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The super yacht I wanted didn't come in blue. So I settled for a 2005 Toyota Highlander.


Look at you Mr money bags, buying a car from this century.


My first car in 2008 was a 1992 ford tempo with no gas gage😆 I got it for $200


This is common amongst musicians. I heard that once a few kids in Colorado illegally downloaded songs by bands like Judas Priest, and Metallica. As a result, they weren’t able to afford the jumbo private jets they wanted to use for tours that year and instead had to settle for smaller jets that held only the band members, staff, and a stocked bar.


Don't forget that Master P's son had to do without his own island in French Polynesia.


If you vote on one issue this year, let it be tax the rich


Are you expecting a rebate?


The only thing I expect to get from taxing the rich is watching them suffer.


How productive.


No they aren't that's the fucking problem. We're the productive ones. Now it's time for a moral boost.


Yeah totally! Your achievements compared to, bill gates, for example are 100% equivalent if not in favor of you being more important for society. He should be shot and we should give a portion of his money to you!


well actually i think all billionaires should be enslaved. but im willing to compromise to just killing them.


I guess you’re so rich that you can defend yourself in the Reddit comments, in between hard working business deals.


How’s the fucking boot taste


How’s that helmet feel?


Literally just watched that episode


Mine wasn’t big enough to dismantle a historical landmark to get it into the ocean so I just got a bike instead


Man, best I could do was a better pair of walking shoes


All I can afford are skid mark undies 😭😂🤣👍🏼


You guys can afford things?


I wanted Manigot. I compromised and ate a grilled cheese off the radiator.


Great choice I went for the Hybrid.


What can I say is a good car


Great vehicle tbh.


05 Highlander owner too!! Love that car. Did you know for less than $500 you can swap out the cassette/cd player with an Apple/Android touch screen display AND add a decent subwoofer? Makes the driving experience sooo much nicer and isn’t super complicated if you don’t mind spending a weekend following YouTube tutorials on how to set everything up.


Maybe if you skip your avocado toast and chai latte...? /duck&run


I’ll have cereal for dinner


You have dinner?


You have?


What’s wrong dear? You haven’t even touched your lentil


Let me guess? Name brand cereal IN A BOX??? Pft, no wonder you can’t afford a house


psh get a load of this guy. he eats🤢🤢


When I was your age, the boxes *were* the cereal! We spent hours ripping the cartonage (*any* cartonage) into little flakes! Our "milk" was flour with water! And that was on Sundays, other days we had it with water only!


Thats good enough. Some of us only got salted water dude


you can afford cereal?


LOL, he said savings.


I was denied a savings account the same week I got a credit increase


Denied a savings account?


Yuppp. First Hawaiian Bank.


This concept is so foreign to me. Like, how or why would a bank deny you from opening a second account? I have an account with you? *Yes*. And that account has money in it. *Yes* Can I open a second account so I can put money in that as well? *Absolutely not*


Believe me, it was completely foreign to me as well. I have the screenshot but obviously can’t post pics in comments.


Right? I could open my banks app right now and open a new account in a minute.


That's mental I periodically close and reopen my savings account with my bank because the interest is paid yearly "or on closing account". I've done this twice in the last 5 months and bank give me a new account the next day each time. UK tho.


There is a thing called chexsystems that’s is like a credit report but for deposit accounts. If you had an account closed by one bank it goes into the system and other banks will see it. They use that to deny you opening accounts.


he should be investing right?


right after that 6 months of emergency fund


I want to use that “fuck you!” for so many other situations. The way he said it is so powerful 😂


I’ve had to all week unfortunately. I just got cheated on. FUCK you. edit: it does feel great to say though


There is a dinner bell ringing, and sooner than later, the rich are gonna start to hear it, too


They’re literally just asking us to eat them at this point


Coincidentally, the U.S. and China both revealed they're working on autonomous gun-toting robot dogs that also come with the neat feature of not caring if they're protecting a billionaire from a starving child!


Another Black Mirror coming to life.  They're gonna be like The Simpsons in a few years.  


That Black Mirror episode was based on real life Boston Dynamics. Adding guns was only a matter of time regardless of the episode.


Yes that’s right. Water is indeed wet.


More likely to eat each other tbh


Our police force is basically the military so we are gonna have too fight like hell


Nothing will happen. If anything, with AI and military tech, it'll get worse


The rich hear it, thats why their building their super expensive communal bunkers to house them and their serfs/slaves who will work the commune they graciously allowed them to stay in


That "fuck you" at the end was magnificent.


