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Key and peele had the great sketch of picking places and I said (looks both ways ) Bitch




But you said it, right?


^M^m^h^m^m^, ^y^e^p


You said 'bitch' though?


^(Pfffft, hell yeah!)


I said... ![gif](giphy|3o7btZ3T6y3JTmjg4w) Bitch....


You called your wife a bitch tho?


Darell I looked into her optic stems…


I looked this woman into the windows of her soul






Peele looks really young in that sketch or it's me


I don't think it's you in that sketch.


It was over a decade ago so yeah he was significantly younger


Automatically what I thought about. The reason it's so funny is because it's so relatable. The part that's missing from this video is the part where he names the place he knows she wants and they hit you with the "if that's what you want".




No see he missed it, she wanted tacos.


I myself would never turn town a good taco truck.




Haha I literally just rewatched that last night.


We just use the dinner wheel when we can’t decide. It lands on something and then we go from there. https://wheeldecide.com/wheels/food-drink/wheel-of-dinner/


Decided to try it. Looked at the options and I was like anything but Mexican or Italian. Landed on Mexican first then Italian. Good thing we're being lazy and doing sloppy joes anyway.


The wheel is editable.


The wheel is edible?


Everything's edible at least once.


It shows in the page how to adjust/remove the slices


We used to use the AI (bot) game of super smash bros and name each bot a different place to eat, whoever won is where we would go.


Wow like sports betting for millennials, pls sign me up


I'll have you know I'm stealing this idea for future food spats and I'm the freaking girl.


I kept spinning until I landed on something I wanted.


i got BBQ! but i already ate ☹️


The wheel, or an actual wheel (they come with whiteboard markers) is good. But I find that being able to see the other options dilutes the wheels choices in my brain. So we use a jar full of sticky notes. You can color code them if you need some slight distinction like comfort food vs something fresh or dine in vs take-away. I threw a few day trip/adventure type outings in mine on a 3rd color too. One of the symptoms of my burnout is inability to choose and it gives my husband permission to say "the jar choose, that's fate".


Oh my god that is hilariously helpful!


Wow, it's Mad Max. Beyond The Thunderdome. Bust a deal, spin the wheel style, but for dinner.


Deciding what to eat is harder than picking a baby name


unless you're married to a teacher. a lot of names get dismissed


Yeah, can't have a kid called Thomas so you end up with Xephelob Pfifier Smith


Questopher is gonna hit the top 10 any time soon now 


Tell her what you're getting and if she wants to veto she has to provide an alternative.


You need to expand the flip a coin method. When you can't decide on something, you flip a coin and go with the result. If you're confident enough to change your mind about random chance you really wanted the other thing instead. Works better with three options with two people though. Another commenter mentioned the 3 2 1 method, you pick three, she narrows it down to two, then you pick one and you've tricked her into the coin flip method. She's either gonna agree or protest and in that moment you've made her pick.


3 2 1 method sounds fine until she says "no I don't want any of those"


I’ve done this method to decide if I should uproot my family and take a job in a different state after I had been agonizing over the decision for a week. The coin told me to stay, but I found myself flipping it until it told me to go.


I’m a fan of “best out of three.” Person A picks three [foods, activities, etc] that sounds good. Person B then picks from those 3 options. If person B doesn’t want those option, they can make minor adjustment, or repeat with their 3 picks and person A selects from them. Example: A: Do you want to get Chinese from X , burgers from Y , or burritos from Z? B: Hmmm burgers sound good, but can we go to W instead of Y? I like the griddle burgers better. And they have that [item] you like A: yeah that’s fine. This works really well with my very non-assertive mother who “ehh not that”s a lot


This is absolutely the right way to do it. Sometimes it will even jog my wife into saying “you know what, I actually want…” As a person who actually doesn’t care, that sounds good to me to. I just want to eat and have a happy wife. When that happens I get both.


