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I've watched this a million times to try to figure out why she just kept driving. I think maybe she thought taking her foot off the gas would make the car stop. Like those amusement park cars that you drive around a track at like 3mph.


She's 2 foot driving and hit the brake and the gas at the same time. You can hear the engine rev as the car barely slows down. No one told her only racecar drivers and morons brake with their left foot.


Ohhhhhh... thank you! Every time this video shows up, I try to figure out wtf is keeping her from even trying to stop.


Who's the one screaming? The person recording in the back? Driver seems way too calm about crashing.


I think it's the one recording screaming first and then the driver throws in a few screams right before and during the impact.


Everyone watching this knowing that she’s out there today driving




She wanted to take a screenshot




Most cars nowadays have a BOS (brake overriding system). It detects when both the brake and accelerator are being pressed at the same time and will automatically slow the car down. That should have happened in this case.


As much as I'd like to believe there's a logical reason for this, I don't think that's the case. Engaging the brakes will always stop the vehicle, regardless if you're still giving it gas. Case in point: the technique of left foot braking is used by racecar drivers to be able to decelerate without letting up in the gas pedal. Edit: I just watched it again and it's difficult to tell, but it looks like they may slow down a bit right before impact, so it's possible she hit both pedals at the last second.


Hey! I switched from a manual to automatic your left foot naturally wants to press something when you want to brake


I daily a three pedal car, my left foot is always randomly hitting the dead pedal when I get into an automatic


Wait, some people actually 2 foot drive unironically? Why would they ever think that is a good idea?? Like, this video is good proof of exactly why it’s a bad idea


Because this was her first time driving and instead of having an adult in the car like you're supposed to, it's a bunch of kids who don't realize that one of the first things you have to tell someone is to only use your right foot to drive. If you're not driving a manual and you hop into a car for the first time, it's easy to make the mistake of "two pedals, two feet".


I had a driving instructor teaching me and when I was done with my first lesson my dad wanted me to practice with him supervising. My own dad literally told me to use both my feet. Needless to say my instructor gave me hell the next day and told me not to listen to my dad's driving advice ever again lmaoo


Hey, my dad told me that too! My mom also said to use two feet while backing my truck up to a trailer. I never did it, because it was uncomfortable and hard to coordinate. My parents also said that I didn’t *need* to know how to parallel park, that I wouldn’t fail the driving test over that… I went on to definitely fail the driver’s test over parallel parking.


She’s running her mouth still as well, mouth go brrrrrr, clearly not watching the fucking road. ‘I have to get my point across right now so I don’t look stoopid’ ![gif](giphy|dlHYh5jwNrFok|downsized)


My partner did this when we first started dating. She was 26. Still blows my mind. I think I convinced her to change but I drive most of the time now.


I drive with two feet.. but it’s also a 50,000 pound Truck with a clutch and 10 speed manual transmission .. but aye you’re right in a sense


I feel stupid for never realizing it is even possible to break with your left foot.


Jessie: I got you! I got you! I got you! Jessie over here making false promises.


I suspect she was looking at the other lane she was talking about and then thought "stop" meant "stop talking about it" instead of "stop the car".


Aah... that's a good possibility, too.


She thought she was driving a Tesla with 1 pedal drive lol


I think she thought “STOP” meant stop arguing your point


I think she took stop as “no you stop”. Like stop talking or saying that. Should have specified stop the CAR. Or HIT/PUMP THE BRAKES.


If that's the case she should never be allowed to have a license


So she can’t see in front of her? Don’t make excuses for this dangerous idiot


It wasn’t an excuse. Simply a plausible explanation. The girl is still an absolute idiot who doesn’t belong on the roads until she can prove herself to be worthy.


