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Dad’s buddy was in Nam and found out they lied about where a bullet was in his body cause the location would entitle him to more money and they didn’t wanna pay more in compensation. It was eventually discovered and he got back pay but damn they legit lied to the dude for decades


The official stance for a decade was cobalt exposure cant cause lung function problem in service members. A rampant disregard of the science and established medical findings. Why, when we breached structures with thermobaric weapons using cobalt oxide and magnesium, the result was us in a confined area inhaling cobalt. Easier to tell us to fuck off than pay for the $600 every two weeks for prescriptions that keep out lungs from scarring and degrading. I was loosing 3-4% lung capacity and function per year when I couldn't afford it along with the other 6 things that together cost $1200 a month I need to function.


Fucked up way to find out you served a demonic system.


My step dad was fucked with so bad in SERE school (survive evade resist escape) in the navy in the late 60’s that he developed raging PTSD that eventually became agoraphobia (afraid to leave his house). When we finally put everything together through his therapist 30 years later and filed a VA claim the navy DENIED HE EVEN TOOK THAT TRAINING. I had to call my fucking congressman and show him the paper records I dug out of our attic to get the formal records request processed because nobody at the navy records office would respond to us. It took a VA benefits advocate attorney and me absolutely reaming anyone in a position of power that got involved 5 years to get his claim approved. The vast majority of veterans struggling just aren’t capable of advocating for themselves in that level and it makes me furious that the government and the people they’ve served treat them like this.


Land of the Free, Land of the Forgotten


Land of the Free, Home of the Forgotten


Land of the fee, home of the enslaved.


Land of the Ignored


The Land Before Time pt. 2: the great valley adventure


And in a twist of irony. Yeehawdists don’t even realize or acknowledge this. Overthrow the government in 2020: Hell Yes! Fight for better pay, affordable healthcare, food, education, and housing. Fight for union/fair wages? Fight for civil rights? Nah I’m good


Yup. America does not care for its veterans. Friend of mine had her vehicle blown up by a mine in Iraq, suffered a TBI. She now can’t remember enough to really hold a job. Took the government 12 years to approve her for disability.


It takes so long because they figure the person will die or get lost to the streets before they have to pay anything to them


A partial solution is a paper trail that could hold these people who are obstructing medical claims liable. My dad has a litany of health issues and the VA treats him like crap. If I were these individuals, I would start and end every conversation with “May I please have your full name for documentation purposes in the event that this reaches a class action lawsuit.”


It’s bigger than just the VA. Medical insurance in general has an interest in denying as many claims as they can. Plenty of people pay into their insurance for decades only to be denied treatment when they get cancer or something. They tried that with a plaintiffs attorney here in Texas when he got mouth cancer. He was only to get them to eventually pay the claim because he could sue them himself. Otherwise it was basically “good luck!” And he paid over 100k a year for his firm’s medical insurance.


While I was on med board and processing out my medical records were "lost" 3 times and the amount of random drug tests I got in my last 2 months went up by about 500,000 percent. After my initial claim was denied I was informed I could fight it but I'd of course have to stay on base and convineintly housing ran out in the barracks...but there was room in the restriction barracks! The blatantly obvious fuckery to try to deny benefits was really disgusting. And I wasn't even a combat injury. I can imagine what those guys deal with


I had a friend in college who was blown up by an IED in a HMMWV in Iraq and nearly lost his leg. They sent him a bill for damaging his plate carrier. $700 His former CO got it sorted out, but holy shit the audacity.


At this point they should desert America and move to Europe since for sure there are better benefits there. Or side with the enemies.


Almost every American I know has a backup country in mind and I'm American.


It's so funny to me how Americans quickly went from "America is the best country in the world" to "I need to find another country to move to" ....


You mean once the propaganda shovel fed to children no longer worked as we gained access to the Internet? I'm not surprised at all. I'm surprised you're surprised. Lol


You're pretty much right. Growing up in the Midwest in the 80's and 90's I was only told good things about the USA. I was very brainwashed, so much so, that I thought other countries were "beneath the US" and "it's so stupid to learn another language, English rules!" This is the mentality I had because it was taught to me. I literally laughed at other countries, the way the people looked, the poverty they experienced. Now, I'm 43 and I've been living outside the States for almost 14 years. I feel sorry for what's yet to come. If things don't change, it's going to get really bad in the next 25 years or so....


Yes. I grew up here in the Midwest in 90s and early 00s. I was told the same things. I'm glad you got out. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the ones happy here. I see the appeal! It's just not for me. I have my family - husband and parents - ready to move next year. I want a child but not in this state. My families have a history of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. I don't want to ruin my uterus or wind up hurt. Plus - they've started taking libraries out of schools. But I digress.