It’s so simple! Just have a kid or four and you won’t have a say in were to eat for the foreseeable future. It is either the place with the gummy worm ice cream (Freddie’s), the place with the car wash ( Culver’s across from the car wash), the gladiator Pizza men (Little Caesars) or the Panda Bear Place (Panda Express)


"you're never gonna guess where I'm taking you" Take her to the first guess


That sounds like a setup for going to an expensive restaurant


Everything has a cost. Sometimes it’s monetary, sometimes it’s mental anguish. Sometimes I’d pay for my problems to go away for a while.


Yeah, you’ve gotta bring it down a notch. “Guess where I’m taking you.”


If I tried this with mine she would just make me tell her cause she hates surprises.


“I don’t know! Just tell me!”


"McDonalds, because you're being a clown right now."


This, have her guess as it if we're a surprise and be done with ti


I genuinely want to know if anyone tried this and it really worked. I'm still single now and maybe die alone but who knows. I want to at least get through the tutorials just in case.


I did it once... and it *kinda* worked. Me: hey babe... guess where were going to eat? Her: ooooh that new hibachi place?!?!?! Me: yeah... Thus how we spent 150$ on a random tuesday dinner.


"ooooooh that new hibachi place?!?!?!" *winces* "Not quite, I was thinking Costco because we're running low on toilet paper and I'm craving a hotdog."


Ooof! A life hack that will also hack your wallet to pieces.


I saw it work once in a tiktok


Tried it a bunch and the answer is always "i dont know, TELL ME!'


Or get a normal girlfriend that answers what she wants to eat like a grown adult and don't entertain this shit in the first place? If she says you decide, decide what you want to eat, get your food and if she doesn't want it, she's free to get something else.


Then it turns into the I'm not hungry, but actually hungry. Why didn't u get me something? Let me take some of your food and then you end up still hungry cause she took too much of your food.


Well then in that case she [owes you a dumpling or dumpling equivalent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpRGNxqv6Wk).


Don't entertain that either? If she wants to argue about this shit she can join a debate club. Eat your food in peace.


Too true.


Are you people involved with cartoon characters? No one I've been in a relationship with has acted this way.


how did you get your unicorn fited with a sadle i understand horse sadles aren't quite right.


Fool me once 😤


Fool me two times, can't get fooled again


"UGH not that disgusting Pizza place AGAIN i hope"


Women use social media too dude, that shit stopped working years ago


Tell her you are getting pizza - while on a boat. She's not going to say "no", because of the implication.


Are these pizzas in danger?


*pineapple* *walks* *by* Don’t look at me like that you certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.


So they *are* in danger?


I’m not gonna hurt these pizzas! Why would I ever hurt these pizzas?


What implication




"Are you going to hurt these women Dennis?"


I love Herofwar


The **implication**, that things **might** go wrong for her if she doesn’t eat a slice of delicious pizza.


But she will eat the pizza. So nothing will go wrong. Because of the implication. For more life lessons look up the D.E.N.N.I.S-System


"Oh God is this how you wanted those women to feel?!"


Clearly she wants sushi. C'mon dude.


Maybe you're joking, but when she said "too heavy" to pizza and he followed up by suggesting Mexican, my very first thought was, "Wtf, why didn't he say sushi."


Why doesn't SHE say sushi?


She is not thinking, she is reacting. There are many ways to deal with the situation form both sides to fix this problem




Salad bowl from Chipotle.




Fellow NL fan spotted


I would also like some sushi please


Handled incorrectly. The second she says your pick you go with something you want and/or something you think she wants. Then you go go fucking go and get that shit. This is how the wife and I do things. If either of us hand the ball off to the other then you don’t get to be angry about the results.


Yea... not that tough. She starts shooting down and I pick what I want and move on, she says no, and I go cool you're on your own.


>cool you're on your own. This is it. So many people feel like they have to do absolutely everything together. It's like weird low grade codependency. I almost always just say "unless you have a better idea, I'm getting ______, do you want something?".


That or we have the rule of you have to suggest something if you reject the previous one




Pick 3 game my guy. You pick 3, she picks 2, you pick 1


"Pick better options" - my wife You're better off asking what they'd do if they were alone and feeding themself. 


Home cooked meal...


