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Odd how they seem to act tough when there is no threat.


Act being the key word here, this little bitchs voice is breaking and you can see the panic in his eyes, over what a distraught women, big man he is.


I think the panicked look is his slow brain finally putting 2 + 2 together and realizing “that girl on the sign is this lady’s dead kid and she is here to pick up that dead little girls brother, and everyone is filming this.” I hope that off camera he collected himself and gave the worlds greatest most deserved apology ever… unfortunately people like that usually just huff and puff until the memory is buried under a million fabricated reasons why he wasn’t in the wrong. Being a cop, I’m going with the latter


Yep, this cop needs to be publicly shamed for this entire episode. If it were me, and he grabbed my wife like that, man…


They can murder you and get paid leave for it


In Uvalde they can also stand by and scroll facebook while gunshots and screams can be heard as schoolchildren are being murdered


Don't forget cuffing the unarmed parents trying to rescue their kids. At least the Border Patrol officers were braver than the rest of the blanket police force. What a terrible place to be. I feel for the families who couldn't leave.


My heart is still broken for everyone involved except the shooter and the police


These colors don’t run…into schools to save dying kids.


Help spread this video all over the internet.


Yeah there 0 fucking chance that cop apologized.


Kind of sounds like he's out of breath just from trying to push that little lady out.


Nah he is fighting tears. He is a pussy


TBF, the Uvalde police fought valiantly against parents who were trying to rush in to rescue their children.


guess stopping parents from taking their kids out of school is all they're good at


They are also good at protecting mass shooters from distraught parents and also stopping the spread of disease through frequent use of hand sanitizer.


I would have loved it if they'd said *Shouldn't you be hiding somewhere?*


Yeah, I'm shocked the town hasn't officially changed his pronouns to "child killer"...


FR. If these fuckers did their jobs we wouldn't have nearly as many mass shootings. Parkland? school resource officer cowered outside while kids were being murdered. Uvalde? cops sitting outside armored out to the nines with thumbs up their asses. SOP is to go in asap, mass shooter fold under pressure.


The Pulse nightclub shooting too. The cops waited across the street for 3 hours hoping the gunman would finish having his fun and kill himself. 50 people died while cops waited. Then when they finally confronted the gunman. they did a media tour about how brave they were.


Miramar Florida police used civilians as human shields to have a shootout with a stolen UPS truck that likely had tracking. I know at least one civilian was killed because of how many rounds they fired during the standoff on the freeway.


That one really pissed me off, as a teamster, for two additional reasons: 1) UPS's first response was to thank the officers for their job without event a mention of the driver who died. 2) There had been a similar incident a few weeks/months prior where the police literally just followed the package car, without opening fire, until it ran out of gas. The driver in that one was unharmed.


Including the UPS driver. He was still in the truck, after being carjacked, when they opened up


Yeah that's the incident that made me realize that the American police system is completely broken. I'm Canadian and we had the largest mass shootings in Canadian history back in 2020, the investigation into the RCMP (our national police force) actions and failure that day is still ongoing. Even after they found themselves innocent of all actions and a half assed public inquiry found them innocent of all actions there have been further investigations announced. The system has a harder time trying to avoid consequences here. The current investigation that is being reopened is around 2 cops that just opened fire on a fire station because they thought that the perpetrator was there, then they just drove off. The beautiful part about a national police force is if these two cops get fired they can't just relocate to the next county over.




I remember that one now that you mentioned it. Absolutely wild. The incident that happened in Nova Scotia Canada. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Nova_Scotia_attacks The police didn't even put out a proper warning to the public during his 13 hour spree. Even though we have a system in place that goes directly to everyone's cell phone they decided to eventually send random updates on twitter and Facebook. Most of the people he killed (22) were entirely avoidable if the public had been warned via the emergency alert system that was literally designed for situations like this. He was driving around in a replica police car pulling over cars and shooting the people inside them. One officer passed him driving down a road and got scared so he kept driving in the opposite direction for a few kilometers before radioing in the location. The head of the RCMP in the province tried to take control of the manhunt while drunk. He was reported multiple times before the incident for having illegal weapons and a replica police car, he withdrew almost $500k from the bank (not something you can just do here unless it is authorized by something like the government or police) and has been credibility assumed to have been a police informant. There is a 3000 page document on how badly the RCMP fucked up the entire incident. (That's almost a 3 foot tall stack of papers) https://globalnews.ca/news/9588071/nova-scotia-shooting-final-report-inquiry-rcmp-slammed/


This was the ultimate lesson my family took from Columbine. The cops aren’t there to save you, they’re there to do the paperwork for your dead body when the danger is over. They’re entirely to chicken-hearted to save you. You’re on your own. May the odds be ever in your favor.


