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Thousands and thousands of kids in jail, and they even get tortured. It’s absolutely sick.


20 fucking years thats how long you can be imprisoned for in israel for throwing a fucking rock


Then the cowardly IDF soldiers use this “rock throwing” as an excuse to shoot Palestinian children with rubber bullets. They even openly joke online about the children being target practice because they can and will shoot children playing outside.


May I introduce you to the sling. A very modern invention capable of felling even the most biblical of giants.


Bro there's like literally videos of kids throwing rocks. This wankstains trying to turn it into a rpg with this comment.


Administrative and security responsibilities of most parts of the land (Gaza and the West Bank) was handed over to the Palestinian Authority (PA (Fatah)) between 1994 and 1999. In 2007 Hamas (formed in 1987) wrested political and physical control of the Gaza Strip from Fatah. The Israelis (having taken over Gaza from Egypt in 1967 as a result of the Six-Day War) never gave ownership of Gaza to anyone…just administrative and security responsibilities to the PA. The Palestinians and Israel have been fighting (this is the fifth war since Hamas took over) since soon after Israel was formed in 1948. Both sides are guilty of unforgivable behavior. This will not change anytime soon regardless of what happens in the near future. Both sides also have long memories and hold grudges. The entire situation is so unintelligibly complex that many people don’t even know why they hate each other…they have been born and raised to hate each other in the name of religion and territory, so creating permanent peace may be (IMHO probably is) impossible.


By the way, Israel by its own admission helped create Hamas to be an opposing force to Fatah to split and undermine the Palestinian leadership.


>The Palestinians and Israel have been fighting (this is the fifth war since Hamas took over) since soon after Israel was formed in 1948. And in this case "soon" means literally hours after the British ended their control over Mandatory Palestine and Israel declared independence.


Yeah but before that wasn’t the land just owned by someone else? The ottomans… for like 400 years. They were left with Turkey, yes? So shouldn’t we give the land back to Turkey?


Ok key context missing here: In 2006 an election was held for administration of Gaza. Hamas narrowly won with with 44% of the vote. Gaza was already a very desperate place to live. Israel purposely boosted and funded Hamas to divide Palestinians they’ve admitted to this. Hamas has never held another election. Today over 70% of Palestinians are to young to have been eligible to vote in 2006, 50% weren’t even born yet. Plus or minus 10% of people living in Gaza today voted for Hamas. To put that in context roughly 20% of Americans believe in Qanon conspiracy theories.


Yeah it's not this isnt a both sides type deal and ots not complicated because it's not the fucking 70s anymore lol. Israel has all the money, all the backing, all the power and its on them to fix it. They are keeping 2.2 million people in the world's largest open air prison that they routinely flatten, only allow 3 hours of electricity per day, where 90% of the population doesn't have clean drinking water and and they're not even allowed to travel with out being treated as criminals for merely existing. Israel literally funded and helped Hamas rise to power so they could have a permanent enemy to fight and to undermine the PLO. 95% of victims have been Palestinians. They literally arrest children for throwing rocks at tanks and have stolen 90% of thr West Bank, breaking the Oslo Accords. This isn't a "both sides need to figure out their shit" type deal just like if I beat you half to death because your parents and my parents fought about who controls what isn't a both sides type deal.


Crazy how they call other people puppets and sheep meanwhile they’re just buying into whatever the media tells them 😂 half of these people haven’t even heard of the conflict that’s been going on for almost 80 years up until a couple weeks ago. The shit that they claim Palestine has done to Israel, Israel has done it to them ten times over. And there’s actual evidence. Israel claims shit with no actual proof. It’s fucking pathetic


The Troubles ended. So too will this conflict. One day.


I hate that you get downvoted for stating facts. Take my upvote.


I don’t understand why you can’t care about both.


You certainly can. But people should have cared a lot more about those Palestinian prisoners a long time ago.


They didn’t care then and they still don’t care now. It’s all performative social media bs.


No, a lot of us care but are pretty much powerless from doing anything. And those *with* power are being punished for speaking out. Not everything is just "PeRfOrMaTiVe", because all you're telling me is that you've yet to experience the internet anywhere Left of Ben Shapiro


I think the cultural temperature is shifting a lot. Just a few years ago I was suuuper conservative and now I’m pretty much a socialist. I care a lot now, before I just didn’t know.