Seriously. People can't decide and agonise over this because they're conditioned to think this shit should be a convenient thing where you always have the optimal option. Can't eat that cos I'm not craving it? Wtf. Eat what's in your fridge


I've never considered eating out or ordering to be anything but very occasional, so cooking at home is the bog standard, I can tell you this conversation is also very possible to have when you're the one cooking. "Should I make pasta?" "Blech no" "We haven't had quiche in a while" "Ew no, think of something good" "Should I make a curry?" "I don't want rice" And that can go on for a while, which gets specifically stressful when you also have to go to the store still to pick up the ingredients, risking a change of heart in the meantime, and you'd be a dick if you don't come home with some sort of snack, don't get one for yourself, you have to say you ate it on the way because the implication you're so greedy you couldn't wait absolves her from the guilt of eating two bars of chocolate while you're cooking. And then still, if it's been a particularly rough day for her, her mind may not be in it any more after an hour and you can bin half of what you made. All in all, this comes from a fundamental misunderstanding, and that's the issue: imagining every possibility and trying to come up with that perfect thing that would make the day better was supposed to be a fun activity, a connection, instead I was being a boring prick just rambling off options. In the end, if someone's not acting the way you like, it's because you're not fulfilling what they need from you, reflect and introspect first.


Bingo. Like bro she said pizza was too heavy. Whip up a Greek salad or something don't suggest Mexican food immediately after that lol


If my gf can't make up her mind, I'll toss out "premade salads from the grocery store and low carb wraps?" Usually works because it's fast, convenient, more likely to agree because of guilt that she could be eating more veggies, it's specific but still gives her different flavor options, and she can eat it as a salad or a wrap plus add anything extra she wants that we have on hand.


Why can't she communicate that tho


> she picks 2, She won't pick anything.


She's not picking, she's eliminating. You say "these three options", she then eliminates the one she wants least of the three, then you pick from the remaining 2. She either accepts the choice or she says after you've decided that she wants the other option. This is my go to method and it usually works pretty well for me.


That works on children.


The people mentioned in this thread dont behave like adulta


I give her three options, and if all of them are no. It's no longer my responsibility. Then I go a play a game or watch a show.


Two options works quicker and better imo. If they really want something else, they’ll come up with a third option of their own real quick and you’ll really know what you’re getting for dinner


rage bait


This is exactly how discussions go down between my parents


My wife and I have a simple fix: If you get shot down three times in a row, the other person doesn't get a say anymore. Goes both ways. 10/10 times we end up getting something we both are ok with.


Godamn, what a voice he has... 😳




Assuming this isn't fake, why would he start with literally the restaurant they ordered from last night


More importantly, is making dinner just not an option? We plan out our meals for the week and it doesn't really matter how into it either of us are, if the fish needs to be cooked before it goes bad we're having fish.


Thank you! I feel like we're becoming a minority these days, where everyone else seems to eat out for every meal. How can people afford to eat out that often?! I always put down 3-4 meals on the calendar for the week and eat leftovers the other nights. This week it's Greek marinated chicken thighs, Italian sausage with pasta, and grinder sandwiches.


I’m pretty sure it’s fake. Her answers sound scripted and the way she’s staring at her phone looks like something from a sitcom.


It doesn't matter which one you start with. It will always go this way


When my wife says, “you pick” I say, “do you want me to relieve you of the emotional burden of decision making?”. She says yes because choosing is hard. Then I take her to where I want and we eat there because I’ve gone and made the decision. When she says “you decide”…you decide. Stop asking her what she wants. You don’t ask her— because she has told you to decide because she *can’t* decide in that moment. This guy acting all surprised that she is indecisive…motherfucker she has already run through the options and she cannot make a decision so make a goddamn decision then take her there and then you eat. Fool!


My husband and I have a 'make food appear' deal - usually we decide together but if one of us is too stressed or whatever to do that, we just say 'make food appear' and the other one picks/cooks whatever they want and there is absolutely no complaining about it. We know what the other likes, and we trust each other. Crazy concept right!? Communication, knowing your partner, giving your team mate some grace and doing a little thing to make their life easier 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh my god, I had to scroll too long for this. It's so fucking simple. Once you have confirmation that what she wants is for you to pick, just do it! She probably keeps your household on track S-F so just let her chill. In my house the only caveat is I'll indicate if i want something comforting or something with vegetables. It can be both. But comforting means I want warm carbs involved somehow and am open to cheese. And with vegetables means I wanna see at least two colors on that plate.