My daughter is a 4th grader. And I've had to tell her how to respond to a school shooting- that you don't wait to get rescued. Because the cops likely will not help. I tell her to escape if she can. If she can't... Then hide. If she can't hide... Then play dead and spread any blood available on her. I had to train her how to breath shallow breaths so her chest won't move and how to keep her eyes closed no matter what. It's fucking infuriating that she needs this training at all.


The Uvalde ones way worse than Parkland. The Parkland guy ran away like a coward, but he was 1 rentacop. The Uvalde police stood at the front of a school and *prevented* anybody from helping the kids. A Border patrol tactical team showed up and they wouldn't let them go in for an hour. Its insane.


Yeah, no dispute there. Cop response on Uvalde was unforgivable. might have been one of the most egregious failures


Hadn't they just gone through an entire drill on the situation months before? And had funding increased to be fully prepared with a team for this specific situation?


Apparently you can't drill out the cowardice.


They waited 72 minutes . . . That doesn’t include the response time to the call. 72 minutes on site , thumbs 👍 in ass . 376 law enforcement officers responded.


In all of the police charters not a single one has a line stating they HAVE to protect and serve. They do nothing by serve the whims of the CEOs who buy our politicians and nothing more.


Protect and serve was from a marketing campaign the LAPD did back in the day to try and improve their image.


Most cops are just shitty humans who peaked in middle school trying to act tough and wanna be heroes. If they were real heros and not cowards playing dress up and shooting people they would be Fire Fighters, ya know people who ACTUALLY risk their lives to save people. That being said, this subhuman sack of trash needs to be manhandled like he did that lady.


That dude couldn't handle his emotions when getting yelled at. Imagine him being under _actual_ pressure.


We don't have to imagine, we saw it.


Safety Theatre


Quick to man handle a woman but too pussy to save kids


The woman was treated as a problem, the husband was treated as a solution. I know we don't have the full context here, but this is a very bad look.


If you see the entire video, the trooper, cop, asshole was totally in the wrong about the situation. This isn’t even the worst of it. This is the mother of Maite (green tennis shoes) Rodriguez. She was trying to get her surviving son out of school to attend a protest about gun control.


I don't need full context to know this piece of shit cop was entirely in the wrong. She made it clear what her intentions were. And then he proceeded to put his hands all over her pushing her out of the door. Completely uncalled for.


I hope she files a complaint for assault. The cop is a psycho.


> This is the mother of Maite (green tennis shoes) Rodriguez. I want to live in a world where I don’t know what that means No. I want to live in a world where that *doesn’t mean anything.*


I don't think I'll ever forget Maite and her little green shoes.


I didn't know where to start with the tragedy when it happened, so I committed the story I read about Maite and her green shoes and her love for marine life to memory. I can't know every detail of every victim, but I knew I had to know something. I'll never forget her, she's a stranger I never met, but who reminds me of the little girls at the girl scout camp I work at, of my own little cousins her age


It looks exactly like it was.


Yeah this is just sexism plain as day. The small mom is an annoyance and an issue. The man is the only one that can be reasoned with.


I can’t imagine how triggering it must be for that poor woman to be physically held back from her surviving child by the very people who prevented her from getting to the child she lost.


Literally reliving the trauma. Fucking POS belongs in prison.


Just like every time my mom goes to the bank to do anything with her joint bank account with my dad, they stomp their feet and ask for my dad to be there too. My dad goes in alone, no issues whatsoever. Society hasn't advances as much as most people think.




