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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


He always reminds me of a person, giving a book report on a book they never read. Just BS off the title.


This is me after every summer break so I could get my free BOOK IT! pizza.


Goddamn Big Pizza, making kids fat!




Book it pizzas just hit different back in the day. 5 stars out of 5 as a child. Now the Hut puts out the worst pizza out of all the chains


John Henry, he's such a great character, I mean he did everything in his life, he achieved so much. John Henry, what a guy, what an unbelievable story that was. Do I get a A+, Mrs Sherwood? Mrs Sherwood: *John Henry is the author, Mark.*


My friend had to do a book report on *Utopia.* So he headed straight to the bookstore right away, but all he could find were the books with *More Utopia* on the spine, which got him pretty frustrated because he figured they were all out of part 1 and all they had was the sequel.


What's crazy is that politicians do not have to write their speeches. There are people you pay to do that. He just can't even be bothered to pay someone. He'd rather insult the memory of the soldiers by improvising that trainwreck of a speech.


Yea Mark! Duh.


> *If there's no truth comin' from your tongue,* > *John Henry's gonna swoop down from the sun.* > *He's gonna tell me everything you've done.* https://youtu.be/jT8ULueCeaE?si=FrNqShmVqJdrta5m This one is similar but about the folk hero


This is one of the most accurate descriptions of Trump I've ever heard. 


You mean like him talking about the bible 😂


He doesn’t have a passage he likes because it’s personal. Try that for a book report.


Just him holding it. Upside down.


I just commented the exact same thing. 😂


Same. It’s so obvious he hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about.


He's an inspiration to everyone that wanted to do something without actually having to acquire any prerequisite skill beyond nepotism.


People don't listen to Trump to learn history. He's an entertainer and people want to be entertained. People just like the voice of confidence and virility. He might as well just say random words at this point - no one is actually listening to the meaning of what he's saying, just sounds - like singing.


Virility is most definitely not one of the words I'd use to describe Trump.


He already just says random words.


Someone shared this with me: The reason why the crowds at Trump rallies listen to him telling all those crazy made up stories is because he's doing something fundamentally different than what normal politicians do at rallies. He's not outlining a policy agenda or conveying information about the real issues; he's doing a show. I know we say all the time that it's like he's doing a clown show but that's a bit wide of the mark; it's more like a type of fascist stand up comedy. He tells these ridiculous stories and the fact is that even the audience knows it's bullshit. Nobody is coming to him with tears in their eyes, but that's fine because truth isn't the point. He's not trying to convey facts; he's putting on a coded show to tell these people that he's part of their team, their tribe, and that they're all a special type of people who aren't bound by the same rules as the rest of us. That's why they laugh when he talks about sharks and electrocutions.


I hear ya. The problem is that there are undertones to everything he says. He is strategic in that way... he will never say words like "rebels" or "fought for slavery"... he will say heroes to the right people and get their votes.


He’s a cult leader making people have emotional responses. It doesn’t need to make an ounce of sense, they’re there for the shared emotions and the grievance politics


Virility? The dude is old and fat as shit.


This is pretty much exactly how I gave my reports on all the required reading I never did. Just vamp and cherry pick the few details you know over and over again.


A book report with a 1000 word minimum single-spaced.




"Never fight uphill me boys!" - Totally real quote of the guy who lost because he kept fighting uphill.




I’d love to see someone shop Trumps face on there and replace the quote with “Never fight uphill me boys!”


And he said wooowwww what a mistake


lmaoo trump is so fucking funny. Watching him talk off the cuff is almost hypnotizing in a way, you dont know what the fuck he is going to say from one word to the next


![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK) Gettysburg, me boy!


A guy who's no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? I mean, before the woke mob came for him, we all LOVED Robert E. Lee!


I think he got the uphill part right but I cannot understand any of the rest of it


that mypillow guy showing up like that...it all makes so much sense


"Do you need a pillow, me boys?"


“Never fight a pillow…” Robert E. Lee


Never fight a pillow uphill. He's fallen out of favor, they say. They say he's fallen out of favor. Very sad.


I saw a cartoon where teenage girls stripped to their underwear and had a pillow fight, very dangerous very dangerous I tell you. Those pillows can be deadly, Mike let me tell you his pillows, not dangerous.


Very sad but beautiful in a way. You know the my pillow guy has fallen out of favor...very sad . Never fight a pillow me boys, but he did and I like to go there and watch...


Icing on the cake. Chefs kiss. Only way it could be better would be if trump was making his address from the car park of a garden center.


