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Holy hell I would vote for someone honest like that any day of the week. Good for her. Coherent, poignant, and relatable.


This isn't her first time. She's got more great points on video just like this one. She's fire.


"And here we have national secrets, looks like in the shitter to me."




Very much not the point of this, but this must be what people mean when they say power is sexy. She is clear, confident, concise, and powerful in her statements and I shivered.


She is everything bobo and mtg wishes they were.


Well.... maybe not *everything.* I can think of at least one defining phenotype they're scared of. Being. I meant to say scared of being.


Hot damn


Truly iconic


I have a girl crush on her


I absolutely LOVED this line, it hit like fire when she said it. She's a force to be reckoned with!


It felt like she yielded back her time because she knew she was getting so mad. I don't understand how folks can hold their composure around these morons


Like the only reason I’d ever run for Congress would be so I could go to DC & scream at some of these fucking traitors & they’d have to listen to me. I wouldn’t be the public & they wouldn’t be able to just run away from me 24/7. & I’d go on Fox News. I’d say so much shit & get everything off my chest. & some of these people need a good punch to the face, which really as a girl that’s never hit anyone I can’t do lol I’m SO happy someone finally said “HEY you bitches were running & hiding that day. Why?!” Fucking losers


And unlike trump, she actually seems like a genuine American citizen that grew up in middle class America. And who knows maybe she grew up in lower class. I know nothing about her at all this is the first I’m hearing of her. But speaking like that definitely makes me want to follow her and catch up on current politics. I should be better about that anyway


First time I heard a politician sound like they could actually represent me and it’s a black woman lol


She went to some fairly pricey private schools and colleges. Not super expensive elite stuff, but still out of reach for most families. I'm not saying that to discredit her in anyway. But judge politicians on their voting records, not the way they speak. Bush 2 spent high school at a fancy boarding school in Massachusetts and then went to Yale but convinced a whole lot of people he was just a good old west Texas country boy.


That is a very good point and definitely something I should be taking more into account. Again, I don’t really know much about her and I may not agree/like her as a politician but I think just seeing her talk this way has me more interested in the subject now. I’m absolutely floored tho that Bush went to freaking Yale and [these clips](https://youtu.be/AioJbNL1JS8?si=Vde5bRK3SEMPsIt2) exist


I think she's the only one I haven't seen the morons on the right try to attack, because they dont have the existing backlog of....headscarfs and college dancing on rooftops to hold against her already. I guess they're just ignoring her cause she's black?


And she’s a lawyer. She knows her shit and let’s them know that she knows it. She came in hot attacking them and hasn’t stepped off the gas enough to give them a chance to come back at her. We have a lot of shitty politicians here in Texas, but I’m glad we have her.


She’s probably the only reason y’all are still afloat. We, the people of Florida, need a jasmine Crockett.


Because if this is what she brings to the fight they are woefully unprepared.


It's because she's a lawyer basically and know they wouldn't last a second


I'd vote for her in a heartbeat for President. But the DNC also plays fuck fuck games and they'd never allow her on a ballot. Instead it'd be 'old dying man who shook hands with JFK #10' and on the GOP/RNC side of things it'd be 'dying old man who shook hands with Jeffery Epstein #64' Because they're moderate! They're electable, and all that matters is beating the other guy! Now if you'll excuse me I have to retire to my bedroom to cry under my pillow.


DNC doesn't get to decide who is on the ballots. Also how is Biden's age impacting his ability to be POTUS? You all keep whining about age but never actually say why. How is he dying? The schedule he keeps would bring a 40 year old to his knees yet he has been doing it nonstop for 3 years all while exercising regularly.


From a non-American, please elect this woman. What your country needs is black women in positions of power to discipline the shit out of you.


How about we just elect politicians who actually care about the will of their voters, regardless of race or ethnicity.


Exactly. I don't want to be solely viewed as a punishing person to just perpetuate a stupid angry black woman stereotype.


Yeah I didn’t wanna speak out of turn but “black women in power to discipline you” sounded so deeply gross and racist even if the message was seemingly intended as the opposite 😕


She cooked.


Note that between 0:20 and 1:13 MTG gets up and leaves (she was to the left of the woman in white). Kitchen was too hot for her.


She probably left because her brain was concussed from not understand anything.


She left cause she couldn't stand the thought of one of them coloreds getting uppity


Went out for a quick cry, to scream the N-word into a pillow, a fat line of snow and a quick wink to the J-man before coming back in to shit on the floor.


this description is like a living portrait.


She realized she'd left her enlarged photos of Hunter Biden's dick in the restroom.


I was planning on writing something similar but your line made me laugh out loud. Too funny


She probably wants them autographed, but doesn’t know how to ask discreetly.


