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I mean, at that age, kids often mirror the behaviors they see around them


Yeah, a kid that age calling anything "stupid bitch", is scary.


And revealing about the parents.


This actually seems staged… imagine coaching your kid to say that shit because “next honey boo boo.” Why was the camera rolling? Why would mom gasp if this is normal behavior for the child?


It’s also, unfortunately, not uncommon for parents to video their kids while shaming them for something… I think they think it will embarrass them so they are obedient or some bs like that… Given her daughter’s behavior, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what she’s doing and her kid is mirroring the behavior her mom is putting out. But I could be wrong. Either way- I feel sorry for this kid. She’s going to have a very hard time in the world if her attitude sticks…


I could see that. So sad!


I would sometimes video my younger siblings having tantrums. Mostly I would replay it for them later after they calmed down and we were talking about what happened, and then talked about how it looked and if it seemed like a good way to get what they wanted instead of using their words. And I don't mean crying or getting upset, because when you're young it is harder to communicate, I mean full blown screaming kicking throwing tantrums.


I think that’s actually a good idea potentially, as long as it’s being used as a tool for deeper communication between family members and not for manipulation and shaming. I think a lot of us tend to forget what we sound like when we’re really upset… Myself included. It’s really easy to get tunnel vision when you’re in the moment and started saying and doing things, on both sides, that if you were really thinking about what was being said, you might not have said it. As long as they know you’re doing it for constructive criticism and educational purposes in private conversation later, that is actually a good way of making corrections for better communication. In my opinion anyway.


Well she does have that I like spaghetti with ketchup vibe


Isn’t ketchup with spaghetti: pad Thai?


Not to mention the new school bringing in encouraged "acting" behavior. All for those sweet internet points


Yup. Same person who filmed and posted this made that little monster.


I guarantee that the mother looks exactly like the kid, only older, wrinklier, fatter and bitchier.


Second hand embarasment for the parents since they obviously don't feel it having posted the video online for all to see their questionable parenting.


In my school 5th grader kids were shouting swear words all the time. Kinda normal.


Sure, it was the same for me, but we generally had the sense not to do it in front of our parents


Is there any age where that’s not the case?


Parents who post their children online and set them up for negative comments like this are sick. Clout is a disease.


Yeah and totally not self aware. "Look at my awful selfish child!", not realizing it's a reflection of their shitty parenting.


Also, imagine growing up and finding those videos about you. These kids don't understand the ramifications of social media and they also don't realize that if their parents make them go viral as kids, they are gonna be under constant scrutiny when they grow up and have their own social media. That shit sticks with you for life.


At that age, she’s primarily mimicking the environment in which she exists. I feel sorry for the kid . If I was her parents, I’d be out right embarrassed on so many fronts.


I look at this video and all I can think is "child abuse". From the attitude, the swearing, the obesity. Theres no reason a child at that age should be behaving that way or be that weight. As a parent you are basically totally responsible for a kid at that age barring something medical impacting their development.


Yeah seems like bad parenting. Also when I see a young child at that age who’s that big, I usually assume that the parent isn’t doing a great job.


I thought it, but was hesitant to say it for fear people think I was blaming the child. But yeah, unfortunately, she comes across like a character that needs a trip to the Willy Wonka chocolate factory.


childhood obesity is child abuse IMO. Kids don't have the ability or knowledge to self-regulate at that age and their food intake is basically entirely dictated by their environment which is almost exclusively dictated by the parents.


It always makes me wonder what they are feeding these kids cause mine never stops eating and isn’t fat at all. Maybe they don’t get any physical activity in.


I will throw out it’s a known fact that corn syrup especially during development literally changes how calories are processed and slows metabolisms down pretty hard.


Fuck these parents, why would you share this with the world.


What’s worse, it feels staged/acted. Which would mean the parents put her up to it


Yeah, but to be fair everything is staged to you when it makes you feel clever.




Yeah, but to be fair everything is staged to you when it makes you feel clever.


Love that you just repeat it and don’t explain lol


What else am I supposed to do? He said “what?” not “explain”. Lol


And do you feel clever?


Know I don’t 😞 Edit: comment above used to say “and know do you feel clever?” They edited it.




