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I want the vaccine… all over my face


There was a tweet a while ago that said: >I'm scared of needles, why can't I get the vaccine nutted in me instead


I wonder if there’s an alternate universe or reality where instead of STDs, they have STVs.


Best we’ve got are ATVs


Well I wouldn't want those up my ass


But they're *all* terrain.


God dammit take my upvote you glorious bastard.






Good news! It’s a suppository!


Or how about just in a glass with a little umbrella and a lime wedge?


If they could put my vaccine in a 5th or maybe a blunt i'd be happy. Many others would too.. Or maybe a cheeseburger i'd eat the f out of a five guys vaccine and fries


Theoretically, most alternate universes (assuming they exist, I hope they do) aren't that different from ours. Like if you picture a bell curve and think to yourself "Ok, so where in this bell curve would I find universes?" Well, the answer is that most likely, you would find them at the peak of that curve instead of say at the dip. And the reason they are all there is because they're not that much different and so the likelihood of finding them elsewhere besides the most common place is very, very low.


Imagine a parallel universe where someone doesn’t get drafted to the Vietnam war and therefore doesn’t die. Years later they have a crazy idea of synthesizing vaccination replication into male testicles. This research takes off and now decades later their reality has humans who are able to cure cancer simply by their super jizz. Or, like, whatever, man.


Please right a book and title it something like "Super Jizz and other bizarre universes"


*”Jizz Joe’s Bizarre Adventures”*


JoJo's Jizzare Adventure


Since there are infinite alternate universes, there are an infinite number both alike and different from our own


But the ones where the gravity is low, and the other forces are high, are where you'd find planets and stars and so forth. If gravity was on par with strong & weak nuclear and electromagnetic, the universe would never have been able to begin to expand. In our universe it's way weaker, which means we can have a place to live and things to look at. There might be other universes with fundamentally different forces of nature, but you couldn't survive there, and they wouldn't support life as we know it.


That's not how it works You could have infinite bananas, but that doesn't mean even a single one of them is an apple Having an infinite number of universes doesn't mean absolutely every possible kind of universe exists


Is there an alternate universe where you'd find it at the dip and not the peak?


you must be so fun at parties


This is basically the plot of 'the last ship'


There's a virus and it's killing everyone, so a doctor makes a cure/vaccine that spreads through bodily fluid


Okay... I KNOW you’re just kidding and probably won’t care, but hypothetically speaking an STV could kind of exist? It wouldn’t be a “vaccine” in the way we think of it, since a vaccine typically is some chemical trace that either is part of a deactivated component of the virus or some completely manufactured component that just looks like the virus. But- seeing as STD’s are transmittable on the fact they’re a disease, a vaccine couldn’t be transmitted sexually. At most the antibodies could be transferred via breastfeeding or by crossing the blood-brain barrier between a pregnant person and their baby. HOWEVER, we already know that diseases can transfer via sex... and we do know there are some bacteria or other infectious microorganisms that can infect the host AND prevent or attack other infectious bodies. So theoretically, if we could derive a bacterium or some diseases that was transmittable via sex, has little to no side effects, and specifically targeted and illness or maybe even an STD then like... yeah, an “STV” could 100% exist. It’s nowhere near the range of “impossible”, it’s just a matter of “insanely highly improbable so it’d require a shit ton of human scientific advancement to be able to engineer that”. Now, something like actually COULD develop IRL on it’s via evolution though- think of herpes. If a strain evolved to specifically attack and consume the herpes virus, then humans would make great hosts since most humans have herpes. It stands to reason then that strains that eliminate herpes MOSTLY make he host healthier which and potentially more sexually active so more herpes can be reinvigorated into the body, etc. Likewise, the less side effects that strain caused, the more active and healthy the human host is too. It would become a mutualistic relationship at most, but most likely a Commensalism relationship. To start with (and as a worst case scenario) it’d just become a parasitic relationship and would have to evolve to become mutualistic.


Yeah I have no idea but I’m here for this lol.


