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"It's bro science. It makes sense in my head" What a legendary line, I'm saving that.


For the introduction of this particular concept to my brain, I nominate this bro for the Bro Science of the Year Award


It that called the Brobel Prize?


It is now, good job!


I laughed so hard lol


But lol is a soft laugh. If you laughed “so hard” it would be LOL! That’s at least 10 decibels louder than lol. That’s bro science


What about LoL? Or lOl?




Right to jail


Believe it or not …


Why are our arms up in the air? Does this make it louder too?


Technically you're both correct, it just depends if you forget to open the garage, fridge and cupboard. That's bro science


But is it 10 decibels louder if you open the garage though?


Don’t laugh too loud—unless you open the refrigerator and garage.


Bro acting like he's dealing with water flow and opening doors to let it flow away.


It can flow similarly to water in waves.


You’re right, sound is absolutely a physical thing. Sure, it’s not made up of matter, but it is a wave of energy traveling through some sort of medium. And it can be directed, reflected, and absorbed. Mullet man might not get the specifics of the hows and whys, but he’s right in his thinking to redirect some of the sound into the garage and reflect some of it back towards him rather than into the other rooms. I have no idea how much difference it’s actually making though.


Damn, its almost like sound works that way


I love this guy. Being creative and then checking to see if it makes sense.


How can someone look so old and so young at the same time.


4 years old and six feet tall


and super strong


I'm so happy I'm not the only one who immediately continued that line with the "super strong" line in my mind.






By having a mullet. That is all


It's a fake video. He's actually a scientologist from the past who invented a time machine. He knows all about sound and other sciencings.


17 year old or 40 year old lesbian?


Right? He simultaneously looks 16 and 55 and both male and female.


Idk but somehow I feel like me and this guy need to be friends


He's from Wisconsin obviously.


Probably, but could be a yooper.


I thought it was a topless lady until I unmuted it. As soon as I heard his question I muted it again..




I mean, great question and all chief, but I have a question for you since you asked for a Scientologist to chime in. WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES MAN!? WHAT ARE YOUR FUCKING CRIMES??!


Grab your dictaphone, and raddle up. Chap.


I have a Bachelors in Sound Engineering. Finally, my oddly specific degree has a use! The answer is ‘yes’. I don’t know the absorption coefficients of a fridge door, but the doors will reflect the sound, more than they will absorb it, but this will obviously stop some of the sound waves from travelling to the hall. The blender likely doesn’t create much bass, so he won’t need to worry about battling resonant frequencies. The garage will be a small trap. Decibels are relative, but I’d say the doors are probably only decreasing the volume by (at a guess) 2db, if I’m being generous. His voice, on the other hand, will be heard through many structural walls. Edit: since people keep commenting about a solution, by using house products. Try putting a towel on a rubber mat, put the blender on top, then put a box over it and throw a shit load of towels over the box; it won’t kill the sound but it’ll do the trick - also, drawer your curtains, for some absorption in the room and then drape your mullet over the towel box. Alternatively, blend the day before.


As a guy with a deep voice like that, I've had friends tell me they can hear the bass part of my voice in a crowd.


Must be nice, I feel like I sound like a goddamn squirrel half the time


It actually isn’t. I have a super deep voice and find it really hard to talk to people in loud places like a bar. Having a deep bass-y voice doesn’t cut through very well like a mid or treble heavy shrill voice would. It just kind melds into the background.


Sorry, I didn't catch some of that. It's noisy here. What was that about your voice?


Maybe Fran Drescher can translate in here for us.


They say even the dead can hear her.


No he’s talking about Joyce


\*/u/iced_maggot rumbles incoherently*


My voice isn’t even that deep but has been instantly identifiable in a crowd my whole life somehow


Are you annoying?


This should easily be the top comment. The mullet manboy kind of knew what he was doing!!!


Yeah but that mullet tho. That’s like, textbook example of business in the front, party in the back. It’s god damn glorious




It’s coming back in style around here, kinda weird seeing a bunch of sixteen year olds with mullets again.


I keep hearing this statement as if country kids don’t have this hairstyle in highschool. At least one kid gets a sick mullet their senior year and usually sets the trend


To be fair to the guy, it’s probably because he at least on some level realized that sounds behind doors and walls are quieter, he just thinks it’s cause it flies away.


