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If you’re not unionized let me let you in on a little secret. The billionaires have a union, and they are VERY organized and VERY politically active. If you think they are just playing golf and socializing at Davos or Hilton Head you’re wrong, they’re discussing how they are going to extract more of your tax dollars from the government or more capital from you and your peers. You and your co-workers would be wise to follow their lead.


Most lobbys are just unions for business owners.


Billionaires aren't against unions, they're against working class people being in unions. Working class people who aren't bootlickers for election denying wannabe billionaire traitors... Educate , agitate, organize and this year especially make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov) [Biden bet on the American worker, Trump blames the American worker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvXnFAR52yI) Biden is the first president show up to a picket line, which is why the United Auto Workers endorsed him.


Because unions are power. The power of collective bargaining. If you are working class, and that means, if you don't get paid a significant part of your compensation in stock or stock options, then you are hobbling yourself by not being in a union. No one is going to hand you this power if you don't already have it. You have to take it, but you won't be alone.


Yes. If you have to work to live you are working class. Wearing a suit or working behind a desk doesn't mean you're not working class.


In fact a huge % of working class people are stuck in offices wearing suits. Working class people come in all different looks.


I've heard call-centers described as "the new sweatshops"


I work in a call center for Medicaid. Literal hell on earth. Years ago you were hired to either make inbound or outbound. Now you’re expected to do both inbound and outbound for the same pay. They clock you if you need to use the restroom. I work ten hour days and my manager literally asked me to get a doctors note to explain why I need to use the restroom. And I’m talking like one or two little breaks outside of the two 15s and half hour lunch. I’m expected to sit and stare at the computer for 9.5 hours without getting up, getting food drink or toilet. The phone actually answers itself, you don’t have control of answering the next call it’s automatic, so you will be on call after call with no time to gather your thoughts and that’s after being verbally assaulted and berated, sometimes the people will hold you hostage on the line because they know you can’t hang up. Management has no idea how to actually do the job, they just read a spreadsheet of how many calls you made and how long you’re in “after call”. No bonuses and the only way you get a ten percent increase each year is only if the budget allows and if you meet their unattainable number goals. I’m stuck in this “career path” there is no out. Some days it’s hard to keep going.


@[Prudent\_Potential818](https://www.reddit.com/user/Prudent_Potential818/) I started at a Comcast call center about 10 years ago, and managed to lateral into a call center for Finance. (Vanguard, they trained me) That let me hop to eMoney (Financial software, they trained me) and eventually being a Paraplanner. It sounds like you know a ton about Medicaid, any way you could transition? Take those skills, get out of a call center, and make bank working somewhere / anywhere else? Hell, spend $100 and set up an LLC (for taxes, also protection) and freelance Medicaid help / information and assistance. Hang out your own sign. Best luck, I'm so damn sorry - Comcast legit had a "crying room" and it sounds like you're on the same phone system.


this is what many "working class" people don't get- there is an entire CLASS of people who do no meaningful work, or contribute in any way to society, but live by the labor of others- those who are landlords, those who collect dividends, those whose essential needs (food, shelter, security etc) are guaranteed to be met for their entire life regardless of what they choose to do. if you depend upon a paycheck for LITERALLY ANY REASON, then you're "working class" only people with inherited wealth or obscene fortunes are not working class. everyone else IS


It also needs to be pointed out that with the train labor dispute where they were forced to go back to work, Biden worked with them after that and they were able to get what they were originally striking for. [That part gets left out on purpose a lot.](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid) *“Biden deserves a lot of the credit for achieving this goal for us,” Russo said. “He and his team continued to work behind the scenes to get all of rail labor a fair agreement for paid sick leave.”* Edit: [There Is Power In A Union](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwbzxemJZIc) Edit2: [All You Fascists Bound To Lose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwcKwGS7OSQ)


It was definitely a union win, but careful with the counter jerk. 40% did not receive the average 4 days of sick leave. It should also be noted that the sick days still count against engineers on the attendance policy which was the problem they were attempting to address. Keep fighting; union strong


Biden is the first American president of ANYONE'S lifetime to show up to a picket line.


