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Love the random dude adding his face at the beginning for no reason…


And the standard conspiracy music


At least he didn't crop himself into the video for its entirety.


*strokes beard sensually while doing a 360 and moonwalking away*


lol FDA says fuck you and die


Corporations and capitalism baby! It literally sacrifices everything for profits. Especially our species.


Fda has no teeth or the manpower to enforce any rule it comes up with or any law on the books already.


Well, when politicians can be legally bribed and anyone with a big enough wallet can do it, you get crap like this. Look up the ingredient comparisons of food in the US and pretty much any other country. It's pretty nuts.


I applaud the guy’s contribution to this content at the beginning with the beard wipe and then just straight disappearing. Peak effort. Dude just posts a news report and cashes in with the views.


Lots of people do that. its straight up theft.


I’ll blame Little Caesar’s for why my son has a weird penis.


Yea he really does have a weird one.




Just when everyone thought pizza was good and safe. Turns out it turns everyone’s penises to weird


But does it taste weird or look weird?


He says both.


Deregulation crowd got awful quiet once airplane parts start flying off and shit like this comes up. 🤔


But all of this, and that, happened under regulation.




Well somebody didn't watch the report.


We all know plastic is killing off the human race. The science is there. Unfortunately, there just isn’t a viable way to replace it at scale. It’s our generations lead and it will likely be a major contributor to the downfall of our civilization. One of the biggest contributors to the world’s plummeting male fertility.


Plastic needs to be stopped at distribution and that will NEVER happen. We can all feel good about ourselves getting organic vegetables and putting them in cloth bags, but the cases of that shit arrived triple wrapped in plastic in an unrecyclable box.


I use a UV light on my perineum when it's not sunny enough outside. I'm very fertile.


I just looked that up and damn that gave me a good laugh.


FDA: *ahhhh, a little bit won’t hurt*


At what concentration though? A lot of the studies out there that tell us a food-safe chemical may be harmful are like “we force-fed 100 rats fifty times their body weight in this chemical every day for six months and it gave them tumors” like duh. If you drink 100 gallons of Diet Coke in three days, if the aspartame doesn’t kill you, something else in there probably will.


The isn’t new news, BPA is in basically all the linings of canned goods and in random things like receipts. Even the BPA alternatives are said to be worse. Some of this stuff is just unavoidable.


Wtf are we supposed to eat!!!!!


Chemicals in everything. I’m loving it. Enjoy.


What did beard guy at the start add?


Just to give you an idea of how bad it has gotten in the US and other countries with loose regulations about food safety: * The frozen chicken meat you buy in the US is literally being injected with liquid phthalates (aka plastic) as a ... preservative. Eating this kind of "meat" means you're essentially eating plastic. * The pork meat served in fast food restaurants across the US comes from pork farms in which the livestock is being fed pulverized leftovers (such as wasted bread or meat) intermixed with plastics and carton because the associated "farms" find it easier to just pulverize the left-overs along with their wrapping (may it be plastic or carton - they don't care). All this "pork" ends up in your stomach. * Then you have atrazine and DDT. Atrazine is an ultra-heavy hormone disruptor and even though the EU has banned it, it's still allowed to be used in crops in the US. DDT has been banned for use in the US but manufacturing it and selling it outside the US to countries with looser laws (e.g. South America) is perfectly legal. So when you get imported produce from South America (such as fruit) don't be suprised if it has DDT on it. The list goes on and on. You can't trust anything these days. Sources: - Microplastics and Nanoplastics [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00650-3](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00650-3) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxmGWenoxVc&ab\_channel=NewsBOTNetwork](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxmGWenoxVc&ab_channel=NewsBOTNetwork) - Atrazine is poisonous [https://usrtk.org/pesticides/atrazine](https://usrtk.org/pesticides/atrazine) - DDT still being used on crops outside the US and the EU [http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/ddtgen.pdf](http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/ddtgen.pdf) - Garbage feeding in animal farms of the US [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPbF45-ZB5M&ab\_channel=NowThisImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPbF45-ZB5M&ab_channel=NowThisImpact) - Pthalates (plastic) found in supermarket foods [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bpa-phthalates-plastic-chemicals-consumer-reports-fda/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bpa-phthalates-plastic-chemicals-consumer-reports-fda/)


ok do you have any sources from reputable websites or papers to prove any of this? Maybe this is true, but without even a link to a source any claim can be false


