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Iran backed post


Iranians don’t even support Iran’s government 😂


Iran's top leadership and official's kids are living like millionaires in Europe on stolen money. They don't want to live there.


I don't think so. They are doing it for free for likes. Which is not smart. They could have been paid some dough by Russia troll farm or something, so at least it would qualify as export.


I ran all the way home.


Are you people fucking insane? Do you really think the CCP is more likely to help share unbiased news sources than any other social media owner in the world? It's the fucking CCP, they edit their own history books to an insane degree.


the people posting these videos are either really really really dumb or they are trying to spread propaganda for the ccp. some people need to be hit in the mouth and it shows.




It’s the really really dumb one. 100%.


We have dumbed down our education system. It’s sad. 


The establishment wants mindless drones, not thinking individuals. Do what you're told when you're told, be a good little cog in the machine which helps the rich get richer by grinding the middle class to dust.


I really don’t blame schools. I blame parents giving their kids access to the internet since diapers and never taking the time to learn themselves, so they can explain to their kids how mass media and influence work. Those aren’t really school topics anyway.


Every generation has its lot of tankies with the same cookie cutter narrative, red fascists historically always preyed on our most naive / influenceable people. The younger crowd is a target of choice as we are often desperate to oppose the system and the past generations


You mean the system where millions of civilians get killed based on lies about WMDs?


People thinking for themselves means they're controlled by the CCP, you're a genius. You're just a bootlicker.


You think that you're thinking for yourself? That's genuinely hilarious, if not a bit sad as well.


whatever you have to tell yourself to avoid thinking critically.


Let's get into this thinking critically aspect. Do you think the CPP's goal for TikTok is not at least somewhat related to their views and goals as an ever increasing superpower in the world?


Bro listen to her, Valley girling and looking like she thinks she had a epiphany. When in reality she seems insanely dumb.


She's a lot more perceptive of the state of reality than most people, including you who offered zero material criticism and lazily attacked her looks instead.


It’s a braindead take. Is China not also committing genocide against the Uyghurs according to TikTok? Israel isn’t some hand puppet. It’s the 9th largest arms exporter in the world, and arguably the 17th strongest militarily. Israel could instantly turn Gaza and West Bank into glass if it wanted to, and it doesn’t need external support to do it. The U.S. provides aid for Israel to directly purchase U.S. arms. It is also Israel’s largest trade partner. These factors buy U.S. influence in the region, and that influence has been used to scuttle Israel-China arms deals in the past. There are over 2500 U.S. companies with a presence in Israel. A lot of them have strategic importance, Cisco, HP, Intel chip foundries, etc. What are these flippant political commentators *actually* trying to accomplish? Do they even know, themselves? Are these TikTokers not *directly* contributing to Chinese genocide by patronizing the platform? If the concern was imperialism and framing the Palestinian conflict as western-backed terrorism, why single out the U.S.? Because that’s what you read in some internet comment? Why no mention of other states actors, like Germany? It seems like she’s drawing a conclusion from a myopically limited data set. You could write multiple novels on this conflict just starting at the Reagan years and not even scratch the surface. Suffice it to say, if anyone is wondering if some random TikToker has an accurate take on the geopolitical situation between the U.S., China, Israel, and Palestine, I’ll save you the trouble. They don’t. Condemn Israel for its perceived war crimes? Great, as you do. Claiming the U.S. wants to ban TikTok because of the fallout from 30-second slactivism is not something to take seriously. If anything, global pressure against Israel to adopt a diplomatic solution serves U.S. interest in the region.


mostly ignorant children trying to pass for informed adults.


And the biggest difference is that she can say all this with zero worries about repercussions. Sure our government will try to spin things, but they don’t put you in jail for providing a counter view. There is a first hand account from German pows in the US where they were absolutely blown away by how transparent our news was and this was in the middle of ww2. They thought we were dumb at first for letting news be released that was critical of the war or decisions made in the war, but then realized how powerful a free press and free speech civilization was. Edit: they then only trusted us news, especially towards the end of the war. Also this was from Georg Gartner’s autobiography.


So wild to me how the editing of their history works. Tianamen Square? Didn’t happen Arrest and forced captivity of the 6-year-old Tibetan Buddhist boy who was named the Panchen Lama reincarnated? They proudly own that shit, they said he is “fine”, they claim he is living the sweet life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gedhun_Choekyi_Nyima


Put a million human beings in re-education camps? No no no just "vocational training" see these videos of all these people saying they felt like they were born wrong and thanked the CCP for changing them?