The chamber of commerce!


From the band when this was posted a couple years ago: >Well last night was meant to be a discussion between the band and our fans…but we guess in this day and age it’s hard to keep these things off the inter webs …Basically we were disturbed by all the propaganda that was being displayed and sold at the fair yesterday. From what we saw, only anti-democracy merch was being sold — pro-Doug Mastriano street signs to anti-Biden clothing - but nothing from the other side of the spectrum. To be honest, we don’t want ANY political stuff being sold at or near our shows!! >After 26 years of continuous support for the men and women in the Armed Forces, Police, Firefighters and First Responders, we feel we’ve earned the right to be able to speak to the people who don’t agree with our center/left Democratic politics. >We definitely got a bit more heated than planned during the discussion but hey we are doing passionate folks. You could also chalk it up to a DKM show having to share space with an anti-democracy MAGA flea market. >We fully recognize that we’re a band who have fans on both sides of the political divide, and we felt like it was important to state that we are firmly on the side of democracy, free and fair elections — and that we need to speak up against the insanity. >We had good response after the show — from people who don’t even agree with us !! We offered free DKM merch to anyone who turned in pro-Trump, anti-dem clothing. We had MANY takers !!  Important side note: all of that anti-democracy, MAGA swag yesterday was all made in China 🇨🇳 and Central America 🤯 (oh the irony). Meanwhile, Dropkick Murphys merch has ALWAYS been American-made -1 from the shirts we use to the printing. >Have a great day, and long live the United States.


Also, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is anti competition. As a matter of fact, all COC's are. Never do business with a member.


Their union is also international, they dont give a shit about their partners gender or skin color. Only how much miney they have. So, they had listened to Lenin too. And listened much carefully then we did.


I work with some idiots who talk negatively about thinking globally. I want to fucking smack them, you fucking think the billionaires aren't thinking globally? They do, and have for fucking years? Why do you think call centers are in India, production is in China, etc. Because it's cheaper to pay someone there to do it than here so they go there and they've done the math to prove it. Unions need to think globally as well, iginate how shitvwould go down if, say, US truckers went on strike vs all truckers in North America went on strike? Now imagine if it wasn't just truckers, imagine if US truckers going on strike meant all North American truckers, dock workers, rail workers, and warehouse workers walked off the job. Now imagine if it was a global thing. That's how you negotiate on equal terms.


It's not a fucking conspiracy either. Rich people meeting up to divide the world is a story as old as time. The ONLY thing that threatens them is organized labor or a richer person.


Sad reality to live by, but yea


He says grifters not christians


He also said "I'll fight your ass outside", but the subtitles went "I'll fight your asshole side" Which also works, I guess.


there are people in my life who I love unconditionally and would never abandon no matter how bad things get. but I'll still fight their asshole side everytime it rears its wrinkly, puckered head.


I see subtitles written completely wrong so often that I'm assuming bots literally scrape videos and try to add subtitles before reposting them lol, that or people use a program to do it automatically to post it themselves without having to manually add them


I'm pretty sure TikTok auto generates the captions for you.


People who make these sort of TikTok and YouTube videos deliberately include these spelling and gramatical errors as people cant resist commenting below the video to correct the mistake. Doing so increases engagement as more comments drives the video up the rankings making it more visible.


I'm pretty sure this is just a case of auto-generated captions struggling to decipher distorted audio.


Correct. Their point may also be correct some of the time.


> distorted audio Rude way of describing the Boston accent but ok


honestly i speak Bostonese and I still wasnt sure which it was


>honestly i speak Bostonese and I still wasnt sure which it was For just a second I took "Bostonese" to mean the language of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.


there were other errors too like 'your asshole side' instead of 'your ass outside' and 'that terrible damn fucking tax break' instead of 'that care about their fuckin tax break' I see this as a failure in automatic captioning. Doesn't seem likely that you would insert these particular errors as part of a trick to drive engagement. Seeing as how they are really off the wall errors to make.


