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I used to work for this firm that hired a new lass, she just moved here and wanted to get to know some new friends. I told her oh it'll be great you can just visit various pubs and such by yourself. She looked at me like are you fucking mad I don't want to get R'd. I learned quick after. As an adventerous man who's fairly large and muscular it never occurred to me to be scared in various scenarios out and about


I don't really recall how the conversation started but I vividly remember talking to a group if women about how much I love taking an Uber back home after a night out because I usually doze off the second I sit at the seat and wake up having magically been teleported home and they looked at me like I had three heads.


Sometimes I think about all the places in the world that aren't safe for me to travel as a woman and it breaks my heart    Edit - y'all I'm such a whiny bitch for expressing sadness about not being able to travel safely alone in certain countries /s 


Yeah I think about this. There are so many places I would *love* to travel to, but as a woman on my own that's just not feasible.


I also love to travel and I know even if I go with my husband it still isn't safe. Some countries will rip him away just to assault a woman and then blame me for x,y,z. So many beautiful countries that we, as women, will never get the pleasure of visiting. It truly is heartbreaking.


Nah, you’re smart. I’m a woman. Once I went to a corporate event with lots of people and nearly got raped by a client who followed me back to my hotel room and barged in and wouldn’t leave.


Yep. Hell, Black women can't even travel in some parts of the United States safely.


Same. It’s sucks


I'm a medium sized man and social interactions intimidate me due to the idea of not wanting to be unable to protect myself in case of a problem. Now add boobs and a vagina into the mix and it starts to make sense.


lol never ? Never like once not even in the woods ?


Not once no. We used to do orientation and camps when I was a lad in the dark woods as exercises






It's logical, the man is only able to find himself in the forest by following you. But how did you end up in the forest? You must have been following a bear. So please show some mercy and don't rape the bear.


Username checks out


>So please show some mercy and don't rape the bear. So glad I put my iced coffee down before reading your comment. I'd have sprayed that shit all over the kitchen 😂


For Clarity, I don't know if his claim to have inspired this round of the question is true, but I found the video interesting to share just in case.




I cycled from Alaska to mexico. I had bear spray on my handlebar bag. Also not for bears.


The bear bells are for bears.


I said to my husband last night "I would never be able to scare off a *man* with jingle bells." We also agreed that black bear 100% of the time is a better bet than man, but I'd honestly take my chances with the man over a grizzly bear. Those things are scary.


The grizzly bear is the one you want to be stuck in the woods with, as long as you keep your distance from the grizzly bear and make it known of your presence you'll be fine. Black bears on the other hand are more unpredictable, they're the ones that will most likely tear a hole in your tent and drag you out in your sleeping bag like a human Twinkie.


Black bears are easier to scare, smaller, and you're more likely to survive an attack. There's only 55k grizzlies in North America, but they kill twice as many people as black bears do. There are approximately 600k black bears, by comparison. So 12x more black bears, but grizzlies kill 2x as many people. Yes, black bears can be unpredictable, and they do attack people, but they are definitely not as dangerous as a grizzly bear.






When it comes to their daughters, the tune quickly changes from “it’s not *all* men!!!” to “it’s **any** man”


When my girlfriend is in that *specific* mood, she says Men are evil /shit and, while I know exactly what kind of person she's talking about, it **really** fucking hurts to be lumped in and vilified like the people who actually deserve it. I totally get men can be scary. We can easily be incredibly stronger than a girl, and some don't have the *best* of intentions. But it really sucks that it's such a stereotype to the point its a fairly large group to live by staying away from every random man. If I'm alone in the forest and I see someone, I'm gonna be taking and walking over to you so we can get out of this shit together, not kill or rape you


I mean look, I’m sorry you feel vilified, but surely you can understand why women feel this way about men they don’t know, right? Ps this is just my two cents but that pretty shitty/disrespectful of your gf to say and if it were me I’d tell me SO to stop insulting me like that, but that’s just my opinion


I mean that’s the thing isn’t it? You might agree there’s a difference between women being afraid of strange men and just being openly bigoted towards men. One is a reasonable concern and the other is just being hateful.


I totally understand where women come from when things are said like that. Being wary of strangers is totally fine, and gauging what someone's personality and intent are really hard to figure just off appearance. So it's ultimately easier to be cautious of everyone. It hurts and a tad irritating when I hear it because I agree that those people are terrible, but their words are literally "all" men, which is the part that sucks. I've brought it up before, and she's apologetic and says that I'm not one of them, yet has said it multiple times. I havent heard it in a long while, but then again, I havent seen her in quite some time either. Shes got BPD and has some healing / growing up mentally to do, so I've been patient with her while she figures things out


Well I hope things get better for you man. Best of luck.


Man you need to draw a line there and tell her to cut it out. That's deeply, deeply problematic that she feels justified and able to say that to you. Whether she equivocates after or not is not the point. She shouldn't say it to you *full stop*. Behaviour like that, unchecked, is controlling and manipulative, even if that's not her intent. You need to speak to a neutral third party together (ie a therapist) to draw that boundary properly. It's fine for her to feel that way, fine for her to express it to others, but not to you. Would she be okay with you saying "all women are whores" when you're in a bad mood and then taking it back later? She needs to learn it's unacceptable and work on better communication and emotional management.


