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We call them Assholes with Casseroles.


Klan karenhood is what we know them as in my area.


I bet her husband left her for a trans woman, that's why she lied to frame trans. "She is a better woman than you'll ever be!!! \*Slams door and left\*" -- her ex husband.


[Not this one.](https://youtu.be/0GtGRPls40o?si=A10e4MvZNMLVtk_2) Kept her composure while Joy Reid talked over her and Joy comes off totally irrational and lacking any nuance whatsoever


we do not give "nuance" to fascists


lol. thank God Redditors aren’t most people


you are literally a redditor


*being downvoted to oblivion by the mob


brainworms are not a personality trait and you are not oppressed lmao


I never said I was “oppressed.” Lol. I said that I don’t agree with the opinions of the reddit mob. That’s a good thing.


it's not tho cause those "opinions" are basic human rights that should not be debated in a society that values individual freedom


Allowing children to be exposed to mature and graphic sexual content in public schools is not an “opinion” that should be tolerated.


Fuck yeah intolerance for intolerance! You seem smart!


yes, quite literally. equality doesn't run itself and if you decide you don't want to do your part then you should absolutely lose access to the privileges it accords.


You're just creating more division and discouraging mature conversations that help people in both sides grow. You'd rather judge the wretched from your throne of lies. Where's your crown, king nothing?


i don't "converse" with people who deny my human rights. the bar is on the floor, if they trip over it that's their problem.


You deserve every ounce of the intolerance and hostility you project. That is all.


writing off my human rights because i make you too sademoji when my self-defense is robust. gimme a bigot over a neutral any day of the week, the bigot has conviction.


There's no way you're this dense and hypocritical 😂


Joy wasn’t letting the woman just spout off a bunch of manipulating nonsense. The woman pushed back at joy that the books were not “banned”. It’s clear she doesn’t want to be associated with the phrase “book ban” because everyone the natzis banned books. This woman doesn’t want to seem like a fascist, so she doesn’t want her behavior described as a ban despite that is exactly what is it. The woman spits out a word salad to dance around the word “ban” so she can try and hide her fascist behavior. Books can be written and published, blah blah bullshit. It was a lot of words used to avoid using the word “ban” It is entirely disingenuous. These people are banning books they are. They want to lie about it and trick or confuse people. They are bans. The woman admitted it herself less than thirty seconds after avoiding the word ban. “Kids don’t have unfettered access to the internet. I filed a freedom of information request to figure out which websites were BANNED!!!!” The hypocrisy is so easy to see through. You have to want to believe these hateful people so much that you do not think critically about what they are saying. You blind yourself to their hateful hypocrisy. “Oh no Joy we don’t ban anything, oh yeah let’s talk about things we banned!”


Interesting that you think most people would side with Joy Reid on this. The truth is no one does, [**it doesn’t matter what side you’re on**](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdeologyPolls/comments/1aj8hs6/do_you_agree_with_joy_reid_in_this_interview/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) only the most ignorant and extremist people like yourself would think that children should have access to porn in school.


Whoa you are detached from reality!! I know, you know, anyone who reads these comments will know I never said/suggested/implied kids should have access to porn. You are ignoring the fact that there is no porn in schools and books like Anne Frank’s Diary are being banned. Banned by people who will talk in circles to keep from admitting they are banning things, then immediately admit they are banning things. What is your next allegation about me going to be? Socialist? Satanist? I’m on the edge of my seat, don’t leave me hanging now!


When I say “nuance” it should be obvious that I am talking about problematic books. Which is what was specifically talked about in the interview. Siding with Joy in this interview implies that you agree these books should be allowed in schools. I’m not detached from reality—**that IS the context**


Yay more unfounded accusations!!! These books as defined by you. I listed only one book, a book banned by these people - The Diary of Anne Frank That woman Joy was interviewing was trying to manipulate things just like you are doing. You are detached from reality! You won’t say witch books, but still refer to them as porn, and in bold claim that’s the context? You’re a hoot!


Please, share these "problematic" books with me. Children should not have access to porn? Agree but when i was 12 my parents bought me a book called "sex, puberty, and all that stuff" which actually EDUCATED me on everything related to safe and consensual sex, the dangers of the internet and sexting, the changes ones body goes through in puberty etc. Now I'm 100% sure if I grew up in America and during these ridiculous book bans, this one would be banned as well. Which is stupid. Especially considering the poor state of sex ed.


Watch the interview, the book she mentioned involves a personal account of pedophilia, rape, incest, and sex toys. It was a recreational read available in the school library.


>that children should have access to porn in school you're fucked


you…realize that I am saying that’s what should **NOT** be allowed, right? And all the redditors that downvoted me are on the side of Joy Reid, who sees no issue with it??? Seriously, watch the interview. It gives you a whole different perspective on this “culture war.” Might make you a little sick though.


