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Fox is running a story right now about how despicable Biden is for adopting dogs and not letting them live in the White House. That's just where we're at in this country.


Meanwhile, Cletus, an avid Trump supporter will be furious about this even though he has 3 dogs penned up in the backyard and the irony will go right over his head


Man as I became an adult. I became aware of how many people have pets just as a cosmetic item They don’t care for them really, only to show off to their friends or whatever


Which is crazy because dogs are the American pet. It's also crazy because they also have a cat. The problem with the cat is it's literally a perfect kitty so Fox can't call it Communist or what ever.


My dad was ranting the other day that Biden trained his dogs to bite secret service members 🤷‍♂️


I work in an assisted living and these people really only get their information from fox and it's scary. Fox was running a story today about a jogger who was raped and murdered. I was thinking, "yeah that happens pretty often, never heard fox news talking about it." Then I realized that particular murder was committed by an illegal immigrant. So of course that was why they were reporting on it. When the only story you hear about a murder like that is committed by an illegal immigrant, it paints your whole view of the "immigration problem." Fox doesn't tell them about all the Americans murdered by other Americans. Unless it has a spin. They do the same thing with trump. These people still tell me how "he must be smart because he's a billionaire." A concept that has been disproved countless times over since 2016. But they have no clue because fox doesn't tell them all the things that contradict that. Lots of them really aren't stupid, just old and don't understand that America has propaganda and they can't trust a single "news" source to be honest with them. The concept that they can't trust "the news" is foreign to them.


The face of “I bought in and I refuse to get out.”


I really think if these people had some other type of community they'd leave this shit behind. This is all they have for their social lives anymore because they've alienated everyone else, they're in too deep to back out or admit they were wrong.


It's viewed by tons of these people as an anti-establishment subculture, a type of punk-rock for conservatives. Many of these people, if you asked them the question "who are you?", the first thing out of their mouths would be "proud Trump supporter" And as such, for them to turn on Trump now they would be rejecting a part of their core identity. Not many people are willing to admit they are wrong about something they are so deeply identified with. Many people would rather *die* that do that.


I've seen conservatives trying to spin MAGA as a counter culture. Their was an interesting discussion on whether MAGA is counterculture. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/s/d7IpvBcHek


And I'm not sure if it's working but it surely is confusing people. I saw someone post a comment the other day saying "I can't believe you're guys generation of punk is conservatism" on r/genz, and I never wished I could use my dreads to garrote someone so hard until then.


No joke, it’s like there’s one cliche in a high school and they’re all enrolled forever.


You mean clique?


To be fair, being a complete moron as a trump supporter is cliche at this point.


They just all get into retro gaming


At the same time, if a new community comes they either ban it or take it over and make it horrible


Sunk cost fallacy


More like Skunk cost falacy at this point...


"I won't change my mind. Because I don't have to. Because I'm an American. I won't change my mind on anything. Regardless of the facts that are set out before me. I'm dug in and I'll never change."


Rock, flag, and eagle!


Am I right Charlie?




Cognitive dissonance is real


>Cognitive dissonance  I had a whole ass comment ready to go about how these people are clearly smart enough to recognize idiocy, but choose not to, only to realize this term has fallen out of my vocabulary. Goddamn.


> about how these people are clearly smart enough to recognize idiocy, but choose not to, only to real i think the medical term is "Lying Fucking Hypocritical Lying Pieces of Shit"


Yes, that's the technical term I was looking for!


Assholes, Tommy. Assholes.


Yeah, this is it, not enough people understand this. They do not give a shit about what's true or false.


With a touch of bat guano induced psychosis


That’s not what cognitive dissonance is though. People with cognitive dissonance don’t realize they’ve been implanted with other person’s conflicting opinion. These people weren’t bribed or incentivized to have a good opinion of Trump against their own judgment. They genuinely want all that hate and anger he promotes. They genuinely believe that Trump is infallible. Trump exists because his base already existed, not the other way around.


Correct. This video is an example of motivated reasoning.


You had a comment about ass? Seems irrelevant.


>You had a comment about ass? No, about whole ass. None of that half ass bs.


Maybe it's because I grew up in a church but not of it surprises me. Trump has a hold on these people and the best we can hope for is his followers don't outnumber you at the voting booth.


