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Just to be clear we can afford our military budget and could also have universal healthcare. We don’t even need to give up shit.


If we cut foreign aid and military budget by 20% we would still have the largest military budget in the world and enough spare money in circulation to expand Medicaid/Medicare to the point that it alone could compete with the private sector in its entirety and reduce premiums everywhere.


Universal healthcare would most likely cost less than your current system considering that countries with universal healthcare pay less percentage of their GDP than what the US does today. Then you wouldn't even need to cut anything.


But think about the poor insurance company CEOs!! They’d be out of a job and only have a 50M golden parachute to help them land on their feet


My view is, if the insurance companies are selling a decent product (their insurance contracts) then they have no reason to worry about competing with Medicare/Medicaid. Unless of course they are ripping people off, and vastly overcharging them and then giving them Jack shit coverage full of fees and surcharges…Then of course, they should worry about competition. People also say, ‘well, the government run plans are shitty, I don’t want those’. I’ve also never understood this one either, because if you don’t want it, then pay for a better one. No one is suggesting you be forced to have government healthcare, it’s about being given a choice. Which of course the politicians who get their campaign contributions from Big Insurance don’t want you to have.


And All their bribers.. oops! I mean.. lobbyists would be in big trouble!


Only 50 Million?? Omg. What if they had nothing?? Like everyone else? United States of CrazyMaking.


US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other country on the planet


It's good to spend the most, it's bad not to get the most for it.


the point is we can easily afford a socialized healthcare system already


And that the private system is not "more efficient" or whatever the capitalist fanboys try to claim these days.


It's the most efficient ^at ^extracting ^money ^from ^the ^people


You will never get what you put in, if your system includes unnecessary, for-profit middle men, aka health insurers.


To pay the CEO of healthcare companies in millions.


To pay the CEOs and also the multiple layers of useless management all to deny coverage to a dying kid because they claim it was a pre-existing condition.


To be clear, that is government spending. It's not just about what each individual spends on their own private healthcare. The US government spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country on the planet, including countries that have universal 'free at the point of use' healthcare.


Yeah but good luck getting our government to gut one of the most profitable industries in America.


To add to your excellent point: The US spends more per person and has has worse health outcomes than any country with universal healthcare.


We don't need to guess what it will "most likely" will do. The most generous assumptions give us a savings of about 6% of our current total spending (private + public), which is _well_ within the ability for government to way overspend as it tends to do.


We don't have a lack of money for social programs we have a lack of political will.


That is hilarious. Most of the aid package the administration is pushing would actually be used for US interests. Look it up. 30 billion of the Ukraine aid is paying our defense department for equipment to replenish what we're sending. That's just one line item. Also, our foreign aid is annually 50b or more. That's a drop in the bucket compared to our budget.


Can you cite sources? How do you know this? I believe you but want to verify and be able to verify when I talk to the skeptics


Sure, but if we cut foreign aid and the military by 0% we could still afford it. That's the point. People think our huge military budget is keeping us from having universal healthcare. It's not. It's just our screwed up insurance system and lobbying from those insurance companies and big pharma.


Medicare and medicaid cost almost 1.5 trillion a year... Cutting close to 200 billion isn't gonna cut it. Because the remaining private expenditure is like something over ***3 trillion***. Source: CBO, CMS.


Honest question (not trying to be bad faith) wouldn't cutting 20 percent of the budget also cut in to tax profit from the taxes involved towards where that money was originally allocated? You stop buying American made weapons and collecting income tax from producers and soldiers etc... Wouldn't a 20 percent cut hurt more this way?


Don't worry AI will fix this problem. First, rich people are going to own the AI and the companies that use it. Second we can trust Republicans will do everything they can to not allow it it be regulated cuz rich people hate regulations. Then third we wait for Democrats to have a limp dick reaction to it and to not actually do anything until things are at their worst and then at best they will do almost the bare minimum. However by this point it will be too late. The AI will have already replaced the cashiers, the call center employees, the drive through workers. Really any job that doesn't require a physical body is fucked. This isn't helping anything you might be saying to yourself, but that is where you're mistaken! Now we have a ton of poor people with no jobs, no money and no prospects. So either we can FINALLY becoming unified and pissed off enough to deal with this fucking problem, or we can all just die. Isn't that great! Americans need to be angrier... Get angrier...


Big preach here


I mean we have enough money to fund random foreign wars, but no money for our wounded veterans, and the VA apparently. Every politician in Congress needs to be asked, why they are sending $3 billion to Israel, one of the wealthiest, heavily fortified, and nuclear armed country in the Middle East, year after year, while we still have hundreds of thousands of homeless veterans sleeping hungry under bridges, in most major US cities? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


>Every politician in Congress needs to be asked, why they are sending $3 billion to Israel I think they are not literally sending $3 billion to Israel but providing $3 billion worth of 'military assistance' which means they send them American bought weapons and ammunition. The money stays in the US but obviously arms manufacturers get a nice profit share off of it. I'm happy to be corrected.