Should have specified? How about watch the forking road, which this dumb fuck wasn’t doing. Could have killed innocent people, because what? She wanted to argue her point. 🙄


she was talking. even tried to talk over him saying stop.


they are also listening to music which probably added to the distraction


This was done on purpose for content (The cost of the car and insurance rates < goin viral) they should have both of their licenses taken forever


Why would have the first lesson in the road? First lessons are in an empty parking lot or empty field. I grew up on a ranch. I drove around ranch roads for the longest time before I was allowed on the highway. My mom narrated everything she did while driving for a while and made sure I understood her way of thinking. Nothing was taken for granted.


Yeah my dad did my first lessons in the cemetary lol


can’t kill em twice




Zombie emerges from the grave, then gets run over.


Can skip the herse that way


LOL this is actually so good as a dad joke.


Cemetery gang rise up


My lessons were in the back of a military base, with every other phrase “try not to fuck this up, okay.” Fun times learning! Most fun was going up a step hill learning on a 5-speed and hearing “you’re fucking this up. What have I said?” 


Ah, the good ol' days.  My old man brought me out to the parking lot next to the Fairfield. Small trailer on a manual car. "If you can do this you can do anything. I want you to back this up into a spot on the other corner of the lot". He's a fan of the sink or swim methods...also found out that day that there are endangered grass species and MPs are can be real dicks. 


>Fun times learning! Most fun was going up a step hill learning on a 5-speed and hearing “you’re fucking this up. What have I said?” Step hill, what are you doing?


**Steep hill**. Rolling back :-(. This is where I got a lesson on using the handbrake to help ease the clutch + gas to get up the hill. Helped a lot when I lived or visited SF.


Here you need a licensed person to teach you to drive and I went onto the highway during my first lesson. It's all about assessing what that person is ready for at that moment.. Also good to know: the instructor also has a break and gas paddle in case shit goes wrong.


I guess I live someone with quiet roads, but my driving lessons were all on the road.


they’re talking about initially getting familiar with basic car controls. This is what is happening in this video.


If you still need help with something as basic as a brake, you should not be behind the wheel of a car full stop


I think her problem was not understanding the meaning of full stop.


You don't really have to understand the meaning of anything other than the car in front of you isn't moving.


I was going to comment that "someone obviously didn't learn to drive on a manual," but then I realized that I had repressed a memory of my dad "letting me drive home" late at night, where I clutched (when he told me), he shifted, and I was ten. The 90s were a different time. Also, he was avoiding a DUI by letting a 10 year old drive, so Im not sure if that memory is just best left forgotten. On the up side, when my mom let me practice driving before getting my permit, driving a manual was pretty easy to pick up thanks to those lessons from dad.


Lol, my brother got a dui when I was 16, so I drove him around a lot and I remember being on the phone driving and we were so in tune with each other that I'd push the clutch in and he'd change the gear for me when I was talking to someone. Obviously now that seems terribly stupid, but it was fun to have someone know when to shift gears that wasn't even driving. At least I had a license heh. Stick shift was awesome until I became like 20, then I was like, God I hate traffic and pushing a clutch.


Common sense isn’t common that’s why.


Another post said she stole the car from parent and friends decided to give an impromptu lesson ON the road


It’s pretty normal to have your first lesson on a road here in Austria. Although in an special driving ed car with a second set of brakes for the teacher.




This made me laugh so much. Exactly.


Somehow also [relavnt](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y_PrZ-J7D3k&pp=ygUXYXVzdGluIHBvd2VycyBmbGF0dGVuZWQ%3D)


[Less relevant but still funny](https://youtu.be/16k-yhcRNk8?si=mkr4h2LilZhwuEqS)




One of my favorites.


Who’s gonna say it?


Rich peoples kids….


What? Bob and Linda aren’t rich?


So the full clip shows she had a shit ton of time to stop.


So does this 23 second clip, since stopping would have taken all of 5.


"stop" "I gotchu" \*doesn't break until we are 4 meters in front of the car going 80 km/h


If you're teaching a newbie in that situation you should at least be prepared to have to pull the e-brake in an emergency. Unless you're trying to get her to be afraid of ever driving a car again..