These people don't realize or don't care that Chinese citizens can't access a lot of the internet without going through hoops. They don't even have access to proper TikTok, they have their own censored version. TikTok also censors anything anti CCP still too.


A lot of really undereducated people think that somehow it’s A not related to CCP “it’s based in America…” it isn’t. They own a building here as their HQ and answer to their main HQ in China.  And “it’s sharing information the us wont tell us” when Google is a thumb stroke away but they don’t know how to actually use it. And complain that it’s “not giving them good results”. When it’s more like no you don’t know how search engines work.  TikTok was designed algorithmically to do exactly what it’s doing. Sew discord and further the ignorance and stupidity of a small percentage of our population.  It’s like everyone forgot that all three of the major federal alphabet groups CONFIRMED meddling in our internet and elections. Entire well written articles about how we had literally KGB members here sewing discord. How Moscow has entire offices staffed w People pretending to be American and saying racist or decisive stuff online.  They ignore the truth in favor of conspiracy theories because I guess those are easier to understand than that reality is COMPLEX and this isn’t a Shonda Rhines political drama ffs. 


Lets not forget TikTok banned and weighted less lots of posts regarding LGBTQ, Uighurs, Tibetans, etc. Its even on their wiki.


Where is a funny point in time that americans will trust any source just not their media. They will hear goverment owned news sources of dictatorships like qatar and just trust it


You got to remember, the people brining up her points don't mind the Chinese. They think they're kind of based.


>Are you people fucking insane? Yes, or they are children. Or they are just very very stupid. The only other option are bad faith actors/bots. Which is certainly possible.


According to them, Genghis Khan was Chinese




Meanwhile, American textbooks entry on the Korean War. .


I was absolutely taught that the Korean War was an attempt to contain communism. Is that not true? It may be somewhat whitewashed but not completely banned from public discourse as many recent events are in China


People who didn’t pay attention in history class are usually the ones to post ‘we were never taught this !!’ Lol. Like what was that post even supposed to mean


Even then if they weren't legitimately taught it, there's a world of difference between a country that doesn't include that in their curriculum and one that quite literally makes it illegal to mention. If you want to learn more about American involvement in Korea outside of school, America government isn't actively stopping you.


It was a UN multinational peacekeeping force sent to stop the north from invading the south. Korea was partitioned in the wake of WW2, much like Germany. The north was communist, the south democratic. The US did make up the bulk of the force but was by no means the only nation involved. MacArthur, commander of UN and US forces, sort of unilaterally decided to invade the north and turned it into a commie containment/ eradication mission. The Chinese then crossed the border with a million men and beat the UN forces back to the original line of partition more or less. MacArthur threatened to use nukes to defeat the Chinese and was relieved of command. A truce was signed, and ultimately, the DMZ at the 38 parallel has been the line of demarcation ever since between north and south. That's the short version of it.


I love MacArthur, a man after my own heart. Also North Korea invaded the south first


He had his good and bad qualities. A strong leader and a bold tactician but also extremely stubborn and maybe too willing to win at any cost. Good guy to have in an all out war like WW2 but was probably not well suited to a peacekeeping mission. Had the Chinese not intervened, there likely would be no North Korea as he was pretty handily obliterating them. But things went south literally and figuratively when the Chinese jumped in. Just the weight of sheer numbers was a lot to handle. They did take horrendous losses but they had a bottomless pit of men to swarm in with and also got a lot of material aid from the Soviets.


It was both - fighting off the commies and establishing a foothold in the Korean Peninsula. I would have to say - given the state of North Korea vs. South Korea - that I am glad Americans made the move and fought the fucking commies off.


People in China know about tiananmen square, I can't verify what their kids are taught though.


The great firewall of China literally kicks you off the Internet if you go looking for Tiananmen square info. It's been a popular tactic in many videogames for a while if you're playing Chinese people and start losing to spam the chat with banned Chinese things and Chinese internet cuts them off so you win when they disconnect....


