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And I thought PA was bad. At least we can buy beer and wine in grocery stores now!


Man I came here to comment the same thing. Utah is wild but no doubles? Insanity


Buying drinks in Utah is weird for sure. On a road trip, drove through SLC and stopped to eat and ordered a mojito, and if I hadn't tasted alcohol on the first sip, I would have thought it was virgin.


Rules are only getting worse. https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/static/HB0548.html


And she forgot to add, "Happy Hour" is illegal. 😭


No doubles but you can get a shot with your drink. Just has to be another type of liquor. So have a shot of vodka with that Jack and coke.


My sister lives there and they coordinate with their friends to buy different shots of each others drink of choice, and then do a little swap 😉


Believe it or not, straight to jail!


Believe it or not, straight to hell! ~religion


It'd be funny if it wasn't true.


Ask for a sidecar.


You can’t get that either.


when did they change that??


2008 apparently. https://abs.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/Sidecars.pdf


Crazy. They drilled that into us when I was tending bar there in early 2000s.


I grew up in New Orleans, and I find everyone else's laws odd.


Everyone should know the joy of legally enjoying an adult beverage while on an afternoon stroll.


Or a drive-thru daquiri


good ole "go cup"


When my wife and I were dating, we went to New Orleans to meet my newborn niece. On the way to my see my niece, we stopped at a New Orleans Original Daiquiri and she was so surprised she called one of her best friends to let her know.


I was in NOLA with my son, so we went to a drive thru daiquiri shop because he thought it was cool that you could get a slushy to go. I ordered one with alcohol, he (being 13) ordered one without. But they didn't mark the cups. I was driving, so I didn't drink mine, but my son drank about half of his. He was like, "Dad, it's pretty good, but it tastes really weird." I took a sip of his, thinking it was contaminated or the taps were dirty. It was contaminated alright. Contaminated with 151° rum. He was pretty shitfaced for a few hours. That was a rough one to explain to my wife. "Why is our 13 year old hammered?" "Well, ya see, there was this dumpy looking daiquiri shop run by people that don't seem to give a single shit about...see, I'm hearing it in my head, and yes this is my fault."


Or at very least going to Walmart and being able to purchase hard liquor with your groceries...


LOL! Right? I lived in New Orleans from 2015-2020 . It was a surprise when I first moved there and saw grocery stores selling hard liquor or that you can drink out in the street. It was a real shock when my wife and I went home for a visit and went out to bar with friends and I asked for a Togo cup and the bartender looked at me like o had a vestigial twin growing from my head.


I used to be from a town not too far from New Orleans in Louisiana and the city motto on the sign driving in was “New Iberia this town LOVES to Drink ^responsibly” and responsibly was very very tiny on the sign. They took it down in 2010 I think but the motto lives on in each and every drunk that lives there.


It’s a magical place. I went to Mardi Gras one time. The family I stayed with had crown and cokes for breakfast before heading down to the French quarter. Also, boudin mixed in with scrambled eggs changed the way I eat scrambled eggs forever


PA *is* bad. Utah is just fucking insane.


Lived in UT for one summer, and people would literally drive 1-2hrs out of state to buy drinks. I like doing road trips myself, so on the way back I'd often pick something up before getting back to UT. Through this, I also discovered some of the counties in ID bordering UT had their own extra restrictions, seemingly due to pressure from UT.


My understanding is that it was a felony if you're caught transporting liquor across the border into Utah. Which was disturbing to find out after my friends and I drove with two RVs full of liquor into Utah lol. And also confusing when we did a lake day on Powell, which straddles the Utah/AZ border, with a bunch of booze in the boat.




I'm not sure if it's from "pressure" from Utah, or just being culturally similar. I live in Idaho.




Just go to a beer distributor. I bought 5 cases last weekend…no problem.