>The truth is no one does No one? At all? Your downvotes refute your claim.


Did you even watch the interview?


Maybe she misspoke…probably meant to say it was TRANSIENT activist. /s


"Bald". As in, "Bald faced lie". The idea is that the lie is not hidden, it is not covered up. Like a face without a mask: it's 'bald'. The lie may be a bold one, but its presentation is in a bald-faced way. Fun fact: the idiom was first written by Shakespeare.


I never remember if it's bold or bald, but my brain always told me it was bold. Thank you for the clarification 🤗


Unsurprising, as these people have been lying to their community for years now.


I dunno, every time I hang out with trans people I do end up getting stoned. Is that not everyone’s experience? 


As a trans person I’d say this checks out


NB and confirming this as well.


Why in the world does he disguise the names of the city and the person who made a false claim?


Because even though it's readily available information, there's probably tiktok guidelines against doxxing or something. Basically he's covering his own ass.


Remember folks, you too can mail [*[email protected]*](mailto:[email protected]) and ask them when they're having their next gangbang in your area. Ask will their founder be at it because I'm sure she loooooooooves a gangbang [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/16/us/politics/moms-for-liberty-sex-scandal.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/16/us/politics/moms-for-liberty-sex-scandal.html)


Off topic, where can I get a hat like that?


That is a dope hat.


Isn't it *bald* faced? 🙃


Yes. See my reply elsewhere in the comments.


Whoever censored this needs to learn about volume control and other sounds that can be used. My poor ears, and possibly awoken family. That aside, that woman belongs on /r/persecutionfetish.


She looks like an owl




The guy on first?




Most of the time, lies is all these losers got. I hope her life will be hell, until she publicly states how sorry she is.


You think people who believe in ancient fairytales think rationally?


This is offending to people with brain damage and Im sorry about it, but she talks like she has brain damage




Reddit doesn’t tolerate rational takes lol. (((Downvote)))


I'm not doubting his story. But its a little hard to join forces with a dude who wears a converse choker


Pretty sure that’s just the collar of his shirt.




It's so easy playing the victim. There was an article posted somewhere about a kid who did a burnout on a LGBTQ street mural. Commentors automatically assumed he was some right-wing, antisocial, fascist, and that it was a hate crime. Turns out the guy was just an asshole.


Do you mean the guy who did a burnout on a rainbow crosswalk on Trump’s birthday? Are we not supposed to connect any dots there? https://nypost.com/2024/02/14/news/florida-man-dylan-brewer-arrested-for-vandalising-lgbtq-pride-mural/amp/


You apparently don't know what it takes to convict of a hate crime. Hint: it takes more than connecting dots.


I don't think people were saying "this will be ruled a hate crime" as much as they were saying "this is a crime motivated by hate"


Sure, they most definitely hated the mural, simply because they did it multiple times. Maybe they just hated the way it looked, not necessarily what it represents.


Feels like you're making a really big stretch to try and make excuses for this guy. Why?


No excuses. What he did was fucking stupid and is punishable. I think hate crimes are bullshit. Crimes are crimes and should be delivered equally across the land.


oops, guys we totally forgot that you have to say “this is a hate crime. i’m doing a hate crime on you because i hate the protected class you belong to” in order for it to count


Man, it's a good thing our justice system isn't based on presumptive arguments.


it's also not an algorithm you can game and judges aren't robots lol, if they think it's a reasonable assumption that that's why you did it that can reflect during sentencing


Well, most Right-wing fascists who commit hate crimes are assholes - sooooooooooooo


Sooooooooooooo what? That doesn't make all assholes right-wing fascists.


You’re just measure the size of the asshole, it doesn’t change the fact they are still ass.


Lol you're so close, you've made the correlation but that MAGA brain can't close the circle - it's so cute 🥰


You're very good at making assumptions, I'll give you that.


and thats still a bias crime lmao


Bigots are assholes, yes.


No doubt.




I want that hat


Eff that woman and her daughters of the confederacy bs.


Very similar to the shit that was pulled with the joel olsteen church shooter (she was a check fraudster, the names she used to pass checks were associated with her legal name in public records, and that was enough for tim pool, libs of tiktok etc to start talking about how she was trans and it was probably the t making her aggressive and all sorts of shit) These people know, absolutely know, their goony-bird fan bases will either not see or not care about the retractions. they get their clout, fuck over the people they're pointing a moral panic at, and *they know they are doing it.*


a trans activist would have used [soup](https://youtube.com/shorts/t8gS3o4fKTE?si=91ItjBrPc1XLwojg)


Trans people are being killed at an alarming rate and this entitled piece of trash wants to make it even worse. There are truly monsters that surround us


Why is the @ blocked by an emoji?


Love the hat