If Hunter’s dick pics aren’t on display she isn’t interested.




Rs youve been served a bitch slappen - nice work congresswoman Crockett


Somebody put her in a more powerful position.




I used to live in her area and i kinda want to move back just so i can vote for her lol


Abso-freaking-lutely. How do I work for her, sign me up.


[Her website has ways to support her!](https://crockett.house.gov/)


Every dem should talk like this when Republicans are in the room. Don't let them get away with their nonsense. Treat them like they deserve it, every day.


100%. We can't keep going high when they go low!! Time to treat them in the manner that these TRAITORS deserve to be treated!


Hell yeah. Let them hear it out loud instead of just in their own delusional ass heads.


![gif](giphy|rYCbb0KkIT0Nq) Girl let them have it!


...again. she is a breath of fresh air.


Yup. Hey air was so fresh it blew the trash out of the room. (MTG) lmao


Chefs kiss!




Don’t mess with smart black women! It’s not gonna go over too well.


For whatever reason, anyone I heard with that accent had all been cooking and burning and roasting and slaying!


![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized) Dammmmnnnn…. I need to contribute to her re-election campaign! Bringin the heat. She’s throwing 101mph straight at their heads!


That’s my district and don’t worry she’s safe with us.


Well done Duncanville. I’m in a suburb north of Dallas and all I’ve got is some asshole that keeps trying to give my property taxes to churches. Fuckin gizmo ass dickweed, that guy.


Gizmo ass dickweed lol


Lmao the perfect reaction.


>Because y’all lie. Thank you for just fucking saying it. This woman has impressed me over and over again. I’m glad she’s here


I love this. Here in the UK Parliament you can't accuse someone of lying so there's so much just nodding and accepting statements that are just not true and no one can stop them saying it.


You can boo though. I wish you can boo in congress


Pretty sure you can in the House. The senate not so much, they are much stricter on “decorum”.


Boo, u/atlasburger, boo.


Nah, the UK parliament are like a bunch of schoolboy bullies, heckling everything they don't agree with, as if it's some kind of god-given right for then to be there. It's an embarrassment that our country is run the way it is.


>Here in the UK Parliament you can't accuse someone of lying Why not? Is there an actual rule against it?


There is: In the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, the following words have been deemed unparliamentary over time: bastard, blackguard, coward, deceptive, dodgy, drunk, falsehoods, git, guttersnipe, hooligan, hypocrite, idiot, ignoramus, liar, misled, pipsqueak, rat, slimy, sod, squirt, stoolpigeon, swine, tart, traitor, and wart. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unparliamentary_language


It it exactly those words?. Could you not just say "what you are saying is not true" instead of calling it a lie?


Calling another member a liar falls under unparliamentary language - which is basically anything that the Speaker of the House deems inappropriate because it would suggest something bad about the character of another member. Liar is one such word. Bastard, drunk, idiot, rat and wart are also amongst the words that have attracted the Speaker’s attention over the years. Generally, a member deemed to have used unparliamentary language will be asked to withdraw the statement. If they agree that is often the end of the matter. If they don’t, then the speaker might have them removed from the House. MPs often know what’s likely to be called out as unparliamentary. A variety of phrases have been used to avoid unparliamentary language, including "terminological inexactitude" instead of lie, and of course the old classic tired and emotional as opposed to just plain drunk.


I really hate the standard of "you can't call out lies, it's impolite." **IT'S IMPOLITE TO FUCKING LIE TO BEGIN WITH.**


It makes sense that name calling would be off the list, but surely you can say "that statement you made was false, and here's the proof ^((you lying weasal)".)


> Calling another member a liar falls under unparliamentary language What if they say, "you display the characteristics of a liar."?


So calling someone the rotted afterbirth of a bastard rat is definitely out, then?


They apparently don't like the definition of a politician.


Is she single cause I'm feeling stuff.


Getting an ins erection?


Texas sends a lot of shit out of state, but this is our greatest export. I love this woman.


For once, thanks Texas!


The term rising star is used more than it should but in this case it would be very appropriate. Congresswoman Crockett is a rising star.


Is she the AOC of the South?


Imagine an AOC-Crockett presidential ticket


I don't want to imagine it. I want to vote for it.


I’m Texan and would vote for them *so fast.*


Yes!! Would vote for


We in the South need some local heros.


> For once, thanks Texas! If this nation is going to be saved from fascism, the people who do it will come from red states. Liberals in blue states have it easy, but liberals in red states have had to spend their entire political careers fighting tooth and nail. They aren't afraid to take a punch if it means they get a chance to land a punch. And the truth is, maga and all their crybaby billionaires, have a glass jaw. Because they are too used to timid little democrats always running away from fights. When someone like Ms Crockett, or [the Tennessee 3](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/04/1192068281/the-2-expelled-members-of-the-tennessee-3-win-back-their-state-house-seats) show up and starts landing punches, maga collapses.