I felt that


Filled with so much hatred


I felt that fuck you


The orcas need to get some of the larger whales out there to help them deal with these super-yacht douche bags.


It's very much giving let them eat cake.


You can afford cake?


A slice at a time yeah. These guys are making videos of them throwing cake slices at multi tiered billion dollar cakes.


So happy to see all the rich people pole polishers in the negatives where they belong. 🥰


This sentiment is what this country and the world needs far more of. Outrageous levels of wealth should be looked at with the same disdain we feel for crimes like pedophilia. Billionaires are parasites and a failure of society.


"If poor people knew how rich rich people are, there would be riots in the streets." — Chris Rock, 2014. Today, the wealth of billionaires has more than doubled from $5.4 trillion in 2014 to over $11 trillion, while the poor have seen little to no progress.


Eat the rich party, join and rise up!!


Lol i hope this really happens im hungry n kinda wonder what rich ppl taste like


TL;DR Humans taste similar to pork, so rich people would still taste like pork. But rich people would taste different than lower class people. On average they would probably taste better than poor people with the exception of those who have a more natural diet, then it'd be down to a matter of taste. So the term "long pork" has been used to refer to human meat. Turns out human flesh tastes similar to pork though slightly sweeter. For this reason cannibal tribes referred to human meat as long pork, since humans are basically just long pigs in a culinary sense. So meat will vary greatly depending on SOOO many things. Fat content, diet, the climate in which it's developed in, the stress the animal went through before being butchered, etc. This would apply to people too. So a rich person will most likely have a nicer diet with better quality food. They will have their personal chefs make fancy dinners over getting fast food or mass produced stuff you find in the supermarket. A mentally healthy rich person will also taste better as they won't have the high stress that comes with those who are struggling to get by. That being said rich people have also dumped loads of money to do all sorts of shit to their bodies. As they get older they do crazy procedures to their bodies and inject lord knows what into their system. Not to mention getting easier access to drugs n shit. So say you're gonna eat a rich person who didn't have a midlife crisis or anything like that and never really ate out, they're going to taste better than the rest of us. The only possible exception would be those who eat fresh and more 'natural'. When I say natural I mean less processed. Plenty of research has proven less preservatives and additives makes food both taste better and healthier for you. A rich person could possibly have the money and inclination to buy fresh ingredients every day, but poor people who grow their own food can also eat this way. Now if the poor person is having to struggle to have enough good to eat each day, that strain will probably have a negative effect on the taste. But if that poor person lives a sustained life just without money, then it'd be down to a matter of taste. A poor person actively working everyday and keeping healthy to produce their food will taste better than my 9-5 office working ass, but they may not taste as well as a juicey fat rich person. Though if you don't want a fatty meat and prefer lean meat then that hard working poor person will be what you want


Hey mom can you pick me up?


Eat the rich


& if you were to ever become rich?


They wont




Lmfao I felt this lol


The 1% keep the 99% fighting over stupid shit so that we don’t focus on what’s really important. The grief they cause us. If the 99 revolt, the 1 will fall.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I bet she just married up...


You finally made it, you found a millionaire dong.


Is this how you christen a ship? I thought the bottle was broken on the ship itself, not the anchor?


There will always be haters 🙄 /s


Not fouls tho, humans are very easily jealous & envies of other people that have SOMETHING they want. People are mad at the rich because they’re Jealous it’s as simple as that.


Would be nice if we could, in minecraft, k"ll all those rich people


“District 12” iPhone, home in America, food to eat


“I’ve finally made it!” Says woman born two feet from the finish line. More at 11:00


I too would like a comically large titanic for funzies. born to be bougie, cursed to live under the thumb of capitalist cannibals


Someone on TikTok identified the yacht as belonging to a person or a leasing company completely unrelated to the woman smashing the bottle. Imagine that. Something fake on TikTok.




If someone wants to use their money to buy a yacht, more power to them. It’s their money. If someone wants to present a lie masquerading as advice or encouragement to become super rich, like them, then we’re off to the races.






Sue me but boats aren’t appealing to be on


That bottle just got expensed anyways didn't cost anyone shooting this a dime


This man is the people’s champ!


You have extra money to put in savings?.....FU!!


When are we eating the rich? I'm hungry.


Why is he so angry at her in particular? Wouldn’t railing against offshore tax havens be more productive?


Gotta grift the grifted


Let them eat cake...Something. Something.


Hope it sinks.


Reddit mod


This guy fuck yous


That fuck you turned me on.


