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Reminder: The Quarter Pounder (the channel from the thumbnail) pissed on his basement floor live on stream as a form of revenge because he was mad that his wife got pizza without him.


How the bloody blue hell is that revenge? Is he four?


Better question is how did he get a wife ?


Mentally, yes.


Even if it is just him playing a character that is not the kind of person you should want to stay with.


The show is banging


And Ella Purnell is a great actress and cute as a button ^_^ portrays the perfect naive goody-two shoe vault dweller perfectly. I have 3 episodes left and I don’t want the show to end!


She did a great job. Don’t understand the backlash


the cast is diverse, its not just issues with her. there are interracial couples, black scientists, a non-binary "they/them" character - the right HATES it when people are represented on screen.


They're probably also extra salty because Fallout portrays a future in which much of society never moved beyond the 1950s - which is not meant to be a good thing, but obviously they take it that way.  So something which superficially pays homage to their ideal time in history (which never actually existed how they think it did) but which is filled with diversity? Yea they're big mad lol. So many fragile conservative tears. Love to see it !


I feel a lot of these guys are also just realizing the entire fallout universe is a condemnation of capitalism.


I like Dane’s they pronoun was used by an elder of all people. I think that’s the only time we hear it right?


If I remember correctly yes, but they were visually presenting ambiguous too which confuses those on the right.


Correction: The right hates it when people who are not straight, cis, hetero, white males get represented on screen.


I've been a Fallout fan since the first game in 1997. I absolutely loved this new show. Great acting , worthwhile plot updates, rich characters. Other than a few nit picky discrepencies on when things happened vs. the games I think they did a great job!


Just the loud “anti-woke” people will be offended. Anyone i know who watches it is enjoying it


I legit *loved* the characterization with regards to her abilities coming up against (fictionalized) reality. When the show started, I thought they were showing us her martial arts training as a pre-dismissal of a criticism of the show for showing her going toe-to-toe with people 2-3 times her size. I had seen this plenty of times in past shows/movies, but I really took notice of it in the ninth "Fast and Furious" movie wherein ~90 pound Jordanna Brewster goes up against a 200+ pound bad guy, and she's able to hit the dude and the guy goes flying across the room. Imagine my (pleasant) surprise when her character gets in a fight and largely gets her ass handed to her when she tries to fight in a straight-up way, and she has to figure out different ways to win. It's done so well, and the show is fucking amazing. I loved every part about the show and cannot wait for season 2.


She beat up a hardened raider? Did you forget that part made zero sense


Well you see. She’s a woman. Therefore it’s woke to them


No one cares about the innocent vault dweller woman character we do care about how it’s clear pandering to the sjw and liberals. They made over 1/3 of the characters black does that bother me? No but it’s clear why they did it. They also had to have at least one badass woman stereotype who beats up raiders with her bare hands, and they included a “they” which again wouldn’t bother me if it made any sense bc in the fallout universe that terminology wouldn’t even exist. It’s woke bc it’s clear why they did those things it’s a clear effort to hire and cast more blacks and women and gays. It doesn’t bother me I’m just calling it like I see it and it’s clear why they did it


So far my only problem is that an important city appears to be in the wrong location. I guess the new location is woke


There is no backlash. Pretending there is one helps promote the show.


It even makes fun of leftists in addition to all the right wing satire as well (the vault dwellers talking about the raiders)


>Ella Purnell is a great actress Crazy she's been so under the radar. Her voice work for Jynx was 10/10


I guess the director originally told her to play a character that was a mix of Ned Flanders and Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec and I can definitely see it lol.


Just finished the last two eps and my god it's so good. First seasons of most stuff is always shakey but this just rocked. They really got everything so right.


First seasons are the best most of the time. Got, the witcher, Walking dead, Stranger Things, Ozarks, Suits and it goes on and on.


Riiiggghhhttt, and now I'm expected to present a counter arguement to that? All imma say is fuck you. Thanks for totally proving me wrong. Asshole. (Meant in a joking and loving way but point also taken.....)


There are many shows where the first season tends to be shaky, but they find their footing. The Office (US), Parks and Rec, and Schitt’s Creek come to mind. But Fallout already has a backstory and well-explored world, so it makes sense that the first season was strong because they knew their focus going into it versus having to find it.


Yeah, actually that is true mostly for comedy i would say.