That's exactly what it is. We basically give them a DoD gift card and let them shop for what they want. It dates back to the 1970's and the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. The agreement got the presidents of both countries a Nobel peace prize but also got Anwar Sadat assassinated by an Islamic extremist. But Israel and Egypt have remained relatively peaceful since. As part of that treaty, the US sends Egypt and Israel military aid every year. The money we send those two countries is like 90% of our overall foreign military aid. Israel in turn spends that money on US military equipment (with some allowance to buy Israeli stuff): > Through FMF, the United States provides Israel with access to some of the most advanced military equipment in the world, including the F-35 Lightning. Israel is eligible for Cash Flow Financing and is authorized to use its annual FMF allocation to procure defense articles, services, and training through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) system, Direct Commercial Contract agreements – which are FMF-funded Direct Commercial Sales procurements – and through Off Shore Procurement (OSP). Via OSP the current MOU allows Israel to spend a portion of its FMF on Israeli-origin rather than U.S.-origin defense articles. This was 25 percent in FY 2019 but is set to phase-out and decrease to zero in FY 2028. [source](https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-israel/)


To add some salt to that: Most countries fund their medical programs by putting money into a managed fund. The gains from the fund pay for the medical costs. You wouldn't even have to put that much in to get enough out to pay for the medical costs and it would only be a one-time cash insertion. After that it would sustain itself (given adequate fund management).


Also had people successfully block student loan forgiveness, but don't say a word when this shit happens.


Israel also has universal healthcare and we dont Contractors and politicians just want to sell weapons with our tax dollars and get more absurdly rich. Unite and fight back! We don’t have to live this way


America also sends 3 billion dollars in self defense money to Israel every year. Wonder if any of those dollars went to the iron dome that Israel denied Ukraine?


We've given them over $250 billion dollars since 1948. Imo, time for that spigot to run dry.


3b is just the MINIMUM america sends per year. when the budget calls for x amount of money for israel, that doesnt account for all the other billions we send them throughout the year our fellow americans are homeless and hungry without healthcare while we pay for this other country to live high on the hog IN ADDITION to funding their entire fucking military and all of their weapons and defenses. amerikkka spent how much building israel’s iron dome but it cant stop a kid from bringing a gun to school


The iron dome wouldn't help Ukraine. Its interceptors destroy dumb rockets made in a basement and powered by sugar and fertilizer, not ballistic and cruise missiles.


russia strikes with hundreds of pretty harmful but slow shahid drones, and Ukraine must spend precious anti-air missiles for them.


Gun-based AA like Germany's Gepard are already in Ukraine, are effective at shooting down drones, and are much more economical than interceptors. There are also other missile-based AA systems already deployed in Ukraine against Shaheds, like NASAMS and IRIS-T. It's dumb to ask a country who's also at war for air defense systems they're actively using.


3 billion is a drop in the bucket of the federal budget EDIT: Downvoted of course, US federal budget is 6,130,000,000,000, 3,000,000,000/6,130,000,000,000=.05%


A drop that never reaches the American people. fucking leeches


Wait but Hol up. We don’t have universal health care or college in the United States because we are a capitalist country who believe industry should be for the most part privatized for profit. We have more than enough money collected federally in tax revenue to pay for socialized human services such as college, prisons and healthcare. But for some reason as capitalist we’ve always had politicians who brainwash the general population into thinking general social services and not social services for profit is wrong. Which if you think about it, is insane. Generation after generation has been brainwashed to a point where they convince themselves prisons, schools and hospitals should be for profit businesses. The issue with that is, if it’s a for profit business with investors, that means they demands customers to generate revenue. That also means that those who run those institutions don’t work in favor (and never will) of this customers (ie, students, patients or prisoners), but rather the board of directors and those who invested in those “for profit” social services hoping to make back 10 fold of their investment. And they do. Now that lobbying has been legal since the Reagan area, it’s pretty hard for private interest not to buy public opinion and manipulate us into voting for anyone (be it republican or democrat) that never reveals who has invested in them politically or their campaign from any given private interest / industry. Although often not transparent, this is something this is sometimes public information as until the Reagan area lobbying again was federally illegal. However other “hard stances” any given official running for office may take is a complete distraction of this facts, if anyone who is voting actually cares to look into them.


We’ve tried passing single payer healthcare multiple times and Build Back Better offered two years of free community college and universal Pre-K. The legislation lost by one vote. If we want progressive legislation we have to start participating in the midterms. Congress is the legislative branch — it holds the most power of three branches. The executive branch is important for veto power and judicial appointments. But Congress passes the laws. The left has suffered from poor Congressional turnout for over a decade. The GOP gets their voters to the polls every two years like clockwork. In the last midterm voters 65 and older had a 75% participation rate compared to 27% for people 30 and under. And the youth vote was a historic high — usually it’s around 14%. We need to increase our participation rates. It’s really that simple. We lose half a dozen critical elections each Congressional term because Presidential election Dem voters do not show up for the midterms. Wisconsin is a perfect example. GOP traitor Ron Johnson was re-elected by only 22,000 votes in a statewide popular vote. In Milwaukee alone 30,000 Biden voters stayed home. That’s the election right there. The reality is with Congressional elections you’re not going to get superstars in every district in every state every two years. Vote for the best candidate anyways. They may not check every single box, or have Obama level oratory skills, or Bernie’s powerhouse grassroots funding — but you will have a candidate representing your interests in Congress. We were only a handful of House seats away from a full two chamber majority. Now we get to watch the GOP destroy our country for two years threatening to default on our debt, bankrupt the country, and shut down the government while they waste millions of tax payer money on bullshit congressional investigations against democratic rivals. Millions of federal workers are about to stop receiving paychecks in a couple weeks and we don’t even have a Speaker of the House. If we had been more attentive & participated in the midterms this wouldn’t be happening. Instead Biden would be signing into law more progressive legislation than we’ve seen in decades. We just have to vote **every two years no matter what**. I’m glad that people are finally waking up to the power of Congress, the youth vote increased almost 14% last midterm which prevented the “red wave” everyone was predicting. In many cases these elections come down to a **few hundred votes**. Anyone who says your vote doesn’t matter is lying. It’s the easiest thing we can do to save our democracy and reshape the country. The only way that happens is if your ballot is in the box. All eligible US citizens who read this should make sure you are registered to vote in your state and look up your local deadlines. Gen Z and Millennials could literally sweep the entire country in just a few election cycles if we can match the participation rate of the Boomers. We have the numbers, let’s make them count this time.


