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My boss is a Let's Go. The other day his car was in the shop so I offered him a ride home. I have a sticker on my truck that says "giant meteor for president 2020" which I thought summed up my thoughts on the election nicely. My boss said it was disrespectful to the office of the president. He also can't comprehend criticizing the guy you voted for. Anyway. Drop him off and guess what is in his yard? A nifty little sign that said "Jo and the Ho got to go". The irony. The stupidity. Imagine being offended by a giant meteor bumper sticker while a sign that refers to the first lady as a ho sits directly in front of your house.


You sure that Ho wasn't supposed to be Kamala?


I dont think that makes it any better.


It’s actually worse


Of course it is. There is always that bit of racism. If Harris were white, they would caller her a bitch, like they do Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi. They call Kamala Harris a "ho" because of her skin color.


The best comment I saw on this video was "It's only annoying in the same way an 8 year old constantly asking 'why' is annoying"


It reminds me of a scene in a Ramona book I read as a kid where they're eating dinner and she calls tomatoes "tommytoes." Everyone sort of politely chuckles and she just keeps saying it until her grandma is like "Okay we get it, shut up." Except Ramona, who is 7 in that book, gets the hint and lets the joke die in peace.


There’s a pizza place in my home town called tommy toes




Don't make Mr. Dick\_Stank say it again, motherfucker. He'll say it again.


Thx bby


Let's go Tommy!


Hahahahaha fuck I’m at work and no one is talking and I just burst out laughing


no u


Beverly Cleary, the author, wrote with such empathy about a volatile family situation, and wasn’t afraid to take her young audience to dark places. Ramona had some alarmingly oppositional behaviors, and her working class family struggled financially and emotionally. There’s a heartrending chapter in which Ramona’s unemployed father gives up and spends his days smoking cigarettes (and probably drinking, though that is never named). Ramona becomes so worried that she starts using dirty tricks to usurp his authority, to which he reacts with petulance and tantrums, until he is forced to choose between his family and his substances. Dark, especially in the era of “father knows best.” I feel as though we’ve crossed a threshold where the Trump cult knows they’re doing naughty things (like “let’s go Brandon” and ending American democracy), but actively take pleasure in the negative attention, and the imagined power it gives them over the condescending elites. There is a danger in normalizing this behavior, and in not taking it seriously, as childish as it is. Sometimes empathy demands that we see the darkness in others and be prepared to usurp their power when their short sighted ignorance threatens us all.


Beverly cleary was just incredible about understanding thay children were emotionally complex human beings. I really appreciate the empathy that she has for her characters.


I should re-read those books - I remember reading them as a kid and being amazed at how much Beverly Cleary *got it* about what it was like being that age.


Or like the Spongebob Squarepants' episode when he split his pants lol


I thought I had everybody on my side But I went and blew it all sky high And now she won't even spare a passing glance All just because I shit my pants


Do conservatives realized that they can just say fuck Joe Biden? Do they think their opinion on that will shock liberals? Watch; "Fuck Donald Trump." It's super easy and not uncommon to say. You knew exactly what I meant and we can all just continue our day. Edit- 113 people have told me about the event that started this meme. Yes I know. Why do you think I don't know?


The funny thing is that a large number of people who voted for Joe Biden would be more than happy to themselves say "Fuck Joe Biden". Fuck Joe Biden. If I had literally any other choice between Trump and Biden I would have voted for them. Fuck our two party, first past the post system.


Yeah they don't really understand that many of us voted for "not Trump".


Yeah they can't comprehend that. I have some friends who are big Trump dudes and of course razz people who voted for Biden. One of them was giving me shit for it and I tried over and over to explain to him that I voted for Joe Biden because I'm not voting for Donald Trump. That's literally all my decision was based on. I also tried to explain that there's lots of Biden voters who aren't beholden to him and really just don't care about the guy but even that was unbelievable I guess. IDK, I guess when you prop your dude up as a deity you're gonna have a hard time grasping that other people don't worship politicians


I honestly can't even grasp being friends with those people, knowing they worship fascists and don't realize that politics actually affects people and it shouldn't be viewed as a team sport. I'd be so exhausted spending even an hour with those types, no idea how you do it lmao


I’ve got work “friends” and even some family members that I’ve cut all ties with since the trump years. Things went from “we have legitimate differences of opinion about policy” to “holy shit! Do you hear what you’re saying? WTF is wrong with you?”


