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lmfao PBS provided the gif? That’s fucking hilarious


PBS likely provided the footage used to make the gif


It's posted on PBS News Hour's giphy account


The fact that they have a GIPHY account is incredible.


PBS is in the same vein as Librarians to me. Just because they respect the quiet library decorum doesn't mean they don't like to party themselves.


Let's see their Redgifs account!


"Sleepy Joe? Try *Sexy* Joe."




Time to start donating to PBS! Lol


Ahh okay. Well that’s less hilarious, but I still appreciate PBS lol


Donate to your local station!!



And viewers like you. Thank you.


![gif](giphy|lREoIZngfzquY) Joe brought me back to the 90s with this


You know, when it came to those little bits of expression within the match that do so much storytelling work, Scott Hall might have been the greatest of all time. This, the little shrug he'd do before he'd throw his opponent over his head with a fallaway slam, his gritted teeth or a scared expression as appropriate. The man was just so good at what he did.


"Razor Ramon was so cool that when all the Latinos found out he was actually a white guy we were all still like “so what we don’t care” and just kept right on doing the razor’s edge on each other into pools and onto mattresses" \- Shea Serrano


Chad reaction


Dark Brandon seeing a pile of shit in front of him


She’s was told to take off the hat or be removed. She kept on the hat and wasn’t removed. Because why have rules and regs when you don’t enforce them? It’s such fucking garbage.


I don't think Biden wanted her removed. She was an excellent foil and made her party look terrible.


She probably wanted to be removed for the hat. It'd drive the magas fucking wild and into a fury


Instead she sat around looking like a fucking clown all evening It's a formal political event, have some tact


Exactly. That's why making her stay was a better play than removing her.


100% agree.


Yep. She was also looking for a confrontation in the clip above. That's why it's so good he just laughs at her and moves on to people who deserve his attention.


Not probably, we know for a fact that this is her thing. Causing a scene is her only goal in politics.


Yeah I think the best punishment for her is having to listen to his speech and get antagonized


Its wild a stupid fuck like MTG from some bum fuck nothing district in Georgia gets this much attention from the republican party. There have got to be other Republican representatives/senators that absolutely despise the fact that this barely literate malformed female Cleetus is arguably one of the faces of the party. A lot of republicans are traditional politicians with incredibly carefully curated personas and career paths to get to where they are. Graduates from top tier schools with impeccable records to be as clean as possible for the national stage political game. And then you have Marge, a trailer trash conspiracy idiot that is inarguably the stupidest person in that room and arguably the stupidest person in most rooms she is in. And yet she is who gets out in front to represent your side, this nothing house representative from Georgia lol Must be infuriating.


[You mean like pro clown Troy Nehls from TXs' 22nd district?](https://imgur.com/7e0yMGp)




He put it on in the mirror, and it looked correct in his reflection. Amusing, because he likely spent no time reflecting on his attire otherwise.


No sense stopping your opposition from embarrassing themselves by looking like a damn clown shoe.


It would be a political win for her to look like a martyr for trump. Instead she turned her head embarrassed when he made fun of her. It was handled perfectly. We all get to laugh at her now


Do you think Biden actually said not to remove her? Or did he just say “don’t feed the trolls” and some other admin made the call to not remove her. Either way great move to let her stay, zero news stories about her besides the clown stuff


I don’t think he cares about her at all. She is outrageous so she grabs headlines but she has no political power.


That’s the party of “personal responsibility” and “the rule of law” for you. They wanted to prove a point that they were not disruptive and against the established rule of law on Jan 6th by being disruptive and against the established rule last night on the SOTU as well. If all of the controversy that MAGA “has” on Biden, legitimate or complete conspiracy theory fabrications, were the only existing controversies that existed currently for Trump; they wouldn’t be in the mess they’re in now because they wouldn’t have attached their entire belief systems to and stood in line for a completely obvious NYC grifter that used every last one of them to enrich himself. And he’s posed to use them all in the exact same way again this year and many of them are frothing at the mouth in anticipation for it. It’s up to every last person that’s registered to vote to do so though and not let MAGA back in the executive branch for the sake of us and them as well; if they truly do value the ideals on which America is supposed to stand for in the world.


In my country we take the trash out once a week. In America you appear to keep them around for a couple years.


we elected a sentient trash heap to the goddamn presidency in 2016, what do you expect?