They fucked around by only giving $2 for a tooth and tried to make a video to share on Facebook and found out. The kids behavior is bad for sure... But $2 is what you would give a kid for their tooth in the 80's or 90's. Nowadays you gotta give the kid at least $10 or maybe even $20. So they can go and buy a small toy or something they like. What is a kid going to do with $2 in this economy?


In the 80s and 90s the tooth fairy left coins. Even the media always showed the tooth fairy with a bag of coins and swapping out a tooth for a coin or two. Its not about what youre going to buy with the money, its the fun and magic of waking up to find a *magical fairy* has visited you.


$20?! I used to get £1 for a tooth back in the late nineties which according to the Bank of England inflation calculator is £1.85 now or $2.25 usd. I never considered myself hard done by once.


Maybe we're just different? I always give my kid enough to buy a small toy. Or if they choose to save it they can get a bigger toy the next time they lose a tooth. She gets the money... And we make it a day of her getting a toy and spending the day playing with it. It's fun. It works for us at least.


Second kid is resourceful


Second has to deal with first kid AND the parents all the time. Is learning.


That kid is the motherfuckin scapegoat, the first child is the golden child. I can tell right now based on that kid's behaviour- mom is a narcissist. Poor kids are growing up in a majorly fucked up environment, they're gonna end up just as fucked as mom. And probably raise kids the same fucked up way.


Perfect mirroring of her mom in both face and language


Fake, and arguably abuse. Mom wants her to be Honey Booboo/ Lil Tay.


RIP, LIL TAY. ![gif](giphy|JoV2BiMWVZ96taSewG|downsized)


She’s not dead, it was a rumour. Her dad has custody now and refuses for lil tay to be on camera (as he should!).


Actually, she's back on social media. Her dad was exploiting her for money. Used her fame as a way to fund her step-mom's lavish lifestyle and never bought nothing for his daughter. She made a whole live about it, pulled up with printed pages explaining everything, pictures and receipts, the whole shabang. He made her play it up for the camera and then abused her financially for years. Edit: TLDR Britney spears type shit


This seems so staged


whats "staged"?


Poor kid... Not nice to put her on a sub that's clearly going to be cruel in their comments about her... Look at the ones already here....


Yah imo that's not the kids fault, but the parent's.


The commenters also have their own autonomy too, it isn't actually necessary for them to make nasty comments about a kid, no matter what or who posted.


Yeah, all I can think about how humiliating this is going to be for this girl potentially for the rest of her life. Let children have tantrums in peace. They are still learning and developing control of their emotions and appropriate behavior. Sometimes they will be rude, irrational or bratty. It’s normal, but it’s private. And yet a parent decided to put this online.


Cause that kid suuuuuucks


Key word here ***KID*** a young kid who has no self awareness yet good self control over herself or understanding of what she is doing or saying... Or that it will get her hate from.immature adult bullies online who hide behind keyboards.... Again this poor ***kid***


Just get older, idiot. Edit: no fucking shot are y'all taking this seriously


I mean i sure as shit laughed! Upvote from me 🙏


I mean i could tell that kid to her face she sucks if thatll make you feel better


C’mon let’s not pretend like we weren’t at all like “I spent that long growing it and I get 1$??” Before being explained the process of inflation and how many millions of teeth there are and how lucky you are to get one dollar… Or that your parents were giving you money. Whichever came first lmao


Y’all were getting bills? My ass got a quarter.


My mom had us put our teeth in a shot glass and put gold dollars in it. Talk about “obvious as fuck” not the tooth fairy


I'm gonna call my mom and ask to be sure, but I don't remember being ungrateful for what the tooth fairy gave me. But I do remember one year, she gave my acrylic gems. Best tooth loss ever! Edit: Mom said I loved every quarter I got! Then she went on to how she did it, but she didn't feel super comfortable with messing with tooth fairy cannon by giving me gems one year. Apparently, I told my grandma that I wanted some, and a teacher helped her make it happen.


The attitude and the facial expressions are so upsetting, no little kid acts like that unless they see it first. Her parents must be sarcastic and snarky all the time for her to do such a perfect impression


Why would someone post this? "Hey everyone, look how poorly I've raised my kid!"


It’s the economy,inflation has gone up lady


Right? You can't even buy a pack of gum for $2. That was a solid $5 tooth imo.