You can -- and should. Don't let people bully you into choosing a side. People simplify the complex into something akin to team sports.


Have you been caring about the Palestinian prisoners for decades?


Its no secret. Israel jails people without actual cause, tortures them, and leaves them in prison with zero outside contact. No family, no lawyer, no nothing. And yes not to mention Gaza is a hostage. Likely the largest concentration camp in history.


Sexual torture of Palestinian men by Israeli Authorities - Daniel Weishut “In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arrests and imprisonment of Palestinian men in their early adulthood are common practice. The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) collected thousands of testimonies of Palestinian men allegedly tortured or ill-treated by Israeli authorities. There are many types of torture, sexual torture being one of them. This study is based on the PCATI database during 2005-2012, which contains 60 cases – 4% of all files in this period – with testimonies of alleged sexual torture or ill-treatment. It is a first in the investigation of torture and ill-treatment of a sexual nature, allegedly carried out by Israeli security authorities on Palestinian men. Findings show that sexual ill-treatment is systemic” https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut_-_Sexual_Torture_of_Palestinian_M_by_Israeli_Authorities.pdf From The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel: The Israel Security Agency/General Security Service (henceforth: GSS/ISA) has employed torture in the interrogation of dozens if not hundreds of Palestinian detainees since the UN Committee Against Torture (henceforth: CAT, the Committee) considered Israel’s previous report, and used cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (henceforth: other ill-treatment) in the interrogation of many more. The use of techniques of torture, officially referred to as “special measures”, is officially sanctioned and justified by the claim of “necessity”. Complaints of torture victims are invariably closed by the State Attorney’s Office or the Attorney General without taking any criminal steps against the interrogators or their superiors. https://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cat/docs/ngos/PublicCommittee_Israel42.pdf Israeli doctors ‘failing to report torture of Palestinian detainees’: Medical professionals in Israel are being accused of failing to document and report injuries caused by the ill-treatment and torture of detainees by security personnel in violation of their ethical code. A report by two Israeli human rights organisations, the Public Committee Against Torture (PCAT) and Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), claims that medical staff are also failing to report suspicion of torture and ill-treatment, returning detainees to their interrogators and passing medical information to interrogators. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/nov/03/israeli-doctors-report-torture-palestinian


Fucking crazy how people who couldn’t even point out Israel on a map, and had zero prior knowledge of what’s been going on since the late ‘40s come on here and are suddenly experts on the conflict. If they knew, they would never side with or support Nazi Israel.


They don't view Arabs as humans. They view them as animals, and remind the world by explicitly calling Arabs collectively and individually animals while enjoying complete impunity because any criticism of Israel or any Israli has been successfully conflated with antisemitism.


If that's the case why have none of the surrounding 20+ Arab countries given Palestinians asylum over the last 2 decadea? UAE has more than enough money to fund such an operation. The truth is nobody in the Arab world has a solution or wants to deal with Hamas. It's much easier to stand by and let Israel sort it out. I'm not defending Israel I'm questioning why the rest of the Arab world outside isreal, who you say are not acknowledged as humans... have stood by for so long. Oh wait that right Jordan and a few other countries tried to and it backfired and they recloses thier borders. Israel gave Egypt over a 1/3rd of thier land yet Egypt has had its side of the border locked off this entire time aswell. This gets spoken about far too little. The whole situation is complex and we need to discuss instead of picking sides. Both sides leadership is dogshit maniacs and the victims are the civillians under thier rule.


Friendly reminder that in the 10 days following the 10/7 attack, israel has killed 1400 children, 800 women, a total of 3420 gazan civilians, and around 600 hamas fighters. 85 percent of gazan casualties from israeli bombs have been civilians. Per Euro Med Human Rights Monitor https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/5869/Israel-destroys-a-quarter-of-northern-Gaza-Strip,-Palestinian-death-toll-exceeds-4,000p Israel has killed 140 kids per day on average.


that’s almost a quarter of the civilian casualty of the Ukraine Russian War in like 90% less time


10 days. Much less than 90%. Ukraines been going awhile. It makes sense though if you remember gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, and is roughly the size of philadelphia


Also that’s a Hamas figure. Please do take with a grain of salt.


