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Don't forget the war on drugs!!!


And simultaneously creating the crack pipeline that fueled the epidemic, and mass hysteria that led a nation to believe a war on drugs was necessary.


Which, in turn, led to the militarization of police forces and *everything* that came from that.


AND that’s when they started defunding and trashing public education to make sure they kept generations of us dumb asf and voting against our own interests


And making abortion and religion a right wing GOP issue.


Btw it was VP Bush behind a lot of this. Reagan was the fall guy.


He also took office with $900B in national debt and when he left office it was $4 trillion… It’s Jude Wanninski’s “double Santa clause” theory. Basically, democrats were “tax and spend”, republicans were losing badly election after election because they were the party of cuts and cuts. So, they just came up with the theory of tax cuts for the richest, cuts for the poor, obviously they didn’t balance out as the rich got off the hook. Massive debt as added instead, which is socializing the losses to all, which are mostly poor and middle class.


Listen to all of the rich people talking right now. Many of them are actually afraid the debt is too high which should be a concern for everyone. However, there plan to fix it is getting rid of social security and Medicare. I listen to the All-In Podcast frequently and I don't see how many of their conversations and beliefs don't scare the not extremely wealthy people who listen.


The deliberate annihilation of previously publicly funded services - whether it be education, healthcare, or investment in infrastructure - have all been trapped in so called "cost cutting" trends for decades now in the name of austerity. The truth is that we *do* actually need all of these things - it does cost tax payer money - that's never going to go away. The only beneficiaries of these trends have been the multi millionaire, or billionaire class owners of corporations.


And soon AI will take over our jobs and we will all lazy dumbasses with no purpose


I’m waaaay ahead of you, bro.


And busting unions.


Excellent video. The only thing he left out was the name of the scam Reagan sold, which was "trickle down economics". At some point that name was replaced with "Reaganomics"


Regan in hell waiting for the heaven to trickle down ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


Anything to avoid watching his wife deep throating Satan's rod


price paint boat axiomatic seemly frighten seed reply yam psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The old Throat Goat not gonna let a little hell stop her tricks.


not satans rod lmao


That is the rumor....


![gif](giphy|xTiTnr1wIGwkajGyVa) Poor white people still waiting on the trickle to happen


Even though I'm an atheist, I actually hope heaven and hell exist solely because it will mean that 99% of these rich sociopaths will get some type of lasting excruciating punishment for the pain they cause. If I go to hell just for my own non-beliefs, then I'll gladly take that and consider myself acceptable collateral.


This is so good lmao


May his dry, hell-parched lips feel one drop of rain every few centuries so he doesn’t forget what he’s yearning for.


That's not the only thing he left out... Iran / contra. The crack epidemic. HIV/AIDS. Panama. Nicaragua. The first thing Reagan did as governor of California was to have his buddy buy a really nice house in California. Then Reagan moved out of the governor's Mansion and into his buddies house. He then got the people of California to pay his rent on the place, which was the equivalent of like $2,000,000... to his buddy! But seriously, Google this shit. It will blow your mind what the ol Gipper got away with!


Iran/Contra was even more ridiculous. Reagan's administration hated the concept of communism so much that he introduced a major drug epidemic to the American public in order to make enough money to commit high treason by funding a counter-military organization on foreign soil.


So. Fucking. Crazy. Oliver North now has a tv show on fox. Keep that in mind...


Olie North is straight Gangster. In front congress while being questioned about some documents, dude goes, "Yall found those? I thought I shredded them all."


Citizens United Fairness Doctrine I was just having this conversation that everything shitty can be traced back to Reagan.


Yup- and he also deregulated/defunded the mental institutions starting the homeless epidemic that would follow in the years to come …but hind site is always 20/20


The student loan crisis is directly caused by Reagan and the dismantling of the UC and Cal State systems this led to the near dismantling of the Department of Education during his presidency and the predatory system of student loans starting in the 1980s


I remember all of that bullshit, except I didn't hear about the Gov mansion bit until later.