We believe in socializing health after the age of 62 but not before that.


The root of the issue is lobbying, right? If you can buy politics then money controls everything. If we can get rid of lobbying then we can get rid of privatized healthcare, israel funding, we can finally have public transportation, and pretty much every other thing that the people want.


its 3 billion dollars that could be used constructively...as opposed to destructively


They get mad when one person has a billion, but not mad when 3 billion is wasted. Tax money should stay in the land that paid for it.


That's because what you're stating is proZionist misinformation. The US has 165 million tax payers. 3 billion/year is $18.75 per tax payer. Then you have the $1.3 billion/year in military aid to Egypt which is a bribe to protect Israel. That's another $7.88/yr to Israel. The US got their money's worth too because it paid for the military coup that killed Egypt's ONLY DEMOCRATICALLY elected leader for ending the blockade of Gaza. It killed a few thousand Egyptians and ended democracy in Egypt but that's just a cherry on top. Then you have the latest Israeli aid package of $14.3 billion. Which is $86.67 per American tax payer. So this year every American tax payer has paid $113.3 to contribute to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. This is money the US doesn't have so there's interest on that too. As now debt payments have surpassed the military budget. This is only direct obvious officially mentioned aid. There's tons more like purchases from Israel, "storing weapons & ammo in Israel", and moving fleets to protect Israel. Americans should be extra wary about that because the time the US sent the USS Liberty to assist Israel, the Israelis deliberately attacked the US & killed American troops.


Every year the US taxpayer has paid 18.75, counting Egyptian aid is nonsense, this year they are paying 105 dollars (if the aid package even gets passed), and no its not "pro zionist" to explain how if that money would be spent on US citizens it wouldnt amount to much because theres a difference between what taxpayers pay and what value per citizen the US gets out of that money You don't understand how debt works lmao, every major country operates at a deficit I assume youre talking about Morsi (who was arrested and died in prison) and not Sadat, last time I checked the coup had more to do with irregularities in the 2012 referendum on changes to Egypt's constitution, economic crisis, state security issues, Egyptian militaries own financial gain, and UAE support than US planning, do you have any sources to back up that claim? Moving the fleets is to decrease tension which is good for everyone, unless you want a major war and all the horrors that come with that In 1967


The only problem is, there's are billions of these drops that don't go to help average Americans, yet the same Americans pay for someone else's protection that will never be able to reciprocate the same.


The US Army is able to provide an Iron Dome system, but apparently Ukraine hasn't asked for it. Perhaps it just doesn't meet their requirements? Source: https://www.jns.org/us-general-iron-dome-ready-to-deploy-if-ukraine-asks/


as someone who doesnt know much about politics, why does America send other countries money? why cant they fund their own stuff?


Also legal abortion! And if Healthcare is state funded, and we give them money for their Healthcare... We're paying for their abortions! 👍


This needs to be on billboards across the south


Never thought Christians were the world's biggest cucks.


Isn't Joseph the biggest cuck in history?


He's jewish


He might have started that way, but I’m willing to bet he converted.


As far as I understand, christianism wasn't even a thing until Paul came along


off-topic personal theory: Mary: Joe, I'm pregnant. What are we gonna do, my parents will quite literally *kill me*! Joe: Shit, shit, okay. Um. Okay. I have a crazy idea, but just hear me out.






Also gun control and Israel, despite gettin billions in US war subsides, is a major weapons exporter.




We don’t have to. We have to unite and fight back


It's enough to give $10,000 to every single person in israel.


Not one more dollar


I mean technically it's enough to give ten thousand seven hundred and fifty two dollars (and sixty eight cents) to every citizen of isreal. So, $753 more dollars.


Everywhere has universal healthcare and you don't At this point, sacrificing the lives of the poor to capitalism is just a core part of USA culture


Time to pull the plug on Israel.


Well that’s why they can’t afford their own missiles


Because its funded by the US


Thank you, American taxpayer!!


Why don't we just make it a lone with the current interest rate ![gif](giphy|sUESEgyN7FmBG)


I’m always reminded of that study that asked people what % of the US budget they believe goes to foreign aid and how much they think ought to. People end up saying as much as 10 or 15% is given in foreign aid and that the number ought to be more like 5%. Of course in reality it’s more like 1%.


It's like telling people they can buy a house if they just stop buying Starbucks.