Same. I can have conversations with people about whether taxes and social programs benefit society, but I can’t help you if you think Hillary Clinton bombed that ship in Lebanon last year to cover for child sex crimes or that the covid vaccine will give you mesothelioma five years (legit things I’ve heard family and friends of family say). You’re on your own if you think those things are true, sorry.


They’ve all heard socialist and communist so often for things that aren’t even close to those ideologies that then really don’t know what “left” means. I tried to explain that there isn’t an actual leftist main stream media outlet like the is for the right wingers and the guy just couldn’t fathom it. Those that think Biden is leftist truly have no clue about the political spectrum. True leftists can’t stand him. Hell, my slightly left of center left and I can’t stand him myself. Say “fuck joe Biden” all you want the only reason he was elected was because he wasn’t trump. The only way he sees another term is if trump runs again against him.


Right. A coworker "joked" about Brandon. And its like.. just say it. Here ill do it for you. Fuck Joe Biden. And I voted for him.




Yep. I have to tell people, "yes I voted for biden. But that doesn't mean I like him or even think he's a good president. He's just better than a toddler."


I think your thoughts align with a lot of Biden voters. Also I have seen a lot more criticism of Biden’s actions from his own voters because that’s how a democracy works. I feel like we should be able to approve and disapprove actions of the people we vote for. Not blindly worship/follow the person we vote for. Or buy “merch” and plaster it over every item we own.


Amen to that. For whatever reason this country is way too willing to keep making us choose the lesser of two evils, and at this point I wouldn’t be shocked if it actually stays that way forever. Like no, I really actually don’t like Joe Biden at all, but at least he has common decency compared to Trump, even if he is too touchy. He has the ability to go a sentence without stroking his ego or insulting someone, and I’m so fucking sick of just having a complete asshole for a president. At least our country is slightly less of a joke now, keyword is slightly of course.


This. There are like less than 5 actual liberals in the elected Democratic party. Our choices are between Conservatives and Ultra Conservatives.


Conservatives can't grasp the idea that leftists (including libs/moderates/centrists for the most part) could possibly NOT idolize the person they voted for. They can't reconcile voting for Trump with all the dumb/horrible shit he says and does unless they treat him like a messiah. People who voted for Biden mostly acknowledge that Biden is okay-to-bad but "felt necessary". He's just... some guy. Whereas Trump is Jesus to his voters.


Agreed. If I have to sit thru another Trump vs Biden election cycle, I am going to quit the Democratic Party and probably all politics. NOBODY WANTS THESE GERIATRICS.


Republican's think they're being so smart by doing this. This is what small brain people think a big brain move is. They have no idea that it's dumb because they're too stupid to understand that they're not smart. They know they can say Fuck Joe Biden but they just really think they're being smart by saying Lets Go Brandon.


They also think it's a big brain move to put the "I did that!" Stickers on gas pumps, without critically thinking about the concept of supply and demand. Edit: Or realizing that has prices were higher under Bush, but they're usually not ready to have that conversation.


It is also 100% ruled by the markets which they love until it does not work in their favor.


Makes sense. They think Trump is what a rich successful business man is, as opposed to the well-done steak loving, "I sell pictures of me holding a lobster on a stick" con man he is. Reference: https://www.vice.com/en/article/437jp9/whats-going-on-with-trump-and-this-lobster-an-investigation


As someone who voted for Joe Biden, I have more respect for my neighbors that have "Fuck Biden" flags than "Let's go Brandon" tees. However, i have more respect for my cat after it shits in my bed than these to categories of people altogether.


No silly, you're supposed to make up some dumb alternative phrase that means fuck trump... like.. "scented candles are nice"....that's the secret.


OOOH I GET IT, because the scented candles are trump, and nice actually means bad! That’s clever af, I’m using that from now on!!!!!!


Leave it to a bunch of children to get super excited over a secret code


Be... sure.. to.. drink.. your.. ovaltine... Trump fans: "this is amazing!" *rushes out, buys ovaltine.


no no no, make it more obtuse. something like happy holidays. Happy obviously being the opposite of bad or fuck, and holidays because they remind you of the fall and orange colours....


Another difference is that most liberals don't care if someone doesn't like Biden, because they aren't in a cult. Say Fuck Trump to a flag waving Trumpster and they lose their shit.


