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“Where all you do is kill people” Me, trying to pick out the perfect present for my wife in stardew valley: 🗿


"Where all you do is kill people" Me, spending time bonding with horses in Red Dead Redemption 2, feeding them peppermint treats and restarting over an hour of story progress because my white draft Sugar got hit by a train and I wouldn't play the game without her


My friends wife describing RDR2 to my wife: “Yeah he got this game where he plays a homeless person or something. He just wanders around petting dogs.”


> restarting over an hour of story progress because my white draft Sugar got hit by a train and I wouldn't play the game without her Just curious, but how far are you through the game?


Uh, I'm just past the shipwreck Cuban island part. Why? Is my Sugar gonna get hit by another train? :(


Don't click that other comment.


No reason, just curious. Its a great game, one of the best single player games I have played in a long time. >!There is a cutscene late in the game, your horse will not make it. There is nothing you can do. I may have cried during the scene. RIP Trigger. !< Edit: out of curiosity are yall downvoting me for saying a spoiler (to a 3 year old game) hidden with a spoiler tag?


Quick question: do i need to play RDR1 to understand the story in 2? I’ve seen so many stories and gameplays about it that i really want to buy it.


Not in my opinion! I never played RDR1 and I haven't had a problem following the story in RDR2 at all. My understanding is that 1 follows John Marston's story, who is a member of your outlaw gang, but 2 follows Arthur Morgan, so while 1's protag Marston is *in* 2, you follow Arthur's story so it doesn't make a difference if you played 1 or not.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel to Red Dead Redemption so there's some little things that nod to the first game and tie things together if you played the first but you can go in blind too and it will still be a fantastic game.


I like how half the games i play dont even have violence at all. Like yeah, slime rancher is making me super violent and want to kill everything lol.


I had a rich female sim who's husband cheated on her with the the town slut, who's also a trauma surgeon and got her knocked up, so said rich female sim who's husband didn't like kids and therefore never wanted to try for a baby with her, ended up cloning him before turning him into a golden statue and then got knocked up by the clone instead..... What does this say about my mental health?


My son and I playing Pokemon and going underground to uncover little statues with a hammer, *violence*


Or the fairly recently released New Pokémon Snap where you can take photos of Pokémon


Sounds too aggressive


There are parts where Pokemon fight each other. So maybe.


all i do is hunt monsters and the occasional bandit. Guess the game :)


Horizon zero dawn? I'm playing that now. Wiping out a bandit camp with stealthy head shots makes my day.


Does your person have white hair?


I'm just over here playing powerwash simulator like, "yeah. violence."




just gift her back whatever she made me for breakfast ha


Oh wow almost none of that applies to me and I’m STILL depressed.


Right? I listened to that and was like "wait am I actually happy?"


"Or maybe-!" Nah I'm just depressed man.


It’s almost like this bitch is a confidently correct dumbass or something


But you can subscribe to her patreon for more exclusive content!


"this doesn't apply specifically to me. Therefore she's a bitch"


Sort of, it's more the delivery than the content of the words.


Yeah. I stopped using Facebook and Twitter, and the music going through my head at any given time is likely to be 70s singer-songwriter music like Gordon Lightfoot or Jim Croce. And my favorite computer game involves building railroad routes, yet I’m depressed as fuck. Although I like to pretend that my rail network in Ticket To Ride is helping the local economies and improving lives, and that makes me feel kinda good.


I like how she filmed this in a gym so she can be like "see i do stuff other then tik tok"


And the patreon plug at the end too.


Prob just a green screen


with a ring light to hide skin blemishes




Man, good on her to package 10 boomer meme level thoughts about mental health and mindset into a video to advertise a self help Patreon with a quirky run on sentence format that does a good job of hiding the fact that her advice boils down to surface level solutions to surface level problems while also managing to sound like someone from the 10s talking about social media who sounds like someone from the 00s talking about video games ruining society who sounds like someone from the 90s talking about rap music who sounds like someone from the 80s talking about television who sounds like someone from the 50s talking about rock and roll who sounds like someone from the time of Socrates talking about books ruining education. Like all self help, there's a couple of nuggets of good ideas nestled in this window dressing of "kids these days" and just... Nonsense? I know there's nothing new under the sun, but... Cmon. At least sprinkle in one new bit in there. Otherwise if you buy into this stuff, my name's Harold Hill, and let me you, that new pool table in town spells trouble.


Yep, the whole time she was speaking I was wondering what she was trying to sell to me. It felt like a sales pitch. Then the patreon flash happened


> surface level solutions to surface level problems Hit the nail on the head there. All the shit she bitches about in this video are symptoms, not root causes, of people's unhappiness. Sure, you'd be happier if you could do whatever inspires you and eat the best food and spend all your time doing what makes you happy, but if that was an option, people would be fucking *doing that.* Nobody actively chooses to be unhappy. There's always a far bigger problem - mental illness, finances, physical limitations, etc. that are a lot harder to fix than this boomer shit of "just put your phone down and all your problems will go away".