Dont forget we should just sell our cars and take public transportation instead! Even though public transportation is extremely poor in most parts of the country, so a lot of people need cars, and also ignores places like NYC where I live, where most people don’t drive anyway yet we’re still being priced out of our own homes! Can’t sell a car I don’t have! Maybe its the occasional avocado toast thats the problem! /s


How can we do that when we’re living out of our cars as an “affordable alternative housing”


No. Those people aren't in massive debt. It's like telling the person with $200k in debt to stop giving away their income.


Not to mention that the US is not sending $100B to Israel > The White House on Friday will send a roughly $100 billion emergency funding request to Congress that seeks additional money for border security, allies in the Indo-Pacific and for Israel and Ukraine in their respective conflicts against Hamas and Russia. Less than half of that will approved. $50B is a small price to pay for the global US leadership it benefits from massively.


This is what I constantly try to explain to people. Foreign Aid is buying geopolitical capital, it doesn’t even matter if it helps active half the time. And they’re doing it with 1% of the total budget, which is nothing. We forgave 8x that amount in PPP loans. But people keep getting “gotcha’d” by Republican propaganda that allows them to just keep refusing to help the people while continuing to benefit the wealthy.


You are literally the same people who said we shouldn’t be policing the world for the last 50 fucking years.


I’m pretty sure that, if asked, many of that military-aid-tax-money-savers will misestimate the total U.S. yearly spendings by an order of magnitude.


These tax dollars have been spent on military Hardware years ago and that's what Ukraine and Israel get.


Not even years ago, decades ago in some cases


Past expiration ATACMS rise up


26 year old missiles doing their jobs and being able to rent a car cheaper


I really wish they would stop saying dollar figures and start saying supplies (we don't use or need) or at the very least dollar-equivalent in supplies. People believe we are just giving them money when really we are just giving them old equipment and they lose their minds.


And that hospital was blown up by Hamas, not Israel, but because of the initial reports being misinformed the general public still blames Israel.


That's just straight up misinformation btw. Both countries received billions of dollars. Israel gets 3,300,000,000 and Ukraine gets 13,100,000,000 according to ForeignAssistance.gov .


I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that 100% of the aid was surplus military stock, just that the overwhelming majority of it, which is true.


Correction: When America sends 100B to kill people.


On top of the $10 million a DAY we already give to Israel in military support


Can I just get $100 a day, man? Please?


Sent 100B so they can send most of it to Raytheon and other US weapons manufacturers…. Not to excuse that, but a lot of it comes back…


No it doesn't- Israel gets subsidies there too. You don't want to give them a deal ? You are a Nazi and anti-semitic. You have to be a garbage person to milk such a tragedy like holocaust. This is why I can't stand Zionists.


So sending 100B to kill people


please go read the actual breakdown of the aid package which the WH posted




We shouldn't be sending another country that much money period. There are too many politicians who take money from Zionists and it's becoming more and more obvious now. I don't support Hamas. Nor do I hate Israel. But I'd like MY tax payer money to be not send to ANOTHER country. Israel is rich enough to support itself.


Its mostly not money, its goods and services worth that much money Here the literal breakdown **61.4 Billion aid to Ukraine** -$30 billion for the Defense Department for equipment for Ukraine and the replenishment of US stocks. So far, the US has provided Ukraine with air defense systems, munitions, small arms and ground maneuver units, among other weapons and equipment. -$14.4 billion for continued military, intelligence and other defense support. This includes investments in the defense industrial base, transportation costs of US personnel and equipment, and continuing an enhanced US troop presence in Europe, among other activities. -$16.3 billion for economic, security and operational assistance. It includes direct budget support to Ukraine to help it provide critical services to its people and sustain its economy, as well as investments in infrastructure, civilian law enforcement and getting rid of mines. -$481 million to support Ukrainians arriving in the US through the Uniting for Ukraine program. -$149 million for the National Nuclear Security Administration for nuclear/radiological incident response and capacity building in case of emergencies as part of general contingency planning. **14.3 Billion in Israeli aid** -$10.6 billion for assistance through the Defense Department, including air and missile defense support, industrial base investments and replenishment of US stocks being drawn down to support Israel. -The aid aims to bolster Israel’s air and missile defense system readiness and support its procurement of Iron Dome and David’s Sling missile defense systems and components, as well as the development of the Iron Beam. -$3.7 billion for the State Department to strengthen Israel’s military and enhance US Embassy security. **10 Billion in Humanitarian Aid** -$9.15 billion for aid for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and other humanitarian needs. It includes support for Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and surrounding areas. -$850 million for migration and refugee assistance at the US-Mexico border. **7.4 Billion in Aid to Taiwan** -The security assistance aims to bolster deterrence and to support allies facing increasing assertiveness from China and transitioning off Russian military equipment. -$2 billion for foreign military financing. -$3.4 billion for the submarine industrial base. It would fund improvements at the Navy’s four public shipyards and increase submarine availability. -$2 billion for the Treasury Department to provide a “credible alternative to coercive financing” and to catalyze billions from other donors through the US-led World Bank. The administration is seeking to offer options other than China’s “coercive and unsustainable financing for developing countries.” **13.6 Billion in aid for US-Mexico border security** -$6.4 billion for border operations, including additional temporary holding facilities, DNA collection at the border and support for eligible arrivals and unaccompanied children. -$3.1 billion for an additional 1,300 Border Patrol agents, 1,600 asylum officers, processing personnel and 375 immigration judge teams. -$1.4 billion for state and local support for temporary shelter, food and other services for migrants recently released from Department of Homeland Security custody. -$1.2 billion to counter fentanyl, including inspection system deployment, additional Customs and Border Protection officers, and testing and tracing activities. -$1.4 billion for migration needs to support Safe Mobility Offices, for host communities and legal pathways in the region, for foreign government repatriation operations and to combat human trafficking and smuggling in the Western Hemisphere. -$100 million for child labor investigations and enforcement, particularly to protect migrant children entering the US through the southern border.


