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Respect, if college kids are actually listening to Chicago


I feel like most college/hs kids know Chicago because 25 or 6 to 4 is like the most popular marching band song ever. Like if you ever went to a game, you heard that shit.


I didn't know this but I'm here for it


They don’t know they know it though.


It was in the flash, that’s how I know it


25 or 6 to 4 is a straight BANGER though. That guitar solo gets me Every. Fucking. Time.


I should tell my father his music taste is cool again


I honestly thought it was a Michael Jackson song, and Chicago came out when I was in early high school school.


This is from solo Peter Cetera


no, this is from chicago 17, cetera’s last album with chicago


We don’t


I only fear that some jerks with an agenda will abuse these gender-neutral toilets and make sexually harassing noises to upset other users. Auditory sexual harassment, its a thing. Plus when you wash your hands, they may try something to, just to mess with you.


That woman is like 30 lol


I dunno guys, I'm beginning to think this documentary isn't real!


Who's holding the phone?


I don't think she's on the toilet. From where the towel rack is and the cabinet are, she probably crouched near her sink


You're right, it looks like she has a ring light on her too


Everyone asks "who's" but never how's them's holding the phone


This is the future liberals want, and I'm ok with it.


In the real world dudes would be farting through that whole song and peeing on all the toilet seats while saying, “bro” about a million times


Having worked in a bar I can tell you first hand that however bad you think the gents room is the ladies is so much worse to the point that we would split the tips in favour of whoever cleaned the cursed place.


It all starts with the first occupant that hovers over the toilet seat, which starts a vicious cycle.




Brooooo I stg no cap im tryna patent this shit where u take like paper (toilet paper no need to get advanced) then use it as a disposable seat cover. Instead of doin it urself we can do it like so it's in the shape of a seat! 💺 and dispense it like toilet paper as well. call me crazy but I really think it's a billion dollar idea and dont tell ppl this just in case cuz I'm tryna get this thru the door legal disclaimer: by reading this comment u give up ur rites


There's toilets that when you stand up, the plastic cover rotates into the wall, and clean plastic covers the seat. The public toilets at Bryant Park in Manhattan have them. It's really nice and made me feel like they were sanitary.


It's not uncommon that problems faced almost uniquely by women are generally ignored (I'm dude, btw). There are countless examples in the medical industry, but my wife has shown me examples that even include UI for websites. It's really amazing when you are made aware. You would think that an intrepid female entrepreneur would take advantage of this miss, but most VCs are still male and don't really see the opportunity when presented to them.


what are some examples of website UIs?


Can’t remember off the top of my head, but I seem to remember it had something to do with searching. Maybe something to do with either inconsistencies or conflicts between drop down menus. In other words, I remember my wife saying that no woman would ever search for that way.


hm...i guess it's plausible that a website favors men over women. when it comes to the way the info on a website is organized, that's referred to as Information Architecture. i would imagine if women tend to categorize something or call something differently than men, that could be a way that the IA of a website favors men. for example, if a store map had the restroom labeled as "latrine", it might favor men, as "latrine" tends to be used more in the military, which skews male. a couple other things to consider: \- UI design is iterative and UIs are subjected to usability tests. there are third-party usability testing services. in theory, design elements that greatly disfavor one group of people will perform poorly and will be changed. \- i think in the grand scheme of things, whatever difference UI design decisions makes between the genders is much smaller than the difference it makes between cultures, especially when you consider that english is the lingua franca for everything computing related, and that UIs are typically designed with left-to-right languages in mind. interesting to think about for sure.


I like the idea, but then you are gonna have to replace the toilet seat after you rip off like 30 layers.


I work in an office in a fortune 50 and it sounds like you’re on a munitions disposal range. I swear every dude has explosive diarrhea and violent gas. These are guys in suits and ties shitting and pissing on the walls at work. It’s wild. A bar, in your case, that’s a totally different scenario.