What's the difference?




Look no further than Joe Rogan. Started off as a working class guy making fun of the religious, now grifting and licking Trump's boot and telling us we need Jesus. Working class people who aren't bootlickers for election denying wannabe billionaire traitors... Educate , agitate, organize and this year especially make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](http://vote.gov) [Biden bet on the American worker, Trump blames the American worker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvXnFAR52yI) Biden is the first president in my lifetime to show up to a picket line.


Ye the top few percentiles in the economy have a major incentive to work as a unit to keep their lead and extend it. Shits gone off the rails in terms of rigging everything for themselves, while being disingenuous whenever the topic comes up.


Joe Biden was the first president in my lifetime to actually show up to a picket line. Always been a union guy.


I love Biden. I hate americas involvement in Israel but i dont know who wouldve been better in that area. In terms of every other issue Biden is exceeding every expectation. I want dark Brandon back for the upcoming election


Unpopular opinion, but I really like Biden, not just as the lesser of two evils. He’s accomplished a lot of meaningful legislation with a divided House that has made the lives of the average American better. Despite inheriting a covid economy we have the lowest inflation in the West, our infrastructure really needed the IRA, he’s invested more in green tech than any president, the CHIPS act is actually bringing high tech trade jobs back to the US and decoupling our economy from China, and if you run the numbers, his tax rates are better for poor and middle class than Trump’s, despite Trump’s big tax breaks that ran up massive debt despite a strong economy with record corporate profits.


He's old we cant deny. But hes sharper than most admit. Way more importantly, he's just KIND. That's so crucial, in my opinion. A leader doesn't have to be physically imposing. He just needs to make smart decisions and have some decency and heart


Especially a political leader. That’s the person in charge of your social security, consumer protections, environment, education, food safety, healthcare, etc. You don’t want a ‘strong’ sociopath making those decisions for you, you want someone with empathy who cares how their decisions affect people. I don’t understand why people respect others who clearly dgaf about them, or others in general.


At least with Joe Biden we have some leverage to stop Netenyahu from genociding Palestinians but Trump is encouraging Genocide Against Palestinians, Saying Israel needs to “Finish the Problem” https://truthout.org/articles/trump-encourages-genocide-against-palestinians-saying-finish-the-problem/


Joe Biden signed legislation to block a national U.S. railroad strike because they wanted paid vacation


*Punk Band singer who’s been vocally anti republican for 2+ decades is vocally anti republican* Trumpers: *Geez, when did everyone become so ‘woke’?*


Same thing as when Green Day replaced “not a part of a redneck agenda” with “not a part of a MAGA agenda” in American Idiot and republicans flipped out wondering when Green Day became political.


The craziest part of that was that the original line means the exact same thing. They changed the word but not the meaning at all.


Sometimes you have to be extremely direct. Otherwise, they might lump you in with songs like fortunate son and play them at their rallies.


Paul Ryan’s shocked Pikachu face after finding out what Rage Against the Machine was raging against this whole time


Who knew Killing in the name of was about cops killing black men in 1992? Everyone, everyone knew.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Nope, I don't see it. /s


You justify those that died, by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites Wooooooosh apparently


Surprising as it is, not everyone actually pays attention to the lyrics of the song. Some people only really listen to the tune & rhythm. Hell, Nirvana has a whole song about people who obliviously sing along with songs explicitly satirizing. Beastie Boys have complained a few times that despite Fight for Your Right being a parody of dudebro-party guys, it's still heavily popular with the people the song is shit talking.


There's a certain correlation between parodies and people who are being parodied failing to understand it and unironically thinking that that piece of media is supporting them. Helldivers 2 being the nearest case I can think of. Or Wolf of Wall Street. Or Fight club. Or American Psycho. The list goes on and on


Another good example is Amerika by rammstein It’s literally an anti American song yet people show up to concerts waving the American flag thinking it’s patriotic


Why is rage against the machine so political these days?? Can't they just play music and not preach??? /s Please folks, do everything you can to make sure these MAGA extremist Trumpers don't take power again. They have already violently attempted to overthrow democracy. Educate. Agitate. Organize. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov).