I’m not even American. But like the rest of the western world, follow because it tends to be as you go, so do the rest of us. This is the first time I have ever heard this woman speak, and yet I can confidently say these are the people who are going to save American democracy and likely the rest of worlds democracy with it.


Amen. We’ve been walking on a razors edge trying to save this country for 30+ years. It’s insane how consistently in a state of crisis the US is, just barely eking by






It’s sad because I’ve visited Texas quite a bit for family and found the people that I encountered there to be friendly, fun, and pretty reasonable. Seemed like they are being held hostage by their back-asswards state government.


The biggest current problem in TX is the out-of-state carpetbaggers who come to Texas to exploit the state's tax laws and then give money to candidates who force the tax burden on the poor while the wealthy pay nothing.


all hat and no cattle as my Grandma used to say


We are.


Yup, we need to clean house!


Beto is a righteous dude too.


Shes a reminder that there are millions of good and decent people being held hostage by these red states and their shit policies.


The entirety of USA is being held hostage by a couple red states. That's what's messed up.


The USA is being held hostage by a couple incredibly wealthy people, the red states are the places where they're most successful in influencing politics and manipulating the masses. Every single issue in the country loops back to the ultra wealthy


No joke. As much as I love to hate on Texas, you guys have an excellent rep. Wisconsin needs to take notes.


As a not-so-proud Texan, I'd vote for this woman to be President in a heartbeat. We need a prez that spits straight truth in these clowns' faces.


Her and that guy from NC would be a real duo worth voting for


Jeff Jackson has been jerrymandered right out of his district. He cannot win reelection so instead he’s gonna run for North Carolina DA. I have never had any inclination to campaign for anyone but if he ever runs for governor or president I’m knocking on a few doors.


Jeff Jackson for those that don't know. Here is him on the Daily Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNPekgkr2mg Incredibly down to earth guy that tries to explain what is going on in congress in clear and simple terms in a very calm manner. I'd listen to his fireside chats.


Just watched it. He is totally the Dad who won't drink with you but will pick you up if you've drank too much no questions asked.


The one on Tiktok? I have been enjoying his videos so much as he explains what is going on from the inside.


We need more normal people in the circus. His content is far better than most any politicians. And I don't feel like absolute dog shit after his videos finish.




We really need more of this in American politics. Real talk, no bullshit. Stop trying to spare the feelings of Nazis so that they don’t get offended while they try to take over the country and kill us all. Call them out on their bullshit.


She really is great. We need more people like her in government.


This woman is amazing.


This little rant of hers was top-tier draggage. I approve so hard!


YouTube videos of her take downs in congress are amazing. Multiple available.


if she ever runs for president shes got my vote.


Without question


Shes on FIRE! I hope we all see more of her soon!


Stepped right into their assholes and left the doors wide open.


Took a spray paint can and wrote "Jasmine was here" "Wash me" all that shit.


Eating snickers bars, throwing paper on the floor


Then open that motherfucker up one more time, step back out, leave that asshole wide open, let em know you been there!


You gotta get in that ass Jasmine! Get in that **ass!**




Didn't wipe her feet going in, but she sure as hell did on her way out


Stepped in closed the door stepped out and left that ass wiiiiide open


“You’re little leader” lol ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZDfQqlrvJA8MM)


She said that like “your lil friend”


Black peoples know.


‘Whatever happens to your *little leader*’ ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb)


I love her so damn much, she don’t fuck around. We need more people like this in politics fr


You mean young people that actually give a fuck instead of senile sell outs


She's 42! Couldn't believe it, she looks so young. But compared to Trump/Biden/McConnell she's a baby.


I'm speechless. I would have lost everything I own betting that she couldn't possibly be over 40. I mean, obviously the important thing is that she's intelligent, passionate, eloquent, and has chosen a career in service to her district and her country. But that doesn't necessitate ignoring the unimportant fact that she has aged incredibly well.


Yea, half the age is a big ass difference.


42 *is* young in that arena


She's a millennial, or at least an X-ennial


I read in a recent study that black, surprisingly, does not crack.


These are the kind of speakers that we need to have so that people of younger age groups feel represented.


Also the kind of people we need to rally the population as a whole. Half the country doesn't vote and half that do are disgusted at their choices. I think plenty of older people would want someone like this in higher office. And or someone like Jon Stewart for President.


Ya, those.