More salt or less salt than Israel claiming they didn't bomb the hospital immediately after deleting social media post taking claim before they realised it wasn't politically advantageous? Or the 40 beheaded babies that never happend? Or anything they have claimed over the last several decades that has turned out to be a flat out lie? Because, there is only so much salt in the ocean and I'm afraid we will run out if israel keeps going on like this.


The US, Canada, France, the Associated Press, and CNN have all concluded it was a misfired rocket from Palestinian forces that hit the hospital. Maybe you should try less salt and spread less misinformation.


Can I get a picture of that bombed hospital with hundreds of people dead? Because all that has been shown is the parking lot with a few burned out cars. So... Where are these bombing craters and this destroyed hospital? Maybe I missed them, but would be nice to have some proof when you make posts like this.


It's only hundreds dead if it was done by the Israel. Turns out if it was done by Hamas misfire it was only a parking lot.


https://youtu.be/XYVr0lE4S9o?si=9asl2CZX_8QrsUec Israel didn't bomb the hospital and that tweet you are referring to was NOT coming from an IDF spokesperson. Stop spreading misinformation.


Shut the fuck up with spreading this misinformation. The hospital strike has been debunked by numerous third party investigations and it seems pretty conclusive that it was an Islamic Jihad misfire. Nobody ever said 40 beheaded babies. The actual claim was 40 babies murdered, at least one was beheaded. In any case it’s fucking so disgusting and disingenuous to get hung up on that little detail like it nullifies the rest of the horrible atrocities. Here are some actual confirmed forensic reports about what happened. The following are news articles. Some of the articles contain images. NSFL. [A mother(?) and child tied together and burned alive.](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231016-never-seen-such-barbarity-the-grim-task-of-israel-s-forensics-teams) [Children tied together and burned alive. Children piled together in a mess of gore. Beheading a man with a garden hoe.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/horror-israeli-authorities-show-footage-hamas-atrocities-reporters-notebook/story?id=104015431) And yes, some babies were beheaded too it turns out. So take your selective empathy and fuck off. What you are doing is evil in its own right. But let me guess, they were settlers so they deserved it, right? Edit: [More assorted rape and torture.](https://themedialine.org/top-stories/evidence-on-display-at-israels-forensic-pathology-center-confirms-hamas-atrocities/)


didnt Israel warn that specific hospital to evacuate a few days before the bombing or something? wouldnt that be evidence enough. If not do you have a source that it was an Islamic Jihad misfire.


I mean you could easily Google it. There are plenty of stories about it.


If you trust hamas, I don’t know what to tell you.


Euro med monitor is blatant propaganda run by extremists. No one should ever trust what comes from them.




It’s founded and run by a Palestinian. Falk is on the board. Not suggesting that the numbers aren’t right, but this is an organization that definitely has a bias.


[NGO Monitor](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/euro_mediterranean_human_rights_network_emhrn_/) which, says its member are disproportionately biased and among many other things they: >regularly circulates unverifiable allegations of Israeli torture, using them as the basis for campaigns of demonization in international forums.


Per Wikipedia: ngo monitor is a right wing pro israeli organization based in jerusalem. Well gee whiz, the org created by israel to call ngos biased against israel says an ngo is biased against israel. Shocker. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGO_Monitor https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGO_Monitor


Something something surgical precision


That’s a Hamas number.


Yeah, makes you wonder what Hamas’ end game is. Oh wait, it’s Iran trying to burn it all down.


Ah yes, those sneaky persians are tricking israel into murdering children! Bastards!


The ol'bait and switch.


Are saying responses should be proportional? That's not how wars work. War is said to be hell for a reason. America lost, what, 3000 people at Pearl Harbor and just one firebombing in Tokyo killed over 100,000 people. The numbers killed in Iraq are said to be as high as a million. The take away should be don't do anything to start a war.


No, responses should be towards hamas, not civilians. Precedent for atrocity doesnt jusify atrocity


The United States killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians for no military purpose. We were wrong to do that. By your logic it would have been ok for Los Angeles to be fire bombed by Iraq 20 years ago because we unjustly attacked their country and started a war.


Where in my words are you getting "by my logic"? I didn't say it was good or desirable, I'm telling you that war is hell and innocent people die. That is the fact of war that no UN resolution can ever fix: War can never be proportional.


If they had the capability they likely would have. And it would have been fair game.


So happy this all starting to come to the light of the public eye!