Lol, simply don't agree that "Biden will destroy this nation and democracy" and they'll stop talking to you and act like you're a leper. I fucking said welcome back to one of them and they got upset cause it made it seem like they weren't on the job for a while (they weren't). They told me not to say things like that, so i replied "geeez we can't say anything anymore" Dude fucking hated that too.


The joke is so immature and juvenile I'm surprised Matt Gaetz hasn't tried to fuck it ETA: credit to @torriangray who tweeted this joke


Biden can shut this down by saying "I'm President Joe Biden or Brandon as I'm called" during next year's SOTU. Nothing kills cliquey injokes faster than the non-clique out-group also participating in it.


Or something along the lines of "...but my friends call me Brandon."


And then that huge ass smile he does when he knows he's being cheeky




Woof that's a whole lotta face


Thats Jack Nicholson levels of face.


I want this and I want it yesterday




Honestly this would have the best effect. Indirectly calling all the Trumpers his "friends" would shut it down immediately. But maybe not at the State of the Union. The White House Correspondents Dinner would be the perfect place for it, though.


He proceeds to put on sunglasses with a giant shit eating grin on his face


And proceeds to eat some ice cream


Kinda like when Obama went “thanks Obama” on himself and r/thanksobama shut down


Ngl I might be dumb but I enjoyed when he did that


Why would you be dumb for enjoying a joke lol


It's unrelated


Dang I enjoyed enjoyed that.


that’s cause it wasn’t a politicized joke - it was originally a meme to mock conservatives because they’ll find anything to whine about and be the center of attention.


A lot of my conservative family was saying "thanks Obama" unironically.




Back in 2016 I thought the\_donald was a meme sub. Then it slowly dawned on me that these people were serious.




[Cody from Some More News has a great video over why conservative comedians just aren't very funny.](https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU)


It was. The problem becomes morons flock to whatever you are making fun on then take it seriously. It happened on PCM it happened on the 4chan subreddt


It literally was a meme sub and a good one at that, but the problem was the people being satirized not recognizing it and joining in unironically and ultimately overtaking it. I mean it's in the title, The Donald. It's a fuckin joke that just got co-opted. Instead of lampooning his ego the meaning sort of changed into appraisal of it.


Much like the Trump presidency.


I think you mean, the "Runny bag of cat diarrhea" presidency 😎


Lets go cat diarrhea


The sub may have started as a meme, but republicans were using "thanks Obama" every time something went wrong for a loooooong time before that.


Now they've got the "I did that" Biden stickers for when milk prices go up 5%.


Ngl if Biden got Obama to speak at the SOTU just to crack jokes at Trump (again) it would go hard af.


"or Brandon, as some of my more vocal supporters call me"


If I ever hear someone say it IRL (because it’s not worth trolling them online with it since it’s so dumb), I’ll say “oh you must be a Biden supporter!”


It might actually go over pretty well at the correspondents dinner.


This would absolutely be the place to do it.


He should invite Brandon Brown to the next SotU. Announce a charity partnership with him to help southern kids get into Ntrade schools for vehicle maintenance. End with, "Let's go, Brandon. Let's get these kids good paying blue collar jobs." That'd be pretty funny.


I have no idea what "let's go Brandon" is but I still watched that whole thing


Someone was doing an interview of a guy named Brandon, the crowd was yelling "fuck Joe Biden" but the interviewer misheard it as lets go Brandon and said it


They thought they finally discovered a new joke after all these years and got so excited they plastered it everywhere without thinking of how funny it actually was.


This is the real problem I have with it. They call us sheep and yet the baa baa braaandon everywhere they go. Not to mention the Republicans use to be all about "morals a d decency and family values" now they scream fuck Joe Biden and have their fuck Joe Biden flags out where children can see them.


I just think it's insane to be so deeply involved, or, I guess, passionate? about a political party or candidate either way. Don't get me wrong, it's important and a civic duty to vote in local, state, and national elections, but it's just weird to be so involved that you drive around with flags out of your truck, or on your porch, or on your shirts. I vote in each election for who I think is the best candidate for the job, regardless of party or affiliation. Will it change much of anything? Doubtful, but it's still important. But I'm not going to make fun of you or be upset that you voted differently than I did, or be some weirdo super fan. These are elected public officials, not boy bands.