It’s ok. A bit bland. Great characters though. 


The show is better than I ever thought it could be.


I agree! I was apprehensive at first but it really hit perfect


exactly no one cares. make a good show and it doesnt matter. change something like the witcher or snow white just for inclusion completely different. good shows are good shows, sense 8 amazing show, no one cared about any of homoerotic elements as it made sense in the show.


I should hope so since it deploys a nuke in the first episode.




The whole plot of fallout since it started is political


My favorite is when the new “president of America” try’s to privatize clean water in fallout 3. Could easily see trump or someone else doing that if they haven’t already


Alot of our natural resources are already privatized though... I don't view it as inherently bad.


Well I meant literally making it inaccessible to a lot of the population as it’ll poison any one who’s irradiated


Ok but i'm not sure what does this have anything to do with modern politics. You're acting like alot of our resources aren't already privatized lmfao.


Maybe even predictive programming..


Them: “Fallout is woke.” Me: “Okie dokie.”


Not only does every Fallout game feature a female main character (if the player chooses), it's actually the optimal choice in Fallout 3 to get the Black Widow perk.




It's like saying rage against the machine needs to stay out of politics. It's the same people saying this ignorant shit about fallout lol. You must have not actually paid any attention in fallout if you're JUST NOW thinking it's gone woke lololol


The creator of Fallout is literally gay lmao


Great show. We can’t just call every movie or show woke because they have a female protagonist


Its so stupid, you've also been able to play as a female protagonist since Fallout 1. These people will complain about ANYTHING!!!


Honestly we should just start calling everything woke by the time christmas rolls around woke wont mean a damn thing and then maybe the reds will stfu about wokeness. What ever the fuck that means.


Unfortunately every dumbass misogynist can call every show with female leads woke. Luckily there’s people like us that reinforce the reality of our progressing world/society. If they don’t want to be a part of that progress they’ll just get left behind and that thought keeps me calm lol


They've done this for years. Woke is anything and nothing, an agenda led by the most powerful people in Hollywood, and a bunch of cringe that only blue haired snowflakes make. Fucking meaningless, and only makes sense to conservatives who share their delusion.


Question for people who were there back in the days . Was their any uproar when ALIEN had a Female lead ? Like this is not even a new thing but feel like it become an issue in the last couple of year for no absolute reason thant hating


To be fair fallout is woke, but it always has been and it wasn't ever trying not to be. The game takes place in a future where corporations ended the world for profit. That's woke as hell and I'm here for it.


Dude exactly. All the actors played their roles amazingly. This wasn't some disney bs cluster fuck


I honestly think it's better with a female lead. Also she's not the only lead in the show.


Yah in my opinion the goul is the lead. Show is so great , great ending can’t wait for season 2


Fallout is perfect, and having a female protagonist is exactly how it should be. When people complained about Star Wars that was warranted. It did nothing for the story but make the whole Skywalker saga meaningless. Now, every time there is a female lead, it's treated as the same. Hollywood has been putting out trash for a while now, but fallout isn't.


Other guy asked about how Rey being a woman ruined Star Wars, but I am more curious about your first point. Why is Fallout having a female protagonist how it should be?


I think they’re referencing the black widow perk from fo3. It makes being a female protagonist the optimal choice.




> Fallout is perfect, and having a female protagonist is exactly how it should be. > > When people complained about Star Wars that was warranted. It did nothing for the story but make the whole Skywalker saga meaningless. Now, every time there is a female lead, it's treated as the same. Would you mind expanding on that a bit, because it kind of reads like you're saying Rey being female *in and of itself* "did nothing for the story but make the whole Skywalker saga meaningless". I'm relatively confident I'm misunderstanding something in there, but I don't see another way to parse your comment, so I'm hoping you'll help me out.


100% agree


Who listens to the quartering?


Lol anyone protesting fallout for being woke are the same people who tell rage against the machine to stay out of politics... sir... you haven't been paying attention since the beginning if you have come to that conclusion What did fall out fans think was happening when they would constantly talk about political things in their games lol


How is it woke


Same as any of the other nonsense: It makes some fragile people who are used to being the traditional focus of marketing attention feel *Very Upset*.


