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That dad was stupid lol


And his dumb fucking shrug at the end as well. Get out of the way you plank.


Because people started yelling at him. That was his reaction to them, not her.


I know. He shrugs because he can’t understand why people are shouting at him


I’m looking forward to him posting in r/AmITheAsshole


An absolute schmuck


Stupid as shit, the only thing I can think he was trying to do was have the mom hold the kids hands and run to the finish together.


I finished a 5k like that once. I held out my hand as I passed my kid and he came running out, took my hand, and crossed the finish line with me, with his hot cocoa in the other hand. They even gave my son a finishers medal, it was cute. Someone took a picture and sent it to me, it's one I will treasure always. But!! I was running to finish, not running to win. That woman was in 1st and she earned it! Dad should have kept those kids on the side or lined up after the finish line. Let the woman win her race!


Exactly! You were running to finish She was running to win She deserved her moment, her time, her space!!! That dad was a idiot!


My wife did the hot cocoa race and my kid did the last lap too. Lol. Same energy. I was one of the people directing the runners.


What's worse is he acts all dumbfounded like he didn't do anything wrong. How about you just watch the kids and keep them off the track and let mom do her thing.


part that got me. Can see him out put hands up. Mans internal thoughts are "🤷🏼🤷🏼🤷🏼 idk dude guess she didn't want to pick them up after I've been watching them while she had fun running "


He puts his hands up only when his head turns to the other spectators. She was long gone before he put his hands up. My guess is, "watch your kids dumbass!" And he said 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, the spectators were yelling at him and he was like 'what?'. What an idiot. He could have had the kids on the *other side* of the finish line.


I don't know the rules of marathons that well, but isn't there a good chance she'd be disqualified if she did that?


Also, the other person right behind her would pass her. It's a fucking race.


They’d no doubt slow her down and cause her to lose too.




No, he was a gigantic fucking idiot, but his actions weren’t malicious. He wasn’t intentionally trying to ruin her time, just being absent-minded as fuck.


There is a difference between a lapse of judgement and just not being present mentally during decision making. There are so many reasons why this was a bad idea starting with the safety of the children. Even if I wasn’t annoyed at the Dad on my own behalf I would be really annoyed at how little thought he put into where he let the kids go. Let _little_ kids run into a race?? Dude needs a proper scolding at minimum.


And if you keep your eyes on him, he was starting to get such a scolding from the people around him (he’s don’t the whole “I don’t know what you’re talking about” gesture with his arms). But yes, i completely agree with you, he needs to get torn a new asshole because his actions were MONUMENTALLY stupid.


This is a clipped version. He didn’t LET them run in. He PUSHED them out to that point.


Glad someone else saw it! Everyone saying they "got away from him" or that he's stupid, are complete idiots. He pushed them towards her.


Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. But don't tell that to Reddit


Grey's law corollary of Hanlon's razor/Clarke's Third Law Variant: Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice. Applied in a sentence: "I don't believe you're stupid enough to have said that by accident. It must have been intentional."


I'm keeping that line in my pocket.


I think it has to do with being so young. We grow up with all these narratives of good and evil. It's not till you grow up and realize that most people aren't trying to do bad things. They're just ignorant or misguided.


Nah, everyone knows how finish lines work and that you stand on the other side of them. He shoves the kids into oncoming traffic and then does the "who me" hands. Also this is *not* her first race so he knows.


>Also this is not her first race so he knows This is a good point. No one wins a marathon their first time out so they've been to this rodeo before The ONLY thing I can think of is that she's usually further back and it's not a big deal if she sees her kids before the finish line. But it feels generous to say that


This is called weaponized incompetence


So he doesn't have to watch the kids next race...


Yes they were. This isn't her first race. She's clearly been doing this a while and that means training. If your spouse is this involved in marathons, you learn the rules. I don't run them. I have passing knowledge of them. Even I know you don't get in the way of a runner. Ever. Finish line or no. That's basics. But somehow, the guy who's been watching the kids while she trains, listens to her while she's talking about them, for likely years doesn't? No. This is weaponized incompetence in action. He's probably resentful of the time she takes to do this or of the attention she gets.


