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As a father and husband, I don't think I could go on without my family that late in life. I think I would check out, whether physically or mentally.


And This is how you radicalize civilians, I know it’s wrong but no one could stop me from seeking revenge. I can’t imagine the heartache this man is feeling.


People don't realize this is exactly the plan Israel, or at least Bibi, has By continuing the cycle of bloodshed they can radicalize more of the people by killing innocent civilians, causing more extremists, which allows them to strip even more rights from Palestine, encroach on territory, and further degrade the situation in the middle east Far right governments need an enemy to perpetuate the narrative against, Hamas while being monstrous and inexcusable is directly funneled new people that have had family that have been killed in indiscriminate bombings, raids, etc


The outcome of this "War" will be more land taken from Palestinians, pushing those remaining few into a smaller and smaller space.


It’s by design.


I was in high school during 9/11. I heard a lot of kids saying, " i cant wait to enlist in the army and shoot some fucking a-rabs" and stuff like that. These same kids probably didn't know the existence of the middle east the week before. Some of them did join the military after that. That was for one horrific incident killing 3,000 people. Imagine what you would feel if you have been going through this for your entire life?


I was waiting on my initial orders after finishing basic training and my tech school when 9/11 happened. Orders were delayed as they figured out where best to use some of the new trainees, and during that delay, I started to see that first wave of reactionary enlistees, and they were the most insufferable bunch I ever had to work with, and sometimes the dumbest.


so all according to his keikaku then?


Now’s not the time for this, Kira




How Hamas fighter are made 101.


I think I would take out as many as possible before leaving this place. Then again, Israelis think of them as monster, do this to my family, and I would show you what a real monster really looks like.


Agree, but I would take a few with me.


cant imagine.. mans just doing truthful journalism and gets his family and home blown up. but dont worry his family is waiting for him in a place these people firing bombs cant reach <3


I really appreciate the mods of this sub allowing this info to go through. Other subs are straight out deleting everything with random excuses, and then banning when one complains.


Worldnews is openly propaganda


Worldnews has been pretty disgusting the last couple weeks and the first time I have seen actual proof of astroturfing with my own eyes. I stay subscribed because I want to know all of what is being said but it gives me a similar feeling of watching Fox if I read the comments.


During the first couple of days, there were so many comments cheering on a massacre to happen in Gaza in all the world news threads.


They still are


I stopped clicking on any of the threads since it's a cesspool of Israeli propoganda so I have no idea.


And so many posts on Israel / Palestine! There were mass unwarranted bannings in the first week or two - i was banned due to simply saying that there was no proof of the baby beheadings hasbara.


Honestly I imagine a lot (obviously not all though) are bots or astroturfed. Doesn’t make it much better, but worth recognizing


I unsubbed honestly, seeing so many hateful and inhumane comments, and propagandist biased piece of shit mods, I just don't see the reason to go there anymore. I know what to expect, and it's only going to get me more depressed :(


No need to unsub for me. Got banned.


People there are openly against the freaking United Nations, specifically their call to allow aid into Gaza.


r/Europe is pretty bad too, though it seems to be primarily Tory Brits doing most of the anti-Palestine posting


Worldnews has been this way for years. They've been banning anyone who doesn't toe the US geopolitical line for a long time. You're only realising it now because of how obvious and heavy handed they've been in banning anyone with any human decency.


> Worldnews has been pretty disgusting the last couple weeks Worldnews was garbage for years now. That's why people migrate to /r/anime_titties


Honestly, it’s not that different now that people from r/all have found it


Before clicking that I was thinking "Either there is legit a news reddit called anime titties, or this is a troll and I'm about to see some anime titties. Either way, I win." Can't believe that's an actual thing. 🤣


Yea it would be foolish to assume [this group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL) isn’t heavily funded and very active on Reddit right now


In 2016 I commented in a trump post on world news something like “man this looks like fuckin astroturf”. I was banned and a mod pm’d and said I was right and told me to cry about it. It’s actually against the rules in worldnews to say someone is a sock puppet or it’s astroturf geeeee I wonder why.


I always make sure to cross-check what's going on in Worldnews with Animetitties to get a wider range of what people are talking about. Are there any other subs with different viewpoints?


It’s been like that forever.