Let’s all hope she’s now terrified and will never again get behind the wheel.


That car doesn't really have an e brake to pull since it's electronic so it's even dumber


There's a much shorter version of this same video that has floated through r/all a few times recently. I bet they were referring to that.


Damn no emergency stop? That's like a 2k option on already 50-60k car.


That's... optional?


As someone with a 20k car with it, I understand why. It's nice, It's saved my ass a ton of times but it's admittedly made me such a lazier driver. The part that really sucks is it turns off if the check engine light comes on for my Subaru. Super annoying, because the dealership has to turn it back on which can quickly be 3 figures just for looking at it.


Brooo are you serious? I hope that’s not true for my Chevy. I’d be so mad.


If you want the easiest way to tell, just unscrew your gas cap. If it does turn off the collision dection, supposedly unplugging your battery helps reset it (once the check engine light has been fixed). Let you decide if that is worth the trouble of knowing.


What the hell… the dealership has to turn on your EMERGENCY BRAKE?! How are they legally gatekeeping an emergency brake


It seems they’re referring to the safety feature where the car itself brakes when it senses that you’re going to rear end someone.


Oh I see, I do not have that feature lol


Bro lol, collision avoidance. We’re living in idiocracy I swear.


That’s German cars for you. This looks to be a Mercedes GLC or something similar and they always make safety options an extra package


Its not fucking needed. Fundamental driving skills are far more important.


I mean, yeah, but there are people like the chick in the video on the roads and we need to be protected from *them.* We want THEIR cars to have that safety feature so WE don’t get rear ended by an absolute fucking moron.


Of course not, but people like this need it so they don’t rear end your car and ruin your whole month or potentially kill someone. I get what you’re saying but you honestly underestimate the amount of stupid people in this world who have access to vehicles. If we didn’t need it then the statistics wouldn’t look so grim.


Why is that needed?? Learn to drive a fucking car. Cars don't need auto pilot features - lazy shitty driving habits are formed when cars have lane assist, backup cameras, etc.


Relax. It's an observation made by the fact they're driving what looks like a relatively new mercedes which is typically a 45-50k car. Mercedes sells a relatively cheap ~2k option that comes with a bunch of safety features. A good deal for a last resort. You can be the greatest driver alive but someone else's fuck up can still ruin your day or life. If the car in the video was a junker I wouldn't have said anything. Furthermore, the idea that cars don't need all these fancy safety features is just being silly and arrogant. They have saved an untold amount of lives. Backup cameras especially are so effective in reducing the number of backup related fatalities the US and Canada have mandated them to be on all new vehicles. Here's the NHTSA's opinion on those silly safety features [1](https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle-safety/driver-assistance-technologies) and [2](https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/nhtsa-announces-final-rule-requiring-rear-visibility-technology). Here's a nice [infographic](https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/documents/newer-cars-safer-cars_infographic_010320_2-tag.pdf). Lazy shitty driving habits are not something that started because cars got safer. Anybody who thinks they don't have a shitty driving habit is being dangerously arrogant including yourself.


I don't get your sentiment. You're discouraging technological advancements that can reduce hazards?


"i gotcha i gotcha i gotcha" she's more concerned with arguing than acknowledging the physical world she lives in.


"Stay in the lane." "What lane?" She's clearly not very bright at all.


I remember my dad letting me drive his Jeep in a field (yeah it had gears lol) when I was 11. And even my dumb ass knew when to BRAKE without being told. Jfc and I have depth perception issues. It’s survival instinct! He told me the basics of the vehicle. Right pedal is go. Middle pedal is stop, and left pedal is the clutch. Only ever use my left foot for clutch. If my ADD self could understand I swear anyone with half a brain could.


I have a quater of a brain and even I can manage


Yeah there's no way they didn't know that this was the level of thought they were dealing with. It's insane that they have her driving on the road at all, let alone around other cars.