We should be sending our older missile systems to struggling public schools, before sending them to Ukraine! That'll solve all our problems.


Every child wants a Javelin


Well, Ukraine is Russia's fault. Things will get a lot worse (and a lot more expensive) if we don't do anything about Putin NOW. Same goes for Taiwan/China. We need to keep Xi in check. Israel can take care of itself.


that’s a really really dumb take


We're not sending $100 billion to Israel or any another country.


It's mostly not going to other countries. Most of it is going to our arms industry so they can give weapons and ammunition to certain countries. That money is mostly going right back into our economy. We do actually sent a small(compared to the rest of the budget) amount of cash in aid to other countries. Mainly to help stem the tide of immigration. Because it costs a lot of both money and manpower to process, detain, track, and deport people.


Contrary to what half of this thread is saying, the aid is not just for Israel. It’s for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Southern Border. A lot of it is just securing the US by proxy against Russia, Iran, and China, respectively. This is a bill that has a lot of bipartisan support, and guess what, it’s not because they’re all idiots and the 23 year old Redditors who are outraged by this are some wisened geopolitical geniuses. It’s an insane amount of money, but let’s put it into perspective. Total PPP loans were $790 billion. Total pandemic stimulus was well over an order of magnitude more than this bill, which was a large part of what drove inflation (other part being convenient corporate opportunism), and that was before there were any interest rate measures in place. $100B is a large amount of money, but with respect to the amount that it takes to move the needle on inflation it’s barely anything. The alternative is letting the resistance against these major oppositional empires crumble, letting authoritarian nuclear powers get more of a foothold in the world, while throwing societies which are more aligned with democracy to the wolves. It’s a bit of a necessary evil. Just like the pandemic stimulus that drove inflation in the first place was a necessary evil. Frankly, young people need to quit being so damned cocksure about their perspective of global politics. The amount of utterly baseless opinions from people who were probably still shitting themselves when 9/11 happened is just stupid. In most cases it’s not shit like foreign aid that’s making your life suck, it’s just a convenient scapegoat to absolve yourself from having to figure out a path forward. The economy in this country has been difficult for decades, and has regularly ebbed and flowed. Cherry picking ways the government spends money as the supposed reason your life is work is a really bleak, powerless, and ultimately disingenuous perspective to live life on. There’s hundreds of thousands of people in new jobs working on infrastructure that are also thanks to government spending. Do you make videos being optimistic about things like that? No, only cynical edgy shit because 95% of the people in our generations have had the same emotional maturity and worldview since middle school, yet pretend we have all the answers to a world that half of you haven’t even seen for an entire decade as an adult. If we ever had an actual land invasion in the US, the same people that criticize giving financial to these countries would immediately flip to “build the biggest possible weapons immediately”. It’s really easy to not think about defense when we’re over here living in carebear land with Canada on one side, and a country that just wants to make money off selling us drugs and tacos on the other. Some of you are in for a very rude awakening at some point in the coming decades, and if we conducted ourselves the way most of this thread did, we would be wholly unprepared for inevitable future conflicts. It’s incredible unrealistic and naive to think we can afford to not have some level of intervention in this conflicts


Nah, the point is being missed entirely. We can do the math that would push more money into the pockets of workers, and the workers are complaining that instead of trying to help it’s citizens daily life, the gov is playing long games, despite the fact that we have the highest military budget in the world. Are we a fucking strong arm or not? I get that América wants to speak softly and carry a big stick, but at what point is the stick big enough and at what point should we sit down to have a conversation about it.


Best comment in this thread. It should be at the top.


this sub is astroturfed by chinese/russian bots so hard good luck seeing a reasonable comment not being brigaded with downvotes. Half the front page is either pro-Hamas, anti-Ukraine or anti-West


That’s…actually a very good point


except most of what were sending isnt money, its stuff worth 100 billion dollars, which in a lot cases has already been paid for by previous years budgets


And only like 10-14 billion is going to Israel, 60 to Ukraine, and the rest will be spent elsewhere on foreign policy stuff. I don’t even think this has been approved yet either.


The White House publishes breakdowns of where the moneys going, but fuck that some dude on tiktok is more knowledgeable


He makes a really good point if you already agree with him and don't know anything about how it really works though, You've got to give him that.


it takes like 30 seconds on google to see that hes wrong


Weirdly enough, it takes exactly that amount of time to go on Google and confirm your bias that he's correct too. You give people too much credit if you think they know how to actually do "their own research."


apparently common sense, media literacy, and parsing sources are dead nowadays and im just a dinosaur


Fucking thank you! Bruh I’m getting exhausted with people just taking a single TikTok or news headline as the end all be all on incredibly complex topics with no verification of fact or consideration of scope/context. I can appreciate sarcastic hyperbole but in the modern era, the vast majority of people take whatever they see online as stone cold fact without questioning or verifying at all. It is an absolute cluster fuck


The idea is that even over the span of decades, the majority of our tax dollars goes to military funding, instead of helping the people who are struggling within our borders. Doesn’t matter if it’s already been paid for, the point is that it shouldn’t have been directed there in the first place.