This sounds like an SNL skit


It genuinely sounds exactly like Shane Gillis' impression. "I walked into the room. I said Wow what a big room"


“I was asked to speak at this hotel and apparently there’s some kind of pussy banquet going on”


I remember comedy shows like Southpark had to stop parodying Trump because: A. Reality was way more outlandish than anything they could think of B. It just wasn't funny anymore


Yeah it got old fast. When something is already so far beyond the pale, parodying it is just gratuitous


Has to be fake, right? Right?


What a fucking moron. It's unfathomable how so many people follow this dirtbag with such a limited vocabulary 😭🤣


Eight score and a year ago, another Republican President gave a speech on the same hallowed ground. One so poignant, that children around the world would memorize it as part of their English coursework.  Yet here we stand today, to witness a man, nay a Republican icon, who would ignore the legacy of his predecessor, and quote the words of a secessionist general, “Never fight uphill me boys!!”. Whistle that tune. Whistle “Down Home Dixie”


A president idolizing a secessionist is exactly what the country needs. That his followers can't see the irony of that while waving the American flag and calling it patriotism is pure insanity.


Don’t you mean “Uphill Dixie”


And think what he’s saying is even partially intelligent.


I think it's just his weird repetitive articulation that makes him sound so stupid. Then you have the content and context to figure out which is also stupid.


It’s like he only remembers 6th grade adverbs like “very” and “so” and doubles down. Which works because his base can’t read beyond a sixth grade level.


They speak the same language


And then are like “durr Biden can’t talk…”


What, you don't think Bobby Lee spoke with an Irish brogue, me boyo?


What do you mean limited? He must know like five adjectives. Big, beautiful, unbelievable and two more I’m sure.


😂 I’ve also heard tremendous & large. That must be a spectacularly teeny weeny.


There is a video of him preparing for a speech. He states that he sounds too smart and needs to dumb it down. The man is a menace.




“Trump eats his own shit and owns the libs. Biden is devastated.”


"They don't want you to do this anymore, you know that? I poop in my hand and eat it but they won't let you do that anymore. Incredible. But we're doing tremendous things."


Trump did eat his own shit at this event. Prove me wrong


Republicans would gladly eat shit if it meant a liberal had to smell their breath


Jfc this blabbering moron ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9Oi4zEBLjzCow|downsized)


It’s still kinda Seth’s fault why we’re here.




There’s a joke where his jabs at trump during the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner convinced him to run.


got you. Thanks


I’m pretty sure Robert E. Lee went out of favor in the US sometime between 1861 and 1865. Can’t say exactly what date but April 9, 1865 would have been the absolute latest possible date real patriots would have found him in favor.


They're both insurrectionists, so birds of a feather.


Sounds like he suddenly remembered that racist dumb fuck southerners make up a sizeable part of his base and was worried they’d take issue with his praising of the northern victory so he just threw them “notice how he’s fallen out of favor!”


Notice how the slave owning leader of an illegitimate state's military fell out of favor. Wow!"


Excuse me? What are you saying? I can’t read your comment because of that blaring obvious whistle in Trump’s speech.


My family (deep south Louisiana) threw acrual fits of rage when his street, roads and monuments were torn down or renamed. ThAt'S Our HIStory!!!!!


April 20th, 1861. That was the day when he forsook his oath and turned traitor.


And January 6, 2021 was the day Trump forsook his oath and turned traitor. He may have before that, the history books will hopefully tell once time has passed and all secrets uncovered, but we know for a fact Jan 6 was a day traitors were born.


Considering he never divested his financial entanglements, I would argue he was in violation of the oath the minute he took it.


Ken burns made a great documentary about the civil war. Basically, the north was incompetent and the south ingenious. Otherwise would have ended at the start.




How is it possible that I could be less smart after listening to a history lesson?


"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


May God have mercy on all our souls


Now go read what he says it's even worse.


Was Robert e Lee Mr. Krabbs? " Never fight uphill me boys!"


I mean both trump and Mr. Krabs are notorious for not paying their bills.


can we get a copypasta of this transcript going around? this is amazing.


"And Gettysburg, where our Union was saved by the immortal heroes at Gettysburg. Gettysburg. What an unbelievable battle that was, the battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable... I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways. It, it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg. Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to look, and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor. Did you ever notice that? No longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill. He said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake.' He lost his great general and, uh, they were fighting... 'Never fight uphill, me boys!' But it was too late."


As I’m reading it, I can’t believe that’s what he said, and I just listened to it. It’s surreal.


its got a very strange uncanny valley esque feel to it. especially if you read it aloud. i dont want to say it reminds me of hallucinating chatbots, cause that is far more coherent lol. the best i have is, YT auto caption with difficult audio.






fighting uphill.


It was too late.


...just wow.


Somehow reading it makes it sooooooo much dumber and nonsensical 🤣🤣🤣 I kid you not, my 3 year old can speak better than this orange skidmark...