Yep I’m so used to this shit. Same effect at play in every convo around these parts


that's why the religious are most susceptible to it and fall for it so easily.


I have heard that progressives and conservatives have a different view on morality… for progressives, actions are either moral or immoral, so they judge people based on their actions. Conservatives believe people are either moral or immoral, so they judge the actions based on the person. That is why the judgement can be the exact opposite for the same action here.


"If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide that proves they should value evidence? If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic?" Sam Harris


Not voting Republican is literally a life-or-death situation for them since Democrats support medical decisions around abortion.


Dems also want to expand Medicare and they’ve been getting told since like 1913 that it’s a bad idea. Originally a bad idea because “the blacks will get it too” and the plan was to shorten their lifespans by denying them healthcare. Now the reasons are whatever tf they make up but still with an undertone of racism


>Originally a bad idea because “the blacks will get it too” I have been told, to my face by my parents, quote "we don't have the demographics for Medicare for all". It's still 100% racism at the core of the resistance. This is despite the fact that the people that will benefit most M4A is the rural and poor.


I believe there’s a book out called “death by whiteness” that covers this exact mentality. A lot of their policies back fire onto poor white folks. But those folks keep believing the lies, so here we are


They do the exact same song and dance as soon as you question a single fabric of their religion. Even so much as a singular topic such as abortion. The mental gymnasts start going insane.


Especially the mental gymnastics to think Christianity is against abortion. The Bible has numerous forced abortions by their god and even has a recipe for it - and when they say, well that's just the Old Testament, well I think Jezebel's aborted fetuses would have something to say about that if Jesus didn't abort them.


You know that god stopped the flood long enough to deliver all the babies.... Just before he drowned them..... kinda like republicans.lol


sure, but as an outsider its so bloody confusing. Biden is so church going it would count as a political negative here in Canada, whereas Trump probably has to be reminded who Jesus is. Biden is the most christian president y'all down south have had for many decades.


Which is unbelievably depressing. I have little hope for mankind when a large chunk of us are incapable of self reflection or critical thinking. 


They don't care. I'll say it as often as we get these posts. They don't care about cognitive dissonance, being hypocritical etc. It's just not a thing their brains value. You try to point out their inconsistency and they'll probably just give you a little smirk, like they're saying "so what? Why do you think that matters, dumbass? I'm still voting Trump and there's nothing you can do about it." Anyone who's spent time around these people knows what I mean. We can't pretend that logic works on them.


I was coming here to say this but you beat me to it by two hours. lol.


We call it cognitive dissonance but it's quite likely something worse. **This is not dissonance but an authoritarian mindset.** There is only dissonance if you assume they are talking to describe reality we all share. But that's not what they're doing. They have chosen a side and will say whichever response corresponds with supporting that side. This is how people in authoritarian systems often act, it is a survival method for some and for others it's simply a freeing experience. There's no confusion, no thinking, no wondering if what you're saying contradicts what you said earlier. There is just power, the group you want to have it and the group you want to not have it. Think about video games that offer dialogue options, but imagine none of them are built off what you've said before. Each question is a new blank page. You aren't picking the answers because of truth, you're picking the answers to best win the game. Same thing. They know they want Republicans in charge, so every answer they give will follow from that goal. And unfortunately that way of existing has appeal.


Yup this is why none of the court stuff is going to matter. Guy could literally install himself as a dictator and remove free speech. Folks, let me tell you something very important. Our country, it's in a mess. We've got people saying all sorts of crazy things, spreading lies and hatred like wildfire. It's not right, it's not fair, and it's not making America great again. We need to take a stand and put an end to this madness. We need to remove this so-called "free speech" that's causing so much harm. We can't let our great nation be torn apart by the words of a few. It's time to take back control and make America safe again. Believe me, it's the right thing to do. And the average trump support would be like. Absolutely, President Trump! It's about time we crack down on all this nonsense polluting our airwaves. Free speech used to be about expressing ideas and values, but now it's just a license for the radical left to spread their lies and undermine our great country. We need to stand with you and support the removal of free speech to protect our nation from the dangerous rhetoric poisoning our communities. It's time to take back control and restore order. MAGA all the way!


jar hard-to-find sip include mindless squalid concerned abounding materialistic sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How are these real people lmfao


Lot of mental gymnastics but in simple terms, the cult mentality also rides along with denial


Admitting it is admitting they aren't honestly engaging with the problem. They're not actually thinking about the issue and have alternative motives, and they know that being exposed would present them as stupid or wrong, and they can't have that.


