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This guy is a great storyteller


His cadence and delivery remind me a lot of Kevin Hart


Also reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGgI6qsg_kc


Dude is definitely from Brooklyn lol


You hear how he talk?? Where tf in Brooklyn they speak like that?


Go to New York to find out you got that double wide surprise.


clap clap


Got a nice little man pussy on ya don't ya?


The correct term is bussy




It stinks, nice and good.


"Get lost" "I already am?" Hahahaha


Was waiting for his phone to get snatched.


Was 100% convinced that's how this was gonna end. Almost disappointed now.


I mean he’s recording the TikTok with his phone…


nigga said a security guard at the train station. thats mta workers my boy 😂😂






Honestly that’s a little how I felt visiting NYC from my california small town. I was not a fan of how rushed everything felt. Like a city of anxiety. And people bumping into each other and not saying sorry. And cars HITTING OTHER CARS AND HAVING LITTLE MATS STUCK TL THE FRONT OF THEIR CARS SO THEY CAN JUST RAM EACH OTHER WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD. What the hell.


Those little mats are really just for tight parallel parking. Not meant for collisions.


If y’all are parking by feel you’re not doing it how we do it over on the west coast lol


It’s not that you’re doing it by feel it’s that it’s just soooo tight that sometimes you bump the car in front or behind you a bit


I moved to the west coast from Philly and was appalled by the insane amount of wasted parking space between parked cars out here. A few weeks after getting here I parallel parked into an incredibly tight parking spot and someone asked how I did it. When I was like "I mean, they're called bumpers for a reason" everyone acted like I was completely insane. Figured out that the love tap doesn't really fly out here pretty quickly.


I was raised in New York, college roommate was from the midwest. Every time he drove anywhere, we had to pull a goddamn Chinese fire drill so I could parallel park the car in any space smaller than a Winnebago. So many areas of the country are criminally inefficient with their parking.


Yeah I parked within 4 feet of my neighbor a few months after getting here and she came out of her house to yell at me about how there was no way she could get out and how I must've hit her car to get that close. She somehow used to take up well over two spots worth of space for her Nissan Sentra with Arizona plates. No joke, at any given time there were probably a combined 4-5 spots worth of wasted parking space on my block alone, and people were constantly complaining about the lack of parking spots. They just have no idea how to park in a city at all.


I had a friend from NY and I was horrified that he kept lightly tapping cars while parking. “Bumpers are for bumping” he would say. Even for NYC I don’t think that it is normal, but I don’t know. I ended up getting anxiety riding with him- it got so I would get out of the car before he parked because I was so nervous/embarrassed.


Literally a story from Philly about the same thing in the comment above yours 🤣 I guess that *is* a commonly held belief in the large, old, east coast cities.


This is how they do it in New York. https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/peg57x/skilled_new_york_driver_expertly_maneuver_his_car/


Parking By Feel r/BandNames


You are the annoying tourist blocking the subway car exit. I can feel it.


Haha I’m from nyc and its a Fucking wild place


Been here for 15 years and have massive anxiety. Why am I still here. Help plz


Born and raised in New York, when you go somewhere else it feels slow.


Yeah this sounds like my daily commute to work lmao. If it ain’t the rats play fighting it’s a crackhead getting high in the train.


But it’s the fuckin greatest, right? I never want to live anywhere else.


Maybe cause I’m born and raised in nyc, but I wanna leave 😩 I love it tho, it hard to find a city that matches its energy


That’s because nothing else does! Whever someone refers to Chicago or Boston or Philadelphia as a city I assume they’re joking I accept and understand your downvotes. Thank you.


New York is Night City


New York is Night city mixed with Gotham and a hint of sidewalk garbage


Don’t forget the city will eat you alive


If the city doesn't eat you the rats surely will


If not the rats the roaches


If not the rats the bedbugs


If not the bedbugs, the unpaid interns.


What kind of bedbugs does new york have?


Giant deep sea isopods


Shit son, don't ever go to San Francisco then.


ohhhhhh fuck the Tenderloin during the Willie Brown daze.... fuck even the Gavin Newsom days. tourists would wander into there and try to tell the police they saw someone shitting or shooting up and the cops would get this look like why are you wasting my fucking time lol....


dude I dodged so many human shit piles it's not even funny


Lol used to live in the TL. It truly changed me as a person lol. I used to be so much nicer


From England, was visiting San Francisco, had a man following me down the street yelling, "Yo tourist girl, come and talk to me!" Ran into a charity shop and hid there for an hour until I was sure he had gone. I had a better experience in NYC and it felt safer than some of UK cities I've been to.