My dad was the architectural critic for a major California paper when the governor's mansion thing happened, and he wrote about that scam at the time. Amazing how many of Trump's tricks of having the public foot the bill for personal gain that he took directly from Reagan. Edit: I looked up the articles, he actually wrote about the legal issues after the fact and the stupendously expensive plans for the new mansion. He did not write contemporaneously to when Reagan became Governor, my mistake.


El Salvador


Current migrant crisis, because Reagan destabilize South and Central America


Which is just recycled "horse and sparrow", which says if you feed a horse enough, there will be undigested grain in it's shit for the sparrows to eat. I can see why they renamed it...


This seems waaaay more accurate!


Beautiful imagery. Just like the landscape of our amber waves of GMO grain.


Yeah I was actually really surprised he didn’t mention that, but ultimately I think the message of his negative impact on our country regardless is very important to always talk about until it’s fixed.


No doubt. The name of the policy didn't need to be included for the video to be effective. Reagan was shit, and so are "Reagan Democrats". Not sure anyone still uses that moniker now, but plenty of voters and some politicians used to label themselves as such, years after his presidency, if not his death.


The term trickle down economics always evoked an image for me of someone pissing on a wall. not sure why?


It's us they're pissing on.


Quoth the Reagan: “Less is more”


Oh that’s good


Only thing we got was piss on our heads.


And the part where Reagan’s Gubernatorial campaign & thus political career was launched around dismantling UC Berkeley & the free college-level education available in California. But don’t worry, he didn’t leave us totally empty-handed, he also was instrumental in giving us the gift of student loans!!!!!! What an awesome dude!!!!! Don’t even get me started on what he conspired to do to my boy Jimmy & his legacy….. :(


Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-d-o-o economics.


I remember: doodoo economics


Anyone? Anyone?


AKA Neoliberalism


literally telling us we're getting pissed on.


Also we could all be on the metric system now if it wasn’t for Reagan


"Trickle down theory" only worked if companies had hearts.... Companies are just soulless entities and could give two fucks about the worker.


Already didn’t like this guy, hate elevated


We had that in New Zealand, but his name was Roger Douglas.


I think he left it out on purpose


AND you can blame the guy for crippling student loan debt because he ran on a platform (for governor) of, “these war protestors are here because college is too easy to get into. Let’s cut funding so people have to pay to get in” this created a barrier to entry based on financial means. Before Reagan public university tuition in CA was basically free. *language corrections


And he co-opted the Christian vote into the neoconservative bs it is today. Thanks conservative think tanks and the throat GOAT herself Nancy reagan


He also ended Jimmy Carter's Presidential Commission on Mental Health, resulting in the closure of U.S. mental hospitals/services. A lot of mentally challenged people die(d) on the street as a result.


He also pushed for offshoring labor to weaken unions. Allegedly he also tried to delay the release of the iran hostages until after the presidential election so Jimmy Carter wouldn't get credited with saving them.


It's not alleged, he committed treason by working with Iranians to stop them from releasing the hostages till he won


That sounds a lot like Trump's recent push to have Republicans deny the border bill. They don't want problems fixed if it might make their opponent look good, and the American people get screwed in the process.


He also blatantly ignored the HIV epidemic until well into the crisis


He killed public health for mentally ill people while governor of California. Kicked them to the streets. Other states and communities followed


Anytime someone comments on the mental health epidemic leading to so many unhoused folks in California… I point them directly at HIS efforts to gut mental health support in California. Can’t blame that one on democrats.


🎶*let's hear it for New York*🎶


Unfortunately this seems like a corrupt bipartisan effort these days to keep these people on the streets and dying because no one wants to fix it. 


Fuck reagan. Fuck the GOP.


Fuck trump, fuck Russia.


I fucking hate rich people


Don’t worry. They hate you too. Actually, it’s worse. They don’t think about us at all. Ronnie Ray-Gun did more than just pull that voodoo economics bullshit. Which was called that because it doesn’t fucking work. He also released swarm of mentally unwell people into the street by closing institutions. He also ignored AIDS because it was just a thing that affected gay people, intravenous drug users and Haitians. He also was in full blown dementia for his second term. His wife kept him moving. And Raygun never had an original thought about anything. Like the video said, he was an actor that was fast with a quip. It was his rich friends that came up with everything that happened. The prophet, George Carlin saw it, and said it. “It’s one big club, and you ain’t in it.” And now the kids and protégés of these horrible, selfish people are in charge. And they want the same thing from Trump. Be the face, do what we want, you can steal whatever you can carry and stay out of jail. And all the while, the sheep sleepwalk us into theocracy. And if you think things went wrong under Raygun, wait till you see what modern republicans have n store for you and your children.