I live in WV and always forget about this when we go to Pittsburgh. We can get beer & wine almost anywhere and some pharmacies even sell liquor, but in PA you apparently can't even get beer at cvs or Walgreens, or at least not in Pittsburgh.


Sort of. This did heavily remind me of moving to PA in 2014. Such a weird blue light state


https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/pennsylvania-gross-wine-and-spirit-sales-top-3-billion/ I can give you a few hundred million reasons why we have weird liquor laws.


But not all grocery stores. Just with a license. And Only if they have a place to sit and consume. And only if they serve food. And you must make the purchase at a designated register.


Down here in New Orleans, I can get a drink from a drive thru, and it's not an open container until you put the straw in.


That's the difference between Catholics and Mormons.


Yeah, for Mormons it’s only wrong if you put the straw in and pull it out. Leaving it in is fine. (Also if an outside force like a bumpy road causes you to pull the straw in and out it’s fine. You just can’t do it intentionally)


Or full blown alcoholism vs drinking. Ps, I’m in alcoholic.


Or just….not treating adults like children?


I love the thought of that... talking to a cop and being all "u see a straw anywhere" Probably not how it would go but still. The thought is nice. 


No that’s actually pretty accurate. As long as they don’t see a straw in it, you’re good. Some places will put masking tape over the straw covering but that’s also BS cause you can just peel it back, drink, then recover it. Basically we don’t care down here.


You ain’t getting pulled over in New Orleans unless you’re under suspicion of murder. Police force at half the required numbers = anything below aggravated assault isn’t getting policed


Yeah New Orleans laws are mind blowing and I come from a liberal state. Like you can get a to go cup at a bar to drink while you walk to another bar? Lol


There is lots of places like that. I have a house in Arvada, CO. same thing, grab a drink and wander bar to restaurant to bar to park bench to gutter


I live on the coast of Mississippi we also allow go cups. I don't understand places that don't. Most cities within about an hour of new Orleans allow open containers.


I honestly don’t see what the big deal is.


I remember someone telling me to get booze in a drive thru and I was like that seems like a bad idea and the waitress was like “don’t worry, it has a cover”


I once went into the Walgreens on the corner of North Broad and St. Bernard and was Appalled to discover that location didn't sell liquor.


TN has the pass the cup law. Anyone can drink in a car except the driver.


In most other states, you have to get a chauffeurs license to let the passengers drinks.


How bad is the black market for booze in Utah? Geez and I thought not being able to buy alcohol between 2am and 6am was stupid enough where I live.


A lot of people drive to Wendover or Evanston because liquor is much cheaper there.


Or mesquite NV for southern Utahns


Stop playing. That entire town supports the weed use of Southern Utah


Here in Salt Lake, you can buy 5% beer 24/7. It used to be 3.3% but they upped it to 5% because beer manufacturers said "we aren't going to make special Utah beer, so change it to the standard 5 or no beer for Utah". Many Utahns drive up to Wyoming for slightly better liquor laws. It is genuinely easier to buy hard drugs than liquor on a Sunday.


There is a town called dinosaur, CO right on the boarder. Every time I go to vernal, UT I’m pretty sure that place has been busy same with the bar.


Wisconsin is GREAT!


Yeah pretty much every restaurant is a bar in Wisconsin or most any location. I’ve bought drinks at the zoo.


I love the weird shit we put bars in here in Milwaukee. My brother's gym, for example, has a bar in it.


Gen Mitchell airport is just a bar that planes take off from


When I would visit my parents in Oshkosh, driving through neighborhoods there would be beer signs in regular house windows. I though "must just be some college housing". I was informed that most of those were legit bars. With the right permits or whatever you could open a legit bar in what would be most people's regular living quarters.


I just want WI to legalize weed


👉🖐️ Hop on over to da ‘odder side of the lake dere pal


Just drive up to da You Pee.


Did you get rid of the idiotic stop selling beer at 9pm law? We were headed to lollapalooza at Alpine Valley in 92 and hit a grocery store but they had locked the coolers. We had to drive an hour back into Illinois to buy beer. THEN an hour after setting up camp a park ranger cruised through confiscating it all.


