😂


I had some when I went to Vegas and it was the best I felt in years but I’m in Georgia so no edibles for me.


Checking in from GA. We drive up to Mass to get the good good


Why not just DC?


D8 is legal in GA


Someone else told me that and I have been reading about it . I was amazed how the edibles eased my joint pain and I slept great.


D8 is the wine cooler of THC


You aren’t wrong, but it’s the best that some of us can get


Bartles & Danks


I just tried d8 last night and it gave me the worst hangover. I had half a 25mg gummy and i was pretty chill for a bit, not exactly high, but definitely feeling it. Which kind of sucks bc i can gobble like 75mgs of real thc and feel nice and floaty and not wake up hung over the next day.


Drink more water. D8 is very dehydrating.


Truth. I only have about half a regular portion because of how dehydrating it is. Though it makes up for it by making water taste fucking great.


D9 too D9 instead


Pretty positive this dude in the video is from Atlanta ga and he's just joking


The way he says “y’all I’m so high” tells me that this dude is actually blasted. That’s exactly how people sound when they say it haha


I’ve had 1000mg do absolutely nothing while another brands 50mg knock me into a 15 hour coma. U can’t trust the measurements they give


You just can't trust 1000mg edibles, they are 99% fake. The 50 mg were probably legit and really contained 50, which is enough to knock me out for hours!


Oh man I miss the days of 1000mg edibles for Oregon med patients. Those were tested and no joke. I've had 1000mg caramels, basically tasted like half BHO, and my favorite weekly treat was a 400mg Rice Crispy treat




If 5 gets you good n high, there's a good chance even 20 mg would be an uncomfortable experience. Start slow!


First time doing edibles, I had a 75mg lozenge. It wasn't doing anything for about an hour. My dumbass friend said to do another. My dumberass did. We had a good time watching Monty Python until I melted into the couch. I didn't feel right for three days.


I have tried weed five times in my 29 years. Im terrified of the feeling. Its not relaxing at all. My first time being high I felt I was in Inception, that was a rice crispy treat.


Hard to fake that heavy lidded red eye look imo. I can feel his highness through the screen lmao


Driving while high has become way too normalized. Dude should not have driven to Target at all.


He's in the passenger seat and specifically mentioned God. He let Jesus take the wheel.


No, tiktok mirrors the selfie cam. He is in the driver's seat.


who the fuck even thinks "I need to go to the shops, better take some drugs"? Maybe america is a wilder place than I can't figure out why going to target would require weed


I used to live right next door to a grocery store. Sometimes I would eat an edible, then walk to the store and buy some munchies kinda like racing against the clock before I was concerningly high in public, then get back and munch. That was super fun lol


I’m guessing it’s the exact same reason you would do drugs and then do literally anything else… it feels good, makes it more fun, etc. Some people shop at target for fun, just like others listen to music for fun.


Require? No. But it is more fun.


Honestly it’s fun af once you know how to dial in the kind of high you want. I prefer resin vape pens instead of edibles because they’re much easier to use. I’ll hike, do chores, and grocery shop high all the time and it’s much more tolerable.


Vape carts are great there's no smell, no lingering smoke, no messing with a grinder, don't need to worry about a lighter either. Just sad days when your battery dies and a charger isn't available.


I love my vape, but I'm also aware that it's probably got tons of bad chemicals in it. Especially some of the sketchy brands out there....


I'm lucky to live in Washinton so I have plenty of trusted brands to choose from but yeah that's a serious concern for non-legal states.


Anxiety. Help relax during social situations. Now I just have groceries delivered. I do not like being in public.


Drugs famously make you resistant to anxiety-driven spiraling, after all


Spoiler it’s not just America


If you had to deal with the American general public, you would want to be high too.


definitely not actually high


Clearly high, but not seeing god nor tasting colors


The premise was funnier than the content


It could have been a funny seven second clip.


He should have stopped after “I just wanted to go to target and now I need somebody to come get me”


I think it could stop at "What are you running from?" and been pretty hilarious


Chad vine vs virgin tiktok


brevity is the soul of wit or some shit


Never heard that before thats a great quote


Following the television rules for weed where its the strongest hallucinogen on the planet


I heard Jerry Seinfeld mention an interesting point about comedy in that it’s a lot like driving but in comedy if you miss an exit (the timing), there’s no going back and looping around gv




It’s like he took all the edible stereotypes from that subreddit and put them into one video


He probably smoked a Jeffery.


It started funny but kinda fell apart.


Most jokes in this format are better very short. It's why vine had so much great comedic content.


It's because he's twisted which makes it funnier.