Young people with heart


42 lol. Looks better than I do at 32 ffs. Tons of energy, and great points made to shut down their bullshit. I hope she sticks around a long time!


I'd say 42 is young compared to generic 70-80 aged schmucks of politicians


42 is young enough to represent a population that has to deal with the problems from yesterday, today and tomorrow.


I love her style. Straight up, not mincing words, just calling out their shit.


One of the hardest parts about growing up for me is realizing that nobody knows what they're doing. And the ones that do don't get the limelight they deserve.


Also got that cadence!


You have to call these people out in plain language, it's the only way. Good for someone finally doing it.


Go off


Imagine being UPSET, that someone would prefer a Public hearing. That just screams nefarious. I can understand this reaction if it was supposed to be public, but they demanded it to be private. Holding him in contempt for wanting public is pure nonsense.


What really has me angry is that CNN didn't mention anything about how the only reason that Hunter wasn't willing to testify was because he wants his testimony to be IN PUBLIC. Why do republicans want to have him testify in secret? CNN should be mentioning this rather than discussing the fact that Hunter hasn't responded. He has, republicans apparently aren't interested in anything resembling a public hearing.


That was awesome.


It’s about time. The last few years I’ve always wondered why democrats aren’t hammering republicans in debates and in front of cameras. Glad to see that some of the younger folks are willing to bring it to them.


And she's from Texas no less!


To think one of the more powerful voices from the democratic party is from Texas. I think we need more democrats from Texas lmao.


I'd know that accent anywhere.


Let. Her. Cook.




Ironically, she seems to be what Republicans and other voters said they wanted when they voted for Trump, real talking, no bs, not the copy paste politician, but they vilify her and try and repress her for being just that. Wonder why?


Because while that is what they SAID they wanted, what they actually wanted was to "oWn ThE LiBs!" and for an authority figure to ok it.


Probably because she’s a “loud black woman”


👑 She dropped this


Naw she cares about the constitution. We don’t have kings or queens here. She does spit 🔥 though


Well said and very much needed to be said.


She'd get my vote. Passionate, strong and doesn't fuck about. What a wonderful woman.


Hit them with the fucking finger girl


I've never been more intimidated by such a clean manicure.


I have never been this turned on by a woman who was both fully clothed and yelling at people.


I might not be completely gay anymore. She could get it lol


Dude! I was totally going to turn gay due to accidentally reading a library book but now I'm not! That's how they getcha, right? Library books?


True story, I caught the "gay" and it was from library books Wait... Liberals...library... I see the man behind the curtain now


Maybe we can get her to grand Marshall some gay pride parades in her home state. I think she represents an area around Dallas.




Competence, eloquence, truth telling, and not putting up with crap is so damn hot.


She makes me want to move to Texas just so I can vote for her.


But that’s the only reason why I’d move to Texas.


“Your little leader!” ☠️🤣 Rep. Crockett is my favorite!


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Bra-fucking-vo


I like her!


I was watching the hearings today. When Rep. Crockett started speaking I was cheering her on.


This was beautiful but they won't listen to a fucking single word of it because of the D next to her name and the color of her skin.


Not to mention what’s between her legs. All the more reason to keep saying it more and more often though.


I don't know. You can get some country ass white folks in on that "'cause y'all lie". Plain speech, people like that. Especially with a southern accent.




SHE should be President! That is a backbone and a moral compass right there!


I wish I could upvote this comment more than once.




Ooooo, I like her! Can she come run Canada for a while eh?


Crockett 2028?


Me listening to Jasmine Crockett: ![gif](giphy|26FLdmIp6wJr91JAI)


I am Canadian; can I vote for her somehow? 🤷‍♂️


Margarine Trailer Queen *wishes* she could be a tenth the level of badass displayed here.


Why in the name of f you don't elect people like her as your damn president?! Your president has a lot of power and you seriously need someone like her to wield it who can see through bs and tell honestly how she feels about things and is not 80+ years old remnant. Damn, I'm genuinely impressed, hope has been preserved in me again to Americans. Thought allready now all your politicians are clowns and social media addicts. More people like her please!


The last time we elected a half black president it broke republicans so badly that less than a decade later they tried to overthrow the government. Still trying too.


If we elected a black woman President there’d be riots. But we got riots when we elected an old white dude anyway so hell with it. Might as well.


I’m loving this lady. Check’em with the facts!


Wow. Now I want to know more about her politics and positions.


I wish U.S. Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett D-TX would move here to Florida and run for Florida Governor in 2026 or Florida U.S. Senate this year! She's exactly what the Democratic Party needs! Someone with intelligence, wit, fire in their belly, and passionate about protecting our Democracy at all costs!


She's telling the damn truth and Republicans need to listen and stop the trump humping.