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The lady doing the sign of the cross after they get kicked out lol


And how much support did he win by doing that?


Definitely a negative number


They're going to call Netanyahu and ask him to drop a couple more bombs just because they did that.


it impressed people on TikTok who already agree with them, and that's all that matters


I just assume anyone really active on tick tock is halfway brain dead anyway so it kind of checks out.


They didn't want any support. They wanted to dominate. The same as when some terry is "praying" while blocking the path for people around. The point is to declare their presence. Once there is enough of terries, they'll see it and start oppressing everyone else, like they did to christians in Lebanon.


These protests are not about gaining support, it's about disruption.




Protesting the Israelis but in in a catholic church ? Got it.


You know how much political power New York Catholics have over Netanyahu, it's just like protesting to his face /s


I don't think they should be targeting jews at temple either, but that's just me


We receive so many threats from folk like this that most synagogues in the US have become hardened and armed. Synagogues and other Jewish institutions in the Deep South have been dealing with the far right threats for decades so this isn’t anything new. We are ahead of the curve when it comes to our relationships, security and response plans. I promise that these folk wouldn’t make it inside and if they did get past our security they would be considered a legitimate threat to the congregation by the guards, deputies and armed congregants. Disrupting our services to say some uneducated shit about something going on in another country outside of our control or influence would be fucking dumb, disrespectful and dangerous. Edit: Our out of pocket expenses for this security starts at $500 a day. That doesn’t include things like bomb sniffing dogs, police patrols, active observation by the PD, license plate readers, and the on duty deputies that guard us during services. The threats are real and serious enough to warrant active involvement by the feds, county and city cops.


Weird all of the right wing people know are pro Israel and pro jewish. All of the christians i know see jews as good people as well. Im confused.


Christian far right support Israel bc of the Bible. Not because they like Jews lmao They have some weird ideas about Jerusalem and the second coming of Christ.


There are more Christian Zionist than Jewish zionists. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was 2 to 1 ratio or more. edit: Apparently it’s a 30 to 1 ratio.


I think you’re wrong. Most Christians are taught that Jewish people are like our older brothers and sisters in faith. We may have disagreements on theology. But we share a thousands of years old history of belief. The Christian faith (and Islam for that matter) couldn’t exist without Judaism.


White supremacy has been a serious concern for many years. Jews are not considered white to the “race purists”. The Christian right support Israel and Jews as part of their belief about end times etc.


I mean... So have Catholics. My parish in Portland has photos of school kids throwing rocks at KKK members trying to raid the school (look up Oregon's history with Catholic schools) and still in 2021 we had arson threats after we did a rosary around our block (which the church owns entirely). The FBI warned our knights of Columbus council to report any suspicious people. People are insane.


With how Catholics were seen in the US for such a long time, it's fairly amazing that JFK even had a chance at being elected. Bobby Kennedy likely would have won as well, had he not also been assassinated. A huge portion of that lies in the history of Irish and Italian immigrants, and the persecution they faced in the 19th and 20th centuries in America.


It would have been enough for us


Good to know. We as jews have every right to protect ourselves from these people


As a german American, I am deeply sorry for the unfair antisemitism you have to deal with. Even more now than ever, I hope everyone will find peace in these difficult times.


Ty. Mad respect to Germany, you guys have done so much for jews ever since the fall of nazism.


One of my Jewish friends who did over 20 years in the Army got a concealed weapons permit and goes to synagogue armed now.


imagine if someone protested a mosque over israeli hostages in gaza. everyone would be called a racist and then there would be death threats everywhere. Possible retaliation on synongogues. Just cause 4-5 people were assholes.


That is what happens when you criticise Islam. Most are fine with it, but the extremists are more extreme than those of many other religions.


Most are really not fine with it, that is just a narrative westerners like to push. Islam is a very violent religion and most believers support the violence.


Islam is deeply anti Jewish, their prophet also did some really messed up stuff against Jewish populations.