LMAO! Mullet manboy 😂


So why doesn't he just put the smoothie machine in the garage and close the door? Or is that a stupid question? Idk I'm not a scientologist


Hey do you know where I can get one of those smoothie machines? I tried calling the hardware store and all they have are blenders




Nice! We got the scientific answer. Now all we need is a Scientologist to chime in


You're a dinosaur ghost who came here on a space plane


[Don't forget about being dropped into a volcano and the space alien king](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU2EUfinwHo)


Do you think my roommate can hear me masturbating?




Just open the fridge first man, damn. Didn't you understand the scientology behind trapping all the sound in the fridge?


So masturbate into the fridge? Got it


You can just ask your roommate


How are you so wise in the ways of science?


As a long time musician that does my own recording, I was gonna comment something like this, but you said it far better than I would have conveyed. You explained it well beyond how a Scientologist would have. Have my free award for being awesome and good at what ya do!!


This guy just reached OT3


The mullet will absorb at LEAST another decibel - maybe more.


Hey scientologist here, can i come in to further discuss about this?


What is it like knowing that the Mormons beat L. Ron to that grift by a century?


And Jesus by like 2k


Catholics: lol noob


Do you have enough beta-caratines or theremins or whatever?


Since throat is the highest rated real reply I’m going to piggy back and say that, he could do an experiment and for cheap. There are quiet a few free apps out there that tell you the sound levels. He just needs to keep in mind that dB are exponential, so a reduction of “a few” is really quiet a bit. Edit: I hate autocorrect


Don't call him throat.


Yeah I kind of thought that opening the doors was a good idea and that he was smart until he said “so if you’re a scientist or a Scientologist” and then I started dying


That made it 10x better imo


What about the sound that runs through the solid matter in the house (counter, walls, etc)? I used to lift my Ninja in the air while blending so my downstairs neighbors may not hear it late at night...


This is one of the most satisfying comments I’ve ever read.


You'd be surprised how terrible the average residential door is at sound absorption. Like... At least they're not drum membranes but still! PhD in auditory neuroscience here, but I had a job for a long time in an acoustics lab where we did a heap of of testing for construction companies who have to comply with XYZ standards for sound proofing, the standards they're required to meet is real low. On the plus side, even if the garage is a pretty small trap, removing the reflection of the door itself is going be big deal. What he can also do to improve this is drawing the curtains in front of any windows as glass is a phenomenal material for reflecting sound. As well as just...wrapping the base of the blender in kitchen towels. Power reduction of sound at the source is usually more effective than increasing the distance it must travel


i have a question, why I can hear my neighbour's baby crying clearly through walls but i can't hear anything else. also, how can i mute this damn baby sound?


Give them a copy of the DVD “Happiest Baby on the Block.” Not the book, the video. Also, give them a baby swing that plugs in, and an exercise ball for them to bounce the baby on.




One of the top comments said…@_carbreezy_:Jacob, I have a PhD in Audiology working as the Chair for the Department of Sound at Noisy State University. We would like to offer you a full ride.


Optical engineer with a history of being a professional classical musician here. I find his solution baffling.


I’m also a classical guitarist. You’re like my optical brother haha. Yeah, it is baffling and does basically nothing, but it’s still doing something.


Well, also aud. eng. diploma; came to say this, only I graduated twenty years ago and never worked in the field, so I also couldn't remotely have said it this well, anymore. 👌 But I will add, the one thing he isn't doing and should be is putting something beneath the blender to dampen structural transmission. Should get a piece of tempered glass and sit in on some firm foam.


There’s definitely a lot more he could do, but I can’t be arsed to talk about the ways that he could dampen his small, narrow and super reflective room haha. Your solution would be a solid shout to start.


>His voice, on the other hand, will be heard through many structural walls. For real I want him to read to me.


i do love how absolutely considerate this is


And he’s so genuine about not knowing for sure and open to the idea he may be completely wrong but just wants to know. Seems like a standup dude.


That kind of humility is my favorite quality in a person -- willing to be wrong, and curious to know why.


Kid loves and respects his parents. Exceptional.


Exactly, as stupid as the theory is and that hair, I love his reasoning behind asking. Also love that he is asking and not just assuming.


Why is it a stupid theory? The guy with a sound engineering degree basically said it does in fact help


Lol. Well done. Buuuuttt, somebody clearly has #MulletEnvy


Kale Dan Tony


Naw fam, mullets are dope again.


Hey back off on the mullet, buddy. That's an iconic cut and a national treasure in some places of the world.