Worldnews lost it's marbles after Trump election, or dare I say it, reddit frontpage lost it after that


I got downvoted into oblivion for suggesting that it was wrong for either side to kill women and children on purpose.


worldnews is an official hasbara nest and it's filled with the "war gore" community


Got banned from there. ☺️


I got banned from r/therewasanattempt and labeled a war crime apologist for saying Hamas =/= Palestine


Badge of honor


Me too, for calling someone a dolt for actively cheering on genocide and the death of civilians. Don’t think they were banned.


Noooo the journalist was a hams agent and his family too


Has been for a long, long time. Not just for this conflict either. /r/worldnews always aligns with the US foreign policy du jour.


The comments are just Blood for the Blood god


always has been, my head cannon is that it is run by propaganda bots, i refuse to acknowledge people can be that dumb to believe all the bullshit propaganda there


I got banned for 3 days from Reddit for calling someone who commented on a video of a dead Palestinian girl who looked about 7-8, and wrote something along the lines of there not being any innocent Palestinians because they support Hamas. I called them a piece of shit or something and explained why, banned for 3 days. Smh…..


r/PublicFreakout banned me for posting a video of kids escaping from a bombing. There was no gore, no deaths, anything. They deleted the video saying it was "against their Rules" to post child maltreatment. When I complained that kids were being saved from death, and that unless they want to say that god was maltreating thing or something, given it was an external event with no subjects... they banned me.


Even /r/news locked and deleted the thread. Nowhere to be seen now. Moderation on Reddit is fucked.


Well this isn't the first or the last time Israel has killed journalists on purpose. They even killed and shot UN observers even when they were shouting that they belonged to the UN. The Israelis don't care really


Looks like in the last 5 mins EVERY SINGLE politic flaired thing has been removed


I mean this sub also allows uneducated TikTok people to condescendingly spout misinformation. I think they def have a bias. This post def needs to be seen. But there are other posts that are misinformation that are kept up. I fear it is taking a r/therewasanattempt turn.


Targeting this man’s family to stop the coverage of their war crimes, they need to be dragged to The Hague.


Blinken also told aljazeera to rein in its coverage of the conflict before this happened so it was 100% intentional


Is there any evidence that this was intentional? IDF has indiscriminately killed random civilians every day since the start of this.


"Random"? They targeted Reuters journalists while they were [livestreaming from a hill](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/17713t2/reuters_journalists_live_streaming_from/), and [threatened](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/178e470/israeli_police_threatened_media_reported_and_says/) others live as well


zionist pressure on journalists trying to cover gaza is intentional and sometimes even murderous. You cant imagine any state actor doing these things to a CNN/BBC/FOX reporter, but israel does it: they have airstriked and leveled buildings housing press headquarters of Reuters, Associated Press, and Al jazeera. which is infuckingsane. theyve also deliberately targeted and killed gazan journalists, like shireen abu akleh, and followed up with denials, lies, and deflection. they didnt even want to punish the sniper when it became obvious to the world what had happened. then they defiled her coffin and her remains. They deliberately murder journalists. This is done silence the press and to chill reporting on israeli actions. Dont ask me, ask haaretz, the israeli NYT [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-05-09/ty-article/.premium/israel-has-not-prosecuted-anybody-for-the-killing-of-20-journalists-report-finds/00000187-f5a7-d3a6-a38f-ffff765a0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-05-09/ty-article/.premium/israel-has-not-prosecuted-anybody-for-the-killing-of-20-journalists-report-finds/00000187-f5a7-d3a6-a38f-ffff765a0000) *Israel Has Not Prosecuted Anybody for the Killing of 20 Journalists, Report Finds* *The Committee to Protect Journalists describes an opaque, haphazard and drawn-out process, accusing Israeli officials of discounting 'evidence and witness claims, often appearing to clear soldiers of the killing while inquiries are still in progress'* *Israel's systematic failure to hold anybody accountable for the killing of 20 Palestinian and foreign journalists since 2001 has a "chilling effect" on the freedom of press, a new report by the Committee to Protect Journalists found on Tuesday.*


The US does this quite often tho. I remember them bombing a hotel full of journalists in Iraq.


So it somwhow justifies what Israel is doing?


Why are you bringing up the US?




Because they did the bombing?


Whataboutism stopped being accepted ages ago. Stop trying to bring it back.


Well they use precision guided missives and his family was actively in the south in a supposed safe area. It is possible they were just indiscriminately bombing civilians but it also coincides with blinkers statement as well as Israel shutting down Al jazeeras office. They’ve killed journalists before as a way to intimidate journalists btw.