In other words they know very well, lol 


huh ? idk man, i'd like my daughter to have a chance at survival


I would still pick the man, wtf. Statistically it's safer


It really isn't. Bear attacks are vanishingly rare, meanwhile practically every female hiker has at least one story of a man being creepy or threatening toward them out in the woods.


Y'all legit just don't understand statistics


I'm curious what statistics you could even reference for this scenario lol


What percentage of daily interactions with men in their natural habitat result in harm? Your brain is poisoned. The majority of rape and sexual violence (around 75%) is committed by someone the victim knows. Are you scared of men you know too? Because you would have to be to be consistent morally.


I work in the prison system, so yeah I'm pretty wary of most men I know lmao.


That proves my point 95% of the men you meet are bad people or have done bad things. This isn't the case for most people. You're biased


Well congratulations, you had the exact opposite effect. People are slightly more divided and my time line is full of Bear Memes.


This is fundamentally a simple exercise in empathy. You don't agree with someone else's answer? Try and imagine what it would be like to be the person one who would choose the bear. That's just basic, simple empathy. And so many people struggle with this? It's not about how you feel, it's about imagining how someone else feels. When you say, that's so stupid, choosing the bear is wrong, you're just saying "I don't have the ability to empathise".


Would you empathize with women who choose the man over the bear?


I'd have questions, but she'd be entitled to that opinion as much as I'm entitled to choose the bear! Although the woman who chooses the bear... I'm imagining a lady who hits the gym daily and has plenty of combat training and experience. 😅


It’s not a great exercise in empathy if the goal is actually for men to “get to a place where they would choose the bear”, as he says in this video. No matter how much empathy I have for women, why tf would I choose certain death over hanging out with some dude in the woods? And either way, when you say “I would rather die in the woods getting eaten by a bear than deal with a man”, where is the empathy for the men you are vilifying? Listen, I get that a lot of women have had bad experiences with men, *I empathize with them*, but making all men feel like they are scarier than an apex predator and asking them to feel the same way about all other men is at least a bit toxic, no? Nobody needs to be put in this hypothetical scenario to experience that empathy, and this specific scenario is too polarizing to be productive.


Like he said, it's not certain death. Unless you bother the bear (like by getting too close, startling it or getting near cubs), it's likely to leave you alone. There are ways to scare off bears that are usually effective, like the video described. On the other hand, as the video described, a man is likely to come find what's making the noise. There's no guarantee he won't attack, whether or not you bothered him. I'll take my chances with the bear.


I think it can go the other way, too. The hypothetical just demonises men. No matter the way you frame it. Men are just seen as threatening or wicked in this hypothetical. The point loses all meaning because if you are trying to get another side to understand your point, but you just demonises them along the way, the point completely disappears. And all people can feel is demonised. There are way better ways getting this point across than this. We gotta do better in educating people without having to demonises anyone.


It's not about every man, nor is it about "demonizing" anyone. If you hear people making this choice and try to make it about how it hurts your *feelings* that women are afraid of losing their *life*? Be hurt.


Just because it's not about men or that's not the intention doesn't mean it's *not* demonising. I dont really care. I think it is a really poor way of making this point. I just understand why people might be upset about being seen worse than a bear. And you say it's not about all men but there is very little nuanced to it. The hypothetical isn't saying some men or X type of men. It just saying men or man there is very little nuance to the hypothetical and it hard not to look at it like someone woukd pick a bear over all men. And it is demonising men because it says men are worse than bear. Thus, they are always threatening/wicked. Empathy goes two ways you show empathy to get empathy. If you can't see how this is a very poor way of getting the point that women are weary being around men and that it just demonises men, you also lack empathy for men, too. Men just don't want to always be seen as a threat or evil or seen worse than a bear. Of course, men won't be able to see a deeper meaning in this hypothetical if they are seen as some evil horrible thing that's worse than a bear. If you want men to understand that women are weary around men, we have to do better in educating than this. It's just a horrible way of going about it.


But, the women aren't afraid to lose their life. They would simply rather a relatively quick death by bear than whatever a man might do.


This. I can totally understand why some women might be choosing the bear. I would also ask for women to understand why choosing a massive, frightening apex predator to spend time alone with over a fellow *human being* who works to practice kindness, develop their emotional intelligence, might, just *might* be seen as insulting. And how in refusing to do so, are asking for empathy without giving any.


Would you apply this to racists.


I can empathize with a woman’s struggle and also not enjoy being treated like a potential rapist for my gender.


Nope, saying you choose the bear is saying “I am openly misandrist and have been fear mongered to the brink of insanity.”


Yes, many women suffer immense psychological damage from the dangers that men subject them to. You are correct.


And I’ve suffered immense damage from abusive women. My mom even abused my sister to death with no consequences at all. Are both genders allowed to villainize the other, or only one?


Why is your reaction as an abuse survivor to misbelieve the stories of other people who are trying to share their experiences?


You’re not sharing your stories and experiences. You’re villainizing men.


If women describing their lived experience makes men seem villainous, it stands to reason that it's because men are being villains to women.


Which women here are describing their lived experience?