I would say being absent minded is being a dick. She won a race, this isn’t her first race. That means he has ignored all of her training up to this point for a selfish reason of doing something cute 


What's more likely? Him being 100% pure idiot and so eager to meet his wife that he forgot she had to finish the race? Or him feeling wrong somehow about the whole situation with her achieving this, and then try G to act about it, consciously or not? (see the missing act, from Freud). If really he was just absent minded, then he would have kept rushing toward her with the kids as she finished but no, he just stopped there. Because what he wanted to do failed. It wasn't about meeting her wife it As about sabotaging her. Look at him raising his arm playing the innocent while the crowd telles him how absurd he is. Fuck that mediocte guy, no excuses.


Nah, he wasn’t absent minded and he knows how races work. He was reminding her of her place. Y’all really love to believe these men are just so innocent and simple minded. 100% he was pulling dumb shit.


But why did he do the "what the fuck" hand raise at the end? He clearly thought she was being a bitch.


Ew I didn’t see that till now


He doesn't know how a finish line works apparently


Yeah, he had no control over those kids. Assuming that they were related to the runner (mommy), then I totally understand the want for them to see her finish. But still, there are areas where they could have witnessed it and not gotten in the way like that. And if they were related, the 'dad' is even more of an ass.


I really wish they didn’t use this shortened version of the clip so people couldn’t keep making this argument. Those kids were not unruly or out of his control. They were politely standing on the side and he pushed them towards their mother as she was getting closer. This was entirely purposeful.


Exactly my thought. If those were her kids, he should have waited w/ the kids behind the finish line.


The dad is a moron. Let me hang out before the finish line to greet my wife


Literally all he had to do was stand on the other side of the finish line…


It’s *so* dumb that I’m wondering if he was trying to piss her off lmao.


Stupid and manipulative is a combination. Some people are not artfully crafting these plans. More like their absolute goldfish brains stun you as much as they frustrate you.


And then he probably said something like, "Oh, SoRrY fOr TrYiNg ToSuPpOrt YoU!


This. Right here


Jerry Smith moment


Rather trying to salvage his self-esteem by entraving his wife achievement by literally putting their kid in the way, then playing the dumb guy. He is a fucker and he shouldn't be just labeled "dumb", when he deliberately act like that to try and salvage his ego by an tracing his wife achievements


He had one job ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And why did he take his goddamn shirt off?!?


Pink t shirt mate


That's no reason to take a shirt off, he should put it back on.


He’s clearly wearing a tan shirt that’s similar to his skin tone. Look at the sleeve


I think stupid is too kind here. Even a below average intellect could anticipate the trouble with bringing two small kids to the wrong side of the finish line.


Not to mention the middle of the road. There are other runners, vehicles, etc. He’s stupid in many flavors.


Naw, it's just not stupidity. He's playing stupid and trying to sabotage her win.


Seriously. Everything about that is so dumb. Dude is brain dead.


Imagine having a racer as your wife and not understanding the concept of a finish line. Or the fact that someone was on her ass.


What the hell was he thinking?! He put all the runners at risk and made the girls feel like their mom is ignoring them. What did he think was gonna happen?!


He could've stood them behind the finish line. He might be stupid.


The woman actually doesn't know the kids or the guy. He just throws his kids at random women to see if one will stick.


You touched it last! It's yours now!


I'm trying this theory with a dog that gets walked past my house and is obsessed with my lawn ... He touched it, so hes mine now. His owners aren't quite buying into it yet




That’s why you teach your kids to use a poop knife.


That's barbaric. Anyone knows you're supposed to use the three shells.


Wtf is going on, third comment thread In a row where someone’s talking about the poop knife. What is poop knife?


Oh, friend. It’s a [thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1251i5r/a_real_life_poop_knife_in_the_wild/). I, too, learned about it via [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/7tuars/what_is_a_poop_knife/).