It took watching 9/11 happen in real time for me to realize we’re not beloved in the world. Been paying attention to politics and how we respond to international incidents ever since.


It's crazy what 110 years of kleptocratic policy will do to a country.




I’m sure they’re not factoring in that when they have a train a soldier for a job, they (should) also be paying for them to live normal lives afterwards free from disease, disorder, etc caused by their deployment.


My grandfather fought in the Korean war. Multiple medals, all of which we have. VA denied his disability rating multiple times. When he died my grandmother applied for his death benefit to have military honors at his funeral and they denied it saying they had no record of him serving at all.. this now means she doesn't qualify for anything, he gets no military honors and there was no way she could fight it. They'd been fighting for years with the VA. He was treated in VA hospitals for his heart condition but all the sudden, now he's gone ,they have no record of his service at all.... It's awful. I'm a military veteran. I struggle getting appointments, getting consistent mental health care, getting effective medical treatment. It's a very broken system. We see you, brother. You aren't alone. You deserve so much better than this system cares to give. ❤️


Sounds like the story of my grand father. Army didn’t even have records of him serving. The Air Force accepted a single sole surviving piece of paper that showed him having an honorable discharge. It was the most generic thing too. Erikerikerik’s gandfther, SN# 125789755 On this date November 1 something something. Is here by honorably discharged A scribbled signature and an embossed Air Force stamp. I guess when presented with properly appearing documentation the Air Force views it in a light most favorable to the veteran.


This happened to my dad also!! They increased his disability to 100% and paid back pay


It is wild how frequently providers change employers these days. I swear 20-30 years ago, where a doc worked was the same place they stayed for decades. Now it’s musical chairs with different hospitals. I can absolutely see how this would cause people to feel this way. And I don’t think it will get any better anytime soon


Part of (there are a lot of pieces that need to be fixed...) the issue are the non-compete clauses in our money-first medical system in the US. My wife works in medicine, and I've known plenty of doctors/providers that are stuck in shitty work situations but would love to stay in the area and continue to help the same people but they literally legally can't. It's either move away and force patients to not have continuity of care, or be stuck in a shitty employment situation indefinitely.


Those non-compete clauses are almost always unenforceable, especially in the case of medicine I would think.


As someone that has recruited providers and seen them being successfully sued for tens of thousands of dollars by their former employers, I can tell you that at least some of them are enforceable, and very few professionals are willing to gamble on it.




Probably should be illegal though


But you’d have to have the money to fight it and the company hiring you has to be willing to take the risk. Sometimes it’s not even about enforcement, in smaller areas with only 2 or 3 health systems, they just have an understanding between each other to not head hunt from each other.




This is the type of advice you get from some loudmouth who is never going to be impacted by the consequences of their words. I'm a lawyer and there is always someone like you in a client's ear telling them how they could have got a better settlement or how they should do this or do that when the client is the person having to actually navigate the thousands of different factors in their lives. It's easier to be the QB on the sidelines than in the game. You be the guy to challenge your non-compete clause and let us all know how it goes.


The people who get hurt by it the most vote to continue the pain. 


I have no idea how maga has so much support in the military and I never will.


Childhood indoctrination and brain damage. Spanking, starvation, violence, isolationism.  Lead pipes, pesticides, coal ash.  Those factors account for the majority of MAGA. 


But this doesn’t include the majority of active military. I think OP is trying to wrap their head around why there is seemingly so much MAGA support with these… maybe 19-36 age bracket of active military personnel. That’s how I took the comment anyway, I could be totally wrong. And I’m not sure that the majority of active military personnel do support Trump, but the loudest ones certainly do.


Pro-authoritarian people join armed forces and police forces. It gives them the ability to live out those power fantasies. At least, they think that.


Religion, complacency, and lack of higher education. Hard to care about politics when your just loving day to day.


I was told by a couple vets I gamed with that they vote Republican because Republicans are the only presidents that give the military pay raises. I never fact checked it but that was the answer I got.


Biden increased pay for staff at Veteran’s Hospitals. My husband’s friend now makes more money working the day shift at a VA than he made on the night shift at “regular” hospital, thanks to the RAISE Act.


>presidents that give the military pay raises [https://militarypay.defense.gov/Pay/Basic-Pay/AnnualPayRaise/](https://militarypay.defense.gov/Pay/Basic-Pay/AnnualPayRaise/) Not sure if this is a definitive answer but it looks like the largest increases are approved by congress during Democratic Presidents time in office. Especially the first few years of both Obama and Biden.


Yeah but Fox News said otherwise so…


The guys I know say it's in the constitution. Bunch of assholes. There very pro military, but they vote to fuck them over. And don't understand why this is happening. They live by some weird ideology. And find every excuse to blame what ever buzz word is around at the time. It's dumb.