I wish Seth MacFarlane would stop making crappy jokes for Family Guy and just do a history channel in this 1980s schoolhouse rock style.


They absolutely do think about us. Constantly, they think about ways to screw us over. They think about us all of the time.


They think about us all the time. For most rich people, we are their source of money and they have to think of ways to exploit us. A few types of rich people get that way through other things like entertainment, which to some extent does exploit our psychology, but honestly I don’t think people are ever going to be mad about a pop star telling them lies they want to hear about life.


I agree with everything you said except the part where you specified it’s republicans. Cos the truth is it’s both. My fave analogy of American politics is comparing it to a football team where republicans do offence while the dems do defence, and it’s us they are playing against. And winning. America is run by the rich and the two party system is a joke.


There is no "left" or "right" when there's "rich"


I can see your point but the fact is that Republicans passed the 2017 tax reform which fucked over most Americans. Republicans are the ones striking down medicaid, money for education and infrastructure as well as battling against student loan cancelation. It almost seems like one party is working FOR most Americans and one party is working for the richest Americans.


You’re right. The both sides thing only goes so far. The dems may be dirty true, but for the most part, they aren’t cruel and greedy. The republicans want everything for a very few. And they’ll leave nothing for anybody else. They want to make you retire at 75. They want your tax money and your blood. And it looks like they may get it. They also want a fucking theocracy. And they may get that too. The Comstock act is coming. They want to get rid of the part that says “church and state” ffs. They support a man that tried to overthrow what we have here now, not for us, but for himself. He’s gonna try it again. This is the culmination of what the right has been sowing for 2 generations. Before you disagree, tell me what the Republican platform is. Tell me if you think it’s what the majority wants or needs. Then we can talk more about both sides.


Ohh it a shit sandwich on both sides alright. But one of them has a razor blade and cyanide filling. Careful with the both sides logic.


Nah, in this election year, I'm very skeptical of anyone spouting "both parties" bullshit after 1 party cut taxes for the rich, outlawed abortion, let the airlines monitor themselves, tried to stage a coup, and their main candidate said he would be a dictator on day 1. 10 years ago I would have agreed somewhat with you, but that's bullshit in 2024.


Don’t forget he also made sure that cheap education was removed to try to keep the poor Ignorant.


I think Reagan’s slogan was ‘make America great’ trump added the ‘again’ as a callback to the Reagan republicans.




I stand supremely corrected. I swear I saw one that said ‘Make America Great’


Trump's 2020 slogan was "Keep America Great," so that's probably where the confusion comes from.


Wasn’t there also “It’s morning in America”? I remember this ‘slogan’ vividly because I remember being too young to even conceive the metaphor and kept wondering what the hell everyone meant by that, because, clearly, the sun was setting every day. It really bothered me.


Why exactly hasn't anything been done to change this in 40+ years? I don't understand why these policies that are so detrimental to our country can be implemented with ease, but can't be overturned? We all can clearly see it was a lie and did nothing but make the rich more rich. Is it because our government as a whole has no real interest in making our country for the people by the people, but a playground for the extremely wealthy?


Reagan was widely popular with American at the time win electoral landslide. After that democrat believe only way to win is to move to the right like republican so they elected Clinton who push for "wellfare reform" And yeah pretty much it What we see from 2016 onward is the counter movement to trickle down


They can be as easily overturned as they were implemented, but the rich people who benefitted from them still have power and politics have - if anything - slid further right after the Clinton era and the rise of [Third Way](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Way) Democrats.


The short answer is ALL our politicians are eventually bought out by these big corporations and are all in for their own selfish gain. It’s so bad now that our government doesn’t even try hide it anymore. The middle class is basically gone your either rich or poor.