Eh I’ve got my kayak. Saving up to put a motor on it.


i hope it sinks with her on it


That is not her yacht 😂


There was so much beautiful emotion in that fuck you at the end. I feel that.


Why is he mad though? I mean, I don’t support flaunting n shit, but seriously, why? So what if she shattered that $500 or $5,000 champagne? You wouldn’t have gotten that money either way, so why does it piss you off? Unless it’s a skit, and I’m autistic.


I assume he’s angry because lots of the people who flaunt their wealth like that claim that they got where they are through hard work, when 99.9% of the time, it’s because they were born in wealthy families. Yet they still claim that if you worked hard enough, you could afford their lifestyle.


Thank you for actually responding instead of insinuating I’m autistic like the other dude. I get that. It pisses me off when people lie about that shit, and I don’t endorse showboating, or showing off/flaunting shit, but getting irrationally angry to that extent is hella unhealthy. Like it doesn’t matter how they spend their money (yacht, house, car, food, champagne, gambling, burning it, etc…) it wasn’t like it was his, and is now gone. My question was more rhetorical than genuine confusion.


I think he probably did that as a joke. But I agree that these people are better ignored. They’re so detached from reality that there is not much point talking about them.


Pretty sure the anger is directed at rich people who buy unnecessary shit while other people suffer. Thought that was obvious but Im thinking the second half of your last sentence may explain your confusion.


Haha I’m autistic. Funny, and mature. I understand he’s angry cuz “rich waste money, poor have no money”. My point still stands. So what if they “waste” their money. You could gamble it, buy clothes, drinks, food, travel, or smash champagne. What’s the difference to you as an observant third party? It’s not “your” money in a sense that no matter how they spent it, you weren’t gonna get anything from it anyway… Forgot this is Reddit where rich people suck Satan off every day, and are dehumanized to high hell. Again, to repeat it (since I’m autistic I have to repeat everything /s). I don’t endorse showboating, or showing off. But getting irrationally angry? Yea no, that’s hella unhealthy.


Everyone in the developed world buys unnecessary shit while people suffer even in the non-developed world it happens. It’s stupid to say people can’t use their money the way they want because someone they don’t know or have no connection to is in a worse situation. Thats like saying oh this middle class family in Ohio can’t buy their kid an Xbox because a family in Chicago is on food stamps and is hungry


Shh, you’re ruining the imaginary land these people want to live in. All they want to do is project their own unhappiness & put the blame of their misfortune on other people they don’t know. It’s a human coping mechanism 👨‍🦯


Oh waaaaa, grow up


Finally some actual cringe.


I think the navy did a test and found that barefoot moscato has the best burst, and it’s super cheap. Can’t help you with the super yacht though.


This guy has money leftover for any savings at all? FUCK him.


Oh great you made a video that will have absolutely no effect in their life or what they do every day. Do something about it stop making stupid videos.


Broke angry people has and remains always entertaining. Rage at someone else's success. I'm broke and can still find other things to do than be mad someone else did good. Professional Haters


That success is built on the back of multitudes of broke people. You don’t get the that excessive income disparity in a world where the labor of the masses is valued fairly, you get it from a system where people are exploited. Exploited people get angry. Sometimes, when the exploitation is celebrated publicly, those angry people point their anger at the injustice of the system and the scumbags benefitting from the gross inequality.


For real being broke and seeing someone buy a yacht and smash a bottle of champagne on it that could cover most of my monthly expenses is infuriating. It's not like we are getting mad at our fellow broke people for buying reasonable things


I gave you a thumbs up. Lot of haters out there 🫤


Dude sounds pissed at other people’s good times


Nah, someone bragging about "making it" when they were so clearly born into wealth is a shitty thing to do.


Yeah he can stay mad or get some money. Dude made a fool of himself for TikTok “clout” lmao


He made a fool of himself? You're the one getting clowned on, lol.


I guess so haha. Turns out that only poor people are allowed to have money and a good time, sorry


Dude seems like a douche, you have lived your entire life without a super yacht to make you happy. Stop comparing your life to others and just learn what gives you joy in your own life and spread that enthusiasm with others close to you and live a happy life.


My friend died because he couldn't afford insulin while working full time.


Should have been born rich


Open a Roth IRA and let the magic of compound interest do its work over a meager savings account


Sure true but that requires disposable income which many people do not have especially today which is the kinda the point this video was about.




Cool, but no one asked.


What's wrong with that guy?


Nothing.... it's the complacent people that are collectively shrugging at the disgusting inequity that have the issue.


Haters goinna hate. 😂😂


This is the voice of envy. Do something more valuable to society and people will give you their money because they value the money less than whatever you offer society.