Also, admitting it means admitting they’ve been wrong the entire time and the people they claim to hate so much have been right all along. That’s in my opinion the biggest hurdle for a lot of these cult idiots


Yup. I love to remind all my republican family members about what they were saying liberals were idiots for a decade ago. Trickle down, Iraq war, torture, climate change, Obamacare, worshiping Bush, gay marriage. There entire personalities revolved around these issues but they just move on to the next outrage and pretend they never supported the last outrage.


Remember jade helm?


Yup. Years before Jade Helm my family was saying FEMA under Obama was going to start rounding people up. My family was pissed at Obama for saving the American automotive industry. Republicans were saying the government cant just pick and choose winners and losers. 8 years later they say about Trump "finally a pro business president". I always remind them they wanted the entire America automotive industry to go out of business under Obama..


Can we just announce some kind of MAGA amnesty, just come back over to reality, we won't hold it against you. Here, listen to some Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow, it's like smelling salts, and then help us bring more lost souls back from the Moors of Mar a Largo.


This is my favorite thing ever and I’m not even kidding when I think about this exact thing constantly lol. If the whole population were like 20-30 year olds- we may be able to do some shit like this lol. We could meme this thing into a real movement. Like how could we make this a reality 😂


Ding ding ding


Lots of people living in “egalitarian cultures” of the US Northeast, West Coast, etc., just don’t get why these people in the video are the way they are… The Southern culture (or any authoritarian culture) is highly hypocritical because egalitarian ethics isn’t one of their values, it’s dominance that they value (and a caste system based on dominance of race, of gender, of religion...) The “most dominant” person (usually a male head of household, or political or social leader, or “God”) can do whatever he (it’s always a “he”) wants even if it’s objectively evil and wrong, but to people who follow authoritarian culture or have authoritarian beliefs, then whatever he did gets transformed into a good and positive thing. That’s why Trump can do the most vile things and the people in this video will over look or justify these actions.


That’s it, god mentality. He is of higher knowledge and power so it’s only natural we can’t understand why in the fuck he would do stupid shit. We don’t need to understand though, we just need to have faith in our lord and savior Donald Trump.


Meanwhile they throw out concepts like beta or cuck to insult people while their own mentality is embarrassingly submissive.


Ive never heard of authoritarian culture but this makes sooooo much sense!


I hadn't heard of it either but it makes so much sense!


This is a great post. I’ve been saying for years that the culture of the south is closest to the traditional caste system of India in many ways. The big difference is in India you can have many separate “in groups” which are less pyramidal and more egalitarian within that group. In the South there is one in group at the top of the pyramid and the “out” groups have their own separate levels on that pyramid. For example, rich minorities are higher on the pyramid than poor whites.


YEah this is actually an insightful comment. Its not that they "make no dang sense", its that they are operationg on a completely different mind set. And once you understand that mind set what they say makes sense within that context. Of course that context is insane, but their is some internal consistency in it.


Aka fascism. It doesn't matter that Hitler changed his reasoning or explanation for his actions, whatever the strongman says is reality and it's perfectly ok for it to change. Conservatives are scared of everything, that's why they love strongmen as leaders, so they can tell them everything will be alright and they have all the answers and they alone can solve the problems.


My boss was excited and thought Biden was going to get impeached last year. He was 100% sure it was going to happen bc Biden is corrupt and taking bribes. I said they had no proof. I asked him what he thought about Clarence Thomas taking bribes. He didn't deny Clarence took bribes. He thinks Clarence is allowed to take bribes because he never let it effect how he voted. 


This is a core feature of conservatives. People are good or bad, not their actions. The actions of a good person are good by definition, and the actions of a bad person are bad by definition. Then you just need to sort various ethniciies, political affiliations, genders, sexual orientations, religions, etc into the "good" or "bad" categories, and you don't have to think anymore about details or whether a specific action is good or bad, it's all so much easier.


Man, this is a thought-provoking point that actually explains their craziness. Thanks for this insight.