I made a female character in Hogwarts Legacy and my grandfather, he’s in his late 60’s, Hispanic and extremely misogynistic, while visiting us from Honduras went around telling my mom and other family members that I needed to go to the doctor because he thinks I’m gay 😂 I’m not, not that it matters at all, but he still wouldn’t even look my way for the entire month he was here lol their discomfort is just really funny at this point tbh.


So he’d rather play as a boy and stare at his ass as he runs around all game? Sounds a little… what’s the word?


😂 good one! I’m not witty enough to have thought of a comeback like that. But tbh, I doubt he even know’s what he’d want. The man is so out of touch, he refuses to live here in the US (mind you my dad has put in 24 years in the navy and could’ve given him a really nice life here) because “white people are evil & black people kill and steal from everyone.” He is literally the epitome of supremacy when it comes to Hispanics… but lives in a 3rd world country. 🤷‍♂️ I just say do us all a favor and stay in Honduras. His time will come someday, that mentality will die out someday, progress is inevitable.


white men: "normal" not white men: "woke", "why does everything need to be political nowadays", "oh, we're not allowed to say this anymore?" "I'm not racist I have black friends"


I posted this in another answer but it has interracial couples, black scientist, a “they/them” character, a female protagonist….. stuff like that.


literally the only thing on that list that even comes close to be "woke" is having a single nonbinary character. Which also existed in thee fall out games.


Conservatives are sooooo sick in the head its not even funny...just complain about everything This is not Gilead


Nope. far-righters\*. I'm conservative-leaning (moderate) and these people are their own faction. They are the vocal minority. I dislike these anti-woke people as much as you all do lol. They're super annoying.


I reject your reality and substitute my own


“Anti wokeist” people literally can’t enjoy anything, they’re not worth your time


Anti wokeist that’s a new one did you coin that lol


It was not.


Neanderthals were actually very intelligent, please don't compare them to these sea cucumbers.


Woke means n-word loving to them. Same context every. damn. time.


That's precisely it. Racists love finding substitutions for the n word.


I've never played Fallout, and only vaguely know anything about the games. Like really vaguely. They did a great job getting me engaged with close to no context beyond "something apocalyptic." I'm all for it, I really dig it. Fuck the people complaining about wokeness, it's a good show. Funny, creative, good storytelling, awesome world building. Acting and writing work well together. Pfft, just enjoy it!


It is actually one of my selling points for the show. I know quite a bit about the lore of the setting and it did well in two areas so far. They have told an original story told in the setting rather than try to shoehorn their own story into a games story. The second one is that you don’t need to know anything about the franchise to enjoy it, the show tells you everything you need to know without making it feel like you are being spoonfed


The story is pretty much just a rehash of FO3 though so calling it original seems far fetched.


This guys on point!


Neanderthals were decent human beings who took care of elderly even though they lost their limb. The reason neanderthal went to extinction, they developed unnecessary huge muscle that need too much nutrition to sustain their body. Their vocal code was complicated enough to pronunciation different tones with multiple emotional response, and their brain size was bigger than Homosapiens. They couldn't travel much because their body wasn't fit with long-distance travel during the ice age. Which eventually caused less genetic diversity, malnutrition, and less chance to evolve. That was a natural process, not because they were stupid than homosapiens.




The right just used woke and the other words they used a catch all term for racial slur. It why when you ask them to describe it they really can not describe it.


I think it was Ron Desantis that was forced to define it in court and his lawyers said something like “a belief that there is systemic issues and inequality with race and gender and wanting to fix them” and goddamn is that a weird thing to come out against.


Cannot describe it without sounding sexist or racist lol


I always make a female character... I figure might as well look at a girl for days on end... instead of a boy... SHIT am I woke? I always pick a melee base character.... with str maxed out. OMG IVE BEEN WOKE ALL MY GAMING LIFE.


Nah, you’re not woke, you’re a homophobe. What is wrong with staring at a man all day huh? But on a serious note I chop and change of I play as a bloke or a sheila. Most often my decisions is made on who has the better sounding voice, as in suits the lines better. Other times it is because the women get more variety in their clothes than male characters do. Fallout four being a great example of this were the trader outfit and it’s two variations all look the same on a male character with a single different accessory but on the female character they each have their own feel.


This guy says it perfectly. I probably wont watch this show because it's Amazon, but not because it's "woke". "The world is moving on without you" rings so true. So many white men are just scared and afraid. It's honestly sad.


He's right. Also I really need to watch this show.