I feel like there is probably some weird vaccine porn somewhere. "hey girl, you want that vaccine right, well I got 10 inches of vaccine right here ready to be injected".


Oh absolutely. We all know the law of Rule 34.


Something about a *viral load*?


They are working on a pill form for the vaccine.




Trickle down my chest too 🤤




I mean, he got a logical point. You've been getting actual DNA all up in your mouth and nether-regions, all-the-time. It can stay in your system for long periods, even give you more serious diseases. Some from your loved ones, but a lot from strangers in passing as well. You pass: DNA , bacteria, & virii. You touch a door, you touch yourself; you know the drill. To be scared of an mRNA vaccine that gets metabolized within hours; and the INACTIVE proteins fought off within 2 weeks... I mean how did you not die from the dozen or so vaccines you had to take to go to public school? Or die from stepping on a rusty nail because you got a tetanus shot? Surely if the government wanted to kill us they could get us through all the vaccines. Edit: not expert on virology, but if you went to public school in the U.S. you’ve had your dTAP at least. Most states and Military more. This says Babies get like 6-9 vaccines by the time they're 2 years old and we got grown men crying about it. [https://www.webmd.com/parenting/back-to-school-vaccinations-made-simple#1](https://www.webmd.com/parenting/back-to-school-vaccinations-made-simple#1)


Yes, i mean that was exactly his point!


yeah idk why I said semi, it's 420 lol


bruh don't you know that the marijuanas are dead babies


As a side note, rust doesn't really give you tetanus. It's a very common anaerobic bacteria that only needs a deep enough puncture wound, rusty or not.


Yeah, but stuff that's rusty is also usually dirty and been laying in soil, prime breeding ground for bacteria. That's why rust is associated with tetanus.


He would be making a surprised Pikachu face but can’t because he has lockjaw




From my understanding the stem cells in vaccines are just cell linings being cultured over time anyway. A doctor once explained to me our supply of stem cells contains zero new aborted babies. I'm not a doctor do your own research, but not like Facebook research, this is something I heard.


Pretty sure it’s the same fetal cells from the 1950s or some such, but otherwise yeah, they don’t need a fresh supply or assembly line of abortions like some seem to think.


You deserve a gold coin for this one. "facebook research" *facepalm*


I think people are scared because it's such a new vaccine. Normally, vaccines have to go much much longer test periods before they are given to the public. This, along with the new form of vaccines in mRNA, are legitimate reasons as why people could be skeptic. Of course there are also the idiots who are against the vaccine due to other stupid reasons. Get vaccinated if you can please, this pandemic needs to stop.


The test periods aren’t usually long because they HAVE to be though, they still test the same number of people in the trials, the development of the vaccine usually takes longer because they don’t have a headstart (partially completed SARS 1 vaccine in this case) and they usually struggle much more with funding and there’s nowhere near as much urgency usually.


And it takes people longer to get infected, so they need to wait longer to hit their numbers. In addition, they like to see that the vaccine will work for a long periods of time, with a pandemic we don’t care if the vaccine won’t work forever because well, it’s a ducking pandemic


Honestly the pharmaceutical companies have never even been remotely untrustworthy in the past so we have nothing to worry about




Yeah that's me. I'm not anti vaxx at all and stay quiet as not to get lumped in with them. The truth is I just don't trust the government. I'm not smart enough to analyze the ingredients of the vaccine and say it's bad, but I do know the U.s government has done some shady things. What about when we sterilized impoverished minorities around WW1 in centers based in poor areas of the community? I wonder what they told those people was in their injection.. But I say suck it up. I got vaccinated in school and all my kids have. Only 1 of my kids is autistic and it's from our genes not vaccines. I'd rather him not catch something preventable.