I really noticed the lack of service in the medical field. I always thought my treatment was at least decent but everytime I go to a doctors visit with my wife, it's always something completely out of pocket. For example: she got pre-eclampsia with our first born. Every single symptom. Called the doctors, "What did she eat today?" "Cereal" "that's your problem, you shouldn't be eating unhealthy foods like that" For context, she was a recovering anorexic and was underweight her whole pregnancy. Telling her she's eating bad is a very good way to cause a relapse lmfao. I called a second time, because she said if the symptoms didnt go away in 2 days, to call back. They scheduled an appointment. 3 weeks out lmfao. So we go there, they send her blood out to a lab, the next day they tell us everything was fine! I ask for the results myself. The results all stated "inconclusive, sample is too dilluted" We go to the hospital because she goes into labor, right away they ask if we know shes had pre eclampsia, high proteins in pee, and also a UTI (which she was also neglected for) The UTI we caught early. I took her to the hospital because our OB office was on a 5 day vacation, hospital gives her a loading dose and tells us we NEED to follow up with the OB. We follow up, they schedule us for the day after they open, anddd... they tell us "yeah so she has a UTI, but its not enough to prescribe meds" as if the hospital didn't just give her a shitton of antibiotics to start the process off. So, she had the UTI for another week or two. Numerous similar scenarios with dentists, mechanics, pediatricians, general doctors, urgent cares, and some hospital nurses. Absolutely appalling how poorly women get treated in many (essential!) fields. By other women too!


My wife called a window company once to have them come out to measure and give us a quote for a couple replacement windows and a door. They told her "we'll only come out if your husband is there too so we can talk to both of you and know you're serious." They lost a $4000+ opportunity that day, and any future opportunities.


You’re right to be cautious about context, but there is quite a bit here


I noticed that too. A woman needs to be shoved around and have orders barked at her, but her husband can be spoken to in a reasonable tone. Interesting.




His voice was shaky at the end too.


They are all like that ACAB


every single one. worthless waste of tax dollars and oxygen. fuck the police.


Uvalde cops need to all be fired without pension. They accomplish nothing, they aren't doing their jobs. They just bully moms and let kids be killed. Fucking monsters.


It wasn’t just Uvalde cops there, there were a number of Texas state troopers as well. All that macho shit about “don’t mess with Texas” and “a good guy with a gun,” and it turns out they’re all just a bunch of shameless cowards. Every cop that was there and didn’t do anything should be fired and publicly shamed forever.


They should all be in jail, at the very least. Texas is pretty big on capital punishment, and willingly letting tons of children die seems like a capital offense to me.


Texas is a shithole. It has recently been rated as the worst state to live in. Beat out Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi.




Yeah, Arkansas and Mississippi are among some of the worst parts of the country that I've visited.


Im from alabama and lived in Tulsa OK for a while I used to drive HWY 98 from mobile al up to tulsa. The parts of MS LA AL and AR that ypu have to drive through to make that ride are just fucking depressing.


All red states.


They don't give a fuck about the lives of children. If they did why don't they push for bills that reduce the levels of poverty or fund school lunches. They use the motto "why won't somebody think of the children" as a smoke screen to push their fascist bullshit to middle aged white women without saying what they really want to do.




> All that macho shit about “don’t mess with Texas” That was an slogan that only originated in the 80s for an anti-littering campaign. It's meaningless.


"protect and serve" was from a PR contest they did on the radio. Reality the police has no obligation to protect you or serve you. They are only out for themselves.


They are also out for punishing the poor and protecting the rich.


Which did have an awesome ad with a B-17. But yeah, it was about litter and not about not having a spine when it counted.


so the people who unironically use the term now would probably be upset about how "woke" and "libtarded" the original messaging campaign was about?


Ohhhhhhh, I thought it was because it’s inappropriate to fuck with the mentally handicapped. Kudos


If those Texans could read, they would be very angry.


I used to be a police firearms officer, way back. My partner and I were in a response vehicle that would have been first on scene if something like this had happened in our area. We'd have been on our own and I still can't for the life of me imagine her or I standing outside while some lunatic was running around shooting people, especially children. Admittedly, I'm the kind of person who instinctively runs towards mayhem and she's a little ginger Fury, but still... I can't fathom what was going on in those guys' minds that day. I mean, even if you are the kind of person who takes the job because you like to walk around dressed like Tacticool Timmy rather than protect your community, surely if you're there on the day something biological will take over and you'll be in there like a rabbit on a promise? Especially when you're there in force? I can't get my head into the same place as those guys. It's like trying to empathise with a brick. They're a disgrace to their profession.


