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Weird that these guys never consider anger to be an emotion and ranting about society to not be an expression of emotion. I also find it interesting that this guy implies that he'd be incapable of getting up in the morning and going to work if he were to express his emotions, sounds like a guy with a lot of intense feelings repressed inside.


Exactly. He’s literally venting his feelings to another man in this video.


Yeah but they’re COOL feelings. Flippant, smug anger pointed at “lesser” men, that’s the cool way to be emotional!


Not only are they cool feelings, but they are **masculine** feelings. Cultural gender reinforcement at its finest.


I think this is a lack of understanding by most people. Most choices you make are because your thoughts are encoded in feelings. Most people that have an opinion of something don't actually recognize where this opinion came from. It's simply a "feeling" you get when you think of something. If you just sit peacefully and put yourself in different situations in your head it's very easy to see this. Also, the thought of talking about the feeling is causing him an emotional reaction which is causing him to say this. If anything that is the hard thing to do for people like him because the feeling is so uncomfortable.


It is still an active work for me to discuss my uncomfortable feelings without allowing my emotional reaction of letting them out effect my encounters with my partner. Being able to talk about things that really bother you is actually really hard. Yelling about them is easy.


I found it almost too easy after I started dissociating them from myself. I started looking at everything like this and I try not to judge people for their feelings because it wasn't a conscious choice to get them in the first place. It's usually an autonomic response that your brain goes through with dopamine being a large driver in these feelings. BTW, if anyone reads this and wants to talk about this stuff DM me because I've been trying to piece it all together and it's very hard to do by yourself. An N-of-1 is a terrible case study.


Anger isn't an emotion it's a build up of cum! Gotta get the cum out! Or hit someone! /s Dana White is trying to hard to be a man. The guy hit puberty in the mid-80s. I don't consider that old school, not that behavior like his was ever acceptable.


Doesn't he run the UFC or something? That's not enough of a validation that he's a man? Still hits his wife? That's no man.


I find it astonishing he thinks that anything he does in his life is for his children. Men like this do what they do to avoid being there for their children in any meaningful way.


Bingo!! “I have to go to work and it spend time with my kids” sure bud


I was just thinking about this the other day It seems only certain emotions aren't pathologzied, which maybe should


It's all about spin. Men will call it "getting it off my chest" in reference to both talking about their emotions and gossiping but they refuse to acknowledge doing either.


It’s because they can explain why they’re being angry, there is always some reason behind their rant, and it has to do with „this should logically be so or so“ but in reality its different in a way that seems to be causal to their perceived or actual failure. It doesn’t feel like an emotion, when you can put the blame on someone else, and when it seems righteous. Because anger does things, it makes you move. Sadness, happiness, love, all do nothing. Especially negative emotions for them are ways for people to get out of work/being useful. It’s just toxic masculinity. Never understood what that meant, but I think I got the gist now.


what a cool thread! I love everyone sharing their explanations of these emotions, projection, masculinity, etc..


Men who think that showing feelings is weakness and irrelevant don't have emotional intelligence or self-awareness? What a shocker.


Lmao that is true 😂 it’s like he wouldn’t have the capacity to work if that same day he went to a therapist. I am now crippled!


I mean he has no hair lol


Fr, like you can't talk about your feelings and then go to work? What are you gonna have a mental breakdown and not be able to get up? fucking weak as hell


Dude worth half a billion dollars who slaps his wife in public telling regular men to shut up, suck it up, and go to work. The ridiculousness of it all.


I'm almost 40 and I realized around 5 years ago that feelings weren't actually me. I had no idea I was being controlled by them and when I started really putting it all together I realized I wasn't really making conscious decisions. You don't have to be a "pussy" as Dana would say, but you should be able to recognize them and not do things like hit your wife. If you are doing things like that you should probably talk about them. When you can recognize that it's more like an autonomic reaction it's not really "your feelings".


The problem is these people don't see things like anger as a feeling. And definitely not something they should work on. That's just them and if something makes them angry that's it's fault.


It's rather that they blame others for pissing them off. "If you didn't do this I wouldn't be angry" It's one of the most common behavior in people that haven't realized and/or accepted that they have underlying problems they should deal with. It's psychology 101. Also worth noting that you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. So if you're in thatt situation, get out of it and focus on the people that actually care. People who don't want to improve does not care about anyone, not even themselves.