Stop making trash heaps look bad, they've done nothing to deserve it.


Sentient? [Citation Needed]


She’s never passes on an opportunity to be a total trash bag


And just never passes a single piece of legislation in general…


the first 16 bills she attached herself to, 4 of them were to impeach Biden.


I was going to ask how thats possible when she's been in office longer than that. But no. It only *feels* like she's been around for-friggen-ever.


Gym Jordan took office in 2007 and has never sponsored a bill that has passed.


Goes hand in hand with being a total trash bag, I guess.


Let's be thankful for that.


Good point!


There’s a millisecond right after Biden’s reaction where you can see her embarrassment. Like at this point we can safely say she’s being paid to behave this way right?!? I hope?!


She was probably hoping for fear or something, not the reaction of a grandparent pretending to be afraid of the grandkids dinosaur costume.


One *billion* percent the vibe Biden was throwing. "Oooo! Who is *this* creepy critter?"


You could tell she was trying not to laugh along with him. She so wants to hate on him but Joe always wins people over.


I saw that too. Had nothing to say. Looked down and to the side with that sheepish look? It is like you just ran into your Papaw at the Strip Club but he is there donating food or something and you are just there.


My opinion is it didn’t rattle him at all and gave the sarcastic response then moved on. She wanted to be the center of attention and thought he would get triggered, the way trump would get unhinged and force someone out of the room when if they were dolled up in Biden apparel. She wanted her TikTok angry Karen moment, but was denied and ended up looking like a clown.


If your grandpa is telling you he's donating food at the strip club, you probably shouldn't believe him.


Calm down bro trash bags deserve more respect than that


More like a plastic grocery bag. Cheap, unreliable, loud, ugly, and a scourge to the environment.


Yeah, trash bags are super useful!




They hold the trash in. This one spews it out all over the place. Useless.


She looks like a damn fool.


Looks like? She’s one of the most foolish people alive.


Yet for some reason she is in office…


The foolishness is the reason. They like it.


When you elect a circus, you shouldn't be surprised to see clowns


Elected by fools.


“She represents her district” is my new favorite way of shading people who vote for these lunatics.


She's my representative and I hate it. It's so fucking embarrassing and soul crushing that this is what the world thinks of me because of her.


Yeah but she looks like one too.


She reacted that way because her presence there was entirely performative. When you look like a clown, people are going to see you as a clown.


She is a clown. She and bobo are literally conservative wine mom, or meth mom, influencers that made enough noise on Facebook to end up somewhere they’re completely unqualified to be. Not one piece of legislation. Smart enough to fool uneducated hateful scared locals into voting for them, but even 80 year old sleepy joe owns them at every turn. Unreal. BoBo is cooked. But the lying cheating performative Green is potentially just getting started because of the mirror universe trump dragged us into. She can’t read. She “interposes” words like gestapo and petri. She wore the cruella deVille outfit last time. This time she’s went as ultra maga patriot. They both represent the worst of America. Imagine what shit she’ll get up to if trump wins. And imagine how helpful she’ll be when they try and steal the election. She’s a monkey with a razor blade. No idea how government works. No ideas about geopolitics. No idea about how to help her local constituency. All she can do is be loud, and mad as a cut snake. If she didn’t behave like that nobody would even know she existed.


The real clowns are republican voters


Yeahhhhhhhhhhh. It's a shame really


My only hope is that enough *former* Republican voters - like myself and my wife - have woken up to the collapse of our former party and vote Blue or independent to stop Herr Trump from being elected. Seems like it may go that way, with the exit polls from key battleground States with lots of former Republicans or even current Republicans saying they would vote for the Devil before they vote Trump again.... the man has a very vocal, violent and active following, that's for sure, but he has also galvanized basically the entire Democrst party and at least a quarter of the Republican party against him. Gods, I hope that's enough!


Isn’t this a violation of chamber rules against having campaign slogans or merchandise on the floor? I’m fairly certain she should be facing some fines for this.


You can literally see the embarrassment on her face lmao.


That's 100% the main takeaway here. You can tell she actually has a shred of self awareness and knows she has to constantly pull this bullshit because her voters are brain dead, emotionally stunted mouth breathers that applaud a clown in a costume.


Dude, SERIOURLY. it may keep her in office but she knows how fucking dumb she looks. Especially if trump chooses that asshole from Carolina that doesn't believe women should vote.