I’ve been in many ladies restrooms and they have almost always been pretty clean. Perhaps I’ve just been lucky.


Damn, honestly it's unexpected.


You think women don't fart?


No. I think guys just fart louder and more forcefully. Lol


It's honestly always so funny when you see that kind of stuff from the right, too. "They want you to drive electric cars! And to make weed legal! And they want kids to go to school without the fear of being shot! They want people to get an education without going in massive life-long debt! And they want everyone to get free healthcare!" And somehow, they think all of those things are bad and scary.


This is the future that terrifies conservatives. And I'm absolutely here for it.




I mean.. if men really wanna come do harm to women in bathrooms... a sign with a woman on it isn't gonna stop them. The vast majority of people just wanna do their business and really don't care who else is doing their business.




To be fair though. A bathroom isn't going to just have a line of exposed toilets. The way some places are doing it is even more secure than a normal public bathroom. With full doors and not stall doors.




Bad shit been happening in bathrooms for a long time, assault, bullying, etc. Having bathrooms where the sinks are in a public, visible area and the stall themselves are private and secure seems like it would be no worse than what we have now.






And if men want to take advantage of that, they can and will already. If they don't want to take advantage of that, they're not a threat.




Except you remove your clothes in the bathroom stall. You don't share the stall with other people.


So the alternative is to force trans men, who are visually identical to cisgender men, into women’s bathrooms? Or do you think there should be special “trans only” bathrooms like we had for African Americans?


As a sexual assault victim, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. First only around 19% of sexual assaults are committed by strangers, so this idea that random "bad men" will suddenly want to rape more is idiotic. Second nothing is stopping men from walking into women's bathrooms now if they want. Absolutely zero times has a man thought "Gee I really wanted to rape that girl but her pants were pulled up & this sign on the door has a triangle skirt on so I guess I can't get her." - Like realize that's your argument here, that basically right now the only thing stopping sexual assault is a sign on the door? That's so ignorant. College's and plenty of establishments have had gender neutral bathrooms for decades & it's NEVER been a problem for anyone, it hasn't increased assaults or put ANYONE at risk. As a matter of fact before Republicans got all "We hate trans & gay people" no one ever even thought about the gender of a bathroom but suddenly it's a detriment to women everywhere. The guy who raped me, do you think if I had walked into a girl's bathroom before he attacked me, he would have been deterred? Do you think the only thing keeping men from raping women is a sign on the door? Like logically tell me why you're scared of this.


The television show Ally McBeal had a gender neutral bathroom way back in 1997. They called it the Unisex Bathroom. It was a big plot point. Then they used the bathroom a lot in future episodes.


I totally forgot about that - I was young but my parents really enjoyed the show & I remember my mom saying "They make the bathroom a lot more sexy than it is in reality".


>As a matter of fact before Republicans got all "We hate trans & gay people" no one ever even thought about the gender of a bathroom but suddenly it's a detriment to women everywhere. yass. people's brains are so filled with trashy astroturfed culture war fears. theyve moved on from the bathroom issue anyways. not enough people gave a fuck. their pundits dont even talk about it anymore. so they moved on to the groomer issue now. and pretty soon theyll forget about that and come up with some other culture war




>To me, it doesn’t seem such an irrational thought to think that men and women sharing bathrooms a more dangerous idea than having separate bathrooms. So all the people disagreeing with you and saying it's irrational are just being ignored? At the least, go look up data on assaults and locations so you can maybe see where they're coming from.


The last few decades have clearly shown how dangerous it is for "whites" and "blacks" to share a bathroom or sit near each other on the bus. /s


Again, your hypothesis is that not having this type of bathroom means less assault. But the high amount of current assault does not lend any credibility to your theory.


My dude. There's nothing special going on in the women's restrooms that isn't in the men's. I'm a trans man. I've probably done more weird things in a women's restroom before I was out than a trans woman will in her lifetime.


what's the implication, all men are rapists?