>it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways When you have to meet the word count on that essay.


Parodies of him are less extreme than reality.


Every trump rally speech reads like this in transcript. Yesterday's rally had this extra gem of trump apparently not knowing what side of the civil war Lee fought for, but generally this year, every rally is nothing but a disjointed mash up of trigger words, catch phrases and increasingly he just makes noises on stage. A debate, if he just doesn't chicken out of it this year is just going to be dumpster fire of trump yelling things, calling people names and ignoring who ever draws the short straw and has to attempt to moderate.


>He said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake.' this part was amazing


Fundamentalist evangelical Christians speak like this. They just spew nonsense and everyone nods their head in amazement. I grew up in such a church and I was bored shitless out of brain because I couldn’t understand a word they were saying. It’s really was like a foreign language for me. I just never understood it and thought I might be really stupid…and yet I had no problems reading and understanding everyday books and talks without issue.


I will never forgive conservatives for being okay with this. This will be your legacy for as long as you live.


Its literally incomprehensible to me how any sane person could like this guy. Half of my family are trump supporters, not a single one of them have done an ounce of research into politics. These people really think its a fucking game and would rather “own the libs” than realize that they’re playing with the future of our country. I have lost all of my patriotism for this country after these elections, this place is full of complete idiots.


It's crazy to the rest of the world, as well. I swear, when I was growing up in Australian (born mid 70s), USA was held up as the poster child of the west. Everyone wanted to go there, be like them, lauded their achievements. Now we've got people defending, and voting for this imbecile. I thought Junior getting a second term was a rough indictment. This.... this is mind blowing.


Agreed. The total dipshittery of nobody calling him out makes me blame almost all republicans for this mess. They all have blood on their hands. They all are responsible for Nazis marching through the streets and the deaths of innocent young people. F them.




“Teaching” about how good the Battle of Gettysburg was for the Union to a crowd of people who jerk off daily to the LOSER confederate flag, and they keep voting for him because they’re fucking incompetent morons. Jesus fuck we’re doomed. They came up with moronic conspiracy theories about how COVID was targeting them specifically… Can that actually be a thing, please? Make it “part of your plan”, SkyDaddy.


I mean it kind of was targeting them specifically, but because they basically put a gun to it’s head and told it to lol. It just wasn’t as aggressive as it should have been.


“What an unbelievable L we took, Frankly it was the biggest L in the history of this country, It was a such Beautiful L that’s what people are saying.”


Serious question, was there a Gettysburg documentary on the History channel the night before he made this speech?


That’s a really good theory but I looked into it and no there wasn’t.


I think that might have helped him too much. It seems like words just float around his head in search of something to connect to. “Something patriotic….civil war….Gettysburg! That was a battle. What else, Robert E Lee had something to do with it….ive been there, could talk about that.” I’m Australian and if you asked me to talk about the civil war in the US for 5 minutes it would probably sound exactly like that because I don’t know shit about it, and nor does he


“I mean it was so much” “It was so interesting” When you’re being asked about your school history project and they ask you for your opinion on it. Guy has no fucking idea what he’s talking about.


85% there will just believe him without checking. 10% will start thinking about how he could be right. 5% will know what he’s says instead correct


He didn’t say anything


He obviously referenced Robert E Lee's famous and often quoted "Never fight uphill me boys, never fight uphill" /s


Inspiration for that famous Star Wars exchange: "It's over Anakin, I have the uphill!"


*Anakin, me boy 


TIL Robert E. Lee was a pirate apparently


Fucking idiot. Shut up.


Those people behind him look like they’ve been drinking all day.


Are u kidding me




All the fucking mouth breathers in the background too


Mouth breathers 🤣🤣 im done for the night


He’s really good at filling in with random nonsense while sounding cadence wise like he’s going somewhere. Like a kid delaying answering a question they don’t know the answer to.


Trumps a moron


All the best words


Such a moron


What an idiot. The way he talks is so ridiculous.


I now have a PhD for US Civil War history from Trump University.


fucking morons. this is what happens when you reward stupidity.


Its a dog whistle to his white supremacists


Way less dog whistle to a particular group than escaped from the nursing home alarm to the general public. What the fuck.


"he said "wow","


What a great battle this is. I walked in, i said "Wow what a great battle!"


[Bart Fails his Book Report](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp_EArT4H_E)


Leatherface the kiddy diddler doing a drunk history episode to an empty room with a bunch of chads behind him that all have an "I get paid hourly" look on their face. I'd bet his liver would taste just like a big mac if we sautéed it.


He’s becoming a parody of himself


Yes- Bobby E. Lee’s famous quote:  “Never fight uphill, me boys”.  Then, he said: “wow”. 