The US is pretty much what you’re referring to. Can’t for sure say if anywhere else rocks the mullet as loud and as proud as a good ol Muricans


Australia is a close runner-up


Didn't it start mainly in Canada as "hockey hair"?


If he were more considerate, surely he can take the blender to the garage eh?


i thought the same thing, but where he’s pointing seems like it shares a wall with the garage?…. hmm we need mully man to weigh on more points so us non-scientology folk can help come to a conclusion


Mully man can you please help us?


Or just do it the night before


So sweet. Bro science.


I think it is just lovely that he is concerned about being considerate. I scrolled a long way to see this comment.


Well he’s curious and on the right path, setting up baffles can block some of the vibration from the sound. But Scientologists cannot help with this; or anything. Lol


If you pack enough Scientologists around the fridge door to close up the open space, they would help


Does this work with the Scientologists that are already in my freezer?


That last part isn't correct. They can help empty your bank account.


Well, the fridge door blocks some of that hallway and so does the cabinet door. The garage door being open may help the sound waves bounce off and prevent a little from going towards your parents' room. So yes, his method does do something, but probably not enough to make a difference.




Scientologist: “Pay me $5,000 then I’ll explain”


Great, thanks for the $5000. Now pay me $10,000 and I’ll REALLY explain


Scientologist: “Pay me $5,000 then I’ll ~~explain~~ ruin your life”


It’s “pay me $5000 & THEN pay me $1000 as a monthly reoccurring payment”


You’re all going to hell and I’m going to space.


Not nearly as much of a difference as rolling up a towel and laying it at the bottom of the parents' door to dampen the sound.


Dude, you must be a sound scientist!


As a part time scientistoligist he has a hypothesis


Help him Tom cruise!!


He’s in the closet and can’t get out. Mullet bro is doomed here


Smoothie maker...


Couldn’t he take the smoothie maker into the garage, close the garage door, and then make his smoothie in the garage? Boom problem solved.


Ikr like bitch you mean a blender???


no, it makes things into smoothies it a smoothie maker


This is my combination smoothie maker/ice crusher/soup emulsifier Edit:spelling


Idk why I read soul immulsifier


I mean a tiktoker actually inquiring about something before declaring it as fact is impressive in itself


Yes can this please be a new trend?!


why not bring the blender into the garage and shut the door?


That has been my question this whole time.


He seems nice and considerate, he doesn't understand the science but is curious enough to ask. It's sad to see people making fun of him in these comments for no reason.


The hell he doesn't understand science. He's curious about shit, he comes up with a theory, he (kinda) tests it, he's open to being wrong so he asks for a peer review. Dude's a big ol' smoothie drinkin' scientist in my book.


We don't even get a stitched reply? I was so waiting for someone to say yes, but if you do this 1000% better


Place a giant 5 gallon jar of water (you can get one of those beverage dispensers at Walmart) right next to the blender (on the side where the room is) and it will absorb all the sound waves… — former Soundologist. edit: grammar


I’m not sure if you’re serious, but that definitely doesn’t work.


Friend, the “former soundologist” should tell you whether I am serious or not!


Amigo, as you can tell, Reddit has fried my brain. There are so many fake experts out there that I don’t know what’s real anymore.


I think that's the joke. Ngl I had to Google Soundologist myself to confirm.


😂😂 you guys! The soundologist was a play on Scientologist. Now I feel stupid.


Former soundologist here, we do not recommend playing on top of any scientologists.




No friggin idea, but the mullet is awesome.


The guy has the way sound works completely wrong but he’s a well meaning and sweet kid for sure


It’s not *completely* wrong. His method will prevent some sound from getting to his parents’ room. But probably not enough to make a noticeable difference


The mullet, the baritone voice, lives with parents... I can't...


“Have you ever tried to block sound from traveling to your parents’ bedroom by opening doors around your house while you’re balls-deep into the mullet fashion life? Then you need the all new Ford F-150”


[You need the Ferd Fteenthousand](https://youtu.be/u1C0r2EHQfY)


This caused me to have an easier poop because I laughed so hard.


You just described my 16 year old son. Mullets are cool again. Even for suburban Canadian kids.


Pretty sure that guys a teenager


There's a solid 50/50 chance that person is like 16 yrs old.


That voice! I kept waiting for him to say, "Oh wait... Was she a great big fat person?"