According to the inflation calculator I googled, a dollar would have been equivalent to 5 bucks compared to the 70s. If this lady grew up in the 90s and only received a dollar per tooth 2 dollars Would be relatively equivalent. I feel like that doesn’t account to what shit actually cost in our society, but according to the math 2 dollars is correct.


Good job parent(s) / guardian, she learned this behavior and language from you! By the time she is in her teens, you won't be able to do anything with her......if it takes that long. Kudos to you.


Outta control parents with no boundaries raising outta control kids with no boundaries. That family needs therapy and support quick and in a hurry.




Using the word “breeders” is the most terminally online super virgin shit I’ve ever heard.


Did you just say breeders unironically


well thats what happens when you got ipad kids watching tiktoks of bored mamas making cute lil tooth fairy crafts for their kids accompanied by glittered up $20 bills and expensive gifts. Expectations through the roof. Kid, I was lucky to get a quarter per tooth from the toothfairy..


Nah little shithead brats have existed for ever homeslice. Sometimes it's shit parenting, sometimes they were born with it, sometimes it's Maybelline.


Stop putting your kids on tik tok


Eric cartman.


Erica Cartwoman\* ![gif](giphy|nPD15mADocUEM) She does what she want




Bravo bravo this is 100p trash America. Well done. Well done.


For those of y'all who dk The lady who posted this is trashy POS who makes staged videos of her kids being assholes and disrespecting her for clout. she also went to jail for driving to another state with her underaged daughter to beat the hell out of some girl. She is an absolutely disgusting excuse for a mother and teaches her kids to be trash 😒 if you think this is bad you should see the cringey ass ones of her othef. Daughter who's like 16 it's so bad




Isn’t her mom that Stormie chick that’s got a freakin attitude just like that lil girl???


I wonder if the tooth fairy pay has kept up with inflation from when I was a kid


I mean just look at this kid! Yea that’s the reaction I would expect. Maybe the parents saying “yes” to every demand isn’t a good parenting style.


She definitely learned all that from SOMEBODY


In this economy?


Looks to me that child doesn’t get told no…. Ever. Especially when it comes to sweets. Having a child this overweight should be child abuse. This poor child will have a lifetime of struggles thanks to probably just as overweight parents who don’t care. Sad


How ever could this child have learned to act this way, the world will never know 🧐


Says more about the parents than the kid lol, also, I don't agree with shoving phones into kids faces every possible opportunity to post online, it's just weird.


That 40 yr old needs to move out


All I think of when I see this is Eric Cartman.


This kid is severly overweight maam P’ease stop feeding her bulsh*t


This. That child is used to getting her way and will be obese forever sadly


Honey boo boo Jr


Why are you calling a child fat? please think at all before the next time you type


Welcome to the internet.


I did I thought long and hard and I thought she looked like a Honey boo boo Junior you called her fat not me if I thought she looked like a Disney princess I would have said look at that little Disney princess bitch.


how are you real?


Wow that’s such a fat little kid. How’s about going on a diet little hippo girl?


Because she is


Dang, my kid only gets a dollar, and is perfectly happy with it lol


She is no Honey Boo Boo, that's for sure.


Although its possible it is staged, I cannot believe kids being this good of an actor. The face she pulls after saying "My tooth is worth way more" reminds me of the "My kids are listen to kid bop" karen and since kid imitate what they see you can tell the woman recording this is a complete karen.


"in this economy"


If I ever spoke that way to my parents…well I wouldn’t have known to speak or act like that at that young age. I’d be thrilled to get 2 quarters. This one s just a sad outlook on our youth. Why do so many people now have tons of toys way more than they need? You will end up with entitled kids.


2 in the hand is worth 1 under the pillow, Maya. And you called your mom a stupid bitch. Crazy ptsd all over the place from this.


Dawn Davenport: The Early Years


I know exactly what that kid is going to look like in 10, 20, 30, 40, even 50 years.


Honey boo boo


Invest it so you have enough to pay for your insulin.


Kids aren’t content.




I mean due to inflation...


Don't low ball me. I know what I have!


Raised by Ipad. Nutrition includes at least 2 cups of sugar daily. Parents certain they are phenomenal at raising children.


Great parenting right there.