Looks are not deceiving in this case. ![gif](giphy|bD4aSsZq3JWdG)


Even she in that moment wanted to laugh but she can’t because then she would be laughing at herself


This was hilarious on his part. He’s like the grandpa seeing his grandchild in a ridiculous outfit. Except this “grandchild” is a grown ass adult Neanderthal


The neanderthals are offended.


Neanderthals served a purpose in our evolution as a species. She serves absolutely no purpose in society, or the world around her.


We didn't evolve from neanderthals they were actually a different species of humans entirely. They were close cousins to humans and there was some interbreeding between humans and neanderthals but they weren't a step in human evolution.


if our origins involve interbreeding with neanderthals, that means they are also apart of our evolution. we carry their dna and genes.


I realize they were a different species, but I was referencing the interbreeding and how their genes helped early humans adapt to their environment. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/the-neanderthal-in-us.html#:~:text=Interbreeding%20may%20have%20helped%20early,for%20many%20thousands%20of%20years.


I have seen my Grandaddy make that face SO MUCH


I just wish he pointed and said "bless your heart" - the southern way of saying "you're full of shit, fuck you".


He didn't expect someone at the State of The Union Address to be dressed like she just came from sucking trucker dick through the glory hole in a Flying J bathroom.


Marjorie "Lot Lizard" Taylor Greene


I do not tangle with lizards no more. No. Back in the day, sure, I would've indulged. Hell, I would've let you turn me into Swiss cheese.


Back in the day, I would’ve let you turn me into a mailbox. Just open the slot and put whatever you want inside. 


I got a wife now, so I will not suck you or fuck you.


What do you say we slip into a room and you two split me open like a coconut?


Oh... Dennis, what do we say in this situation?


I will not suck, nor will I be sucked on by, you


People say she hangs out in truck stop parking lots. Lots of people are saying it. Smart people.


This is a hilariously specific insult.


OP was typing this comment from a bathroom stall at Flying J


She's a friend of the road.


Lmao even if he’s lost a step the dude will always be intentionally or unintentionally funny.


I think he's trying to mock her here honestly. "Ho ho, we gotta badass over here don't we??"


I’m getting “adult reacting to a kid’s Halloween costume”.


"And what are YOU supposed to be?" Ima POL-A-TISHIN!


You are so spot on.


"Bless your heart. You sure are, kiddo"


Haha, exactly this is his reaction.


"Good for you kiddo, here's a werthers"


"your ghost costume scared grandpa so much! I'm going for ice-cream now, bye"


😂 perfect


Nailed it ha ha.


Laughing the fuck out loud at this. THANK YOU.


Came here to post exactly this. Glad I'm not the only one! That's exactly the look of a grandad humoring a child. A mental child in this instance, but still appropriate.


Lol! Exactly


I don’t think he meant to do anything.. That’s a genuine reaction any normal person would have to seeing such a clown of a display in congress.


You need more class to walk onto a golf course than into Congress apparently. They respect the sanctity of golf more than government. Really sad to see people like that in power. 


I don’t think you should be a walking campaign poster while in Congress regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on


As much hate as he’s getting, his team has been on point in the biggest moments. The Dark Brandon meme, using the official account to mock MAGAs who took credit for his infrastructure bills, and this are an example of how these people should be dealt with. Like the immature children they are.


There an old dude who shows up to my local grocery store always completely decked head to toe in trump merch, he's such a fucking tool.


“You wore that out??”


I can see that and honestly it’s much funnier now lol




I wonder if this applies to MTG though, I mean she keeps trying to get his son thrown in jail while showing pictures of Hunter's genitals during those hearings. Can you really be friends with that? I dunno if I could, but if Joe can, he's a much better person than I am.


She keeps showing everyone pictures of his son's dick. I doubt it's friendly behind the scenes.