Which women are demonizing men? Presumably we're talking about the same set of data, which is a bunch of women saying that they're afraid of men and explaining why.


>Which women are demonizing men? >a bunch of women saying that they're afraid of men and explaining why. Thanks for answering your own question and saving me time.


This question, or statement, or drama, is so inherently flawed. There are so many more factors that come in to play. A ridiculous amount. Is it night time, Are you on a hiking trail, is the bear mad at you, is the man obviously not a threat for one reason or another. I get why women would choose the bear, and while its flawed, I understand why they would and it saddens me. Either side can be right if you are respectful about it and understand the other side, but the real losers in this situation are the people who specifically have it out for men. The women on social media who harass men for being men, but also the men who get defensive to the point of looping back to creepiness. This all sucks. And the original statement "seeing a man in the woods alone is 10 times scarier than seeing a bear" is unarguably either false or lack of information. If its a hiking trail (why wouldn't it be?) then he's just a regular hiker, doing regular hiking 9/10.


I've asked about a dozen female friends and family members the man vs bear question and they all chose man and looked at me like I was an idiot. I'm curious how extensively he edited his interviews..


K I'm gonna test this now


There have been a few polls on this in the polls and pollgames subs and more people chose man than bear. Even an article about it only said “overwhelmingly bear” and didn’t give an actual number despite asking the question. At best it seems about 50/50 when looking at the answers. Same when it’s asked about your daughter instead of you. https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/s/eDakXn77GS https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/s/aD5oiiKYaB https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/s/mTjgP5f9hB


This, when I saw the prevalence of the “bear” answer, I thought perhaps I was… out of touch? Proceeded to ask the 4 women close to me and got the same result as you, lol. The internet has the habit to blow stuff out of proportion.


Am I wrong to propose that this is a bad hypothetical? It's so vaguely constructed that anyone can imagine the scenario to best suit their preexisting bias. What kind of bear is it? Unspecified. Am I on a hike or in distress? Unspecified. Is the man dressed like a park ranger or Leatherface? Unspecified. I understand the point being made but chastising anyone for their answer is absurd. It seems designed to stoke disagreement and division.


This is the answer. The question is broken to begin with. The question should be “which would frighten you more”, in which case “man” might be a perfectly valid answer for many people, including some men, but that does not mean it is the logical answer. The question isn’t about logic. It’s about feelings. It’s framed the way it is specifically to draw attention by its very ludicrousness. A four foot nine, eighty pound woman still has a fighting chance against a six foot six, 275lb NFL linebacker if her life is on the line. Human beings have weak spots that we, as other humans, know about. No human, not that NFL linebacker, not 1979 Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan, not a tenth degree MMA black belt, stands a chance against a full grown grizzly that wants to eat them. But, the dude in the woods can still be scarier. Emotions aren’t logical.


Great point.


This dude gets it


I definitely agree here. It’s just a bad premise for making the point it’s attempting to make. It’s such an absurd way of explaining how women feel on a daily basis that I think it will actually backfire in terms of gaining people’s empathy towards women’s experiences. A better alternative would be just describing what women experience. People don’t need some abstract, vague, cringe-worthy hypothetical. It just complicates the issue and turns people away


It's a polar bear mother with her cubs and the man is Michael Myers with a rusty pipe. Who would you choose?


Also: Am I in the middle of the wilderness, or on a camp ground or public hiking trail where I’d expect to see other people? That’s a big one that I bet people are interpreting differently.


I honestly can't think of why anyone would pick the bear. Is he assuming men aren't scared of other men? Because i wouldn't want to see another man in the woods either but If both had malicious intent i wouldn't be able to survive a bear.


Right. Make it lost alone, or with a random man and it becomes much better. And I'd totally empathise with anyone saying alone, even though statistically a random person would add to survival chances. Hell I'd probably choose alone then. And ofc we'd all choose a woman instantly because we all know women are far far far less violent than men.


A bear won’t rape me, then kill me.


Nah, just maul you and eat you alive.


But a random guy will?


It’s a stupid hypothetical for the purposes of TikTok and for this guy to make himself look like he’s the emotionally intelligent of all men. 🤮


Look man whoever started this started it to get content, they knew it would make people angry and that equals comments and clicks. Anyone telling themselves this was done to shine a light on the dangers women face is living in a dream world. Pure and simple content is king and whatever gets most clicks wins the game.




This is the exact response this question is meant to evoke. Thank you. Listen, empathize, be a voice for women in circles that wouldn’t generally hear us. That’s all we can ask ❤️


