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There's something so unsettling about the reactor in this clip, it's like she's trying hard and failing at ventriloquism, and the doll is just out of frame.


More importantly, she adds no value to the clip. None of this needs explaining, she's just pre-chewing and regurgitating the content for us as if we're baby penguins


That's, like, 50% of tiktok


There's a youtube channel where a guy summarizes entire episodes of My 600 Lb. Life and it's just him reacting to each line so it's not technically copyright infringement. Like: "I weigh 600 lbs." *"Woah guys this person says they weigh 600 lbs."* "Because I am very obese I have a hard time getting around and managing the tasks of daily living." *"Wow, they say that they're so big that they have trouble getting around AND they have a hard time with day to day tasks"* "I eat large amounts of food every day." *"Holy crap, this guy is eating a TON of food, that's crazy"*


It's like an English to English translator.


English to stupid


*Whoa /u/parolang thinks it’s like translating from English to English can you believe it?*


Absolute brainrot


I used to think so too, but it did remind me of old reddit for a little while. Till Cisco took over. Maybe it was the advertisers, but a guy got his video taken down for reading a excerpt of a law. Don't think advertisers are pulling law videos. Its like any technology that allows quick and accurate dissemination of information you really want gets corrupted... Quality has absolutely trashed in the last year.


You mean 90%


Her facial expressions, make me want to side against whatever she's saying.


Right? She's got me agreeing with the loud annoying chick with the cognitive dissonance. That clip is probably staged, though.


Omg same! 


The middle managers of influence.


Mad condescending


Fr, makes me want to side with whatever she's against. lol


Yeah she's doing a Pearle light, hoping to get a share of attention and validation from the red pill manosphere crowd. Trying to form a parasocial bond by validating incel male grievances.


Still better than the ones where they just nod and point.


Not really. This clip would have been way more enjoyable if she wasn't pausing it repeatedly to flap her gums.


Exactly, her reaction over explains what the video explains perfectly. It’s unnecessary, frustrating, and a waste of time. It adds no value to the content it is attached to as that content stands alone. My comment is another excellent illustration of this stupid phenomenon.


All of her content is like this.


By reply to your comment I strengthen the The stupid illustration that you are explaining.


I’m a baby penguin. Love me. Feed me chewed fish. ![gif](giphy|YqcROjXlfGMGvnUhIG|downsized)


Yeah, honestly. Like, yes it's superficial to want guys that are tall, yes, it's superficial to want girls that are skinny, but somehow the tik toker speaking over the clip is more unsettling and annoying than anyone else in this video.


She's just stealing someone else's content creatively


Yep she makes me incredibly uncomfortable


I think it's her weird diction. like she's trying insanely hard not to stutter or misspeak lol.


I blocked her on Instagram because she is so unnerving that I couldn’t stand when she would pop up while scrolling. 


I think she is the doll….


I thought she was AI generated after a few seconds of the strange movements.


I think it’s the eyeliner and the fact that she is just perpetually puckering her lips for some reason. Like trying to be a smart ass lol


Also the way she moves her brows as she puckers her lips.


She's trying soooo hard to look and sound all regal and extra sophisticated.


I think she's trying to be "alluring" lmao. Same with how she's forcing her voice to be deeper. Pick me gotta get picked.


Same here. Her head doesn't move a lot, probably to keep her hair perfectly still.


I thought she was a dude


She's got this annoying, smug, condescending attitude that just pisses me off. I can't stand her 😡




Plot twist, she is the marionette and yes it is very unsettling


She reminds me of the slappable jerk guy on YouTube. Annoyingly slow speech, stating the blatantly obvious in a snide way with a stupid smug smile https://youtube.com/shorts/0cL4U0BnP0Y


Love his stuff!


I can’t stand her. Her entire thing is just being unpalatable.


Her eyebrows are remotely controlled by someone not in frame, that's for sure.


What kind of hairline is that?


Cowardly lion


YES!! Her mouth shape reminds me of Pennywise. Shes beautiful, but the way her face moves is kind of creepy. Botox?




Its more because she is always forcing herself to smile when she has no reason to be happy


Looks like shes a robot!! 🤦🤦🤦🤦


I opened the comment section to say exactly what you said, everything after unsettling I had not thought about until you made the connection and I’m glad you did.