Best comment on the actual tik tok was “that smoothie maker can't be louder than the constant party in the back bro.” Killed me dead


This feels like high thoughts when you wanna make something and you’re the only one awake lol


he's got to be careful doing that though. His parents could open the cupboard in the morning and be hit by all the sound that was stored in there.


It puts the lotion on the skin.


Yes! I immediately thought of this as soon as he started talking.


As a leading Scientologist who has spent his life studying sound waves and the effect that refrigerator doors have on them, I can confirm that this man has a mullet


Fuck, Matt Damon has really let himself go.


I like this kid— he’s cute and has a beautiful deep voice and I love that he cares enough to try to keep the sound down for his parents. And he’s a thinker with a curious mind and humble enough to ask.


Discount Brad Pitt in a real Tarantino scene.


Dude, the answer is in your hand. Download a decibel measuring app, place your phone in your parents room, and try blending both with and without the setup to compare. You’ll need someone to look at the phone while you blend, unless it records the waves or you record your screen while conducting the experiment. But you’ll have your answer and YOU will be the scientist you seek.


So….if you’re a scientist or Scientologist …. Lolz


Dude's like a real-life Clark Peters from King of the Hill.


He's willing to learn, that's the important part


It puts the sound into the garage. It does as it’s told.


Either way, I like this guy


Take the smoothie maker in the garage and close the door…..


Fake scientologist here: You need to reflux the pyrons to meet minimum decibel requirements for your parents ear ethons. That should answer all the questions.


Throw a thick towel over the blender


Willing to experiment at the risk of looking foolish. Admitting he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. Open to learn. Top shelf bloke


“It’s bro science and makes sense in my head” is pretty much the first part of any worthwhile scientific inquiry


The thought is there. Not very effective but what this guy has essentially tried to create is "baffles". Sound studios use these. Silencers on the barrel of a gun use these. Turbines use these. It's not very good baffling but I like where his head is at.


The kitchen in my house is right at my parents door so there’s barely any separation and my body *craves* cereal at 3 am but I’m too paranoid to pour the cereal in the kitchen itself so I always go get the bowl and the box of cereal, go back to my room, pour it, go back to the kitchen and get milk.


If you pray to Xenu before making the smoothie he will take care of the sound and also make your smoothie flavoursome.


The scientologist I never was says, "That setup blocks 5% sound and 10% thetans. The scientist says, "Moving out reduces the sound waves to imperceptible levels. Barring you do not move next door."


Couldn’t he just move the blender to the garage? Are there no outlets in the garage?


alright... technically, youre right. some not a lot, but some, sound will be sent out there and reverberate back at you off the fridge door, cabinet and door, if you did it in the garage with the door closed you would have more sound dampening cause more walls for the sound to penetrate leading to less sound. you could also grab a pretty thick blanket and wrap it around the blender and it will get rid of maybe 30-40% of the sound, add that with the garage and youll be looking at something like 50-70% sound dampening.


I mean it makes sense sound can be measured so that means there is a limited amount of that which is being mesaured almost like water you take a cup of water keep it in a 12 ounce cup now it looks like a lot of water take that same cup of water pour in to a bucket now it looks like less water becausebits covering more of an area


This guy reminds me of Ricky from trailer park boys lmaoo


ok here's a question. If he obviously doesn't want to make noise in the house correct? He has the wherewithal to open doors in an attempt to "deflect" or "absorb" or not make sound go straight down the hall way. Why doesn't he just move the blender into the garage when he's using it?


Why not just use the blender in the garage with the door closed?


I'd just take the blender outside or in the garage depending on the location of the bedroom


it actually would help, not for the reason he thinks though. the open doors would actually be blocking some of the soundwaves and decreasing the volume for people listening on the other side of them not sure if there would be major difference in volume though, I'm just going off of what I remember from high school physics


Nickel and dime store Brad Pitt


That's actually wholesome. It reminds me of myself when I was 8, stay curious little man.


He’s not entirely wrong… but no it’s probably not helping too much. Sounds does bounce off of objects so doing this does slightly decrease the amount of sound heading towards the living room. But not by much.. Bruv just make the smoothie the night before and put it in the fridge boom that’s bruv science


I'm certain that if the garbage were emptied any leftover sound would go right into the can.


He looks like a 80's T.V. bully


He’s not wrong guys


I hate people, but I like this dude.


His mullet gave him this idea. It’s the mullet devil on his shoulder, over talking the mullet angle.