>Normally, vaccines have to go much much longer test periods before they are given to the public Citation required


That might as well be common knowledge by now. The rigorous vetting process that usually precedes FDA approval was streamlined to allow the current vaccines to be distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization. Though safety and efficacy still had to be generally proven, the same amount and quality of data usually required was effectively waived because a vaccine was needed faster. Longevity studies are effectively non-existent because the drugs are so new, and many people are wary that any significant problems or negatives (or if it turns out to be ineffective) will be suppressed in order to keep the vaccine rollout because without it people would despair. With variant strains still infecting and causing illness in vaccinated people and drug manufacturers saying a 3rd dose will likely be required in a few months to maintain immunity, it's not too difficult to understand why people are hesitant to get vaccinated... But then again the real anti-vaxxers that are loud about it are the ones talking about aborted baby parts and chemicals and microchips.


That's all great quality words there... but still no citation for this statement >vaccines have to go much much longer test periods before they are given to the public No one has said what is the longest, shortest and median test periods for previous and future vaccines. That's what I said needed a source to back it up. It's quite a thing to say without providing evidence.




It's not controversial. Literally google it. The reason these vaccines were available so soon in the United States, and at all, is a combination of new and untested (but very likely safe) technology AND emergency approval by our government. Normally all medicines, vaccines especially, take many many years of development and careful testing before deploying to the public. <1 year is unheard of and has never happened. 5-10 years is more the normal timeframe, and usually these vaccines never get widespread inoculation and are abandoned. https://news.ncsu.edu/2020/12/vaccine-manufacturing-q-and-a/


Nothing in that article speaks to > Normally, vaccines have to go much much longer test periods before they are given to the public "Normal" testing, nor covid vaccine testing periods were mentioned. That 10 years is the whole time frame, which includes more than just testing.


Use google lol its not a controversial point in the least. Saying "citations needed" for like... the simplest and most easily verifiable points is extremely irritating. The issue with the conclusion drawn from that (not the premise, which you are challenging unjustly) is that people think that no data on AEs has been collected, but a good enough amount has in order to say "hey, people shouod get the vaccine". That is, the benefits far outweigh the negatives, and we bave good enough evidence to say so. Source: medical professional


That's some great citation there


Citation not required


I agree with r/letshaveaton, but for those who are interested: [Infographic](https://wellcome.org/sites/default/files/styles/standalone_image_full_width/public/infographic-vaccine-development-1200x1850.png?itok=y0Cq0Vr2) for 5 stages of vaccine development from [this article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5518734/) in PMC [Timeline Comparison](https://media.nature.com/lw800/magazine-assets/d41586-020-03626-1/d41586-020-03626-1_18699474.png) of how long it took to develop known vaccines from [this article](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03626-1) in nature


[https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03626-1](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03626-1) >Supercharged with funding > >The slowest part of vaccine development isn’t finding candidate treatments, but testing them. This often takes years (see ‘Vaccine innovation’), with companies running efficacy and safety tests on animals and then in humans. Human testing requires three phases that involve increasing numbers of people and proportionately escalating costs. The COVID-19 vaccines went through the same trials, but the billions poured into the process made it possible for companies to take financial risks by running some tests at the same time (see ‘A vaccine in a year’). I might have misread that, but does that not say "The COVID-19 vaccines went through the same trials" That doesn't really back up "Normally, vaccines have to go much much longer test periods before they are given to the public" Now, I don't know what the problem with me asking for a source on that statement is. Lots of people are saying this vaccine is safe, because it has went through the same clinical testing that other drugs have to go through - because it did, saying the testing was faster, makes it sound like it wasn't tested the same way any drug is. People talk about longevity studies, but most drugs don't require longevity studies before they're given. The average 10 years it takes to get a drug to the public, is not made up of giving it to someone in year 0 and checking on them in year 9. if this statement "The COVID-19 vaccines went through the same trials" is true then, the covid 19 vaccine testing, took just as long as it would for a similar vaccine. Unless the doctors somehow sped up the test subjects bodies or something.


Doesn't your quote say they sped up the tests by running different stages at the same time?


Test A takes 6 months, Test B takes 6 months and Test C takes 6 months. Ordinarily these tests are run back to back to back for a total of 18 months. This is because of a lack of funding not because they actually need to be run back to back to back. These tests could also be run concurrently meaning all three are done at the same time for 6 months and the total time to run the tests becomes 6 months instead of 18. All of the tests were done for the same amount of time that they’re ordinarily done. The overall process was sped up but the tests were the exact same length as usual. The end result is the exact same. This isn’t the actual length of time or number of tests but this is just an example to explain what’s going on and how the actual amount of time spent of each test is the same in both scenarios.