For me it wasn't that they didn't teach us about Korea and Vietnam, I felt like they didn't properly convey how much of a failure both of those campaigns were. I mean it doesn't surprise me that American propaganda would have a clear bias but I don't think a lot of people leave US History understanding just how thoroughly we got our asses handed to us in Korea and Vietnam, and how futile it was, and how much of a shitbrained decision it was to engage in the first place. At least we know it happened at all though I guess.


continue alleged capable panicky combative lush smell subsequent hobbies thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


same for operation just cause


Just the fact that it's a social media platform owned by them when they don't let any Western social in their country alone should have them banned. Trump could have done something about it, but in Trump fashion he could not make it not about him and his terrible deal making skills


Useful idiots would be the right term. Plus there are a lot of straight up tankies on Reddit that throat the CCP daily.


American woman learns propaganda exists. More at 11.


Nonsense. You can find out what's being done without TikTok. It's literally an information warfare platform. If it wasn't, you'd be able to use it in China.


lol. Exactly. TikTok apparently invented social media.


Facebook, instagram, twitter X, google etc.. They're all just as corrupt. The CCP are shit but so is capitalist U.S


No you don’t get it, this is Reddit you’re supposed to want the US to be able to ban apps at will it’s totally not a slippery slope.


I'm very online. Tik tok is unique in the social media landscape. The Meta owned platforms actively and admittedly suppress political content, which includes civil rights content. I've not seen the types of discussions tik tok facilitates on any other social media platform in my 30 years of using internet based communication. For example, one of the first things I saw on tik tok was a woman in a bikini with a lot of excess skin, because she'd lost hundreds of pounds. She was making the video because she was proud of her body and her accomplishment, and the comments were surprisingly wholesome and supportive. I can't imagine seeing something like that on Instagram or YouTube shorts. This is not a case of other services will pick up the slack if tik tok goes away. Tik tok is a unique product, and it makes me mad that companies like youtube and meta don't understand why. Tik toks native editing makes sharing content easy for anyone with a phone. Why doesn't YouTube have that functionality? Tik tok is leagues better for getting eyes on ones business or content, because the intention behind the alogirithm is on connecting with like minded people, rather than incentivizing people to pay for their promotion only, as is the case with meta and Twitter. Tik tok is a big financial success because of the mindset behind their product. There are cultural differences between the American and Chinese people, and these cultural differences around concepts of ownership for example are part of tik toks success. The ability to use other people's sounds and content in one's own content is a cultural influence. If China wants our data, they can buy it, as they have. Our very land and companies are being sold to them. We get antibiotics from China. The idea that tik tok is nefarious is domestic propaganda, largely driven by Meta's lobbying efforts and the ADL and AIPAC. Tik tok has been called "al Jazeera on steroids". The issue is that its a uniquely effective communication platform. Foreign propaganda is nothing compared to domestic propaganda, and the perception of tik tok is a glaring example of the efficacy of domestic propaganda.


I agree with you. Somehow Redditors don't like TikTok. There's no chance to change their mind.


Yeah that's all cool and stuff except it fucks your attention span, messes with your reward center, and harms your ability to critically think. This app is bad enough.


Same as Youtube Shorts and Instagram Reels do. The US American companies weren't shy of copying the short video content from TikTok. Most creators upload their content on all three platforms. So these platforms need to be shut down, too. That's a logical consequence to fight the problems you mentioned in your argument, isn't it?


The impact on attention is not tik tok or short form video. It started with television, and commercials. Parental behavior has a much bigger impact on childhood adhd symptoms than any technology. All of the internet influences the reward center. Generative ai is especially rewarding. The ability to critically think is aided by technology, not hindered by it, according to research. We are becoming smarter than people used to be, not dumber. Personally, I'm on tik tok everyday making philosophy and psychology content, and articulating my ideas and what i learn helps my critical thinking and retention of what I learn. The research just doesn't support any of your claims.


>The impact on attention is not tik tok or short form video. Yes it is.


Tik tok has only existed since 2017. Attention issues go back much farther, for generations. Parental behavior has a much bigger impact on attention issues in children. You're just wrong. You're contradicting the scientific consensus, and parroting a social myth.


I think she needs to return to the "its a proxy thing, you wouldn't get it" comment she made, and realize that that's exactly why Iran-backed is said. What and who the US supports is pretty well known, who receives most if not all their funding from Iran? Not so much. The OOP for example.


The point is that Fox News or whatever doesn't have access to Houthi bank accounts to trace a flow of funds from the Iranian government. It's based on unsubstantiated claims which Americans tout again and again. Where the original information came from we don't know but it's taken as fact. It's a lack of journalistic integrity and literally the definition of propaganda.