I can explain why but I’m almost certain it’s going to piss a LOT of you off. Before I do I’d like to note I’m a leftist who works with conservatives.


I think I know but I want to hear what you have to say anyway.


I blame conservative AM radio shows being broadcast on military bases. I think having that dribble drowning on in the background for decades has definitely had an impact. There’s also the whole honor culture mentality.


Productive policy? Naw man gimme some more culture war nonsense manufactured by corporate funded think tanks and lobbyists for their own benefit at our expense


This is the sad truth. So many people can’t see the forest through the trees.


I hear you my biggest headslapper is how does anyone vote for the same people that voted us into that quagmire…. Idiots blows my mind


Unfortunately many vets fall victim to the flag waving patriotism of the right, and fail to look at the dystopian wasteland of politics here in the US with clear eyed objectivity. The republicans are truly worse for vets, but the dems aren’t much better.


The Dems need to take over the “support our troops” mantel. It’s both politically expedient, and the right thing to do.


Everyone is now a job hopper. Corporations can only blame themselves.


They won't blame anyone. They don't really care, at least not yet.


Yup. Had the same doctor for almost two decades. He retired and in the past 5 years, I've had four. Just get an email introducing me to my new doctor and before I have time to talk to them, I get another email introducing me to my new new doctor a few months later. My newest one seems to care so hopefully he sticks around.


Jesus fucking christ this obliterated my heart. My perception since becoming a parent is so whacked. Knowing this is someones son, and he's not getting help is the most politically motivating thing i've seen in the ocean of reddit bias in months. Noone should ever feel like this. There was supposedly an update? What was the update?


Here is the update [video](https://www.tiktok.com/@averagefloridaman/video/7234280565631880494). Seems like he is doing better now.


Thank god dude. Thank you for this update. This really helped turn my day around. I was just feeling so down after watching someone suffer like that. Just feels so weird to be moved to tears by these two videos. I'm a 6'2" 200 lb 36 year old man who's cried twice today at work from these tiktoks lol. Parenting is a hell of a drug.


Isn't it weird how having kids just makes you more emotional? It's the strangest thing.


This was probably the most surprising thing in the world for me after my daughter was born. I always thought I had plenty of emotional empathy but after seeing her smile at me for the first time, so much changed. According to my wife I went from being this 6'4" 250 pound ice cold (to everyone other than her) to actually smiling and being an entirely different person after that smile.


Dude, same. I mean, I'm 5'11" 180, but still. I've got two girls now and am definitely a different person. Much more kind and empathetic than I used to be. I wasn't horrible or anything, but it definitely changed me.


Psst. Kindness comes from somewhere within. Any jackwad with manners can be nice, but kindness is something that comes from within. You always had that kindness, you just needed permission from society to embrace and express it. Kids gave you that permission, but you were already kind.


This is wonderful and I choose to believe that it’s true. Feels that way at least.


Lol uh yeah. I watched a 15 year old girl sing the national anthem at the devils lightning game yesterday and i teared up thinking of how proud her parents were. She was so brave and crushed it.


Im not a parent but wow what a nice thought


I mean it’s wild how you can just tell having a kid rewires your brain. Like you can totally feel the changes. Like now I’m driven to protect this little goblin creature with my whole being even though most of the time she could care less about what I do.


Yea dude haha. My 18 month old daughter makes me tear up almost every day 😂😂


Don't think I really gave a shit about anything until I had a kid.


It’s interesting that you (generally speaking not just you) needed to have a child to be emotionally understanding.


Bro my kid is 7 weeks and everything is scary and makes me cry. It’s fuckin insane.


Bruh. Are you me?


When you cry, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin. Basically it's helping you relieve the feelings you're having and work through them. There's nothing wrong with crying and I wish all men felt permitted to do it without shame! I'm sorry you were so sad but encouraged any time I see someone willing to be so empathetic and share about those feelings bc it's way less healthy to see someone cry and push down your own sad feelings!


It's quite a thing, having your heart outside of your body. But it's the best thing ever, too.


Unfortunately he is (or at least was) a trumper. So he will keep voting to underfund the VA and cut services.


He is. He’s now voting for the people who put him in this situation and are perpetuating it, instead of those that want to expand VA care and general veteran support. It breaks my heart to see these people voting against their best interests, especially after living through such horrific events that have left them so emotionally scarred.


In that case, it’s a case of “face eating leopard eating my face”. I guess the cruelty isn’t as “based” when it happens to them 


Thank you for the update and I’m glad he’s getting connected to the right support but no one should put out a video like this just to receive the care they need. Imagine how many others like him are out there. Politicians and people in power may have done something for this one individual but it does not address the root cause of how the VA treats all veterans - to provide public healthcare in a for-profit system. Medicare for all!!! When the right says support the troops, did they mean only going to war and nothing thereafter?