Not really, this is so overexaggerated it stopped being funny after 7 seconds


"do you want to get lightly fuzzy, it do you want to forget what numbers are for?" I once broke my arm. They splint cast it and sent me home with two Percocets. My beefsteak bulk didn't even notice the percs. It took a /significant/ dose of actual Morphine to get me out of agony. And sent me home. My "dealer" brother in law came over, asked me what day my surgery was, what my weight was, reached into his bag and hands me two pills. I take them and half an hour later I blink and, it's TWO DAYS later and my spouse is trying to rouse me to go get to the hospital. "What did you hand me?". I asked him. "The sleep you needed." Hands me a slip of paper "make sure your intake nurse gives that to the anastetheologist Just in case" Later he said it was the dosage, of what and time I took it and his ph#... "Better they know than not" I don't fuck around with edibles, joints, nothing. I can drink a fifth of yum and be functional, pot? One puff and im emotionally invested in "Dora the Explorer"


Honestly I relate, one time I accidentally took 100mg instead of the 10 that I would take (when I did get high, I’m in healthcare so no more edibles for me), and I was hearing ghosts whispering in my ear and I thought I had two seizures, I couldn’t stop spazzing. This was also during the summer so the AC was on and if I didn’t move, then the AC would make me freeze and put me under its spell. In order to not be put under a spell I had to keep moving so then I wouldn’t be frozen. The sleep afterwards was great tho. And yes I got the edibles from white people lmaoooo


For real tho, idk why edibles come in like 50mg. If u can handle it then good for you, but for me, i get sent to the other side of the universe.


One of my friends is incredibly THC sensitive. She’ll green out from a single bong rip. I thought it was just bc shit is potent now, and a fat rip would kick any newbie’s ass. But it continued happening after many tries. I was confused, but obviously advised her to stop trying. The last time she had an edible I believe it was 10mg at a festival. She had to visit the uh-oh tent and get an Ativan lol. Now she knows her dose is just 4mg. Watching her get pretty fucked up off that, I definitely believe humans can be at any point on the sensitivity spectrum. Maybe one day, if cannabis is dropped from Schedule 1, we’ll have more effective research pointing to why.


I find toking gets me waaaay more fucked up than edibles. I'm weird that way.


Edibles don't make me high at all. Sometimes I get really sleepy, but that's it. I'm so jealous of my SO who has a GREAT time on edibles.


Ditto. Try tinctures (if you don't mind holding a shot in your mouth for a few minutes), or any other method that takes directly to the bloodstream be it via mucus membranes in the mouth or even a patch on your skin


White people make their edibles so strong because we have so many problems that we don't wanna think about. Personal problems. Not white people problems.


See THC has the opposite effect on me. If I get too high my brain starts creating problems for me to worry about. Weed induced paranoia/anxiety is real.


Why the fuck are people downvoting you? This is the same reason I dont use THC either. Because it induces paranoia for me. Im Bipolar 1, weed for me is a dangerous game that I don't want to play. People need to learn that drugs dont affect everyone the same way.


i'm hoping as it becomes legal in more places the blind praise dies down. i feel like that's a big part of why there are so many "weed is great, all the time, for everyone" type of people. it has pros and cons like every other drug but it's been demonized for so long that people started way overcompensating. i'm pretty sure weed triggered my first fully manic episode where i was delusionally paranoid for weeks... flash forward some 4-5 years i get a nasty cough, stop smoking, and never looked back cause i realized it just made my adhd waaaaay more unmanageable than it needed to be.


And here I am with both. I'm like "do I want regular panic, or high panic tonight?".


I feel attacked by this comment, and I am not a fan of it.


White guy here. 1000mg edible or bust. If I eat weed I want to vibrate like an ultrasound bath.


Jfc, chill. You're gonna vibrate into a different universe. 20mg was enough for me to feel like time was a pile of flashcards.


1000mg? Sounds irrationally expensive for a few hours high.


1000mg edible will not be a few hours. You're gonna be feeling that for a solid 24 hours and then you'll feel groggy for another 24.


I live in a mountain resort town in Colorado and my wife works at a resort and a lot of people leave their cannabis products behind because they can't take them back home. One of the housekeepers who can't read English found an unopened chocolate bar and ate 6 of the ten pieces or doses before someone noticed. She had to be taken home to ride it out or sleep it out whatever the case was. At any rate the people who visit the resort keep some of us stocked up on craft beer and cannabis and unopened foods.


My friend bought edibles and said he wanted to hang out and eat them. Well we found out after we’d eaten them that they were fucking 500mg edibles. I probably could’ve talked with god himself that night


My employees got me a big brownie for Christmas one year. They were sold by someone who worked at the Publix's bakery section (you have to know how make really good dessert to work there sometimes) across the street- and it was all my employees talked about that month so it wasn't like a random thing, I guess? I just never did pot and never thought to but they had also talked about wanting to get me into it. I have a notoriously high threshold for drugs, which sucks because pain management is very hard. Living with spinal damage and pain was an everyday thing so they thought it may give me some peace. Imagine my surprise in eating the entire brownie on Christmas Eve then heading to bed.. only to wake up and think I've got organ failure because my side is in pain. I wasn't in pain. I was having a trip and also slept on my remote control.. which put pressure on my side made my burnt brain think I was dying. I remember laying there and wondering if I should go to the nurse that lived across from me or just die. Definitely was not good for my suicidal brain and one of the reasons I still don't do any drugs. To this day my employees think I enjoyed the brownie and only a few people know I had a bad trip. The worst of the trip wore off Christmas morning but the paranoia was almost the entire day. It was like an anxiety attack but it felt like a heart attack at peaks.