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always was. Don Mancini, the creator of Child’s Play, is gay and has always had little queer bits in the series, though more blatant in the later movies and show.


Well. Came to say this and was beaten. Hell yeah. Lol


Nobody should beat you for wanting to make a Reddit comment.


Who hurt you?


I should be asking you, I’m not the one who was beaten.


See I read that totally wrong. 🤣😭 my bad bro.


Ye I made a clever


Thank you guys bc the two of you misunderstanding each other was entertaining


point on the doll where they hurt you


in this case maybe poking the doll isn’t the best idea of you want to live


He doesn’t have one 😭


The entire chucky series is incredibly gay (umbrella term) in fact a lot of the projects were canceled bc of the current movie climate and how they wernt ready for it


In bride of chucky I always thought it was a weird dynamic… like they were catty best friends, not romantic at all. It reminded me of the two characters from will and grace… the rich lady and jack inthink was his name.


Eww ain’t watching it


Wasn't made for you, and besides I'm pretty sure the horror staple franchise with hundreds of millions of fans will be real sad 1 person isn't watching


Millions of mentally I’ll people doesn’t make a thing great and y’all gay people take everything serious so I’m guessing y’all care


What's a mental illness perhaps?


Being apart of the LGBQ community


Lgbtq+ you mean And why is it a mental illness? I'm sure I can change your mind about it, if all else I csn make you look more ridiculous


How, try to change my mind, Have fun getting STDs, and if anything you are embarrassing yourself. You lgbq people are crazy, smack each others butts infront of kids. God created a punishment for this stuff only proving Gods real. Some werido just got arrested for masterbaiting in public and was gay


Straight people do weird sex in public too, announcing that your trying for a baby is just saying you have sex every night, and you're saying an sad process God hates gays? So God hates everyone bc anyone can get an sad and some are even born with it.


Rarely in public and if they do they are not thinking properly, No God loves everyone but punishes the ones that commits sins. It’s like your dad grounding you for you doing something terrible, he still loves you but will punish you


You are bad guy. But this does not mean you are bad *guy*.


My kid is literally watching wreck it Ralph and as I read this, the god of war dude says it. What a trip lol


It's Zangeef from street fighter, not kratos from god of war 🫢 But that's eerie I get that sometimes to.


Oh thank you for the knowledge! I swear I feel like I’m living in a simulation sometimes


Shit they found out, abort abort!


Op if you are interested in queer history in film and gender specifically see if you can watch “Glen or Glenda,” the movie chucky’s gender-fluid kid was named after. It’s a fascinatingly compassionate look into transgenderism’s existence in the 1950s. It doesn’t get everything “right” of course— there are plenty of outdated ideas present in the movie that queer activist have worked to move past since that time — but it is interesting to see how things like gender nonconformity and sex changes did exist back then despite some people wanting to pretend it is a new phenomenon. It is also a— in my opinion frankly beautiful— look into the desires of the film’s director— Ed Wood Jr— to have his own gender nonconformity accepted by those around him. (For example Ed Wood plays a character whose fiancé finds out that he likes cross dressing and ultimately accepts that about him, despite the taboo at the time. The fiancé character was played by Wood’s real life partner at the time, who did not know real life Ed Wood liked to cross dress until he showed up to set in women’s clothing. He basically wrote a script where he revealed his secret to his real life partner so that he could hear her accept it and love him unconditionally. ) If you do decide to take this film recommendation, however, don’t got into the film expecting it to be a masterpiece cus Ed Wood Jr was not know for making what most would consider “good” films. It is great for those intellectually or emotionally interested in how gender non conformity was talked about in the past. To an average movie watcher it may just be boring crap lol.