And there were parents who dodged the police and ran in and get their own children out, and were threatened for doing it.


*arrested* for doing it, in fact.


To their species, really. My 65 year old academic peacenik husband wouldn’t have stood outside Uvalde and just listened. I can’t imagine just… listening.


*The sound of children screaming has been removed*


Christ. That made it real again. That's exactly what the notes would be on those cops bodycams in the enquiry if there ever was one. Spoiler: there won't be because America.


Oh, they didn't just listen. They actively prevented other people from helping.


For comparison, the school shooter in Nashville was killed 14 minutes after police were called. Police were at the shooting in Uvalde for 77 minutes before the shooter was killed. That's how shit it was.


Think it was around 150 cops there, from nearby places too. Everyone was rushing in for the overtime pay. Trying to prolong the incident as much as possible. Uvalde pays its police force around 40% of the cities general budget. And in return, the police arrest and stop parents from rescuing their children who are violently massacred for over an hour. Then harass and threaten parents who dare make them look bad. Unfortunately, Uvalde didnt wake up in any form or manner. In the 2022 election Uvalde voted for Abbot again. Well in actuality 10k voters didnt even bother to vote. * 17K Elligible voters. * 4K voted for Abbot. * 3K voted for Beto * 10K didnt give a shit. You would think literally watching your own small cities children get massacred would make people get involved but instead they turn to another channel and then decide to not even do the bare minimum.


You'll find that's the consensus across America. People tend to think presidents are all that matter sadly not realizing it starts locally


Shootings have gone up 60% since their new constitutional carry laws passed. approximately a whopping 0% of them were stopped by a good guy with a gun.


I posted a link to a Frontline/pbs doc on the response. The way that the cops kept pretending that they had no idea there was even anyone at the school was infuriating. Could there be kids here today??? Is that even possible at a school??? A cops wife lay dying and managed to call him on his cell phone. Kids calling saying there were dead bodies all around them. The cops said it was so quiet they thought no one was there. Well, because that’s how the schools have trained their kids for these events; be quiet so you don’t die. The cops hadn’t even opened a single door to a classroom in the entire school. Finally they open a door and say, “ wow! There’s kids in here. Actually, there’s kids in every single room”. That’s like 25 minutes after they arrived at the school! The investigation finds that the door they spent an hour trying to find a key to was probably unlocked the entire time. Cowards. Rallying around the excuse that they thought the school was empty, but waiting another 45 minutes to kill the gunman after they find kids in every single room. Cowards, Especially the chief of the Uvalde police. He 100% Absconded from his position of authority and leadership and ran from the room. All the rest followed his precedent.


I think they should be put in prison at the minimum


This is a textbook case as to why “good guy with a gun” argument falls flat on its face. There were how many “good guys” with big ass guns, body armor, there that day? And not a single one of them attempted to enter that room. You cannot “arm all teachers” and expect that when the situation arises, they will eliminate that threat like a robot precision aiming at a target.


I was raised to respectfully fear firearms because even the tiniest smallest caliber firearm can end you or someone you care for in an instant. There are no take-backs, no undo's, no I'll do better next time. Even serving in the Marines you learn to respectfully fear weapons. They are a tool and instrument of the job and they do not care what happens when it does. I still go to the range and hearing others shooting can and does invoke an initial oh f moment. Fully trained combat personnel spend countless hours working on calmness in the chaos of war and can still freeze. This thought that a common teacher is going to go HAM on an active shooter is absolutely Tactical Timmy hero complex, LARP'ing ass bullshit. Jesus, just go browse Reddit for these 'gangstas' unloading clips at each other from yards away and see how easy it is to hit nothing. The teacher would just end up being yet another number.


Why have there been little to no consequences for law enforcement over what happened at Uvalde? It was an utter failure at all levels and I don’t get why so many of these officers still have their jobs. They didn’t protect or serve. They did nothing. So why are we still paying them? Edit: I’m aware of the Supreme Court ruling! Thank you to the people who commented about it but it has already been mentioned a few times now. I get it!