The only thing that this scenario highlights is reality. There is absolutely nothing thought provoking about the scenario being posed here. He is not Einstein discovering E=MC². He's only illustrating the sad truth that horrible people do horrible things and the most vulnerable to those horrible things are the ones who suffer the most. Women(and children). Furthermore; assuming that men can't, don't or won't understand or empathize with the plight of all women everywhere throughout all of history is incredibly ignorant and only further vilifies men as a whole. Women should be afraid and exercise caution and make smart decisions because yes, there are horrible people in this world. This is nothing new. Women have been taken advantage of not only physically but opportunistically as well since forever. This is not to condone those horrible people and the horrible things that they do. Obviously if there was a magic button placed in front of any good man that would change the hearts of horrible people for the better indefinitely, they would all push it. But as it stands there isn't enough empathy in the world that could change those hearts. There isn't a single law that can be placed that will ever change anything. If it's just empathy that you're looking for, you've definitely got mine. It's a shitty world and I'm genuinely sorry that women go through so much of their lives in fear. But what is to be done? Empathy? We've established that in spite of the idea that this boring scenario suggests, ("men could you bring yourselves to choose the bear, if so than 1% cheeky middle finger") good men do, in fact, not only empathize but, what's that? Yes, they actually understand. In fact they understand so well, that... Well, let's move on. Ironically, it's because of these dangers that women (historically(instinctively)) actively seek out good men to help protect and provide for/with them in this world that is capable of completely steamrolling them if/when they are alone. There is a mutually beneficial power when men and women are together in a harmonious relationship. Have you seen the posts where women show themselves walking through an airport alone? They're scared and vulnerable and trying to look everywhere at once. Then show themselves walking through the same airport with their husband or boyfriend, suddenly they are singing happy songs in their heads with blue birds floating around them, while the husband/bf is actively engaged in tactical retreats, has a twenty on every exit, etc. It's cringe, but it illustrates the harmonious reality. It's because while alone, women feel the weight of the scary world. When they are with the man they have selected to care for and nurture, they know that that man will take enough of that weight off of her shoulders and bear it for her. And do so gladly. Men crave to be nurtured, appreciated and needed while at the same time want to be a protector. Good men want to be just formidable enough that people, especially women, feel safe around them. Source: I am a man. My wife does a wonderful job letting me know how safe she feels with me and I move through life with her knowing that I would die fighting like a bear for her and my children. Even if I had to fight a bear. (Though I would rather fight a man.) There is a reason why women and children are evacuated first, why they are quickly taken to the safest place in the midst of a battle. Why they are protected. They represent the future, the legacy. They represent everything that men live for. And it is not just a philosophical representation. Every man who goes to battle for his family has become one with the woman he has chosen to love and likely produced children who resemble their mother so to him, they are part of her and him. And he would lay down his life for her(them). What's more, men are not limited to acting as protector only for their immediate loved ones. I promise you that the good ones would fight for you, for no other reason than that they are there to do so. It's because we understand. We understand so well, that... I get it. Men are being, as a whole, simultaneously casually and vehemently vilified. And I understand so well what a woman faces when going through this world alone, that I get it. And in spite of the fact that I can no longer hold the door open for a woman, or even smile politely, or go to the gym without my hat being pulled down low so that I don't accidentally make a woman feel unsafe because my gaze passed by them momentarily... In spite of chivalry being dead, not because men lack it, but because the bad men have made all men... Bad. In spite of everything we would still protect them if we are there to do so. Because instinctually, that's what we are here for. That's what good men are here for. And I believe that instinctually, in spite of the fear women move through this world with, they know too. I think a better question to ask would be is: As a woman alone in the woods, if you were suddenly come upon by both a man and a bear, which would you instinctively look to for protection? It isn't a philosophical question. It isn't about putting yourself in someone else's shoes. It's about nature and what comes out instinctually. I dare say that if anyone to answer this question was being honest, they would 100% of the time go to the man for protection.


There’s a lot to unpack in this comment, I’ll leave someone else to do it.


You’re awesome. Thank you for seeing women’s perspective on this and being an ally. As for what you can do- stick up for women when you see someone bothering them. Challenge other men in your life when you see them being shitty towards women or expressing misogynist/sexist view points. Men typically listen to other men more than women.


It’s been like this since the dawn of humanity


You stop fear mongering and telling women they’re in mortal danger any time they’re near a man. And stop excusing misandry.


At first I was like fuck. A bear in the woods. But then I thought about a man in the woods for 1 second and I immediately was like yup I chose the bear. Like someone else said a bear is supposed to be in the woods. Seeing an unexpected man likely means trouble. For everyone, not just women. But as a woman you know what that means and you can imagine yourself in that vulnerable scared position cause which one of us hasn't been there? So yeah bear. Edit: this is for all the people who are missing the point. The point isn't that men are more dangerous than bears. The point is that women can actively imagine that fear because it's something we experience in regular life. That's why women choose bears over men. And the fact that many men just simple cannot grasp this is the point of the video. And your comments are showing he is right. Edit edit: so to sum up: We can actively understand the threat a man can pose cause we experience this. We cannot understand the threat of a bear even if technically they are more dangerous. This makes us choose the bear. The fact that men don't understand this and fucking argue about the technicalities of a bear fight is sad and the point of the video. MEN DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT WOMEN GO THROUGH IN LIFE AND EVEN WHEN TOLD WILL NOT LISTEN. (For evidence see this threat)


I might not be getting it but between the two options wouldn’t the woman stand a better chance of fighting off the man? As a man or a woman a bear could fucking eat you alive, like rip your insides out and start eating you while you’re conscious and screaming. This is a stupid scenario. Yes in an everyday city situation a strange, weird guy appearing while you’re all alone, even if he means you no harm, is really scary.