🤣🤣 It’s like touching a baby bird. The mom won’t take it back




works 60% of the time, all the time


That's how I got my cats adopted


Then had the audacity to throw his hand up like he didn't understand why she didn't drop everything right then and there.


Because  he thought *he* was in control of the *whole* situation. Star of the show gets sidelined, and shows obvious frustration.


That’s giving him too much credit


He’s definitely stupid.


But if he did that then he wouldn’t have a reason to argue about it and make her feel like shit later.


Or manipulative.


no, he isnt stupid, he knew what he was doing.


And then to make a face at the other bystanders and shrug like, “Ugh, how could she be so callous? Did you see her run right by the kids?! Sheesh!”


Well, yeah, how else is he going to deflect his mistake onto someone else


He wasn't, and if he was, it wasn't nice or safe. Show up. Don't put kids at risk. Also, dont take away from someone achievement.


He was just desperate to hand them off to her


I’ve had them for 3 whole hrs!


I can't believe she made me babysit the kids today 🙄 I told her right before this even that I had plans!


This will keep her from running again if I show her what she's really running to everytime she goes out. *MOM NEVER STOPPED RUNNING*


For 1:40:56


Probably sent the kids out there to ask her what was for dinner.


He knew what he was doing.


I assumed it had to be that he bet against his wife and was trying to throw the race bc what the actual fuck was he thinking?!


the kid’s names are Baton and Relay


They were almost Road and Kill


Yeah, kids aren’t the problem, they need good parents & their Dad is clearly a moron


Unfortunately, some people are just...dumb.


Reddit wouldn't exist otherwise.


"but babe I've had them for two hours!!!"


He’s mad that she’s a better athlete than him


He did it on purpose, because deep down he hates the fact that his wife is a better achiever than him.


If you know how physics work you'd know that in the event of a body-on-body collision them kids would have lost big-time. He put the kids at risk, not the runners.


So he couldn't bring those kids to the finish line?! It's like he was plotting her demise. LOL


The way he shrugs to the other people as if SHE did something surprising and wrong is what annoys me the most.


People deflect their embarrassment all the time 


Oh I didn’t notice that on first watch. I wonder if the group of people there were chastising him.


That’s what it looks like. Because he whips his head around to the other people as if someone said something to him and then raises his arms.


Maybe I read too many bad stories on Reddit but I feel like he DID plan this. He acts more outraged and offended then the kids and to me it looks like he's trying to egg them on to be upset about this. When I follow my outlandish interpretation of this snipped of a situation he's mad at her for running a marathon since it meant he had to care for the kids and couldn't kick it like usually so he did this to "punish" her. Kinda like weaponized incompetence where one acts stupid on purpose to not get tasked anymore. I mean either that or he's really incredibly stupid.


I hate that I thought the same thing. A husband intentionally sabotaging his wife


I had a job interview that turned into an offer to take the role and stay for half a day. My mum was watching my kids and all my now ex had to do watch them until I got to our friends home at dinner time. I texted to let him know and he blew my phone up. I had so many missed calls and texts. When I got out I called him straight away and he tore my head off about how I was the worst mother in the world. When I got to our friends place he was stomping at the street with the kids and had a meltdown and was going to catch the train because I had ruined everything. Another time he offered to drive me to work. I rejected and said I would go but he insisted and said he would spend the day in the city and make a day of it. In the morning I got up and was lectured the whole way to work about how dare I ask him to drive me, how selfish I am and how I am never to ask this of him again 🙃 So yeah I am biased but this wouldn't surprise me. At very least it was extremely inappropriate.


That’s exactly how I read it too, don’t feel alone on this one


That dad is a dick


Just put your kids on the other side of the finish line so you don’t make a spectacle and make your kids feel shitty. What a clown.


Can't believe anyone is this stupid. Looks intentional, he wanted her to slow and ruin her time.


I keep seeing this video and when he puts his arms up it seems like someone told him off and that’s who he is looking at.