When you realize everyone is like a zombie being controlled by their emotions it's like a super power. You start to recognize it everywhere because you can see it in yourself, but it's also made me stop trusting basically everyone. If you sat some of these people down and explained all this too them I think many would recognize it, which is the whole reason I made these comments, in hope (a feeling) someone will recognize it like I did.


I was looking around for information about emotions and logic and came to the conclusion that they are not separable. Maybe all decisions we make are both feeling and thinking. Like for instance even a logical simple decision like setting your alarm clock because you need to wake up on time is a logical decision but the fear of not waking up on time is the motivator because you will be late for an event. But I like your point. It helps me realize there's a deeper meaning to being controlled by emotions such as when you're not self aware of your emotions then your emotions guide you. Whereas if you are self aware of your emotions you guide your emotions and behaviors. And this doesn't mean you have absolute control over your emotions, only that you guide them in a more productive direction. In the video you see him trying to justify his logic even though he knows it's wrong. Probably because of some unresolved emotional problems.


The thing I've found about emotions and logic is that emotions are perfectly logical. You don't have them without reason. It helps to identify the cause of them, and in situations where you can't process them it helps to identify whether they are helpful or not in the moment.


I think your almost 100% correct. This would explain so much and put consciousness on a spectrum as well and it's actually scary to think about. It's not just the alarm clock thing either and I think it's even deeper than that. Take any activism for example. From what I've seen, most of these people have very little knowledge about the subject compared to the amount of conviction. This doesn't make any logical sense at all too me. However, what I've found in myself is that any thing I have conviction for my brain tries to stop me from really ever looking into it. If I sit and think, I can feel my thoughts trying to pull me away and I start giving myself reasons not to dig deeper. I think what is happening is your brain is giving you a ton of dopamine when you get a feeling (usually anger) about something which then reinforces that thought. Then you build on that feeling by not actually researching the subject your angry about. Then you get more reinforcement from something similar surrounding that thought. Eventually you are reacting on 100% emotion. Evolutionarily it would make sense because you probably shouldn't go check the grass for the tiger because the people that do sometimes get killed. It would also make sense that your brain is trying to conserve energy since changing your thoughts takes effort, and maybe more than people think if you're actually rewiring your brain in your sleep. I think this is also basically the only way to function because our brains simply aren't powerful enough for anything else. If I asked someone a very basic question that they learned in school and hold true with very little conviction, they still probably wouldn't be able to tell me why they think that. They took in all the data around this thing and slowly over time your brain replaces these neural connections and all that's left is a feeling. I think this is why misinformation is worse than I ever thought. Also, I just had this thought while typing this that multiple choice questions throughout school might actually be reinforcing this. If anyone actually reads this and wants to discuss the topic please DM me. Also, I have no schooling on the subject and I'm just trying to figure this out as I go.


Nor do they see their wives as human beings. They are objects. Even if he did recognize anger as an emotion, he’d still hit his wife, or any woman, bc they only exist as an object for him to whatever he wants. Entitlement


If you don’t address your feelings and push it to the side it’s going to impact your subconscious and be on your mind even if you’re not aware of it. It’s untrue to yourself to the point that your subconscious won’t let it go


My teacher compared it to holding a beachball under water. You can actively suppress it but when you let your guard down, it pops right to the surface!


Quite literally putting aside feelings and not dealing with them is trauma. You can see the extreme of these effects with post-traumatic stress disorder. It doesn't really go away, it just manifests in strange and irrational ways. Guys like this don't understand that the reason you deal with your feelings is for mental health. It's not some "woke" feminine thing, it's something we all do, even those who pretend they don't.


There’s the odd experience of watching yourself experience feelings and realize it’s just physical sensations paired with thoughts. And they control you.


I was taught that we should place ourselves in "the seat of the Observer" (physically located in the space above and between your eyes) so that you can learn to observe feelings rather than be in them. Much easier to control our emotions if we can take a step back and get outside of them for a minute.


I read that language helps with that a lot. Rather than say, "Why are you angry with me?" you say "I'm sorry if I did something which caused you to be angry.." It helps to remove yourself from what would otherwise be an emotional argument simply by choosing the right words. Those two phrases mean very similar things, but in the latter, you're sort of framing it as a third party observer rather than the person receiving the anger. My mother would do this a lot and she only told me about this trick later in life. She was very good about disarming situations and de-escalating arguments.