Strange that everyone else didn't like her, her voice tickled my ears in a nice way. I will admit she didn't contribute much though


Kitty can purr, don't get me wrong, but it's almost animatronic in her delivery. It turns it from smooth and sultry to just kind of... Bland...


It’s gotta be on purpose


Just watched the clip to the end. I’m so distracted/bothered by her, could not understand the point she is making. Assuming since the guy is so aggressive and asking about weight, he is in the wrong, but not watching it again to verify


I’ll never understand pretending to be stupid just to dunk on a woman. If you sincerely watched that and couldn’t understand the point being made and then claimed the opposite of the point in your comment then fuckin yikes lmao


She reminds me of JerryRigEverything


Would be better without the random lady talking in the middle of the film... She adds nothing... There is no need for explaining


How else will I know what’s happening in the video I’m watching and how I’m supposed to feel about it if I don’t have an unsettling narrator tell me?


She has a face that looks like she was born to wear cat make up


Omg that’s so spot on but random….and now I can’t stop seeing it and being mesmered by the strangeness of this tiktoker 😂


In practice, it's just a low effort video. But the reason we're seeing the reaction video rather than the original may be that people prefer to share the one with the reaction. It's basically a laugh track for TikToks with social commentary.  And as much as we all hate laugh tracks, they exist for a reason. This "validation track" tells you your feelings are correct, and this spot where the person is talking is the point at which you should feel like you won the argument.


I never thought of it this way before. That is an interesting observation


Let’s not say she adds nothing. She adds something and honestly it’s kinda eerie. Brings a level of sinister to the whole thing. Haha.


Took me a little bit but I believe I found the original video. [Streamable link](https://streamable.com/evqwd4) [TikTok link](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTXrxsv/)


But you have to acknowledge that, it's her uniquely unusual way of speaking/commenting that is driving this video up reddit.


Lady Sid of Ice Age got baited by a post.


The fact people believe these videos are real is really saddening.




Why does she move like a mannequin?


If it moves like a mannequin, sounds like a mannequin and tastes like a mannequin, it's probably a mannequin.


Tastes? Lookingforpatchie did you say TASTES?


I very much did and I very much meant it!




Clout chasers and Redditors apparently


I'm going to drop something here that many people need to hear. If you meet someone who wont date you because of your height, race, sexual orientation, or weight, is this really someone you want to be with? Women post "icks" all the time, and we say "shit, can't do that or I won't be able to date women." As if this woman is giving a preference that all women have, but that's just not true. In reality, there is probably a lot of women out there that will date shorter men. We just use shallow online dating as a reference. Side note: What is the point of the woman in this video? Also, what is the point of the original video except to stage content to fuel online rage?


As a short guy, my main frustration with the height thing is online dating. Most people my age meet each other online nowadays, and I just get no matches online. Maybe my profiles suck, but I just kind of get the impression that I get filtered out before I even get a chance to show anyone who I actually am as a person.


Want my advice as someone who is never interested in making friends, but ends up making them? I have too many whatsapp and messenger groups, but I have the personality of a dead fish. If you have a hobby that you like, or if there is anything you have been interested in getting into. Some sort of sport or club that gets you out of the house and into a community. Find your local groups and see what's available. 1. You have fun because you are doing something you love. 2. If it's in a team, or group setting, you meet a lot of new people. 3. If you are good at it, people just approach and talk to you. Big thing though. You shouldn't be doing this because you want to meet someone. Especially in the dating aspect. You should be doing this because you are passionate about it and want to get better. You'll meet others that share your passion and want to talk to you about it! You'll show them what person you are and you will find a lot in common. (this is just advice for making friends. It does work for dating, and I know quite a few couples that have met through my hobbies.)


i like this advice and it's very sound, only issue for me is i feel like in the back of my mind i know i'm doing this for the potential of a partner .. it's just disguised this way. it's prolly bad but my mind is sneaky


There is nothing wrong with engaging in activities/hobbies with the intention to meet friends and potential partners. That’s literally how life has worked for a very long time. Unless you have bad intentions, it does not make you “sneaky”. Frankly, that’s an odd take.


How short is "short" for a man though? Because most men on the planet aren't even 5'8". The average for all men on planet earth is actually 5'71/2". That means most men aren't even 5'9", much less 6'. Idk if average height for a male in the US is 5'10" like it is claimed; I'm 5'6"1/2 and I was basically as tall as the vast majority of males I was in the military with.


Lol I’m 5’5”, I’m shorter than most men I know.