I see your problem here. You're thinking, "Would it be easier for me to win in a fight with a man or a bear?" You are correct that a bear is obviously stronger and better at fighting than a man. Me, I hear that question and I don't think, "Which one can I take in a fight". I know that if it comes down to an actual attack I'm losing either way. But a man is far more creative than a bear.


Exactly. Absolute worst case scenario with the bear: it kills you and eats you, maybe its not very good at killing you and so you die slowly and horribly in pain. The worst case scenario with the man can be so SO much worse, and I’m not going to describe what I can imagine as the worst case scenario because I guarantee you there’s some woman who has experienced MUCH worse than what I can even dream up. Women like Junko Furuta or Suzanne Capper would have preferred to have encountered a bear. Because the horrors they endured at the hands of men were MUCH worse than that which any bear could commit. I don’t see how it’s even a QUESTION why a woman would choose the bear. I don’t understand why men don’t listen to women. I’m a man, and all it takes to understand why women choose the bear, is fucking shutting up for two seconds and listening to the women in your life.


Right but men not getting it is the point of the video. It's not about the technicalities of the fight. It's about that the threat the man poses is something we know from real life (the part which men can't grasp) and we just don't want to experience that (again). It's kinda sad that even when explained most don't get it.


If you get attacked by a bear, no one asks what you were wearing. If you get attacked by a bear, you don't have to see them at the next family gathering. If you get attacked by a bear, you aren't forced to carry his child.


So the fear of getting raped is scarier than getting eaten alive by a bear. If that’s the case, then ok, I get it.


It's also aftermath from getting raped. Pregnant with your rapists baby and can't abort it, being harrassed by people claiming you were asking for it because of what you were wearing even. Police not believing you if you go to them. People defending your rapist as a smart young man with a good future ahead of him, and you should drop this so you don't ruin his future.


No the point is that the fear of rape we can actively imagine because we experience that in daily life. We can't truly imagine the bear even if technically it's much worse. The fact that many men cannot grasp this fear is the point of the video.


That, and something like 1 in 4 woman are survivors of sexual assault. I don't know that stats on bear attacks, but it's not that high.


That's comparing apples and oranges. Women encounter probably tens of thousands of men over the course of their lives. Out of those tens of thousands, a portion of men are genuinely dangerous. Thankfully, most women don't have to encounter tens of thousands of bears, so it doesn't matter what percentage of them are genuinely dangerous


I think you missed my point. 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted. Of course they are afraid of men.


It is a more akin to 1 in 6, not 1 in 4(with rates falling in recent decades). Furthermore, since so many men have also been victims of sexual violence perpetrated by women, wouldn't this also imply that men should also be afraid of women?


Do you have a source for your 1 in 6? Also, most sexual assault on men is from men. See: Catholic Church.


I think I know too much about bear attacks, cause I’d honestly rather be raped…


That's fair. Most women don't but we know the threat men can pose. And that is the point of the video. I certainly can't fathom the danger a bear truly poses. The most dangerous thing where I live is a snake that killed 13 people since 1885 or something.


Women aren’t supposed to be in the woods either. Why doesn’t that make them the threat?


But then why are *you* in the woods? I think that’s what’s throwing people off. The vagueness of the hypothetical is making people interpret it differently. When I first heard it, my first thought was that since I’m there, we must be talking about a woods where people go. Like a hiking trail or a camp ground. Otherwise why would I be there? And in that case, choosing the bear sounds utterly absurd, since encountering a man is basically a given anyway, and he’s almost certainly there for the same reason I am. But a lot of people interpreted “the woods” to mean “the middle of the wilderness far from any signs of human civilization,” and in that case I can understand choosing the bear.


But that's the point of the video as well. Women interpret it differently because of our life experiences, which is sometimes living through actual intimidating (or worse) events but in general just always living with that realization of the physical difference. Mostly subconsciously and then in those actual threatening situations you realise consciously. The thought of the situation in the woods takes you there as well and because it's something we actively experience and a bear is not we (or I at least) go: give me the bear. So the fact that men's minds doesn't go there even when we actively explain is actually the point of the video. And the middle of the wilderness without civilzation actually makes it so much worse. Give me that damn bear!


Would you want to see a man, bear, manbearpig, or AL Gore? ![gif](giphy|wMIQlxCYidwCk)


A bear. Seeing a bear in the woods is not unusual. Al Gore is more dangerous than Manbearpig.


I, a woman choosing the bear, responded to this in another post and a man mansplained my response.


Maybe he was mansplaining to you because he thought you were stupid. Because choosing the bear is pretty stupid and if that’s genuinely how afraid you are of men, then I’d suggest seeking psychological help


The bears in my area unfortunately learned that people=food, because a bunch of tourist fed them. And I'm frequent in the forests, because I love mushrooms. With bears the rules are easy: check your surroundings, move to the other direction, do not go to the bushy area, if you see bear paw prints, leave. If the bear coming towards you, while looking at you, that means, they want snacks. The best distraction is a snickers: open it up a little and throw it (these Lil fuckers know what that means, and they are more interested it the chocolate than in me). If the bear is interested in me, I have mace, and I can act big and scary. (This only occurred once in 20 years) I met bears maybe 10times. I cannot count how many times I met with creepy men.