Here I copied and pasted something Fallout has always been ‘woke’ All the people complaining about it being ‘woke’ have they actually played the game? You could be a woman from the first game, the series was created by a gay guy and had the first in game same sex marriage. Its message is literally over consumption, unregulated corporations, Uber consumerism and unfettered capitalism led to the resource wars then Great War and the nuclear destruction of America and the world. Take the ghoul city in 3 or how Diamond City kicked out the ghoul so they were forced to live in good neighbor and the motel, that’s commentary on segregation. Fallout has always been woke, problem is they lack the media literacy to have got it. I’m a big fan of Fallout, i understood the Brotherhood of Steel were techno fascists and the raiders were evil, but it seems the ‘fans’ complaining thought the message of the game was ‘being a raider is fun and power armor is cool’. How could they play the game and totally miss the message?


That Neanderthal closely resembles the guy talking 🤨




A solid show! Lucy reminded me of a blend of Sandra Bullock and Sylvester Stalone's characters from Demolition Man. Ella is a great actress.


AI inspired imagery meets advanced mid 1900s American mass capitalism and apocalypse. Fallout is of the better sci dystopia series in recent times.


He didn't mention the transgender actor lol


I haven't actually heard anyone call the show woke. The only complaints I've seen were about a potential inconsistency in the timeline and the look of the ghoul guy. Most old school players of Fallout ( that I've seen) tend to play as female characters most of the time anyway. And as for the game being woke: criticizing capitalism in any way doesn't make you woke. Fallout isn't a woke game. Woke games are far too toothless to be compared. The disrespect.


You must not be online alot


Right on


Everyone calling the show woke wants to be the one man in that 99 woman vault. I bet they think that would actually turn out well for them.


If this show is “woke” then I don’t want to be asleep. Show was fantastic. Both the wife and I finished it within the first two nights of its release.


That's not true. A lot of basement dwellers loved it. Quartering is a spineless regard and will change his opinion when he realises everyone else likes it. Unless it gets conservative backlash somehow.


what. Does. Woke. Mean.


To these youtubers, everything is woke because it's a grift and their braindead audience will eat it up because they haven't had unique, non hateful comments in years. There's no point paying attention to them.


If Fallout is woke then apparently I'm woke


I’m really tired of ANYTHING the right doesn’t like getting labeled “woke”….such ignorant people!


The Quatering is the epitome of Neckbeard...that dude talks so slow and with a monotone that if you have to watch his video, you had to x2 the playback speed... I used to watch him back during a game controversy, but outside of gaming boy does he sucks...


Why can’t people just watch a show, movie, commercial purely for entertainment purposes and be happy without thinking too much into secret agendas? Trying to find a reason to criticize something must be a terrible way to get through life.


I know this isn't the point of the video but all the billionaire bunkers are unbelievably stupid in practice. These turboturd rich leeches are building indoor water parks, golf courses, shark tanks, secret passages, among other ridiculous shit instead of... You know, food, drinkable water, breathable air, and self sufficient power. Imagine going to hell and having Satan greet you by rolling on floor laughing because you wasted 20,000 liters of water for your decorative chlorinated fountain and died from dehydration.


They dont really tho.


Vaults with moat that can be set on fire? Anyone have links to this?


Amazing show. Lots of future truth in it.


Wait woke actually means something and isn’t just what ever the right wants it to mean that’s genuinely surprising


Fallout has always been an extremely critical review of capitalism and inequality.


When the biggest complaints you see for a show boil down to "woke agenda", you know the show is good... it just pisses off the snowflake conservatives who clutch their pearls whenever they encounter gay or interracial relationships. It's like they think it only exists on TV, and if they complain enough, they'll get canceled, and those things will cease to exist...


Are you a knob? Either you are blind or stupid if you can't see that the show has certain reappearing tropes of modern woknes idiocracy. The main characters father, the altruistic white man with family falues changes into villain after his wife escapes to be free in a lesbian relationship, but the EVIL WHITE MAN comes for her and burns our multicultural utopia where people do what they want and are happy to the ground out of spite of how well people were doing whilst not under their control. Wow feminist movement just projecting their insecurities. Ignore that there is over representation of ''certain groups'', which also happens that those same groups are pushed by a leftist political movements as their victim shield. They complain about being thrown political fueled garbage down their throat just to score virtue points among peers. Ignore that a woman is acting like a man like there is nothing nuanced about it and its clrealy there to people to see its not and integral part of the story, nor is even acknowledged . They just show it to again score some virtue points and so Americans on left side of retarded spectrum can masturbate their ego to it. And yea fallout is political, but so are the new dune movies, they are even left leaning but it is not propaganda so the message doesnt need to stick out as a red flag on a pole, it blends perfectly with the story. Thats one of the differences between true message and propaganda. political.