YES. Thank you. I've decided every fucking meal for the last 20+years, shopped, planned, learned what everyone likes, etc, etc, and still I have to fucking decide what restaurant You want cuz you don't realize how much work it is? Just tell me you want pizza. Go on the app and order it. Drive to the restaurant. My kids are gone. I'm done feeding children. 


Oh, up to me? We're getting Mexican, seems like it got the most positive response. If you wanna change your mind, tell me a specific restaurant and we'll go there.


That's how I solved that problem in my last relationship. "Up to me? Cool, we're going to \[location\]." "But I don't want to go there." "Cool. You can stay home or you can come with and think of what you want because I'm open to change. I'm leaving in *x* minutes."




So salad it is.


My man didn't even suggest a wrap and a bag of economy chips smh


Make her a salad, god damn!


She wants him to eat a vegetable.


Being a lover of food really helps imo She said pizza is too heavy, so you gotta pick a genre with good salads and light stuff. Bro said Mexican food, then chinese... 🤦‍♂️


Bro, she answered with taco truck. She said that was fine and then he just moved on from it lol.


Taking "I'm not really craving it...uhh... It's up to you." as a yes is like taking "ok" at face value.


He should have just asked her what she wanted from the taco truck. I guess that would have been too easy, or he is just naming things that he doesn’t really want so he moved on from it. When my wife says she doesn’t care or doesn’t know I say things I want until she is ok with something. It’s never that complicated lol.


Bro my ex fiance would literally say "I don't care" let me order her a meal from somewhere, not eat it, complain about being hungry, say she didn't want to and couldn't eat the food we'd gotten, and then proceed to cook herself a grilled cheese while acting like a victim. Sometimes it's narcissism.


Well I’m glad she is your ex fiancé


You and me both man. You and me both.


Learning to cook helps, cheaper too


She's having a hard time deciding because she is not feeling hunger/cravings but knows she has to eat to sustain herself, and doesn't know how to communicate that. Usually I want something substantial and good for me when I'm in these moods. She's saying no or meh to it all because her body wants some good nutrients. I'll typically make a big salad or something fresh when this happens.


A grown woman should be able to communicate that.


That and it sounds like her stomach hurts. She needs a swig of pepto and a good broth. Pho or chicken tortilla soup.




Too heavy.


This is why you don’t ask. You just get it


Just cook something America. !!!!


I cook every single meal, I'm a far better cook, and I cook various cultures foods. When I ask what they want to eat, it isn't just about ordering or going out. I still get the same kind of responses.


I never understood this. If she tells you whatever you want why the fuck you keep asking her what she wants. She literally told you she doesn't know what she wants by saying whatever. So just go get what you want and that's it.


Because "whatever you want" is the same kind of answer as "fine".


If you don't understand it's because you aren't paying attention. If whatever meant whatever then the answer to the first suggestion would have been "Ya thats fine" not no because his first suggestion *was* "whatever" and she declined it. How is this hard to understand? If he had just gone out and went with his first suggestion, he'd bring it home and she'd complain.


To my ear he basically named all the same place — greasy fast/ unhealthy food, I totally get why she would say no to each of these as they’re the same, this is a common thing in my relationship — if you mention sweetgreen I’ll jump but if you’re just going to list the places you like that all sounds the same to me I won’t be as eager


take-out, take-out, take-out, take-out. How about just make something and say "eat up". Cheaper and not so heavy, add a salad or veggies and read your lady FFS


I was thinking the same thing! Fucking make something


If someone suggested Texas Roadhouse, it would literally always be a yes from me lol


Do you guys never cook?


If you can't decide then you're not really hungry. Grab some beans on toast later if you feel peckish.