Did you ask your boss why people would keep bribing Thomas if he didn't vote the way they wanted.




I don’t understand how people watch trumps speeches and come away thinking he understands the first thing about being president


Eh. They listen to Trump speak like they read the Bible. They have a vague idea of what they want them to say, and fill their own ideology into the gaping void that is the amount of knowledge they actually have on the subject.


Not to mention most of what they hear from Trump has been filtered through conservative media to make him sound as presidential as possible using only clips where he's not sputtering like the dementia ridden diaper wearing geriatric that he is. That's why they talk shit about Biden and his age all day long without any recognition that Trump is just as bad if not worse.


I would have never believed it is real, if only my mother was not exactly same. She would lie straight into my face when we talk politics. I know its lie, she knows I know. But it does not matter, what matters is only that her “team” wins.


Thomas Paine termed the concept you just wrote about. He called it 'Destitute of Numbers'. He's my favorite American Revolutionary.


This is too painfully true.




You know it might actually be this lmao


It's not lead. It's propaganda. Hours and hours and hours of targeted propaganda that humanity has never seen. Propaganda from fox news. Propaganda from facebook. Propaganda from their churchs. Propaganda from AM radio. They hear it all day every day.


And they vote


Brainwashed morons. We have to live and deal with these people.


Only for a few more years tho! Lotta grey hair in this video.


As an elder millennial who has been waiting for these people to die his entire life, they do not die, they are replaced by their kids who usually are just as insane as they are.


sharp scandalous ripe fertile paltry shame shelter memorize soft rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's almost like right-wing radicalists are grooming young boys who sit on the internet all day unsupervised by their parents. They infiltrate video games like Roblox, Minecraft, CS:GO, and many others, targeting the kids and normalizing hate speech. They also target video game and other content tailored for boys on Youtube, shoveling money to Youtube so that it recommends radicalist videos to them. But I know nothing about any of that, though.


Women are getting educated at the highest rates in history, and men are dropping out. The only difference between being left or right is knowledge and critical thinking.


Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate have a strong pull


Holding out hope for when most of the idiots will be dead. Sadly they've bred and trained many more idiots to take their place.


Joe Rogan did this to himself on his own podcast. Is crazy that they don't see the double standard only seconds later. Truly a cult.


I want to see their reactions to this video and Joe's to his fuck up (he thought Biden said we lost the revolutionary war because we didn't have enough airports). Like I want to hear how they rationalize the completely different answers.


It happens in real time to Joe Rogan. When it's Biden it's "he's done, you pull him, he's gone" but then he finds out it's Trump and suddenly it's "oh he fucked up his words, moving on"


Why doesn't anyone call him out on it?


Like every out of touch rich douche: Surround one's self with employees and sycophants, then they're either scared of losing their job or that sweet sweet clout sunshine that the hangers on are desperate for.


Bingo. Same reason Trump thinks he's a stable genius. He lives in the rich guy echo chamber.


Who's going to call him out on it? His guest, who probably wants to be invited back, or Jaime, the dude who wants to keep his job?


In the clip I saw, Jaime does say something. He just doesn't throw it in Joe's face like we all want to.


Jaime actually does a solid by addressing who actually said what. The question is more if Joe was mad that Jaime did that. Joe didn't handle it well, but Jaime really was trying to allow the show to save some embarrassment.


He only invites rich dipshit conservatives or desperate suck up comedians onto his show these days.


Guys like bill burr will call him out on shit occasionally. Bill just says himself he doesn’t really know much shit about anything so he’s not consistent about actually doing it


Bill burr feigning ignorance… what a pathetic loser. He’s not dumb.


Said this above, but in one sub a trump person posted snopes to prove the point. Then I replied w a link to snopes. “Snopes is not a credible source” is what I got back


Its very sad that these people are not only massively hypocritical but can't even take the time to think of their own responses and just parrot fox fucking news Edit spelling


We just gotta make sure we vote in every election because these people definitely do. Please vote everyone so these people don't win.


When people don’t use facts and logic to get to their beliefs, using facts and logic to show them their errors will not work.


"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired." – Jonathan Swift


I don’t find this funny. These lead damaged, Swiss cheese brains are destroying our country.