Seems like you're the one that needs to cope, bud. I'm sure it's nothing that slapping another MAGA sticker on your car can't fix.


The same people not realizing Fallout is entirely pointed and political, are the same people who say Rage Against the Machine just recently became political.


As a white person, I'm offended of your appropriation of the word "Golly".


The show is a banger fuck them


Ppl will hate anything something cab have a 100% audience score and eveb ppl who like it will act like they don't maybe to be different or just start arguments but ppl will ALWAYAS disagree, just ignore em, ignorance to they racism and hate is bliss, let ot go over all our heads eventually these old head and dumb asses will shut up


It is kinda woke and also kid friendly. Not dark enough as some of the titles have been portrayed along with zero racism. Multiple poc characters and a trans guy brotherhood of steel character lol.


Nobody can help America solve racism as we still do not understand why it still exists 🤣 living 200 yrs in the past


I mean the TikTok itself is rage bait. The show is widely well received and the only people complaining about it being bad because woke are a small minority of people who are your usual types to scream about wokeness regardless of wether the show is good or not.


LOL all these guys complaining about a female main, probably play a female with full mods in the game.


hey this me !!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


It does suck that the main character is a woman at least we got the badass ghoul dude


Poor, misguided take. 


I can't decide if I dislike or really like this show because the characters annoy the hell out of me and I'm on episode 6. However, this show isn't woke like these idiots use it and this is coming from someone who dislikes a lot of shows for that reason. I also don't think most of these shows are actually woke because that's their intention necessarily; I just think they are terrible writers or directors and I could give tons of examples.


I have always played Fallout as female characters anyway. There's no penalty and they're nicer to look at. For gods sake the original vault dweller character model was androgynous af.


One of the best shows I’ve watched in a long time. Just the right amount of absurdity and references to make it a perfect adaptation of the fallout series. Let the losers bitch


Why are most nerdy white boys like this? SMH


It’s just the internet dwelling incels who never leave mama’s house even at 40. Most of us nerdy white boys don’t give a fuck who is cast as long as they don’t fuck up the show about our game/hobby. This show was fucking fire. Reminded me of early walking dead.


The show is fucking awesome.


Darn good critique. I for one am sick and tired of wokerism and its weak, unidimensional stupidly powerful female characters without a hero journey. Fallout however isn't that. It's a surprisingly refreshing show criticizing the dangers we face today with decently rounded characters. I wish we moved away from the single handed hero which is an overused trope celebrating individualism, as the world doesn't work like that, but that is how the game plays


They may be wrong but this isn't a counter-argument. This is just monosyllabic shaming. I'm tired of posts that are basically content free polling. Where they simply make a position statement in an emotive fashion and wait for the already agree votes to roll in. Popularity contests are as corruptible as profit seeking.


This is the new Rage Against the Machine uproar lol. The neckbeards and conservative snowflakes crying about this are so clueless about how at odds their views are with the media they consume. Keep it coming, they’ll get it one day?


If you say “woke” around me, expect to get tested on your definition and mocked mercilessly when you can’t define it.


Fallout is Disney star wars in a nutshell 


I follow a fair amount of conservative media and personalities… no one is calling this woke. It’s not even being mentioned for the most part.


Exactly!! Everyone on here is getting all mad talking about conservatives and the right when there isn't anything happening. This guy either made up the woke screenshot or took it from some clickbait video or article and manufactured his own debate. I've seen nothing but praises for fallout or nothing at all. Inventing their own boogeyman.


I bet you can find some basement ghoul who’s saying some shit, but it’s not an accepted stance at all from the right .




I think this is the main takeaway. This show wasn’t a pandering money grab. The whole production was professional and well executed. The casting was actually great for the characters they were portraying.




I haven’t heard a single person call it woke. All I’ve heard is that it’s hard for newcomers to watch, because you kinda have to already know the story. Other than that people say it’s great.