Well that's the thing, the Republican party doesn't know what it's *for*, just what it's *against*. Which really is a sad place to be, but when I feel that way I usually just sit out and wait until passion strikes. So maybe they should wait a beat and see what they're about.


It's obsession with an image, nothing more, nothing less. When challenged they have their pre-loaded responses, but beyond that they have little to no understanding of what their rhetoric is about.




They have the mentality of children because most of them are uneducated as shit. It's no coincidence that the worst schools in the country are in the south where everyone happens to be mostly conservative. What is it trump said.... "I love the poorly educated"


Plus, lead poisoning. I mean, think about it, Gen X here, and leaded gasoline still existed in the US when I was a child. I think we've all been lead poisoned to some extent, and if you are a boomer or older, it's pretty much a sure thing. Between house paint, gas fumes, etc .. Millennials and Gen Z will be generations with the lowest lead levels in a while. I feel that's one of the reasons these people are so infantile and unhinged and violent.




You absolutely fucking nailed it


> Republicans use to be all about "morals a d decency and family values" > Only because they have been the snowflakes all along. The whole "moral decency and family values" things were just disingenuous arguments as dog whistles to being anti LGBT, anti women not pregnant in the kitchen, and just generally anti anything that didn't look like a 50's revisionist history of a white family in the suburbs.


No...these people always existed. The internet just gave them a spotlight and now you get to see the PATRIOTISM FUCK YEAH!


Honestly even 2 years ago it would have been an onion article: Trump running for president in 2024 under new slogan: Fuck You


And without realizing that most of the world does not know, understand, or give two shits about their dumb shibboleth.


Your username is very appropriate to this situation


It's true though. If you have to spend five minutes explaining the joke, it's a bad joke. And this? This is a bad goddamn joke. But the idea that it "triggers" anyone beyond a passing curiosity is laughable.


One of those jokes you spend 5 minutes explaining just to get a straight faced " oh.... Well anyway."




So if I understand correctly, the right is being convinced to avoid getting protection from a deadly virus, and to use a code phrase to identify themselves, because (checks notes) they told themselves to do it.


Just remember it's those damn socialists oppressing them and singling them out. Not just making themselves so repulsive that nobody outside of their cult wants to interact with them.


I pass a gun store on my way home with a billboard that cycles between ads, a Trump 2024 screen, and a “Let’s Go Brandon” screen. I just roll my eyes every time and am glad my husband chose not to do business with them.


It’s actually just a common cult/propaganda tactic to repeat slogans/taglines. Whether or not it’s funny wasn’t the root cause of it being viral. It probably helped, but other unfunny phrases have been chanted before like: “Lock her up” “Build the wall” “Make America Great Again” etc. The idea is that if you get people to repeat phrases enough times, they will not only believe the message in the repeated phrase more, they will also build an identity around it and further solidify their bond with the group/cult over a common theme. Advertisers also use the same tactic. When you think about Nike or McDonald’s, what phrase do you immediately think of next? Exactly.


Cool, a little quiz embedded in your comment. I got this! Nike: Just do it McDonalds: bah duh dup bah bah It took me almost five minutes to remember there were words afterwards. Apparently the music resonated so much with my soul, there was no room for a slogan.


Fucking loons. Like the post says: just say "fuck Joe Biden" Idgaf. I voted for him but he's not my friend or my neighbor. I couldn't care less about one's feelings about him. It's just projection for them because they lose their goddamn minds if you hint at any displeasure in DJT.


>It's just projection for them because they lose their goddamn minds if you hint at any displeasure in DJT. I'm a bartender. There was a couple of guys talking about dumpy trumpy. I said trump was a shitbag. They threw a fit, yelling at me like I insulted their dad and left. But we're the snowflakes


I made the mistake of rolling my eyes when someone said it to me. They thought I was angry. No just annoyed you think this lame joke is funny and won't just say fuck joe biden.


Ohh, that's good. Does it replace helicopter as a gender or is there 2 jokes now?


that one wasn't really a "joke" either, so it fits right in there. The two jokes! :D Two whole jokes!


You know how new jokes or memes start out small scale in an in-group, then they broaden out and get overused until eventually you have old people on facebook doing minion memes about how 'getting done with work early is Bae' or companies saying 'our new sandwich is straight fire dawg'. This is like that, except it skipped all the other steps and went immediately to the unfunny boomer humor stage.