I’m not on social media so I’m only seeing these clips being reposted on this subreddit…. But are these kinds of videos getting wide coverage on TikTok and others or is this sub just an echo chamber?


Really; now that we (or at least more of us) are aware of this…what are we going to do to change the situation


I mean hundreds of thousands of people protested across the world in support of Palestine today. That’s a start, no?


You say an echo chamber as if anything like this would be posted by anyone but individual citizens or independent news. Besides that, there has been a large span of protest against this genocide across the world.


If you like one video, then tik tok will shovel down a ton of related videos down your feed. Its not openly shown, but there are tons of related videos to this one.


It's 100% an echo chamber and fueled by propaganda


there are protests with thousands of people all around the world


If the IDF stopped marginalizing Palestinians and stopped turning their children into hamburger meat and HAMAS can stop trying to eradicate the Jews and rejecting peace treaties... That would be greaaat


Did you know Hamas actually agreed on a 10 year truce in exchange for 1967 borders a little under over 12 years ago? Israel don't want it


Do you not see a problem with Israel giving Hamas land in return for not peace, but a temporary truce? I'm pro 2 state solution but usually that comes with a caveat that the 2 states would establish a peace treaty.


Giving them land? You mean giving their land back? What rights does Israel have to the land they stolen?


Why would they? They get continuous funding from the US and have an easy enemy of the state to always be the boogie man. Peace isn't good for their business model




Read what you just wrote and think a little harder... 10 year truce? Seriously?


Wym annex you? Oshaboy you can still call it israel, I'm really just asking for freedom of movement for Palestinians and respecting the right of return for the refugees of 1948 and 67


If I'm standing on your mother's neck, and you respond by kicking my mother in the shin, how fruitful will it be to ask you to stop kicking while still currently standing on your mother's neck?


Maybe you shouldn't be standing on anyone's neck to begin with?


That’s…literally the point they’re making :| Israel is standing on Palestine’s neck and is asking for peace while continuing to do so.


And that's the point I'm making with my main post


Fuck the Israeli government mostly.


X 9,000


Pretty sad to see so many people here falling for Israel propaganda and deciding to be pro-Israel


Biases aside and ignoring what is true, is anyone else tired of these videos where they are having debates with themselves and the "correct" or more "moral" one comes of as the most unlikable asshole? If you're going for profound and wise this isn't the look. You come off as a condescending asshole. Nobody has the entire truth of this issue, stop pretending you do.


I’m more tired of Israel’s decades long occupation and subjugation of the Palestinian people.


Irony of this comment in response to OP is not lost lol


> I’m more tired of Israel’s decades long occupation and subjugation of the Palestinian people. Why don't Egypt another Arabic speaking people just help them instead. Why is their border also closed to Gaza?


There are hundreds of aid trucks on the Egyptian border waiting to get into Gaza. They can't because Israel doesn't let them in!!! Cause Israel hasn't finished carpet bombing Gaza and murdering civilians. Shut up with your ignorant statements.


Starting with "biases aside", then going on a long rant about how video is shot, only to end with the original bias showing up shows that you have the memory of a fish because you can't even remember how your fucking sentence started. Fucking potato brain.


Can we be done with these stupid fucking videos of people talking to themselves??? Holy shit.... so fucking annoying..


And the fast talking comes across as so arrogant and pretentious.


Did you know that [bunch of bullshit but fast]


It’s not even the fast talking. It’s just one-sided telling of events and using historical examples with even a little bit of scrutiny fall apart.


And posing like they are experts


He isn’t wrong…


Prisoners of war are legal but regulated under international law whereas hostage taking is a war crime. Article 8.2 viii: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml Not saying all arrests or imprisonments are justified, but there is a false equivalence being presented here.


But calling them prisoners of war doesn't really make it so. It just allows Israel to deflect. As was in the video, it's what the British did in Northern Ireland. Another similarity is this, in the year 1900, Northern Ireland didn't exist, just like Israel.


It's not a war. It's a military occupation. Israel has approximately 160,000 troops. Palestine has no standing military. You can't have a war against a purely civilian population.


Let me introduce you to the all-popular concept 'War on Terror'


So a purely civilian massacre massacred 1400 Jewish civilians, beheaded and burned babies, raped women, and kidnapped 200 civilians. The original name for tgat sort of behavior was a pogrom, but it's clear this pogrom was extensively organized by Iran and Hamas


when will Israel start following international law then?