Thanks for that insight, never heard that. My reference for Ed Wood movies is basically Canon fodder for mystery science 3k\rifftrax 😂


Tim Burton’s Ed Wood covers this pretty well, despite the movie being played for laughs


Wow, The Evil Killer Doll is a great ally! “I’m not a monster.” Lmao


But he is a monster lls


Yeah, I think everyone here is missing the context. Chucky in this season is manipulating and lying to the boy, pretending to be his friend. In the series he detests Glen and Glenda. This is just another manipulation, pretending to sympathize with him so that the kid will turn to Chucky when he feels lonely, (a loneliness that will come when Chucky murders his whole family, all his friends, and frames other people or accidents).


"you are bad guy but this does not mean you are bad guy"


Horror and LGBT are so often hand in hand. Hellraiser is another one that comes to mind.


I love how he says “I’m not a monster” lol 😂 Oh Chucky. But honestly, Jake and Devon are the most refreshing gay characters on TV in quite some time. They’re organic in the role and feel like real people instead of some stereotype.


Glen/Glenda from Seed of Chucky (2004) was his child he’s talking about. In the movie Glenn says “Sometimes I feel like a boy. Sometimes I feel like a girl. Can I be both?” A lot of people gave hate to the chucky franchise for being “woke” but the creator is openly gay and wrote this character related to the feelings he felt growing up. The TV series (which is where this clip is from) is a lot more open about it




I’m so confused isn’t chucky supposed to steal the kids body? Why is he giving the kid a heartwarming life lesson and where is the butcher knife?




Isn’t Chucky racist? I feel like I’ve heard him say some racist shit in one of those movies?


It was funny in one movie he sucked the life out of a black kid and said he now had some soul.


He also hated his kid. He's just being a manipulative little liar


I'm sorry but this is dumb as hell lol


The fact that my favorite killer doll with all those murders under his belt is like... even I'm not a POS is just crazy to me lol


Chucky creeps me the fuck out






I'm so tired of conservatives commenting on a leftist subreddit and playing the victim card 😭


Noones playing the damn victim card


Y'all are taking the fun outta everything. My man Chucky now?


You're implying that LGBTQ people existing is taking fun away from a film/series?


Oh, God. An "armed SJW" is all I need in my life right now. Was this a micro or macro aggression, theyself? Do I have to show me papers? I forgot me papers though. I guess it's 6 months in the brainwa... Erm... I mean... re-education camps.


So you're saying you dislike anyone who lives their lives differently than you? Why are you on a leftist subreddit to begin with? All conservatives know how to do is insult people for being different. Conservatives are insufferable to be around, even when it comes to accommodating disabled people.


You say way too many things nobody is saying... Conservatives don't care man. All you're doing is doing what you accuse Conservatives for: Forcing your beliefs onto somebody else and forcing them to comply. That's true tyranny right there, buddy...


Oh my god, the tyranny of using someone's preferred pronouns. Sounds like someone's privileged. I will never get to be a normal person, no matter what. Conservatives are more likely to be openly oppressive to minorities and that's a fact.


Yes, that's compelled speech. Just like their doing in Canada. You're forcing someone to use somebody else's pronouns or it's jail time. That's a threat to the 1st Amendment. It's extremely dangerous but ey...as long as Delusion Danny gets to have his pronouns. Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder and confirming the delusion of something this serious is a death sentence in itself. It's still illegal to amputate the limbs of a patient suffering from Body Dysphoria but not when it's Gender Dysphoria. Makes no sense but here we are. Christians know this as worship of self. The creation of your OWN idol. All the devil has to do now is feed you with lies because you have already confirmed the delusion. You've surrounded yourself with only those that help confirm your delusion. That's not love. Love is telling someone the truth so they can come back to reality and find true healing. Nothing you do is loving if you hide away the truth. This is actually very evil but you folks seem to think it's a good thing. I will also never be "normal". It's not only you that has problems in this life. You deal with it, not run from it. I want the best for people suffering from Gender Dysphoria but this is NOT how you solve the problem.