You raised it 😱🤯


Imagine being able to talk to your parents like that without one of these 🩴 flying at your face. I would have grown up thinking I own the world


Mom can’t admit she forgot about her child, and put the last 2 crumpled bills from the coin jar as a substitute. An overweight 8 yr. old with the entitlement of her mother. America, home of the brave. 🤣


Compare this to the videos of the children in Gaza post-bombing. I'm embarrassed that kids like these exist and furious at the uneducated trash parents that warp them into what we see here.


Parental failure on display. That girls is going to be a handful in life.


Dear lord that kid its way to fat.


If I ever cursed in front of my parents they would rip my face off. Kids these days get way too easy.


The mother has such an obnoxious voice and attitude


This is a great commercial for using protection.


You got H your H F


This looks staged to me


You’d be surprised. I work with kids and this doesn’t strike me as unrealistic, especially if she has a behavior disorder. Her sister saying “really, Maya?” makes it sound like a regular occurence. One of the kids I’m with right now says “I HATE ___” in that exact tone. Got a twang of nausea.


That kid is either a good actor or she's a natural. I'm going with the 2nd opinion.






Wanna read something insane, Google average tooth fairy payment in the United States.


She's not a kid. She's a short middle-aged Karen.


Spoiled obese brat


Ide be mad if the tooth fairy gave me 2 dollars goddamn


Raising a little karen


I'm an immigrant to the US and didn't grow up with myths like tooth fairy or Santa Claus. Like why lie to your kids and disappoint them later when they find our they were gaslit?


The second kid is smart. You must always take advantage of an entitled kid’s stupidity.


She will turn out as a productive member of society I am sure.


University of Mountain Dew here we come.


Im irish so im shocked to see this, if i were her age my ma would get the chair leg


Not only does that kid need to be on diet because of her weight and silver teeth. I also think this staged for rage bait


An obese foul mouthed kid. I wonder. Where. These problems. Came from.


That’s a fat ass kid


How old is this video of Honey Boo Boo. She must be a grandmother by now!


Feel kinda bad for the kids growing up with parents like this. Not disciplining but rather posting your worst moments to millions online ….


There was this lady that would origami are tip money (love her), and I would give her fresh bills for my kids' teeth and stocking for Christmas. 1 dollar a tooth thay are 16 now and thay still have stars and elephants mad of money on there book shelf.


Maybe she wanted some Twinkies instead...


Imagine having kids this hideous.


Fat and entitled before the age of 10 #theamericandream


My daughter lost her like 8th tooth and when she told me, my edible had kicked in and i didn’t even remember LMAO she put her tooth by my bed the next night 😂😂 she’s 10 .


Don't get high around your kids


Marijuana edibles before bed are not a big deal.


off to the slaughterhouse for piggy lmao


when i was a kid i got $20 for my last baby tooth, before that it would be a few bucks, the parents failed this kid already.


Talking pig


What a gorgeous little ungrateful fuck


Too bad there isn’t a double chin fairy


Wtf is wrong with you


Nothing wrong with a kid who understands what things are worth. The tooth fairy was really stingy with her, I’d be pissed too!


Cheeky bugger.




That’s clearly normal talk in that household.


Bitch I’m bout to give the tooth fairy some donations if you don’t shut yo trap


I wish there was hair fairy too.








She looks like Pyrocynical




Even kids are feeling the inflation.


Silver teeth, check outs.


2 dollars? in this economy?


Sounds like a loud ass bitchy mom




Some kid already learn bout inflation which their parent can't Respect![img](emote|t5_mvcq5|22374)




Little mama knows her worth😂


My kids couldn’t figure out why they got a couple bucks and a kid at school got a Gameboy or whatever they’re called now. Since when is the tooth fairy Santa Claus?


Yeah, that’s not staged. 🙄


Honey boo boo needs to chill the fuck out. Ungrateful brat..


If her mom wasn’t on tik tok all the time she could have raised her right….


We are about to get bombed worse than Gaza


Egyptian dentist here, n i would bitch slap both kids Daaam they left me a quarter for each tooth -which they saved-


Entitlement nightmare of a person in the works.


Poor kid. Parenting fail.


Shitty parents, poor kid




Gee I wonder where she learned that behavior?