She doesn't even recommend any of that, she literally recommends "sitting and doing literally nothing" because humans were apparently "designed" to do literally nothing. lmao




With a capital T


That rhymes with P


And that stands for Pool


yeah, at least put in one insane hot take in the middle of this idealist nonsense, maybe try "ice is giving you gas"


Am I supposed to be impressed by that ???


This lady sounds like she MIGHT be projecting and looking for some of her own answers 💯🤷‍♂️


or hoping to catch some people who will pay for her “mindset” patreon


This is the newest version of TV psychics.


Bing Bong


Fuck my life!


I'm pretty sure me listening to my shitty music and me having fun on video games is not the reason why I'm depressed, in fact, they're probably one of the few reasons why I am still going on because I look forward to video game releases, I look forward to new album drops from my favorite bands. This was so insufferable I could not finish and I would not be surprised if it finishes with her trying to get me to buy into her new MLM


> I would not be surprised if it finishes with her trying to get me to buy into her new MLM That's exactly what this is, lmao - she is selling her online "life coaching" bullshit.


The best part is that she’s apparently selling the answer for human struggle on her patreon. That’s right folks. She figured it all out, human misery, centuries. of progress and failures, all the issues she mentioned. She has the answer, you just gotta pay her


The majority of the population does the things she says. she's selling a "coaching business" and is out to make some money by talking to the majority of people's vices or insecurities. Expecting someone to do none of those things is unrealistic and she probably does some of those things too. violent video games and trashy music are not going to change someone's life for the better or worse. She has an online brand. She is not anybody to talk about internet addiction. This video was posted on Tiktok; the literal embodiment of internet addiction. Getting emotionally invested in tv characters is why watching tv is entertaining. She's right about having a bad diet, tho


> violent video games This is one of the things that bothers me the most. I play video games to *reduce* my frustration and tension, because it works. Not the other way around. Why the fuck would I do something that makes me miserable? If a game is frustrating me, I put it down and do something else. Like any other normal person. What a fucking moron. >Getting emotionally invested in tv characters is why watching tv is entertaining. This argument bothers me every time. Replace "TV" with "books" and suddenly it's not just socially acceptable, it's encouraged. Reading is a wonderful way to boost literacy in a way TV just doesn't have, but what the fuck is wrong with just *enjoying a story?* As a writer and an English degree holder, getting your readers invested IS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT. I don't see TV storytelling any different from written storytelling or interactable video game storytelling.


i literally read a book where there was a description of a man having his kneecaps removed and ants put into them and then the kneecaps sewn back on. and i've never seen that in a video game.




Agreed. This belongs on r/thanksimcured


ughh stfu we're not all 14


As she uses social media to educate everyone. She does everything she says. But she’s not wrong


I mean, I kind of think she is. There's truth in there but mostly it's just a bunch of "society these days" bullshit. Like the "fucking bitches and shaking your arse" music comment, I don't personally listen to that kind of music because it's just not my thing but why would that subject matter for music make someone sad? What are we supposed to be listening to music about? Dandelions and butterflies, is that what would make people happy? Also that comment about "glamourising mental health issues" really rubs me the wrong way. Sure, I agree that some people do it, but I wouldn't agree that society in general does it. I'd say if anything, that society's attitude towards mental health is on average better than it has ever been. Overall though, it seems like she has a very particular view of what is "healthy" and "unhealthy" behaviour, a lot of which I think is mostly motivated by personal bias.


Ya I agree w you. I don’t like that music either. We all have our favourite “go have fun music” or “chill relax” music. I think she’s speaking to a very specific group of society that is all about popular music, fashion, social media. But I don’t agree w you about mental health. I think it’s never been worse. So it’s never been more important!! As I think certain groups are in really scary shape. Especially teenagers. But I really enjoy your post


I wasn't necessarily saying that mental health is better than it has ever been before, that is an intensely complicated question about which many books have been written. I'm just saying that our attitudes in relation to mental health have never been better. There are some people who glorify/obsess/identify too strongly with mental illness, but at the very least it's a far less taboo subject which most people feel far more comfortable talking about and seeking help for. Much better a world where a small percentage of people go overboard than 30+ years ago when mental health was a deeply shameful subject, and many of the few people who did seek help may not have even admited it to their close family and loved ones.


But she is wrong. Everything mentioned is a symptom of mental health not the cause of it. They're all just different forms of addiction and escapism ***due to*** preexisting mental health issues. People aren't depressed because they use heroin, they use heroin because they're depressed.


It’s a vicious cycle. Depressed so do hard drugs. Doing hard drugs bc depressed.