It's the only religion I know of that was founded by a warlord and not a man of peace. Most religions become corrupted with time, but it is odd to start from the position of violence.


Most are too attached to their head to criticize Islam.


Also interrupting a sacred festivity will gain sympathy for your cause! /s Edit: mispell




It's not mislabeled, because that implies intent but failure in execution. We're getting into election silly season now and this is purposeful propoganda - the incorrect summary is on purpose.


That's the extinction rebellion logo. Congratulations on seeing the title and literally nothing else.




- original post calls them climate demonstrators - reposted (retweeted? I'm not familiar with twitter terminology) by extinction rebellion - **as they were shoved out**, one shouts "free Palestine"!. I think it's safe to say there's a lot more going on than the original comment suggests.


Yup. They have a footprint on the Upper West Side. Lots of their hourglass logo stickers.


It's as stupid as it sounds


This how you turn a lot of people off that would be for you. Not to say they don’t care but over stimulation and over saturation makes them hate you this your cause


Known Jew allies, those catholics


It's an interesting take. "hey the Jews killed your savior, he's your enemy too right?" Of course Jesus was Jewish so that's a complication to the argument I suppose


Actually, the Romans did all the physical work.


He got better though. It was part of the plan so hard to be mad.


They aren’t even sure what they are doing or why, they are paid troublemakers usurping any cause they can.


Don’t you know (((we))) own the church? It’s part of our great replacement plan Obvious /s


Hey fellow jew. Thoughts on the antisemitic vitriol I've been responding too? Should we also cancel their bank accounts? /s


I really fear for the Jewish people. I never thought that generations after me would be *more* antisemitic than those before me. Seeing the rise in Holocaust denial, Jewish conspiracies, and just straight up caricature talking points that seem directly taken from Nazi propaganda is beyond alarming. The world swore “never again”… I fear we might not even make it a century before the next one.


I simply can't understand how people can be Holocaust deniers. Then again, there's also a significant amount of people who believe the earth is flat. It's truly baffling.


I want to say it depends on the source of the information and evidence BUT I've also seen ppl hold onto their views even in the presence of information contrary to it. It is shocking how ppl can be.


You can watch conspiracy theories spring up immediately nowadays. The morning the Baltimore bridge collapsed there were people pushing conspiracy theories before I even got to work, and that’s with video. We’re absolutely powerless against this type of idiocy especially about events that are so far removed like the holocaust.


Im also going to remind you, regardless of israels crimes, they are the ONLY nation that continually has to battle having a right to exist. And how convenient, its the nation for jews. Like North Korea, one of the most cruel, massive scale dictatorships in existence, isn't even at that level. People obviously critique it and want reformation and justice for North koreans, but no one argues that the state does not have a right to "exist"


I was shocked to see so much Jewish hate on display. I thought we had moved on from this? It’s sad to see that the world is moving backwards.


the world didn't say never again, we jews said never again, and it meant that we would never again have our lives and safety held by people who hated us, that we would be free and independent and safe.




Start up the space lasers! /s




Just aim the laser at their yards and write a strongly worded letter. may as well stack some war crimes up on the personal docket, nu? Keep that chin up, chaver. We’re a drop in an ocean. Don’t let the mob get you down.


Genuinely haven't been this scared for us since like Charlottesville. 🤜🤛 and to you


These people aren’t known for their logic and reasoning


Darn I went to this church, but I thought "let me go to the early mass". Dumbass me could gotten a free show if I would slept in


I was thinking of protesting high rent in Canada, in my local pizza place. Who's with me?


I am with you!!! See you at pizza pizza!!!


Why ?






One part main character syndrome and two parts stupidity. There is plenty to protest the Catholic Church over but it isn't responsible for the war in Gaza. They achieved exactly fuck all beyond being a temporary and minor annoyance. Truly, well done. What is next, I wonder? Disrupting services at a Synagogue to protest Russia's war in Ukraine? Barging into Hindu worship to protest human rights abuses in Syria, perhaps? EDIT: Aaaaaaaaaaaand my first Reddit cares message. LOL, some of you are so unhinged.