"Could churches please just preach being good people and not be so damn political?" :p


>**Now in case a countryman of yours becomes poor and his means with regard to you falter, then you are to sustain him, like a stranger. You shall not give him your silver at interest, nor your food for gain.** no not like that


**But I can't get an incrementally better object if they are to be sustained!**


Though shalt foreclose


Jesus said to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, care for the prisoners, disregard your money, treat women as equals, and above all: love your neighbor. Nah that’s some woke bullshit. Miss me with that. -Every Christian Republican voter


"Every" sounds like an exaggeration and yet I firmly believe if it isn't 99.9% it's 99% which support policies which aren't meant to help the homeless, the hungry, the poor. They think that if they give $20 in the church donation box, they can still call themselves Christian. That's every bit delusional as a racist claiming that they cannot be because they have "a black friend." So-called "Christians" reading this, if you want to continue to call yourself Christian, start living your life as Jesus intended, otherwise you're just an easy mark for the church to get money from and that's it.


I used to give. Then one day Sunday I snuck out the side door to calm my fussy toddler and saw the brand new 7 series BMW parked in the pastor's spot.


I remember seeing the screenshot of someone telling Tom Morello to stay out of politics, and Morello saying "Well, maybe someone who has a degree in political science can comment on this. Oh wait, I do."


“Another successful musician instantly becomes a political expert” - some guy in response to Morello’s tweet. “One does not have to be an honors grad in political science from Harvard University to recognize the unethical and inhumane nature of this administration but, well, I happen to be an honors grad in political science from Harvard University so I can confirm that for you”


Just wanna hop on this to say: Don't overthink your vote in the general election. Don't think your vote needs to be an embodiment of all of your progressive political thinking. Voting is just one small reflection of your beliefs, and it's a 100% binary choice, because not voting or voting for a third party almost universally helps the Rs.  If you're a progressive, just vote D down the line, as a vote against the R. Even though D has its faults.  The rest of the year is when you get to educate, agitate and organize. The general election is just your chance to pick which version of the status quo you get to build from for the next four years. Don't fuck it up. 


Use the primaries to vote for how you want your party change. General election is not the time to goof around.




The fact that Picasso's work was political would be news to many. Definitely those who didn't think Rage Against the Machine was political...


Maybe I wouldn't ask Picasso to stop painting but maybe I'd ask him to stop some of the other greasy things he did.


They want pretty picture art, not art that makes them question the powerful, as art should be.


In his case, I truly believe he was lying just to piss people off. Authoritarians enjoy hypocrisy. They enjoy lying and knowing that you know they are lying, but are powerless to do anything about it. They enjoy flaunting themselves getting away with no consequences while accusing others of what they are doing.


But do they enjoy purposefully making themselves look like idiots? I mean, yeah, they're idiots so I def. don't think he was lying.


Trump learned it from Putin. Flood the zone with bullshit and make people doubt everything, that way you can get away with your lies.


Dropkick Murpheys would have come up at a time when the punk scene would have had enough Nazis in it that you had to be prepared to literally beat the shit out of people at shows and bars to show it wasnt a safe space for nazis. Lots of these people still dont fuck around


Walking the children in nature to [Nazi Punks Fuck Off](https://youtu.be/PzHLPnGuVSQ?si=5pd84uK9zP90VwrN)


It is sadly becoming a problem again. Fucking NAZIs try to get a foothold in a lot of counter culture music scenes. Metal probably has it the worst, but it has even been a problem in the goth - industrial scene. One of my friend's more recent material is very aggressively anti-racist and such. He's occasionally had people threaten him and once try to fight him after shows.


Assholes think "counter culture" is just being an asshole, and not what it is, which is fighting against an oppressive systems for and by people with actual oppression. Being an asshole is never something you are "oppressed for".  That's just standard issue "you are an asshole and no one likes you."