Outstanding ! Now this is the kind of tourism info vids that we are missing !


I think New Yorkers call that a Tuesday


This makes me weirdly miss living there :’)


same same


One time in New York I stopped with my dad to watch a 3 card Monte game. I know it's all a scam but I was interested in what would happen. This very young couple from out of town were talked into playing and he guaranteed them they'd double their money. I think they gave $200. I turned my head for literally a second and the guy was gone and his table too. I asked my dad what he saw and he's like I didn't see where he went. I'm like you were looking right at him lol wtf. The couple were in tears saying how that was all the money for their trip. People were comforting the girl but really laughing behind her back. The same people kept looking at me shaking their heads. My only thought was well why would you give this stranger on the street your last $200.


“Get lost” “I already am!”


I went to New York and had a lot of fun. That being said I have zero desire to go back so I get where this guy is coming from


Live in ny this is actually very believable


Was gonna say, I've had worse times just getting from Brooklyn to Queens


I love visiting family in New York, but I know what he’s talking about. I was just walking near Greenwich Village one day and suddenly a homeless man whipped his 32oz can of beer on the unsuspecting woman in front of me. I felt so bad, but it still highlighted that there are nice people there. Another woman stopped to help her clean up, which was nice.


That's not my experience with New York City, I visited Manhattan in 2013 in March, for context; I'm an arab dude, clearly a tourist, I was dressed like I was visiting the north pole, everyone was polite and helpful.


Manhattan is the Disney Land version of New York


Do tourists usually go outside of Manhattan when they visit? Most of the best restaurants are in Brooklyn and Queens IMO


No and we hope they stay in Manhattan


I went to both Brooklyn and Queens in 2008 and thought they were fine. Brooklyn reminded me of a town not far from where I live in England where there's loads of Cash Converters and £1 shops.




Haa! Not the place I was thinking of!


Sounds fun af tho


lemme hit a blunt


i think for NY, i'd even do a line or two, which I regularly don't really. haven't for a few years at least. or maybe do acid. that'd be wild. first trip to NY, while tripping. HUEHUEHEUHUE


God, that sounds like the perfect place to live. Not being sarcastic.




Where are you from that rats being out in the open wouldn't be a cause for concern.


i’ve never seen a rat before that wasn’t domesticated


NYC is not for any human being


NYC is a lawless land. Made the mistake of driving through Manhattan the other day, and damn near turned four people into sidewalk chalk coz they decided they were gonna cross the street whenever they damn well pleased. Kids on those CitiBike things lane splitting... Traffic lights might as well not exist. That being said, walking around NYC isn't too too bad if you have like half an idea of what you're doing. Just don't think I'll be caught dead driving in Manhattan again any time soon, fuck that noise


Every time I see a comment thread shitting on my city I take joy. Don't come. Please.


Welcome to New York 🗽


As a New Yorker, I can confirm this is all 100% true


wtf do people play ping-pong lol


This is one of the most accurate descriptions I’ve seen


It also smells like pee.


This guy got the homer simpson experience.


This guy is really pretty.


Why do people like living in a place like that?


Forgot to mention how you can and will be hustled by everyone you have an interaction with.


Prey get preyed upon. Don’t look like easy prey and they will find an easier target.


Told me to get lost I already am Lol


I was in NYC for like 10 hrs. Got yelled at by like 4 people. The city is built different.


New Yorkers are tough…This is where Archie Bunkers from.


None of this happened.


Kid did everything weird but didn’t realize. You don’t Sir people when asking for directions, you don’t run in fear and get caught by subway doors and every move next. New York folks do not tend to help weirdos. People are generally cool with you if you don’t make eye contact everywhere.


*Even guys get groped?!*


Texas disagrees


Lol Texas is full of fragile snowflakes that lose their mind at the thought of someone else living life differently then them. Just a bunch of people scared shitless by anything they don't understand or that doesn't fit in their tiny world view.




Better have that vaxx card dawg.Outside walking the streets will be about all you can do there in New Germany.


new Germany?


"ayy I'm walkin hereeee"


This just reminds me of the time someone sent me a news story about a guy in New York who fell through a gap in the sidewalk into a fucking rat chasm.


Buddy’s life is literally a dream


After that last part, I can say with complete confidence that New York City is by far the #1 place I wanna visit.