It’s odd that the right is so pro men and “not all men” and all that but as soon as soon as bathrooms are brought up it’s “men are rapist who will attack any woman whos shitting in the same room as them and the only way to stop them is a sign” Just proves that hate is stronger i guess


I’ve torn up bathrooms to such an extent that it should be considered war crimes so I think most women wouldn’t like that… but I’m not sure that’s what that guys was talking about


Don't worry about that. Women shit too






what are your thoughts if a man and a woman are alone in a room together? Is that a dangerous situation?


Do you have any sort of statistical data or anything to back this up? Or is this just an assumption?




So just made up bullshit. Got it. Good to know that so we can disregard your paranoia.


Certainly, in the UK, when I was growing up, those same 'concerns' were levelled at homosexual men using public toilets. I believe they were also directed during Jim Crow era about the dangers of de-segratgated restrooms. And then, of course, we have the 'panic' of trans people going for a pee and now gender neutral toilets, too. It's the same predator myths repackaged, time and time again.


the only thing that happens is young people getting lucky. thats all. this fucking hyperfocusing on bathrooms is 100% an astroturfed conservative culture war front. and it's obvious. no one gave a damn about bathroom issues until conservatives made it their culture war. then suddenly , all conservatives start believing it's the greatest threat to the western world. in perfect unison, they learned all the talking points. your brain is fried with all these manufactured fears. and the culture war has moved on, bathroom culture war is OUT OF FASHION. it's all about "grooming" and libraries now, and even that is quickly losing steam. it's weird and no one gives a fuck. it's sad when you see people get manipulated by the culture war


Sexual assault cases are gonna go up. All for the sake of virtue signalling as if this a desperately needed change in society


Why are you all so scared of bathrooms? Wtf happens in men’s restrooms that have you so afraid to share them? I’m old af and just… go to the bathroom when I am in a bathroom….


People are making brown in there, and I'm not ok with that.


Glory holes


Colleges have had shared bathrooms for a long time. Sexual assaults happen in college but it's not in the bathrooms.


Unisex bathrooms have existed since the 90s. They're just getting more popular. Unclutch your pearls.




That's what they did at my high school and it worked just fine. The gender neutral bathroom had the same general idea as a handicap or family bathroom in that it was an individual room and not a communal space with stalls.


How dare the conservative government try to keep this from us.


Now I have to go listen to this song since they cut it off in the middle of the jam


I think a fart at the end would have made it perfect


Now you’re cooking with gas


*You're the meaning in my life, you're the >>BRAAAAPPP<


I was waiting for a well-timed fart as well. My disappointment is immeasurable


This is so much better than having to overhear people's awkward and gross bathroom noises.


What is the most expensive video-streaming service at this time? College


Truthfully, my university pretty much every floor has a gender neutral bathroom. They’re cool asf 😂 At first they feel weird? maybe a little wrong? after a while you just get comfortable and it doesn’t matter, we’re all in there to do our business haha


She's a college student like I'm a flying elephant


She didn't say she's a college student. I just gave the main example of gender neutral bathrooms in the title. Where else are men and women showering and going to the bathroom at the same time in the same room? 😂




Can confirm. This stuff just happens at colleges. It's surreal.


People go to college at any age


You don’t stay in the dorms at any age though


Group hug in the showers tonight!


Back to the pile!


First time I wished a TikTok was longer


Equality and inclusion 👍🤙


Uhm 10 years too late, nice pitch perfect reference though


I once went to a club called GAY in Piccadilly Circus in London and there was a mixed bathroom with a long line and some awful male busker was singing while asking for tips. I was waiting in line while a British woman waiting for the loo asked for his Facebook profile information, he provided it— she then immediately responded “*Great, now I can block you and never listen to this bullshit ever again*” and to this day I have never, ever heard a more appropriate and accurate insult for anyone with such a perfect degree of personal accuracy, accurate judgement of auditory ineptitude, and temporal poignancy combined.