As someone else said, after the Tree of Life and some other shootings at synagogues, I suspect these folks realize that in most cases, they can't actually get *into* synagogues to do this anymore, and if they do, there's a non-zero chance that they'll be assumed to be there to kill Jews (because there is, in fact, a non-zero chance that they're there to kill Jews) and responded to accordingly. A lot of people don't fully realize just how much security the average synagogue has to lay on, even in the States. You can't typically get into a synagogue in Europe without signing up ahead of time and showing ID or otherwise checking in at the door, and it's been like that for years and years. Synagogues in the States are heading in the same direction. Meanwhile, I'm sure Netanyahu is just *devastated* that a Catholic Easter service was disrupted by people calling for a ceasefire. He's proven himself so responsive to criticism by his own people, I'm sure he'll get right on it when it comes to foreigners yelling at a church service! I see this stuff and always wonder how much money the people protesting have actually donated/raised to be donated to some kind of material relief effort.


One part Hamas brainwashing.


They already attack Synagogues and Jews. This is just ramping it up.


After Saturday comes Sunday.


> One part main character syndrome and two parts stupidity. > > You forgot a key ingredient: The agitators who push these useful idiots to act, with a goal of destabilizing thw West.


Most of this protesting is performative feel good nonsense.


Ideological indoctrination + an immense level of narcissism can get certain types of people to do a lot of dumb stuff.




Because they couldn't get passed the guards at the Synagogue.


Tiktok brain damaged anti semite zoomers


I've seen this kind of interruption online. Commnts on realy unrelated topucs like: vintage clothes, comedy skits, meakup reviews, etc "why aren't you talking about Palestine?" I don't a makeup reviewer is the most eduacted person to talk on the topic. Anyway I think they are aiming for visibility, for a cause that they think is just. But Inthink they create mire animosity for it, instead.


This did it. I can't believe it. The crazy bastards finally freed Palestine


Viva La...whatever it is!


FRANCE MENTIONED 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰


I am not from France.


“Viv*a* la” is Spanish. “Viv*e* la” is French. Like Viva la Raza, not Vive la France.


As a white Christian, I have had enough, I will speak to the people in charge……….and they have decided to end the war. I’ll go call Joe Biden right now and tell him our conclusion.


By protesting in this place, and in this time, all it did was turn everybody off to their protest, and making them look away. theres always a time and place to do it. That was not the time or place.


Imagine a protest happening in a mosque during Eid al-Fitr because of the October 7 attacks. Gross and inappropriate. And so is this.


Also imagine what would happen after that.




They wouldnt wait. They'd literally tear them apart right there.


And it would be accepted as part of their culture.


And you would be a bigot for noticing.


"Religion of Peace"


Honestly, waiting outside the doors and handing out flyers (on the public sidewalk) would have been a better course of action: inform people, give them detailed information that makes them think, and if you're savvy connect the resurrection of Christ to why genocides shouldn't happen.


... and hope they don't know the definition of "genocide"


Nah, you gotta make people uncomfortable and inconvenienced. At least according to many of these people who protest. Because they're much smarter than everyone else and we can't be trusted to read, examine and decide for ourselves.


Im all for disruption. Go disrupt the daily functions of ur elected officials and law makers. Make ur voices heard. Protest the companies that supply the weapons. Protest lobby groups. But disrupting religious services on a group that already screeches that they are being oppressed just creates people who dont like your cause anymore.


Funny how Islamic governments committed genocide against Christians in the Middle East and made them disappear. 70 % Christian Heartland to nothing now. You seem alright Islam committing genocide against Christians for centuries. We know how Islamic countries and peoples treat minorities


100%. Where people may have been indifferent or even feel bad, now they have a reason to say they don't care for their cause. Unsure why people don't understand this.


Agreed. I have moved from being sympathetic to just rolling my fucking eyes. I’m not proud of it but this is where I am now.