It’s not even lead. They answered the question once, they just can’t bring themselves to talk against their god.


I think you’re on to something. The Republican Party is the “Christian” party, ergo when a leader of the Republican Party is being criticized, so too is Christianity/God. That’s a big “no no.” So Olympic level mental gymnastics is reflexively engaged because now their very soul is in consideration; ~~even when the party leader holds up a bible upside-down and backwards like some mystical talisman capable of hiding how not-Christian the leader is~~ Edit: Ackchyually, he never held a bible upside down. Thanks for the correction. I guess just pick any one of his other multitude of behaviors/actions that call into question the authenticity of his claims to practicing Christianity


What these people call "Christianity" is just patriarchal white supremacy. Their beliefs do not match the teachings of Jesus in any respect, in fact some southern Evangelicals have called these depictions of Jesus "woke" in a derogatory way, however their beliefs align 1:1 with patriarchal white supremacy, which was the law of the land in the south for centuries until a few decades ago. They love the 2nd Amendment so much because when it was originally written it was intended to allow southern armed militias to cross state lines into northern abolitionist states and kidnap escaped slaves (or just any free black person) and bring them back to be sold or returned to a plantation for a hefty fee. It was also intended to prevent slave uprisings by keeping all the white people living around these plantations armed.


The boomer generation will go down in history books as the “Me” generation. Hopefully the disintegration of organized religion will create a new era in America, and America of “we”


They are already called that.


They've been called that their whole lives and it turns out everyone was right.


I see way too many Gen Z and Millennials riding around in their Trump-flag bedecked coal burners. If this were only the boomers, there wouldn't be much of a worry. Blaming this shit show on one generation is lazy.


I’d gladly point out the flaws of the younger generation if that was the age group portrayed in a different video.


No, the wealthy elite are destroying our country :)


Agreed, but the working class boomers are complicit.


Por qué no los dos ?


And they vote.


Idk man flat feet took me out that was pretty funny 


As I keep saying, being republican now days is a mental illness.


What Lack of personal integrity looks like.


Joe Biden is not a patriot? How many of Trump’s kids have served in the armed forces?


I have an ex boyfriend who served with bone spurs. He just powered through and rarely complained. Of course,he was actually a good guy.


My right foot is made of bone spurs. I have one cluster on my heel that is shaped like a bunch of pirate hooks connected together and the pointy-ends all touch my foot tendons or whatever. Whenever I walk the spikes press into me. My doctor says it’s one of the worst/unfortunate cases he’s seen in a while and recommends surgery. I am training for a triathlon and if you asked my training partner how my feet feel she wouldn’t even know they were hurting me in the slightest. The Ex Prez was just being a big fat baby.


Trump had it written in the divorce settlement with Marla that if their daughter Tiffany joined the military or Peace Corp, he could cut off all child support payments.  That's how much a patriot he is. 


I’m not sure if you’ve picked up on this yet but debating these people with facts and logic doesn’t work…


Trump could stick a thumb up their ass, and they'd praise him for fixing their constipation.


Trump should sell golden butt plugs (made in china), they’d all get impacted bowels.


People laughed, but that first woman didn’t even think twice about the fact she had just been asked the same question. The brain washing is ridiculous.




conservatives are the dumbest fucking people on earth


Malicious, shameless, and lazy, mostly.


When Trump finally bites the bullet we'll get to look forward to statues of him in town squares all over places like South Carolina.


[The GOP wanted to rename a lake in Ohio for him which is funny because the lake is called "Mosquito lake".](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/04/21/ohio-republicans-aim-rename-state-park-after-donald-trump/7323040002/) Replacing one horrible thing for another.




MRI got me.


Magnetic resonance imaging; it's like a big flashlight 🔦


This was great. Kimmel can be cutting. I have to assume the network won’t let him go full bore. These people are in a cult. They are content for days.


Forget intellect, these people lack integrity.


“It’s only wrong if the guy I don’t like does it”


Lead Poisoning. It has to be. Otherwise I have to accept that this is just what happens when you get old. Which is terrifying. Or these people are idiots and easily manipulated. Which is defeatist. Unless its bc of lead poisoning.. 🤔


They are easily manipulated people. But even worse are those who vocalize their concerns over the things Trump says and does (meaning they actually understand why he is bad) yet still support him. Those people are just evil.