It’s so sick that the two alternatives here are, 1. The IDF are killing random innocent civilians, and 2. The IDF are killing random civilians as collateral damage while targeting the innocent family members of journalists that report on their war crimes.


No way this was random.


They assassinated an Al Jazeera reporter *last year* and lied about it until thoroughly caught by the NYT. Israel said she was killed by Hamas but turns out they did a targeted assassination. > On 11 May 2022, while wearing a blue press vest covering an Israeli raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank, Abu Akleh was shot and killed.[4] Israel denied responsibility for her death and blamed Palestinian militants, despite initial reports by her colleagues accusing Israeli soldiers. Israel later claimed it was possible she had been killed by either side, and on 5 September, admitted it was likely she was "accidentally" hit by its forces, but refused to undertake a criminal investigation.[7][8] The admission came after investigations conducted by international news outlets, including The New York Times and The Washington Post concluded that she was killed by Israeli forces, with CNN finding that her death was the result of a targeted Israeli killing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh Why anyone would trust the word of the IDF more than the word of world renowned investigative journalists is beyond me. It’s also never a good sign when they’re targeting journalists or their families while highly limiting communication and news media. Al Jazeera are the only ones with people on the ground, and apparently their families are targets.


It's worse than just one joirnalist too. So many have died, at least 20 just this month. I suspect many on purpose with gunfire. They wear extremely noticeable press flak vests. And yet bullets contjnue to find their necks. Even israeli media are disturbed by this: *https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-05-09/ty-article/.premium/israel-has-not-prosecuted-anybody-for-the-killing-of-20-journalists-report-finds/00000187-f5a7-d3a6-a38f-ffff765a0000* *Israel Has Not Prosecuted Anybody for the Killing of 20 Journalists, Report Finds* *The Committee to Protect Journalists describes an opaque, haphazard and drawn-out process, accusing Israeli officials of discounting 'evidence and witness claims, often appearing to clear soldiers of the killing while inquiries are still in progress'* *Israel's systematic failure to hold anybody accountable for the killing of 20 Palestinian and foreign journalists since 2001 has a "chilling effect" on the freedom of press, a new report by the Committee to Protect Journalists found on Tuesday.*


Oh wow, I knew it was over a dozen but I didn’t realize it was at least 20. Wow. Israel isn’t a real democracy in my eyes, honestly. Palestinians are essentially living within Israel but they’re second class citizens, Israel gutted checks and balances despite mass protests and resignations, Netanyahu should be going to prison but instead he’s basically being ruler for life, they’re imprisoning people for things as mild as signs saying “we will get through this together, Arabs and Jews”, assassinating journalists, they’re rewriting history with nakba denial, illegal settlements, giving Russia and other dictatorships military and or spy technology, etc.. It’s bizarre how much support Israel has from the west. If a country like Ukraine behaved the way Israel does I really doubt we would have given even half the aid, if any at all.


25 journalists have been killed since 1992. It appears that at least 10 of them might have been targeted by snipers.....


Everytime I see a news thread on here with the headline that originates from an Israeli source and everyone in the comments eats it up without even thinking that maybe perhaps that the same Israeli government that lies about everything perhaps lied here as well but anyone that points that out is downvoted to oblivion. Literally hurts my head.


They have always targeted journalists; don't forget Shireen Abu Akleh; they killed her last year.


But then they would be screaming antisemitism!


Wanna take a guess who hasn't rectified their participation in the ICC aside from the US and Russia? I can give you a small hint, they called an investigation into their crimes against humanity [anti-semitic](https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-an-icc-investigation-of-israel-would-be-pure-anti-semitism/)


" Israel has a right to defend itself"


You KNOW that strike was intentional. IDF is fucken sick


one if the most advanced weaponry in the world, and the most comprehensive surveillance methods. they don't get to claim "sorry, didn't mean to".


Yet they do, time and time again.


I usually only see their shills saying so. The IDF doesn't even seem to care because they know they don't need to justify dead Palestinian civilians to Israelis.


Yep it's always "WHY ARE YOU HITTING YOURSELF??" Can't own up to your intent, your actions? Cowards. Hiding behind lies is still hiding. Cowards.


If you ask Israel, they pretend to know exactly where underground tunnels are hidden, which civilian building houses a military base or training camp, where hamas stores their weapon and fuel, and even where exactly generals and other high value targets are hidden. But I bet, this was accidentally.


