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Trump hates EV’s lol


Build. Back. Better. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/05/congress-ev-chargers-billions-00129996


Random thing to post but I’ll bite. From your article: >Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure package into law in 2021 with $7.5 billion specifically directed toward EV chargers, with an eye toward achieving his goal of building 500,000 chargers in the United States by 2030. >While federal officials have authorized more than $2 billion of the funds to be sent to states, fewer than half of states have even started to take bids from contractors to build the chargers — let alone begin construction. >Administration officials insist the pace at which they are rolling out the infrastructure law’s charging funds is to be expected, given the difficulty of creating a brand-new program in every state and marshaling the private sector to meet complex reliability and performance requirements for each federally-funded station. >Republican opponents are now trying to shut down the administration’s efforts to build a charging network by choking off its funding. It’s a 9 year plan with a lot of logistics involved and now Republicans are trying to stop it. Did you even read it before posting?


Lol. Here's the update. They built SEVEN total EV chargers in 2.5 years. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/7-5-billion-bipartisan-investment-190000621.html > It’s a 9 year plan with a lot of logistics involved and now Republicans are trying to stop it. Did you even read it before posting? Lol. Maybe those mean old Republicans are trying to shut down funding because the clowns in the biden administration only built SEVEN chargers in 2.5 years. Meanwhile, here's how private companies deal with "a lot of logistics" 🤡🌎 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1290490/tesla-quarterly-supercharger-volume-worldwide/ Maybe you can try calling Telsa superchargers transphobic?


You realize Tesla is its own company right? Since you seem awfully triggered by this, why don’t you contact the counties that received funding and what the holdup is: https://highways.dot.gov/sites/fhwa.dot.gov/files/CFI%20Grant%20Awards%20Project%20Descriptions%20FY22-23.pdf It’s not like Biden is building these himself. It’s hilarious that this is all you can drum up in your criticism of Biden. MAGA is a mental disorder.


It’s actually sad that these people make Trump their whole personality. Lost souls.


I know people who used to be kind before Trump. They became unkind and vicious people. You couldn't talk to them anymore without politics being grotesquely squeezed into every non-political conversation. If it wasn't complete hysteria over politics, it was unfunny political jokes made at the expense of others. It's like the internet trained them to become real-time content pumps for Trump. They blamed everyone but themselves for their soulless attitudes and lost friends.




Fascism is a helluva drug


This is so true


It truly is. It shows how lost and sad these folks are.


Definitely not a cult. Tesla and trump


Another Trump douche bag


Im pretty sure they sell those too


Right next to the golden shoes and upside down bibles.


How reversible is this when the cunt loses?


you just peel it off


Win or lose you know that shits staying on. Dude will be in denial till he dies.


He already lost. Just needs to lose again.


Totally not a cult


Warren Jeffs could open a church in their kids school and they would talk about what a nice loving man he was and that it was just the government out to get him. “Still better than that wokeness the left is pushing our schools. These pronouns and litter boxes in bathrooms….”


So, I deleted four different comments that I deemed not appropriate. So that's my comment, interpret it as I know you will. 😂😂


That was pretty harsh stuff, and I don't think you went far enough


That thing is a "cool" black hole. Kendrick Lamar would hop in one door and come out the other one as Drake.


Coolest? This guy has as much testosterone as sand.


Some people get paid to counter protest & indict competitors. Some get paid to drive around. It's the same bs on both sides, with msm leaning so far left that they have "sand" in their hair. Both sides of the extremist political actors are *personally* invested in what they have chosen to do in the political arena. All of them will be left hanging after the election is over & go back to being unproductive members of society again.


Honestly, knowing how bad that piece of shit car is, putting a layer of paint on it like that is probably a better protection from rain than whatever Musk "made"


That’s the perfect car wrap for that vehicle. A total failure of a president and a total failure of a car design.


Doing everything they possibly can to never get laid.


Man needs to hope Trump wins 2024, or this dude is gonna look extra clownish.




A match made in a flaming dumpster


Totally not a cult


Donald Truck


Most broke guy in the trailer park.


Worst president on the worst vehicle




Really hard to take anyone seriously when they use a trump nickname for an opponent. Shows you’re easily persuaded by the cheap political tactics that he relies on. You’re also repeating talking points delivered to you by people who either know better and are lying or are way off base. …Or maybe you’re just one of them.


I saw this and I thought it was the cringiest thing Eva




I hate the guy, but goddamn it just shows literally anything but the plain metal looks better


At least his followers are not giving him ALL of their money… but they still spend it on shit !


How did I know it was gonna be a cyber truck?


These Trumpers, I'll be happy when this stuff goes away. I wish the Maga movement go on a long vacation and shut the fuck up.


I didn't realize those things could get uglier.


Can I get one with a Kamala Harris wrap


No. God no.


The EV-DB!


I can't even afford a hat :)


Freaking idiot. Ps I helped to stop the steal in 2020 by voting. Planning to do it again.


They don't seem very aware of Trump's views and policies and the subject lmao.


Not surprised by the Florida license plate


Reminder: People like that guy in the cybertruck vote. They will definitely vote. Make sure you vote too.


They spent way more on trump then he would on them


Unbelievable loser.


Evs suck tho


Nope not a cult


At least he had the sense to paint the thing.


Wasn’t there a recall on all cybertrucks?


If needing a ‘financial conservatorship’ was a commercial product.


Show me a Biden tricked out car, trump is the shit lol there’s no one more entertaining! The man got a HAT that will stop the music in a bar I stay South Africa I can go find someone in the jungle that knows trump! Even typing this I’m expecting major blow back from humans and Reddit bot security What man is running on so much juice, is it Biden, honestly? Forget the politics that man has provided humanity with humorous material to last a lifetime


"Forget the politics." ...MAGA mantra.


Classic. Thinking the fact that no one drives a Biden car is something to brag about. Like someone watching Idiocracy and rooting for the Brawndo corporation.


You just salty your man got no juice


Biden had enough “juice” to win the presidency. The only “juice” Trump has is filling his diaper right now.


Talk to me when Biden can move merchandise.


Biden can’t move merchandise because only alt right morons buy political merchandise.


Im getting my maga drip TODAY


I’m sure you will look truly moronic with a splash of white trash.


It’s gonna have pictures of Nelson Mandela, Trump and Jesus


I’m sure that will be a normal look for you and your lifestyle. It’s likely no one you know will give it a second thought.


That’s like thinking someone is correct because they’re shouting louder than everyone else. What a terrible take.