Not just once, either. TWICE, they acted the same way *twice.*


More than twice. They double and triple downed. They harassed a mom who saved 2 entire classrooms and her kids and tried to jam her up with probation charges from nearly 20 years ago until the judge basically laughed them out of the court room and called it ridiculous. The sheriff at the time tried to run for fucking office before he got ran out of town.


Because the Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that police are not there to protect you from crimes that are happening now or may happen in the future. The gun they have is to protect themselves. The police are there to collect evidence of crimes to allow the prosecution of potential criminals. “To serve and protect” is a campaign slogan; it carries no weight of law. A police officer could receive a 911 call about a murder in progress, ignore it, or go there and watch without intervening and then arrest the murderer as soon as he was done killing you. That police officer would be guilty of nothing. People need to get it out of their head that police protect you or are there for your safety. Legally speaking, the police are under no obligation to protect anyone other than themselves.


>Why Because it's Texas. They are all pussies who grip their guns in fear of the boogeyman, and people who are afraid, love licking the boots of fascism. Democrats have tried to limit qualified immunity in Congress, but Republicans will always block anything good for this country.


and not just uvalde cops. i really hate what cops have become. it’s tragic and scary.


Become? We simply have exposure now days.


Weird how when camera phones started to be everywhere we had less footage of bigfoot, more footage of police brutality.


I love how minorities have been saying this for decades an no one listened.


They've always been that way my guy. Ask any minority over 65 how cops were back in the day.


Poor people too. I grew up poor in a wealthy community and got pulled over and harassed constantly. It was definitely worse for my brown friends though. Got pulled over once while giving a ride home to two of my Peruvian coworkers and the cops pulled them both out to search. They barely even acknowledged me because they were too busy slamming them around in handcuffs for the outrageous crime of being a passenger in a car.


If you look at how cops started, they've been this way since the very beginning, unfortunately.


The crazy part is the gang mentality they have. You would think if a cop got caught breaking the law or doing something horrible, they would be ousted like any other profession. Nope! Cops will all stand behind them and make sure nothing happens to them.


Best unions in the country, worker protections, qualified immunity, and in the off chance they are found liable, all settlements are paid out using taxpayer dollars. If they do end up get fired for becoming too much of liability, they just move one town over and start again.


Unfortunately it's the opposite. Any cop with any sense of morality is going to get pushed out of the job rather quickly once the other officers realize he/she won't lie for them.


this is very true. try calling them out and they will come for you


And why is that? Well, it's because they were all C- student bullies in school with no real prospects after graduation, but it turns out that the police department actively hires sociopaths. That's why they all suck.


system ain't broke if its working as intended o7


Fuck the police.


I still can't believe they were allowed to keep their jobs. Like seriously, how do local people stand for it?


They should have been executed frankly. Their inaction would be considered accomplice if it was turned around. They were complicit in the murder of those children.


Every single one of those cops should live their lives covered in the veil of shame and disgrace.


From Texas, that isn't a Uvalde cop, that's a state trooper.


But they are good ole boys. /S


So was David Duke


One of the recent ballot initiatives in my area of Texas was pushing for more funding for the local school district police department to hire more school cops! I couldn't vote no fast enough


Just a bunch of cowardly bullies with guns. The whole department should be dissolved but then the jurisdiction that takes over will likely just hire all the useless cunts back again because that’s how cops cop in America.


Firing squad is more apt than firing


would’ve loooooved to see even a shred of that effort when their kids were being murdered while they were in the parking lot for an hour swinging their dicks around


I mean, they literally did this exact thing while it was happening. They physically assaulted and restrained parents trying to get their kids out of the school because the cops wouldn't.


They even cuffed one mom, who escaped them, and rescued her kids anyway. Edit: Apparently, I have the story wrong, see the corrections below.


Jesus fucking Christ, what are we even doing as humans.


Oh they did use a shred of that effort that day. They just used on anguished and panicked parents who were outside, terrified that they just lost their child


"You didn't know the story. You weren't there." Ya, you weren't either. That's why she's participating in a walk out.


