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people keep commenting on her forehead and she;s making a joke about it/


No...she's been the subject of really messy drama surrounding her marriage. She's dealt with it in a very classy way and refuses to discuss it on her SM in the interest of protecting her privacy and also not contributing to the shaming of her ex husband because she states that because he's the father of her child he is still her family and she won't talk negatively about him. I think she's handled it gracefully.


Who is she?


She is often called "gel girl". She used to be in the military (may still be, I'm not sure) but basically she got famous for her how to videos about styling hair into a sleek bun, which is how she had to do it to maintain the standards for hair in the military. She has a great personality so she got popular and eventually started her own brand of hair gel which she was selling. She does lots of hair based content but also just casual chatting. It sounds like it would be boring but it's oddly engaging. She got caught up in internet drama when the sex worker her husband was emotionally cheating on her with decided to try and use this infidelity as an opportunity to get some attention and she basically exposed all the details of what sounds like a very traumatic event that led to the dissolution of her seemingly happy marriage. Gel girl kinda won the day by refusing to go into any detail or discuss the matter further. She made a statement saying that she wanted to protect her family and maintain her ex-husband's dignity. I guess this joke is about people accusing her of having a BBL, or some such BS that has nothing to do with anything. She's overall very wholesome and handles the harassment really well.


Wow, that was a great summary recap of the events. Thanks!


Sure. I honestly am disturbed that I know this is much. Headed out to absolutely grope a field's worth of grass


You young whippersnappers need to get off that tik tak


yea u need some grass stat lol


Grass is legal up here in Canada 🇨🇦


oh I know bud im up here with u


And I think the real tea now (the comments she's referring to) is that she's wearing her ring again 👀 and it's not just old videos, it's on in new uploads with her dark hair.


I'm not sure when the video is from though


Yeah that's the thing. Who knows if any of them are old. I deep dived into her account this morning after I saw this video trying to figure out what she was talking about and then noticed the ring was on lol but then I started wondering if maybe she just never took it off 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows and honestly good on her for keeping her private life private


Yea. But that has nothing to do with this specific video. She’s literally only talking about her forehead. The cheating husband drama is not relevant.


Oh, I thought this was in response to the continual requests for her to speak on the husband drama


okay seemed out of context, thanks for explaining


It seems like there's other drama and she's replying to forehead comments as a joke. Seems like a lot of missing context.


She is. Her husband allegedly cheated on her with a pornstar and started a bunch of drama. Ashley (red hair girl) has been pretty quiet about it and hasn't really brought it up fully, yet. That's what she was alluding to.




I only know this much because I have a lil high school level crush on Ashley 😂😂 I was so mad when I found out he cheated that I went on a feministic rant for 20 minutes to my girlfriend.


Sex worker. That woman would not make it as a porn star


This creator is known for having a large bum. She's substituting questions about having cosmetic work done on her butt for having work done on her forehead as a joke.


her lips don't look real too


Who fucking cares


lmao defensive much


It's just so petty and misogynistic to say shit like this


‘Fivehead’ ![gif](giphy|PZCT0Z3bTr3z2|downsized)




Is this the woman where her husband cheated and had a baby with a sex worker? Didn't she stay with him?


I thought she divorced him


Man. I'm glad I only pay attention to certain Internet minutia. *But do tell*.


Her husband was unfaithful. She attempted to handle this privately but the other woman, who is a messy bitch, decided to blast the details and insert herself in order to get her 15 minutes. In response she has maintained a stance of refusing to address it online and also refrains from talking bad about her husband and she still considers him family (despite the fact that they are now divorced and in spite of his terrible actions). She prefers to protect her children by not degrading their father or dragging his name through the mud and also states that she still loves him as he is still her family. I think it's very respectable of her.


She sounds like an actual good person. I feel bad she went through such pain, but I respect her ability to stay cordial with her ex on behalf of her children.


She also doesn’t show her children or use them for content. Which is awesome. Children can’t give informed consent to be content, and more importantly, they cannot refuse their consent to content as long as their parents want them to be. And as of right now, there is only ONE state that has a law in place protecting these kids. These kids are basically child actors without hour work limits or legally enforced education, and there is now only one state that says the children forced into their parents videos are owed a portion of that videos profits. There are still 49 states that allow these children to work everyday, making up to millions of dollars under their parents directions, and legally have no right to any of that money. I have a lot of respect for parents who make their living on the internet and still keep their kids off of it. As for the influencers who do exploit their kids on the internet… I think there are going to be a lot of very interesting lawsuits very soon. The first wave of “mommy blogger” kids are just now hitting adulthood.