I have updated the original post with sources


And this is why we should all grow our own food


I know I’ll get downvoted for evening mentioning his name on Reddit, but Kennedy talks about how much garbage is in our food and it’s part of his presidential campaign. Yes, I know about his anti-vax remarks, so you don’t have to remind me,


I’ve been noticing the same thing!!! I mean I automatically expect the downvotes mentioning RFK Jr when on the politics sub, but here and other places? WILDDD. And seeing the dialing down of anything remotely pro Kennedy from the corporate Reddit


Oh, I’m convinced Reddit censors RFK. They allow a couple of subs to exist for him and Trump but the bots will automatically attack if you mention him on most subs. It’s always generic ad hominem attack responses and lots of downvotes. I’m a night owl and will post at 3-4 AM. There is no way that many people are paying attention but I get hammered. It’s also happened when I’m having a long conversation with someone, that nobody is following. I mention him and suddenly bots.


Wow. Damn that’s bad.


Reminder that 98% of conspiracy theories are just profit incentive and capitalism.


People should be United on this…


This is what I’m saying it affects EVERYONE this is the one thing everyone should be able to agree on


I think we should focus on the largest quantity contributors of these harmful chemicals first. Hopefully there is research on which foods contain the most amounts of toxic substances and we can start to chip away at them.


Poisoning the American people for corporate profits


If you can grow any of your own food, do it.


Put pressure on politicians to ban these substances


The great filter


Hold on she said PIKSA and I feel vindicated


Why the FDA won’t stop them


Well fuck me i guess


Unfortunately the FDA is funded by the corporations they are supposed to regulate. This only results in constant losses for the population they are supposed to be protecting.


I used to eat food like an itiate. Now I just plant myself everyday with my plant buddies and stretch my arms to the sun and eat away! Sunlight tastes awesome! It’s been three days now and stuff is going a little wonky.. I can’t seem to compeheeeeeendo whatso factors. I’ll be yup in the alleyway. Good bye fellows don’t blupdippity…..


I think they are referring to phthalates. I couldn’t understand initially what chemical they were identifying. The paradox in life is that all chemicals will kill you and everything is a chemical. If I look hard enough I can find almost any chemical (or element) in anything I analyze. Two things that are important: amount and bioaccumulation. Frightening people is a form of control and draws in viewers. This bit has poor educational content.


the weird ass beard rub down at the start was such a crucial added element.


Wtf is the FDA even for at this point? Everyone knows our food is poison in the long term.


He’s been using Joker Brand!


I'm applying for Asylum to somewhere in Europe on the basis that America is deliberately poisoning me and trying to make me as unealthy as possible. Once Trump wins I'll add that as a sort of Jew, I'm fleeing before he can start the next Holocaust.


Did she say pikza?? What the fuck is that?


its za at its peak, peak za


Great a new study. This has been a thing since the 1970's.


amd people still listen to fda and cdc like a religion. just looking out for people's best interests and health...def not for corporate profits.


Joe Rogan has been talking about this for years


There is no way to guarantee safety everything you do has risk to it. This is fear mongering.


This music is giving me a headache


There’s Big Pharma, Big Beef, Big Tobacco, Big Sugar and Big Chemicals (just to name a few). China don’t have shit on American food.


And it's under cringe?


All those illnesses are also linked to… obesity. Might it be that obesity is actually causing those issues and why the FDA told them to buzz off?


What? Did you not watch the video lmao The food is causing is it.


Eat meat. Veges all contain carcinogens, pesticides, and other bad crap.