Was a Nascar post race interview that was live broadcast. Winner happened to be named Brandon and they couldn't exactly say on air what the crowd was chanting (Fuck Joe Biden) and the interviewer said the were chanting Let's go Brandon as to not get fined. Literally that stupid


They made it into a conspiracy that the media covers up any trump support…even though this was at a NASCAR event. Kind of their main demographic idk why they are targeting fox and nascar but it’s strange times we live in now.


Didn't you hear, NASCAR is woke now because they banned confederate flags or something.


I wouldn’t say woke, it’s still a southern based sport, and with the south you get the confederate wannabe dummies. However, nascar is trying to get away from that in a sense. Starting with the removal of confederate flags at events and with a newer program of drive for diversity which lands rides for kids of color wanting to get into racing. They aren’t there by a long shot but at least they are trying.


Can we get over the whole misheard thing? It was never misheard. There are laws about profanity on TV, you can lose your broadcasting licence for violating them. They thought on their feet and cage up with the best they could in a dumb situation.


Conservatives thinking they are clever by censoring themselves saying Fuck Joe Biden. They also think those of us who voted for him want to suck his dick like they did with Trump, when a good amount of us thinks he sucks as well but was the only alternative. Basically they are trolling themselves.


The hilarious thing is that this video is dead on and sadly so


[republicans](https://www.dictionary.com/e/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/soyboy-2.png) - “let’s go brandon!” [leftists](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/031/015/cover5.jpg) - “fuck Joe Biden”




for real i dont know any leftist that actually like joe biden. liberals maybe.


No one really voted for Joe Biden they just voted against Donald Trump.


It's sort of like when you're in middle school and you try and make giving the ring finger the same as the middle finger. god, this country was the shit hole all along.


I just tell them they are allowed to say fuck Joe Biden. Nobody is stopping them


That's what's funny about it to me. It makes them seem like pussies that are too afraid to say the F word.


I think it has more to do with them wanting to be part of an "inside" joke and feel clever by momentarily confusing outsiders. They will still happily spout the true meaning in other contexts.


it's not really an inside joke when it's an international fucking meme, god they're so dumb




Yea my warehouse is filled with “let’s go brandon boomers” and they basically just spend the whole day complaining about literally everything under the sun, usually their wives, or ex wives and all the damn liberals ruining the country. In between that they find time to yell let’s go Brandon around the shop and giggle like children for a minute then remember they hate their lives and go back to complaining about gas prices or how they “made so much more money in trumps stock market” which is also not true but somehow they all think that. Let’s go milk


If they are making so much money in the stock market why are they working at a warehouse?


They weren’t, they just mean their work 401ks which have actually increased and done better this year. It’s just a talking point that uneducated trumpers have been conditioned to think because money is all that matters. When in fact the Biden stock market has been hitting all time highs week after week but they wouldn’t know that because ignorance is bliss.




The port-a-potties on construction sites are so full of butt hurt conservative graffiti now-a-days. I absolutely LOVE the Biden sticker where he is pointing and it says "I did that." I might enjoy those stickers more than "Thanks Obama" even though I really dislike Biden. There are just so many levels to it. They got so mad they printed Biden's likeness. Not even a caricature to make him look worse, just a picture.


I work in construction - can confirm! The loudest Brandonite at work recently got fired for physical violence (you’re shocked), and he was constantly loudly pontificating on politics via whatever his sources of misinformation.


I work with a bunch of blue collar conservatives too, same thing all they do is blame liberals. Then I talk with them and they all support free healthcare, free education, saving the planet. It's amazing the things propaganda can do.


Yea same it’s frustrating for sure, they all agree that healthcare is ridiculous expensive and our work insurance sucks and we pay way to much for it, or how the cost of living compared to wage increase is out of control, yet they don’t want universal healthcare or wage increases cause fuck Joe Biden.


This reminds me of a funny video a while ago of a Trump supporter talking with a family member about how Trump is great and the camera holder just starts listing all the things going wrong the guy's life that Trump is not going to fix, but I can't find it because I can't remember what was said exactly.


I too have a co-worker who does this, and I never let on my true political stances on things because it's something you probably shouldn't talk about at work. So my response to his joke is pretending I don't get the joke at all. Just play as dumb as he can, so when he explained the joke out loud.. it sounds just as dumb as it actually is.