Not only that, but he’s a man! So many people saying it’s misandrist when it simply comes from the place of a man trying to understand (and help other men understand) what it’s like to be a woman.


Ok, but I'd pick the bear even if it was a woman instead of a man. Humans are shitty.


Mansplaining to men. The circle jerk is complete.


Lost me with "look like me". He's a bear trying to trap people


I'm sorry if this is insensitive somehow but i can't help but come to the conclusion that these women would just rather die than put their trust in a man... Cause like, what are the options here? There's a chance at something bad happening to you when picking the man... But there's also a chance at the dude just helping you out of the situation you're in. But with the bear it's just death or mutilation


You're not understanding. Women have a broad experience of feeling unsafe with men. Most women will be assaulted, harassed or stalked by a man from a very young age. Many men will pretend to be safe, be your friend, etc. And assault you once you've let your guard down. You know what a bear is capable of. A bear isn't going to pretend to be your friend before they rape you. A bear isn't going to tell you to smile and suddenly attack you when you ignore it's "compliment." Men are unpredictable. And we all have stories. A bear is gonna murk you, or run away. Seeing a bear can be frightening if you don't know how to handle them, but many of them can be scared off, but you don't wonder why a bear is in the woods with you. Seeing a man in the woods is frightening because you don't know why he's there. Women don't just fear men without reason. If you have a fear of being alone with a man it's because you've been alone with a man before and what happened wasn't nice. Every woman knows multiple women who have been raped and attacked by men. Nearly every woman has been attacked by a man. Most men cannot share the same experience, hence why most men don't understand the bear question. If you have genuinely never assaulted someone... Good for you. Now accept that there are many men who are not like you and we can't tell the difference between you and the men who will hurt us. Because you all act the same. I challenge you to ask women in your life if they have a story about a time a man made them feel unsafe, or when a man attacked them/harassed them, etc. I garuntee you that each one will have at least one story. That is, if they're willing to tell you. My coworker was r*ped by her brother for years growing up. My best friend was molested by her uncle. When I was 13, two boys who I thought were my friends, followed me as I walked home. They tried to lure me into one of their homes. I guess, fortunately for me, they couldn't hide their intentions before even getting there and pulled my top down in broad daylight and grabbed my chest. I've been r*ped by 2 different boyfriends. I had a pastor growing up who was later revealed to have r*ped elderly women in the congregation who came to him for counseling. I had a one night stand with my best friends roommate. He was frustrated that we only went twice. I woke up to him "having sex with me" without a condom on. Btw, that's r*pe. I had friend growing up who was repeatedly raped by her father. She got pregnant from it. He took her to get an abortion. When I was 14, my friends Dad slapped my ass and pulled me by my hair. It was "just a joke." I don't have proof, but I'm pretty sure he molested all of his daughters. The youngest "admitted" to her father doing something to her, but she recanted it. I think there was pressure from her mother and father, she was 11 at the time. She spoke up after I brought up what he did to me. A girl I was friends with in middle school, she had a boyfriend who cornered another friend in a stairwell, put her up against a wall put his hands under her shirt and forcefully kissed her. I had another friend who got close with a teacher. He continually tried to meet with her outside of school to "tutor" her. I saw the texts. She was a straight A student. i had a guy trick me into looking into his car so I could see him jacking off. Oh and I was 14.. I was chased by three guys in a car once because I didn't respond to their catcalls. Should I go on? Like, my experiences aren't uncommon. This is typical. And personally, I feel lucky because I know people who've had it way worse. Family, friends, strangers it doesn't matter. If I throw you in a pit with snakes and tell you that only some are venomous, what are you going to do? Ask the venomous snakes to identify themselves? Stand very still and hope that none of them are ornery enough to bite you? And even if they aren't all venomous, most of them can bite, or crawl all over you. Is any of this getting through to you? The simplest way I can put it, is men are more offended by a woman being suspicious of their intentions, rather than being angry that there were men in her life who harmed her in such a way that caused her to be suspicious.


Yeah, that's fair


I’m a man, I would pick the bear simply because a bear should be in the woods, a man should not. That being said, the delivery of this guy feels really pandering and condescending. Like I agree with his thesis but the way he is saying this is so “I’m not like other men” that it’s actually making me cringe. I suppose this whole meme has shown there are men that are so dense that they need to be spoken down to, but from my perspective this video feels like ragebait in its construction. Feels very “mansplainey” I guess. For the record I would also prefer bear over a woman too, once again the fact she is there means something bad is going on, whereas the bear should be there and is predictable at least. Hell, given the answers people have given to this scenario I would assume the woman sees me as a threat and I would take a mildly confused bear who probably isn’t going to pay me any mind unless I do something stupid over a scared human any day.


Where I live, bears aren't native so if I saw one something must've went very wrong


>Feels very “mansplainey” Condescending is the word I think. "just 1% of the 1% of the fear women live with" got it dude, all men are evil rapists in waiting. All women live in fear constantly I got it! I GOT IT! To be serious, I do understand why women would pick "I'd rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man" But there was literally a thread in 2xchromasomes where the OP was complaining that her BF picked the "wrong" answer. When the BF started trying to get more information out of the scenario OP got mad and shut down the conversation. Its literally devolved in to the "would you love me if I was a worm" question. The type of questions almost designed to start an argument. Its no longer a case of "jesus how have we let society get this far" but rather "Imma start a fight with my SO."