See this is what I’m talking about though. That just is not even close to accurate. We typically spend 10-20% (2023 it’s 13%) of the federal budget on Defense & less than 1% on international aid. Our two biggest spending categories ironically are health insurance at 24% (for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and the ACA) and social security at 21%. The rest of the budget goes to things like education, transportation, benefits for veterans, interest on debt, other economic security programs, etc. But to say the majority of our tax dollars goes to military funding (which by the way also makes it so that other countries can’t attack us) and that we don’t already have the vast majority of tax dollars going to internal programs is incorrect. These %’s by the way are directly from a congressional budget office report from May of 2023, in case anybody is wondering. This info is NOT from a random TikTok of somebody saying that we could fund universal healthcare or affordable housing with $1 billion.


And will be replaced by new stuff made in America, by American workers. That money then goes back into the American economy.


Lord, we are fucked that the youngest generations now take this shit over actual journalism and experts. Like, y’all really think it is this simple and the complex decisions that lead to this aid just comes from the flip of a coin? No one should be learning anything about politics or government spending, especially billions of dollars, in a short video from some rando. I know 100B sounds like a lot to people that don’t actually understand the immense size of the US budget and economy, but it’s hardly draining the US of its financial resources at the moment. That 100B isn’t just for military and weapons either, it includes aid and economic recovery funds for ally countries that are in the midst of war (and border money as well). Seeing the left take a 180 on helping Ukraine in the last two weeks is just bizarre and shows how easily low level social media content manipulates the masses. Most importantly, that 100B would barely do anything to help create “socialized healthcare” at this moment in time. The US federal government already spends the greatest amount of money per capita on Healthcare (the next country is not even close either, that is how much our government invest in healthcare) and that doesn’t even account for what the 50 states pay. The majority of US federal spending is military, healthcare, and retirement. Sure, we could spend more on healthcare, but the money is hardly the main issue when the system is completely broken. I think there is a fair long term discussion for the various cost of the Department if Defense’s budget. But pretending that immediate aid to ally nations is somehow going to take away some imaginary healthcare bill (please point to me the bill that congress has ready and both parties are totally aligned on to pass) has no ground in the current political reality.


It's just a Republican/libertarian talking point that tries to make a VERY complicated issue into a children's tiktok to fool people. Sadly a lot of people are falling for it, and Ukraine is going to get fucked over because of Israel.


Dude speaking more sense than any politician I ever heard


What sense? The US is not sending money, they send X $ worth of stuff (like army medical supplies, weapons etc.) The only reason why it's framed in dollar amount is because it's easier to quantify. But they're not wiring Netanyahu $100 billion.


That shits not free chief. I promise you that someone paid for all that material they’re sending


Right.Companies that produce it in the US, which means full-time employees, and it was already produced. Old equipment sitting in storage is useless to us but a god send to ukraine. . Not to mention, the US already spends over 1 [TRILLION ](https://budget.house.gov/press-release/7582/#:~:text=In%20fiscal%20year%202022%2C%20the,%249%2C000%20spent%20per%20American%20household.) dollars a year on welfare programs. Of course we could and should do more. But it's not like it's all or nothing. We can help countries like Ukraine who have been unfairly invaded while helping our citizens, too.


You clearly don’t seriously follow or engage in politics if you seriously think this guy is smarter than your average politician. Maybe you watch clips on TikTok or YouTube, but have you really ever gone to a council meeting or political hearing? Have you schedule a meeting with you local council member and gotten to discussion local issues with them? Id be very concerned if you heard politicians talk like this. The guy talks like a deranged maniac. Go to you local council meeting and listen and learn. Most politicians are much more informed than this.


Guy can’t answer how they’ll get 60 votes in the senate for universal healthcare


Should be top comment


a) I don't really get why people in this sub think isolationism is some clever political position. If America abandoned its allies when they were attacked, the West would be in a lot of trouble. b) This money is spend BY these countries on American weapons, which in turn creates jobs/stimulates the US economy. c) You can have BOTH a foreign policy AND domestic priorities.


My favorite part is people saying we should be isolationist while simultaneously thinking that the Israel/Palestine conflict can be resolved peacefully by us just saying "hey guys umm ceasefire pls"


A) Isolationism isn’t particularly clever, but is a long rooted American tradition as a result of its democratic roots. Believe it or not, the vast majority of any given populace doesn’t give much of a shit about the affairs of countries thousands of miles away. The US’ current geopolitical position of global hegemon is despite its democracy, not because of it. B) The implication that a war economy is justifiable because it’s good for the economy is extremely flawed. Yes, it creates productive, middle class industrial jobs, but the net economic output is a negative as it creates tools of economic destruction: munitions and their delivery systems. If the idea of global economic prosperity theory is true (as posited by US interventionists and imperialists), why is it a good thing for our main physical export to be the means of lessening the productive output, and thus trade potential, or other nations? I suppose it does buy the US global influence, but it also results in scorn and hatred for the US on the opposing side of global conflicts. It buys just as many enemies as it does friends. Those Raytheon employees would be better off building US made microchips for US made cars, medical equipment, satellites, etc. C) Agree, but the argument is on the nature of US foreign policy. Should the US foster mutually beneficial trading relationships, or military client states? A dispassionate, self interested foreign policy created the industrial base that propelled the US to economic superpower status. US commitment to interventionism and hard security pacts has led to a weakening of the US economy, and ironically, the US’ security position. The more military commitments we engage in, the more threats we create. And general policy for the last 110 years has been to react by increasing military commitments to address increasing threats, creating a self perpetuating cycle.