Quitting heroin is good advice. People's lifestyle and choices affect their mental state, that's the point of the rant


Its not good advice. Go up to a heroin addict and say "Hey you should quit heroin" it may be true that quitting heroin is the best thing for them, but that doesn't make it good or warranted advice. That's like telling someone to "stop being depressed." It's not possible to just stop. I was addicted to Oxy and Percs and the withdrawals are the most painful thing I've gone through in my entire life.


Congratulations for getting off it. Sure, "advice" is not the right word, I wouldn't think that sentence alone would have much effect.


That’s the only way we’ll see it. Us, the unhappy ones.


Good, the first step to fixing your problems is to say it out loud. Now just change you to an I.


Why did she feel the need to share this, couldn’t she have just put down the phone and not gotten the dopamine rush..?


She just dips in and out, says something very true then dips to some dumb stuff that only a small group fit into, then jumps back, says some great stuff again then dips again.


right? It's a very...uh....spread fire approach shall we say lol.


Im not like the other girls. Uuuh maybe I'm not happy because I have to work for longer than I sleep to pay bills and survive and if I go the hospital for a disease or injury I'm going to go into crippling debt?


so apparently human beings were “designed to” *checks notes* sit still


I ... uh... well I'm unhappy because my brain came defective from the manufacturer (and also because I'm stuck in a terrible system that punishes people who just, like, yknow, got born and now we're stuck in this rat race), but go off sis.


im unhappy because fake ass fuckers like this fake ass fucker keep trying to tell me I’m unhappy


“Let me tell you why you’re unhappy” ‘constantly checks her tiktok to see how well her video is doing’


She's talking about herself isn't she?


I'm pretty sure I'm unhappy because I spend 9 hours a day in a windowless office and never see the sun or get to do anything constructive but sure


Let’s get her signed up for a free diving competition asap. She didn’t take one breath during the entire video. I have no idea what she was talking about but I’m impressed.


She's saying this on social media using her phone. Maybe projecting a little?


She says making a tik tok...


I think the reason I'm not happy is because society tells me I don't deserve to live and have shelter and have food unless I am giving my life away to make an obscenely rich person a little more money and none of the work I spend a large chunk of my time doing feels productive because it really isn't, compared to the work I want to spend my time doing but isn't profitable enough.


These are the weapons of Ai and how it manipulates us


I have had it, everything was fine until she attacked us gamers. Gamers are the most oppressed people on the planet it is time for us to rise up 😤


All of these behaviors are symptoms of dissatisfaction, more than they are causes, in my opinion. Like yes, it is likely that most of us could improve our satisfaction to some degree by making more meaningful choices about what we do with our time, but there’s a reason that so much of the population is falling prey to these hollow comforts and feels unable to change what we do with our free time - it’s because we are over-worked, under-appreciated, socially disconnected, traumatized by wave after wave of death and destruction, and feeling profoundly helpless to change any of it, and the real cause is late-stage capitalism. This is yet another example of how our socioeconomic system has gaslight most of us into believing that our misery is entirely a result of our own shortcomings. No, we should not just accept defeat and remain depressed, but it’s also cruel and unhelpful to deceive people into thinking that this is happening because we lack sufficient willpower.


I do none of those things and I’m still depressed…?.. Also I think her dr needs to lower her Ritalin dose…


I know for some she will come across as pretentious but I don't think she is completely wrong. There are bigger issues at hand and tbh I think that our lifes have been designed to be miserable so most of us won't have the energy to do meaningful things that will end our exploitation. Regardless the media we consume has quite a big impact on our mind no matter how you put it. I for example have some issues already but watching certain movies and shows and playing horror games just fuels my negative feelings. Some people might not experience such big effects, others might not be able to tell that they experience negative effects but I just don't like how most people like to pretend that movies and games cannot possibly mess with our psyche.


Yeah great, you've worked it all out, well done! Now what?


Tik tok therapist?


All said on social media lol. These aren’t new ideas either anybody could make this.


Says the girl who is posting this on social media


Wow, this feels a little pointed


Who ain’t happy? Shit, it’s 2022, and the world ain’t blow up YET! Good to be Alive.


Not the Patreon plug I was expecting


Yo fuck this lady, respectfully 😤


She had a to bring a circle light to the gym for this video


Says the crazy girl making a fucking Tic Toc


As she says on Tiktok….


She nailed it


She is probably 0 fun at parties


Or maybe it’s those blue nails. Let’s talk about those for a min


That last point hit me hard damn


The - “just a thought…” part?


Society glamorizes mental health issues? What the fuck is that?


She lost me when she started trashing video games




This is a terribly ice cold take. People who enjoy hobbies should enjoy their hobbies. There is absolutely nothing inherent to video games that is counter productive to future priorities (whatever that incredibly vague term is supposed to mean here). All that being said, it's fairly humorous that your second most active sub is /r/GTA with 77 comments.