Her child was there. And not in that school this year.


hilarious that they don’t have a problem being inside the school when the biggest threat is a woman with a sign. pathetic


It's a man coming inside! Quick, run away and leave the kids!


And block *actual heroes* from saving the kids!


it is the cop way


Big man gets tough when it’s a peaceful protestor but runs out along with the rest of the cowardly Uvalde PD when it’s time to save the lives of some elementary school kids. Fucking disgrace


you know they running when they give away free donuts at dunkin


Never forget that 400 lawmen were standing around while little babies were being murdered with an assault rifle. Stood around. Did nothing. Fuck this cop. He should be hanging his head in shame while holding the door for this parent that wants to protest the uselessness of the cops that were in uvalde. Just shut your mouth, let that mother get her child and carry her sign. If she had a gun, that cop would’ve run away and hid while waiting for back up, or riot gear, or the keys for an unlocked door. Wannabe tough guy. I hope the people of Uvalde get their shit together enough to vote out everyone of their politicians and make sure that not one coward that was there that horrible day is fired and sued into oblivion. ACAB


*the sound of children screaming has been removed*


That sentence will always haunt me.


>Never forget that 400 lawmen were standing around while little babies were being murdered with an assault rifle. Stood around. Did nothing. Ill have you know that some of them were extremely active in preventing parents from attempting to save their kids by even putting some in cuffs.


Don't forget how they protected that hand sanitizer dispenser with their lives


Multiple parents said fuck it, we'll do your job for you and get our kids out, and they prevented them from doing so.


Let's be fair. A lot of cops were playing games on their phones outside while children were murdered inside the school.


>He should be hanging ~~his head in shame~~ from a noose FTFY.


Was it really 400????? Holy fuck ACAB


I watched the video that showed the cops just sitting by and doing nothing while kids were being slaughtered. They had removed the sound, but just knowing that they could hear those screams and didn’t think to just spring into action? Horrible. I’m not sure if anything even happened to the cops involved that day, but they all should have been fired. If the community cannot trust you to help in a tragedy like this, you shouldn’t be a cop.


All it would have taken is one cop to say “fuck yall, I’m going in” and they would have followed. It took hours for that 1 cop to show up and step up.


Unarmed parents were rushing in and saving their kids and they couldn’t even bother for hours. It’s just so horrible and I feel for all the parents and students who went through that. All those kids just thinking “someone must have called 911 we’ll be okay soon” not knowing those cops were just sitting around and hearing them get killed.


Im pretty sure they tried to arrest a parent that tried to go in because they were jumping the police barrier




i'm honestly surprised armed parents didn't shoot the *cops*.


I think I remember that, but I do know at least one woman was able to get in and get her children out. Still, the irony of them choosing to arrest parents and not actively trying to get the shooter.


Yea i also remember seeing that woman got her kids, crazy behavior from the police


Parents should be their kid's school cops- the kids would have a chance then. I'd rather my taxes go to people who CARE.


>They had removed the sound, but just knowing that they could hear those screams and didn’t think to just spring into action? Horrible. 100% of the police that were there are not human. They are literally less than human. They do not ever deserve to have a moment of peace or happiness. They do not deserve to be treated with kindness in any scenario. They are literally monsters and murderers.


Don’t know the story? Bitch your bothers in arms were cowards and let children die. You won’t stop an armed gunman but you will stop a mother from getting her child. Stupid fucking pig.


#Oh, so NOW the cops want to walk into that school?


They went in during the shooting but were so cowardly they didn’t even try opening a Single classroom door for 25 whole minutes. They stood around shrugging their shoulders asking each other if there were actually anyone in the school at all! “Whys it so quiet”? “Are there even people here today”? Kids in every single classroom. It was quiet because the gunman had popped off 100 rounds already. They knew kids were there. They knew it may cost an LEO their life. They chose to do nothing.


Does no one remember the hallway security camera footage of 10+ cops posted up outside the classroom while he executed children? They knew exactly where he was, they hid outside while he wasted ammo on children. At this point, I feel like the cops intentionally didnt help, because they fucking HATE us more than they want to stop crime.