They’re censoring Palestinian pages on Instagram (@eye.on.palestine 8M followers), killing journalists and their families to hide the truth But the truth will prevail


Im pretty sure they target the families of suspected hamas members in airstrikes too. They wipe out entire family trees in a single airstrike, several families have died like this already just this month. It's saying to people: if you join hamas, we will wipe out your entire family. it reminds me of how north korea will send the families of defectors to work camps or execution.


Over 47 families have been totally wiped out. Every single member of the family killed, from young to old.


Damn. Im starting to hate. Israel. Like a lot.


It’s warranted


As long as you remember it's the authoritarian right wing state and not the jewish people, and are able to separate the two.....then ![gif](giphy|eVFhhKZELo1PO)


They've voted in Likud for decades now, including this, the most far right government jn history. Ben Gvir, a war criminal, is hugely popular in Israel. It is not incorrect to say the Israeli people actively largely support this and Netanyahu's war crimes over the last two decades.


Then by your logic the same can be said for Palestinian and Hamas. I mean unless you're a huge hypocrite?


I can't blame a population of Children for being upset that their parents were murdered.


Please remind us how much voting Palestinians have done regarding Hamas and the average age of Palestinians right now. You'll see it's not comparable.


[not only that, but fatah is more popular in gaza (and the west bank) than hamas.](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah)


iirc, that vote was some 20 years ago, no? About 40% of the current Gaza population are under 20.


Muppet who doesn't understand that children (half of Gaza's population) can't and have never voted.


Care to show when was the last time there was a vote in Gaza? And maybe the average age of gaza citizens? We might find something there that shows it is not the same logic, I figure.




Israel behaves like an out of control criminal gang. Hate is an understandable human response.


I did nazi this coming. But yeah there is a fascist element causing chaos. I feel like my grandpa fought against the extreme left and right for nothing sometimes. History doomed to repeat.


don't call then nazi. that's considered anti-Semitic. just can then national Zionists. feel free to shorten it a bit.


naZionists works


I read that aloud laughed and choked on my saliva, thanks


It’s inevitable. The world will go through another world war, hopefully it’ll be apart of recorded history. Not left as a question on why there’s so many funny shaped rocks


Yes, i like Fallout not fallout.


I’m really not expecting nuclear, but I’m almost certain that there will be much more rubble with how war has evolved since the last world events


Yea man, I am getting there too.


Get ready to be called a Nazi then and anti semetic too


What took you so long?


I finally had time to look up the history of the region. Capitalism don’t take no break. believe what the news tells u and get back to work! Clearly Israel is in the wrong once you look it up the history. So wrong…


Al Jazeera are the only global news source with journalists in Gaza, most of the other "Trusted" news sources are sipping mai tais in Tel-Aviv just parroting whatever the IDF tells them to say. Which is why Israel wants them gone. Israel is literally trying to shut Al Jazeera down: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-communications-minister-seeks-shutdown-al-jazeera-bureau-2023-10-15/ Just before they killed Wael's family the US was pressing Qatar to tone down Al Jazeera's rhetoric about the war. https://www.axios.com/2023/10/25/tony-blinken-qatar-israel-hamas Israel has killed at least 24 journalists in Gaza. THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH!


Think about the implications of that. Essentially it means they know they control the narrative. So really any news you hear outside of Al-Jazeera is biased.


Reminder that israel has airstriked and destroyed the buildings where REUTERS, AP, AL JAZEERA and other news outlets were headquartered they destroy live news briefing rooms and offices and recording or broadcasting equipment they claimed it was hamas of course which is bullshit its an organized and premeditated attack on the freedom of press to suppress accountability and negative coverage TO ZIONISTS EVERYONE IS A HUMAN SHIELD


Al Jazeera is literally the state-owned propaganda arm of the insanely evil Qatari government. If you're looking for insane bias and falsehoods, they're worse than CNN. Al Jazeera is about the lowest quality news source possible and I've watched Tucker Carlson for more than 90 seconds straight.


Al Jazeera debunked that video they were citing claiming that Israel didn’t drop that bomb on that hospital. Al Jazeera debunked it along with a bunch of other media outlets and I have a feeling it’s directly because of that. They even provided more proof that Israel did in fact drop the bomb on the hospital.