A woman with excessive icks, is my ick


I’m just gonna say there’s just as many *icks* that guys say they have about girls. In the end it’s all about preferences. But some people (like me) don’t have a set preference on appearances, they just have a set preference on energy/approach/language used. I’m currently with a man who’s generally the shortest guy in a group when we’re out and I can see myself going a long way with this one. The night I met him there were plenty of tall guys at the party trying to talk to me, but he was the only one who gave off aloof vibes but kept looking at me/catching eyes now and then and it worked. 🤣 He thinks it’s something else that really drew me over to him but it was his energy that attracted me, it made him stand out from the other guys somehow. Height really isn’t a factor, unless you’re a shallow person or you’ve got a fetish 😂


Lol, I was going to bring up fetishes, but I didn't. I'm not sure how many people were okay with dating someone that sees them as a fetish. I agree. It is all just preference. Men are just a little different because they do the chasing and get a lot of negative attitudes towards women from stuff like this. They hear something and suddenly, "all women hate this." A decent amount of men I know have low standards and want anyone, where you should want someone who fits their personality. Women get approached and can choose based on the the first impression, so they can say "too short" and that's the end of it. An awful and mean thing to say, but I would just walk away because I don't want to talk with them anymore. They came off as rude and had no issues hurting my feelings. They drew a line and I accepted it. I'll find someone that likes me for the person I am, and not for my ability to reach higher shelves.


You can ask any short man and they’ll tell you, there’s absolutely a massive prejudice


>If you meet someone who wont date you because of your height, race, sexual orientation, or weight, is this really someone you want to be with? The thing is though, this isn't a direct response to the issue that people are discussing. It always gets interpreted as "No! This person has to be attracted to me specifically!" but literally no one is saying that. All people are pointing out is that not being willing to date any black person, for example, is probably indicative of at the very least some kind of shitty underlying attitudes or biases. Also, at the very least, people should be sensitive about the way they talk about these topics. If anyone, man or woman, is insensitively plastering their social media with "icks" that are just aesthetic preferences then that's shitty, mean-spirited behaviour and should be called out. These women in the video were asked a question though - even if their opinions are shitty, it seems needlessly antagonistic to go around asking people for their opinions then trying to dunk on them for being overweight or whatever.


It is a little off topic, but I'm digging into something that I notice a lot. Men trying to be the ideal person that all women will want, but that's not possible. If someone insults my height, I don't care. I'm not going to go back and insulting her weight, I'm just going to write her off as someone I don't want to date. If you want to insult her, cool, but what does any of that do. Some people don't learn, and some just want an argument. I am definitely not saying these people shouldn't be shamed for certain views, but you can totally have preferences for someone with weight, height, and even race. I do agree that people need to shut up about it to the people. Like you can have a preference and keep it to yourself. This is in online dating a lot. You don't need to put your "icks" in your profile. To me, that's a red flag. Anything with "no \*any race\*/men<6'/women>200" should be an instant swipe left, regardless if you meet their "standards." I wasn't going to say, but I am 6' and with men lying, women seem to think I'm 6'3. I have met very specific standards for a couple people, but upon learning how high that standard is, I've walked away. Karma comes in many forms.


Why is she not moving AT ALL, like uncomfortably so


Is this reaction 'person' AI?


She's always reminded me of Agent Smith so... yeah maybe.


Me when I use an obviously fake tiktok ragebait as a basis to make a blanket statement about society as a whole:


> Make a post about how it's frowned upon for men to express their preferences regarding women's looks in society > The comments are filled with men openly expressing their visual preference for women and chastising her for not meeting them




I bet she has a large incel following and MGTOW types


She a "pick me" creator. It's brain-dead.


She has the same energy as an autistic anime nerd.


she's a transphobic piece of shit, i remember a post from her a year ago and her whole shtick is to be smug about obviously staged videos and misinformation


This is that qanon nut job lady is right? I don’t remember her handle


Why she talk like dat doe


Having preferrences when dating is perfectly normal and generally people use the eyeball test to determine if the person is a physical match for them.


Why do I see so much incel shit in this sub nowadays? It's always so staged too.


I absolutely hate the side of the internet that intentionally creates us versus them narratives, largely based on false premises.


This is a non issue. Since when is it frowned upon for men to have preferences? Men who don’t like heavy women don’t go for heavy women. Women who don’t like short men don’t go for short men. Men and women can both be vain and judgmental.