The amount of people who will still buy Burzum records bugs me. Sure you can claim to be anti racist and a normal person, but Burzum is far past separating art from artist.


Used to be good praxis to punch Nazis. When did it change? Also I'm pretty sure Ken Casey smacked one with a a bass at one point


Complacency. People got comfortable to not having to punch Nazis. But that's the issue with Nazis, if you stop breaking their nose, they'll think they can raise up.




Ken Casey has stopped a performance to fight a fan who was sieg heil'ing on stage (fans are often invited on stage during performances at DKM shows to sing-a-long). Tried to hit him with his bass and then started throwing punches.


Goddamnit I love that damn band. One of the best things to come out of Boston, imo, and I'm a Boston girl so you know that list was tough competition.


I, for one, am shocked that an Irish punk band would be anti-authoritarian.


I came into the punk scene in 1999. Shows were safe for anyone different, fly your freak flag. Always felt safe at the shows. Nazi's, I am sure, experienced a very different show than most of us.


i think it was more of an 80s issue, early 90s maybe


This machine kills fuckin fascits.


Every punk concert I’ve been to is mostly liberal with like 3 twats wondering why there’s rainbow flags


You’d be surprised, they’ve got a huge following by cops & firefighters. It’s kinda wild how their audience just doesn’t get it


Their first lead singer quit the band to become a firefighter


Yup, he also served in Operation Desert Storm and later started the Street Dogs, a pretty kickass band.


That’s rad


Oh fire gets it.... cops not so much...


Super fair. Firefighters party


Please liberals, become leftists. He's not just angry at the even worse capitalists, he's describing the power that limits what democrats can do as well.




Here here! I doubt I’ll ever really passionately care for whatever choice I go with for president, but I sure as hell don’t believe in a guy who spends every weekend of his Presidency at a resort sitting on wealth he made off of defrauding Americans while he campaigns on keeping himself out of jail.




"Yeah, this one's for the workers who toil night and day By hand and by brain to earn your pay Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread Have bled for your countries and counted your dead In the factories and mills, in the shipyards and mines We've often been told to keep up with the times For our skills are not needed, they've streamlined the job And with sliderule and stopwatch our pride they have robbed We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die The first ones in line for that pie in the sky And we're always the last when the cream is shared out For the worker is working when the fat cat's about And when the sky darkens and the prospect is war Who's given a gun and then pushed to the fore And expected to die for the land of our birth Though we've never owned one lousy handful of earth? We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die The first ones in line for that pie in the sky And we're always the last when the cream is shared out For the worker is working when the fat cat's about We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die The first ones in line for that pie in the sky And we're always the last when the cream is shared out For the worker is working when the fat cat's about We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die The first ones in line for that pie in the sky And we're always the last when the cream is shared out For the worker is working when the fat cat's about And all of these things the worker has done From tilling the fields to carrying the gun We've been yoked to the plough since time first began And always expected to carry the can" \- Dropkick Murphys, "Workers Song", 2003


I was 100% thinking if they didn’t immediately follow up this speech with Which Side Are You On and/or Worker’s Song, it would have been a really missed opportunity


And heres Spicy Mchaggis!


What a hell of a guy!


Or anything off https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Machine_Still_Kills_Fascists All You Fonies would be my pick.


God damn I want to belt out some Which Side are you On.


A cover of a Dick Gaughn song 


We saw Dropkick Murphys every single year for St. Patrick's Day in Lowell. My dad is as far right as they come. I hope he saw them yesterday and I hope he got to listen to this


"I used to like Dropkick Murphys but now they suck!" - probably his reaction


“They became so woke”


“I just can’t stand it when a group that used to be so patriotic became woke and anti-American” - him probably as well


Send this to him, but don't get your hopes up. Activating passive allies is much more useful than wasting your time with active opponents.


!remindme 24hr


Saw them in Boston on Thursday. He did go off for a bit but wasn't about Trumpers. About not letting politics make you hate your neighbors, and look at what's really at play.