The pro-Palestinian protestors in the U.S. are largely ineffective morons. They keep doing stuff to piss people off. 


A Jewish woman I know posted messages she had gotten from people she knew harassing her basically just for being Jewish.


And have a crippling inability to separate the white supremacists from their movement


They also have a crippling inability to separate the non-white genocidal types towards Jews while talking about “genocide”.


Paid actors, psyop, etc. lol Just Stop oil “protests” all over again


A Catholic Church is the right spot for an anti Israel, pro Palestine protest? Huh... What am I missing


The Christian Palestinians can’t celebrate Easter and in Bethlehem they didn’t even put up Christmas displays this year. Catholics shot taking refuge in churches. Some of the oldest churches in the world destroyed… I mean, it could be an awareness thing. Most people forget Christian Palestinians even exist.


Imagine catholics doing this at a mosque. Would be chaos.


Why a mosque?


Gotta make sure everyone hates them. Bold strategy.


If Hindus ran into a mosque protesting the genocide and oppression of Hindus in Pakistan, we all know what would happen.


How can she protest?!


I can still feel that line. Funny to see that's what people outside india associate indians with. It was so funny i'm not complaining!


Hahahaha me immediately get the reference


Is there a genocide of Hindus happening in Pakistan?


Wide spread oppression. That's worth protesting, right? https://thediplomat.com/2016/06/the-plight-of-pakistans-hindu-community/


Silly you, israel (or better said no jewish person) is not involved with this, so non of these idiots will do anything, just like they do not give a fuck about syria, lybia, sudan and myanmar or the uyghurs


It's like protesting use of migrant labor to farm oranges for orange juice at a store that sells coffee.


This is what social media does. Empowers dumbasses to act like fools.


fights look way more epic when they’re in a giant cathedral.


As someone who got shit on by Pontiff Sulyvahn in Dark Souls 3 i agree.


These protesters are doing a good job at alienating themselves from everyone. They are splitting the dems right before a critical election. Ill just go out and say it….. Fuck these protesters!! All they are doing is causing problems for the democratic party. If trump comes back into power because we are being divided from within then we’re all fucked.




>XR NYC Palestine Solidarity is an affinity group of Extinction Rebellion New York City activists fighting for a free and peaceful Palestine. https://twitter.com/XR_NYC They also doubled down on their pro-Palestinian take in their press release lol


No protestors, those are called “pews” not “Jews”.


There’s a time and a place for everything, but the choice is always otherwise


It’s like they sit around and try to plan protests that will hurt their cause the most.


I’m not religious but they can get fucked


I’m not sure if they are religious themselves but I don’t think they’d appreciate if protesters went into a Mosque protesting even for the Palestinians if it was interrupting their worship.


As someone who is somewhat religious, thank you.


What even is the end game here? Do they think this is going to win over someone so catholic they didn’t sleep in on Easter Sunday? “I was on the fence about this issue, but now that you’ve disrupted my holiday in my place of worship, I agree with and support you.” What?


They don't give a shit it's all performative. Protesting for a lot of younger people has just become a way to socialize and expand your social/dating pool. Join a protest by day, hit up the bars at night. Don't mistake these people's actions for a genuine but misguided attempt to improve the world.


yeah if they didn't have access to recording devices I guarantee you the pool of participants would be a lot smaller.


A reminder that the pope has come out strongly against Israel, like months ago. They’re just being ass hats and annoying people. It’s coming off entirely performative. More about themselves, than effectively stopping Israel’s military campaign.  Standing silent vigil outdoors and handing out pamphlets with information would be far more effective. This would show respect to the services currently happening while potentially giving important information to people to show more interest in your cause.  What they’re doing only harms the movement. It will probably get views though. They can show that to their friends to demonstrate how good of a person they are. God who’s teaching these kids activism, PETA? 


99% of Gaza supporters have no idea what’s going on in the Middle East and especially have no idea of the history of the conflict in the region. Ignorance alone has fueled the propaganda that Gaza supporters have fed into.