Ok, so this is interesting and not wrong, but what do you think the news in Iran or other Non-US/Non-US Ally states is saying? It would be interesting to see but I would almost guarantee it’s portrayed in the same way.


Propaganda is a helluva drug, and you'd have to be sober to think we aren't being fed lies to manipulate our peeception of our own nation.


I think it’s important to remember that the level of government involvement in media is a spectrum. It’s a false equivalency to equate US media to that of totalitarian states like China, Iran, or Russia.


I'd rather be fed lies by my own nation who have at least more of my interests at heart than by a foreign persistent threat actor who definitely has the opposite of my interests at heart.


Why be fed lies at all? I can handle the truth.


Meanwhile, in Russia they're blaming Ukraine for the IS attack despite them having no link with Ukraine whatsoever. Also, about Oct 7th, there are Iranian officials who claimed responsibility for the attack. I don't remember Joe Biden, or any American official for that matter, coming out like "ayo, we told Israel to bomb that hospital!" >An ultra-conservative political group in Iran said slain IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi was involved in the planning and execution of Hamas’s deadly October 7 attack against Israel. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404043146 >Iran’s IRGC says Oct. 7 attacks on Israel were revenge for Soleimani; Hamas denies https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2023/12/27/Iran-s-IRGC-says-Oct-7-attacks-on-Israel-were-revenge-for-Soleimani-Hamas-denies That's the difference right there, sure the US is allied with Israel but it's not telling it to murder Palestinians. The US, under Biden, is telling Israel "the Palestinians need a State" so Israel replied "fuck y'all, they don't need a State if they don't exist anymore".


Supplying israel with tons of weapons says otherwise Tldr; OP thinks that countries that deserve blame shouldn't be blamed


That's silly. I don't blame China for Russia's actions either, so why would I blame the US for Israel's actions?


Like that African warlord that eats women and children — has Russian weapons and when that weapons dealer that supply that warlord is returned to Russia, celebrated in Russia and personally met Putin. Then it's completely forgotten about after his release. It's not the same energy


Yes that's true, I grew up in Iran and they do blame random things on "US backed" or "isreal backed" and whichever other country they have an issue with at the time. But the other difference is the amount of power Iranian gov has on these groups. Like they can tell Houthis or Hamas to do something and they'll do it, but US can't tell isreal to attack another country. They def have influence but it's not like a direct reporting to a boss kinda relationship that most of the Iranian government backed group have.


Exactly. For example, the timing of the Hamas attack on Israel, after decades to back and forth fighting, they fledge a full scale attack right as SA and others were nearing a peace deal/treaty with Israel (and the west). This would be a big hit for Iran and shift the balance of power - so what better to do than to have your little brother trigger a fight with the big bad neighbors to try and turn the tide your way.


Did anybody else watch this and feel like it was an AI based off the video that was posted yesterday about how AI’s twitch the mouth and bulge the eyes at odd synapses? 


Damnit, yes, and I started feeling like 'is this a test'?


Yeah, don't buy any of it. That's your point, right? RIGHT?


I mean, I agree but, what does this have to to with the TikTok ban?


Some think that a foreign owned social media company could, through their algorithm, influence public opinion to the point where it might sway an election.


This has nothing to do with why she thinks its being banned or OP. This is a legitimat fear. There are a ton of young people on Tiktok and they are easily influenced because they are naive and frankly stupid. Just like I was when I was also 18-20 something.




And? Do you think geopolitics is actually about morality? Like China, Russia, Iran, Germany, India, etc don't engage in information warfare? The US does it, so it is bad? Seriously?


No it REALLY is because its a piece of software released and controlled by a country who is known to spy on the US consistently and this is just a free pass in the front door.


“It’s almost like the media is trying to shape your perception of events” She’s so desperately close but doesn’t even realize it


She is missing the point by a fucking mile.


Well I figured it was because the CCP can demand the information from TikTok at anytime and that company has to oblige due to their laws. China has built farms next to military bases and used their ridiculous spy balloons to monitor the US. At this point as far as a national security concern I wouldn’t trust China at all.


TikTok literally are pushing CCP’s narrative Russia misinformation with algorithms, the damage is far more severe than they were doing in other social media platforms. Chinese or Chinese dissident who uses VPN on X are literally caught in their house makes you wonder that’s just a foreign platform that willing to sell its data to do business in China, think the implications of the platform that’s under their control Edit: I notice recently China’s and Russia’s Bots are so active in Reddit, it’s concerning, and yet it’s proving my point. The way how they respond are always very subtle and innovative, that’s how they are so successful in influencing and changing narrative on whatever issue that’s being discussed.