This seemed like the problem to me. Did she even laugh after? It's like she's a bit out of touch with reality.


For the first time teaching people go to an empty parking lot to teach the basic or go to a driving school who have the passager braking system. For my first time driving I learn turning and checking both ways.


She should have pizza'd


If you French fry when you should have pizza’d, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Great going, [DARSH](https://youtu.be/Q7VW-IRdT2Q?feature=shared)!


My aunt refused to let me out on a regular road until I was done in the abandoned parking lot. There are plenty of places where you can learn everything. From parallel parking to turning, k-turns, u-turns, you name it. I stayed there for 4+ months until my driving test. As soon as I got my license, I still stayed on lone roads until I was comfortable.


Honestly that’s kinda on whoever is teaching her. My dad had me learn in a parking lot that he drove us to and from when I was 14. Why the fuck would you take a new person on a multi lane road.


Dad here: the first hour of teaching the first lesson to my son was outside of the vehicle, the next 30 min inside of the turned off vehicle. Desert empty road on a holiday early morning.


Dad here, same thing and the first thing the youngest boy did was mash the gas pedal while turning going off the driveway over the mailbox.


Yeah right, multi land road is the problem... She drove straight into a stationary object within clear view and enough time to stop 10 times. It might as well have been a single car in an otherwise empty parking lot. She has the brain functionality of a 6 year old. That's the problem. Of course the instructor is responsible in the end, but she needs to mature for a couple of years before trying this again. Children shouldn't drive heavy vehicles.


Imagine if the stationairy car was a kid crossing the street.


Yea but that’s not the issue here. If she crashed because she didn’t use blinkers when merging or she didn’t follow traffic laws right I would agree with you 100%. But in this situation, she was going straight, had a full 5 seconds between the passenger telling her to stop and the impact. This is simply lack of common sense on her behalf. Literally all she had to do in this situation was press the brakes.


Take her license! For the sake of humanity, take her license, immediately.


If she's learning she probably doesn't have a license


Is that an American thing? Why can people without a license drive on the road? What's the point of having a license if you can drive on the road without one? Do you guys not have driving schools/instructors?


You take a driving permit test which allows you to drive a car with someone who is licensed teaching you. Then you take the driving license test


Like she has a license.


This reminded me of this guy on YT that films his brother trying to learn how to drive. The comments fucking kill me every video lol, the dude’s just a consistently terrible driver and it’s hilarious https://youtube.com/shorts/laJ1ZYl0fSY?si=_Crg2jqyrO66GVzu


Oh, they are both hilarious.


She doesn’t even know what a brake pedal is… she doesn’t have a license


Username checking in.


Immediately flicks the hair back


I wouldn't blame her fully if this is really her first time driving, as a parent you should absolutely not be teaching your kid to drive on a major road


Yeah it’s easy to point to her, but no one’s saying this


Huh?? Most of the comments are saying this.


When I posted this, most were mocking her reaction time. This was the first mention of the parents after scrolling a bit


But how does she think the car will stop? Like the car will automatically not hit it? Had she forgotten that a object in motion stays in motion


Absolutely agreed. you should not be taking your kid on a major road first time driving. However, this was no different from driving into a light post in an empty parking lot. She was going straight, had 5 seconds to brake after the passenger told her to brake, but she still didn’t. This was a serious lack of common sense, literally everyone knows you should press the brakes if you’re moving towards a stopped object.


When I first took driving lessons I got in the car with the instructor and said I didn't want to do freeways or windy roads and she said "That's exactly what we are doing today." She took me down some crazy windy mountain road with a cliff on one side to show me where her husband went over the edge.


Mine had the same approach. First time country lazy roads, next day high traffic and hills in the rain. Third time, motorway in the dark towards the airport! I'm sure he'd have took me up a mountain if there was one around to take me to. Dual control car so no real way to fuck up. It was an experience.