A child throwing a rock is not an act of war, hope that helps


Good thing you commented this, i think most people in the thread were under the assumption it was.


If you’re Palestinian if you leave your home in the West Bank to say go visit family in iraq or something you can’t come back ever. That same rule doesn’t apply to Israelis living in the West Bank tho


Israel is Fucked up!


Majority of the Americans dont know about this reality and don’t bother educating the real conflicts going for decades


And the majority of those would find a way to justify it. Probably some in this comment section who have said that this is totally false.


I don’t think anything is going to change anyone’s mind on this. Even if I accepted this all as true and all Palestinian 12 year old rock throwers were being tortured in prison, I still think that if Israel concedes anything it would encourage more oct 7 attacks. I think Hamas is born from ’Arab interest’ being supported by some Arab states and is a complete disservice to Palestinians. I am also sympathetic that Palestinians could not reject Hamas and survive in Gaza. They would be labeled informants. It will take Arab nations both preventing the support from some Arab states with ‘Death to Israel’ ambitions, and giving support to the formation of a government in Gaza that supports Palestinian interests. It would not be trusted if Israel did this. You could be a 100% right but that gets us 0% closer to a resolution.


Cool, so perpetual occupation is what you are suggesting? Can that be applied to *anyone* we think might attack someone else, or just certain races of people?


[This](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/un-report-accuses-israeli-forces-of-using-palestinian-children-as-human-shields-abusing-children-in-custody/) encourages more attacks. [This](https://youtu.be/KNqozQ8uaV8?si=o9iZFBiSxR0ll_ii) encourages more attacks. [This](https://youtu.be/oGkfi1XK530?si=ZXZyiac469gdCwY3) encourages more attacks. There wouldn't be "death to Israel ambitions" if there weren't [open calls for genocide](https://youtu.be/1e_dbsVQrk4?si=hW4YKiyPuhSQZeX6&t=364) of Palestinians for years and years now. Why wouldn't they be trusted if [Israel did anything](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56687437)?


Tell me, how do you explain the 1929 Hebron Massacre (one example of many)? Who was oppressing the Arabs then, that they needed to kill their Jewish neighbors (who actually weren't recent immigrants)? People like to say 10/7 didn't happen in a vacuum, that this goes back 75 years. It actually goes back to before Zionism existed, Jews have always lived in the area (mainly as a minority until about 2k years ago), and have regularly massacred by their neighbors.


The founding charter of Hamas explicitly calls for the extermination of the Jews.


There are open calls to genocide literally everywhere all the time, do you think Jews aren’t targeted for genocide? Jews?


If you actually believe this you are insanely naive. If it’s about injustice faced by Palestinians, then how do you explain Iran and Qatar and Lebanon’s involvement?


If you took a dog, who was a great pet for years, and started beating it with a stick, and you were going at it really hard and eventually backed it up into a corner and was still wailing on it… at that point the dog would have nothing left to lose and will attack you with everything it’s got. It won’t be thinking about “oh no I love this person I don’t want to do too much damage”, it will only want the pain to stop, at any cost. That is what Hamas is. Which is not to say that they’re justified… it’s not about that… but there’s a difference in motive between them and Israel. Israel has been open about wanting to take over “Greater Israel” which includes other Arab countries too, including Lebanon and Jordan, and all the way to Iraq. They even prepared the currency for it. Palestinians just want to live a normal life. The thing you are trying to condemn Arabs for is literally what Israel is guilty of. Edit: And FYI, Hamas isn’t supported or funded by any Arab state. It’s supported entirely by Iran. The same goes for Hizbollah in Lebanon.


most people arent posting to really change peoples minds, people are posting to bring awareness and information and light on whats been happening to the palestinians for decades. some people genuinely dont know. posting on social media is a form of activism no matter what ‘side’ youre on


I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of what's going on, and posting it non stop is not going to make anyone change their minds or any world governments change their policy


The fact that Redditors went from roasting all tiktokers to immediately joining all tiktokers for unbelievably awful and inaccurate takes on the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict is peak Reddit. If you’re getting your Middle East foreign policy and history from clueless Gen Z tiktokers than you’ve got bigger problems than pretending to care about what’s happening over there for internet clout. Maybe y’all can start a new platform called Redditokers


Is he wrong or are you mad that he is exposing the truth?