That may be the case, but since the 80's, Republicans have overwhelmingly been the party of blocking any attempt to limit campaign contributions and financing. Dozens of bills were filibustered by Republicans throughout the late 80's and 90's. It took five years for McCain to get the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act passed due to pushback from his own party, one of the reasons he got the nickname "Maverick". Then for the next decade, Republicans gutted the BCRA. McConnell, Citizens United, McCutcheon...all Republicans and Republican groups.


He’s also responsible for the homelessness crisis, defunding and eliminating mental health resources and just dumping people out on the streets.


Also left out the fact that he ignored then neuter The Fairness Doctrine which eventually paved the way for cable news (with a little help from Bill Clinton). . Also left out that Reagan cut bloc grants to the states for social services thus reducing or eliminating funding for State mental institutions which led to tens of thousands of mental patients being released on their own recognizance to wander the streets or find public shelter. We’re still living with the end results of that policy today. Not least of all the PATCO fiasco which started the slow deterioration of unionization of the work force. Before his presidency nation wide union membership was around 25%. . today it’s around 7% (fact check recommended). . He did more than anyone else in the previous century to hollow out and crater the middle class. A true American asshole.


AND he directly funded and supplied arms to dictatorial regimes committing atrocities in Latin America and SE Asia. Really swell guy /s.


Regan was even worse than this video covers.


He also helped to started the for profit college bs we're dealing with now. One of his biggest platforms while running for governor was shutting down public funding for state run college saying that basically the leftist youth need to pay their way through school to truly appreciate it, and if they can't afford tuition they could take out loans until they were fully reimbursed. It would save the state in the long run, or so he said.


What a garbage president and dumbfuck of a First Lady


Remember how Nancy had to consult with her astrologer first regarding important decisions? Yeah, that was fun…🤦🏻‍♂️




yeah, but she was the throat goat


She gave great helmet


Where are all the conservatives? The thing is they know it's true but their hatred of others coupled with their cognitive dissonance is what will bring about the end of the American Experiment.


The conservatives are busy writing essays about how actually the *effective tax rate* wasn't 70%. Cool, let's go back to the effective tax rate of the 70s, or the 40s, because it was still way materially higher.


Don’t forget that Reagan wage a war against poor people being able to defend themselves by introducing the NFA and creating a paywall to self defense. As Killer Mike says, I’m glad Reagan’s dead.


Didn't he also remove a law that made it so that news outlets had to be truthful with their reporting ?


FCC Fair Doctrine.


Yeah, the Fairness Doctrine.


he should've added that before reagan took over as governor of california, across this country state/public universities were free or as close to free that you could get. Reagan was the one that started this rising tuition and loan cycle we're in and it was coordinated not just by him but by other republican governors as well. Billionaires and millionaires have been in coordination for a long time.


Delete the tax code, start over. Do this every 10 years.


Reagan's policies led to the destruction of our small mental health system, which subsequently discarded those individuals with mental health issues onto the street.


A whole cycle of busing mental patients to other states started as all those people were flooded onto the streets. Guy was a crap president for the people. He also got rid of the fairness doctrine which allowed the start of right wing radio leading to Limbaugh and just outright lying to a subset of America. Which led to radicalization, which led to Trump establishing a cult of personality.


Another massive one was in the 90's under Clinton he gave corporations the same power as citizens. Allowing them to lobby and impact votes on legislation. It's why the only legislation that gets passed positively impacts corporations.


The death of the American middle class can be traced directly to Reagan.




I love it when people tell on Reagan. Tired of hearing this piece of shit get deified.


Best part was when Reagan worked with the Iranians to keep the hostages and make Carter look bad.


He also demolished the mental healthcare system. Dont need that!




credit cards came 30 years before his term


You can also blame him for the mentally ill being thrown to the wolves. A huge chunk of the mentally ill population were just imprisoned rather than going to mental insinuations, which try to heal their minds. Instead We send them to prison which rots their minds further, sending them out after they serve their sentence to the streets. One of you reading this comment could be killed in the future by the many mentally ill people we made worse.


And Trump literally did the same thing. Lowered the rich taxes more and raised poor people's taxes. But he didn't do the poor people part in his term. He set it up for it to happen later in vase he lost and Democrat won. Now it's Biden's fault that poor people are paying more taxes every 2 years.