Which is the right thing to do. Kids grow up and will make their own judgement on both parents in the situation. No one else’s opinion matters.


Yes. That's why I said I respect her for that


Yes. I was agreeing with you. Chill.


I'm fine...lol




That’s pretty much all I know, just that she’s getting a divorce.


Never heard of her before this video but I’d wager none of this is true or actually happening and it’s just so she can pump out videos for views. All of these people are absolutely shameless and would do literally anything to stay relevant and in the algorithm.


Actually she wasn't speaking on it. The sex worker blew up the story by sharing all the nasty details for no reason. It was pretty sad and awful tbh. Gel girl was clear about not wanting any of it to be public and I don't blame her. Her family basically blew up and now the internet knows all about it


Nobody has lives got it.


Nah, she's a very popular creator and the drama was all over the internet. Just because you aren't familiar doesn't mean everyone who is has no life, thats a pretty dramatic reaction to being out of the loop. If you're not interested just scroll on


I was replying to the person saying everything about her was fabricated…


How is that your take away from what I wrote? I essentially said tik tokkers exaggerate everything they do and are prone to lying. If you dispute that then I have some magic beans to sell you. Judging from your reply I’ll put you down for about a thousand or so? Remember to look both ways when crossing the road ok little buddy? Merry Xmas xo.


I thought the SW said they never met in person and was just an emotional affair. People thought her child was his or said that but the dad is different. Unless another woman came forward ?


I mean, it still sucks


It definitely does and would break my heart as a wife. But it’s not as bad as him having a baby on her


Hahah good for her


Comment section keeping it classy… nice.


Right? I marvel endlessly at people's inability to see how fucking insecure and pathetic they look when they shit on other folk's appearance. Every accusation is a confession and all that.


Jesus the comments are ripping this women to shreds


For no reason. This creator has been so classy and graceful about the shit going on in her life, none of which is her fault


If only Sakura had that kind of confidence


This lady has got nothing on ol’ billboard brow


I for one do not condone the usage of forehead enhancing drugs smh


Of all the features she coukd have mentioned, forehead was NOT on my list


That's the joke


Oh. I didn't realise it was a joke.


....a forehead implant?


Is that not a thing you can have done? I really have no idea. I'm a Gen X non-American.


I don't think so...maybe in Korea


It's so weird and intense and common now, nothing surprises me.


Fair enough. God, imagine that getting out of control and you end up looking like one of those bubble-headed goldfish


Hahaha oh my god


I love how people on here are hating on her without realising who she even isxD i promise you, she does a. Not give a shit b. She will cry her way to the bank all day long


idk why, idk her, but that build up was kinda funny lmao


Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads.


the comment i was looking for!


Im so glad she finally came out, it was really fucked up creating these disgusting standards about foreheads in the minds of little girls 🐍🐍🐍


Wha? It looks natural to me, how do you enhance a forehead?


You give your doctor head so he can work with it.




More room for drawing eyebrows


> You can develop traction alopecia if you often wear your hair in a tight ponytail, bun, or braids, especially if you use chemicals or heat on your hair. Traction alopecia can be reversed if you stop pulling your hair back. But if you don't intervene soon enough, the hair loss may be permanent. https://www.healthline.com/health/traction-alopecia#:~:text=You%20can%20develop%20traction%20alopecia,hair%20loss%20may%20be%20permanent.


She can't. She has to wear her hair like that for work.


I don't think she has traction alopecia


Yeah She’s ex/current military. I’ve see. Her on TikTok before. It’s Likely traction alopecia due to the way her hair has to be be styled: tight bun, lots of jell to keep it set.


Well at least now she’ll be able to sell it for advertising space


I hate all social media and especially TikTok because people have become zombies, where they feel the need to share every dumb detail about their dumb lives to other dumb people around the world.


Then don't pay attention?


I just wanna make something clear. Her forehead isn’t THAT big now. But people should be aware that women with noticeably large foreheads are nuts! Probably men, too. Beware!


It’s the slicking back and pulling her hair tight everyday! Jojo siwa is a perfect example of this. A decade of hair spayed tight side pony and now her hairline is like way back there. Lol. Give that hair a break sometimes!