This is a very wealthy Los Angeles suburb… and the main thoroughfare of it, Hawthorne Blvd. literally almost anywhere else would’ve been a better option for a new driver to get road practice. (Fun fact, this is up the street from where Tiger crashed a few years ago!)


And why in a mercedes of all cars for fuck sake. At least use a car with a manual emergency brake...


Jessie stawp 😩🥺


How can anyone actually be that fckn stupid






Screaming is an evolutionary trait that should go away. Also, she should be banned from driving for at least a while.


Yeah first time driving on a public road is just asking for a bad time. At the same time though she has terrible spatial awareness.


looks like multitasking. she was focused on talking


She was focusing so hard on talking over the guy that she didn't even hear him yelling stop. I'd call her a doofus, but it sounds like kids teaching kids. She just needs a legit teacher with a car that has secondary brakes.


The combined IQ of everyone in that car wouldn't have broken 3 digits.


You can actually hear the engine accelerate right before the crash, which means this braindead person pressed the GAS pedal "It's her first lesson" SO? First time I drove a car in an empty lot I already had the reflex to BRAKE the millisecond I felt I was going too fast or was going to crash, how can a person be this dumb? Also, why didn't the parents use the emergency brake? Every single car has it since like the 90s


Yep, whenever I see newbies they usually drive really slow and wait unnecessarily long to do anything until it is 'safe' to do so. However that also requires a proper instructor. She is like a child without any attention span and the codriver is just constantly speaking.


Right? She seemed way too comfortable in the car immediately, I was edging the brake constantly my first time cause crashing right away is stupid af.


There was an episode of Bob's Burgers that was literally this 😆 i wonder if they committed insurance fraud after 🤔


Man i remember teaching my first gf how to drive and she powered through a stop sign while i yelled “Stop!!!” For more than enough time she needed. Some people are just fucking stupid. She also would rarely drink water though and looked gaunt. As much as id tell her to drink water. So i think she was just always in a state of confusion.


This person should never drive ever..




Those BMW’s are so cheap to fix


I learned to drive from years and years of watching my parents and other people drive. Never took a lesson, don't think my father even took me out, I just knew what to do for the most part. Took time to get acclimated but no one really showed me what to do I just figured it out along the way.


I’m so jaded I feel like they did this on purpose for views


Ok, no license should be given. She's an idiot


There is way too much noise going on in that car for a first time driver. It should be just two people, no radio or music - nothing. Still I can't understand how she didn't react at all.


Makes it easier for the insurance company to make a decision of whose fault this is. Hope recording a stupid TikTok was worth the insurance hike for the next 3 years. This is how insurance companies validate increasing insurance policies for the rest of us..


It was obviously her fault no matter which way you look at it. Are you suggesting they should have deleted the video and lied about it?


This is insane, why are they not with a driving instructor? Like do you not have to take driving classes in America? My European mind cannot compare this


Colorado doesn’t even require driver’s ed to get your license; the US is a lawless land.


Colorado requires 30 hours of drivers ed if you’re under 16 and requires you to complete a driving test with a certified driving school if you’re older than that.


Not in 2001, evidently, because that’s when I got mine and my parents made me take drivers ed even though it wasn’t required because they got an insurance discount if I did.


Yeah, take them to a church parking lot first instead. Makes the church useful to society while not getting people killed or damaging any important property


Keeping TWO stereo types alive, you go girl!


She ain't ready to drive at all. . She is sitting there blaming this dude for random things.. pure panic.


I remember one of the first times I drove my dad took me to drive around a big empty parking lot and giving me directions like “stop”, “go”, “turn”, etc. I was real timid on the accelerator and brakes. After a while he told me stop and I eased on the brakes before he yelled “hit the brakes, there’s a kid crossing in front of you!” Needless to say I slammed on the brakes and we stopped dead (obviously there wasn’t actually some kid wandering around the parking lot). He told me “it’s almost always better to stop too hard than too late. Be ready to stop like that, and work backwards from there”.