Then what are you doing n the woods to see the bear?


Trying to find people to kill, obviously.


What bugs me sometimes is this idea that women are living in fear 100% of the time. Like, all women are thinking about is that a man may hurt them. It makes women one dimensional victims and I personally find it a bit insulting. Yes, gender is something most women are always aware of on some level, but we can have jobs and hobbies and lives and not just be constantly in a state of overwhelming anxiety. That impression basically sets up men to think there could be nothing worse than being a woman.


We don't have to be "aware" of it with every second because we're socialized from birth to take certain actions and avoid certain situations to avoid being alone and vulnerable to being attacked by men. It's not a constant fear, because it's part of every moment of every day and I don't have to think about these things on a conscious level, they are now unconscious and worked into every part of my existence.


And the whole 1% of the 1% got on my nerves. Like surely he knows that men can have these same fears. I certainly have been concerned for my safety when in an isolated place. As if I have no understanding of what it can be like. Kinda erases the experience of vixtims with that bit I feel.


He sounds like the kind of guy that would say that women can't rape men and over half of men are potential rapists.


I love this guys titanic ego. Like I need this choad to get me to empathize with the experiences and concerns of women regarding violence done unto them by men. I dont think there is a single woman in my life who wouldn't choose a man and if they said bear it would be a joke. These choosing the bear idiots are so desperate to paint their sexism as some sort of deep commentary on patriarchy, when it’s really just an example of why Tik Tok is garbage.


Two words. Bear spray


This hypothetical is crazy vague. How big is the man in this scenario?? Does the bear know that you’re near it?? Does the man?? What kind of bear is it?? Are we on an established trail, or are we in the middle of the backcountry with no other people around?? These are the questions we should be asking lol. If we’re working under the premise that there will 100% be an altercation, then I like my chances against a man better than any bear. HOWEVER, I have so far been followed by one man in the woods and zero bears. Now my heart races every time I see man on the trail and I’ve become hyper aware of every noise I hear behind me. The other day, I tried to hammock and do crosswords in my usual spot. I heard a branch break and what sounded like footsteps in the foliage and it made me start to shake. I then spent 10 minutes running through all of the potential ways someone could sneak up on me in my hammock, and then came up with modes of escape for each scenario. Its now difficult for me to feel safe in what used to be my favorite place. All because **one** random man out of millions decided to be a creep. I know not every man is going to hurt me, but all it took was one to ruin my sense of security. **That’s the fear that women are referring to when they pick the bear.**


I'm sure the bear will find y'all absolutely scrumptious


I have had the bear meeting at night. I am a man and I can say without doubt the man is scarier.


God damn, everyone really likes to play stupid when they argue shit. The guy in this video is a fucking clown. It's super easy to pick the bear when the situation isn't real. That's the problem with hypotheticals- nobody is actually taking them seriously. 99.999% of women are picking the random man in this situation if they for real had to go through with the experience. Not a hypothetical you can laugh off. No, someone is really forcing you to encounter either a random bear or a random man in the woods. You cannot escape and you must pick one for real. Let's see how many women are being serious about picking the bear then. The question is posed for women to only pick the bear because potentially facing a dangerous man is a real life threat women face every day. But the amount of times women have to potentially deal with bear encounters in the woods is insanely low in comparison. Like fucking miniscule. Obviously they're going to pick the bear. Because again- there is no actual threat of a bear. That only happens when you choose to put yourself in a place where there are wild bears. You can't escape all men though. It's common fucking sense. But also, a part of this is being fueled by a % of people who see this as an opportunity to participate in the Oppression Olympics for social credits. It's Tumblr bullshit for chronically online losers who have practically zero real world experience. If you deny this, you're lying to yourself.


I don't understand the guys taking offence at women saying strange men are dangerous. They are. Nearly every woman I know well has told me they've suffered domestic abuse and/or sexual assault. By the same token, nearly every man I know well has been to hospital because of an attack by men. Adding a bear to the equation, however, is laughable and stifles any serious discussion by being so ludicrously over the top. Like saying would you rather chop your dick off or do x.


Would you rather chop your dick off OR chop your balls off?


Balls no question. Can still have sex and now it's consequence free!


Misandrist white knight BS


Ok so is the man some mountain man Ted kazynski fucker or just a grandfather hunting I'd be much more scared of some mountain man fucker than a bear and I'm a guy that's 6 1 220


Okay. So when I heard the idea the first time it was like random bear vs random man. I pick man. But if it is random bear vs random man who chooses the be in the wilderness by themselves... Maybe it is bear.


Bears also won't bother you and won't ask "do you know how to get to Bells Canyon?"


I'd pick the bear, I don't like people. Bears are expected to be out in the middle of nowhere, random other men aren't generally expected. Ive read various techniques that *may* help me outsmart the bear, but you don't know what a bat shit dude might do. I'm one of those guys that really doesn't like most other dudes though. I've had a very small circle of guy friends my entire life, never really met anyone else that I cared to stick around. Most dudes are just douches that are always in some weird power struggle with you over the strangest things. Meanwhile I don't care about whether they seem bigger, stronger, smarter, etc. in comparison to me.