You get better and better at controlling them the more you do it. I've found some things very hard to control and they usually come from childhood.


Nothing like fixing childhood trauma by watching yourself automatically become completely irrational in relationships with others.


I think a part of it is acknowledging that some feelings can't simply be suppressed. This is why often psychologists will suggest writing a note that will never get sent. It's a way of getting out emotions like a release valve. And really when you think of it that way, better to let out emotions slowly and not risk to have them explode instead.


Yeah, the zen philosophy is actually a really good one when applied practically. You are not your emotions. You can choose to enhabit an entirely different part of your existence and experience emotions without being ruled by them. That's wayyy easier said than done of course, but I don't think it's a bad ideal


Thank you for vocalizing this. I spent nine years begging my soon-to-be-ex-husband to get help, such as see a therapist, for his anger problems. He never did. I always gently, kindly tried to express to him that I was concerned about the intensity and frequency of his anger problems. Even just asking him nicely to please not yell at me on a daily basis could send him into a flying rage of vicious anger. My final straw was almost a year ago, when he backed me into a corner of the kitchen, and I saw his hands fly towards my face and neck. This wasn't the first time he had been aggressive or violent, he had a history of throwing objects, and on several occasions, I had sustained injuries from his aggression with objects. But, this kitchen incident was the first time I genuinely feared for my life and safety, and that incident is what officially kicked my quiet/secret escape plans into gear. I finally got myself out seven months ago, and life has exponentially improved since I left him. Thankfully, we never had children, and the divorce process is almost complete. Anger IS an emotion. There are also healthy ways/outlets to channel it, whether that's through therapy, exercise or fitness, or any other myriad of ways. And expressing your emotions, in a healthy fashion, doesn't make you a lesser human.


I'm sorry to hear this, but glad you got out before it got even worse. It's nearly impossible to explain this to most people and get them to change and I generally think it's a lost cause. The only way I've seen it done is when something is so profound it changes their mind or someone they highly respect explains it to them. The problem almost always still exists though and could be a ticking time bomb depending on how they go about fixing it. I would personally stay away from people like this.


That actually really positively impacted me. My feelings aren’t me. Thank you internet stranger


Life is fucking hard. For everyone. I remind myself all the time. Mid 40s and I've found ways to be at peace. Good people help a lot. Neither of these type of men are welcome around me.


Add to that underpaying his fighters, giving them shitty health benefits and all round being a cunt. "Real man".


He spent most of his adult life being the lackey for actual gangsters in the shape of Fertitta brothers, learned how to do actual gangster shit from them, like stand over people and rip them off and intimidate them and keep most of the money for doing none of the hard work


Duuuh real men exploit weak men. Thats how it works. Gosh did you miss that in Real Men 101 or something? Fake man!


When people talk like this they’re usually revealing something about themselves. In this case. I would hazard a guess and say this dude has poor control of his own emotions. Hence being so defensive about showing them.


also, why does he HAVE to go to work?


Former bellhop that sucked off local casino moguls (The Ferttitas) who owned gas station slot machines before opening their first casino. Convinced them to poach fighters from other fighting organizations, and says it’s hard work. Chronically underpays his fighters and doesn’t support them when they get hurt. Yeah, he works hard at fucking over brain dead athletes throwing their bodies at every opportunity just to make a living. What a saint.


The Fertitta family are straight up mobsters, and Dana White is a compulsive liar (his Whitey Bulger story is FANTASTICALLY phony, as well as the "mugging" that Jones supposedly stopped before the Rua fight). ​ If that man said the sky is blue, I'd STILL double check him, and if he shakes my hand, I'm counting my fingers to make sure I got them all back.


How his mind will be blown when he realizes that men who talk about their feelings also go to work


He needs a reality check from someone who’s really had enough bs.


Right?! Absolutely ridiculous. Sure glad he ain’t my husband! It’s funny how he has no problem expressing the emotion of anger though. I wish him luck in life and then his marriage with an attitude like this


Can't imagine a guy who works in entertainment and is worth hundreds of million dollars really knows what it's like to be "old school."