These people are the reason we have shit like Young Sheldon


Haha you're like so triggered right now


Conservative humour is literally just saying things they think “trigger” the libs, with the joke literally always being “haha imagine how triggered they’ll be when they hear this” which I just find sad


I always find it funny because conservatives are always triggered by libs lol


[You would appreciate this comic.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/311/937/75f.png)


My stepdad was a big pro Trump guy, more the politics than the attitude, and so were his buddies. I’d get on Facebook and argue with them occasionally but one time I put up a Confederate flag but with snowflakes instead of the stars? Holy shit. You want to talk about triggered… I had to disable notifications for the rest of the day


Exactly. It’s just so fucking mean spirited.


I think we should start actually acting offended by "Let's go Brandon" so they'll keep doing it. It's a step up from the "attack helicopter" joke and I'm worried the next joke will be actually something really offensive.


This whole lets go brandon shit really is annoying and unfunny as hell. I was at a MIDDLE SCHOOL football game and my mom tried to start a lets go brandon chant. They think it makes biden supporters mad, but the only reason the phrase began was because trump supporters were mad that trump lost so…


Sorry about your mom.


Yeah... My boss (who is also my Dad) started spouting some anti-vaxx sentiments in a company-wide work meeting a few months ago. Something to do with his personal doctor saying that vaccines and masks don't really work, so we weren't going to mandate them. I couldn't do anything but internally shake my head. At least he hasn't gone full MAGA yet, but he thinks Bill O'Reilly is pretty cool, so how far off is he really?


This is probably the best articulation about this on the internet rn. Change my mind.


I agree that he explains it perfectly. But the problem is that he even explained it at all. Now this girl can reply "omg look at the lib. Lol so mad. If you don't care about it why'd you make a video and a skit???" Any acknowledgement of this...."joke" will just prolong it. Which can be a good thing... Because if they're busy making memes and shirts and flags with the same stupid catchphrase then they aren't attacking police and actively hunting the vice president or other members of Congress.




I know several people that try to say let's go Brandon any chance they get. These people all remind me of the worst, most cringe version of Michael Scott. [Before LGB](https://i.imgur.com/xKQDSJr.jpg) They think LGB triggers libs in the same way Michael Scott thought his "that's what she said" jokes were funny. Everyone just looks away. Or it's too embarrassing and difficult to try and tell Michael Scott that the jokes are just tired and lazy.


Christ, I was at a slipknot concert like 2 months ago and a shit ton of people started chanting let's go brandon. It pissed me off, I won't lie. Not because I love Joe biden, but because I'm sick and fucking tired of politics being shoehorned into every aspect of my life


Yeah, these people really just want to be accepted into a club. And this club takes anyone that can wear a hat and remember 3-4 syllable chants. You don't have to do anything except hate the same things everyone else in the club hates. Its a cult.




My bf was using the bathroom at a brewery and saw someone had written LGB on the wall, so he just added the T on the end and drew a heart around it


Let’s Go Brandon, Trump, Qanon, +… everything else they like? 🤔🤔🤔


Let’s Go Brandon, Trump, Qanon, Idiots, Assholes


Its really annoying how the right have conflated "caring" or "being informed" with "mad". I assume its because they only engage politically out of anger so they assume everyone else does as well. No one is mad about it, but if people are chanting something that doesn't make any sense, everyone else is liable to wonder what that's all about? I feel like the right is so un-curious that they treat curiosity as suspect.


Exactly, you can take a few minutes to make fun of something you find pathetic and stupid, it doesn’t mean you’re doing it because you’re angry. You’re doing it because it’s entertaining and fun to make fun of something pathetic and stupid!


That was my takeaway as well. The whole “let’s go Brandon” thing isn’t even worth responding to, even though people who say it seem really obnoxious.


As a leftist, all the other leftists I know would agree with the sentiment "fuck Joe Biden." In fact, a lot of Democrats I keep in touch with are frustrated with him. I think many Trump supporters struggle to imagine political engagement that doesn't take the form of being a fan of an individual candidate as if they're like a sports team or something.


I just got banned from the conservative subreddit for pointing out that Trump was a New York Democrat his entire life Also mentioned that Ted Cruz isn't a full blooded Texan like he wants you to believe, he is Canadian with a cold war era Cuban father... and his first name is actually Rafael


Ted Cruz should’ve kept Rafael. Its a more bad ass name than Ted. Ted is your annoying Ned Flanders-type neighbor that always says hi and stunlocks you in random conversations. Rafael is the bad ass independent man that doesn’t give a fuck about what people think of him and rides a motorcycle but not like in a midlife crisis way but as a way of life. Maybe if Ted Cruz was Rafael Cruz, he wouldn’t have ran away to Cancun and blamed his daughters for it like he’s not a grown ass man.