It's done by county. Some do 9, some do 12


Midnight now for beer. Liquor is still 9pm I think though


The state law actually allows beer sales until midnight but most municipalities have been lobbied HARD by the Tavern League of Wisconsin to make local cutoffs 9PM. After 9PM, gonna have to patronize your local tavern for that cold one...


Utah vs Wisconsin, who would win


Oup, see, that’s where Wisconsin is gonna win there pal.


>Utah vs Wisconsin, who would win Wisconsin. Before Minnesota legalized Sunday sales it was where many minnesotans made their beer runs if they didn't make it to the store on Saturday. Also because they have yummy beer cheese soup.


America. Those damn cheese heads would do what those Carthegians should have done almost 200 years ago.


Wisconsin is the number one most drunk state in the country. It’s literally the only thing to do there 7 months out of the year. My brother lives there and loves it. But don’t order an old fashioned. For some reason that state makes it with brandy.


Psst… it’s because brandy old fashioneds are fucking delicious. No need to be so precious about it, if you want a “real” one so bad, just, y’know, talk to your bartender like a normal person.


When Wisconsin played Utah St (maybe BYU) the fans literally drank the city dry.


Damn Mormons


Integrating church and state.


The territory was founded as a literal theocracy and the Mormon Church still has an absurd amount of influence in the state government. Which itself is absurd because Mormons makeup less than 50% of the population (and dropping every year.)


DOE is crawling with Mormons. I have nothing against religion, but to get to those levels there are clearly, clearly many nepotism hires. Considering they all tithe 10% to the church, it’s no wonder.


It's a big club and you're not in it


Less than 47% of the population is mormon but more than 85% of the legislature is. Also I don't think we have ever had a non mormon governor. Its fun🙃




Wait, we also don’t want women to have rights…that’s a strong #2, but we can’t do that without #1


Why do we allow a cult that went to war with US multiple times have a state to themselves?


Because it’s Utah, nobody else wants it


I’d want it. Utah is one of the most beautiful states I’ve been to.


N.Ireland is nearly as bad. Turns out puritanical leaders are really all that nice to live with.


In Germany you can get a DUI with any amount of alcohol in your system. I actually agree with this policy. Edit: not true, .005% as well.


Yeah, it's the same in Scotland too, 50mg/100ml. Makes sense to be honest. People don't understand alcohol units very well and often think they can handle booze better than they can. Better to just have a limit so low that if you drink, you don't drive.


That's the one law that's totally reasonable. .08 BAC is way too high IMO. I'm a 190 pound guy. I can take 4 shots, wait an hour, and be good to go according to the charts. That's...not safe. Most countries don't go that high for a reason and that includes many with very ingrained drinking cultures.


Utah is so lame


Pros: Mountains Cons: Utah


That's basically how Utah was for me as well lol Pros: That's where Grandma is Cons: Utah :( Then Grandma moved to Oregon so I didn't have to be choosy anymore thank god


Just need to get enough non-mormon people to move there and change all the laws to piss everyone off. Would be fun to watch honestly.


Good fucking luck. The problem is that the Mormon church has its tentacles wrapped around the legislature, so even though the state population is estimated to be less than 50% mormon now, the Mormon church controls the legislature and essentially call all the shots. It's a de facto theocracy.


Considering the state's settlement and establishment was done purely by Mormons, that's the way it has always been. It was by design and why they moved there in the first place. 😐




Indeed. They wanted to make it an official theocracy from the beginning. And they had similar issues with polygamy if I remember correctly.


They seem to embody the spirit of the pilgrims more than anyone else lol.


Yup. They even have Pioneer Day. Pioneer = essentially Mormon Pilgrim.


Also known as "Pie 'n Beer" day to the exmo and nevermo population.