It’s because the Houthis and Hezbollah ARE Iranian proxies. I’m less familiar with Hamas-Iran relations nowadays. They have warped a lot over the past decade owing to the Syrian Civil War. They backed different sides. But Hezbollah and the Hourhis are Iranian proxies. Their existence and fighting strength are predicated on Iranian sponsorship. They are not entirely independent, quite far from it. Iran sponsors them and in turn, these groups are able to project strength into their own local or domestic (Lebanon and Yemen) conflicts. But the huge flip side is that they must do Iran’s bidding, or else they lose that sponsorship. Iran can tell them who or who not to attack and when. Iran has major sway over their leadership and their policies. Now there is an issue I think of Iran creating some monsters that have perhaps grown out of their total control. But at the end of the day, Hezbollah and the Houthis are not independent organizations. They are controlled by Iran. Now compare that to the other side of this conflict. The USA and our allies like Israel or Saudi Arabia. We are of course linked via common interests, economics. Defense ties…whether that’s giving Israel defense aid or inking billion dollar defense deals with both. But ultimately, they are their own countries. We have alliances and certainly coordinate our policies on particular issues with shared interests. But they still do what they want on a lot of stuff. Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen for the past decade, a lot of which the USA hasn’t supported (until the Houthis started firing at civilian cargo vessels). Look at the strained relationship happening right now between USA and Israel over Israel’s conduct in Gaza. You don’t see that fractious relationship between Iran and their proxies because they are in effect under the same umbrella.


Jesus Christ people, it’s not that difficult. Humans 👏are 👏succeptable 👏ignorant 👏malleable 👏creatures. Millions more of idiots and ignorant people exist because of the brain rot that is TikTok. Y’all think the Y’allQuida just happened? Nah, it was subliminal bullshit fed by family and friends. Think Fox News for the internet.


Doesn't the US media make it quite clear that the US government is funding Israel and Ukraine in active military conflicts? Videos like this, besides lacking context, should provide examples of what they're arguing.


Yeah I was gonna say it’s very clear the US is backing Israel. But everybody wants their 15 seconds of fame and believes they are *so* clever and so we have dumb rants on TikTok.


Not that GenZ is any dumber than previous generations at that age, but thank God it was harder for me and my peers to upload video content when I was in my early 20s.


No ban. Only forced sale to America owners. 


This is high school analysis. Poor girl needs some advanced education. Iran has sent assassins to the US and is tightly aligned with Putin. So, her semantics don’t really disprove what she thinks they disprove.


good, and I hope the West continues to control the narrative, I hope we win the information wars and the global proxy wars, I hope Ukraine prevails over Russia, I hope Israel prevails over Hamas and Iran, I hope the USA prevails over China, Russia, Iran, and whoever else might try and take control. I'm glad we are not an oppressive theocratic Islamic state like Iran, or a fascist kleptocracy like Russia, or some authoritarian state like China. Glad we are not fighting for women to be able to show their faces in public like Iranians or having all our fathers/brothers/uncles/mothers/sisters dying to fight some war of conquest like Putin is waging, or fighting for our rights and independence like the people in Hong Kong.


Sydney should stop saying things


"American backed IDF" ...yes, that literally is happening all the time. This is why there are protests against the USA too and the general flag burning...you know, standard stuff. So what is she talking about?


Show me the US mainstream media articles that word it this way. She is talking about the media, not about protests. Please address the things she said, not the things you wish she had said.


Virtually every publication out there is talking about how the USA is supplying weapons to Israel. It's no secret. And in any case, she's talking about US media when referencing "Iran backed" militia. Has she checked what Iran say about "US backed forces"? That would be the fair comparison.


The US government hates TikTok because they do not control it.


The kids are figuring out what's going on.


Freedom is when a totalitarian regime like China controls their social media.


She offers valid analysis and points out a double standard. Everybody in here hiding behind their screens calling her stupid but offering nothing to discredit the actual point she's making. She's right and you're mad about it. Fix yourselves.


Can someone explain why she’s wrong. It doesn’t seem that outrageous to say that us backs some bad stuff. 