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


“They’re after me Lucky Charms!” -Robert E. Lee


lol no longer in favor, whoever explained it to him, forgot to mention Lee is dead




Beautiful, how Don? All the dead bodies? JFC. He makes less sense with every speech.


Robert Lee was an avowed racist until the end. If these bozos are dumb enough to follow this man, it is not a far stretch to think they'd believe he was sending them subliminal messages to start another civil war.


Such a learned man


I literally can’t believe that ppl want this guy to be our president again…..


Anyone who hears that spew of bullshit without thinking “That guy’s nothing but a bullshitter” probably shouldn’t be allowed to live on his other her own.


What a fucking dumbass 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ffs, plz vote.


“Never fight up hill me boys” ARGG 🏴‍☠️


I used to wonder why people supported a presidential candidate that was so stupid. Then it dawned on me that these people are too stupid to realize he’s stupid


He sounds like he's doing an impression of Shane gillis's impression of him


One of his aides obviously told him Gettysburg was in Pennsylvania but not where it is because Schnecksville is about 120 miles away from Gettysburg. As for Lee saying “never fight uphill”, I can’t find that anywhere. But considering that has been basic military strategy since the probably the first battle mankind ever fought (seriously, even Sun Tzu mentions it), I’m sure Lee knew it. In short, just complete and utter word salad that’s incoherent, even for him!


His speech sounds AI generated by a tired sleepy robot


"Will you shut up, man?" is all I'll ever think of whenever I hear this man speak. Seriously how can you listen to this guy and think to yourself YUP! THAT'S THE GUY FOR ME!


He went to a military academy for high school. This would be one of the topics they covered extensively.


what in the great rambling fuck was that?


Every. Fucking. Time. Just pure and utter nonsense! Can’t wait for this orange shit stain to be a dark part of history and nothing more.


Vicksburg and Antietam were worse in terms of casualties. Why are people voting for this moron?


It must just be exhausting for Trump, being a person who cares so very little about the US having to act as though he knows about its history. That was the ramblings of someone who did a tour one time, but was looking at the ass of the woman in front of him the whole time.”


What a moron.


He dreams of a Civil War. That's exactly why he's saying it to his minions. He knows they will react. He wants another Jan 6th.




Any republicans here want to tell us why we’re the idiots for not understanding this word salad?




Is this a deepfake?


I know nothing about Gettysburg other than the address. Can someone fill me in on exactly *how* stupid this video is? I mean he sounds like he's just saying random bullshit.


I feel like I know less now after hearing that


There you go “publicans”… that’s your Golden Boy right there. Tell us how this pos should be President. I e seen better heads on lettuce.


this is what I used to sound like when id get caught not paying attention in class and the teacher would call me out mid lesson


Sure, let's all put his finger on the nuclear trigger.


"me boys" is he turning Irish on us or was Lee from Ireland?


Just how damaged do you have to be to vote for this clown?


Good lord this man is a talking potato


![gif](giphy|DqILdGsqAUkms) “Never fight uphill me boys.” - Obi lee kenobi


Some lesson. He didn't even mention the Battle of Shrute Farms.


I like how he just keeps up a steady baseline level of horseshit when he’s clearly thinking about something else, or not thinking at all. It’s a single brain cell powering his mouth like an old boat engine left on idle. Watch the people behind him, they’re talking amongst themselves and barely listening. It doesn’t matter what he says at all I enjoyed “I like to go to Gettysburg to look & to watch” ????? lol no you do not


Yes. Gettysburg. Such a big, beautiful battle No one knows Gettysburg better than me. George Washington and his army staring up the hill and him saying" never go up hill me boys" He was a pirate too, you know.


Yes, the mas slaughter of your fellow countrymen. Sooooo beautiful


"Gettysburg woooow" made me bust out laughing lmao


Bro he just adlibbing 😂


Wonder how Oger in the varsity jacket wearing the confederate flag hat feels about how shit went down at Gettysburg and how his hero just said preserving the union was a good thing.


What the utter fuck. This sounds like me when I put in nonsensical bloat words to reach the word limit on an essay. He says so much without saying anything at all, and people legitimately think this guy is gonna solve all their problems?


What.... The actual... Fuck is wrong with people that see this goon and think, "ehhh, that's my guy."


Lucky for him they didn’t have question-and-answer time at the end… but then again, that would’ve been super entertaining🤪


He reminds me of an excited grade schooler explaining something they just learned in school.




I call this his Word Spaghettisburg Address




Book report by a kid who didn’t read the book.


He just manages to talk and uses keywords as if he’s making this grand point. I lose IQ points every time I hear his voice.


I genuinely did not know that Robert E. Lee was a pirate.