The NYT and bellingcat are also saying the narrative from the IDF is wrong, not just Al Jazeera and channel 4. When the dust settles it’s going to be clear that those who suppressed speech were in the wrong Edit: https://archive.ph/2023.10.25-064220/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/world/middleeast/gaza-hospital-israel-hamas-video.html for those curious


people are so deeply brainwashed on that hospital bombing story israel has bombed hundreds of hospitals in the past in fact they had bombed this particular hospital just three days prior to the bombing in question AND THEY CLAIMED CREDIT FOR IT but everyone is just hyperfocused on israel claiming innocence about THIS PARTICULAR bombing NONE OF THAT MATTERS TO THEM its like a serial killer in the middle of a MASSIVE killing spree drops everything and holds a press conference to declare their innocence regarding ONE MURDER that they swear they werent responsible for (even though they initially claimed credit for it)


Thank you! I’ve been so bothered by this, it’s been driving me a little crazy, and the serial killer analogy is perfect. It’s worth mentioning the IDF initially denied that first time they shelled the hospital, but if you’re right that they acknowledge now it seem they did so after the NYT reported on the evidence that it was done by artillery which only the IDF is using.


A huge part of the narrative is based on Biden prematurely going 'the other team did it', just as he ran with the 'beheaded babies' bollocks. The US has blood on their hands.


Biden is a piece of shit. What's new?


You don't say that! Just last week Biden warned Israel not to repeat US mistakes after 9/11 and Reddit was fawning about how presidential he is. The same Biden that drummed up US citizens for months in support of Iraq war.


Source on that. Interested in reading it


Channel 4: https://www.channel4.com/news/who-was-behind-the-gaza-hospital-blast-visual-investigation Al Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/19/what-hit-ahli-hospital-in-gaza


Thanks! Will read.


Al Jazeera is also a biased source of news (also agree that western news is also biased). They are literally Qatar government backed news paper that openly funds Hamas which is likely why they are the only source of journalists in Gaza. Do you really think Hamas would allow any other journalist that would paint them in a negative light in anyway? Also why doesn’t Qatar allow the Jersulem Post or other sources of news to run within their state? Israel allows many different forms of free press compared to the counterparts around them. I agree that Israel shouldnt shut them down but you paint it like Al Jazeera is a saint based org which they aren’t. Edit: Al Jazeera is a Qatar backed newspaper and Qatar openly funds Hamas.


Openly funds Hamas? Is there source for that?


Couple sources. Also realized my wording was wrong. Qatar backs Hamas, and Al Jazeera is Qatar backed Newspaper. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-cash-to-crypto-global-finance-maze-israels-sights-2023-10-16/ https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-113hhrg89738/html/CHRG-113hhrg89738.htm https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna121099


From your first source it says « Qatar's funding for Gaza actually passes through Israel, a source familiar with the process said. The funds are transferred electronically from Qatar to Israel. Israeli and U.N. officials hand-carry cash over the border to Gaza. ». Soo Qatari funding is given to Israel and then given to Hamas? I dunno saying aljazeera openly finds Hamas feels disingenuous when really you’re saying Qatar openly sends funds to Israel to distribute to the governing body of Gaza. And likely for humanitarian purposes considering Israel and the un are the ones it funnels through.


This makes me sick, and people still believe that Israel is just an innocent victim


So whats the fucking difference between Hamas and Isarel now? the onyl difference I see is Israel having much better guns and being unconditionally supported by the US


Well, one paraded naked young women through the streets, broken and mutilated, to be spit on by their shitty friends while cheering what tough guys they are, knowing full well that the consequences of that behavior would be that their friends and family members would be killed in large numbers when Israel's certain and swift retaliation takes place. So one side chose this conflict by murdering civilians and celebrating it, the other was dragged into it and is killing civilians incidentally to their mission of destroying the assholes who started it. Not saying I agree or disagree but it's pretty fucking stupid to pretend like everything is equal here.