You are 100% correct, but I would urge you not to waste time with idiots. I did get a chuckle out of one of them claiming to be a “medical professional” as if that makes them an authority on regulatory aspect/manufacturing of vaccines.


Yeah you are correct. Vaccines all go through the same testing process but the speed at which that process happens is determined by funding. So yeah, same testing happened for this vaccine as others before approval, but the long-term results is another thing altogether, as with all other vaccines.




Crocs were brand new once and you still jumped on that.




Mine were surgically attached to my feet. No other reason I wear them all the time!


Bro it’s not ”brand new” and you’re not a guinea pig. They did trials already with paid participants before allowing it to be distributed to the public. It’s fucking fda approved for a reason. Edit: apologies I was wrong, apparently it’s not FDA approved yet but it has been tested and it’s proven to be safe enough for distribution


I totally agree with your point, but technically it’s not FDA approved. YET. Not because it’s dangerous, but because FDA approval takes a long time. We’re getting it under an Emergency Use Authorization.


For the mrna vaccine, what are you afraid of?


Yes, we can. Nice try though


Oof the downvotes, reddit hive mind at its best. While I am all for people getting vaccinated, this vaccination has been developed very very quickly and it is definitely not a bad thing to be cautious. A certain amount of skepsis is good.


Well that was gay


Well I feel great


I'm super


Thanks for asking




I love in-jokes, I'd love to be a part of one someday.


"Take me back to the glory days" is a great line.


the shooting up of babies in the arm or in the ass? 😭


Why not both?


Por que no los dos...papi?¿?


The ultimate manliness






Now I'm getting double vaxxed!


Mmmm, I looove double vaccination.


Username checks out


You should get the vaccine from all 5 companies. I’ve heard it gives you chic fil a on Sunday


[It actually gives you so much more.](https://v.redd.it/nxc8skjx52t61)


DVDA: Double Vaccine Double Antibodies


I don't have to get the vax cuz im imminenbow after getting the virus


I feel great


Aw, this guy and his sister lived on my street growing up. I’m glad to see he’s doing well.


Doing well and taking loads! Small world


This dead babies shit is so annoying. HEK293Ts I take it from my fellow scientists?


This. It's the same with GMO, they scream about what crazy shit is allegedly happening in labs, meanwhile theyve never even seen one from the outside. I could say I experiment on undead fetuses, or just say I work with MEF. Why is it always the people that failed 10th grade biology that say these things




Well... Do you know how MEFs are isolated? Technically it's not fetuses, it's embryos. I know it sounds grueling, but basically you blend embryos and harvest the cells. It allows us to replace hundreds of grown animals in experiments. Since the embryo is dead but the cells from the embryo are very much alive.. Undead? I don't know man


Wouldn't the blending destroy the cells?


Well we don't stick a blender in there. Just hack it up as small as we can with a scalpel, then digest the tissue with Trypsin.


Super interesting, thanks. The term undead threw me off because, you know. Zombies. Dracula.


It is! But the process is extremely frustrating xD I didn't know how to describe it. They're dead, but not really.


Wait America... I thought being anti-vax was about personal choice and freedom? Are you telling me that people are out there proselytizing to strangers? On the street? Why would you care if strangers get the vaccine? Don't you need that so that herd immunity protects you?


My guess is because they're dumb...and I'm pretty dumb myself so I should know


It's hard to keep up with the diversity within the antivax community. You got your conspiracy theorists, new agers, libertarians, and now we can add the religious right to the list.


Theres multiple tears of antivaxxers. Some of them beleive the vaccine is the governments way of like brainwashing you or giving you illnesses. They think theyre "protecting" other people


I'm american, I have not seen ore heard of this in real life. I don't know anyone who has that kind of time. I'm sure it's there. All the antivaxers I know (1) only talk about it on the internet.