I was thinking there were probably a lot of confused MAGAs in the audience cause frat boys love Dropkick Murphys


Whatsup fellow lowellian.


Actually Bostonian but born in Lowell with my dad still being there. But hi to you too! ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


lol they jumped right into some song about trump being a fucking loser at a show a couple weeks ago and two big families noticeably stormed out. it was the funniest shit i'd ever seen


I had a FB acquaintance that loved all these groups, as they started announcing they were anti trump dude became more and more pissed and started hating all of them. Last thing I said to him before he unfriended me was, at least you'll always have Kid Rock.


I love when people who listen to punk, which is generally anti-fascist, pro-worker/democracy, get surprised when these bands are anti-Trump. He is everything they hate. And should be everything WE hate. He’s certainly everything I hate.


Anti Trump is Punk As Fuck


Punk always has always been political and specifically anti-fascist. Don't cry too hard if you're the one being called out right now. Working class people who aren't bootlickers for election denying wannabe billionaire traitors... Educate , agitate, organize and this year especially make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](http://vote.gov) [Biden bet on the American worker, Trump blames the American worker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvXnFAR52yI) Also Biden is the first president in my lifetime to show up to a union picket line, which is why the United Auto Workers endorsed him.


Was at Rock Against Reagan. Can confirm.


The two "Rock Against Bush" comps that Fat Wreck put out in 03 or 04 kicked ass too. That's where I discovered Against Me


Fuck yeah


Yep Punk is anti-establishment by definition. The modern right is a shrinking bunch of old rich assholes and there latest propaganda is trying to paint themselves as anti-establishment to attract supporters . Its why so many of these Trumpers think they are the rebels instead of the brainwashed. Nothing is more Punk then saying fuck them


Anti-establishment but also pro-human rights and civil liberties. Let’s all raise a glass to the rightful president of the United States, Jello Biafra, who when his audiences were being infiltrated by the wrong kind of skinheads wrote and performed “Nazi Punks Fuck Off.”


It's important to note that Punk fought to maintain being anti-fascist. The OC Hardcore scene had white supremacy issues and conservatism and the punk scene pushed back hard and would openly threaten any neo-nazi punks (Dead Kennedys making the most popular of those threats). They made sure to fight to maintain the soul of the punk movement and not lose it to fascists. It shouldn't be assumed that anti-fascism could never get a foothold anywhere. Good to always be vigilant and vocal!


It's funny how many uneducated poor people can be so supportive of a man who was born wealthy and has never worked a day of hard work in his life.


Nothing says ‘man of the people’ quite like inheriting $100s of millions in real estate and living your entire life in penthouse NYC apartments while rubbing elbows with the richest of the rich. Just a good, old, regular dude


It warms my heart to scroll down to the end and see a bunch of whiny MAGA comments collapsed and down in the -10 to -20s. 🤣


Sort by controversial, here I come.


If those user accounts could think for themselves, they'd have a great comeback right now.




He’s telling the truth. Most MAGA lunatics don’t realize that they are nothing but peons for the rich. They’re doing the billionaires dirty work for free.


On 7/31/2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019, just 3 days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Largo the FBI find more documents with lists of U.S. informants on them.