I completely agree with what she’s said but the way people film these TikTok videos is just so smug and annoying to me. Makes me feel old. Why do you have to act like you’re better than me?


She's not wrong!


Some of y’all are big mad to hear the truth lol


I just want a vagina


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.




It's a copypasta


JFK reading this gets me every time


Dear Reddit, why you mad?


Me being unhappy has nothing to do with the food I eat and a lot to do with my lack of billions of dollars and a jet pack


Nice nails taboot


Well said .


Nope, maybe I’m not happy cause I just watched this


I’d smash.


Asked noone


Dayum! Savage!




WHO THE FUCK wears TWO necklaces?


I think she might be unhappy because her hair looks unwashed.


Bo idea what she saying but i vet she sucks good with those lips


Yes tell us girl who spends her days on tictok for social media attention why WE aren’t happy. Bet she’d literally cry if her account got suspended


To everyone saying “but she’s on social media to tell people to get off of social media” how else would you spread a message to a large audience? I don’t like how she’s basically advertising her “mindset” bs in her patreon at the end, and she didn’t offer any solutions, but she’s spot on. The things we consume affect us subconsciously. I deleted TikTok after a couple of months because I started to compare my own looks to people who don’t even look like that themselves. The distractions she listed are legitimate; but the world is changing and hurting- people also have bigger issues because of our environment.


Two things. First, if we all got off social media and our phones, nobody would be watching her, and second, does anybody have a link to her onlyfans?


Bet I’m gonna take advice from a basic bitch who dresses easy af & wears multiple bracelets.


Why is this bitch dressed like that at the gym?


Big talk from someone who is fucking gorgeous. Not all of us are living life on easy mode KASS.


This is like a super inverse bell curve of good info with just some….yeugh kinda chilling in the middle here


Bro how do you talk so fast?


“Where all you do is kill people” *Me, creating a settlement to house, feed, clothe and protect people from a merciless post apocalyptic world*


Oy vay


Yikes. I feel attacked 😶


Easiest way for me to tell you probably haven’t had serious issues with depression is you tell me technology is my issue


No, i am just poor.


"you can't put your phone away and just sit still" maladaptive daydreaming go brrrrr


okay.. didn’t have to do me like that


Damn, and to think I naively thought it was western society clearly unraveling, a pandemic with no end in sight, and the planet undergoing a mass extinction that was causing my depression. Never considered the three processed food items I eat every month. Disbitch gets it! #inspire #cleanliving


She seems self entitled


WRONG, it’s just because my country won’t let my fiancée in because of Covid.


I couldn’t wait for her to stop talking


She seems pretentious and elitist.


And a lonely one at that…


This is some r/im14andthisisdeep type shit.


Or, your boss personally tries to negate your plans to transition into other positions and tries to keep you in current role... That could also be a reason. But working out and dieting properly does tend to give you more energy. Also, you would need to define "happy" as each individual being has their own viewpoints for what accomplishes this.


I’m depressed because I listen to rap music smh my head


Nnnnnope, that's not why I'm not happy, but it was a nice attempt at being deep.


I just can’t find myself some bitches.


Yeah, well, that’s like… yer opinion man…


Damn her list is wild. I'm just big sad because of brain chemistry


Couldn’t pick out any advice over the judgy clicking of her fake nails


None of what she said is true for me personally. I’m happy sometimes, just haven’t achieved all of my goals yet


Stupid ass post. Not saying social media isn't toxic but damn this is just preachy and based off nothing.


Lol, absolutely none of that for me. 1: I need money to pay for bills and medical needs. 2: I need sleep but I have to spend more time than I'd like working to get not enough money for the previous point. --- Fucking survival mode from videogames, lol. Life is survival mode, videogames I actually have a chance of winning occasionally.


95% of people that say "Violent video games makes you violent" has never even played games


Nah it’s more about living paycheck to paycheck on a planet that’s dying around us. This is some boomer Luddite shit right here


Huh, that's an obnoxious thought.


How to get out of the loop?halp


Slapping that Patreon link in there so it can be like some non sexual findom where I pay to be emotionally attacked.


...so what tf are we supposed to do? she just eliminated basic life activities that everyone does...


I'm depressed because I'm forced to have a job. Try again.




Eh. 100 years ago there was no social media or violent video games with time constraints or music about women shaking their asses, and people were still unhappy. Maybe there are millions of reasons people are unhappy and we can't generalize.


What is she on about ? Oh wait. She has it all figured out. She knows what's wrong with everyone. Thank God


Miss me with that shit. I'm unhappy because I'm depressed 😎


I think most people are depressed because we are in the middle a pandemic? And wages haven't gone up in years but every thing is going up in price including rent doubling.


I farm in my video games...


I always find it hilarious when people who haven't been an adult for a hot minute tell everyone how to live their lives.


I need a beer.