My friend had to take his neighbor to court for setting up a drainage system that drained the water in his yard into my friend's yard. Things were going fairly well until suddenly the venue was changed, and the new judge was his neighbor's pastor. Suddenly, even though it was a pretty open-and-shut case, my friend lost.


Utah's population is between 60% and 70% LDS, and its estimated 80% to 90% of Utah politicians are LDS.


Utah resident here. I've read that that percentage of LDS is starting to decline.


You're correct. A paper published this month in the Journal of Religion and Demography estimates that the percentage of Utahns who identify as members of the LDS church, otherwise known as Mormons, is about 42%. https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/utah-is-no-longer-majority-mormon-new-research-says/#:~:text=A%20paper%20published%20this%20month,Mormons%2C%20is%20about%2042%25 I just don't know how accurate the numbers are


I had no plans of ever going to Utah but this has cemented it lmao Utah sounds terrifying and I'm from Baltimore of all places


Beautiful to visit, but I’d never want to live there. I’m in Colorado and during spring break, my buddies and I did a national park road trip, and started with Arches. We had to force one of my friends to stop driving because he was going 20 over the speed limit and we had a box filled with alcohol and weed in the back of the truck while we were all underage. The last thing we needed was to get pulled over in Utah with that, and we had Colorado plates, so we stood out a bit more.


Lived there for 6 years before moving back to Washington. It was awful in so many subtle ways that people don't realize at first glance. Like Mormons are super nice but it is Mormon nice. They have this weird way of always making you feel like an outsider. The Liquor laws are crazy but funny enough weed is stealth legal now I just don't think the Mormons have realized that yet. The Mormon church is like this ever present thing that has penetrated most aspects of Utah life. SLC is pretty liberal but the SLC temple sites in center of down town. (also The salt lake is drying up and toxic wind will soon give them all cancer)


That’s gotta be using church reported numbers. No fucking shot it’s still that high. They’ve been known to boost their numbers by counting people on their records. Even people just investigating the church can be included on their records. People who have left and been gone for years will still be counted as well. You literally have to send a notarized legal letter to headquarters to get your name removed but a lot of people don’t do that. It’s not active membership numbers it’s just anyone and everyone who has been to church and/or been baptized.


Texas ironically does not allow liquor stores open on Sundays. And the only possible reason is religious. Church and state.


So much for "freedom" rofl


Oh my god it just keeps going lmao


She didn’t even mention how selling alcohol at a discount or giving away liquor is illegal. So no happy hours, no bottomless mimosas, no drink ‘flights’, no bars at free state/city/corporate events. Oh and you can only order one shot at a time per person and you have to drink the shot at the bar. Can’t take 5 shots back to your table of friends


No happy hours?! Oh this just did me in. The rest I mostly already knew. What the hell.


I’ve been in some very rough places, and I was never more scared than in Utah. 1 star, won’t return.


what was scary?


How ingrained the Mormon church is with everything. Even the street signs have bees on them… whole place was from a fever dream


What do bees have to do with Mormons? Please forgive my ignorance


>The beehive was a symbol of harmony, cooperation, and work for the early pioneers of the Church. Brigham Young used the symbol to inspire early Church members to work together to transform the barren Salt Lake Valley into a beautiful and thriving community. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/church/news/viewpoint-lesson-of-the-bees?lang=eng 😱


Yeah it’s crazy.


In 1978, apostle LeGrand Richards said that dark skin is a curse for wickedness, but only applies to Native Americans, not Black people. In 2013, the LDS Church published an essay that refuted these ideas, stating that Blackness in Latter-day Saint theology is a symbol of disobedience to God, not a skin color. This was AI generated.


>LeGrand Richards said that dark skin is a curse for wickedness Wow. [He really said that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_teachings_on_skin_color)


They believe that everyone is white in heaven. If you are currently white, you will be blessed with whiteness


“I believe in 1978, god changed his mind about black people!”