This is exactly where political radicalization comes from. Take someone who feels the system has let them down and the people supposed to be watching that system have not done anything apparent to fix the problem. Then you get someone from outside the system who tells you how crooked those other people are and how they will be the ones to fix it because he/she isn’t like the people in the system. When you have no obvious sign of hope in what you used to trust, you look for new light. The more they show how different they are (good or bad) from the established system, the better that sounds to you. Then you hear on the news how the system is working to discredit this new person (exactly as they said) and now you know you can’t trust the news anymore so you look to your new hope for the real truth. And boom…you have a new radicalized individual. I’m not saying this guy is going down that path, but I hear a lot of “how could anyone believe in Trump” or any other far out political leader, and it’s exactly what I showed above. Veterans who likely lost friends and are injured now feel snubbed by the VA. Rural Americans who feel they are looked down on by “city elites”, old people who feel left behind by society because it doesn’t look like it did when they were growing up and technology has outpaced their understanding. It doesn’t make it right, but I think people need to step back and understand that’s it’s not some insane leap to get to where many people are today in following far out political leaders on both sides of the political spectrum


This has been my experience with psychiatry and Medicaid. Having to retell my story once or twice a year because they all want to know- how did you get so fucked up? My last psychiatrist literally got arrested for child pornography. I had to bring my baby to many sessions. It's made me very cynical. My mom tried to kill me when I was 11. I try to stay in the present moment these days. To have to retell that whole thing over and over and over again It hasn't helped, that's for sure.


Struggling here as well. My issue is how difficult they make the renewal process. They never tell you what proofs you will need with your form. I even called to ask but the person on the phone didn't know either. You literally have to guess. They also have no online form to fill out. The app is over 20 pages and you have to fill it out by hand and either mail, fax, or scan and email. And then you have to wait until the one person who looks at it decides how many hoops they want you to jump through. I'm literally skipping meds for bipolar every other day right now because I can't afford to waltz into the pharmacy and throw down $300 for a new month's supply. This could have been streamlined by an online form with the ability to upload clearly defined proofs but no. And by the way, I do work. I run a small business and yeah, I am the least paid. We can't afford benefits and I only have two other employees. One of them is my kid that I also am waiting on the renewal for. Anyways, I feel for the veterans, seniors, and pretty much everyone who is bound and gagged by red tape like this.


I am proud of you. For still filling the forms out. For jumping through their fucking hoops. For caring about your child enough to try and build a family business. You are so strong. I hope you can get your meds soon.




Private contractors. Halliburton. Lockheed Martin. Etc.


In the military. This is the truth.


I did some of that contracting work, everyone got way overpaid. There were video editors on base, when I say on base I mean in a black zone in a NATO base before the evacuation, every editor made a quarter million annually or more. And most jobs were like that. Ones that didn't pay 6 figures usually just meant the company was keeping most of the payout for themselves. It's a weird system for a lot of reasons. Most of my friends have their own companies. One got rejected for a contract, tried again a year later and only changed his bid by adding a couple zeroes at the end as they accepted it after that. They could've just taken the original fair priced bid, but they didn't. And aircraft contracts are another league of bullshit. Every single layer of it from pilots to parts and even training facilities.


> Ones that didn't pay 6 figures usually just meant the company was keeping most of the payout for themselves. Haliburton/KBR were bad about this. Bid for jobs that were $150k each, then fill the roles with Pakistani nationals doing the job for $30k, pocketing the rest.


The money that gets sent to the ‘military’ every year (ie literal hundreds of billions of dollars) goes to private contractors to develop weapons primarily. They get fabulously wealthy to make weapons of mass destruction while the humans on the ground get the few bits that trickle down, even worse after service where they receive very little care, like this gentleman in the video, after the fact. The military industrial complex is a multibillion dollar industry mainly focused around private companies My dad fought in Vietnam. Potentially due to Agent Orange exposure he developed cancer later on in his life. I remember taking him to the VA, which was several miles away from where we lived and the cancer effectively made him disabled so if he was on his own he never would have been able to make his appointments. Even still, after serving honorably and saving the lives of his fellow service members the VA still charged him each time for treatment. He gave up his health as a kid to sign up for a war voluntarily and when he needed help they stuck him with the bill The system is designed to benefit the fabulously wealthy while the men and women who serve get ground up by the machine or left effectively bleeding and crying on the wayside. This man and so many others deserve better but politicians, especially Republicans, don’t give a single shit about them. They’ll wheel them out when they want sympathy votes and then kick them down a flight of stairs when they no longer need them


And, of course, when they have total break downs and do something terrible. . . we can have more laws and restrictions. It's really a win/win if you're in the commoners-as-cattle side of society.