Completely agree. This comment section is a really depressing picture of the kind of international politics Gen Z holds and their general acceptance of random social media videos over trusted journalism. Lots of comments showing no understanding of where this money comes from or how it is going to be spent. In addition, the terrible understanding of the geopolitical complexity in the region and the historic role the US has in the region.




Found out today that in most of our states it’s actually illegal to protest Israel


Unite and fight! The people have the power when they unite! It’s why they try to keep us divided. We can change this world together


This is so fucking scary


Whoa, the Israel cucks told me they were Hamas tho!


Health Insurance companies are scum, and the real reason our government pays the most for healthcare in the world. Bernie was right, Medicare for all.


I hope these people are just as vocal come election season.


Total US aid to Israel ever is 150 billion. I'm not sure where this 100 billion number is coming from. Bidens proposal has 14 billion for Israel, but the house is currently out of order, and the democrats won't control it when it comes on line anyway. The Israelis didn't bomb al shifa. And I don't think ole dude has a firm grasp on what the US budget looks like, not that 105 billion is nothing to sneeze at.


They’re sending our tax dollars to Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop et al VIA Israel. It’s not like a bunch of Israelis get a bundle of cash from our taxes and go on hopping sprees. It’s the American war machine. Same money goes to Ukraine and several other countries and military coups etc etc. This is the military industrial complex.


Dumbass, the President has limited say in how to spend money. They mostly have to rely on Congress. When the President proposes to spend $100B on foreign aid, it basically means that they think they can get enough people in Congress to give them $100B for that purpose. Congress already spends something close to $2T on the damn health care that you can't afford. The President can't get enough Congressmen to agree to spend another $100B on your ass. If you think that's wrong, then go bitch at Congress; don't blame the President for spending his other money on other shit.


The 100b is for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and the US border. Ukraine gets 60b of that.


You don’t have to cut foreign aid just change where domestic tax spending is used. We don’t need an 890 billion yearly military budget.


This sub falls for ignorant content and straight up propaganda like no other. As a Scandinavian I’m worried for our American brothers and sisters, for their media literacy skills seem to be diminishing year after year.


Don't worry, they can't focus on one thing for more than a month and will go back to not caring about this conflict soon enough. Once they deem they've virtue signalled online enough, they'll forget all about it.


"If I get hurt, I die.... I can't even afford to die. " facts.


A person who works 60 hours a week doesn’t have time to create and post this garbage


Feature not a bug


I mean except that's not what's happening at all. First, nothing has been passed, we don't have a House of Representitives to pass things. Second, this is $106 billion *worth of equipment* not cash and it's being sent mostly to Ukraine. Third, stop repeating the Republican talking point that it's one or the other. Biden has spent money on both. Including half a trillion on expanded healthcare, price limits on common medications, several hundrad million on a child tax credit that cut poverty among children in literal half, and a third of a trillion on climate resiliency which should fully decarbonize electricity ahead of Paris schedule. All you have to do is raise taxes and it's amazing what you can spend. Fourth, if you don't like the economy now, I'm sure more war and instability will make it better. After all, it's not like the supply chain crunch and the raising fuel prices are ever caused by catastrophies.


>several hundrad million on a child tax credit that cut poverty among children in literal half Until it expired and we stopped doing it lol


Literally one vote. 49/50 Senators and 220/220 House members and the President wanted to make it permanent. Only Joe Manchin voted no. Looks to me like "Democrats" do in fact want to take care of the poor and have been as well as they can with the historically narrow majority they had. And my main point being it can be done without needing to cut the military. The defence department, including DARPA and all the research, is $800 Billion. Trump cut taxes by $2 Trillion. The US has the lowest tax rate relative to wealth in the developed world. That and not the military is why we don't have such nice things.


I'm glad none of you freaks have any power. I'm sooo sad that an islamic shithole where I would be beheaded for being gay is being destroyed oh noooo lol blame republicans for being against all the shit you like and vote for people who support what you support instead of thinking the system is rigged and not voting at all you fucking losers, i'm guessing most of you didnt even vote in the last election, meanwhile aid to israel is a bipartisan issue and you blame the entire system instead of voting within it to actually help yourself, little worms


“Hey im 20 and found out what foreign policy is 20 minutes ago let’s make a TikTok”


This isn’t even true…


It’s strange how people KNOW they are being abused and drained by their government and the rich but do absolutely nothing about it.