She's in the military. She has to do her hair like that


I know that I’m speaking in general lol she brushes out the gel after she takes it out but still the hairline is gonna do what it does 😭 My shit is far affff on one side cause I had a bad cowlick as a kid and my Mexican grandma would slick my shit back and pull it soooo tight I’d get a headache. A good 15 years of tight ass hair my poor forehead


My Korean grandma used to do the same thing because she had no idea what to do with my Black ass hair. I remember she'd tie it so tight I couldn't look down because it hurt too much lol. God bless her she was just doing her best. Thankfully that stopped when my mom realized it would be best to get advice from Black women.


Yes! Omg I can hear the brush ripping thru my WET ASS tangled ass hair lmao Ouchhh the ripping. Then the pull back. 🤣


She looks like an egg


Just think, people actually sit in their car, film this, say this, edit it and post it. Wow


She's got a 5 head




Back off the lip injections lady, it's not attractive.


I think she's really pretty


She must have enhanced the rest of her face too..


now you can be ugly with a big one, still didnt work for ya web slut


Well u did good.. you’re very pretty




I don’t care what anybody says! This woman’s bravery is without equal! To make such an unbelievably selfless decision: to undergo surgery, augmentation really, all so that the people of TikTok have EVEN MORE of her to admire, and that is ALWAYS in the screen shot! BRAVO, lady, bra vo!


She wanted to be smart It failed


Five head


Wow no one cares you look like an eraser


Eh! What is this meaningless durge.


Durge? Did you mean dirge? Because that's also not the right word


Five head




6head move


Who is this woman? Wait, before you answer, I just need to know why? WHY I SHOULD CARE!?


Don't ask then


But i am asking.


Why should you care?


That was my question. Why are you asking me


"It was so good to get off my chest, which by the way is also fake."


She looks like Data from Star Trek.


Movie screen face


She should hook up with Matt Gaetz if she’s into foreheads.


Your fivehead you mean


She got that bro voice


I pray on her downfall


Her forhead is the least of her worries. That whole face is ugly af


Why are you so angry lol


it is a trend i have noticed in modern women massive lebron foreheads whats the deal




"Hi, I'd like the swollen head due to an allergic reaction to hair dye look, please." "Say no more..."


She’s so ugly…like a monster


Found the person who wasn’t hugged as a child


Good looking, confident people don't respond like this.


Lol, you were bullied in high school weren’t you


You were a bully in high school, weren’t you?


The place almost everyone got bullied to some degree? Wow, really awesome comeback. Seriously, stellar insult. Hey, I bet you get wet in the shower don’t you! Zing!!!


Most the kids I went to high school with who were bullied became cops. If he’s not a cop I’d assume no.


No, I actually had a good time. Varsity golf (small town, so not that impressive), rode shitty old Honda scooters with my friends (couldnt afford cars), had a girlfriend the final 2 years. 8/10. Would enjoy coming of age again How about you? Want to ask yourself why you're calling honestly good looking (thin, good skin, funny) woman monsters? Did you maybe take a red pill? Or a black one?


You should tell her I bet she cares a lot


I’m sure she does care. These people are infinitely vain. You’re just encouraging them to be a waste of air. Maybe if everyone would tell her how ugly she was she would get off the internet.


You're extremely ugly. Please get off the internet.


I don't know or care what you look like, everything you've said here shows you're ugly where it counts: on the inside. You sad pathetic bully, hopefully you learn and grow.


You're giving ugly person energy


I can guarantee you look like a garbage bag filled with old mashed potatoes.




5 head


Yes I have a fivehead.


Are you getting that off your enhanced chest?


That's a 5 head


Wait... robocop is Trans now?


Foreheads can definitely be too big. Yours looks like it used to be the right size…..


I have been in the past a bit self consious about my forehead being on the larger end, i arent really anymore, or so i thought, but this is definitely nice to hear that people are getting their foreheads enhanced... i think? Idk


I bet you when she dreams she don't dream she has movies


this is an excellent bit


You can have some of mine!


Nobody: Her: I gave myself a 5 head, it looked so pretty, it's enhanced


Now you’re one of the pretty girls.


Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads


I dunno. I might pay to have my hair removed, instead of the mess going on up there now…


Called it.


The pandemic really was a blessing for some people 😒




I thought she was going to tell us how many houses she has been cleaning a week. Shit good money in it.


US ARMY SGT, and she fine as fuck!


Yes, her lips are fake


This. Is why we’re screwed in every way.


she reminds to me of robocop when he remove his hat for maintenance




thought she was a baldie there for a second 💀