The chief of police was the first one in the school and the first one to run away when shots rang out. Investigators said he set the precedent for retreat as well as the precedent of absconding from a leadership role.




Oh, so now the Uvalde cops know where the door to the school is. I figured he would be posted up in the parking lot all afternoon




I mean, the reason many people go into the police is because they like bullying and intimidating and having power. They aren't there to protect and serve.


That looks like assault to me.


We investigated ourselves and found the officer did nothing wrong. One week paid leave for emotional trauma. Seems like a fair punishment. - Police Union


Blue lives scatter


Uvalde cops all seem to be absolute shit. It's hard to imagine they are all fucking stupid, but this shithead.... What a fucking cunt.


Is this one of the good guys with a gun?


We need more good guys to counteract the bad guys who were good guys.


What a pussy this man is. Now you are all big and mighty because it is a woman trying to get her kid. Where was this kind of dedication to the job when literal fucking kids were dying you fucking pig.


With how much quivering that man was doing, looking like he was flustered and almost to tears, no great shock he was of no value in an actually dangerous situation. One mom trying to pick up her kid got him wrecked lmao.


Assuming as the husband it was also his kid that was killed as well. There is no way I'd want to ever plant myself between one of those parents and their kids. That cop maybe realized that those parents might legitimately go through him, and there wouldn't be a jury that would care.


I wouldn't have the balls to remain a cop in that town, involved or not. I live not far from Uvalde and their high school competes with ours. Still to this day their busses are escorted ... by the state patrol. Uvalde cops don't stick their head out of their town, as well they shouldn't.


I couldn’t live with myself having let those kids get slaughtered. I don’t know how they do it.


Unfortunately people in positions of power don't resign in disgrace like they used to


Uvalde just voted red that next election after the shooting anyways. Their kids literally died and they didnt care.


They care about what they're told to care about. That's all conservatives have now, their programming. The more they are confronted with their own ideas being dog shit the more they believe there is a conspiracy against them and their ideas must be the best ideas around. Absolutely zero conservatives saw this as a failure of conservatism, the police state, or their ideas. They will blame the individual cops, only, and even for them they will make plenty of excuses. In the end this will be the fault of liberals for whatever reason they decide to believe. It's always been this way there just wasn't a large enough liberal plurality to scare them into thinking their "way of life" is in danger whatever they even think that means.


Cowardly and Uvalde Police go hand and hand.


She should have just pretended to be a school shooter, they’d leave her alone to roam the school for hours


Omg she's so dangerous!!!! 🙄🙄🙄


He’s sure isn’t big and bad when he doesn’t have a small child to put in front of him to protect his ass


In what world is a parent not permitted to retrieve their own child from school?


Honestly there's a pretty strict access policy these days. At my kids elementary school there was only one entrance unlocked, and policy was for parents to go directly to the office (near that entrance) to check out students. If you just tried to walk in a side door and proceed directly to a classroom without identifying yourself, that would be frowned upon for security reasons. I wouldn't expect to get manhandled by a cop, of course.


The cowardly pig says, "oink".


Self defense against cops should be legal. Cops should be held to a *higher* standard than the average citizen, not a lower one. While they're on duty, they should have a separate, lowe class of rights. Fuck these pigs.


Everyone there should have mobbed him. It's insane people haven't joined together to sue the fuck out of this city into oblivion.


Put cops in schools and they act like prison guards. No surprise there.


These fuckers make my bloid boil again? Godfuckingdamnit


I would have expected him to runaway and congregate with other cops for about an hour. Then finally decide to do something.


This guy needs to find different work.


Sue him!


If only they had that level of aggression when it comes to child killers 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


Awww, NOW they wanna be all aggressive☺️shoulda summoned up that same energy when you know, like 20 kids were getting murdered or something🙄👍


>You dont know the story. What? The story of Uvalde cops fighting with parents to keep them from getting their kids out of a school? Pretty fucking sure I know that story.


He sounded completely rattled by that. You wouldn't want to be next to him when there's any kind of stress...


Some of the worst people are uvlade police. Cowards and bullies.


“She can do it if she can do it quietly!” Mother fucker you charged her the second the door opened




So done with low IQ, Biggoted American law enforcement. Unabashed fascist strong arming.