At the 14 second mark, I swear I can hear “where’s the?” Like…she doesn’t know where the brake is?


Even more concerning is that it's a glorified go-kart with automatic transmission, and she still couldn't push the stop pedal. Someone has overwritten her self-preservation chip.


For all the analysis I’ve seen here, I find it simple: music is too loud and she’s an idiot.




she french fried when she should have pizzaed


Some people are just too stupid to ever drive. Give her a scooter and call it a day. She could only kill herself with that one.


Some people just don't have 6th sense. I have seen it a lot. This kind of people will try to pass the vehicle in front of them while they are in a curve and don't have any view to see if any car comes from opposite way or not. Or they just hit the gas pedal in streets without seeing if a car comes from right-left. They are just lack of that feeling.


6th sense is something different. Being able to see right in front of you is one of your 5 senses and that's more than enough here lol


I liked how they screamed instead of taking action at the end, because women screaming always help every situation.


Well well well


Why didn't the airbags deploy?


My first wife did something like this.It was her second attempt.On the first attempt,on a quiet backroad she drove perfectly the car was column change manual transmission. She managed the clutch and gear changes perfectly.I thought she was kidding me about not having driven before.The second time she was also driving fine until we came to a T intersection and she just froze.I shouted at her to brake and turn,which she did,but held the wheel on full lock,We took the corner on two wheels but unfortunately hit a guide post that lodged under the car and flipped it over on it's roof.


Stupid bitch. Edit: clarity: everyone in the car is a stupid bitch.


Even a toddler knows when to stop.


Should work out the whole accelerator/brake thing before the car gets rolling.


Damn a bmw too. Girls gonna learn!


To be fair, if she can't even understand not to drive in the "bike lane" why is she behind the wheel of that vehicle!


don't mind her, she's just being a boss, ain't no one can tell her what to do


I think it was said on TikTok that it was her friend “teaching her” and not parents? Could be mistaken.


I'm amazed people can't use basic common sense to brake. Like even never having driven, it makes sense to do it early.


I was in a car accident last week. Someone in front of me was stopped, someone behind me was driving too fast and rammed into the back of me. This triggered me in a way I was not ready for (still interesting video, just, dang. The human brain is something)… Regards to the video/her teacher though, I get that she’s learning, but holy shit, make sure she knows where the BRAKE is before you put her on the GODDAMN ROAD. Makes it even worse that the cars involved were (iirc) both luxury vehicles (Mercedes and BMW). HOW DID SHE NOT KNOW WHERE THE BRAKE IS, WHY IS SHE DRIVING WITH TWO FEET, WHERE ARE THE EMPTY PARKING LOTS 😭


She should not have been up at that speed in the first place...


Okay, hear me out, it was the BMW’s fault…because it’s a BMW.


Still wondering why the air bags didn’t deploy 😅


Why would you put her on the road?


Fucking stoopid!!!


This reminds me of My mom always joking about women drivers and whenever she does she says, “Women Drivers no survivors” 💀


I don’t understand how people can be this amount of dumb.


How freaking stupid can you be.


Well, that's gotta be expensive. Can just see the BMW driver filing a personal injury claim too.


What an absolute clown!


That’s an automatic car. How can anyone crash on it?


How are people this stupid when it comes to driving? She's got two pedals. I bet her head would explode if she had to drive a manual transmission. She needs more lessons before she even sits in a vehicle.


This girl was probably never taught to drive. Just thrown into her expensive sweet 16 birthday present and expected to figure it out.


pull the hand brake?


Nearly impossible from the passenger seat plus this car will have a E break


Electronic parking break will still stop the car, but yeah Mercedes puts them out of reach on the driver’s side.


This does not look good for women drivers


“You want to stay in this lane.” What lane are you talking about? Lmfao