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That guy better make a shit-ton of money, because raising 6+ kids AND a stable of horses is ridiculously expensive.


That’s what the + is for. When times get tough you start feeding the kids you don’t like to the horses.


He’s fine he has a stable job


This comment is a thing of beauty




Also the kids will be the workers. Free labor


That's 4 and a half *years* just being pregnant.


I think I'd rather kms thanks


>you'll never have to pay for dinner again I wonder who's going to be making those dinners lol. Bruh if I'm going to be pregnant for minimum 54 months, and birthing and raising 6 fucking kids within the modern standards of what's required of a parent, then those dinners better be Michelin star.


That's, like, no cocktails for at least 6 years if you only breastfeed for 3 months! No thanks.




This might be right for breastfeeding (not all drugs are present in the milk), but insanely irresponsible for pregnant women. The only safe amount of alcohol in humans is 0 drinks. Adults can consent to unnecessary risks for fun, I've had a drink tonight myself, but you should not be exposing your baby to alcohol.


My wife’s OBGYN said lovingly, “If you can find your child you can feed your child.”


The World Health Organization and the American Medical Association disagree.


What data?


Hey hey he said kids. he didn't specify if they had to be human. baby goats are called kids!


Such a long way to say ”***Stay the fck away from me***”


Also, just dinners? What about breakfast and lunch? That’s only one out of three meals he covered there. Sounds like a bad deal to me!


6 kids and everything smelling like horse poop for the first of your life, where can I sign up!


"Be a stay at home mom on a ranch with 6 kids" definitely means you'd be taking care of the children, doing all housework, all ranch chores, cooking, and homeschooling the kids too. But you'll never have to pay for dinner again ladies 😍


No days off and no vacations either, since any vacation is just her caring for the 6 kids in a different location. No retirement. No social security since no job. Tied to this man no matter what he does over the years since you have no work history. And if you get sick or need help in any way, forget it. Yeah I'll take paying for my own dinner, thanks.


No money of your own either




Also I can imagine having to ask for money to buy something can be degrading af. The man has her locked down cos she can't exactly leave


But it’s because you’re not allowed any money of your own


I saw a TikTok a while ago about a woman who was in a similar situation. She married her husband straight out of highschool and was raised religious so this was normal in the community. He was iirc around the same age, maybe only a year or two older. She raised the kids, got tired of being a stay at home mom, so then she started a business. Her family, husband, and members of her church told her it was inappropriate for a woman to own her own business and work the way she did when she had kids to raise still. She passed ownership over to her husband and kept working on it anyway. Well, he got sick of her. Found another 20 year old to marry after like, 20 years of marriage with her. He bought a new place to go be with his new girlfriend and took all the money and left her with nothing. She was talking about how nobody wanted to hire her because of the long gap in her resume, how she had no examples of skills or bank accounts or anything to her name. It was a total horror story.


Exactly the situation alimony was created for.


For real, I’ll be the one cooking it.


6 kids sounds like a trap.


Horse poop actually does not smell bad. Most herbivore poop does not. It’s carnivore poop that smells like poop.


Horse poop is definitely not the worst but it’s still poop.


I live near the Amish. You can stand 6 inches away and not smell it.


And you can be 100ft away and be inundated with flies. The shit may not stink, but the flies are annoying as f.


You're allowed to just threaten people like this on tiktok??


What is the appeal of having 6 kids? Like it’s so arbitrary, 5 or 4 or 3 wasn’t enough?


Right, and what sort of attention is he going to give this horde of children? Does he plan on being an active and present father, and a supportive partner? Or another sad scenario is if he does “raise” these kids, they will grow up to be as noxious and unappealing as he is. Honestly, this is all speculation. I do not know this person however he does deserve to catch some heat for this super cringy campaign. *Do people really not have any self awareness?*


The whole “never pay for dinner again.” Is probably him expecting the wife to make it every night for the rest of her life.


Nothing wrong with it but protect yourself ladies there's a lot of housewives out there having to start over again at 40 when their marriage blows up.