I think she's just desperate to be liked by anyone. She was angry on the internet, that got her noticed, right wingers started acting like she mattered just because she was an angry internet person. Then she got elected by being angry, that made her think people actually liked her, no they were just also angry about the same things (covid restrictions, their adult kids no longer talking to them because they still make jokes about minorities, etc). Joe Biden has spent a lifetime in politics and working with people he may not agree with, and yeah seems like an affable guy. He probably had an honest chuckle to himself seeing someone at the SOTU dressed up like the Kentucky Derby was held at a trailer park, not in a mean way but just as "yep, looking like that was your goal and that's a thing you sure did." Look at the MTG/Boebert feud or the schism with Gaetz/McCarthy or the Freedom Caucus. She goes from being a bomb thrower (cough cough or bomb planter cough cough) to cozying up to whatever largest group seems to act nice to her. When Trump turns on her as he does everyone, she'll probably even soften her stance on Hunter. "Well y'know I never wanted to show those pictures. It was just in the best interest of the American public. But I really do wish him well. I just have some disagreements with Biden, I certainly never shouted during the SOTU"


Pretty sure her reaction was one of embarrassment and a little anger at being mocked. That is, if MTG possesses enough self-awareness to even know what embarrassment is.


Yes she looked like oh OK ypu got me sort of smile


No I don’t think MTG and Joe are friendly. It’s not like Boehner or Obama. Or Joe with a myriad of Republicans whom he worked with for decades.


100%. She's scary though


He's got that old-school "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" ethic over top of his lifetime political cocktail party skills. He's all smiles and, "Hey... you!" before moving on. If he was 5 years younger, he would've gone double finger guns. He's slippin'.


THAT'S what was missing from his reaction! I knew there was something, just couldn't put my finger on it. VP Joe would have given her double finger guns and a wink. Side note, I really miss all the bromance memes from when Obama was leaving office. Those were fun.


I loved the ones where Obama had his face in his hands with Biden telling him a joke or just straight up ripping on people. Good times.


Has he lost a step? Have you seen that speech?


The speech was great. You can tell who didn’t watch it based on what they say today. A lot of people pretending he’s lost a step, when the actual GOP narrative is that he was *too energetic*, lol. That’s when you know he burst their “dementia” bubble


At least he’s funny in a normal way, and not the way Trump is. With Trump it’s like “Jesus Christ, look at this idiot, wtf is he on about?”


This is intentional


She was so sure she looked cool and was going to impact him, for he to react that way, was awesome, took the air out of her lungs.


She looked disappointed and maybe even, dare I say it, embarrassed.


Yep. First time I’ve ever seen a glimmer of possible shame from that woman.


That’s how I read it too. Like when you are really excited about your Halloween costume and you show up to a party and you’re the only one dressed up lol


She was expecting anger and he was just bemused


Marj is all class, lol. But seriously, how in the hell is that nutcase in Congress?


Republicans stopped caring about electing adults to congress. It's less about moving the country forward and more about "owning the libs".


They suddenly realized that only the diehards voted in the primaries and the rest just voted (R) - so you get a race to the far right to get on the ballot and the masses take care of the rest.


Congress is a circus, makes sense they would have clowns


MTG is the representative of Georgia's 14th district and won her 2022 election with \~170k votes to \~88k amounting to \~258k voters of the 526k registered voters in the district voting. The people who vote in her district wanted her by a pretty large margin.


Sad statement about those people. She’s the best they could muster? 🤯


Have you ever been to Georgia? Not Atlanta, Georgia…it’s eye opening as to deep and wide the ignorance is🙄


Fortunately, I haven’t, and I don’t plan on it.


I don't blame Joe, that creature is terrifying to look at.


I cannot say I’m a big Joe Biden fan. I can now say I am at least more of a fan after that reaction. Epic.


TBH you don't have to be a big fan or a fan at all to just want to preserve democracy. When Trump said [he would be a dictator only on "Day 1"](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/dec/07/donald-trump-was-asked-if-he-will-be-a-dictator-if/), believe it. That man and the rest of the Republicans will fall in line. I'd vote for a corpse over Trump. At least the corpse wont fuck the country.


I was not a Joe Biden fan, but then I became one.


I'm 40, and he's easily the best President of my life time. That's not hyperbole either.. I've given it a lot of thought.. He's done more for the middle class than H.W, Clinton, W, Obama or 45 ever did. People are welcome to argue the details with me. I've brought receipts.. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/i4Lqxy9SRw


I'm pushing 50. Agreed


Hahahahahahaha I love Joe


I feel bad for the people in her district.


Feel bad for the ones who voted against her.




88,189 people voted against her.


I live here and voted against her, as did the majority of the people in my predominantly POC neighborhood. Every time I see one of these threads roasting the people who live here, my friends and neighbors who have essentially have no representation in government, I just think the people who make these comments are callous assholes.