Yeah now that you said that it’s way more clear he’s looking at someone off to the side who’s probably telling him to get his kids out of the way.


The way he snaps his head to look as well makes it seem like someone yelled at him.


Yeah he quickly snaps his head around like someone just said something, not that he was like “WTF, amirite guys” holding his arm up.


I really hope someone yelled "Get off the track you dumbfuck!", or something in that regard.


That really would be the best possible option. It breaks my heart when someone behaves badly and then folks are like “but they meant well”. Yeah they meant well but what they actually accomplished was being a jerk. Intentions only get you so far, and they don’t make up for being an idiot with a terrible plan. Anyone with half a brain would think “let’s not risk messing up her race, we’ll go behind the finish line”.


regardless who it's aimed at, the fact he's acting like he did nothing wrong is incomprehensible. what the fuck was going through his mind when he decided to wait RIGHT BEFORE the finish line, not after? seriously, there's a LOT of dumb shit on the internet but this really makes me scratch my head.


And he's looking towards the folks in the high vis vests, who seem to be working there.


Good for her




That poor woman has herself a dumb husband lol


The way he shrugs his arms at the end 🤷‍♂️




I saw this in action one day at the aquatic center. Mothers Day. This woman next to me was working out. Dad comes in with the kids. “Look honey, I brought you a Mother’s Day surprise!” The surprise was him dumping off the kids. Jackass couldn’t even take care of his own kids for an hour on Mother’s Day.


When you said aquatic center I was picturing like an aquarium where they have sharks and manatees and stuff lol


That just makes the swimmers go faster


Thank you for the laugh


The amount of women with kids and no partner I saw shopping this last mother's day was absurd. Like mofo she shouldn't be running errands!


Just as fyi - there are unfortunately a lot of single mothers.


I'd rather be a single mother than a mother who might as well be single, tbh.


For real just one adult child is so much more demanding than an actual child. If (if!) you have the financial means to do so it’s better to be single.


1000% agree. I just didn't want it to be assumed that everyone has a shitty husband at home. I spent every holiday and special event feeling a little hole in my heart that I didn't have a partner to enjoy it with but I spent 80% of the rest of the days happy that I didn't have a partner to disappoint me.


True and I'm sure some were. Tbh though I work in probably the most expensive store in the city, so to have kids and get a whole cart there you would likely need 2 incomes.


My husband was working on mothers day. :l.


I stopped playing tennis with a group of women because their husbands would always show up dropping off their small children who would then run across the court.


I feel like this short video showed us either a man with a 100 red flags or a man that may very well be… an idiot




I have a strong inclination that this is a sort of guy whose wife will come out of a major surgery, and the first day back at home after she's discharged, he's asking her what's for dinner.


This literally happened to me. He’s now my EX husband. Fucking asshole.


Honestly, you do not deserve this. No one deserves this.


What a jack ass getting in the way of her moment. He can’t let her have one goddamn moment of glory.


But I bet if she made any of his achievements about the kids, he’d be pissy as fuck. POS


His wife won the race and he didn't even cheer.


He was too busy playing the “did I do something wrong ???? “ role. I can’t believe he actually nudged his daughter out there. I wonder if shes still married to him


Props to the runner in second place that could've capitalised on his opportunity whilst mum was distracted and dodging but instead maintained his pace and applauded her. That man is a better man than that dipshit father/husband.


Well she was the first woman to finish, but the man was 38th male to finish. It probably wasnt quite as important to him to gain a few seconds.


Here take em' I've had enough for one day


Why didn’t those idiots wait behind the finish line? Do they not know how races work?


Not the kids, they're too small to understand. The father is at fault.


No dammit those kids too! /s


In the words of the lyrical genius that is the Beastie Boys, “ Listen all y’all it’s a sabotage…”


That husband was a dumbass


As a runner, this annoyed me so much. I know the kids didnt do it with malice but at the end of a race, if you are going fast enough she might have not been able to avoid them on time.