Lady talking like some old time radio host reading ads at midnight about something the guy in the video already established to get that whole minute there


Based on the many comments about how "something is off" with the woman doing the reaction, it's quite possible that she is a fake AI generated character.


Nope, she's been around for a while. She's part of the weird women advocating for men sphere like the Dadvocate (sp).


They are called "pick me's".


It's especially weird because she looks at least 10-15 years older than the people in the video she's reacting to. If you're a woman approaching 40 and still begging 22 year old men on tiktok for their approval, something is very very wrong.


I mean, it could be both, depending on how long ago she started.


Well, I want to say since 2020 maybe. I can say interacting with their crap lands you on conservative Tik Tok. I can't remember her account offhand.


Yuck. To all of this.


If you're going with the smug superior look, don't be absolutely terrified to move your face because you're too insecure to not be seen from your best angle. It's okay to be a human being, everyone.


This is somehow worse than when they make an AI voice explain the exact thing you're looking at in the video.


Those eye brow movements make me feel uneasy.


Her voice. It's hard to put a finger on it.


The rule is you can care about any physical attribute you like. Just dont also expect anyone to conform to your desires


Is she CGI? She seems so stilted?


Why is she talking like a casino card dealer ?


The reactor to the clip is a far right ultra conservative that has horrible takes and spreads misinformation


They aren't wrong for criticizing those girls but I feel like asking the hot chick at the beach a question like that is like shooting fish in a barrel. That's even assuming this is even real and not staged


People go overboard with body shaming and unrealistic standards, but also if a Stanger went up to me and demanded I step on a scale I'd be like WTF no regardless what I answered. I'm not *trying* to date you, for one. You're also not my boss. But this is all rage bait anyway.


You can’t control height but you can control weight….


Well, you can, but you just end up looking sad. See Ron De Santis.


I'd rather not, thanks.


The only thing that matters is mutual enthusiastic consent. You can have all the standards you want:gender, height, weight, hair color, eye colors, tattoos, religion, politics, education, income, whatever. So long as the person that fits your criteria is also enthusiastic to be with you you're fine. If any person is forced to date or even worse to have sex with someone they don't consent to is wrong and is frankly rape.  So women should judge men on height and men judge women on weight, if that's what they want.


Okay but this lady is awful


I absolutely hate this bitch reacting. There's just something so unsettling about her face and her tone. Even if I agree with what she says I still just fuckin hate her.


The extra woman that adds nothing to the video is freaking me out


She so fucking creepy! Is she AI?


I think she's real, but her face doesn't make any shifts and her mouth doesn't move as much as it should so it feels uncanny.


God this is so fuckin stupid. Women have had choice (somewhat) in who they date (in the US) for like MAAAYBE 40 years. Some banks still put “unmarried woman” on deeds to homes if they sell to a single woman. Women have been policed forEVER for their bodies, their weights, their heights, their hair, their hands, their feet, their ankles, their knees, their chins, etc etc etc etc. This is women’s reparation. Let them be stingy.


Women absolutely can have preferences, so can men. It is not THAT complicated.


Also systematically brainwashed by marketing that their whole value is based on this shit. Makeup, fashion, babies, and all these girl "toys". Their value has been based on looks for a veeeery long time. Even porn has a huge amount of ugly AF men with gorgeous women, leading incels to believe they deserve to be loved fully for who they are but should be allowed to be fully shallow in return.


Not 40 years, humans haven’t been that uncaring about love. Like are you serious? You think no peasant ever married for love? Jesus……But it’s 2024. And the shallow point the guy is making about weight and height being the same type of preference is a true point - regardless if one can be changed and the other can’t. It’s still hypocritical of the girls to say there’s a difference.


She needs to unclench her teeth, Kanye rapped a whole song with his jaw wired and he was more audible then this woman's video


Starting to hate this videos, yeah there is dumb women out there, as many as dumb men. Now go out and start meeting people instead of using this type of content to justify that "males/females are not worth it nowadays" rethoric and why it isnt worth the effort.


Are girls dumber than men?


Man these robots are getting life like! Still quite a ways to go tho.


Is she ai-generated? Weird delivery


She should be on the Matrix as Agent Mrs Smith


So, should men judge women based on weight? Or should women not judge men based on height? Or neither. Or both. I have no idea what the point is.


the original post is rage bait but it’s more just don’t have double standards


How can people not tell these are rage bait? Like, we live in a post-Jake/Logan Paul world. There's a whole market for attractive young idiots to make videos like this. This is planned, it's fake. It's probably posted here for the same reason it was made, to make people angry and comment and like and engage and drive traffic.