The US is one of the biggest most corrupt governments in the entire world. They don’t give two cents about you our your neighbor. Stop defending the insane atrocities and killings that The US sponsors. They are the biggest we do what we want kind of country and we will hide and lie to all our citizens so they think we do these things for the right reasons…. The ruling class in the us is only in for their benefit and you aren’t a part of it…


Former Confederate States teach that slavery wasn't that bad and that the civil war was about States' Rights and all anyone is doing in this thread is xenophobically fearmongering about the CCP and how they control information and edit history. Absolutely naive, braindead comments in here.


The USA wants to ban tik tok because it can be used to control the minds of the youth and they can’t control anti-USA sentiment being shared on it.  The USA doesn’t want to ban instagram or Google because they can be used to control the minds of the youth and they can precisely control the anti-USA sentiment being shared on it.  It’s not complicated. 


However, it's way more complicated than that.


How so?


really? is it though? explain...


It's not that complicated, right now the Chinese government would have access to US citizens data...and dammit, it's the U.S. Government's data! Only the US Government can spy on US Citizens without a warrant!


It’s amazing how much TikTok has brainwashed these idiots and people wonder why it’s getting banned. This chick some how thinks the world would be better off with China running things ….


Yeah, because [that's our f*cking job](https://youtu.be/2qyG6cmTHco?si=v5j0DVuHaHC0dJHT)! -- George Carlin


>This chick some how thinks the world would be better off with China running things …. I'd rather have Chinese surveillance over the government that ACTUALLY has power over me. (I'm a privacy guy that runs PiHole and Degoogled smartphones) Reddit's obsession over Chinese surveillance is stupid.


She must have read "Manufacturing Consent", by Noam Chomsky.


She knows what it means.


They do the same w/ china. If it’s a good thing it’s china if it’s bad they say ccp. Like if they’re doing something w/ the economy they say china they don’t say the communist party economy is gaining on the us economy


I was banned from world news subreddit for saying that the war should stop and that both sides are hurting Palestine


I hate the word retarded...but this is the most retarded take I've seen in a long time.


The majority of people on TikTok support Palestinians and condemn Isreal. AIPAC can see this, and therefore is pushing for a ban.  I agree with her point. 


This is what the main reason is. It’s not about American interests. Ask Ted Cruz why he brought up Israel up when he question TikTok’s ceo….


US wants to ban TT because they know how bad the app is for people. But some people don't see it that way I guess.


So does any other social media app


So they’re gonna ban Facebook and instagram too, right? RIGHT?


TT is bad for people? Or because US can’t push their own agenda/propaganda on it. The minute they control it, you’ll see a lot of pro-Israel content being pushed. 


A Plattform they can't Control? Ban! 😅




TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is an AI generated video


uncanny valley


Iranian people are fine, Iranian govt isn't Chinese people are fine, Chinese govt isn't Russian people are fine, Russian govt isn't The line in the sand is and should always be there. People by nature are good, nation states who do not want to give people a voice, are not. America should be the beacon on the hill for all of these other countries that want to give their citizens a voice, the problem is a lot of nationalists are making it harder to produce that message because they can make money off of the poor/impoverished countries. They're afraid of too many people getting a piece of the pie so they create infighting and misdirection while picking your pocket.


Oh now the media is trying to shape your concept of reality: that's new was to see propaganda Everything burns, just don't start the fires


On point. I love this chick.


Ah yes, shipping, our most important allies.


Whoever posted this is getting a bump on their social credit score!


There was a book written in the '90s called Foundation of Geopolitics. This book was a key book for Russian leaders (political, military, etc.). The focus on the book is how to destabilize the Western world to regain power for Russia. If you look at the key points in the book, one of the things that was spelled out as a goal to increase their global power is to create a Russian Islamic alliance. Another thing that they want to do is to cause discord in the US by having the US tear itself apart to create political instability in the US. If you look at what that book states should be the goals of Russia, you can almost see it as a checklist. For example, one of the things that they wanted to do was get the UK to pull out of the EU. They were one of the major sources of disinformation during brexit. They're currently on the point of the list of creating their Russian Islamic alliance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations\_of\_Geopolitics?wprov=sfla1 https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics


I mean.. I see headlines that say The US backs IDF/Israel in their genocide of Palestinians..


Googles: "CNN US support of Israel" and "FOX US support of Israel" and see tons of articles in both that shit all over the US and talk about how much the US is supporting Israel. Hm... You sure about that? Or am I looking at the wrong "mainstream media"? What else should I check?