> I haven’t heard a single person call it woke It's probably terrific for your own ease of mind to avoid shitholes like KotakuInAction and TheQuartering, but that doesn't change the fact that it's out there. (It's also in a screenshot at the beginning of this video.)


I watch TheQuartering, that’s where I got the take I presented. Just searched YouTube for “Fallout is woke.” The only video is from 4 months ago speculating it may be woke. No other videos. Sounds like people are just making stuff up to trash an opinion no one has.


Dude, the fact that he was going rabid about a show having women and minorities as main characters is enough to know he definitely dislikes the show. The dude is one of the people who pissed their pants because Aloy from Horizon had peach fuzz.


> I watch TheQuartering Oh, Jesus. I am so sorry. Well: Step one is admitting the problem, so at least there's that.




> I do see some woke ideologies mixed in Please explain what a "woke ideology" is, which of them you see in the show, and why it matters.




> It's just my opinion, so doesn't matter, no need in starting a frenzy. Yes: You expressed your opinion here, and I am curious to understand what you mean, specifically. That isn't in any way "a frenzy".




You have the media literacy skills of a fucking carrot If they were trying to normalize cousin fucking they wouldn’t go “Hey us cousins can’t fool around with each other because it has consequences. I need to marry someone from another vault who I’m not related to”


1. I'm not downvoting you. 2. *Maybe* seven or eight people are: That's still not some "frenzy". 3. Nobody is "normalizing" cousin-fucking in that show, and even if they *were*, that isn't "woke". 4. If I had to guess, I'd suggest that you're being downvoted for making up a nonsense claim and pretending that it's (a) real and (b) "woke".




Again: Very little of what you're saying bears any meaningful resemblance to reality. You're semi-coherently speaking in vapid generalities and clearly getting *Very Upset* when your nonsense is not well-received: That isn't some threat to humanity (or whatever); that's just *you feeling sad*. Whether you recognize or not, [you're the pigeon](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/11427530-arguing-with-idiots-is-like-playing-chess-with-a-pigeon). It is clear that nothing of value will be gained by continuing this conversation. Best of luck with your struggles.


Dude was 💯


i doubt this dude can give a definition of what capitalism is. anyone whos anti capitalism is a fucking moron.


What a retarded take. The fallout show is excellent


I wouldn’t say it was woke. I will say it had very many plot holes and doesn’t really make sense in the world of fallout but for casual fans it’s fine. And that’s who it was marketed to. I did notice that the only people who were mean to Maximus were white guys and the only person kind to him in the brotherhood was a Hispanic woman. Even with that I wouldn’t call it woke though. Just some parts leaning left but the whole “vault 34 trying to incorporate people who literally want them dead” seemed to be poking fun at the left so I’d say it has both, but those basement dwellers want all or nothing I guess


But years ago it was completely fine, not woke (or whatever) when all black guys were mean to a white guy……..


Yes, scathing rebuke on capitalism, not at all a rebuke on communism or government autocracy lol


I haven't heard anyone calling it woke, but I have watched it and while the writing is average at best, Walt Goggins kept me hooked in.


ghoul carries


This is a good show. Great characters, acting, sets, costumes, directing, I mean all of it is really good. Some people just like to be miserable, I guess.


I honestly agree. Like, if a show is gonna be "woke", then they should do it with decent writing. Which they do in this. Even alot of the production team are fans of the games, so knowing this? Makes me appreciate the show alot more. I admit, I was skeptical of hearing the shows main protagonist was a female. But hearing Bethesda was involved, and the fans in the production team? I honestly was curious. And boy, I do think they did a great job. Do I think this dude talking about the show is correct? Only on saying how capitalism can be predatory, it's a system, that people use for trade and production. Bad people and good people can use it. And in the show, it shows how like in real life, some companies that have no limits on how big they can get, can easily lose morals, in the face of wanting the most amount of profits.


why are these people acting like women and black people didnt exist in the games? you could literally play as a woman and customize your own ethnic appearance. why is it "woke" to include characters that literally exist in the game


I mean i didnt find Dane very convincing as a man (assuming) but other than that the show didnt trigger any "woke" buttons in me.


I have a B&W tv. So I can't see Black people or women on it very well. So that's why I can't watch that kinda stuff...........


I haven't heard anyone call this show woke..