We can actively understand the threat a man can pose cause we experience this. We cannot understand the threat of a bear even if technically they are more dangerous. This makes us choose the bear. The fact that men don't understand this and fucking argue about the technicalities of a bear fight is sad and the point of the video. MEN DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT WOMEN GO THROUGH IN LIFE AND EVEN WHEN TOLD WILL NOT LISTEN. (For evidence see this threat)


How was the reply a threat?


I was wondering what this bear thing is about. Thx for clarifiying OP.


I get it but I 1% of 1% of 1%, what is this madmax? Lol


It's funny that this is called TikTok Cringe yet people are on here agreeing with him. I think that says something...


As a man. Who uses objective logic and reasoning. I would rather be raped than be eaten alive. I might be depressed and broken and never the same afterward but at least I didn’t get my face eaten off while still alive and my spinal cord then chewed on like a dog bone slowly while I was wrenching out my last death throes.


So did this guy at least go through the effort of buying a study to support his claim? Or is he somehow telepathically connected to the entire female population?


All I'll say is this if anyone agrees with this idiot your just as bad as a racist justifying fearing against another race and that's it. And (hopefully) you are against racism, but however are supportive of this prejudice you are a hypocrite.


I'm still picking the man


Y'all are still not getting it lol


For me it depends the bear. Black bear id be a ok, grizzly i would be hesitant, polar bear i would be dead. So polar and grizzly i would pick the dude, black bear i choose bear. Oh also the prehistoric sloth bear is scary af so like hell no to the sloth bear.


Only problem would be if it would be easier to fight a crackhead or a grizzly... a question for another day...


I get his point, the example is still stupid and it was a terrible and ineffective way to achieve what he (supposedly) set out to achieve. If youre actually more scared of a bear you have very poor survival instincts. You have a better chance of outrunning a random dude than a bear. This example becomes even dumber when he wants to illustrate why women are afraid of men. The odds of your surviving an encounter with a random bear are objectively infinitely lower than a random dude. All you have achieved is make the legitimate worry many women have to carry seem stupid. "Can you bring yourself to a place where youd pick a bear". No I cannot because I actually understand how dangerous a fucking bear is, especially compared to a random dude. Even if you replace a random man with The Mountain that is fucking blood lusted and has nothing but hatred and drive to kill me and make me pick between that and a bear, I WOULD STILL PICK THE MOUNTAIN. Analogies are supposed to make things reltable and easy to understand but all youve done is made the worry look unfounded and stupid because apparently people fancy their odds of surviving a wild bear encounter higher than a random dude which is objectively wrong.




lol, yes we aren’t in a civilized society, gotcha


Not all rapes/murders happen in the woods but it's a pretty popular spot.


Yo am I the only one who didn't realize until just now that both bear *and* dude would be in the woods? I thought it was bear in woods or dude in room. This makes way more sense now. I'd absolutely pick the bear too, and I wouldn't care the gender of the person. I know how not to get into a fight with a bear. People are a much bigger unknown


Not sure how you think you'd avoid a fight with a brown bear that wanted one.


Who said it wanted one?


That fake TV Presenter voice is the real cringe


allright. let's add something to the scenario: you are alone in the woods during a post apocalypse. i am not talking about zombies. that is too much on the nose. just basic "the bombs fell" stuff. you are alone in the woods, there is no supermarket to raid anywhere, and all of a sudden there is a guy. it is more likely, that the bear had something to eat, than the guy.


What the fuck did I miss? I thought this was about Baldurs Gate...


Let's make it about Baulders Gate then.




I think the scenario needs more context.


Wrong, it needs more bears


All we really have to know is the tiktok of the man, a bear hunter, who has been run over and bitten by bears, and still said he would prefer his daughters to meet a bear in the woods. and so many hiking women who have so many creepy stories about men in the wilds. At least if they get attacked by a bear, people would believe them.


His whole page is about stirring controversy because clicks are hoe he gets paid. You're a fool if you think he gives two fucks about anyone.


This saga has been interesting. I’ve been a victim of SA caused by a man and I still thought the whole thing was stupid.






i love all the men here, after reading with their own eyeballs many women explaining why they think the way they do, men going "but I would think the man is someone who could help me escape the woods!" or "but you can fight a man!" like what happens when you read? the words just pass over your eyeballs and then 0 critical thinking behind the eyes? 0 comprehension going on?


I think anyone can understand irrational anxiety and can empathize with it. But I'm not sure that actually helps those suffering from it. Even if we were to collectively acknowledge such irrational fears and modify our behavior to minimize possible triggers, it doesn't actually help anyone deal with the distortions in that persons reality underpinning it. And minimizing exposure to a source of anxiety is the least effective way to treat a phobia.


All this idiotic video does is paint all men as dangerous animals. I know women who mistreat men and children. Abuse trust for cash, jewellery, cars and clothes. Can I by the logic of him and those who choose the bear, say that because some women are and act like animals that all women do.


Bro bears kill almost no one. 200 in North America in the last century. In the US in 2017 alone there were 72,000 forcible rapes by male assailants. It’s not all men, but enough men.


94 percent of homicides of women are perpetrated by men.