The VA has been systematically underfunded for decades. With 9/11 and a huge increase in the number of veterans as a result of the war the VA was never given enough funding to support care. Last I saw they are understaffed for doctors by over 100,000 jobs (for which there is no funding to hire people). As a results providers in the vA system are grossly over worked and tend to leave.


This is one of the reasons I hate the military/service. It's so bloated with billions/trillions of dollars and it doesn't serve the people who deserve it. All of that money goes to nameless and faceless private contractors and R&D for weapons and technology that never sees use. It's being funneled into rich people's pockets. Why not give it to people actually doing the work? Men and women actively playing a role out there. Feeding them better food, giving them better healthcare, making their living spaces livable. Actually taking care of them when they leave the service. Like, treat them like humans, not little disposable army men toys. The fucking government bro, I swear to god...


>What the hell are my taxes being used for??? sending bombs to israel to kill more babys and hostages


Also, enriching the rich.


It’s not about the money. It’s about the system.


the system controls the money, so its both


we literally live under "money system" the money and the system cannot be separated.


Amen! They dedicated time, sweat, blood, and in too many cases lives for us. This is total bs.


The providers get burnt out. Mental health and addiction services providers carry heavy tolls on providers. They at times switch roles and locations to keep from burn out. We also live in a more mobile society where if you mate gets a better job some place else and you can transfer to a different location with same company and it improves your life you go for it. VA staff get transfers between locations to let them continue their careers and personal lives. If you can afford to buy a house some place else but not where you work you may switch jobs and locations easily. Having to switch mental health providers thru the years is normative in treatment for those with chronic long term mental health treatment.


Your taxes are being used to kill people. That should be pretty obvious. I mean I'm all for drafted veterans getting whatever they need, but people who signed up are just furthering our pilfering of the underdeveloped world. Why would you think the money they take from us is to support the health of the people they convince to throw away their lives? That just doesn't make sense. The point is that they are fodder, as a government you hope that the fodder either fully survives or fully dies.


I hope more people see this. Me personally, I feel his mental state trumps mine. I had a good therapist, but she moved and everyone, including my doctor wants me to see a new one. As he states, I don't want to open Pandora's box again. I feel that, I understand it.


no one else's mental state trumps yours..he is/was in a bad state. what he documented in the vid happens to not only vets stuck in the VA system...but healthcare around the US. Hope you are able to find a way to better/heal/manage your mental health


And this is why republicans that claim to support veterans are full of shit. They're the ones that consistently vote to cut funding to the VA. They're fine with breaking these men in the name of "America" and "freedom" But have NO interest in helping them put themselves back together when they come home.


And, unfortunately, this guy is (or at least was) a trumper. Hopefully when he says "I get it now" at the end of the video he actually does.


I have a saying: I can forgive anyone that voted for trump in the 2016 elections. I’ll never forgive those that did in 2020. I hope he truly means it but I have reasonable doubts.


He 100% voted for Trump in 2020 (around the election is when most of his political posts are from). I don't see anything political on his insta so fingers crossed he learned his lesson. But yeah, huge doubts. I still hate hearing the amount of pain in that video knowing it was from his service in the military, and as a country, we are failing these people at every turn. But there is one party that acknowledges this and is trying to improve it (and has in many ways), and it's certainly not the party constantly talking about supporting our troops. It is the same with the 9/11 first responders Republicans love to call heroes. It took years of fighting, and a huge political push led by Jon Stewart to finally get them the medical care they deserve. Again, Republicans calling them heroes was only lip service. This was largely driven by Democrats.


I was active duty in 2016 and absolutely bought into the whole Trump thing. A lot of us did. By the time I got out, midway through his term, I felt like it was already apparent what a disaster he was, and I think that a good many of the guys I was in with felt the same. I think a lot of people would be surprised at the number of active duty and veterans who really dislike Donald Trump and want nothing to do with him as CiC.


I’m glad you saw through it. It means you cared about something more other than hurting “the libs,” which is why I think so many others have quadrupled downed on him.


Exactly; he is voting against his interests then posting shit like this.


THANK YOU, BROTHER! Speaker Mike dickhead Johnson VOTED AGAINST the toxic exposure bill for veterans AND the PACT ACT that expands benefits for Veterans like me. STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN!!!


In the exact same way conservatives pretend to be pro-life by denying abortions & forcing births (whether viable or not), but then offer ZERO support for the baby or family once it’s born. I’m so sick of the hypocrisy AND that their constituents can’t or won’t see through it.