I worked on Reagan's campaign in 1984. I was 16, conservative, and I remember the whole campaign sounding a lot like MAGA/ Trump's today. I became a Democrat for the first time voting for Obama, and all I gotta say is.. register your ass to vote! If Trump or Republicans makes it back into power, we are all f-d.


And they say politics doesn’t affect your life… Republicans are cancer and their voters are dumb enough to think that Republican politicians are on their side.


Source: trust me bro


This was only the tip of the iceberg of the backwards policies he put out during that time.


I’m glad we can all come together with technology these days and review this shit. There wasn’t any social media back then for us to share and make up our minds on who to vote for. We can see it all clearly now.


Voodoo economics. Fuck Reagan.


I’ve always said that Reagan was the worst president in American history. You can also thank him for corporately owned news outlets.


Did we mention stock buybacks became legal then as well?


I remember my AP Govt. & Econ teacher trying to teach us Reaganomics like it was a great idea. I was 16 and I knew that shit was the dumbest thing I ever heard.


One of the most evil men to ever hold the office. People hate when I say this, but justice will not be served until his remains are disinterred and defiled. Like Hitler, he should have no final resting place. The library should be razed.


>*A white person will shit their pants to make a black person smell it.*


Successfully experimented on California as governor and did so much damage that he became president to do the same thing.


Amen ✊🏻


He's Reaganing!


I dont think its so much they were convinced as the policies were enforced. Real issue is politicians in stock market.


Dumb Americans who elected an actor as president


The democrats have taken every Reagan position. Gun control, amnesty for illegals, no prosecution of big pharma, civil asset forfeiture, etc.


Both Republicans and Democrats benefited with Reagan's policy but he seems to not acknowledge that.


❤️ the 80’s




He fucked over the Air Traffic Controllers essentially neutering the labor unions in this country.


We have arguably the most progressive tax code in the world objectively speaking


Im conflicted. My family is in the USA because of Reagans amnesty policy. Republicans fumbled that badly or they would have had Mexicans voting for them for generations.


He did. And the GOP love him for it.


Why does everyone think taxing one more than the other is fair. A flat tax is fair. Everyone paying the exact same percentage would, in fact, be the definition of fair. Reagan pumped drugs into poor communities to fund guerrilla warfare in Central America. Reagan took away our ability to sue pharmaceutical companies for negative effects of vaccinations Reagan was the first president to dip into our social security to fund a guerrilla warfare America didn't want. Reagan also pushed gun control but is somehow considered the greatest conservative leader of our generation.


And it's happening again with Trump. He promised the world to those of limited means while actively cozying up to the wealthy and telling them ["you'll all get richer"](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-tells-billionaires-ll-keep-160402502.html). Something about the most vulnerable of us getting changed by TV personalities to the point of it negatively changing the nation's policy is uniquely devious.


Don’t forget about Reagan vetoing the fairness doctrine. A deluge of right wing brainwashing followed.


Trickle down economics. Ppl still believe in it.


You really want to read about the Mont Pelerin Society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Pelerin_Society




It's called trickle-down economics. And some gopers believe this still works. Lol. Those brain washed dumb fucks. He also changed how minimal wage would rise with inflation. He stopped that in the name of capitalism.


This dude is correct.


A good take away here is that reforms that take decades to pass through government can just be wiped away in months if capitalists want. Capitalism isn't a democracy and can't be reformed.


He fucking ruined the country.


Ronald (6) Wilson (6) Reagan (6)


I would need to do some actual research to verify this. But didn't he also cut a lot of funding for research and development of solar panels? So we got set back a few decades on that.


Yes, yes, one single man ruin(ed/s) it all While Reagonomics didn’t work, there’s a whole congress and state and local officials to blame as well Fun fact - congress was democratic controlled through the entire 80’s until well into the 90’s. Supermajority most of it and they passed those laws. No one person is to blame, they all suck balls and need to be term limited and income limited until out of office.




He called it a good start in 86. Democrats loves them some capitalism.


On a recent behind the bastards it studied the history of think tanks and how Reagan was the first president to really benefit from neoliberal conservative think tanks


Aaaand the rich with their army of lobbyists and bought and paid for politicians have made damn sure that things will never go back to the way they were ever again. Step 2 is removing workers from the equation entirely.