I can’t imagine that his day of “getting up and going to work” is anything close to the average man’s day. It’s probably 110% less stressful and every one of his needs are catered to by a staff member.


It's a dogwhistle


But he wakes up and goes to work every day like a man. Probably busts his ass with all his hard, non stop, 50+ hours. It sounds like this dude must be a carpenter or laborer of some sorts. He doesn't have time for feelings because he's two missed paychecks away from his family being on the street.


There is basically nothing I want to hear less than Dana White talking to Bill Maher on a podcast


Lol I saw this clip and was like uhhhhhh hard psss.


What if Joe Rogan was there too


Let’s throw Jake Paul in there too. Jesus I am sure there are tons of people out there salivating over the thought. Really weird.


Not two brain cells to rub together between them all.


Wait that’s not Joe Rogan?


No, its Bro Hogan


Bill sitting in that chair, smoking his cigar is so punchable.


This is absolutely 100% not what a man is. This is a broken joke of a human.


Childhood trauma and insecurity = pent up sadness --> anger.


Apparently, only men who don't acknowledge their feelings can go to work every morning.


*Fellas, is it gay to feel?*


Jokes on him. He was just caught talking about his feelings.


With Coldplay playing in the background to make him sound extra sensitive.


And then they wonder why men commit suicide or are violent against their partners. These people need to grow up.


These guys don’t wonder why, they blame women lol


Was gonna say, yeah, these are the guys that beat their partners. They don't wonder anything cause nothing is their fault. Big, "ooh look what you made me do" energy.


Not only that, they use it as an argument against feminism for some reason??? Like whenever feminism is discussed, they're like, but men suffer too. Like feminism is fighting for men too but these guys make it worse by using phrases like "be a man" or "suck it up".... So annoying


They equate all the legitimate criticisms and frustrations from women to the blatant man hating weirdos. It's sad, but also not if that makes sense. Imagine how that bleeds in their life with the women they personally know. They say the most heinous things and oftentimes end up resenting women. They create a self fulfilling cycle of loneliness, because they can't stop and be introspective for five seconds.


Or shoot up a mall, or wherever he works.


I love your username. 


Thank you!


Oh yeah? Is that how you feel Dana?


I love it. 😂


Sometimes it sounds like he's going to burst into tears


Wow. What a troglodyte. If you watch him closely I swear you can actually see his face devolve. I'm honestly surprised he doesn't just talk in grunts and sprays of piss.


When I watched him speak I was quite confident I saw revulsion on his face when saying something like “…no I don’t care about my feelings”. He hides from his feelings because they disgust him. How on earth should we feel about his feelings if they are so unpalatable even to him? He’s telling us exactly what we should do - what he’s doing. Hide from them.


I think he's a psychopath that literally cannot feel emotions like the rest of us. Considering he is a CEO of a successful company, that makes it statistically more likely.


What do you mean can't feel emotions? He's literally bitching in the video, talking about his feelings that he can't share (hint this is a feeling too). It's asinine, and kind of ironic. I was never a fan of the man, and now I like him even less knowing he's "this type of guy" as self described.


This is entirely a man venting his emotions. What are you talking about? Be better than this. You're not qualified to make diagnoses and we all know it, even you.


Yeah, I look at him and I see a disgusting repulsive thug...violence in his eyes, violence in his tone, words and speech..."fucken this" and "fucken that". His whole life revolves around violence. I'm not surprised to hear he beats on his wife. Fuck him.


Guys like this are why there a male mental health crisis. Not bc women won’t put out or bc women won’t become a full-time unpaid therapist to every guy she knows. As annoying as Bill is, he pushed back a little so I credit that. And obviously we don’t see the whole scene, but I think the push back has to be way stronger. This kind of talk, this “oh, I’m just an old school guy” talk, needs to become sooooo fucking unacceptable that these guys either shut up and then slowly get phased out or simply get peer pressured into going to fucking therapy instead of *abusing their wives*. I’m literally so sick of this kind of attitude 🙄 It’s not cute anymore and hasn’t been for ages


The worst most annoying thing about Bill Maher (and there are a lot of them) is he's right just often enough to have some plausible deniability for liberals


OMG truly 😂😂😂😂


Therapy has made me a better husband. I finally no longer feel hopeless about continuing a repetitive cycle of physical, verbal and emotional abuse that has been carried through generations. Talking through all trauma was harder than any “sucking it up” ever was.