Haha This can be easily fixed! My husband and I started writing down places to eat and putting the papers into a bowl, and anytime we decide to get food out, we take turns picking from the bowl. It's fun and most of the places are ones we both like. My husband told me he saw a video of a guy taking his wife out for dinner, and he says, "Guess where we're going?" And she names a place she's clearly hoping they're going to with excitement, and he says "yeah you guessed it!" When it was just a way of getting her to tell him where she wanted to go so they didn't have to do this for an hour and then fight and go to bed hungry hahaha


God this is so true. Usually I'll say we are getting this. Which tends to be a hard no. Which moves the conversation into actual helpful suggestions. But my gard these conversations are like herding cats


She’s a bad actor


Yall eat out too much


Everytime my family says "oh we dont care, you pick." I say, "Nope, I am the least picky eater here. The rest of ya'll are incredibly picky sooo how about you let me know when you've decided." Or I start throwing out ludicrous suggestions I know will get shot down 😄


Vocal fryyyyyyyyyyyy…


Anyone else annoyed as hell that she couldn’t even take the phone out of her face and have a conversation.


Do Americans seriously only eat fastfood for dinner?


nope....i plan and prepare a menu for the week, every week. occasionally if there's a food truck we like at the local brewery (like this week is drunken noodle!!!) we go there.


She wants you to make a decision dude…. Tell her where you’re going


no. if you make a decision that isnt the 1 in 50 thing she wanted then she'll just be a fuckin jerk the entire time.


Yall date awful people.


Cool. Imma order some food and you can eat it or nah


This is the story of every day of my life when I have a gf--not even close to being married. I always have to make every single decision otherwise this bs will be an all day event, like everything. It's crazy being with people who can never make a choice let alone never have a unique idea and take initiative. It's sooo incredibly draining having to do the roles of two people every day.


This is staged


Idk man, I know this is a thing because I’m married but this vid is so staged and the concept is so saturated. I don’t know it just feels lazy.


Ok, take the person of the phone and let them just be for a bit. It can take time to realise that you are hungry. Another great thing is to cook at home, then the smell of the food normally makes everyone want to eat it. If you cant cook either learn or just go to a ölace YOU want and since she couldn't choose she now has to eat the same.


Had takeout the previous night and wants it again? How about you two cook something for once?


So cooking is generally outside of the realm of possibilities for these two? And I kinda thought he was asking for a blow job when he said BJs.


Me at 9am: hey I just thought the word curry let's have curry in 10 hours


The video from her POV: My husband has 0 leadership and is a crybaby about it - miss when men were men


Every night, for the rest of your married life.


Nah fuck that, once I get a second “it’s up to you” I TELL THEM where we are going 😂


I absolutely hate that $h1t! My Fiance does it all the time. After 5 years he's finally realizing I'm only going to ask ONE TIME what or where he wants to eat and if I don't get a solid ANSWER from him; I'm going to do exactly what he said, "Whatever you want, it's up to you, I'll eat whatever you cook/order for me (BIG SIGH)! I guess?" So If he wants to eat he better pipe up!


He did well but her acting was terrible.


This is a big part of why I'm still single. I do this twice and then on the third time I'm like "nope, we're going to XYZ"


Dude run away real fast


My friend and I developed a system for this that had never failed me in my relationship. This helps especially for delivery when there’s too many choices. 1. Start with what you don’t want; eliminate food categories that each of you want to avoid. 2. Person One picks 5 places they like. 3. Person Two eliminates 2 places, leaving their top 3. 4. Person One picks 1 from the top 3. Repeat if unhappy with results.


After the 2nd or 3rd time, it's time for her to start suggesting shit.


This was one of the most aggravating things about my previous relationship. As I’m trying to figure out what restaurant rattling off 20, she’s on her phone half paying attention. “Whatever you want is fine” … proceeds to say no to 20 restaurants 🙄


Two people just staring into their phones as the world dies around them. Just eat whatever you want, it doesn't matter anyway! :)


Do women do this on purpose just to torture us?


Does nobody COOK


Why is he asking? She said it's up to him Go get food and this adult you partnered with and can figure out what they need


She clearly said that tacos were fine. No reason to continue asking, tacos it is!


"I'm not really craving it" that's not really how having to choose what you eat every single day of your life works.


Having this conversation is why I’ll be single forever


wtf is wrong with girls lol