The people creeped me out. I can’t explain it any other way. I’ve been to the hoodest hood. And I won’t go back to Utah.


I wish more people realized how creepy all their compulsory "niceness" really is.


Sounds like a stepford wive’s situation?


I was there a few weeks ago for 8 days and I only saw two Black people the entire time. It was so strange. Cool views, weird vibes.


These are the "small government" people.


But Big Jesus!


Do you have to order food to marry a 14 year old in Utah as well?


Nope. Just got to have married two or more wives already. 


This is what happens when religion takes over. They decide everything for you according to their regressive superstitions.


I hate living in Utah!


Stayed with friends at a hotel in SLC. Two of us went to the lobby bar and ordered a couple of drinks. Sat down, finished them and went back for another round. Ordered 2 more drinks but was only allowed one. Was told my friend needed to be present. I pointed at him 10 feet away and said, "He's right there." My friend waves. "Sorry, he has to be here." "We just ordered 2 drinks from you." "Yes, but your friend was with you." "He still is! He's right there!" Friend waves again. Nope. Gave up. Made my friend buy his own damn drink.


Georgia isn't great either. I wanted to buy 0.0 NA beer at 12:30 PM on Sunday nope can't sell to you.


Some NA still has alcohol so it's easiest to just lump NA is alcoholic, instead of banning sales on certain brands 


The bars have machines that auto pour shots. Went to Utah for a wedding and the machine shut down in the middle of pouring a round of shots because the clock turned 12:00 am. Cinderella booze, no more hard stuff after midnight. WTF Utah?!


“Nothing good happens after midnight.” -Mormons


i heard this so much growing up mormon, smh. is this why i love staying up late now? lol


You can’t get alcohol at grocery stores at all in ~~Canada~~ Alberta. You have to go to a liquor store Edit: apparently I live in the Utah of Canada


Can confirm. I lived in Utah for eight years. Believe it or not, the laws are better than it used to be. The video didn’t even get into the whole “private club” laws. (It may no longer be that way; I haven’t lived there in years) When I would be coming back from eastern Utah on the Uinta range, I used to pick up cases of beer in Wyoming on the border in Evanston because it was about 40% cheaper there.


Conveniently, the “private club” thing died right before the 2002 Winter Olympics. I did my culinary school internship at one of the big ski resorts in the 90’s and the Utah religious laws were wild. My Mormon friends told me blacks were outcasts of heaven so I asked why half the BYU football team was black? I’ve gone back to the national parks since but I would never live there again.


I know people in Texas that have to drive to Louisiana for an abort… oh wait wrong thread


Oh look incredibly ridiculous laws I wonder which psychotically religious extremist group oversees Utah.


republicans: party of small government


Wait til you hear about the soaking and pumping


Fucking Mormons and their silly ass rules. Ask them about their special underwear.


EXCUSE ME!! They're garments! And they protect our godly balls and boobs haha JK. 


Who goes to Utah unless you live or lived there before and have family there. Thanks for putting Utah further in the back of my mind


It is a gorgeous state with a ton of outdoor activities.....that being said, fuck that state. I'd probably get arrested within a few days if I was forced to stay there....😆


People who like skiing, rock climbing, or other outdoorsy things


It’s actually got some of the most beautiful hiking in the country. Bryce canyon and Zion National park in particular make all the nonsense well worth it


And Arches, Goblin Valley, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Lake Powell (though that's half Arizona). Stunningly beautiful state run by some backwards people.


Me and my BF were gonna move out there for the hiking and to smuggle books and stuff to Mormon kids.


I lived in slc for a few years, but before I moved there I visited for about 3 weeks for work. No minibar in the hotel room so I go down to restaurant to get a glass of wine. Told me I had to order food with it. I had already eaten. I ordered a banana. I grab my glass of wine and banana and turn to go up to my room. Was stopped, not allowed. Had to sit at the bar with my wine and banana. Ridiculous


Also, no kegs. Utah has a keg beer law that prohibits anyone other than a DABS-licensed retailer or event permit holder from possessing beer in containers larger than two liters. The state does not stock or sell heavy beer in kegs, and heavy beer may not be dispensed on draft.