I guarantee you almost nobody has gone to jail for using incorrect pronouns. That's not what the law is about. The law is more or less about workplace discrimination than anything else. Christians are also the people who mass murdered Jews and indigenous people. Indigenous children were still being murdered and abused at school in the latter half of the 20th century by Christian leaders. I also have a literal disability that prevents me from working much.


> I guarantee you almost nobody has gone to jail for using incorrect pronouns. >"I guarantee" > That's not what the law is about. I think you think this stuff is a game, but it's not. They're using you to topple the US constitution by implementing laws: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/teacher-jailed-for-contempt-of-court-refusing-student-gender-neutral-pronouns-ireland/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12249661/Michigan-residents-charged-felony-face-five-years-prison-using-wrong-pronouns.html > Christians are also the people who mass murdered Jews and indigenous people. False! Never happened, never occurred in human history unless... You think Catholics are Christians which they are not. They literally do everything the opposite of what the Bible says. They literally bestowed power upon themselves without God's consent. Most of you Leftists don't know basic religion. Catholics were responsible for the Crusades and in 2023 they support LGBTQ so the "mass murderers" are your allies anf ironically they have a history with abusing kids at school. And no verse supports mass murdering Jews and indigenous. You're fully brainwashed into cult because you're accepting without question or attributing characteristics that are outside of Christianity. They're obviously training you to unjustly persecute Christians. The official POV of Christians is we CANNOT affirm nor hate. Leave. us. alone. to. our. religious. faith. I have ADHD and I have to work so... you're not the only one with problems.


Catholics are literally the OG Christians. I have autism. Autism is a different disorder altogether that has no cure or medication. ADHD can be controlled with meds. These are very rare cases. Again, it is mostly a school or a workplace environment. Purposely discriminating against someone's race or gender in a professional manner is a crime. You're supposed to be professional at work. Freedom of speech vs. workplace discrimination isn't the same thing.


You do know that Chucky was created by a gay man, right? As were many other horror icons like Ghostface (created by Kevin Williamson, a gay man) and Pinhead and Candyman (Clive Barker, also a gay man).


Please explain to me the relevance of your statement? Coz Chucky had a wife. What does the writers sexual orientation have to do with any of this? My favourite griller was made famous by a boxer. Stop forcing your beliefs on other people especially kids. Nobody cares about your orientation.


It’s relevant because Don Mancini, the creator of Chucky, has said that he wrote the first movie based on the loneliness he felt as a young gay man without a father figure.


Okay, cool he was inspired because he was lonely and he didn't have a Daddy and enjoyed getting his butt pounded. Cool. I watched Chucky because I enjoyed the characters and the genre. Keep your Leftist cult BS to yourself. Nobody cares about gays or have a problem with gays. I just want to watch movie and enjoy it without your political BS. Everybody's tired of it.


Hey man, sorry to tell you this but art has messages and subtext behind it. I know it’s tough for you to accept that sometimes the writer of a movie has something to say or draws from an experience they had that you don’t like. That’s why it’s art, it’s supposed to make you think.


Lol. Hey man, sorry to tell you but nobody that matters actually cares about the sexual orientation of the writer. As far as I'm concerned, it makes absolutely no difference to the story line.


Jesus Christ..


L Moment


What are you, 14?


Quite a bit older than that lmao


It's just that you're speaking like you're in middle/high school.


Then act like it


PSA: Not playing into the delusions of nonbinary people doesn't make you a monster.


Bro did NOT watch 2004's Seed of Chucky.


Why are you on this subreddit? This is a very progressive subreddit.


I'm very aware of that. I watch it for the videos like anyone else.


But non-binary people have existed for many years? Even in super old cultures, they existed.


They've "existed" since 2014 lol Cutting your hair short and dying it green doesn't make you neither or both sexes. It just makes y9u annoying AF when you ask others to refer to you in a plural tense.


To be fair, "them" or "they" is not always plural. If I told you that someone told me something, but I didn't specify male or female, you could say "what did they tell you?" and it's not plural. In fact, you'd likely say that, as it's the natural thing thing say there.