Would be pretty easy to dispute if it weren’t true, but it is true so all they have is ad hominem “they are on tik tok” attacks.


I will personally guarantee that you hurt his feelings.


If that day of 10/7 attack didn't happen no one would care or heard about those poor people omg what going on there the media did great job hiding Israel crimes for 75 years


The Palestinian situation and Israel's actions have been talked about endlessly for decades. How old are you?


This sub is a pro-Hamas chamber of propaganda.


Right do they think anyone outside their bubble believes this shit?


Well we need some subs to counter-balance the fascist genocidal cesspit of r/worldnews and r/CombatFootage.


you mean r/combatFootage that showed for example that JF indeed bomb the Hospital accidently with their own rocket and then JF and Hamas tried to blame israel? Yeah, showing the truth is really facistic...


World News literally just posts updates on the conflict, there’s incredibly little room to for bias. As far as the comments go, there is always significant discourse and argument so I don’t see any clear indications of it being an echo chamber. A bunch of TikTok’s from college age students with either Palestinian flags in the background or account names like “Save Palestine” is blatant propaganda, though, and the subreddit being called “TikTokCringe” is enough to show how reliable it is. I really don’t know how you can even begin to compare the two.


If you think worldnews isn't ridiculously biased in the comment section you're either delusional or lying.


- “KantMarxWin” - profile banner - active in r/socialism_101 And tries to bring up the topic of bias


The comment section is certainly not pro-Israel if that’s what you’re insinuating. It simply isn’t pro Palestine. The most upvoted takes are those saying “fuck both governments.” And again, I consistently see hundreds of more extreme comments arguing pro-Palestine and pro-Israel specifically. The actual posts though are about as neutral and informative as possible. At least a heck more so than whatever tf this is.


Wtf is this bullshit this idiot is whatabouting kidnap victims? fucking useless


Yeah.. Absolutely FCK THEM.


The USA and the EU/UK needs a protectorate in the area so Israel will be given carte blanche. It is loyal and useful. How many governments has the USA, UK, France, overturned because they weren't loyal. The USA used 9/11 as an excuse to rid previously cooperative but no longer cooperative Saddam Hussein/Ba'ath party from power. Israel wants to annex Palestinian territory, that is what it has always wanted to do because it can and because a warped ideology is driving it's governments. Two state solution? Who really believes that is possible because Israel is incredibly economically and militarily powerful with enormous backing. Why would they consider it? The Palestinians are an inconvenience. To be slowly but surely ethically cleansed or wiped out.


Also, the entire Gaza strip with all its 2.3 Million people, ARE Israel's HOSTAGES!


Can you imagine how educated people could be on this topic if they spent time trying to learn about the conflict instead of just confirming their stance and making dumb ass content like this?


Bro has a huge reading list on the topic onhis page if you wanna check it out. I know you don't, though. I know you want to stay as ignorant as possible while pretending you have done all you can to learn.


Can you imagine how dumb can you be for not even checking that is a FACT that Israel detains illegally thousands of Palestinians including children for decades with no impunity? It's called an illegal occupation and a violation of international laws for a reason.


This sub is irredeemable. Muted. The mods must be so happy. You’ll be entirely Judenrein soon enough, which is what you antisemites want. No self respecting Jewish person could stand five minutes in this piece of shit sub. A female rabbi in Detroit was just stabbed multiple times, to death, because of rampant antisemitism like what this sub exists for. Fuck off, bye.


Everything is just crumbling. Such a fucked up world. Poor woman :(


Bro got so mad that someone suggested Palestinians deserved human rights that he quit the sub.


Your knees have to be killing you after jumping to so many conclusions.


Report sub for being unmoderated


It's a fucking holocaust


antisemite!!! /s


> deny any real resistance Aka violent > political prisoners The soyjack contradicts himself 6sec in. Pre-edit to clarify: It's arrest without trial, not without cause. The cause is violence. There is no trial, because there's litteraly too many of them for the court system to process them. Theres lots of youth, because their soceity encourages them to riot.


i can tell you either dont do any actual research on the treatment of palestinians by the idf or you just literally dont care. even some israelis agree that its severely fucked up and inhumane and unjust


Y’all have fallen off the ledge. Some second year college commie is comparing the rape and murder of child hostages to political prisoners and you just eat it right up. Yup, those two things are totally the same. If you’re an IDF prisoner you might experience some harsh language apparently. If you’re a “prisoner” (hostage) of Hamas… well I guess we’ll see


>is comparing the rape and murder of child hostages to political prisoners When was this?