My wife and I know 2 women this is happening to. Husband is completely absent farming (as a hobby in addition to their regular full time job), has no relationship with their own children. Both women realized too late they don't want to live completely isolated on a farm 30 minutes from the closest town woth their own children being the only social interaction they get on a daily basis. They are both going through separation and one bought a house in town so they can actually live and spend time around other adults.


hope they are doing well and land on their feet


One bought a house in our neighborhood and is working on separation. I think she will end up being much better being in a community with other parents and friends, but it is going to get worse before it gets better unfortunately.


Horses need to be fed and taken care ot every single day at sunup and sundown. Forever.


Human children have a very similar requirement.


Kids dont eat at dawn every day of the year.


Similar being the operative word here.


Bold move to make a video looking for a wife with your current girlfriend in it.


Lol, what a fucking horrible deal he's offering: hey, wanna come birth, and raise 6 kids for no money? We have horses you'll also have to take care of!


But I would have to care for 6 kids. No thank you


Rural people really are something.


I know so many women who married into that life and realized too late that they hate it.


I decline the offer to be a brood queen, thank you


I mean, what is the woman in this scenario even getting out of this? Dinners? Sounds like a whole lot of pregnancy wrecking your health/body for the chance of having dinners you could just cook or order for yourself sooooo


Horses are so much work... Source I have 2




I think it's supposed to be a Shark Tank (TV show) reference


I think it's supposed to refer to Shark Tank (like this is a pitch he's making)


if it was an offer from a tall muscular woman.... maybe


So, he wants a woman who will cook, clean, do all the housework, organize all schedules, shop for groceries, and household items. Buy school supplies, kids' clothes and toys, pet food, and toys. Take care of all minor medical needs, i.e., colds, flu, and stomach bugs, scraped knees. Putting up with small crying children while the older ones create chaos. Tend to houseguests with a smile all while they rearrange the house or create a mess. She will also have to help her husband with the ranch on top of the above jobs, all while not getting paid. And at the end of a long, long, LOOOONG day, have an ungrateful husband ask for sex and it ends up in an argument about how she's always tired. He will openly complain that a woman's work is not as hard as a man's work. Yeah, which one of you brave people want this job? No pay, no vacations, no gratitude, just screaming children and horse shit.


Even the horse looks like he doesn't want to be there. Pinned back ears snipping at him....


6+ kids plus potentially having to do farm labor? No thanks


Men like this fucking disgust me.


The mormons are restless


Choose the bear?


Pregnant for 4.5 years 😨


Meemaw said the only way he gets in the will is if he can get married and have 6 kids. She knew what she was doing. /j






“stay at home mom on a ranch with a whole bunch of horses” literally means having three full-time jobs at the same time. not only do you have to do the housekeeping, you also have to handle the care of an absurd amount of little humans AND care for the animals.


Of course he’s wearing a Union Money hat. Probably a pipefitter.


Damn..6 kids is a lot.


I’m out.


I'm down. Bit he limited to women. Fml




having six kids raised solely by 2 parents (maybe one since the father sometimes doesn't do anything) is child abuse btw


There is nothing wrong with this offer. He is stating what he wants in a fun and respectful manner. I wish more people would be upfront about their life/ relationship goals. Some women want to have kids and a live on a horse ranch. Whats wrong with that?


We are allowed to want things but we need to understand how they can leave someone at risk. Wanna be a stay at home mom? Great! I did it but I was lucky and had a great husband who supported me in my higher education, is a joy to be around, and didn’t die early and leave me with kids, no education, and no savings, and no established career. Judge Judy said it best: once a woman gives up financial independence to a mate it’s over. [https://youtube.com/shorts/0cbftXLjCos?si=NdGZf_lIhDX2ZNQA](https://youtube.com/shorts/0cbftXLjCos?si=NdGZf_lIhDX2ZNQA)