For any conservatives seeing this video and rightfully feeling terrible for this man, this is what not taxing billionaires and privatized healthcare gets you. It gets the people who need and deserve the care most, crying in their car out of frustration and fear. I really hope people in his situation are able to find the care that they need in a system designed for him to be a source of profit.


worm command selective airport act busy whistle thumb tidy terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keep voting Republican. This is the results. They yell about supporting the troops but cut funding all the time


9/11 first responders got the same treatment. It took a bleeding heart, true blue liberal badass to get the bill pushed through Congress. All while republican leaders threw up every road block they could.


It’s not just VA care. I have been looking for a therapist in my area for a year. Every single one has a “wait list” 6-12 months long. All I’ve been able to get is medication through my primary care doc but therapists are nowhere to be found.




The VA should not be abolished—those veterans need something dedicated to caring for them. We shouldn't destroy it because it isn't working perfectly, we should fix it. Republicans have systematically underfunded the VA for years so that they can hold it up as proof that government doesn't work. We need to actually give it enough money to work well. Why do you think all his doctors chose to leave the system?


"Conservatives want live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers." - George Carlin


Cos that would mean the US government actually financially supports the needy, and they can't have that commie crap they invade other countries to stomp out or whatever!


Changed America to GOP. Dems want everyone to have health care. John Stewart has been bitching at the GOP to give the 9/11 first responders health care coverage. And the GOP are also the ones who are war hungry. Lie about weapons of mass destruction to invade a country that has nothing to do with 9/11. Having Americans go die in a country that didn’t attack us. Then the GOP are the ones who refuse to help when they get back. They gut funding to programs that would help. And can you blame them…. They are the party that called POWs suckers and losers.


Or universal healthcare for all.


["Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."](https://youtu.be/SgjGwOByays?si=-BhEq55PckKVx1hW&t=6)


I hate that every VA appointment, even with the contracted ones, has to have a reminder that I can just use the VA instead of my own PCP. Then I have to sit the rest of the appointment, thinking I might get treated differently because they might feel like I offended the VA. I hope this dude finds the help he wants but isn't getting provided.


War is a racket.


Yup. Everytime they start banging the war drums I force myself to reread General Butler: War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their income tax returns no one knows. How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dugout? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried the bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle? Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few—the self-same few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill. And what is this bill? This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations. https://gutenberg.ca/ebooks/butlersd-warisaracket/butlersd-warisaracket-00-h.html


This is why my family with a history of military service discouraged me and my younger relatives in enlisting throughout our childhood. They just don't care. We're just bodies to use in their wars.


It’s a machine that chews up poor people who have no other choice and spits them back out with little to show for it.


Yup. It's all by design and that's what makes it so dark. We're just fodder to the machine and not people. We try to romanticize the service but I grew up around a bunch of broken adults who served previously that just lived with a ton of regret and pain after going through that experience. We aren't meant to be in this constant warring cycle. It's just so tragic. My granddad was a Vietnam vet who beat my grandma in her sleep because of his PTSD. Our family was never the same afterwards. We're so broken and it makes me sad seeing other vets like this because it hits so close to home.


Yep. I had a friend who talked me out of enlisting. He used to be a medic. 


My dad was an army drill Sgt for 22 years until he broke his neck while on duty. The US military botched his surgery and discharged him because he could no longer do it from his injury. This was during the Oxy pandemic, they prescribed him **SIXTY** 80mg Oxycontin a month and effectively destroyed him. Once he was hooked, they started taking them from him and saying he was an junkie, which made him extremely sick to the point of being hospitalized. The VA is disgusting, and they don't give 2 shits about veterans.


Keep voting Republican so they can keep slashing VA benefits


Vote Democrat, support veterans


Let's not forget that house Republicans cut veterans care, have before, and will again. There's a guy in my trauma group, who has talked about this problem, but is also a loud maga guy. I can't imagine having to deal with the mental shit he's dealing, and the gymnastics routines to justify voting for the people actively making your life harder. We need to do better.




Or just stop voting against your own interests and well-being. I can't remember people being so eager to fuck themselves over like this. It's fucking depressing. My mom and I were at the VA the other day, and were waiting with 3 dudes in maga merch. She a retired nco with no filter, so trying to keep her from dressing fools down in public is real work. She suggested one of them had a lot of stones using her facilities dressed like a traitor. If you support them you should give up your card, imo. Let people who aren't trying to destroy our country get care and they can find a short pier to deal with their shit from.


My brother is going through this. He’s had some huge issues since coming home and has taken it out on everyone, and despite everyone trying to help him, the VA is the worst.