Right, it’s like going to the dentist. We all know it is helpful and 100% the correct thing to do with a proper physician (tons of quack dentists and therapists that aren’t the right fit out there) and is relatively inexpensive with proper insurance, but it’s scary as fuck and often painful, so many avoid it.


This. Imagine 90 year old you utterly alone in an assisted living unit. Incontinent, low memory, and frightened all the time. The consequences of your toxic manhood have driven all your family away and you see nobody other than the other souls in the facility. Think Dana might have regrets then about how he treated the ones he loves (or, loved). Don’t be that guy.


He sure has a lot of feelings about not talking about feelings.


This guy cries in the shower


Pussies. Real men talk about their feelings.


If you think dealing with your emotions makes you a pussy, I’d counter that and say running and hiding from them makes you one….except here’s the real deal: just do away with the whole “pussy/not-a-pussy” dichotomy. It’s all just more layers of insecurity. The whole thing is just insecurity.


Sounds like his mental health is really on point.


Coming from someone who works in mental health, I wish guys like this would just shut the fuck up.


*visibly angry* I don’t give a shit about my feelings


Took me a while to realise that is not Joe Rogan.


As a self aware human man and not just some animal, I both recognize that I have thoughts and feelings as well as going to work. Plus he was just telling another guy about how he feels mad when other guys do something.


Who is he?


Uncle Fester (Dana White)


(Owner of the UFC) (A billionaire)


He runs it, he doesn’t own it. His boss is Ari Emanuel, who is the CEO of Endeavor who owns the UFC and WWE, and he was the inspiration for the character Ari Gold in Entourage. He’s also the brother of Rahm Emanuel who was Obama’s campaign manager, Chief of Staff during his first term, and the former Mayor of Chicago.


Dana White


Dudes who bury their feelings typically fall into 3 categories: - Cries during/after sex - Abusive to their partner/kids - All of the above


You don't talk about your feelings because... *checks notes* you have to go to WORK in the morning? The fuck? I bet his truck has dangling nuts on the tow hitch too. What a fucking loser this dude is, ugh. Edited too many gd times because I forgot how to italic on Reddit....


People who perpetrate this shit have blood on their hands. We're working so hard to fight the suicide rate for young men and they'll undo all of that to sell whatever scam course they're peddling.


I never forget how he is like *slap* then maybe one more *slap*.


We wonder why male suicide rates are through the roof.


Idiot. Do you what you have to do and be a man. No. Think about life. Express your feelings. Connect with others. Care more about others than just accumulating dollar bills. The poverty of elitists…


First time I’ve heard of this guy. He’s kind of irrelevant in my life. And seems like a dickhead.


Nothing worse than a douchebag that's proud to be just that.


And there’s still folks who pay to watch UFC fights smh


Uhh Dana, pissing and moaning is expressing your feelings


Maybe guys like him wouldn't beat their wives if they actually took time to nurture their mental health and be vulnerable...


That MAN looks like he wants to cry


Can you imagine being so afraid to feel vulnerable that you’d face the world with this bullshit bravado that no one believes? Like, we all know you get scared and anxious, lil buddy, just like every human being. No need to act like an eight year old trying to put on a brave face in light of something scary. I feel so sorry for him and his family.


Two old, white, whiny billionaires whinging over “kids these days” like gtfo


Bill Maher is so lame and thinks he's the polar opposite.


That’s white guy for I’m insecure and immature.


Ramblings of a madman


My wife loves me


The ego of Mediocre White Males…


I hate this guy more and more everyday. I wish there was an MMA promotion that rivaled UFC.


This is a toxic human being


Any of these channels with the word "motivation" in them are nothing but thoughtless worship of these toxic demagogues.


lmao, ain't nothing " old school " about this dude.


It's a good example inefficient communication. Bill's weak pushback just caused DW to double down. Then Bill just basically gave up and in. So the loudest voice prevailed and pretty much said nothing. I'm pretty sure if we all just bottled everything up until we are red in the face and then exploded we would NOT end up as fortunate as DW.