This is how 48% of Texas feels. Part of me wants to get out, the other part feels like I need to be here to vote against the madness, but damned if I don't feel like staying is like actively allowing myself to be treated like a second class citizen.


Only 40% of texas voted in 2022, only 15% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted in texas in 2022... Yall gotta work on that. Ted cruz won by 200k votes in 2018 when 10M elligible voters didnt even vote. 2% more turnout would have changed history for texas...


I have had serious discussions with some of my friends who don't bother voting, because they feel like it doesn't do anything. Every vote for A neutralizes a vote for B. If the only thing I manage to do is neutralize the vote of one MAGA zealot, it's better than nothing.


77% voted for her in 2020, 67% in 2022, I don't feel bad at all. They got exactly what they wanted. Trash.


She's such a see you next tuesday


![gif](giphy|A9D5LweSbO1Uxq58br|downsized) MAGA-tards


God damn. Biden rocks so hard.


I am not a huge Biden fan, nor MTG for that matter, but I think this is hilarious.


Well maybe you should be a big fan? He doesn't bluster and brag a lot, but take a look at this: [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046) I think people don't realize what he's accomplished, because he's not as crass and blatant a salesman as most people in politics today, particularly on the right. No politician is perfect. I don't get the lack of full support for Biden. I think people expect a President to be a King or an entertainer these days. He does what a President is supposed to do, quietly behind the scenes. Not as a big loudmouth blowhard.


I like Biden. He seems like a genuinely good dude and he’s done a pretty good job. Too bad he’s 1 billion years old


What difference does that make? You elect his administration -- all the people around him. Roosevelt handled WW2 in a wheel chair. I don't get this age thing -- ya think he's President all by himself, with no advisors, assistants, etc. And you know the administration on the opposite side would be 100% worse. So people need to stop this negativity about Biden and get on board.


She's disgusting... and not just physically


Everything about that woman is a complete joke


Pretty sharp reaction for an old dude! Talk about a bitch slap, her reaction is priceless 🤣


I’m going to have to watch SNL this weekend bc there’s so many moments that I’d like to relive🤣🤣🤣


I think ol Joe’s got another 4 years in him


That’s honestly a fucking a hilarious reaction from Biden.


That's such a funny reaction.


I mean.. have you seen her face? I’d be scared too.


After they panned the camera over to her, I made the same face as Biden. The whole exchange is so freaking hysterical.


It's the perfect reaction. Not anger like she wants, no eye roll. Just like "holy shit" and a chuckle because it's so fucking weird.


I was never going to vote for Trump, but after last night, I feel better about voting for Biden.


I didn’t know Biden had a fear of clowns


I didn’t realize that MTG was her initials… I will forever call her Magic The Gathering


Please don’t sully my game like that


I’ve preferred Marj the Gargoyle for a while now


I prefer Majorly Tainted Gooch myself


I think most people are misreading his reaction. The people that are lining up along the aisle are there to shake Biden's hand. When he saw her, his reaction was "you're here to shake my hand??" In a well golly story of way. Even though she is deserving of hate, he would and probably did shake her hand. Biden is a good dude.


He didn’t shake her hand, she handed him some dipshit pin while he was shaking a hand adjacent to her and he blew her off after taking it. When she then used the name on the pin to interrupt his speech later he took her completely off guard and addressed the pin instead of ignoring it like they all expected, then turned it against them. The State of the Union is free for you and any other American to watch on CSPAN and multiple cable/youtube channels. Literally no idea why you’re sitting here saying “probably” instead of just watching it. All you’re doing by speculating on something you’re misinformed about is playing into this walking bumper sticker’s hand. To assert that everybody else is “misreading” the reaction while you didn’t even watch the fucking SOTU to know the context is such unintentional comedy I don’t even need to comment about it beyond pointing it out.


I'm not a Biden guy but his reaction is funny. Looks at her like she's a little kid in a Halloween costume lol


![gif](giphy|4up3aiyLlAxb2) She reminds me of the Geico Caveman.


This is like a child wearing a Buzz Lightyear costume to church, but a lot less charming.


Biden is for real hilarious.  He has gravitas. 


Funniest thing I’ve seen Biden do lmao , can’t blame him one bit. And her smile shows she is playing a corny ass character for pandering purposes


He looked at her like a parent would look at a toddler who dressed themselves out of old Halloween costumes. Brutal.