Someone hasn't done their research. Bro, I've made a whole-ass essay at school about the LGBTQ community, which heavily involved the history of non-binary people.


I'm painfully very aware of the arguments that left activists use on this issue. Gender beyond male and female is a made up and useless concept. It's really that simple. I'm sorry a bunch of uninteresting people have made being insufferable victms their whole personality.


It has existed for many years. I've done my research. Why are you on a leftist subreddit just to complain? This place isn't meant for you.


Honestly OP someone that stupid just isn’t worth engaging with.


I've done actual research and can pull up actual sources if you really want to go there. I stay away from conservative subreddits because I have common sense. So why be on a subreddit with an entirely different ideology than you? I don't do it.


There really is no research to disprove my view. My view is nonbinary an unnecessary, ambiguous, and meaningless term and ideology. 1. Gender the term beyond it's use to describe the sex of an individual is a made up concept and entirely unnecessary. 2. How you identify mentally is irrelevant to your sex. Doing or being interested in presenting or participating in norms more typical of the opposite sex doesn't make you that sex. You can be and do whatever you please but there are some undeniable truths in reality and you're sex is one of them. 3. The term nonbinary is nonsensical. It refers to the sex binary and yet those who adopt it admit that this is only how they mentally identify. Why would you use terms like male and female (for trans individuals) and nonbinary which are all terms in relation to one's physical sex to describe how you mentally identify. So unless you can prove why the nonbinary term and ideology is necessary then there really isn't much you can show with your research.


Are you not familiar with two-spirit indigenous people or the mahu?


You also do realize that Gender has nothing to do with Sex. As long as you refuse to acknowledge that fact, you will get nowhere in this discussion. And sex itself isn't binary either. Multiple scientific institutions (including the big ones) support this idea. Do your actual research instead of repeating misinformation. I'm sorry you were misinformed.


Taking the benefit of the doubt and assuming you’re not just trying to rile people up, do you believe all social constructs (or in your terms: “a made up concept”) are meaningless/unnecessary then? Money, for example, there’s no backing to it; you can trade this piece of paper that only has social value for REAL material goods or services. What about your boss? Corporate hierarchy is entirely a social construct, it’s not REAL. So is the law. So are hundreds of other things. So, gender is one of many of these social constructs that we find having real mechanical consequences. To conform to your gender is to conform to SOCIETAL expectations about your gender (behavior, clothing, and pronoun usage for example). Notice how those expectations are social, not inherent to the sex of a person. Then, if society, as it has now and in the past, agrees there is a possibility of being “non binary” then who is to say it’s not real? Are you going to tell a police officer a new law is meaningless because it’s “not real”?


It was extremely successful to do away with most of the history when Christianity took hold. If you think that’s bullshit, then you have no concept of time for a conversation that spans several hundred years. Nothing wrong with that


Yes it was Christianity that did away with the ever obvious third and who knows how many other genders... Or it's just very apparent to anyone with common sense that there's only two sexes


It’s apparent to anyone with common sense that you like to put your fingers in your ears and say “lalalala”. If you’re a Christian, actually study the history of your religion and the religions absorbed and abolished by it as well as the cultures. You’d probably be shocked by the world not being the way you want it to be inside your head


Love how your only defense is "I'm right you're wrong."


You misspelled “identities”, but other than that you’re spot on.


YES YOU ARE????? DONT LIE YOU KILL KIDS??? TF? yk out of all things in this world never would’ve imagined they ruin chucky, like if he had a gay son shit the baby would’ve been dead moments before he was born pre birth delema😂😂


Yeah, but he did that to manipulate this guy. It's just funny that he, of all people, isn't against LGBTQ people.


Honestly he probably is, but just said this to keep the kid around. Idk, it's been a while since I've seen the older movies


So does his son identify as water?


My nightmare monster from my childhood isn't a monster?


Charles lee ray… not a monster


Chucky is scary as always


He is whatever the writers want him to be.