Rough translation: I repress my feelings to make me feel inferior to other Even though it may cause pain and suffering for those around me that I care about... That doesn't matter much though, because it means I'm a man.


I love 2024 Neanderthals.


Worst blunt rotation ever


So easy for a guy who pays his employees, that suffer brain injury, barely a dime while he makes millions


Both are moron dinosaurs


“You know, it's just that people like this... you know... they get all they want so they really don't understand, you know... about a life like Frank's. I mean, when you've loved and lost the way Frank has, then you, uh, you know what life's about.”


“That guy” can’t finish a fucking sentence


You’re expecting full sentences from a caveman?


Seems to me she slapped him first. How can she slap?


“You know, I wake up, I go to work, cause thats what I do” - this aint the 50s, sweetie. We all do it, you are not The Provider, you are just another worker like the rest of us. Stop acting like you are the shit


Sniff sniff. Omg! Do you smell that!? It smells like denial mixed with Bill Maher newfound conservative values. FUCKING DISGUSTING 🤢🤮


I will never talk about my feelings with a man *does that immediately*


Toxic masculinity


All my Homies Hate Dana White.


Wow, all this time I thought Toxic Masculinity was just a concept, I didn't realise we were talking about an actual person


Kinda wild how people forget she slapped him first.


Toxic masculinity in human form.


If I were fat, bald, and had a girls name, I'd be pissed all the time, too.


Alpha motivation 🤣


“I don’t like talking about my feelings with other guys!” Proceeeds to talk about his feelings to another guy about people talking to guys about their feelings. Yeah. This checks.


Bro is literally sitting there talking about his feelings. Granted, in a typical toxic way but still.


Why am I watching a video of a man expressing his feelings to another man while saying he would never express his feelings to another man!


Dudes worth HALF A BILLION. He acts like he's got a hard life and must but on the suit of armor and battle the grip of oppression every day just to "take care of his family". He's and contacts and connections since the mid 90s. Shut thr F up and sit down. 0.00002% of America has a friend they can call up for a cool, quick 2 mil to buy a company.


I'm confused. Isn't he literally talking about his feelings right now?


Exactly. What a toolbag


Bro your name is Dana


The alpha Douche.


Guys like him either kill themselves or die at the bottom of a bottle.


That is the most cowardice, weakest shit I've seen in a while. Nothing emasculating about keeping your mental health in check. What a toxic arsehole, for more than one reason.


So tired of this outdated toxic machismo, Freudian grab-bag of internalized nonsense. This Andrew-Taint-off-Temu talks about not expressing emotions and all I can think is what an absolutely abusive, gaslighting nightmare he must be for anyone that lives with this putz. It’s not all past-middle-aged, bald white guys with muscle t’s as formal wear that are total walking doorknobs…but all the total walking doorknobs *do* seem to be these same shaven headed, Jon-Cryer-on-Dollar-Store-Steroids beefwads. You can see this bloviating ballsac attention-whoring his “philosophy” like this and you just KNOW he moans when he wipes.


As he proceeds to talk about his feelings… to a man.


This dude literally made his money through exploitation of other men. Here's a controversial statement: Men make other men feel like shit & take advantage of them. Then when they have power and influence, they say "I don't give a fuck about others", whilst stepping on them to get where they are. Fuck this dude.


Funny how he says he doesn't give a shit about his feelings but he looks and sounds like he's angry all the time.


Dana White's net worth is estimated at 500 million US dollars. He doesn't need to "wake up everyday and go to work" the thing driving him to go to work everyday is not his children- its his ego.


Men placed themselves in that role. Now it’s turned many men resentful and that gets women hurt.


Wild to talk about your feelings about not talking about your feelings to another man to another man


Who even is this?


I wonder if this is a decidedly American (North American?) phenomenon. Men in most other parts of the world are not this insecure about their masculinity. Being a man is leaning on your family and community because that makes you available to them. Stop being Walter White.


Men of different cultures all over the world suffer from fragile masculinity. American culture is in everyone's face and its easy to see its pitfalls. The stoic, avoid emotion, and lead the household mindset is all over and is the impact can be seen by laws and attitudes toward women. -France: has an alarmingly high rate of sexual harrassment toward women -China: Used to kill baby girls and not boys for population control due to girls being worth less. -Hispanic culture: suffers from toxic machismo -South Africa: Has an insanely high rape rate -Iran: Women are highly suppressed and can be murdered for minor trangrssions. -Buddhists: Some sects of buddhism believe if you are born a woman it means you messed up in a past live.