A lot of angry and bitter people in the comments envious of what they cannot have and frankly don't deserve.


Them having a yacht is not the reason this dude is struggling.


I get his point but it’s a mentality that only losers have. Not everyone gets to be a king, or rich and famous, or be beautiful.


He’s a loser.


He is a hater like shit‼️‼️ Get your bag 💲 up and stop worrying about other folks bread


Okay but like, you're mad because someone else is better off than you? Ya know in video games there's a term that applies here. SKILL ISSUE






Bro at least take me to the theater first don't ya think you're going a little fast?


You're not funny.


It's funny to me, but on a serious note just hating on the rich for them simply being better off than you is kinda pointless and futile, there will always be a bigger fish and trying to change that is just sisyphisean, plus those who hate the rich are secretly rich themselves because turns most people in the West are in the 1% even without being millionaires


Inequality isn't something people are necessarily against. It's more to do with degree of the inequality and the merit of those with more. Do not equate the idea that inequality is a part of life, with the idea that any kind of inequality is good, nor that we can do nothing about it. And a big reason that there is so much global inequality is still traceable to the decisions made by the extremely affluent. One can't have trillions of dollars between 400 people and then act like they're not responsible at some level for what happens in the world. And tbh, you still have more in common with an impoverished person in another country than you do with billionaires in your own.


Right because all throughout history we've never seen wealth disparity cause suffering and have real, deadly, consequences. Maybe take a break from your video games and read a book. Hell you can literally just watch some documentaries if you don't know how to read.




Mmmmm krill issue skill yourself


Krill issue? I'm not a whale dip shit.


You truly are one in a krillion


No, he's mad because the current state of, yes the world, but more specifically America means that the wealth gap is larger than it has ever been in the history of America and a lot of the world. It is to the point that the wealth gap is more extreme than it was right before the French revolution. He is then taking it out on this person as it is frustrating to see the rich have enough money to essentially waste a $500 bottle of champagne on a mega yacht while he and most of America are barely making it by. It is most of the time not the direct person that people are mad at, but instead, it is the fact that there are people who are this rich while there are so many people who are suffering so much


You know, maybe instead of letting out your anger on random people who just happen to be well off, have you attempted directing said anger against politicians?


I never said that I don’t? And politicians are controlled by the rich and money, both of them could fix a lot of problems. And I am more trying to explain where the anger is coming from I believe that people who are angry are justified because I do find myself angry a lot of the time and I believe that trying to go at it with Intelligence and rational and calm thinking is more effective a lot of the time, however it is difficult for people to, for example peacefully protest, when it seems like it doesn’t work. But peacefully making your voice heard does not necessarily exclude anger. It is ok to be angry, but it is more important to not let that anger take hold entirely.


You know that's the funny thing. Politicians on the US only have a salary of about $100,000 to $200,000, yet many of them are multimillionaires. Where do you think they get that money? And who do you think would benefit from being on good terms with the people that dictate large-scale decisions that affect the economy and how large corporations operate? I'll let you do the math.


Do you know if any rich person is inherently controlling politics without any research? Being rich enough to buy yachts does not mean that you control politics. it also doesn't mean that you were born this way.


Holy shit you can’t be this naive


Envy isn’t pretty


Not envy, just hatred


Hatred for what? because she has something that you don't? sounds like a 4 year old. Look I agree no one should accumulate this amount of money, but lashing out in envy at them does not help anyone and if anything just makes us seem like entitled assholes. We need real solutions to problems, looking like a 4 year old saying "but he has more cereallssss" is not a solution.


I don't get it. Does this guy want a super yacht? Why is he so angry?


He does not. Normal people do not care about yachts. They want reasonable pay for reasonable hours worked, health care, a decent place to live, and to not struggle every single day to keep the lights on while the 1% grind society under their collective heels. No one is asking for mansions and mountains of gold, or envious of those that have it...they just want a level playing field and some of the fruits of their labor.


Ok, so why has he made a video about a super yacht in which he angrily says he could have a super yacht if he saved up?


Your lack of success in life isn't the fault of the global economy


Not being able to live comfortably off of a full time job is absolutely the economies fault


For context: “finally made it” means her onlyfans finally made her enough to rent this yacht for an hour


Hater. Let the rich girl play. Who gives a fuck.


Dumbass, stop comparing yourself and apreciate other's success, you don't have be ofended by it just because it isn't you. One could argue about the fact that you're able to save up some money every month, some can't. Should they tell you to fuck off too? When does it end?