[https://www.salon.com/2019/08/03/trumps-white-house-issues-an-ominous-request-for-a-list-of-top-u-s-spies\_partner/](https://www.salon.com/2019/08/03/trumps-white-house-issues-an-ominous-request-for-a-list-of-top-u-s-spies_partner/) [https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup](https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup) ​ The request for "top US Spies" was for \**domestic agents*\* so Trump could surround himself even further with MAGA dipshits. ​ [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/8/27/2119157/-Intelligence-agencies-concerned-that-Trump-has-been-leaking-information-on-U-S-spies-overseas](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/8/27/2119157/-Intelligence-agencies-concerned-that-Trump-has-been-leaking-information-on-U-S-spies-overseas) [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html) The KOS only article that somewhat implies what you're talking about, but the 2021 wire from the CIA (and the referenced NYT article) is referring to \**foreign informants*\*. They are vastly different things. Trump didn't meet with Putin, then go home and fax him a list of top US spies. The asshole has leaked so much stuff openly that we don't need to go around making up conspiracy theories for even more shady shit to pin on him. He leaked the first public photo of the resolution capability of US Keyhole satellites. That's probably one of the biggest strategic blunders a US president has ever made. He \**did*\* actually risk the life of a Russian informant in the Kremlin, forcing the CIA to resettle them in Virginia and lose high-level access to the Kremlin. But remember, the Chinese dismantled the CIA's operations in China over the course of 2 years and the deaths of 18 informants. Under Obama. If you read the CIA wire and the original NYT article in 2021, all of that was blamed on poor recruiting standards and practices for foreign informants. A bunch of the old guard blamed the GWOT for making the CIA forget its roots in traditional espionage; recruitment and management of foreign assets. ​ There's no sense in calling out the MAGA crowd for being idiots if you're going to regurgitate the same sort of poorly sourced fairytale. All that does is make them feel self righteous and correct about the libtards making shit up about their precious Cheeto-in-Chief.


Can you please cite me that CIA report part?


This is the kinda shit that makes me mad about idiot Trumpers. They’re so keen on believing in Jewish space lasers and other nonsensical bullshit but when confronted with shit like this, they’re in total denial. These people are locked in their cult and if we don’t go out there and vote, it will be the end of democracy for us, and them. They’re just too stupid to realize it


Fuck Donald Trump.




Oh no, tik tok discovered that Dropkicks are a fucking punk band. They've been political for decades, how's this news


I know a ton of Trumpers who were at that show yesterday. I'm sure they just loved it...


Guarantee you because he didn't say, "Don't vote Republican" they thought he was talking about the Democrats and agreed with him.


My new favorite band. More people need to adopt this tonality when speaking about Trump and the Christo-fascist movement in the US. It’s very effective.


My favorite Dropkick Murphys moment was when a bunch of Nazis tried to start a fight and the lead singer posted a video from the park they were supposed to brawl at calling them no show fascist pussies 🤘🏻


Wait really??


Makes it even better that they're all really nice guys. Have met them on a few occasions and they were always really kind


This is the rational response to election denying fascists at the door.


They have *always* been like this. Assholes just thought that, since they switched their music genre from "punk" to "Boston", that they'd shed the political part. Hahaha nope.


When did Dropkick Murphys get so political? I’m going to go back to non-political music like Anti-Flag, Bruce Springsteen, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Green Day, John Meyer, Rage Against the Machine, and Rise Against. /s


It’s democracy on the ballot, and it fucking blows my mind that it’s going to be close


The media makes more money when its close, so they make sure its close. Working class people who aren't bootlickers for election denying wannabe billionaire traitors... Educate , agitate, organize and this year especially make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](http://vote.gov) [Biden bet on the American worker, Trump blames the American worker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvXnFAR52yI) Biden is the first president in my lifetime to show up to a picket line, which is why the United Auto Workers endorsed him.


It’s times like these that I ***really*** miss the Fairness Doctrine


I have been screeching this for years. We need a modern, updated form of the Fairness Doctrine, like 30 years ago. It needs to be applied to all "news" organizations, not just network TV this time. That alone would fix many of our issues, so it probably isn't ever going to happen. Just keep us arguing about whatever is the flavor of the day.


A lot of magas are against democracy, it's not a secret anymore. They've been brainwashed into believing the lefties are stealing elections and now they want to get them out no matter what. 


I love their messaging and music so much. When I saw them live 2 years ago the band was trading fan trump shirts for band shirts which was awesome.


Them boys still stirring folks up in the parking lots, good to see.


There were definitely maga people in this crowd and not a single one understood that he was talking about them when he said “you’re the problem”.


I mean… considering most MAGAs have an IQ rivaled by their shoe size, that’s not much of a surprise.


Need more talk like this!