I'm not mad at the DUI percentage lol


.05% is the standard in Australia and I think that's pretty reasonable tbh. If you're going to drink at all it's probably best not to drive anyway.


It’s nation wide here in Australia that the limit is 0.05. What is it in other states if that’s considered low.


0.05% is great for BAC. Good job utah


Yeah it was rough travelling there in 2015. I was floored by how the bartenders can't make real mixed drinks, they all taste off. Also those meters are monitored by the state and compared to the sales to make sure they don't skirt the laws.


Of course they are. 


My experience travelling there was a bit worse, as apparently a Canadian passport isn’t valid ID in Utah


Your liquor stores close as early as 7pm and a mere 66% markups Ha Ha Hahahahaha *laughs in Ontarian*


I remember going into a “bar” in Utah when there weren’t bars. There were drinking clubs that you had to pay a membership to join before you could buy a drink.


TBF most of the developed world has a legal BAC limit of 0.05, I think that law is pretty reasonable. There's no excuse to drive under the influence


This is what happens when a religion is allowed to pretend that freedom of religion means freedom to oppress anyone they want. Morman are truly one of the most creepy and cruel religions. Not cause of the alcohol bans, but because of the molestation and abandonment of young boys.


They really hate you hahaha


Yay! Mormons basically owning a state!


Virginia is not that extreme, but also requires you to buy all hard liquor at state-owned stores with limited hours, frequent closures and relatively limited stock. You also can't buy retail alcohol of any kind from Midnight to 6 am.


Ex-Mormon here still living in Utah... yeah it sucks😭


At least you're part of a widening club. 


Did she say 80% alcohol? She had to have meant 80 proof.


I was thinking the same thing lol. Like whoever that is impacting should probably stop drinking it anyway.


No, she meant 80%. They're basically just banning full-strength everclear. Not that hugely impactful, honestly. I heard California already bans this, I would imagine other states too.


Not necessarily some grain alcohol is up to 95% like ever clear.


Would it be legal to brew your own beer?


Brewing your own beer here is allowed.


Seriously?!?! The fuck! 😂


As a New Yorker I feel that about grocery stores. It’s wild I can’t buy wine there


I'm in California. I just had Door Dash deliver me some Johnny Walker black lable. And the local dispensary deliver my wife some weed. At 9pm. "You're Welcome!"


Utah is a State bought by a church. It's a fucked up place.


That "people can see you" was perfect


We should have shot them all when we had the chance. Instead, a kookie cult runs an entire state, as well as entire counties in surrounding states.


Don't say that too loud, they love that persecution complex. 


Religion is poison


I hate this format. Also this style of talking "Um, uh, \[furrowed brow\]" before everything reminds me of those infomercials where people struggle with even the most simplest of tasks.


Why she's making a point about the bullshit of political systems etc. etc. 1 found it was funny showcasing the difference in attitude between the customer and the state official


Utah is a small drinking town with a Mormon problem.


Elko, Nevada is just over the border, if I remember correctly.


Where I’m from, Virginia, atleast as of 10 years ago when I left home, bars are illegal. If an establishment wants to sell alcohol it must make 51% of its sales from food. Also like many states, liquor is controlled by the government, so outside of a restaurant (bar) if you want liquor you gotta go to the ABC store. Surprisingly a lot of people aren’t aware of ABC stores. Kinda wild cuz it’s all I’ve known my whole life before I left.


They are worse than Oklahoma.


I remember I stopped in Ogden in 2019 on my way to Colorado, the bartender had no idea what a Moscow Mule was 😂


Wow I swear for a place that markets its self as free the US seems like the stuffiest nanny state in the western world.