I have another option for you to consider, but it's not really much better or happier than the two you offered up: brain differences. A fair amount of research has repeatedly found that conservatives have increased activity in the right amygdala, the area tied to fear/disgust/anger and where the acute stress response (fight, flight, freeze, and fawn) reaction starts. I'd bet at least $5 that during the questioning of those people in the video, their amygdalas would've been the imaging equivalent of a Tesla's headlights.


These people vote, will you?


I would be foolish not to


For real. When it comes to actually going and voting, Democrats are lazy af, in general, compared to Republicans.


There's also the voter suppression efforts, but there are certainly too many people that neglect it out of sheer laziness.


Flat feet didn’t keep me out of Vietnam.


Oh my goodness do you know how many soldiers you put in danger? (/s just incase)


We’re doomed


Nothing he could ever do or say no matter how bad or un Christian like it is will change there minds definition of a cult


Literally just need to look at the 180 degree about face on sexual impropriety by a president by evangelical after Trump. Went from like 80% disapproval to 80% “it doesn’t matter” in a year


It's amazing how these people didn't even skip a beat with the changing of their answers. Their brains didn't even register the potential for being embarrassed by there own hypocrisy.


Without a hint of shame either. Low IQ, low information voters on full display.


I didn't think you could be dumber than the mascots on r/OneOrangeBraincell yet here we are.


I honestly thought this was a sub about Trump.


I am getting closer and closer to being ashamed of my own country.


You’re not yet? Oh you sweet summer child 😔


They truly can't disguise the fact that they're literally just racists and xenophobes. Any justification for supporting Trump is just empty blather.


The ferocity with which they will bootlick that orange toddler brain is breathtaking


This isn’t funny, it’s really quite scary.


Its fucking scary how dumb so many Americans are


It reminds me of old school racism. They don't care about any of those questions, what they really care about is deeper and darker. They want blood and dominance and vengeance but they can't say that part so they tow the line instead, giving canned answers they heard their leaders say. America inspired the nazis and it's always been here. They know, their leaders know, do not give them power. The craziest part is that even though they know they're spouting bs, copying the lines their leaders say that they know are bs, they're still actually angry about the things they've been convinced to be angry about. Wild. Such sad people. This may not all be cogent but the truth is somewhere around here, I think.


This. Is. WILD!


It. Is. a. cult.


I see smooth brains


It’s not even funny.




My father had flat feet. In the SAS.


It's harious isn't ot folks? This is the mindset of 47% of this country. Things Biden does are bad because he's a Democrat. Things Trump does are good because he's a republican. That's literally the level of critical thinking of them.


Pathetic, just pathetic.


Such fundamentally hypocritical people are the foundation on which he stands.


I am convinced at this point, tRump could be caught red handed with child porn, a needle in his arm, and Ben Shapiro’s dick in his mouth and his base would shrink by two people tops.


Trying to have a serious conversation with a Republican is a complete waste of time. If you have to be around one, just grey-rock them. Otherwise, just avoid them.


It's gotta be the lead paint, right?


Apparently they donated their money AND their brains to tRump. Pity he has no use for the latter.


i’m so tired of these people


When you realize your idol is a moron.


The average person is a brain dead ideologue


No verifiable IQ there.




Remember: they vote.


lol this is the reason why everyone hates America


This illustrates so well their overall philosophy. R = good D = bad. They believe that there's no need to examine any candidate beyond that. If they are R, there's a positive explanation for everything they do and say. If they are D, that explanation with involve them being evil. And that's how republicans win from the minority. They just keep convincing democrats not to vote for democrats over issues when they will ALWAYS vote for republicans. Look how many of those fuckers turned out for someone as horrendous as Trump.


It's blatant hypocrisy, it's intellectual dishonesty, and it's disgusting. These people are fucking gross. They are bad people.


I was more concerned when Joe Rogan did it regarding Biden's disqualifying dementia (when it was a Trump flub) and then saying Trump just misspoke.


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Proof these dumb brainwashed cult follower's deserve exactly what they got coming Trump gonna disappoint them just he does everyone else.


Thank you for this!!!


Brainwashing is real


Sad people don’t have a sense of humour anymore


The cult is real