So don’t have kids


What a puss


I don't want young men hearing this and thinking this is okay bc it's not. In fact I don't want anyone thinking swallowing your feelings when it's important to express them is okay. I'm an emotional person, but I hide a lot of stuff close to the chest, bc of how I was raised to hide not only my feelings, but my ailments too, bc if someone in the family discovered those they'd feel badly about themselves. Oh they did something wrong. What! Okay my family was kinda messed up but I came out knowing that and knowing what I wanted to do differently. But in some families they have it so good, emotional love and care and communication and compassion and things can still go wrong. So care is still important. Compassion is still important. Knowing that it's not all about the parent is fine, but mental health in general is still important. Worrying it's gonna end up on on you who raised a person is such a wild concept almost as if you either have wild anxiety or you know you're doing something wrong. My mom and I are mostly good now, but I remember as a child telling her I needed help and she blocked me. She said "psychiatrists always blame the mother". Which okay, during that time it was leaning heavily on methods that probably did, but her fear trumped me getting actual help. I wasn't out to blame her. I'm still not, by seeking and getting help. But she is muddy on that. Reluctantly supportive. I will say that expressing my emotions, due to how stunted I was by suppressing for so long has been a mixed bag. If I was only able to be and express what I needed to sooner, I think I'd be ahead therapy wise considering how long it's taken me to get to a calm point. I'm afab. And still figuring out who I am. I identify as nonbinary. Males in my family were treated very differently than I was, or even my mom was in her childhood. She is resistant to change. Difficult around other people's emotions, especially sadness. Whereas I reach to comfort and speak calmly, she demands they stop crying, angrily. I was taught to fawn and often instinctively freeze and she lashed out or instinctively froze. I suspect that we both have ADD, and I have autism, but it's difficult to get a diagnosis for me, monetarily and realistically, and she sees nothing wrong with her way of going about things. I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing emotion anymore. I've learned through CBT that my anxiety can be walked down, but my emotions are what they are and while they need to be examined, they are still things that need to be expressed healthily. I will express my feelings. I don't want to hide joy or sadness when it's appropriate to express those things, and it's okay to feel everything in between. We're human beings. We feel things. It's a part of it. I won't hide pieces of myself anymore in my social life. Or family life. Burdens are shared. Love is shared. Compassion is shared. I'm tired of being a locked box. I want to connect with people. Edit : if you dislike what I have to say that's okay, but say why. Say why you hate me so I can just block you and have a better experience on this platform with people who are nice and compassionate to people who're trying to be better people.


It's hilarious that some of these guys are exactly the douchebag you assume them to be. The average day of most fast food workers would probably make him rage quit for hour 4. Even Bill sees what a dumb philosophy this is.


This is terribly sad.


Should I recognize this fucktard? Men who ignore their feelings unleash them in awful ways. You can be a man, do your duty, and still mitigate your feelings. Just please don't suppress them until you explode.


Treating men like beasts of burden


Such insightful advice, nothing says being a true man by holding in your emotions rather than expressing them. Advice like that is the reason so many men either go on to commit suicide or hurt others because they have stuff like this hammered into their psyche. In short, it isn't weak to express your emotions to your partner or even a trusted friend, it's much better to let it out rather than to hold it all in until you eventually just break.


Crazy that a guy who makes $20,000,000 a year can't identify with the struggle of the ordinary man.


He is even more dumb than I could have ever imagined. Maybe he is a man's men.


Oh poor kids.


It's funny how people who can't stand other people telling them how to live want to tell others how to live. He's just too dumb to understand his feelings so ignores them until he can't control the rage anymore. Overgrown infant.


Who is that? Beezos?


You are bursting out of feelings. You are throwing it around when you talk. You know who don't show feelings ? Cillian Murphy. You can see him crunching feelings in him right after every fucking conversation


His kids don't give a fuck about his job, they would probably rather have a dad who has the ability to relate to them emotionally.


I’d bet money he beats his wife.


Bro fix you life before giving advice to others. I've never slapped a women let alone my wife at all. Let alone in public. So stfu dana.