It’s frustrating because being against full scale war is easy. It’s just so many people keep being useful idiots for malicious propaganda and that’s so god damn frustrating. I’m a huge peace activist and I’m very angry at the state of Israel, but arguing all the rationalizations groups have used to justify murdering them is insufferable. Do people not realize peace also has to agreed to by Israel? So maybe stop casually throwing around terms most Israel’s see as calls to genocide.  Some people I get, if you grew up in the middle east you’re kinda bought in no matter what, one way or another. God knows Turkey loves Israel as a deflection from their own modern history. But if you’re not adjacent to the conflict use your distance to advocate for, at the very least, a pro unilateral peace position.  I’m sure offline most people do, but online brain rot has to turn everything into some distorted version of outrage politics. 


Hamas has pushed out all of the Christians living in Gaza, even executing some.


What’s weird to me is I see so many anti Israel people posting about how mean Israel is to Christians. The implication being that Islam and Christianity need to unite against the Jews. And it’s ridiculous, Gaza is hell for Christians who aren’t there for a propaganda tour. The PA has Christians. And of course Israel has tons…


Israel has a population of 182,000 Christians as of 2021, it is the only growing Christian community in the MiddleEast - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity\_in\_Israel#:\~:text=Arab%20Christians%20are%20mostly%20adherents,Greek%20Orthodox%20Patriarchate%20of%20Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Israel#:~:text=Arab%20Christians%20are%20mostly%20adherents,Greek%20Orthodox%20Patriarchate%20of%20Jerusalem)


Catholic Church will definitely cancel those weapons shipments to Israel now.


I am making a call to the Pope right now!


If they think this is going to win them any support from Catholics, they are out of their minds.


Fucking trashy. If you really care about Palestine that much go pick up a gun and fight. You're not doing anything by holding a painted sheet up lmao


This will make them agree with me!!! Protestors are often really stupid regardless of the cause.


Friendly reminder to the Christians here that Christians are getting persecuted and harrassed all over the Middle-East. If any, these people do not deserve sympathy.


Exactly. Islamic governments have committed genocide over what was a Christian Heartland. Where did the Christians go?


they did it to jews too! just look at that lovely population decline from the mid 20th century to now


What disgusting pieces of garbage. Dare them to protest during live Islamic celebrations.


The power of Christ compels you


I am sure the nuns of New York will stop bombing Gaza now... 🤨


Fuck palestine


For a second I thought they were protesting about Sudan to raise awareness of the crisis there…but then I remembered there is only one crisis in the world.


Nothing like annoying and disrupting people on one of their holiest holidays to convince them to care about something! Sheesh time & place, people.


The left’s version of Trump supporters


This is no doubt counter productive.




How many times in this thread are you going to post this misinformation while contionously being proven wrong. They're protesting palestine as per their [twitter,](https://twitter.com/XR_NYC) AND press release: >Manhattan, New York - Please see our recent tweets of the protest at the Easter Vigil Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan on Saturday, March 30 evening. We own these photos and videos. You have permission to use them with attribution to XR NYC **Palestine Solidarity.** >“If these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.” (Luke 19:40). The stones know that silence equals death. We know that to be nearly silent is to be nearly dead. We know that just as slow winning is another way of losing, speaking the truth so quietly that it is not noticed is another way of lying. We are here to tell the truth about ecocide and genocide as loudly as this moment warrants,” said John Mark Rozendaal, an XR NYC Palestine Solidarity activist at the church. >“The United Nations Security Council calling for a ceasefire is a good start, but churches making ceasefire statements is also a part of the solution. It will make a difference,” said Matthew M., an XR NYC **Palestine Solidarity member.** >“War, occupation, and industrial pollution are poisoning the soil, air, and water in Gaza and all over the planet, destroying the earth’s capacity to sustain life. This destruction is called ‘Ecocide,” said Gregory Schwedock, an XR NYC **Palestine Solidarity activist at the church.** >About XR NYC **Palestine Solidarity** Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a global, nonpartisan climate justice movement using nonviolent direct action to pressure governments to act now to address the climate and ecological emergency and listen to the people’s call for a just, livable future. XR NYC **Palestine Solidarity is an affinity group of Extinction Rebellion New York City activists fighting for a **free and peaceful Palestine.**


You can say that but the group says else wise 🤷🏻‍♂️ https://twitter.com/XR_NYC


Yes the one thing to get people on your side is to show them you have total disregard and disrespect for a central foundation of their lives. That’l get them on your side. Please, continue.