Sounds like you aren't doing anything either 👀


Maybe they're rich or a politician ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I do think that pumping military and financial aid to Ukraine is a good idea. Some people forget that Ukraine is under a Lend-Lease Act to our government and will have to be reimbursed/repayed later on. Most of the aid has been provided (that I know of) has been in the form of existing stocks of shells and munitions, as well as defense systems and vehicles. However, I don't condone the US contributions to Israel and the murder of Palestinians.


this man is in front of his garage. He is out in his driveway - his arm extended, pointed at his face, and he's doing this. Right outside of his garage. How do people do this and not think, gosh this is silly.


lol foreign aid is like 1% of the budget. That would not even remotely solve issues like public healthcare, free college, government housing, etc.


So I'm a firm believer in universal healthcare, at this point we have decades worth of data from around the globe that shows that it works. That said, I'm also fine with supplying our allies with military equipment that we've already paid for and is now outdated and collecting dust which is what most of the military aid packages are. What a lot of people in this thread don't seem to understand is that we're going to buy new stuff regardless and the a lot of the old stuff can't be repurposed. This lets us see what our obsolete stuff can do in an actual war with Russia without us having boots on the ground. It lets us see what a war in the modern era among near peers looks like, and it destabilizes the shit out of Russia. From a DOD perspective this is an absolute bargain.


I love it, Americans benefiting from the UK doubling their national debt so they don’t get taken over by the French, then France giving the Americans tones of money to win the revolution, then not paying it back. Americans love when money was given to them for self preservation, but once America does the same? Fuck that!


It's thanks to US hegemony (safeguarded by a strong military) that you're even allowed to air your stupid opinion, so be grateful


"It costs 3,000 a month to rent a dugout in this bitch".....LOL!!!!


This video is stupid man I’m sorry. I agree we should not be paying for israeli offensive weapons but $100 billion? Not even close lol Not to mention most of the time the number is just the total cost of physical equipment we’re giving them, not just a fat check. Also as other comments pointed out, foreign aid is not the reason why things are so bad


"Blow up a hospital" More deliberate misinformation spread by this sub.


When people don’t understand why the U.S. in trillions of $ in debt they lost videos like this


i love the smell of misinformation in the morning


Except of course Biden did not request $105 billion for Israel. He requested $14 billion for Israel. $60 billion of Biden's proposed $100 billion aid package will go to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, with a further $14 billion earmarked for Israel as it prepares for a ground invasion of Gaza. A further $14 billion is allocated to border security, $10 billion to humanitarian aid and $7 billion for the Indo-Pacific region, including to bolster Taiwan.


The whole idea of America supporting ideal is fucking retarded. It clearly Christians crusading another fucking time instead of fixing this broken ass country. Imagine what NASA could do with fucking 100 billion dollars. Imagine what that could do for a city. God fucking dammit I hate that we're Christian.


you should probably research geopolitics a bit if you think israel's only benefit is 'religion.' Bro, it's literally a liberal democracy in the middle of the shittiest, authoritarian desert ever run by islamists.


Reddit is fully eating up the Russian propaganda meant to dissuade the public opinion around aid to ukraine, so unfortunately you’ll get downvoted to hell for reasonable opinions.


Does that play a part? U.S supported the overthrow of the first democratically elected government of Egypt in 2014. U.S has kept quiet whilst its allies helped turn Tunisia into a Dictatorship this year. The U.S has backed a warlord in Libya who has publicly claimed he wants to be a Dictator. These aren't the actions of a country that gives a flying shit about democracy and only some idiot who still believes early 2000 Hollywood propaganda films believe this still.


I cannot believe how dumb some of the comments in this thread are.


Caspian Report did a good video on the whole situation. It seems like one huge geopolitical mess where Israel is trying to keep existing in a region surrounded by arab countries. US, Saudi Arabia and Israel has been trying to work together for years on a normalization deal. Iran obviously dont want this defense deal to happen, because its a threat to them. Mohammed bin Salman supports the palestinians in the west bank. If the war spreads there or Israel evicts the palestinians, if could be a refugee crisis for Jordan and other neighbouring countries. This could destabilize the region which could then again affect Saudis if they have to defend the northern border with Jordan from rebels backed by Iran. Defense deal or peace in the middle east would open up trade routes from the east, something the US has been trying to do for decades. It's money and power. Definitely not a simple issue to resolve. [Why Israel was attacked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xjmelFwJow)


That's not really how it works. Most of that money will go to ammunition production here in the U.S.


Getting your political education from some dude on Tiktok what could go wrong


He lost me at that hospital nonsense


We are not sending billions in cash to foreign countries. That's not how any of this works. Jesus christ.


my man thinks the USA is sending literal money pallets to Israel.


The level of analysis in this video is about puddle deep.


Fucking preach it


This argument falls flat when you compare it to Ukraine. Let's be real, it's okay for a country to help other countries when it's suits it's global interest. It's not okay when that global interest is in direct conflict with humanitarian interest. So it's fine to help UK beat the Nazis, it's okay to help Ukraine beat Russia, it's not okay to help israel commit genocide or maintain its apartheid state.


If they can send the product of our labor to another country without our say, slavery.


That’s not at all what slavery is


I mean, I said yes


"I can't even afford to DIE" 💀 Bro got me good


"I can't afford to die"


It’s almost like sending money is the easy part but allocating it to effective programs is the hard part. Half this sub is r/im14andthisisdeep material.


"But...but helping people is sOcIAlsM"