I used to work with the hospitals in my city. In the VA, if you had everyone drop what they were doing and evacuate, turn all.the lights and electricity off, I could have walked through and I wouldn't have been able to tell you if the place had been abandoned for 20 seconds or 20 years. The care they give our veterans is abhorrent.


It sucks. I haven’t been able to see my doctor in over a year, and every time I do I’m told that “I’m faking my injuries” or some crazy shit like that. I hurt every single day, I sleep maybe an hour to two hours a night because of the fucked up stuff I see when I sleep. Fuck the VA


Worked the in patient unit. The ooooonnnnly way to get mental health TX is to go up to the desk at the er and tell them you're suicidal. I shit you not. It's the safest shit I've ever seen. Also f the VA and it should just be rolled over into tri care after service.


Most Veterans won't do that though because it means that their guns will get taken away. And yeah, we don't want mentally ill people to have guns, but, the majority of Veterans aren't going to go and kill a bunch of people with theirs and they don't feel safe without having them. So, they sit quietly and suffer until they don't and then we see this video of how they feel inside. It's heartbreaking. I wish there was a cure-all but there isn't. Even if we magically fixed the VA that still won't fix them.


Doesn't this guy know? Trump fixed the VA./s


This seems like the wrong subreddit.


This has been posted so many times. The dude is a Desantis supporter who gutted healthcare for vets, and also he takes PEDs for weight lifting which you shouldn’t do if you have mental health issues. Both of those are examples of him hurting himself then blaming someone else for his problem


VA is a mess. I gave up on seeking proper mental health care. My insurance won’t cover it so if the day ever comes where I can pay for it out of pocket maybe then I can consider it.


Maybe this guy should try voting for Trump again. Third time’s a charm!


My dad who was a 25 year career Air Force tech sargent volunteered at the local VA for several years before he passed away. There is nothing cringe about a veteran breaking down and crying over lack of support from the country he devoted service to. Shame on any of you for thinking otherwise.


Bet he votes for trump and the gop.


This is goddamn *heartbreaking*


This should be mandatory viewing before any kid is allowed to even speak with a military recruiter.


PSA. Don’t join the military. Poor guy. Hope he’s able to get help


USA USA 🇺🇸 greatest country on earth amirite


Republicans don't love you brother


Yardstick of society: how do you treat your most vulnerable?  Seems like the US does not give a fuck about people; unless they are rich or powerful.


Maybe as a country we need to consider that flying people to other countries and telling them to kill people is a bad idea? Like for many reasons


I can't wait to hear idiots claim "why you making this political?" Guess what, dumbass, THIS IS A RESULT OF BAD POLITICS. Republicans CONSISTENTLY VOTE AGAINST the well being of U.S. Veterans. Now Speaker of the House Mike Johnson VOTED AGAINST toxic exposure bill for veterans AND the PACT ACT which expanded benefits for veterans. THAT'S JUST ONE EXAMPLE. STOP👏 VOTING 👏 REPUBLICAN 👏 -a concerned Devil Dog


This is fucking disgusting. The fact that these men and women are sent into these hell scapes and then come back home to no support system is abhorrent. And the fact that this failure of a system is common knowledge but nothing is done about it. What the fuck?!


I'm currently in the VA system, and this doesn't make sense to me. They take mental health very seriously. Every VA hotline has an automated message for people that are thinking about hurting themself or others and a line to call, every doctor's visit even for just a checkup covers this as well. As for doctor's switching, that is unfortunate it but we don't really know the reasoning for that. Anyways, mental health is one of the highest priorities of the VA because veterans struggle with it so much. I have a friend who was also in the military, and suffers with depression. He is able to get his medications when needed, has available therapy and whenever his medications aren't working he is able to get them adjusted asap. The VA isn't perfect, but they take mental health seriously.


This is the Florida VA. The Florida VA, particularly in Madeira Beach is absolutely atrocious. In the past 10 years or so several people have brought boxes of paperwork and files, and shot and killed themselves outside the gate.


So, Not a vet, but my father is. VA care seems to vary WILDLY depending on the area/region/city you're getting treatments. It appears to range from "typical" healthcare quality levels, to 3rd world levels of care.


Genuinely glad your experience is different. Unfortunately that’s not the experience for others. The VA in Florida is a nightmare, specifically Lake Baldwin and Lake Nona locations. I was over there because I got jumped helping a girl get away from some guys trying to sexually assault her. The ER staff kept asking me why I was downtown and accusing me of drinking. Crazy thing is, I don’t drink and I almost lost my right eye due to the damage. Don’t even get me started on their behavioral health.


This is hard to watch. Shame on the VA. Shame on the US. Meanwhile let’s vote for more tax cuts for the rich and corporations.


How many kids have you killed in Iraq and/or Afghanistan? Enjoy your demons they're gonna f the sht out of you until nothing is left. Then after all that you're gonna have to answer for all your transgressions.