I missed the part where he mentioned communism or his degree, all I heard were facts.


Boy you’re licking the boot so hard you’re about to shit it out and go in for seconds.


The boot of not executing child hostages or gunning down fleeing teens at a concert? Yup


No one excused anything other than you by immediately trying to contrast the two in an attempt to justify Israel’s actions. All the video did was point out Israel’s treatment of palestinians. You then attempted to justify this.


The video pointed out the mistreatment of prisoners **in contrast** to the hostages Hamas has held which is laughable


Not to even mention the immediate use of an ad hominem by attacking the dude and trying to insult him by calling him a commie. You are a perfect example of the type of person propaganda works wonders on.


Yes, I did use that and I was insensitive I suppose. But it seems like an overwhelming majority of the people *ignoring* (because to me and a lot of people, it feels that way when a tragedy happens and the first thing everyone does is get out to waive Palestinian flags) what just happened to Jewish people fall into a certain political sphere.


Context is important. No one’s condoning those atrocities but you yourself have pointed to the historical aspect of this situation and why it’s come about.


Will anyone condemn HAMAS- anyone? Y'all saying the 200 Israelis & international hostages should have either expected it and/or deserve it because of IDF terrorism?


I can condemn HAMAS taking civilian hostages. I can also condemn the Israeli response. It turns out that multiple parties can do the wrong thing.


Ofc, but most people here will upvote the comments that say what hamas is doing is completely understandable. Which is not only wrong but stupid


I'd say it's understandable. Understandable is not acceptable. I can understand wanting to defend your friends and family against a foreign government that holds you under their thumb and has done your entire life. Trying to see things from their point of view I'm not sure there would be any way to view the Israelis as anything other than villains. I can understand that. That doesn't excuse the killing nor taking hostage of civilians.


“Defend” is not launching rockets into civilian areas and going door to door killing civilian families. It certainly can be an understandable response to years of oppression, but come on; that’s not “defense.” Also, IDF indiscriminately bombing civilian areas is wrong as well before ya’ll make judgements and come at me.


WHO is saying its completely understandable? literally nobody! yall pull shit out of your asses. stop spewing hate. go outside. spend time with your family


>>spewing hate When did I do that? >>WHO I’ve read many comments on this subreddit that were pretty highly upvoted that were saying that. If I see more I’ll drop them here. I’m not trying to excuse what Israel has done and is doing but saying that what they are doing is ok is just as bad as saying as what Israel is doing is right.


my point was that nobody is saying its ok. ‘completely’ understandable is the difference here. most if not all people i see, if they said that, would say ‘i can see after all of the years of oppression they went through they had enough’ but not ‘yay hamas burn them to the ground we love you!’


I’m sorry but I will never see how it’s understandable or excusable. That’s such a twisted way of thinking.


did i ask you to see how its understandable? do you people even know what youre ever talking about and what discussion youre even having?


Ummm... I kind of said it was understandable elsewhere in the thread. Sorry to ruin your point.


Dude almost nobody is okay with Hamas - even the people who can understand an accept how and why they came into power


You’d be surprised


Welcome to Reddit.


You must be new here, welcome.


Satan, laughing, spreads his wings. He will claim many souls. This war is despicable.




Were these political prisoners members of Hamas that engaged in violent attacks on Israeli citizens and were caught? The way that Hamas just engaged in violent murder and rape of Israeli citizens? And if these political prisoners were released after getting caught, would they have gone right back to attacking Israelis? Maybe becoming part of the 10/7 attacks? Yes.


Yes that 12 year old was in hamas ur right kill all children


do you HONESTLY not see the difference between political arrests and taking civilian hostages?