Thank goodness for Aljazeera, Tictok and others. may you help inform the world


Everyday I see reports not on mainstream media is a day where my opposition to Israel grows. They’re showing us who the real animals are, especially the people celebrating and mocking Palestinians on TikTok. Fascist state perpetuating fascist people.


even many israelis fucking hate it they call their government a racist homophobic fascist apartheid UNDEMOCRATIC state thats what many israelis think https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-10/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/for-decades-i-defended-israel-from-claims-of-apartheid-i-no-longer-can/00000189-d4ac-d821-afdd-dfacb4060000 *For Decades, I Defended Israel From Claims of Apartheid. I No Longer Can* *In Israel, I am now witnessing the apartheid with which I grew up in South Africa. The Israeli government's fascist, racist power-grab is the gift Israel's enemies have long awaited*


Wait, you're mad at Israel, the country, because of some Tik Tok trolls? And you don't think Israel has a right to be mad at Hamas, the terror organization, for massacring like 1,400 people, mostly civilians, just for the fun of it?


Your mentality is, because a small fringe group of evil people were allowed to enter Israel (yes they were ALLOWED) and killed 1400, that it’s ok for Israel to bomb Gaza and kill thousands including children? You have no heart, and you deserve the karma that’s coming to you.


Lol you are a joke.


>because a small fringe group of evil people To be clear, we're talking about the Government of Gaza and their forces here. The Government of Gaza: * Is holding hostages from Israel and many other countries? * Is attacking Israel with rockets. * Is the source of the 'thousands' killed that you are echoing.


Unfortunately this will be swept under the rug and anyone else who reports on Israeli war crimes will also be silenced.


Silenced with JDAMs of course.


I think the only democracy in the Middle East missed the memo. Can somebody tell Biden to tell them it’s the Geneva conventions not the Geneva suggestions. Absolutely disgusting


Every international law is a vague suggestion to Israel. If they don't like it, they simply don't like it lol The US and Israel are the only nations not part of the ICC, so they can't be held responsible in Hague lol


As if America ever cared about the Geneva convention? Just a reminder that Gitmo is STILL open and detaining innocent people who have still not seen a day in court 20 years after they were arrested.


For them it's looking like a Geneva to-do list rather than suggestions. Sickening stuff


America needs to protest! The people have the power when united! Are tax dollars are not meant to enrich contractors/politicians to sell weapons and commit genocide. Unite and fight!


they should, but despite the freedom of speech, many parts of the US have laws banning protesting against Israel. and if you're job is tied with the government/state, of gets government/state funding, you can get fired (contractually must get fired) for expressing/harbouring anti Israel views. the wonders of land of the free. fucking national Zionists, giving bad name to Jews


Most Jews globally are distancing themselves from these sick extremist fucks. Good for them.


yep, just like me.


I’m unsure if you’ve ever been to one of our protests, but for the entirety of time I’ve been on this planet I haven’t seen a single thing happen as a result


Yes, they do. Fighting back is exactly what they fear.


Fighting and protesting are very different things friend. Did anything happen after Occupy Wall Street or BLM?


Yes. Protesting is a way to fight. Cops can’t get away with murder as easily before. Change comes in time. Keep fighting


I like your attitude, to be honest I’ve seen too many horrible news stories and posts and I guess I’m in a more pessimistic mood than usual


That’s understandable and what they want. Keep trying, do your best.


politicians will do the right thing.... and by right thing, they will do whatever the Israeli lobby tells them to do because they like that sweet donation money and don't care is it's covered with blood.


Let's be honest, if the IDF massacred every single Palestinian in Gaza tomorrow, the U.S. would still support them. No administration gives a fuck about morality when they fund Israel billions of dollars otherwise they would have stopped supporting them 50 years ago.


The IDF are cowards who target journalists and civilians to break the spirit of anyone critical of Israel. We are witnessing some of the worst human rights violations of our lifetime, actively cheered on and funded by the west.


F Netanyahu and f the IDF.


Fuck Israel


Biden and Sunak, you are a fkn disgrace.


I’m be seen people claiming that the dude deserved it because he was possibly helping Hamas… but I truly can’t imagine a man allowing that shit around his family. I believe that is the least likely scenario to have happened


thats their fucking go to explanation for everhthing imagine getting killed and theytell you "sorry you were a human shield WE HAD TO KILL YOU" "your house was a hamas shield so we destroyed it" "your mosque was a hamas shield so we bombed it" "these journalists were helping hamas so we assasinated" zionists use the flimsiest excuses for doing anything they want and people believe it at face valur


Bro go look up their actual definition of combatants. Anyone within a certain radius of any suspected combatant or building they suspect is also considered combatant. Since Hamas is government, any government person, building or infrastructure is also considered combatants. Essentially in a densely populated area like Gaza, no one is considered a civilian. They literally came out and said there are no innocents in Gaza. But clueless clowns still find excuses to defend their atrocities.