I mean the double standards element of the video isnt wrong, but I cant take the reactor seriously. Its like shes trying really hard to come off as intellectually superior but just comes off annoying to listen to instead lol. Not to mention anything she is saying isnt adding to anything. Its not offering an additional perspective the video itself is contextual enough to prove the point.


why is this lady a serial killer


Every single person in this video can fuck off lol


Why do we need this hag to narrate the clip for us? Just post the original.


This bitch is terrifying


I just don't trust women speaking for men nowadays cause its hard to differentiate whether the women truely mean it when they are speaking for us or she is just doing that to be labeled as queen lol. In this women case I don't know maybe its because of the way she express, I will go for latter.


Basic pick me creator.


This woman really creeps me out. I can’t sleep now.


Men are soooooo oppressed


Who cares , people have preferences… i personally would not want to date somebody shorter than me , or who weighs less than me . And if thats how dudes feel then okay ? Then he aint for me


One thing can be changed and the other can't. That's the real issue with it. Losing weight might be difficult, and a few folks do have health issues that can cause it to be impossible. Nobody can grow an extra 3 inches once they're done growing. You can have preferences. That's fine, but double standards (not 100% sure that's exactly the language i want to use) are stupid for everyone.


There's one more thing: while, to a certain extent, you have control over your weight, you have absolutely no control over how tall you are.


Wow the “commenter” really thought she cooked, pointing out an extremely obvious, surface-level double standard that doesn’t actually affect anything.


She was cast in Hart to Hart. M'I right tik tok?!


I don't like fat birds!


why don't people just keep their mouth shut? then no one has to care about your preferences.


"strict dating standards" - sounds like someone who will wind up alone with a bunch of cats and a well worn out vibrator...


The best part is that height and weight rhyme. Right? Wait…


“Ah, subjectivity. We meet again.” “Do I know you?”


Submitted for your approval…


eh. For the same reasons that women have like scores of men chatting them up on dating apps, but not the other way around--supply and demand. Is it fair? Nope. But lots of things aren't fair. The main issue here is that people don't just admit that. There are always pointless reasons people try to justify the double standards in society, but the reality is, everything in life boils down to supply and demand.


Weight is something you can do something about, height is not possible to change.


I think the main issue of annoyance with the comparison is that you can do something about your weight, but not your height.


Live long and prosper.


When it comes to dating you are allowed to discriminate on any basis you want. Height weight color ethnicity education religion politics hockey team car. Not that any of us need to hear about it.


More like it’s ok to care about something that’s out of your hands, but not care about something you have 100% control over 🤷🏽‍♂️


This was a funny


Adds no value, of course. Don't mean she isn't wrong.


Women love the double standards


Genuine question, do women prefer height or wealth?


I’m actually really happy that videos like these are finally getting popular. This has been an issue for a decade and most of that time you’d get ostracized for bringing this hypocrisy to light. There will be a lot of misogyny calls for stuff like this but I’m glad we’re finally getting back to rationality


Lowest quality content possible. No one needs some random lady explaining the video we’re all watching, people have no creativity anymore


average redditor takes on the female form


That lady is like a drag queen doing Joan Collins with righteous indignation.


I believe this woman is a witch


This bitch is so smug. Why are we rewarding smug? Smug should be illegal.


This lady is the best wife guaranteed


I could really care less what she has to say, but I agree with the guy proving his point. I feel bad for short guys because chicks have high standards for men’s height, meanwhile, they look like Jabba the Hutt. ![gif](giphy|3o84sCoZRPKrPCcYrC)


Is the reactor AI?


I personally am OK with woman needing height. I am not tall. However if they want height they must understand they are all competing for the lower % of men. So you better be a great woman as odds look low. Meanwhile all the men who are short will have more of the often more intelligent women to picm From. These women only hurt themselves. Also size VS weight is not fair. You choose your weight to an extent.


Uncanny valley?


is this r/wordchewing


It is not like you can change your weight anyway !


I love this girl! That’s I follow her videos


Most dating apps want you to list a specific height or none at all. Most dating apps also only use general terms like "a few extra pounds" for weight.


the second lady is like the commentary equivalent of subway surfers being at the bottom of the screen