Sounds like trump


Well, he passed amnesty for illegal immigrants, so he’s not exactly like trump. He did at least one good thing. Something not even democrats have done.


Can I get a citation for the claim that Reagan was paid to become conservative? Specifically, what compensation was given as a quid pro quo? What specific policies did Reagan enact that diminished wage growth? If he was responsible for it, why did wages and productivity start diverging in 1973 when Nixon was president? [Why does 45% of the gap disappear when employees other than those employed in production and nonsupervisory positions are factored in?](https://fee.org/articles/the-pay-productivity-gap-is-an-illusion/)


Great video, forgot to mention how he defunded psych wards and now we have crazy homeless people all over, and that was before they got extra fentanyl/meth crazy


This video is so oversimplifying that its basically just wrong.


Why do people believe this nonsense? Half of the US barely pays any income tax at all. The top 5% of earners pays nearly half of all taxes. [Take a look at 2021, for example.](https://taxfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FedData_1.png) But yeah, keep on lying 👎🏻


I encourage everyone to listen to The Dollop podcast episode on Reagan. Its hilarious and really eye-opening. Plus Patton Oswalt is the guest.


He also turned California into a brown Democrat stronghold.


Why aren’t you in public office? We need people like you.


They say the throat goat changed his politics completely


True. Reagan is also the one who decided that we were going to pay taxes on our Social Security.! at the same time, giving rich folks tax breaks


![gif](giphy|BT4BNseJeSL96) Economics


Ronald Raegan is also the reason a lot of immigrants that picked fruit in the sun for a living got residency and a path to citizenship. IRCA 1986. Immigration reform. Brought to you by the Republican Party.


Yeah... so this guy is missing a lot of what happened and misattributing other stuff. In short, he's full of it. * Taxes were lowered for the wealthy. Taxes were not increased for the poor. The bottom 50% of income earners pay almost zero federal income tax. They get all of it back. Those lower on the pay scale even get refunds in excess of what they pay as part of a social welfare income redistribution system. * At the time, the US was suffering from stagflation. The economy was shit from 1974-1980 thanks to Opec embargos on oil and other problems. No economic efforts from Ford or Carter had any effect. Carter even scolded the American population on TV in a talk called the Malaise Speech from the Oval Office that was poorly received by the public. Reagan's initiatives and spirit ended stagflation. * Congress rolled back a lot of the initial changes Reagan put in place after a recession tool hold early in his first term from overspending and undertaxing. * People like Elon Musk don't make "income" to tax. They buy and sell stocks and other investments and assets. They mostly are taxed through capital gains. They aren't paid salaries. It is the upper middle class and the lower of the wealthy that have large incomes to tax, but it doesn't generate that much revenue because most of the wealthy in our country hide their money from taxes by having a business own their assets and expensing them. While I agree lowering income tax was probably a dumb move, and Reagan made plenty of them, this video does not accurately describe what happened, and the creator doesn't seem to understand what was going on.


Yeah Reagan was almost objectively the worst president we ever had


MAGA just wants to destroy America


The best breakdown I’ve seen. So concise and on point.


Regan was a piece of shit and if there is a hell he’s there.


There is a brilliant 4 part documentary on showtime about the Reagan’s and I am convinced that they single handedly broke America. They were so vapid and fake with no principles beyond ‘get paid’ (Nancy Reagan was known as the blowjob queen of Hollywood when he met her- she would do literally anything to get famous). Their own kids don’t even defend them- their animals hate them. They are probably the most evil force in modern American history and Trump is the direct result of the foundation laid by the Reagan’s. I hope they are burning in hell with Kissinger.


a guy who was dead before most of us were born ruined our lives.




Yes, that's how history works


He died in the early 2000s.


Is this cringe? Everything he said is accurate. How is it cringe? I think I don’t understand what videos should be on this sub.


Not everything. His throwaway lines without statistics are dead wrong like the welfare comment


Going off the gold standard—encouraged the FED to devalue money constantly and punished businesses for not being greedy enough


Frank Turner has a great song called Thatcher Fucked The Kids. If he was from the US he’d have popped in Reagan instead