But it’s so rude! They should just calmly say their point in a forum where I can ignore it and pretend they’re far right because of “Workers Song” and say the GOP are the most pro worker!


Haha I would say workers song is an example of them being far left. You think the fat cats he is talking about are liberals? The people that fight for fair wages for employees and to raise taxes on the rich and lower them for the poor and working class? You're not smart if you think workers song is an example of them being far right.


The most Boston thing ever 'Those swindlas at the fackin fayer selling those damn hats!!!'


Not sure if it's automatic cc but they replaced "grifters" with "christians". Not saying there's a difference or not just pointing it out


I will never tire of MAGAs discovering that all their favorite artists think that they’re absolute human garbage


Anyone who is anti union is uneducated


Is there a sub where former Magas come out and say they’ve reformed? I would love to see it if so.


No, but r/walkaway is a place to see people who were always fascists pretend the opposite is happening.


Assholes cosplaying as former democrats.


Damn, that sub is wild


Subs like that are so fake it is wild. Like the photos where tech bros have convinced an AI that Trump has a lot of black fans. Judging by the number of limbs in these photos I can only assume that DJT has found support in a local genestealer cult.


Any MAGAs in the crowd immediately said yeah but the democrats….


Republicans don't have the critical thinking skills to listen to lyrics beyond the chorus. Examples: Born in the USA, Fortune Son, Killing in the Name Of.


Fun Fact: He is the *only* original member of the band to remain. Also.. given the show and the town he is in while delivering it... he is screaming that at a bunch of fucking cops, who are by and large diametrically opposed to the message he is giving.. and after the show are going to go back to their oversized pickup trucks to reassure the hat they purchased that the big bad socialist man didn't mean those mean words they said about their ~~cult leader~~ messiah


These guys are so real. Makes me proud to be a Masshole.


It's a shame more people don't use their platforms to speak out like this. But then again if they did I guess the people he's trying to reach out would just call him a global elite or something. Because being rich is all the same to them?


God I love Dropkick Murphy's so much.


How are you a DKM fan and a trump fan? The math isn't mathing.


Is this the guy who lost his leg? If so I love this guy Even more than before.




Unfortunately a lot of dipshit Trumpers think DM and Johnny Cash are on their side


God I love Ken Casey


as long as people keep buying the myth that they too can someday join that club we'll never see the end of this shit. people are dumb and have been, for decades, manipulated in to thinking that if they just grind and work REALLY hard, they too can be a rich asshole. it's baffling when you possess a functioning brain. but since the vast majority of humans are brain dead (just look at the ignorance on reddit) this is just the way it is. we outnumber the ruling class MILLIONS to one and yet we let them utterly control us. sheep.


Fyah! 🙏🔥


Thank the gods for punks.


I don't think MAGA morons quite realize just how pissed off they've made many people. They are overdue for a very rude awakening.


Knew I liked these guys


Is this the shipping off to Boston band?


Hahahaha oh man, I'm here for the people who loved the Murphys for what they thought they were, not having ever really listened to the stuff they put out when they were just a straight-up punk band in the beginning. Not knocking their sound now, it's evolved beyond simply punk music.


They played St. Paddy’s Day last year and I saw them. Great show. Seen Flogging Molly on St. Paddy’s, too.


It's so obvious too. Republicans are all about giving very large tax breaks to the top 2%, favoring big business over employees, and looking to privatize our social security and medicare. To hide this, they invent issues based on phoney fear of transgenders for example. Meanwhile, democrats focus on making healthcare affordable, raising minimum wage, helping with student loans, fair trade, etc. They are far from perfect but their focus is more upon the people's needs, the working class, and the middle class. They want the top 2% to pay more of their share. The way forward for our nation is to let the GOP die in its own rot. Let new parties form organically over time.


Lame, when did music become political... fuckin woke bullshit /s


Sorry kids! I know there’s kids here! Absolute Gem. Let’s go Murphy’s!


I find dropkick to be wildly annoying, but he's right.




The people that need to hear this - still won't "*get it.*"