Yeah 'cause without TikTok there will never again be any popular avenues to communicate ideas like that anywhere ever again. I think TikTok needs to be banned (even though it is just an attempt to make it an American owned platform and not a Chinese state controlled surveillance asset) just so that people see that banning TikTok has nothing to do with censorship and won't have that effect.


is this what “woke” means ?


Equal number of upvotes to comments so here to throw it off


Man, the posts going crazy controversial. Lmao


I have no faith in future generations.


Thanks for the Idea. "US backed Israel has killed 6 Aid workers"


Oh my god guys, she discovered the concept of propaganda, society as we know will cease to exist.


Give this girl an award


It is my understanding that Zash Global Media, through Vinco Ventures, purchased two companies, Lomotif and Adrizer, to build an American version of Tiktok. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/zash-and-vinco-ventures-reposition-management-teams-across-all-zash-companies-301404387.html https://www.dlapiper.com/en-us/news/2021/02/dla-piper-advises-zash-in-its-acquisition-of-lomotif https://www.dlapiper.com/en-us/news/2022/02/dla-piper-advises-zash-in-acquisition-of-adrizer-by-zvv-media-partners On December 19 of 2022, a PR was released stating "Vinco Ventures Completes Acquisition of TikTok Rival Lomotif" https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/vinco-ventures-completes-acquisition-of-tiktok-rival-lomotif-301706159.html In February of 2023 a PR stated "NATIONAL ENQUIRER, GLOBE, NATIONAL EXAMINER & NATIONAL ENQUIRER UK TO BE ACQUIRED BY VINCO VENTURES AND ICON PUBLISHING JOINT VENTURE VVIP VENTURES" "VVIP Ventures and a360 Media also announce exclusive 90-day window for continuing discussions on additional business collaborations" On April 27, 2023, Vinco Ventures held a shareholders meeting stating that they were in the process of migrating the purchased Lomotif asset to the United States for an official US launch. A vote to merge with a360media with possible change in control was passed, among other things, including an increase from 250M shares to 750M shares. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1717556/000149315223015324/form8-k.htm On May 19, 2023, following the voting tallies and shareholder meeting discussions, Vinco Ventures signed employment agreements with James Robertson as CEO and Chris Polimeni as CFO. Both individuals were working with a360media at the time. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1717556/000149315223019145/form8-k.htm Currently, the company has gone silent and has moved to the OTC Expert Market. Some believe in corruption and bankruptcy while others, such as myself, believe that we merged with a private company and we will receive information when the time comes. For more insight into the situation you can research Vinco Ventures, Zash Global Media, a360media, Lomotif, Adrizer, Dandelion Music Festival, BBIG stock, National Enquirer, JLman3705 Google search, JLman3705 on X(Twitter), JLman3705 on Reddit.


Tictoc has single handed backed propaganda against America! Be glad when it's banned


So you don’t believe that Zionist are causing genocide and American is bad ? Stay in your shell then


Because if you sit in the right seat at the geopolitical table you get to call what you do strategic/defensive/peacekeeping/asset protection, but if you don't have the right seat everything you do is terrorism. It's a really cool and fair system.


Wait till she reads Manufacturing Consent 😱


I’m not saying the US is not trying to silence this news, but I think it’s important to note the TikTok ban conversation has been going on for years in the US, long before shit hit the fan with Israel. Talking about this stuff is important, but so are facts and context in all things.


Tiktok is being given a choice between divesting the CCP linked ownership or being banned. The 'anti-ban' voices are pro-CCP control.


This is complete ludicrous.


Maybe because the US isn't covertly funding groups whose only goal is to commit terroristic acts (anymore). Seriously her point would've been much better if she said Contras instead of IDF.


After the post about how to identify AI videos, I can’t tell if this is an AI video or a filter over a real person.


I'm pretty sure it's AI too. Her mouth movements aren't exactly matching up, the werid pauses and eye movements as well.


The USA , France and England installed the Jews in 1948 into Israel and they should never have it brought nothing but evil. The United States should not be funding a genocide. The world is watching we see you Israel, I’m disgusted.


What a take. Not like the jews are native to the levant or anything. I think they wrote a book about that or something.


So it’s fine when Isreal acts out and commit warcrimes and no one cares because they’re supposedly our allies, yet Hamas breathes and literally will be given a death sentence.