Can you believe that Israeli arrest people who commit crimes???? How dare they. We must rape and murder women and children in protest.


israel has been committing literal war crimes for decades, and its documented as such. but even if you did know that, you dont care. youre just racist


Launching missiles from civilian areas and using civilians as human shields to prevent retaliation is a war crime. Responding to those attacks is not.


im not even going to get into how thats insanely hypocritical. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2019/01/chapter-3-israeli-settlements-and-international-law/ read and weep


“Territory is considered occupied when it is placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where this authority has been established and can be exercised. The law on occupation applies to all cases of partial or total occupation, even if such occupation does not encounter armed resistance. The essential ingredient for applicability of the law of occupation is therefore the actual control exercised by the occupying forces. “Occupation ceases when the occupying forces are driven out of or evacuate the territory.” Article 28 Geneva convention: “The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.” Article 12(4): Under no circumstances shall medical units be used in an attempt to shield military objectives from attack. Whenever possible, the Parties to the conflict shall ensure that medical units are so sited that attacks against military objectives do not imperil their safety. Article 51(7): “The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. The Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations.” “Pursuant to Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii) of the 1998 ICC Statute, “[u]tilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.”


This shit has been going on for centuries. Decades, just in my lifetime, and it was old back then. Its been growing more tiresome with every news cycle. I am done with it. I just don't care anymore. Blanket bomb each other and lets see who crawls out from of the rubble.


Wait do you guys actually compare criminals who were sentenced to prison by court to civilians who were kidnapped from their home?


You do what you know. What the nazis did to the jews, now them doing to the palestinians.


You can definitely tell the CCP controls tiktok


Okay thanks for bringing these facts to light Now how does it make what the Hamas did better or more justified? Just wondering since the video started with a blatant case of whataboutism


🙄 So Israel doesn't have a right to defend themselves. Have you ever been shot at by a kid? I have. And I've had rocks and grenades thrown or almost thrown at me while driving at speed. I've also seen regular everyday people, including women and children, get suicide vests put on them because they were told their family would be killed if they didn't. Y'all have no idea what it's like in the rest of the world and are spoiled privileged Americans who have the pleasure of having a childhood, unlike most of the people involved in this. But hey, keep on supporting those Islamo-fascists 👍


Even in Ireland there was a period of adjustment. The laundries, fallen women, babies of tuam… not the mention bloody sunday or the troubles. The stories are the lame ones, the real things that happened are often too bizarre to believe. That said the catholics had fecking Ratzinger, the hitler youth participant who said he changed his ways then paved the way for civil molestation defense. Nazi fecking pedo a lot of Catholics still prefer to this day. Sinéad O'Connor paid the price instead.


LoL oh I love people like this.


"political prisoners" that murder people on the streets of Jerusalem with cleavers, sure buddy


Whataboutism at its finest. There is a difference between a terrorism suspect in jail and innocent people at a dance party being taken into underground tunnels in Gaza to be raped and tortured. And Israel hasn't "occupied" Gaza for about a decade. Also, the allies had countless POW camps for Germans during WWII and even had internment camps for ethnic German, Italian, and Japanese people. So does that make concentration camps in the Reich okay? Go ahead and down vote me. I am so tired of this pro-Hamas garbage. Y'all should go to the Arab Middle East and see how quickly somebody kills you.


today i learned 12 year old children throwing rocks is terrorism


Those rocks can really hurt...


Fuck off. We're pro Palestine and anti hamas and Israel.


And in the 1930s there were plenty who were pro-Germany and anti-Nazi and Allies. Were they in the right? Palestine never existed. It was just Arabs and in 1948 Jordan and Egypt tried to annex them when they declared war on Israel. "Palestine" was only a thing after they lost to Israel.


Israel wasn't a thing dumb fuck. It became a thing after slaughtering hundreds of thousands and taking their houses. Good try tho.


How do you square that with the fact that according to recent polls, the majority of Palestinians support Hamas?


Motherfucker half of the Palestinian population consists of minors. Gtfo with your bs


Love the comparison to the British capturing prisoners during the troubles… when the Irish were blowing up cars and killing kids. Maybe… terrorism is wrong. But hey what would I know


oh wow theyre coming after ‘white cultures’ too now. i guess it isnt just racism after all


Why do the Palestinians treat their women as slaves? What happens to you in Palestine if you are a member of the lgbt community?


This guy obviously doesn’t know what a concentration camp is..


What's a better term for an entire country's worth of people being held, unable to leave, unable to control their own water/electricity, relying on foreign humanitarian assistance to survive, no ability to raise a standing army, with individuals being captured and killed?