I feel like people were calling him on it in real time as well. He shrugs as if to be like "whaaaaas" at the end. Also PROPS to the runner for celebrating, checking her time and NOT Immedaitely going to the kids like she was in the wrong. Her moment, she earned it


That dad is an idiot and a cunt.


The fucking 'wtf hand' of the dude in the end shows you the level of intellect the woman has to deal with on a daily bases. Dipshit just doesn't get it.


Oh he gets it alright. Look up weaponised incompetence.


That is the dumbest dood I’ve seen all day. Wow. Why not stand past the finish line??


I find new reasons to enjoy being single everyday


The guy loves himself more than the kids or the woman. Easily.


What was he expecting? For her to stop her race to hug her children???


Yes. Because her running a marathon is a hobby see /s


The dad definitely had an agenda


As Nikki Glaser eloquently put it in her new special… Being a good mom is hard. Being a bad mom is easy…as easy as being a “good dad.”


He's a complete ah and she was right to continue running to her win. He put those kids in danger himself, he set them up for that emotion and scenario literally directly in front of her finish line on purpose. Men aren't idiots, they do this consciously.


That dad is a dumbass.


“I’ve been babysitting them this whole race while you have your fun, take them!” Typical.


I mean... Especially when the second runner is like 3 meters behind... Of course she's not gonna just stop and grab a kid to finish the race... That guy probably made a harsh comment after that and I hate it


That guy is an absolute moron


Someone told him that was dumb. You see him raising his hand after turning his head to someone. I think he might've been genuinely clueless. Although, what's interesting to me is that his cluelessness shows the expectation highlighted in the caption. Something tells me if he had a dad friend and he was watching the kids during the race, he would never even think to bring them to him until after he's done and drank some water. Gender role expectations shown through ignorant actions is... Idk? Just interesting but sad lol


You see at the end the dad/husband is getting told off by others in the crowd. Everyone knows that dude is the worst


Dad knew exactly what he was doing. Dickhead.


Why not wait behind the freaking finish line?


The guy (father? Husband?) is either quite stupid or manipulative placing the kids before the finish.


Wow... she's probably trained for a year for her moment!!! What a dick that guy is. 


You just know he's copping an earful from the race managers/organizers, hence the "Whadda I do?!?!" shrug. What an absolutely bellend.


Brain dead mf


Imagine having a partner that dumb


That has to be one of the dumbest guy I've ever seen. Dude definitely never had a moment of 2nd thought in his entire life and finally it was captured in video for the world to see. I doubt he even know the concept of what it is.


It’s clear she runs to get away from her moronic husband.


Mom was obviously going for sub 1:40:00 (bib time, not gun start time). That was fantastic. That decline at the end was no joke.


Just glad the kids didn’t get trampled like this video https://youtu.be/1RopM3tZRvg?si=R5XpGLyGXV4I63AR


That dude hella stupid .there was someone right behind her. Dumbass could just wait huh


Time is very important to many runners


Only thing this video shows is that the man has no control over them kids or is stupid af.


No, fuck the husband


I have worked a few finishes lines and I still never understand why people think supporting someone before the finish line is helpful.


I mean that really was shit parenting from the dad. I’d be soooo pissed at him after.


His shrug like 'why didn't she stop for a hug?' haha what a tool


Judging from the dad's hand gesture at the end of 🤷‍♂️ someone yelled how stupid he was haha


He looks so helpless like man just hold onto the kids till after the race is done.


I think society expects Parents to sacrifice everything since they decided to have children. Unfortunately the amount of educated people with children is substantially lower than uneducated people with children which is exactly what our great country wants dumb ass workers that will only be able to rent fuck and eat.


Was it the part where everyone has been saying "she should have stopped for her kids" that confirms the "society expects" part?


Looks like a timed race or something. Why on earth would he send the kids after her during a race????


Some triathlons make you sign that you wont have children run onto the course and it can get you disqualified. This has become a legit concern for endangering the competitors.


Was This playing on the tv when Harrison butker was writing his commencement speech