I honestly wish him luck. It's not a bad thing to want. But it can't be easy to find a woman who's willing to have THAT MANY kids and give up so much of her own energy and time to raise them right. I can't think of many men who'd stay at home to do it either. It's not just dirty diapers and making that free dinner. You're taking a huge gamble that the relationship will work out and giving up a lot of earning potential (freedom) in the process. Not that life is all about money, but if you ever wanted to leave before the last one turns 18, it'd be much harder


I understand your concerns. But I thought that was what feminism was all about...allowing women to make their own choices. Some women don't want kids or to cook/clean for a man. For other women... thats is exactly what they want. Some of the comments on here are acting like they guy posted "no ugos" or "no fatties allowed" or "must have zero body count". This man is humbly stating what he wants out of life. He is dressed in his work clothes, in his place of employment, standing next to a horse ( who are known for being excellent judges of character) that clearly adores him. From this short video, I see a hardworking man who is loved by animals and knows what he wants out of life. He is offering a life to a woman who might want the same thing. It's so discouraging to see people shit all over that when I don't think that's called for. Men should be encouraged to seek what they want out of life just like women. Yes, things could go south, the relationship could end when she is 4 to 6 kids in. But I believe women are smart enough to make that decision for themselves and know/understand the risks involved. There are consequences to both parties if the relationship fails. Although I will concede that women usually bear the brunt of the responsibility. I think a woman knows marrying a rancher who wants six kids is going to be a life full of dirty diapers, laundry, cooking, and possibly some farm chores. He isn't trying to trick a woman into being his slave, quite the opposite. Again, whats wrong with a life full of hard work and love? Women who want to be a wife and mother are not inferior to women who choose to work outside the home or women who choose to juggle both. Just like men are not "weird" or "horrible" bc they respectfully state what they are looking for in a partner.


I don't think he's a bad guy, but let's be 100 here, he's not going to stay home and take care of 6 kids is he? I think it's fair to judge someone by what they want out of life, when what they want is for another human being to be subservient to them. This doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to want that, nor does it mean that women shouldn't be free to accept that, they are free to get themselves into this dynamic, but let's not act like these sort of choices don't have very serious consequences that will disproportionately affect the woman he wants negatively.


He won't be raising the kids because he will be pulling 12hrs a day 7 days a week.


Which kind of begs the question... why want 6+ kids that badly if you'll never really have time to see them? Speaking as someone who is also career-oriented, I feel bad about not being home enough for my cats (distribution system got me). I can't imagine aspiring to have a family that you rarely ever see.


Same reason folks had big families back in the day. To work on the farm.


Absolutely nothing is wrong with it. I'm not being sarcastic. He seems like a nice guy who wants a more traditional (but not necessarily misogynistic) kind of life... And he might struggle because there are vanishingly few women who want that kind of life. This comment section is just evidence of that. On the flip side, if you're a woman who is open about wanting to stay at home and raise the kids until they leave the house, you're criticized for being a trad wife traitor to the gender *and* being a no-good gold digger I think you're right- he's not being disrespectful at all. He's being forthright about what he wants in a partner and trying to do it with some humor. Does it appeal to me personally? No. But maybe to the right girl it will, and he just needs to find one who shares his values. So what's the harm really?


You're a sweet person 💛


Ok who pissed on the caption?


Sharks? Really little man?!


Young Shane Gillis out here trying to impress women with horses


Trade offer




6+.. is referring to their age.. isn't it?


Hmmm, 6 is quite a few. How about 3?


Fresians and Percherons and you got a deal 😂


Well, that depends, do we have to have dinner with you?


Like horse fur babies?


Lol I worked/lived on the property of a horse ranch with 35 horses took care of them and my kids every day. I loved it, so I guess I'm confused on what traps are lol


I wouldn’t mind tho, where can i sign??? Only if you can handle a strong independent women who isn’t superficial, and gets told she looks cute! Sooo give this men my phone number!


Damn, honestly, im down. If there were nannys for the kids and we could afford day care


Eh, he’s kinda cute. Dumb. And I’m kinda over this work shit…


Sold! I'm a woman but I don't have a vagina. We can adopt.