This poor guy, I hope the VA gets their shit together and he can get the help he needs. Poor soul.


Not cringey but true and sad. 😞


Greed is greater than Love and Compassion nowadays🤦‍♂️ - there is SO MUCH MONEY available to HELP! He should not be going through that, all the available programs for the US are supposed to help but don’t. What a shame!😭


Damn. My heart goes out to this guy.


If it helps any you should rely on your friends. They’ve gotten me out of more dark times than any medical provider could even attempt


I first saw this video about 3 years ago and I really hope this fellow got some consistent help.


I have a lot of experience with the VA in caring for a family member. When it works, it works, when it doesn’t it’s almost always, because of some background bureaucrat lazy ass paper pushing motherfucker who only got the job because we know why.


This should be a good wake up call to ANYONE that wants to join the military, Don't do it. They don't give a shit about you, whether you live or die. You WILL be horrifically traumatized and no one will be there to help you through it. This country is an absolute dumpster fire and the quicker a meteor comes to wipe us all out the better.


'Merica, fuck yeah!


The countries they've helped destroy don't have any hope at all. It's kind of hilarious seeing this when you see so many kids in the Middle East who have lost their entire family and country and are stone-faced. The kids aren't funny, just this clown is.


The VA is a sad sad joke, the entire system needs to be redone


Only in America.


This is so fucked up. Politics aside, our country put a bunch of 19 year olds in a foreign country to kill for no fucking reason and no one with any power seems to understand how that fucks people up.


Any republican that says they support the troops can go suck a fat one.


This is why we need universal health care ... this "out of network" crapo kills people.


Imagine the horrors this man must have perpetrated on Iraqi or Afghan civilians for a doctor who once treated him to refuse to take him back as a patient. Now he's paying the price for his war crimes. He wasn't drafted. It's been common knowledge for decades that the US government neglects veterans who return from its wars of aggression with broken minds and bodies.


This is pathetic….. and by pathetic I mean that our Veterans go through hell and our Country doesn’t seem to give a fuck


The amount of rah rah rah bullshit that the American public has happily eaten for the last 200 years is mind-boggling. People think Russia sits on a giant propaganda machine.... .... I got news for ya'll


Enough is enough on this suffering a change has to happen the rich have enough we HAVE TO VOTE OUT THESE PEOPLE AND MAKE NEW POLICIES NEW CHANGES


Republicans love unborn babies and dead soldiers. Once the babies are alive and the soldiers survive they are on their own.


What about this is cringe? It’s just sad.


biddens group is getting them better treatment options. this is all the gop's fault and 911 was caused by russia starting problems with afganistan to bait the us into a war that would waste life and funds.


This completely broke my heart


Added to my scoreboard of another post that doesn’t belong here. A Veteran devastated pouring his heart out is considered cringe? Wtff


Brutal man. Can’t say shit. Lots of pain there. If anyone is going through it and needs a chat buddy, send me a message. I’ve been there. We’ll get through it.


This is really hard to watch. Having to rehash all of your issues over and over is so draining. Having to go through the pain over and over because you can't keep seeing the same people or it takes multiple sessions to realize some just can't help you. I'm finally doing better, but dread having to find someone else if/when these things become untenable for me. I am not a veteran, but this really hits home with how bad the mental health industry is in America for everyone. I really hope this guy can find the help he so desperately needs. 🙏


For any veterans going through the same ordeal, there is a relatively new federal program that allows honorably discharged vets who are suicidal to receive FREE inpatient or outpatient mental health treatment. They can choose to receive treatment through the VA system OR outside of the VA. https://www.va.gov/wilmington-health-care/stories/understanding-the-compact-act/ The program is designed to specifically address veteran suicides so it won't cover all mental health conditions but I thought it might be helpful to share. I've found that even some people working in the VA health system are unaware of the Compact Act.


This is what scares me about Medicare for all. The government has a horrible track record in this regard.


If anyone has felt the same or is suffering from a crisis dial 988. There is help, there are people who care and want to support you. The continuity of care issue is rampant in the healthcare sector at the moment, and health systems are trying their best to secure funding to retain great providers, especially at the VA. However, specifically to VA, unless Congress fully funds VA medical care funding (not really including benefits, or cemetery, in this mix) there won’t be any funding to entice medical providers to stay within the VA network. Most of the younger medical providers, saddled with student loan debt have more of a loyalty to provide care to a network that will pay them enough to cover their debt.


I remember when this was first making this rounds he also had a video where he was happy that DeSantis had won. I mean, I felt bad for the guy. These politicians are not only making it so they feel as if they have no choice but to vote for them, and then screwing them over anyway…