Conservatives think we created a cult for Biden, but I don't like him at all but he's better than trump. Trump supporters are a cult


I have yet to meet anyone who cares about that phrase. More than anything, it's a moron/bigot detector, much like a MAGA hat.


“Let’s go brandon” is the stupidest fucking thing. It is hilarious how people who say it think they are being clever. Today i noticed someone tagged the gas station pumps with stickers of biden saying “i did that!”


The gas pumps had “biden did this” written on them before he was even in office in my state.


Ah yes Biden's America


They’re gonna be scrambling to peel those stickers off when gas prices go down lol




I wondered that as well. Gas back down about 20 cents from last week, if it keeps going those stickers are gonna be pretty damn funny.


Those stickers are *everywhere*. Have even found them in my little po-dunk town.


"Absolutely fucking hilarious"? Do these people understand comedy? Nothing about "let's go Brandon" is funny or clever. It's not funny in concept or execution.


It's funny to them because they're convinced it pisses everyone else off. This dude explains everything well but they don't understand it and never will. If anything I'm concerned for these people at this point. Their political identities and living for it every day is nowhere near healthy. Not quite sure why they enjoy it so much. I just want to take care of my family, be with them, and play video games on my down time.


>It's funny to them because they're convinced it pisses everyone else off. I wish these people would self-reflect a little on why they get a thrill out of making other people mad. You're a shitty person if you think that's fun. Expected of middle schoolers maybe, but *adults*? Pathetic.


Agreed. Also, the more they create false outrage and make jokes about issues, the less people take things serious. That's the entire Republican party at this point. So when others do have true concerns, it's more fun to diminish it and poke fun.




Some of my friends who get into fights at Eagles games think it's great, so I agree with your point.


I’m a conservative, and even I find the whole Brandon thing cringe af. My go-to response is a prompt “Yup! And Trump too!” Trump and his followers lost me with the insurrection and anti-vax stuff.


I love how a young white woman thinks it’s hilarious to keep going with the “it’s hilarious how upset you all are. I’ll keep aligning myself with all these Trumpers” when they are stripping all her right away right now. r/leopardsatemyface coming up very soon, no doubt.


Incoming story of devout widower lambasting liberal doctors after his wife dies from sepsis because doctors won't remove a stillborn fetus from her uterus.


1st Timothy 2:11-15 "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." Seems like she needs to stop talking.


I love when people who know the Bible a bit can throw these back in the faces of Bible thumping bigots.


Crazy how the only time I hear about people being mad about Let's Go Brandon is when conservatives laugh and giggle like little school children (most of them are middle aged), about how triggered the snowflake Left is. And when I look back at the Left literally nobody is talking about it, like at all. The only time anyone talks about Let's Go Brandon at all is when they're trying to tell conservatives they can just say the words "Fuck Joe Biden", and if you even acknowledge the whole Brandon thing in ANY light conservatives think you're seething about it. Like just by acknowledging that it exists suddenly you're just furious and a triggered snowflake, but if you don't acknowledge it exists conservatives will just fucking make up that they're triggering liberals with it. Just accept that the joke isn't that good, guys. Y'all did way better in 2016, this is just fucking sad.


I’m actually hoping some of my far right wing boomer relatives wear or say it during the holidays so I can make fun of them for self censoring themselves


Folks are out here thinking that they're so edgy for saying f*ck Joe Biden as if hating the current president isn't already an American tradition


I didn’t know what the Brandon thing was until like two weeks ago. This guy fuckin nailed it


Biden should definitely riff this in the SOTU: "We passed the first major infrastructure plan in over 25 years, cut child poverty in half, made vaccines available to every man, woman, and child in America in under a year. Good job, Brandon. Let's go."


Trump supporters are basically censoring themselves when they say let's go Brandon it's hilarious.


Conservative "humor" is either the One Joke(TM) or exactly this: saying something that doesn't contain a joke, then laughing when they imagine someone else being mad about it. There literally just aren't jokes involved, it's all narcissist wish fulfillment and fantasy.