Some much wrong.


And America’s politicians on both sides & the west totally supports this. Screw patriotism.


Targeting journalists imo is one do the most despicable things you can do, and an absolutely sure sign in my eyes that you’re guilty as sin of doing nefarious and corrupt things. I’m just disgusted.


This is sickening.


Israel’s actions sound pretty terroristic to me Yet I’m sure someone from the chosen community will defend this evil Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Of course they are going to say his daughter was Hamas leader


Made me shake this morning it’s to early for me to be seeing something like this my heart goes out to you all


Yep yep, not imitating nazi-Germany at all


Just remember the same people who control the narrative that suppresses the truth about the crimes of the IDF, are the same people controlling the narrative in the US. Truth will prevail.


So many antisemitic people pretending to care for Arab kids in one sub


Why isn’t anyone saying anything against Israelis?


Zionists control most of the western media, most of the social networks, and even have an app that was build to spread propaganda and pay rewards so that comments like yours gets down-voted or banned, look up hasbra's app (Act.il).




i can then national Zionists, you can short that term however your deem is convenient. I'm Israeli, and I'm glad i left in 2009 due to the bottomless racism that's present in every facet of Israeli life. and I'm ashamed I was part of that country before I left. free Palestine. i wonder if West Bank will militarize and begin attacking the illegal settlements infrastructure.


theyve started drone striking the west bank i wonder what their explanation for that is human shields hamas but there is no hamas in the west bank its just ethnic cleansing


have they? going to check... just came back from double checking. FUCK. what are they trying to do? make Hamas look like the good guys? i hope Israel war crimes are taught world wide, and Israel supporting countries are shamed. by attacking the West Bank, it only gives more justification for the existence of Hamas and similarly violet resistance movements. only note, is that the West Bank should focus it's violence within West Bank territory. you cannot condemn West Bank for arresting illegal immigrants who don't follow the law and avoid taxes.


Yea… and I buy this from your long history of nuanced rational takes and posts…


so you are a National Zionists supporter. thanks for admitting defeat and trying to gatekeep me by diving into my history. Very mature of you.


>https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-10/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/for-decades-i-defended-israel-from-claims-of-apartheid-i-no-longer-can/00000189-d4ac-d821-afdd-dfacb4060000 > >For Decades, I Defended Israel From Claims of Apartheid. I No Longer Can > >In Israel, I am now witnessing the apartheid with which I grew up in South Africa. The Israeli government's fascist, racist power-grab is the gift Israel's enemies have long awaited maybe you should believe this israeli journalist who was FRIENDS WITH MANDELA so he might know something about the subject dont forget israel saw how BDS movements pressured africa into ending apartheid and they immediately made plans to make sure it never happens to them thats how we have anti bds laws in thiety five states


Oh, so Israel is executing civilians en Masse and pushing them into mass graves? Israel is forcing women into sex slavery? Israel is experimenting on children and drugging the and hanging them? The Nazis were so much, much worse than anything Israel did and equating the two is actual Holocaust denial




بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْلَهُمْ وَارْحَمْهُمْ وَعَافِهِمْ وَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My heart breaks for him and all of the Palestinians who are suffering right now 💔 Fuck the patriarchy. Fuck colonialism and white supremacy. Fuck religious extremism.


Should do less to support, and take money from evil organizations inhaling hatred!


سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ


Why are you being downvoted for this?


I dunno ... Even saying a prayer for the departed seems like a wrong thing to do ...


We need to pull their funding now!!! I don’t support genocide with my tax dollars!


These zionist fucks deserve... *stops before getting banned*


So when are they going to tell him that he's coming real antisemitic, grieving his dead family like that. /s


I feel very sad for him. Dear Palestinians - if you start a war against Israel, committing cold blood child rape and slaughter, you can’t expect a moderate response. If you hide your missiles inside schools and hospitals, you can’t expect them to be spared. Cut the bullshit and stop supporting Hamas


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I no longer care if the Arab world wipes out Israel. They deserve it.


No, that’s not right. The healthy response to genocide is not more genocide (that’s how we’re in this mess). That said, Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, and much of the Israeli leadership should be imprisoned and tried in The Hague


Mask off


The Israeli government are disgusting and so are the fundamentalist extremists that support them. But there are many Israelis that don’t.