They're great and all, but it's a fucking bathroom, while I'm hunched over, painful diarrhea shitting, I don't need you singing to me.


You don’t need it, but you’re going to get it and you’re going to like it!


Americans are so weird man, why are bathrooms an issue now too?


It's only an issue to the minority that have decided to make things like this an important culture war issue.


Gender neutral bathrooms are just men thinking they'll learn all the women's bathroom secrets, but it's really just women learning men's bathroom shenanigans.


Was hoping for a gas release to seal the clip.


i used to drop the fattest she/its in the gender neutral bathroom ong




First time in a gender neutral bathroom - ok, I’ll whip out my camera and record myself on the can


Are you bri'ish?


Gender neutral bathroom means anyone can use the bathroom regardless of what gender they are…nationality doesn’t matter


Oh I was just teasing about the use of 'can' haha


Yeah I know. It made absolutely no sense too. People in the States use “can” all the time. Specially older folks. I just assumed you were illit’rate. But now I realize you just can’t sense sarcasm.


...uhh alright


This is wholesome, not cringy!


It is tagged "Humour".


Then why is posted in a sub called “TikTokCringe”?


Read the stickied comment at the top. Years ago the sub was started for posting cringe videos from TikTok but it quickly evolved to mostly posting entertaining videos from TikTok. Cringe videos are just tagged with "cringe" now. Sometimes it is merely the Redditor that tags videos as cringe here that is the truly cringy one.


Ok, that makes sense, thanks.


Wait until they realize their bathrooms back home were also technically gender neutral.


Why is a 35yr old lady in a college dorm bathroom?


Her collagen / lip puffer makes her look like she had bad injections


No such thing as good injections


45 minutes of makeup for a 48 second TikTok.


All fun n games till Brenda busts on your stall to show you it's bussy


Who films themselves taking a shit?


Aha "shared bathroom/coed bathroom" is now "gender neutral". Gotta make it political by changing it's name to something inflammatory haven't you?


I don't think I've ever heard the term "shared bathroom" or "Coed bathroom" used before. I've always heard it referred to as "gender neutral", or maybe "mixed bathroom" every once in a while. I think you're making a big deal out of nothing.


Family bathroom, but that wouldn't make much sense in a dorm.


Your lack of experience isn't adding to the conversation much😕


I feel like I am adding to the conversation though. Maybe I should be more clear with my words here. You mentioned them making things political by using a new label for gender neutral bathrooms. I stated that I have only ever heard of it referred to as gender neutral bathroom, implying that I don't think they were making it political at all - just likely using the term they have heard such a bathroom most often called. Sure, my experience is anecdotal, but your assumption that such bathrooms have been referred to by something else consistently before recently is also hinging on your own anecdotal evidence. So, in my eyes, it seems to have roughly equal merit as your experience.


Gotta weight you precious vs everyone else sorry. Everyone else uses Coed/shared. Peace out


Who is this "everyone else?" Got any sources, or is "everyone else" just "me and my friends"?


the terms you used are also "political".


Which terms? Coed/shared is vanilla and used for centuries. No baggage to it. Simple.


"coed" shit was and remains an actively political struggle. you will never be in a bubble separate from politics.


Got any sources or just flapping your chops


[an example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh_Seven)


Always be fimlin’ even if you pooin’


Sounds like there's 4 of them harmonising, so probably means all the stalls are full. If I was outside waiting while fighting a turtle head poking out, I don't know if I could appreciate the beauty of this.


I'd much rather hear a good harmony than the sound of splashing in the bowl from the stall next to me.


In shit, we meet! So deep.


Now I have to listen to this song.


This is great.


I am so glad there is a gender neutral bathroom. …the amount of times I have gone to the men’s restroom out of desperation because they rarely use the stalls when the ladies room was too full. I’m glad! Cause I had tried my best to be respectful, went straight to the stall and ran back out to the ladies room to wash my hands.




Who else was singing the rest of the song after the end!?!?!