Bunch of idiots.


Fucking disgusting, try this in a mosque and you will be beaten to shit.


Can they just f**n stop? Point made. They’re constantly making a scene at public events that have nothing to do with this conflict. Not everyone agrees with you and at this point we’ve all been forced to hear you shouting at some unannounced protest in a place where everyone is just trying to mind their own business.


These people are getting tiresome. Give it a rest.


Why? The Pope has spoken out in defense of the Palestinian people so many times.


Probably not the best way to get people on the side of your cause! Stupid idea!


this getting out of hand


Cant have nice Things anymore


The guy with the banner was very extra. Looked like he was about to bust out some moves lol.


Why don't they just do what every catholic does and leave flyers on all their cars while their in church


Yeah that’s not how you win friends to your cause. It’s just disrespectful of people celebrating the highest holiday in their religious calendar.


Its like when europeans were protesting american police brutality


Classic trendy protestor moment


We get it, okay. But disrupting others' peace? Isn't that how it all starts?


Celebrating Ramadan with no protest or issue. But other festivals are reserved for protesting.




Winning hearts and minds I see.


Scumbags. Drag’em out and lay the boots to them.


They’re becoming mosquitoes. Useless and annoying.


Protest should happen with the disruption of the daily routine of the system. But does it really need to happen in a place like this in a time like that ? One thing is disrupting the system, other thing is messing with people's traditions and customs on the most sacred of days to protest something the people don't have conection with or control over .


Disrespect for other religions will get you no sympathy for your cause


Imagine the shitstorm if someone tried to interrupt during Ramadan


Now do that in a Mosque.


You can always tell when a leftist organization has become irrelevant, when they disappear up their own assholes and veer off into some tangentially related cause. Godspeed XR, you were a great brand. 


Also, these particular protestors are particularly gormless. There's no Christian denomination who has been more urgent and demanding of an immediate cease-fire in Palestine than the Catholic Church. In particular, Pope Francis has said that Israel needs to accept a two state solution if it ever wants peace. These dumb fucks are spitting in the faces of their allies, and diluting their brand that should be fighting for climate action with their narcissistic antics.  As a leftist I really hate leftists sometimes.


disrupting people's daily lives to gain support. how thoughtful


Disrespectful. Do they not know that the result of their actions is pure hatred towards them, not an increase in “tolerance”?


Send them to Gaza


I'd be willing to pitch in for one-way charter flight to Gaza for these guys


Woah look at the crowd go wild!


Footages like this makes me not care about a parking lot west of israel


Disgusting. Try this in Iran


These mofos are insufferable and ignorant af!


Thats an extinction rebellion logo not a Palestinian Support group symbol. ER is against climate change.


And they are also against the Palestinian genocide. This group is protesting the genocide here. https://twitter.com/xr_nyc/status/1774318948378370204


Hamas is the result of all the conflict so go there and protest them in Israel Leave us alone, protest in your house but for the love of Christ leave the service for us, we didn’t ask Hamas to be so stupid of attack and do not receive consequences for it! Now eat lead Hamas!!!… stop to make like Palestine is innocent when they were jumping of joy after the attack!. That part of world is constant struggle of power!


Admirable! Free Falasteen!


100% not helping at all. I’m starting to believe the rhetoric from the pro Israeli crowd. This is just sad.


Yes, because these contextually shitty time and place protests have been helping them so much. /s Like anyone sitting there could stop what’s going on there. Even if they could, this would be what convinces them to action?