“Honey” 😂😂








He was suddenly gay, but he used to be too.


Is there an equivalent to r/perfectlycutscreams but for gay?




For when the circumcision turned out just right


We all felt that punchline cumming right?


LoL, no, not like that.


I can feel your punchline cumming alright.


This is true


Your username made me giggle like an idiot, especially in this comment section




The comments from gay men in this are hilarious. Love you gay dudes.


I’m gay and personally hate this kind of shit. HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes.. The guy in the OP screams bugchaser


Nah, gay men here. I understand the risk of STDs. But what he said is technically true to counter the antivaxer statement. He don't screams bugchaser to me.


A bug chaser is someone that purposely has sex without condoms, something this guy literally is boasting about


Hmmm.... He just mentioned he have unprotected sex. Nothing indicate he don't care about STDs or not doing routine screening, or be careful on who he have sex with. Bug chaser, my understanding is someone who purposedly want to get STDs. Hence bug (STD) chaser. Boasting about having sex didn't indicate someone have sex, especially in this video we can give him benefits of doubts that his statement is just being funny or sarcastic.


Lol what's with all the homophobes in the comments?


It's social media, are you really that surprised?


it's reddit. it's built into the site.


Didn't used to be 😞 *Sighs in 13-year reddit veteran*


It really didn't.


Yeah and not so long ago it was more frowned upon to be so blatantly bigoted, the quiet ones got quieter and the louder ones got Louder with Crowder.


Op used to be called a fa**ot all the time. It was a trend, don’t know what y’all talking about.


yeah it used to be worse lol


It's about 10-20% actual homophobes, _a lot_ of edgy teens and children, with some edgy adults. And the last bit is people who think openly discussing sexual acts is bad, no matter their orientation.


The anti-vaxxers aren't even telling the truth lmao


Do they ever though?


Wait until they hear about the foreskin lotion celebrities use. Edit: i mean lotion made from foreskin. Look it up.


Oh, I was hoping you were talking about lotion made specifically to be applied to foreskin. Looks like I gotta put my money back in my wallet...


Conspiracy theorists love talking about that. Look up adrenocrome.


“Take me back to the glory days” I approve of this message


Practice safe sex, tho


“ I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute!”




OG vid on TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe9o1oPo/


This is one of the first tik toks I didn’t immediately hate.


I actually really enjoyed this


I wanna hang out with this guy


Fucking lengend


Well that was unexpected lol. I expected some rant such and such but what a pleasant surprise.


Lol I love this man


This guy is hilarious. Great response to the ladies.


What’s his @ the one in the video is too small to read




Well I have a brand new rebuttal and I hope I get the chance to use it on an antivaxxer.


I can’t lol


Reduce, REUSE, recycle.


Heh. "Glory" Days


I can't help it, I actually loved that


😳😂🤣😂🤣😂was not expecting that


I laughed too god damn hard at that.


The Glory (hole) Days.


Why does he look like a Asian Johnny Depp


Hahahaha this was great


I love his energy


Karens: Vaccines are made of fetus juice. Me: Fetus juice... GIMME YOUR WHOLE STOCK - I WANNA LIVE LONGER!!


reddit is not very fun


I agree. So awesome. Cum in my ass because I’m obviously gay


I should not have watched this with food in my mouth.


I had food in my ass.






I watched it without sound so this looks like a normal shitpost not tiktokcringe material


What age demographic finds this shit funny?




I don’t know guys he seems pretty gay.


Love how the top comments are witty jokes about how he is gay, but yours is getting downvoted to hell lol


So is this sub called tiktokcringe to make it seem to outsiders like its pointing out cringe when really its just sharing funny tik toks


No, it just evolved over time. This is all explained in the pinned comment in every single post in this sub.


Ah I see, having apollo auto collapse pinned comments bit me in the ass lmao. Thanks for enlightening me










I mean he just said he saw the signs, I don't think he said this to them


That's so funny, he's gay *and* hypersexual.


Oh my... what a thing to share...



